Insider 10 / 2024

COMPRESSORS PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 20 Lower blowing pressure in PET compressors by Kris Vermeulen, Global Product Manager PET, Air & Nitrogen, Oil-free Air division, Atlas Copco Airpower N.V. In the world of PET packaging, continuous improvement is key. One of the biggest advancements has been reducing the amount of PET material used for making bottles, which not only lowers costs but also benefits the environment. Less material means lighter packaging, which reduces transportation energy, and most importantly, less energy is needed for heating and compressing air in blow moulding machines. across different PET lines. It has a high efficiency and reliability, and can be customised to specific plant layout and needs. Of course, it is a more complex to set up and requires expert planning to get the best results. Atlas Copco solutions for every setup For centralised systems in which PET lines require high-pressure air, Atlas Copco offers the ZP FF compressor. This is a plug-and-play unit, easy to install and energy-efficient. For larger requirements, the ZD FF compressor offers more cooling stages, which makes it more efficient for larger compressed air volumes. The ZD Flex system from Atlas Copco is used for decentralised installation. The compressors can be placed closer to the machines while minimising piping and optimising the pressure supply. The ZD Flex system is also applicable for combined setups, offering flexible modules that can adapt e.g. if the plant grows. It balances both low and high-pressure needs, saves energy and reduces operational costs. PET lines Blowing pressure difference between the lines 0-2 bar 2-5 bar 5-10 bar 10-15 bar >15 bar 1 Centralised 2 Centralised Centralised Decentralised Decentralised Combined 3 Centralised Centralised Decentralised Combined Combined 4 Centralised Centralised Combined Combined Combined > 4 Centralised Combined Combined Combined Combined Choosing the fitting setup: Small pressure differences (0-2bar): Centralised setup works best. Moderate Pressure Differences (2-5bar): Centralised or decentralised, depending on the number of lines. Large Pressure Differences (5+ bar): A decentralised or combined setup is ideal, especially for larger plants. Modern blow moulding machines have evolved to use less air pressure, thanks to innovations like air recuperation. But how can companies fully benefit from these lower blowing pressures, especially when some machines still need higher pressure? Compressed air systems The basics - There are three main types of compressed air system setups in the PET industry: 1) Centralised setup 2) Decentralised setup 3) Combined setup Each setup has its advantages and disadvantages. In the centralised setup all air compressors are in one central area, supplying air to the entire facility. This system is easy to manage and control, and the best for handling large amounts of air with stable pressure needs. It is efficient for managing overall energy usage. When the PET lines require similar pressure levels and are close to each other, this system is suitable because there is only one pressure level available for the whole system. In the decentralised setup air compressors are placed near each machine or area where the compressed air is needed. With a minimal piping each machine gets the exact pressure it needs. This system is recommended if there are large pressure differences between the machines or if the machines are far apart. Because it is harder to manage energy use across the plant and compressors may run less efficiently without a central control. Finally, the combined setup merges the benefits of both centralised and decentralised systems. It offers flexibility to meet different pressure, and flow needs Decentralised setup: Atlas Copco’s ZD Flex system allows to place the compressors closer to the machines, minimising piping and optimising pressure delivery.