Insider 12 / 023

EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 10 PETplanet’s Editour project enters the next round The Middle East Road Show begins by Rangoli Gupta, Euromonitor International and Kay Barton, PETplanet Late autumn is just the right moment for the start of our Middle East Road Show, the new PETplanet Editour project for 2023-2024. This time, several editors will be visiting our readers along the PET chain in Egypt, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to shed light on the local characteristics, trends and developments in the beverage and packaging industries in this part of the world. What drives this dynamic region, where tradition and religion go hand in hand with modernity and consumer purchasing power, and what does this mean for the beverage and packaging industry? What are the flavour and rehydration trends in the different countries? What role do sustainability and recycling play? What are the logistical and technological challenges of production, food shelf life and food safety in extreme climates? What are the requirements for packaged beverages in urban centres compared to rural areas? How can target groups be addressed? To discuss all these points, we will be meeting with small and medium-sized players as well as multinational market leaders. Our journey will begin with a visit to the United Arab Emirates, followed by Saudi Arabia. As an introduction to these markets, we asked Mrs Rangoli Gupta, Research Associate at Euromonitor International, to give a brief overview of the current beverage and PET situation. prices and limited availability of packaging materials such as aluminium, metal, and rPET. Price spikes in energy, labour shortages, and transportation issues have impacted both soft drink manufacturers and consumers, leading to higher unit prices and prompting a re-evaluation of choices and priorities. Soft drinks face a potential perception of being non-essential due to global inflation, necessitating convenient and cost-effective packaging. Flexible aluminium/plastic and PET bottles are anticipated to witness higher demand post-2022 due to their ease of manufacturing, storage, and affordability. The ongoing decline in cola carbonate sales, attributed to the association with unhealthy lifestyles, is expected to persist, affecting the growth of metal beverage cans in the forecast period as they are the most prominent pack type with 68% share in Saudi Arabia and 72% share in UAE in 2022. Ain Water launches (rPET) bottles made from 100% recyclable material In the United Arab Emirates, there is a growing consumer inclination Rangoli Gupta, Research Associate at Euromonitor International EDITOUR Kuwait Egypt Qatar Global supply chain challenges of 2022 ripple through the soft drink industry, impacting costs and consumer choices In 2022, widespread supply chain challenges emerged, driven not only by the enduring effects of the pandemic but also by the Russia-Ukraine war and environmental concerns of the carbon footprint associated with transport. These challenges encompass elevated costs for ingredients like sugar, sweeteners, and coffee, along with increased