Insider 10 / 2024

No.10 2024 D 51178; ISSN: 1438-9452 21 . 10 . 24 M A G A Z I N E F O R B O T T L E R S A N D B O T T L E - M A K E R S I N T H E A M E R I C A S , A S I A , E U R O P E A N D A L L A R O U N D T H E P L A N E T PETplanet is read in 159 countries Suppliers of filling equipment & inspection systems Page 23 MARKETsurvey EDITOUR Page 28 Page 12 Page 21

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No.10 2024 D 51178; ISSN: 1438-9452 21 . 10 . 24 M A G A Z I N E F O R B O T T L E R S A N D B O T T L E - M A K E R S I N T H E A M E R I C A S , A S I A , E U R O P E A N D A L L A R O U N D T H E P L A N E T PETplanet is read in 159 countries Suppliers of filling equipment & inspection systems Page 23 MARKETsurvey EDITOUR Page 28 Page 12 Page 21

Crystal Thumb Up Our extended SportCaps range Biarritz NEW In sport, you never settle for less. That’s why we strive for the perfect closures, also when it comes to sustainability. Many closures, such as Biarritz and Monet, are made from a single material, making them easy to recycle. In addition, our sport closures are easy to handle, have integrated tamper evidence solutions and are suitable for cold, dry, or wet aseptic filling. So take the leap – and opt for more sustainability. NEW Monet Visit us at BrauBeviale Hall 4, Booth 219 Contact us and arrange your line trials now! New mono-material caps for optimized recyclability Going the extra mile for you

imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Hubweg 15 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany phone: +49 6221-65108-0 [email protected] EDITORIAL Kay Barton Heike Fischer Gabriele Kosmehl Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Anthony Withers Editorial & WikiPETia. info [email protected] MEDIA CONSULTANTS Martina Hirschmann [email protected] Johann Lange-Brock [email protected] phone: +49 6221-65108-0 LAYOUT AND PREPRESS EXPRIM Werbeagentur Matthias Gaumann READER SERVICES [email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck Eine Unternehmung der Limberg-Druck GmbH Danziger Platz 6 67059 Ludwigshafen, Germany WWW | PETplanet Insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trademarks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 The holiday season is coming to an end. All that’s left are hopefully good memories, relaxation and, of course, souvenirs. And what do you bring home from a beach holiday? Why not a small lighthouse that would look great in the living room among all the other stuff you’ve brought back? So I paid over the top for one in the souvenir shop and unpacked it at home. It’s great when the lighthouse also lights up, as ours did. It gives off a nice light in the evening. After a few weeks the excitement wore off. It lit up. So what? But then, when I came to dust it, my editorial curiosity got the better of me. What was the glass housing made of? Had the manufacturers of the model lighthouse decided to imitate the “Fresnel lenses” themselves? I took a closer look and somehow the pattern looked familiar. A transparent plastic component with a transparent ring. The roof of the lighthouse could be unscrewed to replace the light bulb, and then it all became clear: the interior of the lighthouse is a PET preform, and the roof sits on a PCO 28 cap. I’ve seen no end of creative ideas involving PET preforms and bottles, but for the moment, this is probably my top favourite. Yours, Alexander Büchler Dear readers,

PETcontents 4 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 10/2024 TOP TALK 10 2-stage PET bottles from one line - How Krones is integrating the Netstal plants EDITOUR 12 Waterbrands Group focusses on vertical integration for packaging 14 Closures from the Saudi province of Qassim - Potential for the Gulf region and beyond for bottled water BOTTLE MAKING 16 The sustainability imperative - Balancing consumer demand and environmental responsibility in large-size PET containers with Sipa technology BOTTLING / FILLING 18 Valley Water invests in a modern 36,000 bph PET plant COMPRESSORS 20 Lower blowing pressure in PET compressors MARKET SURVEY 23 Suppliers of filling equipment & inspection systems EVENT PREVIEW 21 Gulfood Manufacturing 2024 preview 27 Four steps, one supplier: Design, manufacturing, sampling, testing - Röders laboratory achieves ISO-9001 certification 28 Brau Beviale 2024 preview 34 Optimising production with AI-powered quality control system - Romina Mineralbrunnen reducing false rejections and addressing challenges with tethered caps on PET bottles OUTER PLANET 46 Plastic waste traps for rivers BUYER’S GUIDE 40 Get listed! INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 37 PET bottles for home + personal care 38 PET bottles for beverage + liquid food Page 21 Page 10 Page 16 EDITOUR T OTA LLY SW I S S. OUR INJECTION MOULDS FOR PET, PAC AND MED FEATURE THE FINEST TRADITIONAL SWISS CRAFTSMANSHIP. OTTO-HOFSTETTER.SWISS A FAMILY OWNED SWISS COMPANY.

