Insider 03 / 2024

ONsite 46 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 03/24 New PET recycling plant in Viet Nam After the successful commissioning of the post-consumer PET bottle washing and recycling plant at Commercial Plastics Co. - CPC in Yangon, Myanmar, Sorema recycling systems, a division of Previero N. SRL, is now preparing for the establishment of a second plant for the same company in Viet Nam. Andrea Villa, Senior Technical and Sales Engineer at Sorema, describes the newly- operational plant as follows: “After conducting a plant washing and recycling trial at our Recycling Research Center-RRC inAlzano Brianza with dirty bottles collected by CPC, we developed the parameters to design a 2,200 kg/h flakes production plant, which would make their material able to be reused to produce bottles again. The analysis of the material, conducted at Sorema’s laboratory, has verified that most of the local market collection consists of small-format bottles between 330ml and 1,000ml with a high-level of contamination from PVC labels, sand, and abrasive materials. Based on this analysis of the material to be processed, Sorema, known for its robust and efficient design, developed and produced a line for Myanmar, which features a number of customisations to be considered as standard for PET bottle recyclers in Southeast Asia.” The machines have been carefully built with high-quality components, starting with the prewash module for label removal and efficient cleaning of the material surface. This technology prepares the material for better bottle sorting and reduces the overall wear and tear on the entire line, without compromising the lifespan of the de-labeller, whose first maintenance is scheduled only after several months. Removal of PVC labels is achieved with a combination of de-labeller, wet elutriator and material detectors. Finally, the glue of the labels is removed. Mr Ryan, Technical Director of CPC - Commercial Plastics Co. Ltd. has confirmed the results: “The Sorema plant, which we chose after careful evaluation, was installed in Yangon and met our expectations. We ordered it to recycle post-consumer PET bottles from collection throughout Myanmar. With the Sorema plant, we have thus provided an industrial-scale solution to the problem of plastic pollution in Myanmar.” He continued, “Our main problem was the large amount of PVC labels in the incoming bales of material, and this contamination was brilliantly eliminated by Sorema. At the end of the process, the expected results in terms of product quantity and quality were achieved. High percentages of our recycled material can be reused in the production of new PET bottles.” viscoZERO – processing PP, PE, PET & PS! ZERO contamination. ZERO odour. ZERO limits. foodgrade without compromise viscoZERO Upgrade your existing recycling plant with viscoZERO technology.