Insider 10 / 2024

PETnews 6 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 25 No. 10/24 All4Pack Emballage Paris 2024 All4Pack Emballage Paris 2024, taking place from November 4-7 at the Parc des Expositions at Paris-Nord Villepinte, will be the showcase for all solutions in the packaging and logistics sector. The show is a platform for business, innovation and exchange for packaging, printing, process, and logistics and expects around 40,000 professionals from 80 countries, mainly from the EMEA zone, as well as over 1,000 exhibitors. Through its events and conferences, the show will explore the challenges of the sector, both in terms of regulations and the prospects of an industry. Alongside French and international speakers, high-level experts and entrepreneurs, the event provides an opportunity for visitors to share their issues with peers, to think together, and to find solutions for the future. Dedicated to highlighting innovations from around the world that are capable of making a lasting difference to the packaging and intralogistics industry, the All4Pack Innovations Area is back again in 2024. As usual, this area will provide visitors with the opportunity to discover a multitude of projects from the All4Pack Innovations Awards, as well as products and winning companies from numerous competitions organised by their partners. The All4Pack Circularity Area offers visitors to the fair the opportunity to meet companies and start-ups that are working to reduce packaging and resource consumption in their manufacturing processes; improve recyclability and facilitate the use of recycled materials; and reuse existing packaging, particularly through bulk dispensers, deposit systems, etc. In addition, visitors will be able to participate in numerous workshops, exhibitions and start-up pitches organised in the Agora at the heart of this new zone. A conference program addresses topics such as plastic packaging trends, weight reduction and recycling or e-commerce. +1.724.482.2163 • Accurate. Fast. Intuitive. • Powerful, Simple Job Creation and Editing • 3UH 'HȴQHG &RQWDLQHU 0HDVXUHPHQW 5RXWLQHV • AutoJob® ȃ $XWRPDWHG )HDWXUH 5HFRJQLWLRQ and Job Setup in Seconds 3DUWQHU ZLWK $JU WR DFKLHYH VLPSOLȴHG GLPHQVLRQDO PHDVXUHPHQW IRU \RXU SODVWLF FRQWDLQHUV DQG SUHIRUPV ® Plastipak: Leadership transition announcement Plastipak Packaging, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Plastipak Holdings, Inc., has announced that its founder President and CEO William C. Young will transition out of his role and welcome the next generation of leadership, Edward V. Morgan. Mr Young has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and President and CEO of Plastipak since its inception in 1967. He will continue to serve as Chairman of the Board following his transition. The Young family will retain ownership of Plastipak, and the organisation will remain a privately held family business. Mr Young founded Plastipak alongside his parents, Mary and William P. Young, in Jackson Center, Ohio, USA. Following Mr Young’s transition, Edward V. Morgan, Mr Young’s son-in-law, will assume the role of President and CEO of Plastipak. Mr Morgan holds more than 25 packaging-related patents and has been with Plastipak for over 20 years, serving in a variety of management and executive roles, including Senior Vice President of Operations, Extrusion Development, Global Manufacturing Processes, and Intellectual Property. He has also served as Director of Transportation for Whiteline Express, LTD., and most recently as an Executive Advisor at Plastipak. Prior to joining Plastipak, Mr Morgan worked at Deloitte Consulting and Ford Motor Company. He has an MBA from the University of Michigan and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Ohio State University.