"EDITOUR REPORTS 12 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net A logistics centre Uruguay regards itself as the logistics centre for the area and new legislation is being introduced to underpin efforts to press ahead with building up the appropriate infrastructure. Key priorities are harbours, airports and transport routes. The capital city of Montevideo is also the headquarters of the South American trade organisation Mercosur, and under its umbrella, Uruguay is actively campaigning for the extension of the trading relationships with its South American partners. Economy is driving forward The Uruguayan economy is closely linked to, and affected by, what is happening in the rest of Latin America. Uruguay endured weak economic conditions from the 60s onwards, and when the Argentinian economy collapsed in 2002, the effect on Uruguay was severe. However, since the start of the new millennium, the Uruguayan economy has recorded remarkable growth (2010: 8.5%; 2011: 5.5%, 2012: 3.8%, forecast for 2013: 4.0%). Poverty levels have been reduced dramatically, from 30% in 2006, to 10% by 2012. Unemployment in the country stands at 5.5%, the lowest level ever recorded, and there is a burgeoning middle class. These encouraging economic trends are attracting foreign investors, particularly from China, but also from other countries.In 2012, Brazil was Uruguay’s biggest export market accounting for 18.5%, followed closely by China with 17.9%. In that same year, 16.1% of Uruguay’s imports came from China. It is not all good news. The national currency, the peso, has strengthened, making Uruguayan exports more expensive, and domestically, the 8.1% inflation rate is causing problems. Both issues will need to be addressed sooner rather than later. The PETplanet insider team had first hand experience of Uruguay as a logistics centre when we took the decision to ship the Editourmobil to Montevideo to launch our Latin American tour. Our discussions with Cristalpet also emphasised the effects this government decision was having on companies in the 76,000t strong Uruguayan PET industry. The focus on establishing the country as a logistics centre is likely to support and benefit the PET industry. (Sources: Wikipedia, German Federal Foreign Office, 2013 Index of Economic Freedom) The soft drinks market This brief review gives an idea of what is currently happening in the Uruguayan soft drinks market. According to Canadean Limited, approx. 76.5% of the volume of soft drinks in Uruguay was packaged in PET products in 2012. This is in contrast to the beer market in the country, which currently stands at approximately 12% of the size of the soft drink market, although it has been growing consistently during the past five years. Obviously the PET industry in Uruguay and the development of the logistics centre policy is heavily dependent on what is happening elsewhere, especially in Brazil and Argentina. It therefore makes sense for us to compare the market trends in Uruguay with trends in the Latin American market generally. In 2007, 400 million l of soft drinks were sold in Uruguay, namely bottled water, carbonated drinks, concentrates, fruit/ vegetable juices and sports and energy drinks. By 2012 this figure had increased by 22.5% to 490 million litres. Although the growth of the Uruguayan soft drinks market between 2007 and 2012 was 2.5% higher than in the rest of Latin America, Uruguayans actually consumed 10 litres fewer (at 150 litres per head) in 2012 than the average for Latin America. With a difference of almost 10% from the average in Latin America, relatively large numbers of carbonates are sold in Uruguay, representing 60% of sales volume. By contrast, the market for bottled water and juices is somewhat smaller than the average. Carbonates Bottled Water Fruit/Vegetable Juice Drinks 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Uruguay Latin America Volume share of soft drinks in percent Diagram 1: Sales volume in relation to the most important beverages among the soft drinks in Uruguay and Latin America 2012 It is becoming clear that, since 2007, the market for carbonates,with an annual decrease in its rate of growth (less than 1% from 2011 to 2012), has been approaching a saturation volume of approximately 300m litres. In Latin America generally, growth rates are only slightly higher. However, in the past few years these have been growing every year. There is no saturation effect similar to that in Uruguay to be observed on the Latin American market. Over the past five years the annual rate of growth of bottled water in Uruguay has stayed relatively constant at 1.5%; from 2007 to 2012 the market grew by 11.8m litres to 172m litres. This is in contrast to the remainder of Latin America. Here the annual rate of growth of bottled water has been in excess of 5% continuously since 2009. 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Carbonates Bottled Water Trading volume in millions of litres 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Diagram 2: Trend in sales volumes for the two most important types of carbonates and bottled water.","@ID":14}, "BOTTLES 41 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Ketchup with stevia Unilever has extended its tomato ketchup range by a further variant that uses stevia as a replacement for sugar. This means 50% less sugar but still the same taste. The product is packed in quantities of 495 ml at a time in a squeezy headstand bottle made from PET. The waisted bottle features recesses to give an improved grip and squeeze facility for the bottle. Product output is via a screw-on cap with a silicone valve. Before initial removal, the lid has to be unscrewed and a sealing membrane removed. The label on the back is of the folding type so as to provide the consumer with additional information. www.knorr.de Ice tea with stevia Swiss Biodrinks GmbH are marketing their low-calorie product “nIce Tea“, which is made solely from natural ingredients and sweetened with Stevia, in a PET bottle with a content of 500ml. The slim, waisted bottle features horizontal grooving across its entire height which both improves stability and, remains readily visible despite the sleeve label used. The container is sealed by means of a tamper-evident screw closure. www.biodrinks.ch Volvic fresh & juicy Volvic is marketing, under the name of “Fresh & Juicy“, a natural mineral water with a fruit juice supplement in a PET bottle with a content of 500ml. The bottle, featuring all round grooving, is decorated with a sleeve label and sealed with a green screw cap complete with a tamper-evident guarantee. Unlike the other Volvic beverages (mineral water + flavouring) the products are not transparent, but are “tinted“ to correspond with the respective taste. www.volvic.de “Rosy Cheeks“ to take away Haus Rabenhorst are marketing, under their “Rosy Cheeks“ (Rotbäckchen) logo, 330ml of bio-spritzer made from fresh juice and (of course) mineral water in a no-deposit PET bottle with grooves and stamped with their brand name logo. The handy bottle is ideal to take away in your rucksack, pocket or bag. It is decorated with a wrap around paper label and sealed with a red screw cap. www.rotbaeckchen.de","@ID":43}, "CAPPING / CLOSURES 35 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Exhibit at K 2013 F 350 - hybrid, advanced performance (APh70), 350t, 64 cavities Standard beverage closure for CSD, 2.3g, cycle time 3.7s mould: Corvaglia hot runner: Mold-Masters quality control: IMD Vista USP in their own words The Ferromatik Milacron injection moulding machines for caps & closures are part of the Ferromatik tool box that has been developed drawing on a long and successful history. Design details have been tested and perfected. Consistent melt quality, a range of endless screws, an injection moulding unit with swivel function, energy-saving servo electric worm drive for clamping, power assisted and optimised acceleration 5-point toggle lever: the systems are reputable and reliable. Enhanced power ejection, hydraulic in the case of the F350, electric on the F160, for removal of the parts from the mould cores even after a long period of production standstill; precision movements of the mould with sensitive, positive form fit; rigid and robust structures – as regards closing unit incorporating plates and 5-point double toggle lever and central clamping force in-feed – so as to protect the mould against wear despite very high speeds and accelerations; the latest innovation from Ferromatik Milacron and Mold-Masters, co-injection of caps & closures on a Ferromatik Milacon F160, was presented for viewing on the MoldMasters stand. To follow: Arburg BMB Engel Foboha Fostag Husky MHS Mold-Masters Plastisud Schöttli (...and additional companies approached that we did not manage to contact at K: Cantoni, CCT, Demark, TMT, z-moulds)","@ID":37}, "MATERIAL / RECYCLING 16 