PETnews 6 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 All4Pack Emballage Paris 2024 All4Pack Emballage Paris 2024, taking place from November 4-7 at the Parc des Expositions at Paris-Nord Villepinte, will be the showcase for all solutions in the packaging and logistics sector. The show is a platform for business, innovation and exchange for packaging, printing, process, and logistics and expects around 40,000 professionals from 80 countries, mainly from the EMEA zone, as well as over 1,000 exhibitors. Through its events and conferences, the show will explore the challenges of the sector, both in terms of regulations and the prospects of an industry. Alongside French and international speakers, high-level experts and entrepreneurs, the event provides an opportunity for visitors to share their issues with peers, to think together, and to find solutions for the future. Dedicated to highlighting innovations from around the world that are capable of making a lasting difference to the packaging and intralogistics industry, the All4Pack Innovations Area is back again in 2024. As usual, this area will provide visitors with the opportunity to discover a multitude of projects from the All4Pack Innovations Awards, as well as products and winning companies from numerous competitions organised by their partners. The All4Pack Circularity Area offers visitors to the fair the opportunity to meet companies and start-ups that are working to reduce packaging and resource consumption in their manufacturing processes; improve recyclability and facilitate the use of recycled materials; and reuse existing packaging, particularly through bulk dispensers, deposit systems, etc. In addition, visitors will be able to participate in numerous workshops, exhibitions and start-up pitches organised in the Agora at the heart of this new zone. A conference program addresses topics such as plastic packaging trends, weight reduction and recycling or e-commerce. +1.724.482.2163 • Accurate. Fast. Intuitive. • Powerful, Simple Job Creation and Editing • 3UH 'HȴQHG &RQWDLQHU 0HDVXUHPHQW 5RXWLQHV • AutoJob® ȃ $XWRPDWHG )HDWXUH 5HFRJQLWLRQ and Job Setup in Seconds 3DUWQHU ZLWK $JU WR DFKLHYH VLPSOLȴHG GLPHQVLRQDO PHDVXUHPHQW IRU \RXU SODVWLF FRQWDLQHUV DQG SUHIRUPV ® Plastipak: Leadership transition announcement Plastipak Packaging, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Plastipak Holdings, Inc., has announced that its founder President and CEO William C. Young will transition out of his role and welcome the next generation of leadership, Edward V. Morgan. Mr Young has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and President and CEO of Plastipak since its inception in 1967. He will continue to serve as Chairman of the Board following his transition. The Young family will retain ownership of Plastipak, and the organisation will remain a privately held family business. Mr Young founded Plastipak alongside his parents, Mary and William P. Young, in Jackson Center, Ohio, USA. Following Mr Young’s transition, Edward V. Morgan, Mr Young’s son-in-law, will assume the role of President and CEO of Plastipak. Mr Morgan holds more than 25 packaging-related patents and has been with Plastipak for over 20 years, serving in a variety of management and executive roles, including Senior Vice President of Operations, Extrusion Development, Global Manufacturing Processes, and Intellectual Property. He has also served as Director of Transportation for Whiteline Express, LTD., and most recently as an Executive Advisor at Plastipak. Prior to joining Plastipak, Mr Morgan worked at Deloitte Consulting and Ford Motor Company. He has an MBA from the University of Michigan and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Ohio State University.

7 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 The Erema Group mourns the loss of company co-founder Helmut Bacher Helmut Bacher is regarded as a pioneer of plastics recycling. Together with his two colleagues Georg Wendelin and Helmuth Schulz, Helmut Bacher founded Erema Engineering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen Ges.m.b.H. in Linz, Austria, in 1983. Their life’s work was acknowledged in 2008 when the three founders received the Golden Award of Honour from the Province of Upper Austria. Helmut Bacher displayed visionary foresight and an open mind in playing a key role in shaping the plastics recycling industry. Following his training as a fitter and completing his schooling as a mechanical engineer, he worked in various technical positions before moving to a mechanical engineering company for plastics processing in the early 1970s. Helmut Bacher shared with his two colleagues a belief in the potential of plastics recycling. During countless trials, he searched for the right solution - until he found it. Despite initial adversity, the three founders remained convinced of the idea of a cost effective recycling machine for plastic waste and started up their own company in 1983. At the K trade fair in Düsseldorf in 1983, Erema presented a simple, robust, reliable and economical recycling system. The young company produced its first orders in modest premises in Leonding with two small workshops and a double garage. Today, the plants and components suppl ied by the group achieve recycl ing capacities of over 25 million t/a of plastic worldwide. Up until his retirement from company management in 2004, Helmut Bacher was a driving force behind the company and remained closely associated with the Erema Group until his death. His technical ability, coupled with solution-orientated thinking and genuine appreciation of his employees, have left a lasting impression and continue to shape the company to this day. The Erema Group mourns the loss of co-founder Helmut Bacher, who passed away at the age of 81. CREATING FUTURE STANDARDS Japan’s leading Aseptic PET Filling System Provider. Our website Our solution high quality reliable technology safe & secure

