25 YEARS ANNIVERSARY 20 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 05/24 www.petpla.net 25 YEARS ANNIVERSARY PROCESS PILOT+ Achieve Your Sustainability Goals and Produce Your Best Product TM Agr’s Process Pilot system provides personalized process control response to each unique bottle GHVLJQ EORZPROGHU ȴQJHUSULQW Ȃ VDIHO\ DQG TXLFNO\ 1R ELJ GDWD MXVW UHOLDEOH GDWD ZZZ DJULQWO FRP PETplanet: In many countries, there is an ongoing debate about the viability of a mandatory reusable quota, such as the one preferred by the EU Commission. Under what circumstances is PET reusable packaging environmentally sensible? Kauertz: Reusable packaging is always sensible where we have established supplier and customer relationships that reliably function, and where the structures for these systems are therefore sensibly established. The greatest challenges in the way reusable systems operate in the beverage sector today are the individualisation of bottles and the separation of containers during sale and return. All of this leads to high sorting efforts and additional exchange trips, which can quickly counteract the benefits of resource-efficient material handling. A creative approach to the advantages and possibilities of PET bottles can offer advantages over glass reusable systems. I am confident that we will see meaningful PET reusable concepts in the future. However, this is also the weak point of a mandatory reusable quota. Who guarantees that sensibly optimised systems will enter the market? The focus should therefore be more on evaluating what makes reusable and single-use options life cycle-optimised and then addressing these factors through regulation. PETplanet: Finally, a word on other packaging materials. Glass, cardboard, cans, PET – ultimately, does every advantage and disadvantage hinge on the transportation route? Kauertz: Ideally, transportation routes are always short, and transportation vehicles are consistently fully utilised. In general, the heavier the packaging material, the more significant the impact of transportation. However, life cycle assessments are highly complex models. Relying solely on one factor in the system, such as transportation or recyclability, typically oversimplifies the issue and can, in the worst case scenario, lead to incorrect conclusions. PETplanet: Thank you very much, Mr Kauertz! www.ifeu.de