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net PET Day 2013 – Artimino (FI), Italy, October 2 - 3, 2013 PET seizes the day On October 2 - 3, the Artimino Villa in the heart of Tuscany was once again the venue of 130 experts from the PET-based packaging and beverage industry, an international gathering from four continents and 21 countries. They were invited by the GSI Global Service International. This year the PET Day coincided with the 20th anniversary of the establishment of GSI. The presentations dealt with the traditional topics of the Polyester raw materials global view, including an update on antidumping, and some specific matters of great interest for the PET Industry. The afternoon session of the first day focused on topics of specific interest for the beverage and packaging industries, and closed with a round table on the impact of shale oil and gas on the PET and Petrochemical Industry. We present the traditional topics of the main presentations. One further topic at the PET day which will not be specifically covered in this article was the impact of shale oil and gas on PET and Petrochemical Industry. The subject was subsequently incorporated by means of a presentation and a round table discussion. Global polyester feedstock review Darrel Collier of US Tecnon Orbichem, Polyester Fibres explained that world growth projection continues to exceed global GDP, as polyester is gaining share from other fibres. Polyester filament is expected to grow faster than staple (7.0%/a in 2013-2016 against 4.1% for staple). Total polyester fibres production in 2013 will be nearly 44 Million t (51% of all fibres production). China produces 78% of worldwide polyester filament and 68% of world polyester staple. Consumption of RPET in fibre production (13% of total) is growing faster than in PET packaging resins (6% of total). PET packaging resins: World growth projection is slowing to 1-2% above the global GDP (4.1% AAGR 2013 - 2016) due to global markets maturity and lightweighting. Planned capacity growth will nearly double consumption growth by 2016. Producers’ structural consolidation and rationalisation continues in the developed world and a similar trend is expected to emerge in China in the coming years. RPET and bio-feedstocks will continue to grow but will compete with fibres application. PX: World capacity projections show an increase from 39 to 59 million t/a in 2016 (mainly in China, Rest of Asia, and Middle East). Looking at the new plants under construction, 8 million t of new capacity are due on stream in 2015. This capacity addition should be sufficient to match global polyester growth rates but does not match planned new PTA capacity growth. PX margins should remain strong in 2013 - 2014. China PX imports are likely to increase in volume terms due to the rapid expansion of PTA capacities in that country. PTA: World capacity projections show that PTA will reach about 95 million t/a by 2016 from about 38 million in 2006. China alone will grow to 49 million t in 2016. The new plants projected to go on stream in 2014 amount to a total capacity of more than 10 million t/a, of which about 6 million t in China. In 2012, 11.6 million t/a of new capacity (of which 10.7 in China) were started up. In 2013, 8 million t/a (of which 7 million in China) have started or are due to start production. This capacity expansion, faster than demand, is bringing about a fall of utilisation rates and the erosion of margins. Almost all new Chinese PTA capacities are or will be integrated with PET plants. So China’s need for imported PTA is shrinking. There are rumours of Asian PTA Industry rationalisation as there are no substitute countries that need the PTA volumes previously imported by China. The Chinese PTA futures continue to impact on spot prices creating volatility in the market. MEG: World capacities projection show that MEG will reach 32 million t/a in 2016. In 2013 – 2014 new capacities will be mainly built in China and India but the Middle East remains the key production region. There are at least 2.3million t/a of new US capacities likely to be brought on stream in 2015 – 2016 and 2017 (based on shale gas derived ethylene) but they have not been included in the projection because no official announcement has so far been made. The presentations at the PET Day in Artimino Villa, Tuscany, Italy, dealt with the tradional topics and global trends of the polyester raw material.","@ID":18}, "MARKET SURVEY 27 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Sacmi z-moulds/z-werkzeugbau-gmbh ina Via Selice Prov.LE 17/A 40026 Imola (Bologna), Italy +39 0542 607 111 +39 0542 642 354 Iacopo Bianconcini Area Sales Manager & Marketing Manager +39 0542 607 111 +39 0542 642 354 iacopo.bianconcini@sacmi.it Hoechster Strasse 8 6850 Dornbirn, Austria +43 5572 7272 720 www.z-moulds.com Michael Fink Sales & Marketing +43 5572 7272 720 +43 5572 7272 8620 office@z-moulds.com Juices, RTD teas, isotonic drinks Carbonated soft drinks; PCO1881 Still beverages; PCO1881 Still water Still water Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, water, juice, beer 38 mm 33 mm Edible oil, dairy Personal care and home care packaging A38HF A38 A38CAF AB33HF AB1881CSD8 PCO1881 A1881CAF AB29W AB26W 1881 CSD 1810 CSD 1810 aseptic 38mm aseptic single piece double piece single piece single piece single piece double piece single piece single piece single piece All standard closure dimensions for all neck finishes, sports closures, flip-tops, push-pulls, … HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE PP HDPE HDPE HDPE PP HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE, LDPE, PP, TPE,… 2.35g 2.5g, 2.6g 2.5g 3.5g 3.6 g 3.2 g 2.8 g 2.5 g 2.1 g 2.45 g 1.65 g 1.3 g 1.0 g lowest at 0,9g 16 to 64 16 to 64 16 to 64 12 to 80 12 to 80 12 to 80 12 to 80 12 to 80 12 to 80 up to 144 cavities single face, also high-cavity stack moulds Arburg GmbH + Co KG Sacmi Arthur-Hehl-Strasse 72290 Lossburg, Germany +49 7446 33-0 www.arburg.com Andreas Reich Sales Manager Packaging +49 7446 33-3240 +49 7446 33-3185 andreas_reich@arburg.com Via Selice Prov.LE 17/A 40026 Imola (Bologna), Italy +39 0542 607 111 +39 0542 642 354 Iacopo Bianconcini Area Sales Manager & Marketing Manager +39 0542 607 111 +39 0542 642 354 iacopo.bianconcini@sacmi.it Evos 4500-2900 Allrounder Hidrive Packaging CCM32, CCM64 CCM24, CCM32, CCM48, CCM64, CCM80 Injection moulding Injection moulding Compression moulding 450t 130 - 460t 3,6s 4s (+/- 0,5 s) 4,5s (+/- 0,5s) 3s (+/- 0,5s) 3s (+/- 0,5s) 4,5s (+/- 0,5s) 2.7s 3.2s 2.5s 2.4s 2.1s 3.1s 1.9s 1.44s 1.44s still water 30/25; 2.0g; 96 cav.: 96,000pcs/h PCO 1881, 2.35 g PCO 1810, 2.65g 29/25, 1.2g 26mm, 1.0 g 38 mm, 2.9g A38HF A38 A38CAF AB33HF AB1881CSD PC1881 A1881CAF AB29W AB26W Hydraulic with electric metering Hybrid, servo-electric axes for clamp, ejection and dosing, hydraulic accumulator for injection 0,74 0,4 0,42 0,44 0,45 0,48 0,45 0,54 0,62 0,75 z-moulds, CCT, depending on customer's demand Sacmi Hybrid machine with 3 servo-electric axes; Electric ejector with booster function for demolding of tapped parts; synchroneous ejection; position regulated screw moulds cool+ (improved cooling), volumetric pump for energy saving","@ID":29}, "25 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Caps and closures Bottle-to-bottle recycling plants Preform and single stage machinery Preforms Preform / Stretch blow moulds Two-stage SBM machinery Filling equipment Resins / Additives Compressors Closure systems Suppliers of systems and moulds for the production of caps and closures for PET bottles For the first time this year we interviewed the market participants in the systems for the production of closures sector. These include both the machine manufacturers and the mould suppliers. For the machine manufacturers, we received feedback from the following companies (in alphbabetical order): Arburg, Engel, Husky, Netstal, Sacmi. BMB, Ferromatik Milacron and Sumitomo Demag did not take part. However, you can find out more about Ferromatik and Sumitomo in our report on page 30. BMB will be talking to us in Issue 1+2/14. The mould manufacturers proved to be more reticent in terms of their feedback. We did however receive information relating to the survey from Corvaglia, GDXL, Husky, Sacmi and z-moulds. Significant players in the market such as Cantoni, CCT, Foboha, Fostag, Plastisud and Schöttli did not feature. You will be able to read about some of them in our report in issue 1+2/14. The suppliers are listed in the order in which their details were received by the editors. Although the publishers have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accuracy. 