8 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 China Brew China Beverage 2024 – International Forum launch: embracing sustainability, innovation, and intelligent exploration China Brew China Beverage 2024 (CBB), an international exhibition for brewing and beverage production technology and equipment, will be held from October 28 to 31, 2024, at Shanghai New International Expo Centre. The CBB 2024 International Forum offers a communication platform for professionals within the beverage and liquid food industry, encompassing sectors such as beer, beverages, dairy, and more. This platform facilitates the exchange of technology, innovation trends, experiences, and cultural insights. Sustainable Liquid Food Innovations International Forum The sustainable liquid food innovations International Forum on CBB 2024, organised by Messe München Shanghai Co., Ltd., Yontex, and China Light Industry Machinery Association, will be held on October 28-29 at International Forum Area in hall W2 of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. With the theme “Innovation Driven, Green Development — Exploring the Sustainable Journey of Beverage and Liquid Foods,” the forum will convene a diverse group of stakeholders, including industry leaders, technical experts, and academic authorities from around the world, along with over 20 leading enterprises in the beverage and liquid food sector. With a global outlook, attendees will engage in discussions and share insights on the latest innovations and forecasted trends in sustainable practices within the industry. Beverage Innovation & Concept Forum The Beverage Innovation & Concept Forum, organised by the Shanghai Beverage Association, FMCG China, and Messe München Shanghai Co., Ltd. will be at International ForumArea on October 29. With the theme “Leading the Future of Beverages: Innovation, Insights, and Premium Progress,” the forum will gather well-known brands, senior experts, and pioneers in the beverage industry to discuss cutting-edge trends, technological innovations, and brand development strategies in Chinese market. “Fresh insights on the Chinese beverage market” will be released at the forum, highlighting shifts in consumer preferences, evolving market segments, and the growing demand for health-oriented and tailored products. It will also showcase the latest practices of major companies in product innovation, brand premiumisation, and digital transformation. The 5th China International Craft Beer Summit The 5th China International Craft Beer Summit, jointly organised by Beijing Zhongqing Heli International Exhibition Co., Ltd. and Messe München Shanghai Co., Ltd, will be held at Forum Area in hall E1 on October 29. With the theme “Smart brewing for the future, sharing the splendour — Exploring the new era of digitalisation and intelligentisation in Craft Beer,” the summit actively responds to the national strategy of promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and fostering the deep integration of the digital economy with the real economy. It aims to accelerate the development of China’s craft beer industry, deepen the integration and application of digital and intelligent technologies, and build a high-end, professional platform for technical exchange and cooperation. smi Carbios and Selenis collaborate on producing sustainable PETG Carbios, a pioneer in the development and industrialisation of biological technologies to reinvent the life cycle of plastic and textiles, and Selenis, a leading supplier of high-quality speciality polyester solutions, have signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) to cooperate in the production of PETG (polyethylene terephthalate glycol). By leveraging Carbios’ enzymatic depolymerisation technology and Selenis’ expertise in polymerisation, the companies aim to develop a PETG material made from PET waste for the Cosmetic and Healthcare packaging sectors across Europe and the U.S. This partnership follows a two-year collaboration between the two companies. Carbios’ and Selenis’ partnership is the result of extensive pilot and industrial polymerisation trials that have refined the quality of the end product. The result is high-speciality PETG grades issued from bio-recycling that meet the strict requirements of sectors like cosmetics and healthcare, where Selenis has a strong presence through its Selcare brand. CONVEYING PALLETIZING PACKAGING BLOWING FILLING LABELLING

9 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 % 22 * % ) 9 ; )2 < ( = ,$'/4 4 / $ 6 0 ! 7 '"# '. /

TOP TALK PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 10 How Krones is integrating the Netstal plants 2-stage PET bottles from one line by Alexander Büchler The acquisition of Netstal by Krones has been the subject of much discussion in the industry. Time to ask around in Neutraubling to find out how the new arrival is getting on. We spoke to Jochen Hirdina, Head of the Plastics Technology department. In passing, the conversation drifted towards AI. PETplanet: Mr Hirdina, Krones has consolidated Netstal in the “Filling and Packaging Technology” segment since March 28, 2024. How did this come about? Mr Hirdina: In our approach of offering systems for the entire PET bottle cycle, we lacked an injection moulding machine. With MHT, we had added an outstanding preform mould manufacturer to our portfolio years ago, so the acquisition of Netstal was a logical consequence. PETplanet: Netstal had developed the side extraction as a new range. Would you have taken over Netstal if there had only been the range with top removal? Mr Hirdina: Strategically, I think so. However, side extraction is more favourable for our system concepts. PETplanet: With Netstal, you have acquired a plant manufacturer that sells mainly to converters and less to bottlers. Does Krones now also want to address the converters as a target group? Mr Hirdina: Yes and no. When we acquire companies, we leave them largely independent. Examples of this are Kosme, Gernep or MHT. Nevertheless, we see ourselves as a system provider rather than an individual machine supplier. For our target group, the bottlers, we therefore offer an integrated injection moulding stretch blow moulding system. PETplanet: How does it all fit together? Mr Hirdina: We call our new system Prefero. It combines our line concept with the plastic cycle. The line starts with PET material preparation. The preforms are produced in the Prefero machine (built by Netstal) with an MHT mould, which are transferred by the Prenexo Link directly to the stretch blow moulding machine where they are processed into bottles. The performance of the stretch blow-moulding and injection moulding machines is coordinated. Depending on the capacity, the clamping force is 300 to 500 t and moulds with up to 192 cavities can be used. PETplanet: In other words, in contrast to a 1- or 1.5-stage process, the preforms cool down completely and are then specifically reheated in the stretch bubble? Mr Hirdina: Yes, this makes sense for high outputs. The advantage of direct transfer to the stretch blow moulding machine (SBM) is that the preforms are fed in the order in which they were injection moulded. This allows the SBM to constantly adjust to fluctuating material qualities, which is particularly important with rPET. If preforms are processed in the wrong order, one batch could result in clear bottles, but the next batch could result in milky or yellowish bottles. No SBM, however good, can compensate for TopTalk

