No.3 2024 D 51178; ISSN: 1438-9452 25 . 03 . 24 M A G A Z I N E F O R B O T T L E R S A N D B O T T L E - M A K E R S I N T H E A M E R I C A S , A S I A , E U R O P E A N D A L L A R O U N D T H E P L A N E T PETplanet is read in 159 countries MARKETsurvey Suppliers of caps, cap systems and cap inspection systems Page 27 EDITOUR Page 24 Page 32 Page 10
CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE CUSTOMIZED COMPLETE LINES PREFORMS AND CONTAINERS PRODUCTION SYSTEMS SINCRO BLOC SOLUTIONS FILLING & SECONDARY PACKAGING SOLUTIONS TOOLING SOLUTIONS vbr-voѲࢼomvĸ1ol " bv |_; omѲ vrrѲb;u om |_; l-uh;| -1ࢼm] -v - om;ňv|or v_orĶ 1-r-0Ѳ; o= o@;ubm] you a full range of vhbѲѲv vr;1bC1 |o |_; ;mࢼu; ruo1;vv ث =uol |_; 7;vb]m -m7 ruo71ࢼom o= ru;=oulvĶ loѲ7v -m7 1om|-bm;uvĶ r |o |_; u;-Ѳb-ࢼom o= 1olrѲ;|; Ѳbm;vĸ ); -u; -Ѳvo ;|u;l;Ѳ Y;b0Ѳ; bm ruob7bm] mbt; -m7 _b]_Ѳ 1v|olb;7 voѲࢼomv =ou |_; lov| 7b;uv; l-m=-1|ubm] u;tbu;l;m|vĸ $_; b7;-Ѳ r-u|m;u |o _-um;vv ou bl-]bm-ࢼom -m7 0ubm] ou ruof;1|v =uol r;ѲѲ;| |o r-ѲѲ;|ĸ PACKAGING DESIGN AND ENGINEERING
No.3 2024 D 51178; ISSN: 1438-9452 25 . 03 . 24 M A G A Z I N E F O R B O T T L E R S A N D B O T T L E - M A K E R S I N T H E A M E R I C A S , A S I A , E U R O P E A N D A L L A R O U N D T H E P L A N E T PETplanet is read in 159 countries MARKETsurvey Suppliers of caps, cap systems and cap inspection systems Page 27 EDITOUR Page 24 Page 32 Page 10
imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Hubweg 15 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany phone: +49 6221-65108-0 [email protected] EDITORIAL Kay Barton Heike Fischer Gabriele Kosmehl Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Anthony Withers Editorial & WikiPETia. info [email protected] MEDIA CONSULTANTS Martina Hirschmann [email protected] Johann Lange-Brock [email protected] phone: +49 6221-65108-0 LAYOUT AND PREPRESS EXPRIM Werbeagentur Matthias Gaumann READER SERVICES [email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck Eine Unternehmung der Limberg-Druck GmbH Danziger Platz 6 67059 Ludwigshafen, Germany WWW | PETplanet Insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trademarks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 Dear readers, On March 3, Tuesday evening, the EU announced its plan to ban single-use plastic packaging by 2030. Food packaging is particularly affected. For the drinks sector, reusable systems in particular are to become mandatory. The member states are to set up deposit systems for single-use plastic bottles and beverage cans. The packaging industry is also to comply with mandatory reusable quotas in future. Packaging made of paper and other materials such as wood or wax, on the other hand, will remain permitted as far as possible. The industry is critical of this ban and has repeatedly pointed out that the ban will lead to a switch to other less environmentally friendly packaging materials. But will the industry be heard? The approval of the Member States for the new directive is not certain. Italy’s government is already voting against the law and the German government has not yet adopted a clear position on the new rules. If Germany were to abstain in the vote, the required majority would not be guaranteed. At the Petcore conference, which took place in Brussels in February, these considerations were noted with excitement. Read the first part of the follow-up report on p. 45. So, let’s wait and see and turn our attention to two very important trade fairs: Chinaplas is set to unfold at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) from April 23-26. Spanning an expansive exhibition area of over 380,000m2, this event is poised to host more than 4,000 exhibitors and attract over 250,000 visitors from around the world. The exhibits on display will range from raw materials to cutting-edge machinery and equipment. (p. 24 ff) And of course, the NPE show. It takes place from May 6-10, 2024 in Orange County Convention Center (OCCC), Orlando, Florida. With more than 1 million square feet of exhibit space, including six technology zones and over 2,000 exhibiting companies, NPE will bring the latest innovations in plastics, materials and manufacturing solutions designed to advance business together in one location. PETplanet has selected PET relevant exhibits, and you will find them on page 32 ff. We look forward to meeting you at our booth at the NPE! Stop by at the Bottle Zone! In addition to the two trade fairs, the PETplanet team is travelling worldwide, our Middle East Roadshow is in full swing and there are numerous other conferences taking place this spring. We’ll keep you updated, and in the meantime we wish you a good start to the season! Yours Heike Fischer Petcore conference, Brussels, Belgium
PETcontents 4 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 03/2024 EDITOUR 10 PET bottles for food and non-food - Multiple designs produced in a one-step process 12 Mineral water bottler focusses on vertical integration - Deep water from the Hajar mountain region in the north-east of the Emirates MATERIALS / RECYCLING 14 From kerbside collection to sustainable packaging - Stadler and Krones install Las Vegas Polymer Center BOTTLE MAKING 17 Refillable PET bottle blowing - Sipa is pushing sustainable trends 18 Water and CSD bottling in China - Growing potential included BOTTLING / FILLING 22 Next generation of sustainable aseptic filling systems MARKET SURVEY 27 Suppliers of caps, cap systems & cap inspection systems EVENT PREVIEW 24 Chinaplas 2024 preview - part 2 32 Focus on green issues, recycling and energy efficiency 33 NPE 2024 preview - part 1 35 Meeting the market demand 36 Quality control and productivity improvement - Laboratory automation, precision bottle measurement and innovations in automated blow moulder control PACKAGING / PALLETISING 40 Delivering value – fast - Delta Engineering helps smooth the flow and boost efficiency of new bottle blowing lines 42 “The variability of rPET resin is a challenge for the packaging industry” - Interview with Jérôme Neveu, Packaging Product Manager at Sidel EVENT REVIEW 45 Challenging times - Review Petcore annual conference BUYER’S GUIDE 48 Get listed! INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 46 On site 47 Products 54 Outer Planet Page 12 Page 25 Page 40 EDITOUR A FAMILY OWNED SWISS COMPANY. OUR INJEC TION MOULDS FOR PE T, PAC AND MED FIT THE SWISS MOULD OF PRECISION CRAF TSMANSHIP. OT TO-HOFSTE T TER. SWISS T OTA LLY SW I S S. MEET US AT NPE 2024 MAY 6–10 ORLANDO, FLOR IDA SOUTH HALL LEVEL 1 BOOTH S12095