12/2013 MARKETsurvey","@ID":27}, "BOTTLE MAKING 23 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net opened up a much wider processing window than might have been possible with other equipment”. Sipa’s Tanigaki pointed out that the layout of the complete line is simple, thanks to the high output of the SFL 2/2. He claimed that one unit can fulfil the input requirement of the filling equipment, so there is no need to have a system that merges the output from two slower machines. Cosmo Water and Water Direct are both producing light, thin-walled, square-shaped bottles and an essential feature is good process control to prevent crystallisation occurring at the corners. These would show up as white areas, clearly undesirable on what are transparent bottles. www.sipa.it ","@ID":25}, "imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Häusserstr. 36 69115 Heidelberg, Germany phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 info@hbmedia.net EDITORIAL Doris Fischer: fischer@hbmedia.net Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Waldemar Schmitke Ilona Trotter Wolfgang von Schroeter Anthony Withers MEDIA CONSULTANTS Martina Hirschmann hirschmann@hbmedia.net Roland Loch loch@hbmedia.net phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 France, Italy, Spain, UK Elisabeth Maria Köpke phone: +49 6201-878925 fax: +49 6201-878926 koepke@hbmedia.net LAYOUT AND PREPRESS Exprim Kommunikationsdesign Matthias Gaumann | www.exprim.de READER SERVICES Heike Fischer reader@hbmedia.net PRINT Chroma Druck & Verlag GmbH Werkstr. 25 67454 Römerberg Germany WWW www.hbmedia.net | petpla.net PETplanet insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trade marks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net dear readers, PET at €10,000/t The headline brings back memories of the oil crises of 1973, 1979 and 1990 when the oil price rocketed. Today we can look back at those prices and permit ourselves a smile. Since then, we have had to get used to a considerably higher oil price and the world is still turning. Will PET prices ever experience such a shock to the system? It seems a ridiculous question at first sight. The thought was prompted by a visitor to our exhibition stand at drinktec/PETpoint. Aluminium, for example, has a price, say, €20,000/t. Let’s take the example of Germany, with a net average German income in 2013 of around €1,500/month. What would happen if PET prices went through the roof, as oil did? Impossible, do I hear you say? People would still be drinking water from the tap, and non-returnable bottles of beer would be so expensive no-one would be able to afford them. Nothing of the sort is going to happen, because it’s already happening. In Germany the consumer is paying €10,000/t of PET and €20,000/t of aluminium. How so, you may ask? The reason is the return deposit system in Germany. The consumer pays €0.25 per bottle or can. Assuming a weight of 25g per bottle, that amounts to 40,000 bottles for every tonne. Multiply that figure by €0.25 and we arrive at the mind-boggling amount of €10,000/t. Aluminium cans being half the weight means that a tonne will cost €20,000. Compulsory deposits have been the norm in Germany since 2003 i.e. for more than 10 years now. Despite all the gloomy predictions, it has not been the signal for the PET bottle to disappear down the drain. On the contrary, it has succeeded in gaining market share compared to glass and cans. Why have I waited ten years before mentioning this? Because people have a tendency to adopt a blinkered approach when it comes to developments within their sector. We Germans have come to accept the return deposit and do not think any more about it. This brings me back to our Bolivian visitor at drinktec, Ivo Kuljies, Proprietor of Empacar Santa Cruz. When he asked how much a tonne of deposit bottles would cost, I thought I had misheard. I started to explain to him the difference between no-deposit packaging and the sort that attracted a deposit of €0.25/unit… “No“ he interrupted, “what does a tonne cost?“ It was only then that I started to do my sums. It comes out at around € 10,000/t. Sometimes you need a stimulus from the outside to make you see better on the inside. I wish you many such stimuli in this issue. Yours Alexander Büchler","@ID":5}, "CAPPING / CLOSURES 36 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Everything from a single source At the GDXL stand at Drinktec in Munich, Germany, we met Director Deputy General Manager Xiaoping Jiang and Irene Liang, Assistant to the Sales Director. As we walked on to the stand we noticed the centrally sited preform mould with 144 cavities. “Where,” we enquired, “are the GDXL 144cavity preform moulds currently in operation?” Mr Xiaoping Jiang explained that they could be found on Canadian preform machines in Australia and China. by Waldemar Schmitke GDXL is part of a privately run group employing 450 people in Foshan, in Guangdong Province, China. In its capacity as a mould maker, the company has specialised in the development of PET bottles, preform and plastic closure caps. It also has an important second string to its bow in helping to implement development projects in the market place. It does this via its manufacturing activities as regards moulds for injection moulding machinery for preforms, injection moulding and compression moulds for closure and blow moulding moulds for single stage and two-stage stretch blow moulding machines. Xiaoping Jiang gave us a brief profile of the company. “It all started in 1993 with the manufacture of two to six cavity preform moulds. Today the company’s portfolio of preform moulds extends from 32 to 144 cavities and we have a delivery share of more than 50% in the 72/96-cavity sector.” He went on: “Over the years we have added moulds for the plastic closure caps with 12 to 72 cavities as well as blow moulds. Our aim was to be in a position to offer a total solution for the final product. In fact,” he concluded, “we pride ourselves on offering “everything from a single source”. Today the company has more than 500 customers worldwide, the majority of whom are beverage brands and processors who are serviced directly by the company. 35% of production is currently exported, 60% preform moulds, 30% blow moulds and 10% cap moulds. The main markets are Asia and Europe, with something in excess of 50%, the Far East, followed by South Africa and Australia. Domestic business (which makes up 65%) is split into preform moulds (35%), blow moulds (40%) and cap moulds (25%). In a nutshell, the proportion of preform moulds supplied to overseas market is almost the same as the quantity supplied to the domestic market. According to Xiaoping Jiang, production capacities are as follows: for preform moulds: 10,000 cavities per year for blow moulds: 15,000 blow moulds per year for cap moulds: 3,000 cavities per year. Jiang also emphasised the important role of the company’s R&D activity in relation to corporate strategy. There are no fewer than 85 engineers working in R&D handling up to 3,000 development projects per year. 35% preforms and bottles 40% plastic closures 25% seminars and customer training sessions “The principal focus of these activities is light-weighting and quality improvement”, Jiang explained. “We have a comprehensively equipped laboratory with a certificate from Coca Cola Atlanta. Attached to the laboratory is a test centre for the manufacture of preforms, bottles and plastic closures within a laboratory operation environment. We also carry out tests on the various properties of the PET bottles”. Preform moulds The preform mould portfolio consists of 32/48/56/72/96/144 cavities with and without hot runners. All interfaces for adapting the preform moulds to existing preform lines are operated by GDXL, and this involves the adaptation of the spaces between the mould cavities and the supply of the preform take out plates. Adaptations are possible to suit all European and Canadian preform systems up to 144 cavities. Interestingly, with few exceptions (up to 128 cavities), preform machines made in China only go up to 72 cavities. Depending on the machine, cycle times here are 10% higher. Closure / cap moulds The range of injection moulding tools that can be supplied extends from 12 to 72 cavities including proprietary hot runners. Compression moulds are offered with up to 64 cavities. Blow moulds The range includes blow moulds for rotation, linear and single stage stretch blow moulding machines. Strengthening the service and sales structure in Europe is the next stage in the company’s overall marketing strategy. Concluding our discussions, Jiang said that plans are also in hand to set up the company’s own branch in Europe. www.gdxl.com Mr Xiaoping Jiang (right) and Waldemar Schmitke in front of the 144-cavity preform mould at Drinktec in Munich","@ID":38}, "BOTTLE MAKING 29 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net preform moulding gate and the bottom surface of the bottle is measured. This value must not be zero or a negative figure because otherwise the bottle would rock. All measurements are first taken on empty bottles and then, in a next step, on bottles filled with