TOP TALK PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 11 Mr Hirdina: A control system consists of control loops: An input value influences an output value, and if this changes, the input value is adjusted to achieve the desired output value. AI, on the other hand, works differently: It analyses a wide range of data and measured values and automatically determines correlations in order to find optimum solutions. This already works well with Linatronic AI, for example it can distinguish a drop of water on a bottle from an actual particle. PETplanet: Where does the AI get this amount of data from? From all systems installed worldwide? Mr Hirdina: This is a sensitive topic. Nobody gives out their data voluntarily. If a company participates, we guarantee anonymisation of the data. We have implemented many protection mechanisms so that the data cannot be traced. PETplanet: Is this comparable to the development of bottle designs, where designers draw on projects that have already been realised? But not in the minds of the designers, but in the IT? Mr Hirdina: Yes, something like that. A new bottle design is rarely developed from scratch. We hope that this acceptance will also increase in AI projects. Our initial successes confirm this: with Linatronic AI, we can reduce reject rates. But it will probably be a while before everyone puts aside their reservations. PETplanet: Thank you very much, Mr Hirdina. this. With direct transfer, we also reduce the influence of fluctuations in humidity, temperature or preform weight, as these factors only change slowly and the SBM control system can react accordingly. PETplanet: Where does AI fit into the scheme of things? You already have experience with such control systems, for example with the Linatronic AI empty bottle inspection systems. Mr Hirdina: You’re right, with AI we can significantly reduce sorting errors. However, I think we will have to wait a little longer when it comes to controlling systems or lines. PETplanet: What is the difference between a classic control system and AI?

EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 12 Waterbrands Group focusses on vertical integration for packaging by Kay Barton The United Seqa Group, a bottling group founded in 1994 and headquartered in Riyadh, is supplied with the necessary PET preforms and closures from the plant built in 2010 by Riyadh-based Alsad Modern & Advanced Co Ltd. Seqa includes the water brands Adhari, Aqtra, Aqua 8, Aqua Life, Faline, Ramah, Rhine, Sehtak, Vein, Vow, Yanbua Alkawthar and Zulal. During the Middle East Road Show, we were able to make a detour to the plant, which is around an hour and a half north of Riyadh, and talk to the Operations Manager there, Mr Mohammad Abdel Moneim, who is in charge of 15 preform lines and ten capping lines. Interview with Alsad Modern & Advanced Co. Ltd. February 20, 2024 We met: Mr Mohammad Abdel Moneim, Operation Manager Alsad’s premises cover an area of 60,000m2, of which around 20,000m2 is used for production and 17,000m2 for the fully automated warehouse. The company employs 200 people in a two-shift system. The all-white office wing on the first floor allows plenty of natural light to enter the interior through large roof glazing and onto the office planting in the corridor area. The offices, which have an open-plan feel thanks to glass walls and doors, also benefit from the very bright layout and artificial lighting is only required in bad weather or at dusk. An adjacent and almost completed part of the building will soon house additional meeting capacities and the future, very elegant office of the CEO. Operation Manager Mohammad Abdel Moneim in his office F.r.t.l.: Mohammad Abdel Moneim in the workshop with an employee In front of the company entrance with Mohammad Abdel Moneim EDITOUR

EDITOUR 13 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 In one of the aforementioned glass-walled offices, we sat opposite Mohammad Abdel Moneim, who has been involved in the packaging industry for 14 years and whose professional background is actually in finance. “We have an installed capacity of eight billion preforms and closures per year, and we are certainly at 95% capacity utilisation,” he explained during our conversation. “This year we will process an estimated 65,000 t of material, of which around 55% is PET.” Suppliers include Sabic, Alpek, Reliance and Chinese suppliers. On the PET side, processing is carried out on eleven Sipa Xforms with 180 and 200 cavities and four Netstal PET lines with 128 cavities from Otto Hofstetter each. “With Netstal, for example, we like the broad compatibility with third-party suppliers for moulds,” says Mr Moneim. “We also use Netstal for closures, alongside Husky and Sacmi.” Two Elion systems from the Swiss machine manufacturer with 96-cavity Corvaglia moulds and four Husky HyCAP systems, each with in-house 96-cavity moulds, are available for injection moulding applications, as well as a further ten Sacmi rotary machines. Alsad’s portfolio includes preforms in 5.6 g, 6 g, 6.8 g, 7.2 g, 7.9 g, 8.5g (the most popular format), 9.1 g, 9.8 g, 10.4 g, 10.6 g, 11.3 g, 12.5 g, 65 g and 190 g. There are three formats for closures, 30/25, 29/25 and 38mm. 80% of the products remain within the group of water brands, the rest is exported to Gulf countries. “One of our current main topics is comprehensive, computercontrolled automation,” Mr Moneim told us. “Of course we are talking about large investments. But we also want to stand for quality and reliability by using quality equipment from the world’s leading machine and equipPreforms for water from the Sipa Xform ment suppliers and, together with our own dedication, continue our success story.” During the factory tour, we met technicians from IMD Vista who were setting up one of their inspection lines on a brand new Husky HyCAP. Pointing to the new setup, Mr Monem said: “With the new Husky system we will save 0.1 g of material per cap.”

EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 14 Potential for the Gulf region and beyond for bottled water Closures from the Saudi province of Qassim by Kay Barton The foundation stone for the water bottle cap manufacturer Cap House Plastic Factory was laid in 2012 in the small town of Ar Rass in Qassim, just under 100 km southwest of the Saudi Arabian provincial capital of Buraida. The idea was developed by General Manager Yousef Alassaf after realising the constantly increasing demand for safe, packaged drinking water in the country and not least because there was still a lack of suppliers in precisely this segment in the country. Today, the company produces with its Plasticap brand not only for Saudi Arabia, but also for many neighbouring countries and GCC states and is also interested in the potential in African countries. In conversation with the passionate entrepreneur, we learnt how passion and vision go hand in hand. Meeting with Cap House Plastic Factory February 26, 2024 We met: Mr Yousef Alassaf, General Manager It all began in 1977 with a familyowned baking factory. “My father,” explained 37-year-old Yousef Alassaf, “wanted to produce his baked goods on a larger scale and bought fully automated equipment from Japan. This was before I was born, but by the age of 16, I was helping out in the factory for my pocket money. It was my first contact with a real production environment and I learnt to appreciate the benefits of higher output. Later, during my studies in Alabama, I visited the Thyssen Krupp steel plant in Calvert. At that time, I was totally impressed by the high turnover of the company with just 16 employees, and I realised once again that I felt at home in the field of highly automated production.” When the idea of his own factory in the beverage packaging sector came up, Mr Alassaf was initially interested in preform production. His close contact with Eng. Abdullah Obeikan, CEO of the Obeikan Investment Group, a group that is primarily active in the fields of digitalisation and education, but also in packaging, ultimately advised him that a cap business would make even more sense, as there were no companies specialising in this field at the time. Cap House, which is ISO 22000:2018, ISO 9001:2015 and HACCP:2003 certified by TÜV Austria, now produces 2.9 billion 29/25, 1.22 g closures a year under the “Plasticap” brand, so far exclusively for bottlers of still water. “When production started back then, we used injection moulding machines from Taiwanese manufacturer Jon Wai, each with 220 t and 24 cavities for 30/25 caps. After a few years, however, it became clear that we needed to increase capacity and quality. This is where Husky and Corvaglia came into play.” The setup now includes three Husky HyCAP4.0 systems with Corvaglia moulds, of which the first machine with 300 t force and 72 cavities was delivered in 2018 and went into operation in April 2018. This was followed in 2020 by a second HyCAP4.0, 400 t with 96 cavity mould and in 2023 a third HyCAP4.0, 400 t also with a 96-cavity mould. All injection moulding machines are equipped with IMD Vista closure inspection systems. Sabic supplies the raw material for the caps, together with masterbatches from Avient, which are now supplied to around 20 regular customers, including Azbah, Berain, Najran, Rest Water, View and many more. In addition to GCC countries, more and more countries in Africa are also attracting business interest. 47 employees work at Cap House. “We are also planning to expand into other segments in the future, such as CSD, juices, milk or possibly non-food,” says Mr Alassaf. According to its own estimates, Cap House is probably in fourth or fifth place in terms of market share among the five major converters Oasis, Gulf Packaging, Alsad and Takween. Husky HyCAP equipped with 96-cavity mould from Corvaglia View into the Cap House factory hall PETplanet interview with GM Youssef Alassaf (right) and Kay Barton EDITOUR

EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 15 Plastipak Deutschland: Pioneering Innovation & Sustainability in Packaging Plastipak Deutschland produces up to 350 million bottles and containers for the beverage, food, and personal care sectors annually, primarily in Europe. Since pioneering recyclable PET (rPET) in 1989, the plant has delivered over 5 billion reusable containers. Today, we are discussing innovation and product development with two key management members from our Mendig plant. Sebastian Rupprecht, who has been with Plastipak for over 15 years, became Operations Manager in April 2024 after serving as Technical Manager. Joining him is Martin Rehan, our QHSE Manager since October 2023, who brings over a decade of experience in quality and production management. Considering todays’, market dynamics what are the current trends and challenges in product development? SEBASTIAN RUPPRECHT: In today’s market, sustainability is driving significant innovation in the packaging industry. Consumers and brand owners alike are demanding packaging solutions, which contribute to a circular economy while ensuring quality and safety of the products. Besides the use of recycled PET (rPET), there is an increased focus on reuse and refill containers, which brings us a significant step closer to a circular economy. With over 30 years of experience in the manufacturing of reuse and refill containers, Plastipak Deutschland is well positioned to offer a range of innovative solutions. The fact that we are part of the Plastipak Packaging group allows us to present fully integrated packaging solutions, from our PET Resin PPK Natura up to our O2Blox additive range, we offer a One-Stop Shop to our customers. MARTIN REHAN: One of the main challenges in the innovation process, particularly in the development of sustainable packaging, is balancing sustainability with performance and cost-effectiveness. While there is a strong demand for eco-friendly solutions like recycled PET (rPET) or biodegradable materials, these innovations often come with higher production costs or limitations in material performance, which must be carefully managed. SEBASTIAN RUPPRECHT: As a key player in the PET industry, you need to be agile and reactive. Together with our European Technical Center consisting of the finest packaging development engineers and our in-house design studio based in Belgium, we are able to walk the path from ideation, innovation and development and have the production site involved right at the start of the process. This allows us to accelerate into the industrialization phase and significantly reduces time to market. This year Plastipak Deutschland has chosen to focus on the themes of Innovation, Sustainability, Quality and EHS; what are the key takeaways for Brau Beviale 2024? At Brau Beviale, visitors will gain valuable insights into Plastipak’s comprehensive development process, from preform to bottle. Our team will showcase our rigorous Quality Control and EHS practices.Attendees will witness firsthand how Plastipak leads the industry in innovation, quality, and sustainability — demonstrating our dedication to advancing responsible packaging. We look forward to discussing how we can create value for our customers with sustainable packaging solutions. Thank you and have a great Brau Beviale 2024! - Advertisement -

