Insider 10 / 2023

INSPECTION 25 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 10/23 New software packages Smart vision partner In the packaging world, Sacmi CVS is a partner for the design of smart vision systems. ‘S’ as in systems, the set of mechatronic solutions that performs quality control on individual products, with the range of machines on the market. CVs as in software, which Sacmi develops to build a solutions ‘package’, configured according to usability and cybersecurity principles. The interconnection of systems is the first step. The introduction of AI and deep learning techniques, in fact, is pivotal to giving machines autonomous decision-making capacity. These techniques are driving the development of systems tailored around the individual product being inspected: plastic polymers (caps, preforms, containers), labels, metal and so on. Machines and vision systems: The opportunities provided by ‘integrated’ control The company directly incorporate some of the inspection systems into its machine range (e.g. the PVS156 on the latest generation of IPS preform presses). Sacmi says that it combines production process expertise with vision systems that provide exact, meaningful information on the efficiency and effectiveness of the process itself, anticipating any deviations and aiding real-time correction. This multi-material approach spans from the production of preforms and containers to caps and labels. It extends to the metal sector with the DMD, the Sacmi digital decorator for metal sheets, now offered in combination with Eclipsim Deco and various systems specifically designed to inspect can lines, such as Elioscan (external decoration) and iCan for the inside and neck. New software packages: CVs software suite All Sacmi computer vision solutions for PET, metal and other packaging materials have been developed with a sharp focus on modularity, compactness and user-friendliness, as highlighted by the new Classy AI system, available across the entire range, stated Sacmi. The system creates automatically a classification of detected defect types, displayed on a user-friendly dashboard, providing a valuable process ‘snapshot’. Classy AI can also be used by non-expert workers with ease, according to Sacmi. The CVsWeb, the software, which can be used on any connected device, analyses and logs the data, boosting the potential of the CVs22 software incorporated on the machines and shared by all the systems. Together, the three software solutions make up the new Sacmi ‘Suite’, configured to comply with the recent data protection and security standards (encryption, strengthened authentication, etc.). Not only a matter of eyes In designing a complete range of inspection systems, configured around the needs of the individual process, product or customer, Sacmi seeks to provide not just ‘eyes’ but a real ‘brain’: providing factory workers with valuable support and, more generally, identifying and correcting any process inefficiencies. The development of ‘self-driving’ systems - which are easier to use and, in a general sense, better at providing significant information on the process - is a key aspect of Sacmi strategy. DNC boosters Turnkey all-in-one system • Compact powerhouse with a footprint of only 2.35 m² ‡ ,QLWLDO SUHVVXUH XS WR EDU ² ÀQDO SUHVVXUH XS WR EDU • Plug and play: ready for immediate operation ‡ 3UHPLXP HˣFLHQF\ ,( PRWRU GHOLYHUV LPSUHVVLYH SHUIRUPDQFH DQG HQHUJ\ VDYLQJV • Sigma Control 2 controller: RSWLPXP HˣFLHQF\ DQG QHWZRUN FDSDELOLW\ ,QGXVWULH 1UQEHUJ , ² 1RYHPEHU , Hall 4, Stand 441