the intended contents or with carbonated water. These values are first determined immediately after filling at ambient temperature. The bottle is then stored for 24h at ambient temperature, and the measurements are repeated. Depending on the specification, this may be followed by a further thermal test measurement taken after the bottle has been stored for 24h at 38°C in an environmental chamber. In special cases, e.g., for certain countries, other storage times at different temperatures may be required. Hot-fill bottles are measured after the hot filling and again after they have been emptied and cooled down. For the determination of wall thickness distribution, non-destructive measurement techniques are increasingly replacing the simple micrometer test instrument for cut bottles. In measurements with the MagnaMike, for example, a small steel ball is placed in the bottle. Then a sensor is attached that will determine the wall thickness with an accuracy of 1μm on the basis of the magnetic field, which will vary as a function of the distance. This measurement system utilises the physical concept of the Hall Effect. Another very accurate method uses infrared absorption. Here, infrared radiation is directed through the wall of the bottle and is analysed in various wavelength ranges in which the absorption rate of PET is well defined and independent of the type of PET used in the actual case. The wall thickness is determined at fixed locations across the circumference and the height of the bottle, as well as at prominent locations in the feet, at the shoulder, at the recessed handle, etc. Capacity As a consequence of shrinkage, the dimensions and thus also the capacity of the bottles will decrease after blowing, compared with the cavity dimensions. For bottles that are filled in line, i.e., that are conveyed from the blow moulding machine directly to the filling line by means of, for instance, air conveyors, the capacPlease order your copy at the PETplanet insider book shop: https://petpla.net/books Bottles, Preforms and Closures A Design Guide for PET Packaging Second Edition by Ottmar Brandau € 115,00 180 pages © Copyright Elsevier 2012 ity is determined on freshly blown bottles. If the bottles are first packed and then delivered to the line at the bottlers, the capacity is only measured after a dwell time of, say, 7h. Usually two capacity measurements are taken: level-mark capacity (as indicated in the bottle drawing) and brim-full capacity. For the measurement itself, the bottle is filled with degassed water at a known temperature and then weighed. The volume is then determined using a density table or is calculated from the weight. Top load For all bottles, the top load is also measured. For this purpose, an empty sample bottle is compressed by a plunger, usually at a set deformation speed and path. Because the force required to compress the bottle will reduce after the bottle has started to fail (as a result of collapsing, buckling, or denting), a load cell can be used to measure the maximum force applied in this test. Normally, the measurement is performed on empty bottles. Especially for noncarbonated contents or to determine the load of the bottles when several pallets are stored on top of one another, a measurement with filled bottles may be useful as well. For special applications such as vending machine bottles, a similar instrument is used to measure the lateral side load or panel load. Comparable tests are carried out to determine the handling stability of, for example, large lightweight bottles. Burst pressure (or internal pressure) tests The burst pressure test is particularly important for carbonated drinks. As has already been mentioned, such bottles are prestressed at 4–6bar in the filler to prevent release of the carbon dioxide during the filling process. For the burst test, a bottle filled with still water is pressurised relatively rapidly until an internal pressure of 7bar has been attained and the pressure is maintained for 12s. (These specifications may vary with beverage fillers.) The pressure is then increased until the bottle bursts. The test log not only records the pressure at which the bottle bursts but also records where it bursts because it is important that the bottle fails at the sidewall and not at the base. For hot-fill bottles, the reverse situation must be tested, i.e., the resistance of the bottles to vacuum during cooling. For this purpose, sample bottles are evacuated with, for instance, a manual vacuum pump until they deform beyond a given measure, collapse, buckle, or dent in an undefined manner. At this point, the extracted volume and vacuum are recorded. * This article was published in Bottles, Preforms and Closures, Ottmar Brandau, Chapter to, Copyright Elsevier 2012","@ID":31}, "MATERIAL / RECYCLING 17 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Doubts exist about the viability of many of the projected MEG capacities in China based on coal. Also the actual viability of the 0.5million t/a plant in Assaluyeh, Iran, remains questionable. In comparison with PTA, MEG has much less pressure from overcapacity and its margin should remain good in 2013 - 2014. However, if the coal-based Chinese plants and the Iranian project do not perform, then the supply in 2014 - 2015 will become tight and margins should rise further. Bio-PET: Some brandowners are promoting bioPET (produced from biofeedstocks) mainly for image reasons. At present, the most applied technology is the production of bio-MEG from sugar cane but there is also a technology using agricultural wastes. Technologies to produce bio-PX are being studied. Companies promoting bioPET are Coca – Cola, Pepsi, and Heinz for bottles, and Toyota and Teijin for polyester fabrics used in electric cars. Trade defence instruments (anti-dumping/ anti-subsidy), GSP reform, and FTAs Philippe De Baere described the evolution of all these tariff instruments affecting PET imports into the E.U. TDI (Trade Defence Instruments): Anti-dumping measures against Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand expired on May 24, 2013 On May 24, 2013, antisubsidy measures against India were maintained until May 24, 2018 Anti-dumping measures against China are to expire on November 18, 2015. Anti-subsidy measures against Iran, UAE, and Pakistan are to expire on September 30, 2015, but the PROVEN COST SAVINGS PERFORMANCE moldmasters.com Mold-Mastersand theMold-Masters logo are trademarksofMold-Masters (2007) Limited. © 2013Mold-Masters (2007) Limited.All rights reserved. Rely on our global support network for fast service and parts. North America 1-800-387-2483 | Europe 49 (0) 7221 5099-0 Asia 86 512 86162882 ALWAYS INNOVATING. + More efficient use of platen real estate increases the cavitation for a given machine size: s 72 vs. 48 Cavity with a 38mm finish in a 300T s 96 vs. 72 Cavity with a 28mm finish in a 300T s 128vs. 96 Cavity with a 28mm finish in a 400T + Proprietary iFLOW and iCOOL technology reduces cycle times while improving balance, lowering injection pressure and increasing dimensional repeatability + Tooling solutions to revitalize, recapitalize and rev up existing systems Get 50% more output from the same machine 96-CAVITY MICRO PITCH MOLD FOR 300T MACHINES Contact us today at: mpeteurope@moldmasters.com level of duty on exports from Pakistan currently under review. GPS ( Generalised Scheme of Preferences): Reform (January 1, 2014): Among the main PET exporting countries, the reform will benefit with 0% duty as of the beginning of 2014, India, Vietnam, Indonesia and Ukraine, and will have a negative impact on Russia and Malaysia (6.5% duty in 2014), Thailand (loss of GSP benefits expected as of January 1, 2015), and GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) countries (6.5% duty in 2014). FTA or Custom Union: Benefits to Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, Mexico (0% duty as of the beginning of 2014), and South Korea (0% duty as of July 1, 2014) Incentive for acceleration of FTA negotiations: Benefits to GCC Countries, Malaysia and Thailand.","@ID":19}, "PETcontents 12/13 4 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 38 Products 40 PET bottles for beverages and liquid food 42 PET bottles in health and beauty care packaging 44 Patents BOTTLE MAKING 22 Water cooler moment Sipa makes a splash in Japanese market with big water bottles 24 Laboratory tests on sample bottles Bottles, preforms and closures - Part 8 TRADESHOW REVIEW 30 Caps and Closures A PETplanet study at K 2013 36 Everything from a single source GDXL at drinktec 2013 EDITOUR REPORT 10 Uruguay “Go with the flow” tour 2013 MATERIAL / RECYCLING 16 PET seizes the day PET Day 2013, Artimino (Fi), Italy PREFORM PRODUCTION 20 Upping the stakes Husky launches HyPET HPP5 for high volume PET preform production MARKET SURVEY 25 Systems and moulds for caps and closure production BUYER’S GUIDE 45 Get listed! Page 