BOTTLE MAKING 16 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 Balancing consumer demand and environmental responsibility in large-size PET containers with Sipa technology The sustainability imperative In an era marked by increasing environmental awareness, the beverage industry faces the challenge of meeting consumer demand while adopting sustainable practices. One area where this tension is particularly evident is in the production of large-size PET containers, typically those exceeding 5 l. While these containers offer convenience and practicality, their environmental impact must be carefully considered. Advances in technology, alongside a growing commitment to circularity are paving the way for more sustainable solutions in this sector. Large-size PET containers, often used for water coolers and bulk dispensing, offer several sustainability advantages over their smaller, single-serve counterparts. Firstly, they require less PET resin per unit volume, minimising raw material consumption and reducing waste. Secondly, their larger format enhances transportation efficiency, lowering fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, many of these containers are refillable and reusable, significantly extending their lifecycle and minimising waste. Sipa, well-known in the large-size PET container market, offers a comprehensive suite of solutions that span the entire production process, from design and engineering to blowing, filling, and palletising. The company’s expertise extends beyond machinery manufacturing, boasting a team of experienced designers and engineers who specialise in creating large-size PET containers that are not only functional and aesthetically pleasing but also optimised for sustainability. Utilising advanced FEA simulation systems and in-house prototyping facilities, Sipa says that its containers meet high standards of performance, durability, and environmental responsibility. The range of blow moulding machines specifically designed for large-size PET container production includes the SFL Maxi and SFL Big linear blowers which cater to small- and medium-scale operations, producing containers from 12 to 30 l. These versatile machines handle both returnable and one-way containers, including those for water dispensers, stackable applications, and various other large formats. For high-speed production of containers up to 12 l, Sipa’s Xtra Big rotary blow moulder is claimed to deliver good performance. From filling to palletising Sipa’s Big Fill volumetric gravity filling monoblock is optimised for handling large formats up to 20 l. This system is claimed to ensure precision and hygiene, featuring no valve-tobottle contact and high flow performance with filling speed modulation. Its stainless steel construction and automated dummy bottles further enhance cleanliness and efficiency. Large-size container filling with Big Fill monobloc Blowing of large size container with inserted handle with SFL Maxi Xtra Big, rotary blowmoulder

BOTTLE MAKING 17 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 41-"4) 1300'&% BOE XBTIBCMF MBCFM BOE DMPTVSF JOTQFDUJPO TPMVUJPO 888 */53"7*4 $0. The company’s Robby Rack system provides palletisation of large-size container racks. Integrating an anthropomorphic robotic arm with other essential components, this system offers a flexible and efficient alternative to traditional palletising methods, says Sipa. A commitment to circularity By developing integrated solutions for large-size PET container production that focus on efficiency, resource optimisation, and reusability, Sipa aims to help beverage producers reduce their environmental impact while addressing market demands. As consumer demand for large-size PET containers continues to grow, their solutions are claimed to provide an answer to the sustainability challenge by combining cutting-edge technology with an understanding of circular economy principles. 4-gal returnable container production with SFL

BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 18 Valley Water invests in a modern 36,000bph PET plant In the desert area of Wadi El Natrun, a depression about 23m below sea level, Elano water is extracted and bottled by the Valley Water company. To increase the production of 0.6 l and 1.5 l PET bottles, the Egyptian company recently turned to SMI for the supply of a complete line of 36,000 bph. Increase efficiency and productivity To preserve the quality of Elano water and offer consumers a pure, uncontaminated and healthy product, Valley Water pays great attention to every detail and collaborates with the experts of the industry. The decision to rely on SMI for the supply of a new complete line of 36,000 bph for the bottling and packaging of Elano water in PET bottles ranging from 0.6 l to 1.5 l is the result of a close collaboration between the two companies, that began in 2013 with the installation of a rotary stretch-blow moulder and a shrink wrapper from the LSK range for the packaging of 0.33, 0.5 and 1.5 l containers in PET. SMI has been involved in the process of automation of the end of the line of the pre-existing plant, to allow Valley Water to meet the growing demand for bottled water in Egypt, a market featuring one of the highest levels of consumption per capita in the world and in which consumers tend to choose healthy drinks. The new technologies supplied by SMI allow the company to achieve greater production capacity and efficiency, improved market competitiveness, high energy savings and reduced environmental impact, said SMI. Restyling of the bottles to improve performance Starting from existing 0.6 l and 1.5 l containers and keeping the “core concept” unchanged, SMI’s designers emphasised the iconic image represented and improved the resistance and stability of the containers. These objectives have been achieved by enlarging the maximum diameter of the bottles and lowering their height, with the result of optimising the center of gravity of the same. The base of the bottle was also subject to a restyling process, with the aim of improving the mechanical properties of the containers during filling. Thanks to these measures and the supply of new moulds for the stretch-blowing, the entire packaging and palletising process of Valley Water has become more efficient and sustainable. The solutions for Valley Water Valley Water pays great attention to environmental issues and for the bottling of Elano water in ecocompatible and recyclable PET bottles, uses green technologies of the latest generation that allow reduced environmental impact and energy savings. The 36,000 bph complete line allows the customer to optimise the space within the production plant. The new system consists of an EBS 16 E Ergon stretch-blow moulder in Ecobloc version with a HEVF filling and capping system; a WP 600 Ergon case packer; an APS 3070 L Ergon palletiser; conveyor belts, labelling machine, encoder and control systems.

BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 19 APS 3070 L Ergon automatic palletising system: ƒƒsingle-column system with two Cartesian axes for palletising cardboard boxes arriving from the WP 600 Ergon in 1,000 x 1,200mm pallets ƒƒflexible modular structure, adaptable to the logistical conditions of the line ƒƒoperational flexibility that allows the creation of multiple palletising patterns ƒƒeco-sustainable solution, thanks to the use of ICOS motors equipped with integrated digital servo-drive (driver), able to simplify the wiring of the machine and ensure greater energy efficiency, lower noise and reduced wear of the components ƒƒoptimised TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) thanks to low management and maintenance costs WP 600 Ergon wrap-around case packer: ƒƒcontinuous packaging through a wrap-around system: smooth production process, without jerky movements ƒƒpackaging in impact-resistant 4x5 cases (0.6 l bottles) and 3x4 cases (1.5 l bottles): higher protection of the product during transport ƒƒpossibility to graphically customise the cardboard box ƒƒsliding Posy control panel, which allows the operator an easy and efficient use of the system ƒƒhighly intuitive, graphical interface, touch-sensitive screen and advanced real-time diagnostics and technical support Ecobloc Ergon HEVF blowing-filling-capping system: ƒƒcompact solution for the blowing & filling of 0.6 l and 1.5 l containers: rinsing machine and air conveyors between blower and filler are not required ƒƒrotary stretch-blow moulding system equipped with motorised stretch rods, for productions up to 36,000 bph ƒƒprecise management of the stretch rod stroke and accurate control of its position ƒƒpreform heating module with energy-efficient IR lamps ƒƒtwo-stage air recovery system, for reducing energy costs ƒƒeasy management of the format changeover ƒƒfilling system with high-precision flow meters installed near each tap ƒƒwalk-in frame to easily access the filler and capper ƒƒfilling chamber isolated from transmissions ƒƒmachine frame inclined towards the drainage points, resulting in a higher level of hygiene

COMPRESSORS PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 20 Lower blowing pressure in PET compressors by Kris Vermeulen, Global Product Manager PET, Air & Nitrogen, Oil-free Air division, Atlas Copco Airpower N.V. In the world of PET packaging, continuous improvement is key. One of the biggest advancements has been reducing the amount of PET material used for making bottles, which not only lowers costs but also benefits the environment. Less material means lighter packaging, which reduces transportation energy, and most importantly, less energy is needed for heating and compressing air in blow moulding machines. across different PET lines. It has a high efficiency and reliability, and can be customised to specific plant layout and needs. Of course, it is a more complex to set up and requires expert planning to get the best results. Atlas Copco solutions for every setup For centralised systems in which PET lines require high-pressure air, Atlas Copco offers the ZP FF compressor. This is a plug-and-play unit, easy to install and energy-efficient. For larger requirements, the ZD FF compressor offers more cooling stages, which makes it more efficient for larger compressed air volumes. The ZD Flex system from Atlas Copco is used for decentralised installation. The compressors can be placed closer to the machines while minimising piping and optimising the pressure supply. The ZD Flex system is also applicable for combined setups, offering flexible modules that can adapt e.g. if the plant grows. It balances both low and high-pressure needs, saves energy and reduces operational costs. PET lines Blowing pressure difference between the lines 0-2 bar 2-5 bar 5-10 bar 10-15 bar >15 bar 1 Centralised 2 Centralised Centralised Decentralised Decentralised Combined 3 Centralised Centralised Decentralised Combined Combined 4 Centralised Centralised Combined Combined Combined > 4 Centralised Combined Combined Combined Combined Choosing the fitting setup: Small pressure differences (0-2bar): Centralised setup works best. Moderate Pressure Differences (2-5bar): Centralised or decentralised, depending on the number of lines. Large Pressure Differences (5+ bar): A decentralised or combined setup is ideal, especially for larger plants. Modern blow moulding machines have evolved to use less air pressure, thanks to innovations like air recuperation. But how can companies fully benefit from these lower blowing pressures, especially when some machines still need higher pressure? Compressed air systems The basics - There are three main types of compressed air system setups in the PET industry: 1) Centralised setup 2) Decentralised setup 3) Combined setup Each setup has its advantages and disadvantages. In the centralised setup all air compressors are in one central area, supplying air to the entire facility. This system is easy to manage and control, and the best for handling large amounts of air with stable pressure needs. It is efficient for managing overall energy usage. When the PET lines require similar pressure levels and are close to each other, this system is suitable because there is only one pressure level available for the whole system. In the decentralised setup air compressors are placed near each machine or area where the compressed air is needed. With a minimal piping each machine gets the exact pressure it needs. This system is recommended if there are large pressure differences between the machines or if the machines are far apart. Because it is harder to manage energy use across the plant and compressors may run less efficiently without a central control. Finally, the combined setup merges the benefits of both centralised and decentralised systems. It offers flexibility to meet different pressure, and flow needs Decentralised setup: Atlas Copco’s ZD Flex system allows to place the compressors closer to the machines, minimising piping and optimising pressure delivery.

