EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 04/24 www.petpla.net 15 “Sustainability is another element which is core in all our decision making. As a conscious decision, we are only working with resins which are 100% mono-material formats with proven mechanical recyclability (PET, PP & PE). On a continual basis, we are evaluating using rPET in production. One new project is a test series of jars that we have produced from Sun Packaging’s Nissei ASB department 100% rPET.” Mr Bhatia placed various sizes of these wide-mouth jars on the table between us. “My dream would be that in the next 24 to 26 months, we would produce at least 20% of our products here using rPET.” Nimit Bhatia has also been responsible for the plant in Malaysia as CEO since 2023. Combipack, the name of the brand that became part of the Group through acquisition in 2021, specialises in food and thin-wall packaging with IML technology, another area that Mr Bhatia finds exciting. “I am very excited about the new challenge in Malaysia,” he said with a laugh. SPS’s expansion strategy includes further growth in the MENA region with Egypt being a focus market, further consolidating its PET rigid packaging consumer business, and further penetration into the med-pharma space which complements the companies hygiene clean room manufacturing mindset well. www.tpacpackaging.com