PETnews 6 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 Eastman partners with mechanical recycler Dentis Group/Nord Pal Plast to unlock feedstock for its facility in France Eastman has announced a long-term agreement with Nord Pal Plast SA, part of Dentis Group, a leading Italian multinational company specialising in the recovery and mechanical recycling of PET packaging waste. Through their mechanical recycling sites in France (Nord Pal Plast SA), Spain (PET Companía Para Su Reciclado) and Italy (Dentis Recycling Italy Srl), Dentis will provide 30,000 metric t/a of rejected PET post-consumer waste to Eastman. These materials are planned to be recycled at Eastman’s molecular recycling facility in Port-Jérôme-sur-Seine, France. Eastman’s announced molecular recycling facility in Normandy is set to become the world’s largest material-to-material molecular recycling plant. At full capacity, after phase 1 and phase 2, the facility will have the capacity to recycle more than 200,000 t/a of hard-to-recycle polyester waste. Eastman’s molecular recycling technologies is claimed to allow for the breakdown of hard-to-recycle waste into its molecular building blocks. These building blocks are then reassembled to create first-quality materials without compromising performance. MHT Mold & Hotrunner Technology AG and Z-Moulds GmbH join forces MHT Mold & Hotrunner Technology AG and Z-Moulds GmbH announced a collaborative effort aimed at advancing their respective businesses. MHT, headquartered in Hochheim am Main, Germany, is a well-known company renowned for its expertise in the field of packaging solutions. The company specialises in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of top-notch preform injection moulds and hot runners specifically designed for the beverage packaging industry. Notably, MHT has been a member of the Krones Group since 2018, solidifying its position as a key player in the industry. On the other hand, Z-Moulds, located in Dornbirn, Austria, has carved a niche for itself by delivering high-performance injection moulds tailored to meet the demanding requirements of the beverage packaging sector. Jeremie Cuny, Business Development Manager of MHT said: “MHT has diligently developed a premium hotrunner engineered to cater to the specific needs of this exacting industry. By combining Z-Moulds’ cold-half technology with MHT’s premium open gate hotrunner, we are confident that we will establish new benchmarks for top-quality closures.” Indicor announces acquisition of Agr Indicor, LLC., a diversified industrial company providing specialised, mission-critical technologies to customers across a variety of niche markets, announced the acquisition of Agr International, a provider of quality and process control technologies serving beverage packaging customers globally. Agr provides technology and services that support global glass and plastic packaging customers in ensuring their quality, productivity, and sustainability goals are met. The company’s technology includes laboratory and inline equipment and automated process systems that allow customers to meet the quality management needs of container manufacturers and brand owners. Agr’s management team will continue to lead the business from its Butler, PA, USA headquarters. Agr’s name, brands, and operational footprint will not change as a result of the transaction. The business will be led by Agr’s President, Sudha Jebadurai. Visit us at our booth S20115
7 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 SEE HOW MUCH YOU CAN SAVE MAINTENANCE COSTS 70% LESS ENERGY 90% LESS 70% REDUCTION IN CO2e 50% MORE PRODUCTIVITY Discover your potential savings. With just a few clicks, you’ll gain valuable insight into how ULTRA will positively impact your bottom line. 1. Go to 2. Input your data. 3. Receive your customized PDF report of potential savings via email. The savings will vary based on your circumstances and should be reviewed with our sales team. USA Toll Free +1 888 459 2412 l Canada +1 905 879 1100 l Europe +44 1827 338 280 l Asia +65 6848 7117 l Taiwan +886 4 2658 1535 [email protected]
8 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 Generation Change at Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Management Board Gerd Liebig announced that he will be stepping down from the Management Board of Sumitomo Demag on August 31, 2024. After serving the injection moulding industry for 35 years, Gerd Liebig will complete the planned Sumitomo (SHI) Demag management transition, effective September 1, 2024. Mr. Liebig’s leadership tenure was characterised by his immense passion for the company and its employees, in addition to his steadfast allegiance to the plastics machinery industry. Mr. Liebig’s years in the industry has been marked by major changes in the market, applications, products and competition. “I have been honoured to fulfil this important role entrusted to me. Now it is time for me to pass the reins to the younger generation and step down from my operational responsibilities at SDG,” says the incumbent CEO. The next SDG management team will be formed from within the company’s own ranks. Currently serving alongside Mr. Liebig is CFO Christian Maget and COO Takaaki Kaneko. The new management team will be announced during the summer months. “Those who know me are aware that I am not going into retirement mode with this decision – rather, I will continue to support industry activities that give me the greatest pleasure. My commitment to combating climate change and to the energy transition is paramount,” said Liebig. “I won’t be retiring completely from the plastics industry, which has played an important role for more than half of my life and which I was also able to help shape to some extent. Rather, I will remain a part of Sumitomo and will continue to contribute to the Group to a limited extent and without operational responsibility.” CCL Industries: Official opening of sustainable sleeve label hub in Austria CCL Industries (CCL), a global leader in speciality label, security and packaging solutions, announced the official opening of its new sustainable sleeve label hub in Dornbirn, Austria - completing the move from its former site in Hohenems. The new facility represents a €50 million investment and is more than double the size of the previous site. Nearly 10,000 m2 are dedicated to production and a fully automated warehouse, including intelligent computer-controlled software to optimise storage space management and automate