Insider 10 / 2024

EVENT PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 36 product development caps & closures design high cavitation moulds multi-component moulds closure production systems after sales service +43 5572 7272-0 | [email protected] | z NEXT SHOW GULFOOD Manufacturing Dubai, Nov. 5-7th Sheik Saeed Hall 2 / S2-A10 INSPIRING PARTNER On average, they have one to two per cent foreign bottles in the crates, but depending on the source, this can rise to up to ten per cent. Once again, Gugel turned to BBull. Boris Rurenko, who is responsible for developing the AI deep learning at BBull, explains, “The Petcycle bottles were trickier than glass because from above, they look very similar with their eight or ten corners, or even nearly round.” Rurenko adds, “We took thousands of photos of the bottles from every conceivable angle and fed them into the system. The more data we input, including close-ups, the more the system learned to differentiate between the various bottles.” It was a long process, but recently BBull specialists have reached a point where the system can distinguish between the different PET bottles and glass bottles with multiple embossings from above. For the two PET lines, the “TetaLine LG DL” is equipped with a second sensitive camera and a high-resolution 22-inch monitor. The system is claimed to achieve a detection accuracy of 99.8%, aided by special LED and UV lighting from all sides. “What isn’t Petcycle is ejected. The other good crates go to the unpacker - of course without foreign objects or glass bottles,” says Rurenko. New bottle types can also be quickly trained into the system. Technically, the BBull system could inspect two crates per second, and Romina’s operational speed will be around 4,000 crates per hour. A major issue is the tethered closures. The new “Teta-Line LG DL” system with AI technology detects these bottles as well, significantly reducing the number of rejected crates. It is now also used for Romina’s PET containers.