Insider 10 / 2024

MARKET SURVEY 23 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 10/2024 MARKETsurvey Suppliers of filling equipment and filling inspection systems It’s time to present some selected state-of-the-art filling equipment and filling inspection systems in our annual market survey. Please have a look at the up to date technical details provided by: Sacmi Beverage SpA, SMI S.p.A., Enoberg s.r.l., Krones, KHS GmbH, Sipa S.p.A, STM SP. Z o.o., Pressco Technology Inc., Newamstar Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. and Heuft Systemtechnik GmbH. Although the publisher has made every eff ort to make sure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding accuracy and completeness. Filling equipment Company name Sipa S.p.A. STM SP. Z O. O. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Via Caduti del Lavoro n. 3 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV), Italy +39 0438 911 511 Mr Matteo Tagliaferri Marketing and Communication +39 0438 911 511 [email protected] Ul. Piaskowa 12, 78-520 Zlocieniec, Poland +48 94 367 14 71 Mr Matuesz Kinda Sales & RND Director +48 5030 366 35 [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number Isofi ll P Stillfi ll Evo Flextronic C Synchroblock Combifi ll ISO EPV: a blow moulding-fi llingcapping machine for CSD and still drinks fi lling Synchroblock Combifi ll WM/ FM: a blow moulding-fi llingcapping machine for still product contactless fi lling Synchroblock Combifi ll BIG WM/FM: a blow moulding-fi llingcapping machine for still product contactless fi lling in BIG bottles 2. Number of fi lling heads (range: from/to) 20-140 20-140 30-180 16-60 16-40 16-20 3. Min to max bottle contents (in liters) 0.125-3 0.125-3 0.125-3 0.2-2.5 0.2-2.5 1.0-6.0 4. Filling speed: output (bph) (min to max): specifi y: 1l bottle / still water (bph) 60,000 62,000 60,000 6,000-14,000 6,000-14,000 3,000-5,000 at 5.0 l 1l bottle / CSD (bph) 51,000 (CMW) 55,000 (CMW) 6,000-14,000 1l bottle / milk (bph) 6,000-14,000 1l bottle / juice (bph) 53,000 60,000 59,000 6,000-14,000 5. Filling process Pressureless (still drinks) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pressure fi lling (carbonated drinks) Yes Yes Yes No No Hot fi lling Yes Yes No No No Cold aseptic fi lling Yes Yes No No No Juices with high pulp content Yes No Yes Yes 6. Type of fi lling valve and metering system Isobaric mechanical level fi lling Mechanical gravity fi lling Isobaric volumetric fi lling valve EPV - Electropneumatic isobaric mechanical level fi lling Electronic fl ow meter fi lling or electronic weight fi lling Electronic fl ow meter fi lling or Electronic weight fi lling 7. Special features (short description/keywords) AISI 316L SS valve, product defl ection without defl ector on the fi lling tube, quick changeover for different neck diameters, automatic dummy bottle insertion, mobile vent tube, centralised remote fi ll level adjustment AISI 316L SS valve, product defl ection without defl ector on the fi lling tube, quick changeover for different neck diameters, seperated bottle air return, hot fi ll kit for product recirculation, constant and controlled recirculation rate in bottle, centralised remote fi ll level adjustment no bottle no fi ll system AISI 316L SS valve, product defl ection without defl ector on the fi lling tube, quick changeover for different neck diameters, automatic dummy bottle insertion, magnetic fl ow meter product control, fi lling speed control, XFill confi guration without tank on board, dry pressurisation separated bottle air return AISI 316 SS valve, quick change over, ultra clean version available, three big touch panels for user friendly software with automatic diagnostic system for machine's operation limited to minimum; wide choice of options for further customisation of machine AISI 316 SS contactless fi lling valve, quick change over, ultra clean version available, three big touch panels for user friendly software with automatic diagnostic system for machine's operation limited to minimum; wide choice of options for further customisation of machine AISI 316 SS contactless fi lling valve, quick change over, ultra clean version available, three big touch panels for user friendly software with automatic diagnostic system for machine's operation limited to minimum; wide choice of options for further customisation of machine Resins & additives Cap producers, systems & inspection systems Preform machinery Preform production & inspection systems Preform, cap & SBM mould manufacturer SBM 2-stage Compressors  Filling equipment & inspection systems Palletising & shrink film machinery Recycling machinery