10 Page 20 Page 22","@ID":6}, "CAPPING / CLOSURES 30 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net A PETplanet study at K 2013 Caps & closures K 2013, the “No 1 International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber Worldwide”, held at Düsseldorf offered the opportunity to cast an analytical eye over the sector and to report on it. K 2013 has lived up to its reputation as a technology fair. In a three-year cycle the “Plastics and Rubber Industries“ showcase their new products, again and again proving their innovative capability and defining state of the art technology anew. And it has been the same again this year, throughout all the plastics processing industries, including and in particular for the packaging industries with their “caps & closures, packaging and thin-wall technologies“ sectors. We spoke with the companies at K 2013. In this article and the next – as a complement to the “Market Survey” beginning in this issue – we shall take the opportunity to describe the state of the art technology and the developments and try to create some transparency. We owe a thank you to all those who demonstrated their products for us and talked to us about “state-of-the-art“, innovative trends, competitive differentiation and their strategies for the coming years. Caps and closures make up a significant part of drinks packaging and are thus of interest to PETplanet insider. The market for beverages caps and closures is a sophisticated and highly complex market in which the best brains in a very wide range of companies are involved – namely, the developers and designers, the builders of machinery for mould, hot runner and machine, the converters for plastics processing and, last but not least, the bottlers who also manufacture caps and are responsible for closing/sealing the bottles. And all these ‘value-creators‘ are moving forward as one and together – with great intensity and concentration – they ensure maximum performance and productivity of processes – in the manufacture of a part that is small but nevertheless needed on a massive scale, namely the plastic closure on a PET bottle. Caps and closures: the products The products involved are caps & closures made from plastic material, for beverages in PET and beverages alone, such as for water, carbonates, hot fill and ascetic fill – as well as for sport drinks. Most of these closures are made from HDPE material. by Wolfgang von Schroeter","@ID":32}, "EDITOUR REPORTS 15 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 HSR SERIES HIGH SPEED ROTARY STRETCH- BLOW MOULDERS Faster. Smarter. Greener. Thanks to revolutionary technological innovations, Smiform’s new stretch-blow moulders of the HSR series are capable of producing up to 2,500 bottles/hour per cavity, saving up to 30% of energy vs. mainstream systems and cutting the costs of use and maintenance. STRETCH-BLOW MOULDING AND FILLING MACHINES I PACKAGING MACHINES I CONVEYOR SYSTEMS I PALLETISERS www.smigroup.it New HSR blow moulders: the technology that’s going to change the world of PET Touring the plant together I notice, alongside the many Husky HyPET-300 machines, a comparatively small blow moulding machine for bottles. Curious, I ask my interviewee what sort of a role this machine plays in-plant. “On this older machine we manufacture products in smaller batch sizes“. Fernando Moreira takes a washing up liquid bottle from the catch tank. He goes on to explain that, in the future, Cristalpet will need to adjust to manufacturing increasingly more individual products. The Production Manager illustrates further challenges that the preform manufacturer in Uruguay may encounter. Hitherto, government at a national level has only offered support to the industry to a limited extent over the last two periods in office, and there have been no subsidies on energy charges for companies for example. This is the reason why Cristalpet is making an effort to maximise energy efficiency in its production. As far as the company is concerned, this also represents an important aspect when it comes to the purchase of an average of two new machines a year. In this way, or so Fernando Moreira is hoping, Cristalpet will be able to safeguard its position as a market leader. On completion of the tour I ask the Production Manager for a couple of product samples for the PETplanet stand at Drinktec. When I leave the plant in Montevideo ten minutes later I am carrying so many preforms, bottles and caps in my hands that I could really do with an extra one to offer Mr Moreira as I take my leave of him. All these gifts – a token of genuine Uruguayan friendship. I wonder if this is why the PET expert likes it so much here? www.cristalpet.com.uy In order to satisfy the high level of demand, Cristalpet has installed a few additional Husky machines in an extension to the original production facility.","@ID":17}, "BOTTLES 43 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net CCT Creative Competence Technology GmbH Idsteiner Strasse 74 D-65527 Niedernhausen, Germany r.steinmetz@cct-systems.com www.cct-systems.com PET Molds Developments PET Systems Design and Patents Closure Systems CCT-33-SST-01 CPC-33-S 01 CCT-33-SFBT-03 Design and Patents Closure Molds CCT-33-SBT-02 NEW 33er Preform Head and Closure available!! Diamond dream The “Limited Edition“ tagline is an established sales aid designed to attract the consumer and to encourage them to buy. Incorporating this tagline is a creme soap under the dm own label Balea which goes by the name of ”diamond dream“. A stable PET bottle with a lockable pump dispenser and a content of 500ml has been selected as packaging for the pink-coloured product. Two self-adhesive labels complete the pack and draw particular attention to the recyclable bottle with a recyclable proportion of 50%. www.dm.de Foam bath with coconut milk The German company Li-iL of Dresden has recently been marketing a foam bath with coconut milk and Ylang Ylang which is said to have a relaxing and soothing effect. The product, which goes by the name of “Essence of Dresden“ and which has been hailed as being particularly skin-friendly and free from many allergens, is packaged in a white PET bottle with a content of 400ml and an opaque screw cap. The peripheral self-adhesive label also incorporates a transparent film for better protection against spray. www.dresdner-essenz.com Beauty oil for beautiful skin The demise of the Schlecker company in Germany offered, for competitors such as Rossmann, DM and the drugstore supermarket Müller, a chance to acquire new customers. DM is continually bringing new products on to the market under a number of its own brand names, for example, a beauty oil for silky smooth and beautiful skin that which soothes scarring, prevents stretch marks, fights dry skin and looks after a firm skin. 150ml of this non-greasy, quickly absorbed and yellow-coloured shimmering oil is packed in a transparent PET bottle with a content of 150ml and a bronzecoloured screw cap. Two shaped labels round off the appearance. www.dm.de","@ID":45}, "CAPPING / CLOSURES 32 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net machines and moulds for compression moulding, leaving a large number of manufacturers of moulds, hot runners and injection moulding machines fighting for the remaining 45%. New closures have been developed, mostly one-piece closures. Two-piece caps, an exclusive domain of compression moulding, have declined in favour of one-piece caps. Both process technologies in the competitive environment combined in the one-piece caps. However, the market shares of compression versus injection moulding have hardly changed. Vezio Bernardi, Beverage General Manager, Sacmi Vezio Bernardi quote: “Our history of compression moulding goes back to 1994, when we developed the first compression machine for caps & closures based on Sacmi’s ceramic processing, which was, at the time, Sacmi’s core business. Since then, we have worked on the machine, on efficiency, energy consumption, productivity and speed. And of course we have responded to customer requests and requirements, tailoring the compression moulding machine and systems to them. The result is the product that we offer today, which enjoys a worldwide reputation.” Products Range of five models from 24 cavities to 80 cavities. “To date, we have manufactured 1,300 compression moulding machines and 500 different closures design for our machines, 200 of which are still operational on the market”. Exhibit at K 2013 CCM48S, 48 cavities, 2,000 caps/min Standard beverage closure AB29W for still water, 1.3g, cycle time approx. 