ONsite 38 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net Preform manufacturer produces rPET using Austrian technology Liquid state polycondensation bottle-to-bottle recycling plant in Japan The plastics recycling machine manufacturer Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen GmbH (NGR) from Feldkirchen an der Donau, Austria, has successfully commissioned what it claims is the first PET bottle-to-bottle LSP plant on the Japanese market at Altech New Materials Co, Ltd. Al tech New Mater ials, based in Fukui, is part of the Altech Co. Ltd. group of companies and specialises in the manufacture and sale of PET preforms, also with recycled content. As part of its expansion in the area of sustainable production, the company opted for a complete system from NGR for the production of food-grade PET regranulate from washed post-consumer bottle flakes. In the LSP process, the IV value of the material is increased to 0.8 and kept constant to ensure the production of high-quality rPET. During the process, impurities are removed from the PET melt in the liquid phase to such an extent that the strict requirements for food packaging are met. NGR’s “P:React 2000” system is EFSA and FDA compliant and guarantees the highest purity and safety standards in the recycled PET material, according to the recycling system manufacturer. Compared to conventional systems, the LSP process would enable an energy-efficient and better physical cleaning process in terms of melt quality and would also have inline measurement and automated control of the vacuum unit, which would enable continuous monitoring and control of the IV value to keep it constant. This eliminates the need for time-consuming batch production for the operator and no cost-intensive additional processes are required. In contrast to conventional methods, no addition of nitrogen or similar substances is required to increase the IV value. T h e C E O o f t h e A l t e c h Group, Mr Norihiro Chono, laid the foundation for the collaboration between Altech New Mater ials and NGR and explained: “We are extremely satisfied with the results we have achieved through the collaboration. The exceptional decontamination performance and the consistent quality of the recycled PET material have far exceeded our expectations.” With Altech New Materials now demonstrating and explaining the effectiveness of the new plant to its customers, both companies believe that this will make a significant contribution to the further development of PET recycling in the local industry. www.ngr-world.com