Insider 09 / 2016

BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS 36 PET planet insider Vol. 17 No. 09/16 WFSI concepts are stimulating the beverage sector A trendy contemporary blend of fruits and vegetables Many consumers want unique and premium quality prod- ucts which complement their modern lifestyle and mindful approach to eating. They prefer foods and beverages that are rich in fruit, delicious, and offer variety. Wild Flavors & Specialty Ingredients (WFSI), a business unit of Archer Dan- iels Midland (ADM), has developed new attention-generating concepts for still drinks and juices. They feature different juice contents and distinctive blends of fruits and vegetables, cus- tomised to specific target groups and consumption situations. Many people are paying more and more attention to what they eat and what enhances their well-being. They spend more time reading about both positive and negative product charac- teristics, and their goal is a conscien- tious and healthy diet. On the one hand, they want foods that are delicious and feel familiar, and on the other hand, they are increasingly open to new taste experiences beyond the tried and true classics. Great Britain, Germany, and Poland are leading the way. In addition to bever- ages with carrot, which has been popu- lar for years, more and more modern kinds of vegetables have established them and given fruit juices new flavour profiles: examples include beet, cucum- ber and pumpkin. In a sense, they are the next generation of multivitamin ACE drinks. In these days of street-food festivals, homemade smoothies, to-go products in the supermarket, and craft beverages, it has never been as trendy and popular to consume vegetables in other forms. This is an excellent oppor- tunity for juices with an extra touch of vegetable. WFSI has been focusing on fruit- and-vegetable combinations for many years now: this ADM business unit developed the first multivitamin ACE drink nearly 20 years ago, has been inti- mately familiar with the juice segment Vegetables are growing in popularity – both at home and on the go According to the Mintel market- research institute, over the past five years new product launches with fruits and vegetables have nearly quintupled in the European juice sector. Whereas there were 62 new products in 2011, in 2015 the number had grown to 296 fruit and vegetable blends on the shelves.