1.44s (i.e. 48 closures in 1.44s) energy requirement: 0.6 kWh/kg in addition to the compression moulding system discussed above Sacmi exhibited the “Colora Cap Digital Print” for cap printing. High-definition digital images are imported into the printing system. max output 36,000 caps/h caps diameter ranging from 20 to 70mm installed electrical power: 10,9kW absorbed electrical power: 7kW USP in their own words The unique selling points all concern the pros and cons of compression moulding versus injection moulding. The arguments are well known. Nevertheless some additional comments should be mentioned. Much lower investment in case of mould change – compared to injection. energy consumption lower due to lower process temperature – compared with injection; shorter cycle time/faster speed because, compared with injection moulding, temperature gap for cooling is lower; wear on mould negligible; ancillaries easy to integrate such as for assembly, printing and slitting. Netstal We met: Marcel Christen, Head of Product Management Christine Grob, Trade Press Officer Marketing Communication Netstal – traditionally known for its strengths in packaging, PET and caps & closures technology with “premium injection moulding machines made in Switzerland” – presented at K 2013 the latest Elion 4200 development as prominent example of Swiss pride and precision within the Krauss Maffei Group. Marcel Christen quote: “We, as manufacturer of injection moulding machinery, are responsible for the performance of the system, for quality and precision, for the speed, the energy balance, and overall productivity which we achieve with the various moulds we are using. We have experience in optimising the process. Netstal have boasted outstanding references for many years’’. Products for beverage caps & closures For the caps & closures sector, Netstal offer three models in the Elion series with hybrid drive technology: clamping and plasticising – electric; remainder - in particular injection moulding - hydraulic. Elion 2200: 220t / 48 cavities Elion 3200; 320t / 64 + 72 cavities Elion 4200: 420t / 96 cavities Netstal also offer systems – in agreement and together with a “network of recommended sub-suppliers”. Exhibit at K 2013 Elion 4200 – 2000, hybrid, 420t, 96 cavities Standard drinks closure 29/25 for still water, 1.3g, cycle time below 2s power requirement of the complete System 0.58kWh/kg mould: Schöttli hot runner: Mold-Masters quality control: Intravis 360° Caps production, Swiss style, at the Netstal booth at K 2013","@ID":34}, "PREFORM PRODUCTION 20 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net At the beginning of November Husky Injection Molding Systems announced the launch of its next generation HyPET HPP5 preform moulding system, which is based on its established HyPET technology. The company claims that the new model’s enhancements will improve its capacity to deliver low total cost to produce, while maintaining preform quality and enabling up to 12% productivity improvement, compared with the previous generation system. It further asserts that the new machine offers improved production flexibility and tooling compatibility, along with the industry’s first integrated solution for extended mould life. Robert Domodossola, Husky’s Vice President of Engineering and Business Development, said that the company has listened to customer feedback and the new model has been developed in response. He claimed that the HyPET HPP5 offers the “most complete and integrated injection moulding system for preform manufacturing on the market today”. Backwards compatibility HyPET HPP5 is particularly aimed at customers with a large installed base of tooling and offers them the ability to utilise moulds from previous generation products. Husky says that its simplified cross-generation mould compatibility packages make upgrading equipment easier and help to preserve floor space, while allowing customers to manufacture a complete product range. However, its combination of technical solutions and extended production flexibility are claimed to make the replacement of legacy assets more viable. The HyPET HPP5 system now has what Husky maintains is the industry’s first integrated solution for extended mould life. Claimed benefits include a 60% increase between required mould maintenance intervals and tool life that is extended up to 10 million cycles, without excessive wear or flash. A new preform stack design has been introduced that provides greater flexibility in preform design. The new generation of preform mould combines both the advantages of existing cavity lock and core lock designs. Increased flexibility in the position of the mould separation lines, and addiHusky launches HyPET HPP5 for high volume PET preform production Upping the stakes","@ID":22}, "CAPPING / CLOSURES 34 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net No less important as far as our steadily growing expertise with systems is concerned are the partnerships with the manufacturers of moulds, hot runners and peripherals. There are technically and regionally fostered preferences. Together with our partners we run trials and maintain an active and productive dialogue”. Products As regards the caps & closures application, Sumitomo Demag are offering three models in the El-Exis SP series with hybrid drives: Clamp - servo hybrid, plasticising – electric; remainder hydraulic with the focus on injection moulding with the help of storage devices/accumulators. El-Exis 250: Clamping force 250t for 48 cavities El-Exis 300: Clamping force 300t for 64 and 72 cavities El-Exis 420: Clamping force 420t for 96 cavities The given machine sizes are dependent on the design of the closure and are only examples. Exhibit at K 2013 El-Exis 420 – 3000, hybrid, 420t, 96 cavities Standard beverage closure 29/25 for still water, 1.3g, cycle time approx. 2s mould: Plastisud hot runner: Mold-Masters quality inspection: IMD Vista USP in their own words The rapid El-Exis SP has been developed for the packaging market. The drive concept allows simultaneous maximum speed on all axes; it also achieves set velocities within minimum limit of time. Via the control unit functions productivity and energy consumption are measured, optically displayed and can be manipulated during process. Clamp drive with double toggle: the frequency controlled servo motor drives constant pump and hydraulic transmission in closed circuit – with the advantage of an electrical control facility, energy saving and the reliability of hydraulic movement. Max injection speed of up to 1000 mm/s in about 32mm/s². The acceleration is the benchmark for future thin wall production. Liquid colourant change system by “activeColourChange” synchronised with injection process. Injecting colourant during plasticising in forward area of cylinder. Thus: quick change, considerably lower loss of material during change. Looking ahead Andreas Schramm: “Our future target is to be competitive in fast cycling applications, in line with our philosophy ‘excellence in fast cycling, precision and energy efficiency’. Based on partnerships with mould makers and with shared expertise we aim to be trendsetters in caps and closures as well as thin wall applications. To match and exceed our competitors we will further develop the El-Exis SP. To make this work we are seeking new challenges to unleash creative concepts. The next developments are already underway”. Ferromatik Milacron We met: Ralf Cezanne, Director Sales & Marketing Sven Engelmann, Head of Applications & Systems Paolo Zirondoli, Sales Manager Southern Europe, South America Ferromatik Milacron is a renowned generalist among the manufacturers of sophisticated injection moulding machines. Highlights in their range include the injection moulding machines for 2 components. The injection moulding of caps & closures forms part of a large number of applications deployed by Ferromatik Milacron from the classic kit. Ralf Cezanne’s quote: “Our customers demand the full range from us, and expect professionalism in all injection moulding technology applications, and have no intention of changing supplier, not when it comes to the injection moulding of caps & closures. This is the reason why we are exhibiting the hybrid F350 with 64 cavities here and on the MoldMasters stand, an all-electric F160 with 16 cavities. The latter system is a new development in the co-injection sector in which Ferromatic Milacron maintains a presence, together with Mold-Masters and an Iris mould”. Products For the caps & closures application, Ferromatik Milacron is offering two F Series models with hybrid drives. Mould movement and plasticising – electric; injection moulding - hydraulic. F 160: 160t for 16 cavities F 350: 350t for 64 cavities Sven Engelmann, Head of Applications & Systems, Ferromatik Milacron","@ID":36}, "PRODUCTS 39 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Syrup closure Bericap, the global closure manufacturer, has updated its HC EV 29/21 one-piece closure, which is designed to fit both glass and PET 29/21 bottlenecks. The facelifted version has a slightly bigger lip, which is designed to support improved opening of the upper closure. The hinged element has also been modernised and