intra-logistics. At Dornbirn, CCL focuses on the latest sustainable shrink sleeve technology – made from floatable low-density polyolefin material. The sleeves easily separate from the primary container in the sink/float process at the sorters and recyclers, ideally supporting material separation and efficient recycling. Overall, CCL takes a holistic approach to sustainability, acting on the concept of “reduce, reuse, recycle” and even going one step further by actively supporting recycling with this solution. Heating is provided entirely by recovering heat generated by production machinery, compressors and the thermal oxidation system for solvents. A central distribution centre manages the distribution of heating and cooling. “There is also a PV system on the roof with more than 2,000 panels and a peak output of almost 900 kWp. The system produces the equivalent of 721,000 kWh per year, equivalent to the annual consumption of around 200 households. More than 80% of the electricity we produce is used internally, which saves 338 t of CO2 per year,” says Bernd Schmidle, Production Manager at CCLDornbirn, who led the planning and construction of the new bui lding and implemented the latest technology. Moldmasters MODERNIZEYOURS INGLE STAGE BOTTLE PRODUCTION ✓ New high-performance single stage hot runner systems. ✓ Enhance bottle quality and consistency. ✓ Change color up to 4x faster. CONTACTUS TODAY! [email protected]
9 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 SGT invests €3 million in new material central facility Société Générale des Techniques (SGT), a manufacturer specialising in PET and rPET preforms, announced the installation and operational start-up of a new material central facility at its Rezé site in Loire-Atlantique, France, representing a major investment of €3 million. This installation enables the automatic supply of PET and rPET pellets to the injection moulding press park. Since the beginning of the year, this material central facility has been operating autonomously, eliminating the need for direct human intervention. It also contributes to improving ergonomics by reducing strenuous tasks and repetitive movements required for PET and rPET granule transfers. This simplification of logistical operations relieves employees from difficult manipulations and uncomfortable postures, resulting in improved working conditions. 4 km of pipes have been installed to optimise operational processes efficiently, ensuring continuous supply of raw materials. Thanks to an ultra-performing computer system, the installation deployed by MAT Techno-Logic offers precise management of all mixtures associated with each preform injection press. The flexibility of this new technology allows for automatic management of diverse mixtures, ranging from 0 to 100%, thus providing versatility in production. The implementation of this system is expected to bring several benefits: Firstly, to improve the efficiency of the production process, resulting in considerable time savings for the company. Additionally, the storage capacity of raw materials has been increased with the addition of 280 t of transition storage. Finally, the automation of the installation ensures a secure supply of PET to the presses, reducing risks associated with human errors. The new material central facility also emphasises complete traceability of preforms. Through advanced tracking systems, the company can guarantee the quality and origin of each product, thus meeting strictest requirements of its customers. By committing to this initiative, the SGT Group also demonstrates its adherence to environmental standards. In compliance with the Clean Sweep charter, the new material central facility helps prevent granule loss. We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable low-carbon society by leveraging aseptic technologies. www A BETTER FUTURE Through Advanced Filling Systems Aseptic Systems Your Solutions Provider
EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 10 Multiple designs produced in a one-step process PET bottles for food and non-food by Kay Barton When it comes to format flexibility and high-quality special designs for often very different applications, manufacturers turn to single-stage lines. Petcogulf FZE, which we were able to visit in Dubai’s Jebel Ali free zone, is one such manufacturer. The company, led by Chairman and company owner Nabil Kanazeh and General Manager Aswin Puthran, specialises in PET bottle and container production for the beverage, food, personal care and home care sectors. It is part of the Petco Group, which consists of two independent companies, the local headquarters here and another plant in Jordan. Meeting with Petcogulf FZE December 6, 2023 We met: Mr Nabil Kanazeh, Chairman Mr Aswin Puthran, General Manager General Manager Aswin Puthran welcomed us in the foyer and took us past a large display case with countless different bottles and jars into the meeting room. He has been with the company since 2006, comes from the Indian state of Kerala, and is a Mechanical Engineer. Starting as a Plant Engineer, he later rose to his current position. He told us about the beginnings of the company. “The decision to set up the company in such a dynamic field was a logical one. At that time, there was so much demand and hardly any PET bottle manufacturers in the UAE, so the bottles had to be imported, which was laborious and costly. We therefore started with around three or four machines back then and now have 26.” 14 machines are from Nissei ASB (models 12M, PF6-2B, PF4-1B, 50MB, 70DP). Production takes place in one to four cavities, with a container or bottle range from 50ml to 5 l. Around 260 different formats, both coloured and clear, can currently be produced, with an annual capacity of almost 110 million bottles and containers and over 90% capacity utilisation. Petcogulf obtains its raw materials from Reliance, Hainan Yisheng and Sabic, among others. In addition to a specific masterbatch, customers can also choose a UV barrier or a biodegradable additive for their packaging. Customers also receive the matching closures, which are supplied by Bericap. The manufacturer is certified in accordance with ISO9001:2015, BRC Issue 6 and HACCP. During our tour of the factory, we saw that production is divided into two sections - food items and non-food items. We also discovered two exotic machines in the single-stage machine park, namely a Haitian and a Joyson machine. “We currently produce rPET preforms for juices on the Haitian