MARKET SURVEY 25 PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 Sacmi Imola S.C. Krones AG Newamstar Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. Via Selice Prov.le 17/A Imola (BO) Italy +39 0542 607111 Mr Stefano Severi Sales Area Manager +39 0542 607553 [email protected] Böhmerwaldstr. 5 93073 Neutraubling, Germany +49 9401 70 0 East Xinjing Road, Zhangjiagang Economic & Technological Development Zone, Jiangsu 215618, P.R. China +86 512 5869 1111 [email protected] No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes and high frequency Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 130 50-105mm 50-250mm 380 60-340mm & closure diameter 27-46mm 100-470mm Yes Yes, without air consumption Yes Up to 90,000bph Up to 84,000bph 1,000-72,000bph Yes Yes Newamstar Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. Enoberg s.r.l. Sacmi Beverage S.p.A East Xinjing Road, Zhangjiagang Economic & Technological Development Zone, Jiangsu 215618, P.R. China +86 512 5869 1111 [email protected] Via del Lavoro, 14, 24060 Telgate BG, Italy +39 035 845908 Mr Fabio Bonaldi Sales Manager +39 0345 40545 / Mobile +39 347 5448971 [email protected] Via Enzo Ferrari, 1, 43058 Sorbolo Mezzani PR, Italy +39 0521695411 Ms Federica Marozza Marketing & Communication Innofi ll PET NV XGF Rinser, fi ller and capper machine in stand alone confi guration Equafi ll ESF Equafi ll AWF 32/144 12-130 9-114 for standard bottle (up to 3 l), 9-20 for high capacity bottle (up to 10 l) 12-192 12-120 0.1/3.0 0.25-20 0.25-10 0.1-3.1 0.05-11 Up to 90,000 1,200-81,000 1,000-55,000 Up to 82,000 Up to 48,000 Up to 44,000 Up to 72,000 Up to 72,000 Up to 36,000 Up to 28,600 Up to 65,000 Up to 36,000 Up to 33,500 Up to 60,000 Up to 36,000 Up to 34,400 Up to 65,000 Up to 60,000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Water valve, hot fi lling valve, isobaric valve, electronic valve; Flometer, weight, liquid level inspection Electronic volumetric fi lling valves by means of Flowmeters, Level fi lling: counter-pressure fi lllers and gravity fi llers Volumetric electronic fi lling by magnetic fl owmeter (or massic) Contact-free fi lling Intelligent Factory Management Platform Compact modular frame, with a wide choice of customisation options; operating and maintenance costs cut; easy and quick format changeover; high hygiene, easy maintenance and cleaning; precise and fast fi lling and capping processes, thanks to electronically controlled operations and to the use of high-effi ciency valves controlled by fl ow meters; the machine base plate is inclined towards the drainage points. This allows the drainage of liquids that are on the machine base and a higher level of hygiene. Intergrated mixer, automatic dummy bottles, easy changeover by grippers neck handling, clean room, automatic external cleaning No contact bottle fi lling, easy solution with 1 fl owmeter (water), integrated cip, automatic dummy bottles, easy changeover by grippers neck handling, cleanroom, automatic external cleaning