now features shaped ribs above the opening lip. It has a more glossy appearance and the beak-shaped pouring lip is designed to provide precise, drip-free pouring. A flow regulator is also available. The built-in tear-off membrane safeguards the tamper evidence function and protects product integrity. www.bericap.com Easy recycling Avery Dennison’s new film and adhesive portfolio has been designed to make PET recycling easier and more effective by helping to reduce contamination. CleanFlake, a patent-pending adhesive technology, is designed to “switch off” when submerged. Although the labels adhere firmly to PET bottles or containers during use, they readily detach in a conventional recycling facility and float to the surface of the bath, allowing clean PET flakes to sink to the bottom. The CleanFlake portfolio uses a clear or white BOPP film face stock, anchored by the new SR3010 adhesive. No new conversion and dispensing procedures or equipment are required, and label quality is the same as with a conventional adhesive. Avery-Dennison says that the pure rPET flakes created through this process are suitable for manufacturers making packaging films and shells. www.averydennison.com","@ID":41}, "PETbottles 42 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Home + Personal Care Mr Muscle A short time ago SC Johnson introduced various domestic cleaning preparations on to the shelves within the German retail trade under the ”Mr Muscle“ brand name. One of these is a “5 in 1“ glass cleaner in a transparent PET bottle which is easy to hold and which contains 500ml of product. Output of the bluishtinted product is via a lockable, two-colour trigger. A shaped and printed label at the back carries the trade details and instructions for use. www.mrmuscle.de Gentle care hair oil Schwarzkopf & Henkel is packing 100ml Super Tint Protect Elixier Gentle care hair oil under the brand name ”syoss supreme selection“ in a transparent PET bottle featuring a screw-on, white spray pump. The pump function is unlocked and re-locked by means of a rotary movement. The tinted product is intended to help coloured or highlighted hair build up more gloss, silkiness and colour-protection. For instructions for use see wraparound no-label look label. www.syoss.de Bath essence The brand name “Malizia“, which forms part of the portfolio of the Italian Mirato Group, features a bulbous PET bottle as packaging for a litre of gentle care “Latte/ Milk“. The bottle incorporates a sleeve label and is sealed by means of a white screw cap which is integrated into the external shape of the bottle. www.mirato.it Bath crystals for the feet The German discount store Netto is selling 400g of foot bath crystals with sea salt and menthol under its “Pure & Basic“ brand name in a transparent PET container. 20g of foot bath crystals are dissolved in 3-5l of warm water and are designed to clean, pamper and revive stressed and tired feet. The container is closed with a screw cap and decorated with a sleeve label. www.nccosmetics.de","@ID":44}, "PETproducts 38 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Flextronic modular platform Sipa used the opportunity presented by drinktec 2013 to launch Flextronic, its new modular platform. Sipa has, at the same time, developed new EVO filling valves that are designed to be fully integrated and interchangeable on the new platform. The specific model shown at drinktec was Flextronic C, which can handle carbonated, still and hot-fill products, with or without pulp, all on the same line. It can also handle a range of container types; Sipa says it is a simple matter to switch from one neck size to another, for example. The Xfill configuration that was demonstrated has no on-board product tank. When the unit is used for carbonated drinks, the mixing unit tank is used as a buffer. The company claims that the integration of the mixing unit with the filler enables the production of a high quality, stable finished product, with a consequent improvement across the entire filling process, and that its flexibility minimises product loss during flavour changeover. Sipa further asserts that the machine’s new electronic management system reduces total power consumption, that carbon dioxide use is cut, and that product losses from the snift circuit have been minimised. The company says that Flextronic C’s improved stability of the product during filling is especially positive for carbonated drinks and that the new valve has larger channels for the passage of carbon dioxide and for improved operation with liquids containing pulp and fruit. The valve has been designed for ‘dry’ pressurisation through a separate channel, which enables for faster and steady decompression. Sipa maintains that the Flextronic C integrates very well with its SincroBloc blowing/filling monobloc. www.sipa.it 81,000bph output Krones has announced that several beverage plants in the USA and elsewhere are producing 81,000bph on a single Contiform 3 SC high-speed stretch-blow-moulding machine and dressing and filling them. The monobloc line comprises a blow-moulder, a labeller and a filler and this output level is believed to be the highest ever achieved in the world. Krones says that the latest generation of the Contiform 3 series enables customers to buy small cavity (SC) machines that will produce up to 81,000 containers/hr, subject to a maximum size of 0.75l. the machines are fitted with a newlydeveloped blow-moulding station that operates entirely without lubrication, which reduces the downtime needed for manual lubrication of the machine by 75%, compared to the previous model, and thus boosts uptime as well. Four Contiform 3 SC machines are already delivering this output at a bottler in the USA. Two more machines have been ordered by another bottler. All six high-speed stretch blow-moulding machines produced so far have been integrated into the Krones ErgoBloc L wet-end monobloc, which also includes Contiroll labelling technology with a Multireel automatic reel magazine plus fillers from the new Modulfill series. The individual machines had been optimised beforehand with carefully chosen developments for deployment in a monobloc configuration, and mutually networked using an intelligent control system. Krones says that these design improvements enable the ErgoBloc L to run with total operating costs up to 10% lower than for conventional bottling lines, and with a 30% smaller footprint. www.krones.com Multi-role labeller PE Labellers has announced the launch of a new label for the application of tubular roll-mounted sleeve labels. The company claims that its new “compact machine” has the capacity to label containers of any shape and size, made of any material, at production rates up to 30,000bph. PE Labellers further claims that the machine can adapt to varied packaging needs and can shrink labels to a reduced thickness, which will save on material costs. The new machine will was premiered at the 25th edition of the Simei exhibition, in Milan in November 2013. www.pelabellers.it","@ID":40}, "MATERIAL / RECYCLING 19 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Summing up he drew the following conclusions: in 2013 PET world overcapacity will grow up to 6 million t (32% of world demand) China is creating a world overcapacity crisis and sending material to the rest of the world (currently 1,500,000t/a of export) EU PET prices will fall into line with world prices a new wave of rationalisations will take place in Europe a lower oil price will push down PET prices generating extra demand for virgin PET which will partially mitigate the overcapacity will bio-PET and RPET be able to compete against lower PET prices? Towards a sustainable PET bottle Klaus Stadler, Director Environment& Water Resources of The Coca Cola Company, Germany, started from the fact that PET Bottles represent 2/3 of the Coca Cola CHOOSE THE NUMBER ONE. Watch the INTAREMA® movie on www.erema.at INTAREMA® THE NEW DIMENSION OF PLASTIC RECYCLING TECHNOLOGY. containers. However, there are some potential risks emerging from consumers’ perception, connected with environmental concerns and therefore it is necessary to improve the image of PET. There are two aspects to be considered: the bottom line value: packaging is a key cost component of the Coca Cola products (30% of the total) the ecosystem value: packaging represents Coca Cola largest CO 2 footprint source. Stadler said that the response of Coca Cola is the PET PlantBottle Packaging Technology, jointly developed with qualified partners JBF and Heinz), in order to manufacture functional, recyclable, and renewable BioPET bottles. The practical execution of the project provides for 100% of the PET resins used by Coca Cola by 2020 to be based on PlantBottle PET 1.0. At the same time it is foreseen in 2016 that the second generation PlantBottle PET 2.0 will be introduced. This further development is being conducted through joint research agreements with Virent, Gevo, and Avantium, and technological partnerships with Nike, P&G, Ford, and Heinz. Innovation today and tomorrow in preform/bottle technology Enrico Gribaudo, Director of Sipa SpApresented the XForm, XMould, and XTreme, Sipa’s latest developments in preform design and technology. These were described in detail in recent PETplanet insider issues. A presentation on “APET sheet European market, a producer’s perspective” was delivered by Paolo Cescutti, Director of AMB, Italy, described his company and its product range: sheet (APET based) for thermoforming, food and non-food applications, and film (PE based) for extrusion and adhesive lamination. www.gsiplastic.com","@ID":21}, "MARKET SURVEY 26 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net 12/2013 MARKETsurvey Moulds for caps/closure production Company name Corvaglia Mould AG Husky Injection Molding Systems Guang Dong Xing Lian Precise Machinery Co.,Ltd. