Insider 03 / 2024

BOTTLING / FILLING 23 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 for sterile air that perform SIP, reducing SIP time by about half. This not only reduces the amount of steam consumption and CO2 emissions, but also enables the aseptic filler to switch production in less than two hours. Increased productivity thanks to shorter SIP times and faster aseptic filling lines contributes to reduced TCO. The DNP aseptic filling system for PET bottles can be used for high-speed bottle production, for up to 72,000 bph. Changeovers can be done in less than 2 hours. It has a smaller footprint, higher production efficiency and less energy consumption through Kaizen (`big improvements`- a management system developed in Japan, based on the idea that employees should be involved in continually improving products, services, etc. to make the company as successful as possible. Kai: change and Zen: for the better). It is claimed to be a very reliable and sustainable aspetic filling system. DNP started to develop aseptic filling systems in 1972. DNP’s first aseptic filling machine launched in 1976 to produce single-use coffee creamer packs. The system was designed to allow the UHT sterilised coffee creamer to be filled and sealed in a hydrogen peroxide-sterilised lid and base within an aseptic chamber. This concept has been the basis for the development and sale of various aseptic filling systems (PET bottle, carton, cup, pouch, BIB, etc.) that use hydrogen peroxide sterilisation for the last 50 years. DNP will contribute to the development of an enrich and sustainable society by leveraging the aseptic technologies. Synchonised system of an aseptic filler and a blow moulder with a preform decontaminator.