Insider 07+08 / 2024

31 EVENT REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 07+08/24 Three questions for Alan Ou, Senior VP at Boretech PETplanet: How would you assess your overall experience at NPE this year? Alan Ou: The market is still cooling down since the end of last year. Many potential investors are postponing their projects as brand owners cut back on orders. We even set up a booth in the West Hall of NPE, but we found visitor numbers pretty much the same as the last NPE in 2018. 2024 will be a difficult year for the plastic recycling industry in my view. PETplanet: Could you please share the key exhibits or technologies showcased at your booth during NPE? What factors influenced your decision to focus on these particular offerings, and what was the response from visitors? Alan Ou: PET tray recycling was another trend a few years ago. Most recyclers are struggling to increase the yield rate in the tray washing process. Although none of the existing processes is successfully established on the market, Boretech has developed key equipment to enhance the production rate. We are planning to have our own recycling facility for demonstrating what we have achieved. Potential customers will be invited to visit our own facility for further details. PETplanet: Based on your experience at NPE and your broader industry knowledge, what developments or challenges do you observe in the American PET bottle market? Alan Ou: The main challenge for the American PET bottle recycling industry is sorting. Based on our observation, there is a lot of waste material generated during the washing process. With the same energy consumption, the low yield rate means higher production costs. We found the sorting process in the American market to be unsophisticated and needs to be improved. Recyclers are running machines that generate too much unwanted trash. Boretech at the NPE with Paul Ou (right, Boretech VP Resource) and John Xu (left, Sales Engineer) (MKMXEP VEXMSREP TVSƤXEFPI ;LEX IPWI# SACMI.COM 300 4VIJSVQ MRWTIGXMSR ERH TVSGIWW IRLERGIQIRX MRGPYHIH DIGITAL (MKMXEP TVSGIWW GSRXVSP VIEGLIW TVIZMSYWP] YRXLMROEFPI PIZIPW STIRMRK YT XLI MRHYWXV] XS -S8 WGIREVMSW RATIONAL 7%'1- 4VIJSVQ :MWMSR 7]WXIQ MRGPYHIH JSV EHZERGIH GSQTVILIRWMZI TVSGIWW GSRXVSP PROFITABLE '330 TSWX GSSPMRK MRWMHI GSSPMRK W]WXIQ WLSVXIRW G]GPI XMQIW ERH PIEHW XS QSVI TVSƤXEFPI TVSHYGXMSR momic