and blow the bottles on the Joyson, simply because it’s faster at the moment,” explained Mr Puthran. “Our typical customers include edible oil and juice bottlers, tea powder packers and personal and home care bottlers.” He then showed us some sample bottles. Shortly after the official approval of PET recyclate for food contact, Petcogulf acquired the corresponding confirmation for the use of rPET for this purpose. “RPET bottles are the hot topic right now,” said Mr Puthran and showed us one of his latest products, a fully labelled rPET juice bottle for the Carrefour food chain, the same bottle that we had previously been able to inspect virtually naked in production. The company, which recently generated an annual turnover of around US$ 8.2 million, is growing by an average of 10-15% and is focussing on organic expansion in line with the quantities required by customers. In the area of sustainability and recycling, the company saw great potential for the future, moving away EDITOUR The Editourmobil in the driveway of Petcogulf FZE All PET: an insight into the PET containers manufactured by Petcogulf Interview session with (f.l.t.r.) GM Aswin Puthran and Kay Barton Aswin Puthran shows one of the new rPET preforms for juice.
EDITOUR 11 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 from imports of recycled materials and increasingly towards local recycling. The Fujairah-based recycler Horizon Technologies FZC, for example, received authorisation for rPET for use in food contact this year. Aswin Puthran surmised that the upswing is likely to come primarily from a growing demand for PLA. “If PLA becomes established, the recycling infrastructure for PET will automatically change and improve. On the government side, the topic of recycling and the use of recycled material will also be pushed, albeit currently without a defined minimum percentage per packaging, but it will in any case support the customer-generated demand for packaging with a recycled content.” The only exciting thing that remains is the question of sorting by type, as there are currently hardly any options for this. But this is also set to change soon. Only from KHS: freshness protection which is 100% bottle-to-bottle recyclable. With FreshSafe-PET® YG JCXG EQODKPGF VJG DGPGƂ VU QH 2'6 CPF INCUU DQVVNGU +VU YCHGT VJKP KPUKFG NC[GT QH INCUU MGGRU DGXGTCIGU HTGUJ HQT NQPIGT s CPF OCKPVCKPU VCUVG CPF XKVCOKPU 6JG EQCVKPI KU CNUQ HWNN[ EQORCVKDNG YKVJ '2$2 FGUKIP IWKFGNKPGU HQT TGE[ENKPI CPF KU TGEQIPK\GF D[ VJG #24 6JKU KU [GV HWTVJGT RTQQH QH JQY YG CTG EQPUVCPVN[ TGKPXGPVKPI the PET bottle. RGV MJU EQO HTGUJUCHGRGV PET BOTTLE. THE REVOLUTION OF THE IT DOESN’T COMPROMISE ON RECYCLING EITHER. Aswin Puthran shows the finished rPET juice bottle. Aswin Puthran in production with a 5 l edible oil PET bottle
EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 12 Deep water from the Hajar mountain region in the north-east of the Emirates Mineral water bottler focusses on vertical integration by Kay Barton If you drive from the hubs of Dubai or Abu Dhabi towards the port city of Fujairah on the north-east coast of the UAE, you will come across the southern foothills of the Hajar Mountains shortly before reaching your destination. A little further north and inland, about half an hour from Fujairah, lies the small village of Masafi, from which the water brand of the same name originates. It recently became part of the Hattan Group, which invests and operates in various sectors. The special thing about Masafi water is that, unlike other major brands in the country that obtain their water from municipal seawater desalination, the manufacturer extracts its water exclusively from wells up to 300m deep and then packages it in a vertically integrated process on plants of European origin. Plant Manager Fraz Younas and Engineering & Project Head Mohammed Youssef answered our questions about the details during a visit. Interview with Masafi Co. (LLC) December 12, 2023 We met: Mr Fraz Younas, Plant Manager UAE & Oman Mr Mohammed Youssef, Engineering & Project Head The way to Fraz Younas’ office is via a staircase on the first floor of one of the production halls. The “first water brand in the Emirates”, as we were told, has been in existence since 1977 and the founder himself, Mr Abdulla Al Ghurair, comes from the same area of Masafi. Masafi is currently chaired by Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair, a billionaire and Chairman of the Board of Mashreqbank. Until 1997, the company bottled in PVC bottles on a Sidel line with a capacity of 72,000 bph, after which Masafi switched 100% to PET. The company fills and sells three different types of mineral water, the Masafi “Pure” brand, the standard product with a pH value of 6.5-8.5, “Zero”, which is characterised by a sodium content of less than 1mg, and “Alkalife” with a pH value of 9. Masafi’s wide product portfolio includes drinking water, tissues, hygiene kits, oils and rice. Another Masafi plant is located in Oman. Today, Masafi is part of the Al Ghurair Group, a Dubaibased group of companies that is active in various industrial sectors as well as in the real estate and investment business. “We have seven wells here in the region for our water,” explained Mr Younas. He has a Master’s degree in Engineering Management, has been with the company for a year and a half and previously worked for Nestlé in Pakistan and Switzerland for over 15 years. “We have a constant supply of premium quality water here due to the special location of the wells,” says Mr Youssef, who has been working here for over three years and previously worked for Coca-Cola in Saudi Arabia for over three years. “The water continuously seeps into the groundwater here in the region via rainfall from the mountains. Rainfall is far more frequent here than anywhere else in the UAE.” Around 460 million bottles roll off the production line here every year, with the 0.5 l bottle making up the majority, accounting for around 40% of the total output. This is divided into the formats 0.2 l, 0.33 l, 1.5 l, all with 29/25 neck plus 5 l and 15.14 l containers for water dispensers. There are also 0.125 and 0.2 l thermoformed cups with a pull tab. The two estimate that around €50 million has been invested in the machinery and that the company has deliberately focussed on the highest quality suppliers from the outset. Two Netstal preforming machines with Otto Hofstetter different sets of 128cavity moulds and a 48-cavity mould are used for preforming, the latter for the long-life 0.5 l bottle. The material is dried using Gea dryers. A new Husky machine with six cavities for the special-format 15.14 l containers will be delivered shortly. On the compresEDITOUR Interview meeting at the Masafi office with (f.l.t.r.) Mohammed Youssef, Fraz Younas and Kay Barton Krones line for 1.5 l bottles in action Fraz Younas with a 1.5 l bottle of Masafi Pure
EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 13 EDITOUR 13 sor side, equipment from AF Compressors, Bellis & Morcom and Atlas Copco is used. Three fully automated production lines from Krones with capacities of twice 44,000bph and once 18,000bph are used for the water retail market. Mr Younas explains: “There’s also a Krones hotfill line for juices with 12,000bph, but it’s not very busy at the moment, as it’s more of a side product. We had also produced flavoured water on this line for a while, but the market for flavoured water was rather subdued, so we put it on ice for the time being.” A second building houses a Kosme line for the 15.14 l containers and cap production. For the closures, the company works with Engel machinery. “We used to be able to export our water,” explains Mr Younas. “You could even get the brand in East Asia, Africa and Europe, but unfortunately these kinds of exports were banned around 2013, so we have been focussing on the local market ever since. However, our second plant in Oman does some exports. We share the market with the two big water brands Mai Dubai and Al Ain and all three brands have a similar average presence.” And the company wants to continue to grow and expand the brand in the future. “Masafi water has a long history. The fact that we differentiate ourselves from other major local brands through the way we produce water means that our water is well known and, above all, highly valued by the local population.” www.masafi .com F.l.t.r.: Fraz Younas and Mohammed Youssef at the Netstal preforming machine Freshly produced water bottle preform Product design Product development Product validation Industrial production plant Process & quality control On-site and start-up assistance After-sales and Customer service SACMI 4.0 THE COMPLETE CLOSURE, PREFORM AND CONTAINER SOLUTION FOR YOUR SMART FACTORY E N D L E S S I N N O V A T I O N S I N C E 1 9 1 9
MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 14 Stadler and Krones install Las Vegas Polymer Center – the fi rst of its kind in North America From kerbside collection to sustainable packaging Stadler Anlagenbau GmbH, in collaboration with Krones, has designed and installed the new Republic Services Polymer Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, which processes plastic bottles, jugs and containers to produce plastic materials ready for use in new packaging. The first of its kind in North America, this facility aims to close the circular economy to meet the rising demand for high-quality and food-grade recycled plastic. Republic Services, a leader in the U.S. environmental services industry, has opened North America’s first vertically integrated plastics recycling facility, producing recycled resins for use in sustainable packaging. Krones, acting as general contractor in the project for the new Polymer Center in Las Vegas, worked hand in hand with Stadler, which was responsible for mechanical sorting on the PET and PO lines. The new plant will produce more than 100m lbs/a of recovered resin products that are returned to the circular economy. The new Polymer Center processes pre-sorted plastics collected by Republic Services across the Western United States to recover PET, which is converted into rPET flakes ready to be turned into new bottles, and polyolefins (PO) ready for use in the production of new bottles, jugs and containers. “The Polymer Center is the first facility of its kind in North America,” says Pete Keller, Vice President, Recycling and Sustainability at Republic Services. “It’s the first time a single U.S. company has managed the entire plastics recycling stream, from kerbside collection to production of high-quality recycled resins ready for use in sustainable packaging.” Dual Line plant closes the loop The Polymer Center in Las Vegas sorts and processes the materials, which are delivered in bales, on two lines: one for PET and one for mixed plastics, each with a capacity of 5 t/h. “This is the largest Dual Line plastics recycling plant in the USA,” comments Mat Everhart CEO, Stadler America LLC (a subsidiary of Stadler Anlagenbau GmbH). It is expected to put 100m lbs/a of plastics back into the circular economy by producing highquality, food-grade recycled material ready for use in packaging. The materials fed into the PET line undergo mechanical separation and the singulated material is cleaned of ferrous particles. A Stadler STT2000 ballistic separator sorts the material into rolling (3D), flat (2D) and fines fractions. The fractions go through sensorbased sorting with Near-Infrared (NIR) sorters. Caps, rings, and the 2D fraction go to compactors. The 3D fractions are directed to a Stadler Label Remover to remove the labels. The clear PET, caps and rings are directed to the Krones washing line, which granulates and cleans the material, while the colour PET is compacted into bales. On the mixed plastics treatment line, mechanical separation sorts the infeed into fines and sieve overflow – the latter further separated into light and heavy fractions. The heavy mixed plastics fraction is sorted into four polyethylene (PE) products – natural, white, red/orange/yellow, other/colour – and two polypropylene (PP) products – natural/white and other/colour. PET is sorted out of the remaining material and sent to the PET line. The products of the Mixed Plastics line are conveyed to storage bunkers where a semi-automatic feeding programme allows for materials to be discharged by grade to be fed into the baler. Vertically integrated plastic recycling facility (photos: RS)
MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 15