21 EVENT PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 TRADE SHOWpreview 10th edition of the Gulfood Manufacturing Taking place from November 5-7, 2024 at Dubai World Trade Centre, Gulfood Manufacturing is a global platform for the industry to learn, engage and present their products, services, and solutions focused on moving the food manufacturing industry forward toward a more sustainable, resilient, agile and efficient future. Gulfood Manufacturing will be a convening platform for the industry, as it addresses optimising operational efficiency, driving responsible sourcing with traceable supply chains, navigating entry barriers in new markets, adopting sustainable practices, and generating new funding sources across the entire F&B manufacturing value chain. For the first time at Gulfood Manufacturing, the ‘Hall of Fame‘ will be featured in a dedicated area of the Pavilion Hall, showcasing ingredient, processing, and packaging innovations from the past decade that have transformed the industry and significantly influenced the region’s production processes. Closure technology and mould design Z-Moulds will present its latest innovations in closure technology and mould design. The company will highlight key developments, such as the 26mm 3-start water closure, which is claimed to represent the future of lightweight solutions for still water. Trends are shifting toward 25mm and 26mm closures, weighing under 0.8 g. The new 55 mm pitch wi th patented z-s l i de will be presented, which enables Z-Mould to build a mould with 128 cavities. This design reduces fal l t ime by 0.12 s and opening/closing time by 0.08s, resulting in recordbreaking cycle times, like the 1.85 s cycle for 26mm closures. Committed to innovation and customer satisfaction Petka Mold, a well-known manufacturer of preform- and blowing moulds, will be showcasing its expertise at the upcoming Gulfood Manufacturing Fair. With 19 years of experience in the industry, Petka Mold has established itself as a trusted provider of high-quality moulds for the PET industry. At the fair, the company will be presenting a wide range of products and services, as well as discussing the latest developments in the PET industry. Petka will exhibit together with Rieckermann in hall 2, C2-4. Z-Moulds Hall 2 | Booth S2-A10 Petka Mold Hall 2 | Booth C2-4 Aseptic Combi Predis and Super Combi technologies Sidel will spotlight its well-knownAseptic Combi Predis technology on-stand, as well as highlighting its Super Combi advanced technology solution for high-speed water and carbonated soft drinks. As well as showcasing its award-winning bottle designs, Sidel will offer insights into how customers can maximise data intelligence and artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve their ESG goals. Sidel will be highlighting on-stand the Aseptic Combi Predis, an integrated blow-fill-cap solution for PET bottles that incorporates Predis dry preform sterilisation. With water and carbonated soft drinks (CSD) remaining two of the world’s most valuable beverage categories, Sidel will demonstrate its next-generation Super Combi technology to on-stand visitors. The Super Combi integrates five process steps - preform feeder, blower, labeller, filler/capper and cap feeder - into an all-in-one smart system. To deliver this self-optimising performance and increased long-term value, it combines intelligent automation with innovative technologies to advance production and maintenance services. Utilising the Super Combi solution, Sidel installed the fastest PET complete bottling water line in the Middle East, Africa and Asia for Mai Dubai, helping the UAE-based company take the next step towards becoming the region’s number one water brand. Through a film demonstration, visitors to the stand can witness how the line fills 86,000bph in three different formats (200ml, 330ml and 500ml), with the optimal use of space, high consistent quality, and efficiency with flexibility. Sidel Hall 3 | Booth A3-4

22 EVENT PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 Circular economy across the complete plastics lifecycle With increasing consumer demand for more recyclable packaging and regulations tightening, producers in the UAE and around the world need innovative solutions to stay ahead. To address these challenges, at Gulfood Husky will be exhibiting latest technologies, solutions, and services that enable the circular economy across the complete plastics lifecycle, and support producers to:  Enable sustainability with technologies that support the production of high-quality packaging that is lighter weight, contains more rPET, or is made from bio-based materials.  Enable growth by adopting manufacturing processes that facilitate speed to market and streamline production.  Enable innovation with industry-leading solutions that produce attractive, safe, and sustainable packaging that out-performs alternative materials. Husky will be showcasing its integrated solutions that enhance the recyclability of end products, including the production of packaging made from up to 100% rPET. Visitors can also learn about the recently launched HyPET6e preform moulding platform. The company says, that the HyPET6e sets new standards in the use of rPET, energy efficiency and quality control in closed loops. Husky will also present a range of new design and development innovations for food and beverage applications, including lightweight closures, tethered closures and the latest 100% PET closures for mono-material packaging to streamline the recycling process. This will be complemented by the presentation of a suite of intelligent, connected solutions that use closed-loop reporting to leverage data and analytics, optimising operations, reducing waste, and improving overall equipment effectiveness, including the Advantage+Elite monitoring program. Sustainable and efficient PET packaging solutions Sipa will be exhibiting its latest technologies and innovations at Gulfood Manufacturing 2024. Visitors can explore new solutions for sustainable and efficient packaging production. Key highlights at the Sipa booth include:  Large-size container production: Sipa offering a complete production system for large PET containers, from blow moulders to fillers and end-of-line solutions. Learn about the SFL linear blow moulder, renowned for producing containers up to 30 l at medium speeds, and the Xtra Big rotary blow moulder, capable of producing bottles up to 12 l at high speeds. Discover how Sipa’s comprehensive approach streamlines the production process for largesize containers.  Sustainability: Sipa demonstrates its commitment to a circular economy with diverse rPET production solutions. Highlights include the Xtreme Renew system, transforming flakes directly into rPET preforms, the high-speed Xform Renew system, producing preforms from rPET pellets, and the ability to create rPET bottles using Sipa’s established SFL and Xtra systems. At the Gulfood stand, Sipa will also showcase its expertise in neck lightweighting, presenting a range of light versions of well-recognised neck finishes. An important example is the lightweight version of GME 30/40, weighing 2.1 g.  Packaging design expertise: Sipa’s global team of design experts (Sipa has design facilities across three continents, Europe, USA and China) will be on hand to discuss how their comprehensive design services can create packaging that stands out on the shelf, promotes brand, and offers both aesthetic and functional excellence.  Mould innovation: With a legacy of mould design innovation, including the introduction of the 200-cavity injection mould, Sipa will share its deep knowledge of hot runners and cold halves that optimise preform machine capacity. Husky Hall 2 | Booth B2-4 Sipa Hall 4 | Booth A4-42 200-cavity injection mould by Sipa