MARKET SURVEY 29 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 07+08/24 +1.724.482.2163 • Accurate. Fast. Intuitive. • Powerful, Simple Job Creation and Editing ȏ 3UH 'HȴQHG &RQWDLQHU 0HDVXUHPHQW 5RXWLQHV • AutoJob® ȃ $XWRPDWHG )HDWXUH 5HFRJQLWLRQ and Job Setup in Seconds High Precision Dimensional Measurement for Plastic Containers — 6LPSOLȴHG ® Serac Group SAS Sipa Sacmi Imola Mega Machinery Luxber, S.L.U. 12, route de Mamers, BP 46, 72402 La Ferté Bernard Cedex, France +33 2 43 60 28 28 Mr Guillaume Fayard Blowing Division Director +60 12 418 1955 [email protected] Via Caduti Del Lavoro, 3 31029 Vittorio Veneto, Italy +39 043891 1511 Mr Paolo De Nardi Product Manager SBM +390438911624 [email protected] Via Selice Provinciale, 17/A 40026 Imola BO, Italy ‘+39 0542 607111 [email protected] Xia Yang’ao, Yanjiang town, Linhai city, Taizhou, Zhejiang Provice, China Mr Simon Sales Manager +86 135 8600 2000 [email protected] Av. De Azorin, 34-36, 03440 Ibi, Spain +34 96 555 3853 Mr Ricardo Sanchez Export Manager +34 606 964 907 [email protected] Serac Blow Linear Rotary blow moulders: Xtra: 6 to 24 (8 models) Xtra Big (5 -12 liters), Xtra PH (Preferential heating) Linear blow moulders: SFL Performance 3H,4H,6,7,8; SFL Flex2; SFL Dynamic 2H,3H, 4,5; SFL Big 6,4; SFL Maxi 1,2,3; SFL WM (Wide mouth) SBF Tecnopet 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000 50ml - 3 l 250ml - 3.5 l 250ml - 3.0 l 3.3 l 2 l 0,1 up to 10 l 3 - 5 l 5ml - 12 l 5 - 30 l 12 l 300 l 12 24 8 24 16 unit 1, 2, 4 and 6 4 6 3 6 4 unit 1,400 2,800 per cavity 1,800bhc 4,500 1,500 2,250 1,400 2,550 per cavity 1,600bhc 2,300 1,500 1,900 1,500 2,550 per cavity 1,800bhc 2,300 1,500 1,800 1,000 1,500 per cavity on 5 l 650bhc 1,400 1,000bph for 5 l & 10 l 12.8 x 2.2 x 4.3 - 6.9 x 2.2 x 2.7 Stand alone or in bloc with Serac fi ller for bottle or cups (Combox, Cupbox); full electrical motions, no mechanical adjustment during change-overs; signifi - cant economical savings with air recovery system & low electricity consumption; preferential heating for fl at, oval and complex shapes; mould boxing on large capacities for handle insertion; clean options to run ESL or aseptic confi guration in Bloc Output 2,800bph/cav. with process & active angle: easy to blow; reduced TCO: lower air & energy consumption. 30 sec to change blow mould (tool-less), simple use & maintenance. rPET easy process. Bottles for water, oil, CSD, heat resistant, oval symmetric and asymmetric, with preferential heating, neck orientation, with handle, wide mouth (up to 130mm NF), large size (up to 30 litres), rPET, Tritan, PE, OPP, … Deep grip bottle, heat set, PP bottle Preferential heating, air recovery system, wide neck, PP preforms