Insider 04 / 2024

ONsite 54 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 04/24 Ganesha Ecopet and Sorema: a fruitful collaboration in plastic recycling Ganesha Ecopet, part of the Ganesha Group founded in 1994, is the largest player in post-consumer PET waste recycling in India with a total installed capacity of 150,000mt per year, giving new life to almost 9.4 billion bottles each year and saving 18% of India’s PET waste going into landfill. Additionally, it is the largest producer of recycled PET fibres and yarns (rPET), exporting certified products worldwide. With more than 30 years of presence, Ganesha Ecopet is now pioneering bottle-to-bottle recycling via its new brand “Go Rewise”, using recycled plastics in packaging solutions, thereby creating sustainable and circular solutions. Ganesha Ecopet offers sustainable packaging and textile solutions with FDA & Efsa approval, high-quality recycled PET resins, catering to the FMCG, and textile industries. In 2022, Ganesha Ecopet entrusted Sorema’s experience for the construction of a PET bottle-to-bottle recycling plant in India. A pioneering project, with a production capacity of 5,000 kg/hour of food-grade recycled PET material. This process involves the 100% use of locally collected PET plastic bottles, a Sorema washing system, followed by an extrusion and solid state Starlinger GmbH section. The finished product gained approval from industry giants like Coca-Cola & PepsiCo, and others, utilising the produced rPET pellets for 100% rPET bottle manufacturing. Established in 1974 in Como, Sorema is a result of a partnership with Previero, founded in 1922, and is now a division of Previero Srl. Sorema’s vision in the recycling plant production process ranges from material analysis to process optimisation and tailor-made plant and site design. The service includes design, production, commissioning, post-sales assistance, and long-term customer support. Since 2023, Sorema has been operating in partnership with Ambienta SGR Spa, tackling future challenges with increased opportunities. This collaboration represents a joint commitment to environmental sustainability and a model of how technology can lead the plastic recycling industry towards a greener and more responsible future.