Insider 04 / 2024

36 EVENT PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 04/24 Oxygen scavenger technology for PET and technical seminars Avient Corporation is gearing up to dazzle attendees at NPE 2024 with a dynamic showcase of sustainability initiatives that promise to redefine the polymer industry’s approach to environmental responsibility. Highlights will include the announcement of a new facility in Ohio, the introduction of an oxygen scavenger technology for PET packaging to enhance product preservation sustainably as well as technical seminars at Avient’s customer centre. These seminars, which will explore carbon footprint reduction and sustainability strategies, include: 1) Understanding Carbon Footprint: Strategies for designers, processors, and OEMs that can help their customers be more eco-conscious during an entire product life cycle, from material selection to end-oflife considerations. 2) Regulatory Navigation: Insights on navigating environmental standards, including PFAS and other chemicals, will be shared to help manufacturers stay compliant and competitive. 3) Enhancing Recyclability: Increasing bio and recycled content in polymers and enhancing recyclability through intelligent design to develop innovative approaches to brand differentiation and meet consumer demands for eco-conscious products. 4) Lightweighting Applications: Exploring the potential of foaming techniques and polymer substitutions to reduce weight and enhance efficiency, thus replacing traditional metal components. 5) Circular Composites: Pioneering approaches to making composites more circular, thereby reducing environmental impact and promoting resource efficiency throughout the product lifecycle. Solutions for challenges in packaging Sipa’s booth will offer a comprehensive display of expertise spanning packaging design and manufacturing, emphasising both economic viability and sustainability. The showcased solutions highlight the company’s approach to addressing various critical parameters such as weight reduction, container behaviour, filling line performance, storage, transportation, and cost-effectiveness. The focus is on delivering attractive bottles while optimising production costs. Two machineries will be running at the booth: Sipa’s Xtra rotary blowing systems are claimed to offer benefits such as the highest bhc output in the industry, a wide active process angle, high bottle quality irrespective of the preform material (rPET, bio-based resins), energy efficiency, and user-friendly operation. Sipa says that this combination of performance, speed, quality levels and saving leads to a reduction in total cost of ownership (TCO). On the booth, Xtra will be set in its PH (preferential heating) version producing very technical but attractive oval container for alcoholic beverages. In addition, the SFL Flex linear blow moulding system will be on display, producing a challenging asymmetrical bottle for chemical and household products. Sipa’s linear stretch-blow moulding systems have been designed as flexible and user-friendly systems for the production of a wide range of container types including standard, heat set, refillable, oval, large sizes, and wide mouth containers. The SFL Flex is ideal for business start-ups and lab environments. Sipa South Hall, Level 1 Booth S19096 Bottle Zone Avient South Hall, Level 2 Booth S210 Meeting Rooms STEPS TO THE PERFECT BOTTLE. Idea & Design Technology Manufacturing Blow Mould 100% Service Y O U R PA R T N E R F O R B L OW MO U L D S . Meet us at NPE 2024 South Hall Level 1 Booth S 13100g