Insider 03 / 2024

MARKET SURVEY 28 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 Cap inspection systems Company name IMD Ltd. Gulf Packaging System Co (3P GG) Sacmi Imola S.A. P&S Technology Co., Ltd Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone no. E-Mail Industriestrasse 37A CH-2555 Bruegg +41 32 366 80 66 Mr Martin Gerber Sales Director - CSO +41 32 366 80 66 [email protected] Post box 20266, Jeddah 21455, KSA +966 12 636 00 99 Mr Mohammed Najmuddin VP - Operations +966 12 6360099 ext 105 [email protected] Via Selice Prov. Le 17/A 40026 Imola (Bo), Italy +39 0542 607111 Mr Stefano Severi Sales Specialist Manager +39 335 659 4236 [email protected] 261 Daeji-ro, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyenggi-do, 16882, Korea +82-31-763-5621 +82-31-763-5621 [email protected] Inspection system IMDvista 100% closure inspection systems Camera vision inspection CHS102/202 PFMC Cap closure inspection Inspection speed up to 4,500 caps/min 2,400 caps/min Up to 4,500 caps/min Up to 200 caps/h Max 2,200 cpm Inspection method High resolution colour cameras Inline Artifi cial computer vision algorithms, spark tester Mechanical and destructive breaking force test Vision Inspected objects Any closure geometry and design Beverage closures Flat top caps, tethered caps, sport caps, hinge caps, multicomponents caps Flat top caps and tethered caps Aluminium / steel / plastic Inspected parameters: -Inner inspection Short shots, fl ash, colour defects, contamination, ovality, sealing lip defects, deformation, inside diameter Yes Insp. of the whole product side, incl. mouth, plug seal (one piece caps), gasket (two pieces caps); dedicated algorithms for precise thread insp.; detection of small fl ashes & voids in TE band wings; detection of colour variations, discolourations, contaminations, black specks, pulled threads, voids, fl ashes of material; insp. of standard/tethered cut produced in the mould: fl ashes in the windows, windows partially closed, bridges, no. of/thickness of bridges Ovality: ± 0.2mm, black particle: Φ 0.3mm, pinhole: Φ 0.5mm -Outer inspection Contamination outside wall, height meas., colour defects, deformation, outside fl ash, ovality, diameter Yes Complete insp. of the public side, including sidewall. Special CVS360-3Dmodule to unroll sidewall in a 2D image making a compensation of any deformation coming from lens deformation, perspective and spatial position of the object; insp. of the decoration with automatic recognition of colours and areas with a specifi c colour; colour variation (ΔE), wrong colour, colour planes registration, off-centre, stains, black specks and others Black particle: Φ 0.5mm, print: ≥30 gray level & ≥1.0mm offset -Geometry Any type Yes From a top view: ovalisation, indicative meas. on inner and outer diameter; from side views: outer diameters measured along the cap body, bulged caps, cap height -Cavity number reading Available Yes Yes, through AI algorithms for high reliability and performance; statistics of defects by cavity number, sorting by cavity number Yes, through CVScut vision system Save images by number with mould number reading function -Microhole inspection Available / high-voltage Spark system Yes Yes, with dedicated and integrated spark tester device -Additional inspection criteria for inserts Top plate inspection for colour, print and contamination N/A Yes (presence/absence, integrity, black specks, voids, fl ashes, contaminations…) Inspected diameter range : 12-53 mm; inspected height range 4-37mm Further inspection options New calibrated and validated system solution; AI inspection for tethered closure types - no false rejects Side inspection Breaking force test Cavity recognition, print colour, print damage Colour Camera: All colour cameras Yes CHS features up to 7/12 high resolution and high speed colour cameras to control the whole cap Yes Installation: Stand-alone (offl ine) Available No Yes CHS 102, no CHS 202 Yes Yes Inline Available Yes CHS family includes two machines: CHS102 (single vacuum conveyor belt) and CHS202 (double vacuum conveyor belt); both machines are compact and have been designed to match high production speeds (up to 4,500ppm) PFMC takes samples of plastic caps and performs destructive tests: breaking forces of the bridges and of the lugs that keep the cap tethered to the bottle; machine records detected values and provides a set of statistics; chart showing force as a function of time, export of data via Ethernet or USB Yes Softwarefeatures: AI tool - IMDvista Neuron; IMDvista Portal - Connects your IMD vision systems Software portal for process monitoring and control Graphical HMI translated in more than 20 languages, AI algorithms, colour analysis, special tools dedicated to a precise thread insp., runs under Windows 10 IoT