Materials / Recycling PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 16 The Polymer Center in Las Vegas is part of Republic Services’ plans for a nationwide network to help customers achieve a true plastics circular economy, as Pete Keller explains: “The Polymer Center will help enable true bottle-to-bottle and packageto-package circularity for plastics, helping customers achieve their own sustainability goals. Our integrated regional hub-and-spoke model will ensure nationwide coverage. We’ve received an overwhelming response from the industry and potential customers, which has accelerated the development timeline for our second and third Polymer Centers.” Future plans The company plans to build three more Polymer Centers to address the gap between supply and the fastrising demand for recycled plastics driven by regulations and a shift in consumer preferences for sustainable packaging. A report by the Recycling Partnership estimates that the gap between the current US supply of rPET for use in bottles and the projected demand in 2025 is close to 500,000 t. Republic Services has decided to extend the collaboration with Stadler: “Our strong partnership with Stadler and Krones, the design and quality of equipment, and successful implementation in Las Vegas has given us the confidence to purchase systems 2 and 3 for our Centers under development,” concludes Pete Keller. Republic Services Polymer Center in Las Vegas
BOTTLE MAKING 17 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 Sipa is pushing sustainable trends Refillable PET bottle blowing The popularity of refillable PET bottles is growing fast. Governments are pushing for them, all sorts of technologies are increasingly enabling them, major brands are keener to make them, and multiple markets around the world are pulling them. Sipa is prepared with its RefPET bottle blowing system. offers several features for downstream partners involved in RefPET bottle and also preform production. It has, for example, significant experience in special preform design and production. For the bottle moulding itself, it has developed electric heating of blow moulds, to improve bottle performance and also special base designs, for which it has a patent pending. Sipa says that processing equipment is available for production using between two and six cavities. Diverse blow moulding systems are in use for RefPET bottle production. For high output – up to approaching 8,000 bph – of bottles around 2 l in volume, there are the Xtra 6 and 8 rotary systems. Linear SFL systems – performance 6, Dynamic 4 and Dynamic 3H, as well as Flex 2 types, are for lower outputs and larger bottle volumes. These feature stretching capabilities, ease of use and maintenance, clean operation, and excellent energy efficiency. The global market for PET bottles is changing, and RefPET is on the up. By the end of this year, the global market for refillable PET bottles should be close to $10 billion, and in ten years’ time it could be worth well over $15 billion. Refillables are emblematic of the circular economy, but they also represent another circle. Back in the 1960s and 70s, refillable glass bottles were extremely popular in Northern Europe and North America in particular. But then return schemes all but disappeared during the 1980s and ‘90s, as metal cans and singleuse PET bottles gained dominance. Now, sustainability issues are pushing drinks packaging to return to its roots. Under the European Green Deal, new regulations say the market share of bottles for non-alcoholic beverages in reusable/refillable packaging should reach 10% by 2030, rising to 40% by 2040. In Europe, there have been widespread rollouts of new deposit return schemes (DRS). National governments are developing their laws to mandate more sustainable plastics packaging. France for example banned the sale of single-use plastic water bottles in public places in 2020. In the USA, the number of specialist refillable water stations has increased by 50% over the last five years. In parts of Latin America, returnable bottles never left the mainstream. Improving bottle-to-bottle circularity Sipa has for many years been in the vanguard of the “3Rs” movement: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. It regards refillable PET – RefPET bottles as one important answer to solving the global packaging sustainability problem. RefPET bottles combine the advantages of one-way PET bottles and multi-use glass ones. Logistical limitations to their adoption are being addressed. Independent Life Cycle Analyses (LCAs) have shown that RefPET bottles perform better, and are more sustainable, than reusable glass bottles. However, considerable changes in manufacturing processes, inputs, and logistics required for PET containers will be necessary, since RefPET bottles are quite different from one-way types, and industry-wide change in the manufacturing of PET packaging will be necessary. In a RefPET system for example, the bottle needs to be filled and washed at high temperatures multiple times, in order to meet hygiene requirements. This means RefPET bottles are more than twice as heavy as in one-way. That puts extra demands on preform and bottle production, including cooling systems. Sipa has therefore successfully developed preform and container design for refillable bottles with special focus on lightweighting all bottle sizes designing a new base for the 3 l that improves base forming and washing cycles. The company also worked on RefPET bottles in collaboration with various downstream partners. This includes very large water bottles for water coolers, where results are very promising, Sipa stated. Sipa’s SFL Maxi 1 machine yields considerable advantages in both Opex and Capex, compared with competitors. Sipa RefPET bottles produced on SFL Dynamic 4
BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 18 Growing potential included Water and CSD bottling in China The consumption of bottled water is constantly growing in every part of the world and the forecasts of the major research institutes indicate that the trend will continue in the future. China is no exception, where, in the first quarter of 2023 alone, there was an increase in sales of bottled water of 10.9%. Faced with a scenario of strong expansion, the main Chinese brands in the beverage sector have launched a programme of investments in more modern and efficient production lines. The bottled water market in China Among the most important factors in the development of China’s bottled water sector, the constant growth both in terms of litres produced annually and in terms of the number of consumers are worth mentioning. Bottled water volumes increased by 10.9% in the first quarter of 2023, driven by the boom in retail sales. The increase in household consumption has fuelled demand for water in general and particular in large packaging. In addition, the recovery of tourism, following the lifting of post-pandemic travel restrictions, represented another strong boost to the recovery and expansion of the sector. It is estimated that during 2023, the sales volumes of bottled water will grow annually by 8.7%, a trend that should also be confirmed for the following years due to the increasing propensity of the Chinese population for healthier and more responsible lifestyles for the wellbeing of society and the environment. (Source: Globaldata 2023) The company Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. Ltd. Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Company was founded in 2011 as a subsidiary of Macau Huiyang International Investment Co. Ltd., a company belonging to the industrial giant Zhuhai Zhongfu Enterprises Co. The Tianjin-based company, which currently employs about 300 people, has distinguished itself since the beginning of its activity for the ability to manage large productions for third parties; since 2011 it collaborates, for example, with the US multinational Coca-Cola. The first supply of the Italian producers of bottling plants and packaging machines SMI to Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Company dates back to the same year, with the installation of an SK 802 F shrinkwrapper for packMr Huang Gang, Plant Manager of Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. Ltd. The Ecobloc EBS 04 HC C’estbon 6 l boxes
BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 19 Wedon’t focus on clients’ problems EXW RQ ƓQGLQJ VPDUW VROXWLRQV IRU WKHP Swiss-engineered Preform Systems At Otto Systems we focus on solutions for special applications in PET preform production. We provide you with the most economical answers to your needs. Our unique system concept is based on smart modularity, proven performance, IXOO LQWHJUDWLRQ DQG PD[LPXP ŴH[LELOLW\ )URP LGHD WR RSHUDWLRQ 2WWR 6\VWHPV JLYHV \RX D GHFLVLYH FRPSHWLWLYH HGJH with your satisfaction as our guiding principle. Jump-start your PET preform production with us. NPE 2024 ORLANDO,FL MAY 6–10 South Hall Level 1 Booth S12095
BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 20 PROCESS PILOT+ Achieve Your Sustainability Goals and Produce Your Best Product TM Agr’s Process Pilot system provides personalized process control response to each unique bottle GHVLJQ EORZPROGHU ȴQJHUSULQW Ȃ VDIHO\ DQG TXLFNO\ 1R ELJ GDWD MXVW UHOLDEOH GDWD ZZZ DJULQWO FRP SMI Ecobloc Ergon 6-16-4 HC HEVF stretch-blowing/ filling/capping system. Containers worked: 4.5 and 6l PET containers of C’estbon natural water. Key facts: Compact solution for stretch-blow moulding, filling and capping large capacity PET bottles Does not require a rinsing machine and air belts between blower and filler Electronic control system of operations, motorised stretch rods and the use of high-efficiency valves controlled by flow meters Reduced energy consumption Energy-efficient IR preform heating lamps Two-stage air recovery system, which reduces energy costs for high-pressure compressed air production Filling valves that manage two speeds to fill homogeneously, without product spilling from the container. The duration of the filling cycles (slow or fast) can be managed in an intuitive way through the recipes in the human-machine interface (HMI Posyc) Reduced maintenance and management costs of the plant Easy-Cap: elevator and sorter Gravitational cap sorter, which takes the caps from a hopper and turns them correctly until they reach the bottling line. Key facts: Compact structure, made of AISI 304 steel, suitable for any layout solution Smooth and linear operation, that will only carry the caps that are in the correct position System suitable for different types of plastic caps User-friendly operator interface, which allows easy and efficient use of the machine by the operator ing 0.55 l PET bottles in 6x4, 5x3 and 4x3: this machine is currently installed in one of the two 48,000bph production lines of the Tianjin plant. The Chinese company extends over an area of about 100,000m2, of which 68,000m2 are occupied by bottling plants. The warehouse area alone occupies an area of 36,000m2 and allows Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. to store more than 1.5 million packs of C’estbon-branded water, while ensuring its customers a daily delivery of 250,000 packs. Within the production area, six complete lines are currently installed for bottling and packaging various products in various pack formats. The new Ecobloc Ergon integrated system supplied by SMI, is part of a 6,000bph production line for 4.5 and 6 l PET containers branded C’estbon; the new plant is therefore added to the first stretch-blow moulder supplied by SMI in 2015 (in partnership with Sacmi), intended to produce the same bottle. While the SK 600 F shrinkwrapper supplied in 2013, dedicated to the packaging of 0.35 and 0.55 l PET bottles in film-only, is installed inside the 36,000bph line. Huang Gang, Plant Manager of Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food Co. Ltd. about the food & beverages market in the future: “I believe that in this sector there is a lot of room for development and innovation in China, given the constant growth of social well-being of increasingly large sections of the population and the improvement to people’s lifestyle. Companies operating in the food and beverage sector must pay more and more attention to the new needs of consumers, creating a wide and diversified offer of products made with advanced and sustainable processes for the well-being of the planet.” Huihuang United (Tianjin) Food and Zhuai Zhongfu are two industrial companies particularly attentive to the environment. Consequently, energy saving, and the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions have become one of the pillars of corporate social responsibility, which requires the increasingly massive use of new equipment and technologies designed to combine business efficiency and ecosystem protection. VISIT US AT: CHINAPLAS | Shanghai, China April 23 – 26, 2024 Booth 2.1C55 NPE | Orlando, Florida May 6 – 10, 2024 Booth W4471 New product contains up to 100 % rPET. Turn your PET flakes into recycled pellets or turn them directly into preforms: EREMA bottle-to-bottle systems stand for uncompromising food contact compliance with all the advantages of unique SafeFlake technology. Rely on highly effective decontamination, high-performance filtration, safe handling and the highest energy efficiency. For the best quality end product. Consistent quality even if the input material changes. It’s how you keep driving the bottle cycle forward sustainably. Cost effective, safe and environmentally friendly.
BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 22 Next generation of sustainable aseptic filling systems The Kirin Beverage Company Co., Ltd. (KBC) Shonan factory upgraded two PET bottle aseptic filling lines in 2022 and 2023 respectively. This new system utilised Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. (DNP) Two-Step Sterilisation, which enables high productivity, low cost and reduced environmental impact while maintaining high aseptic quality for low-acid beverages. Relationship between KBC and DNP The KBC Shonan factory is located in a privileged location about 50km from the centre of Tokyo and has been producing beverages since 1973. In 1994, KBC and DNP jointly developed an aseptic PET bottle filling system that sterilises containers with hydrogen peroxide gas and began producing milk tea. Apart from this, KBC has manufactured a variety of products, including barley tea, green tea, lemon tea and functional beverages, and distributes them mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area and to eastern Japan. In 2008, KBC and DNP developed a synchronised system that directly connects a blow moulder with an aseptic filler. This was the first system in the world to utilise the heat remaining in the bottle after the blow moulding process for hydrogen peroxide gas sterilisation of the bottle. This synchronised system has since become the standard equipment for aseptic PET bottle filling systems in Japan and has also been installed in China, South Korea and Southeast Asian countries. From 2021 onwards, the two PET bottle aseptic filling lines in operation at the KBC Shonan factory were to be upgraded sequentially. For this major equipment upgrade, KBC had three requirements. These were (1) highly productive high-speed lines, (2) energy and space savings, and (3) the ability to guarantee extremely reliable aseptic quality for low-acid beverages. To fully meet these requirements, Aseptic Systems (APS), the company in charge of DNP’s aseptic division, proposed a two-step sterilisation solution, which was adopted. Features of DNP two-step sterilisation The existing aseptic PET bottle filling line, installed in 2000, had a speed of 54,000 bph. The two-step sterilisation has successfully maintained this speed while reducing hydrogen peroxide, electricity, water consumption and footprint as well as saving manpower. There are five main reasons for this as follows: The stretch blow moulder and aseptic filler were integrated, and all air conveyors were removed. KHS’s stretch blow moulders were replaced by the latest energy-saving Series V. Utilising preform decontamination as the mainstay of container sterilisation and minimising bottle decontamination. As a result, hydrogen peroxide consumption for bottle decontamination was reduced by about 40% compared to the standard system. High sterility was achieved by decontaminating the preform and the bottle interior and exterior respectively. The total sterilisation effect of the two decontaminator is more than 9 LRV. It is also possible to adjust the sterilisation effect of preforms and bottles according to the guaranteed sterilisation level required for the product. For example, production can be carried out by preform decontamination only. Instead of a sterile water rinser, an inverted hot air rinser for bottles was installed. This hot air rinser simultaneously activates the hydrogen peroxide and removes foreign matter in the bottles. DNP’s new SIP (Sterilisation In Place) method ‘F0 Solution’ for the aseptic filler and liquid processing equipment was also installed. It was used in all aseptic tanks, UHT sterilisers, filling valves and filters KBC Shonan factory Aseptic filling systems for PET bottles
BOTTLING / FILLING 23 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 for sterile air that perform SIP, reducing SIP time by about half. This not only reduces the amount of steam consumption and CO2 emissions, but also enables the aseptic filler to switch production in less than two hours. Increased productivity thanks to shorter SIP times and faster aseptic filling lines contributes to reduced TCO. The DNP aseptic filling system for PET bottles can be used for high-speed bottle production, for up to 72,000 bph. Changeovers can be done in less than 2 hours. It has a smaller footprint, higher production efficiency and less energy consumption through Kaizen (`big improvements`- a management system developed in Japan, based on the idea that employees should be involved in continually improving products, services, etc. to make the company as successful as possible. Kai: change and Zen: for the better). It is claimed to be a very reliable and sustainable aspetic filling system. DNP started to develop aseptic filling systems in 1972. DNP’s first aseptic filling machine launched in 1976 to produce single-use coffee creamer packs. The system was designed to allow the UHT sterilised coffee creamer to be filled and sealed in a hydrogen peroxide-sterilised lid and base within an aseptic chamber. This concept has been the basis for the development and sale of various aseptic filling systems (PET bottle, carton, cup, pouch, BIB, etc.) that use hydrogen peroxide sterilisation for the last 50 years. DNP will contribute to the development of an enrich and sustainable society by leveraging the aseptic technologies. Synchonised system of an aseptic filler and a blow moulder with a preform decontaminator.