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-mail Hörnlistr. 14 8360 Eschlikon, Switzerland +41 71 973 77 77 www.corvaglia.ch Albert Brunner Head of Sales & Service +41 71 973 77 52 +41 71 973 77 51 a.brunner@corvaglia.ch 500 Queen Street South, Bolton, Ontario, Canada, L7E 5S5 +1 905-951-5000 www.husky.co Mark Fitzpatrick Global Leader, Beverage Closure Systems mfitzpat@husky.ca Bao Shi Road, Xia Bei, Guang Dong Pro, Ping Zhou, Nan Hai District 528251 Foshan City, C +86 757 86777168 www.gdxl.com info@gdxl.com 1 Filling good Beverage, food, personal care, pharmaceutical and custom Beverages CSD, still water, pure & flavoured; non-carbonated beverages, pressurized; juices, teas & energy drinks; dairy beverages Water, sparkling/ CSD, aseptically and hot filled beverages such as juices, teas and isotonics, dairy Soft drinks, water, juice, tea, etc. Other Edible oil, detergents Food, pharmaceutical, personal care Edible oil, soy sauce, candy, pharmaceutical, etc. Individial cap solutions HyCAP, HyCAP HPP, custom available 2 Closure: type Flat & sports closures for 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 37, 38, 48mm neck finishes, e.g. Alaska, 1810, 1881, 29/25, 30/25, 33 HF, 33 ACF, 37 HF, 38 ACF Water: 26 - 30mm (0.7 - 2.0g), carbonated: 28 - 30mm (1.7- 3.0g), non-Carbonated: 28-38mm (1.5-4.0g) 29/25 water 30/25 water 30/25 aseptic 1881 aseptic 1881 Hot fill material HDPE (PP for transparent parts) PE & PP HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE HDPE weight starting from 0.8g 1.25g 1.85g 2.0g 2.1g 2.25g 3 Moulds: a Clamping dimensions/Cavities 24 to 96 16 to 144 48 cavities: 50x1,040x472mm, 72 cavities:750x1,160x475mm b Preferred hot runner suppliers Own Corvaglia hot runners & Mold-Masters Integrated Husky hot runners GDXL Systems for caps/closures production Company name Engel Austria GmbH Husky Injection Molding Systems Netstal Maschinen AG Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-mail Ludwig-Engel-Str. 1 4311 Schwertberg, Austria +43 50 620 0 www.engelglobal.com Dr. Kurt Hell Sales Manager Packaging +43 50 620 3210 +43 50 620 3009 kurt.hell@engel.at 500 Queen Street South, Bolton, Ontario, Canada, L7E 5S5 +1 905-951-5000 www.husky.co Mark Fitzpatrick Global Leader, Beverage Closure Systems mfitzpat@husky.ca Tschachenstrasse CH 8752 Näfels +41 55 618 6111 www.netstal.com Marcel Christen Head of Product Management and Marketing +41 55 618 6081 marcel.christen@netstal.com 1 Model Engel e-cap HyCAP HyCap HPP Hyelectric Elion 4200-2900 Elion 3200-2000 Elion 2200-2000 2 Procession technology Injection moulding Injection moulding Injection moulding Injection moulding Injection moulding 3 Clamp force 100 to 420t 225 to 500t 160 & 300t 120 to 650t 420t 320t 220t 4 Cycle time (guaranteed 98% closure system efficiency for): under 3s 1,99s 2s 2s a_High speed production: closure type/weight/cavities: caps/min 28mm PCO 1881 water/1,8g/72 cavities: 1,500caps/min Lightweight water: HyCap - 2.2.s; HyCap HPP 1.8s; Hyelectric - 2.8.sUp to 2,600 caps/min light weight 29/25/1.2g/ 96 cav.: 173,600pcs/h light weight 29/25; 1.2g; 72 cavity; 129,600pcs/h light weight CSN 26; 1.0g; 64 cav.: 115,200pcs/h b_Individual cap solution: closure type/weight/cavities: caps/min CSD: HyCap - 3.5s, HyCap HPP - 2.9s, Hylectric - 4.0s; up to 1,700 caps/ min 5 Drive concept All-electric Hydro-mechanical clamping, electric plasticising, hydraulic accumulator-assisted injection Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid 6 Energy consumption (kwh/kg) 0,4 Varies by application 0,52 0,64 0,74 7 Preferred mould makers Husky various 8 Special features All-electric in standard. global partnerships for moulds and peripheral units. Provider of complete injection moulding solutions for beverage closures Complete system solutions incl. quality control","@ID":28}, "EDITOUR REPORTS 14 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net April 25, 2013 Cristalpet Preforms, specials and energy efficiency We met: Fernando Moreira, Production Manager Every month around 180 million preforms, together with individually printed caps, leave the Cristalpet plant in Montevideo, Uruguay, heading in the direction of Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Venezuela. In so doing the preform manufacturer is showing an interest in what his major customers want and for this reason is getting ready to use recycled PET. Local legislation encourages Cristalpet to go for energy-efficient production. Production Manager Fernando Moreira in front of a photograph of the Cristalpet premises in Montevideo. At Cristalpet in Montevideo, Uruguay, a total of 180 million preforms a month are manufactured 24 hours a day. This makes the company a leader on the preform market in South America. I spoke with Fernando Moreira, who has been in on the act right from the start. “When, in 1994, we embarked on the change from glass to PET here, I found that I, as an expert in PET, was able to identify very well with Cristalpet. Having spent a long time working abroad, I also wanted to get back home again. I really enjoy it here“. Since then Cristalpet has undergone a period of robust growth along with its largest customer, Coca Cola. “In those days we started out with one injection moulding machine and 15 employees. Today we have 19 injection moulding machines and our total number of employees has risen to 350”. Cristalpet has also been manufacturing caps for Coca Cola since 2008. There are two machines producing approx. 56 million caps per month, some of which feature individual print motifs for special advertising campaigns. In contrast to the early days, today only a small proportion of the preforms are blow moulded in the plant itself – the majority of customers have their own machinery for blow moulding bottles. “Closures are a key topic as far as we are concerned. In 2012 we were the first company to apply for a patent for the universal closure in South America. And, as regards short necks, that was another first for us in 2009 together with Coca Cola“, chuckles Mr Moreira. Once another of Cristalpet’s important customers, Danone, has gone ahead as anticipated and converted its products to short neck the remainder of the fleet of machines in Montevideo will also be adapted to the modern closure. Currently Cristalpet is getting ready for an increase in the processing of recycled PET. “This is very important for us because we like to act in a way that is environmentally friendly. This not only meets our own standards but also the requirements of our customers. All we need to be able to use recycled material in large quantities is approval from Brazil“. For the Montevideo company, Brazil plays an important role as the country to which the majority by far of exports go. The preforms from Uruguay are also shipped to Argentina, Chile and Venezuela.","@ID":16}, "CAPPING / CLOSURES 33 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net USP in their own words Single toggle driven by dynamic electric drives for closing movements. The recovery of kinetic energy in the closing movement plays a major part in energy optimisation. hydraulic injection movement with servo-electric metering drive. servomotor drives a dual pump system connected with an accumulator providing hydraulic energy for all the hydromechanical functions. Continuous speed regulation helps optimising the efficiency. Looking ahead Marcel Christen: “In the future, too, we shall be looking to bring to bear the skills and the fund of experience that are the hallmarks of our company. We have been in the market place for a long time and there is no doubt that we play a leading role in the packaging sector. The topics that are important to our customers, such as performance and requirements in terms of energy- and material savings, represent a challenge as far as we are concerned and will continue to do so in the future. Furthermore we are permanently working on cost optimisation“. Sumitomo Demag We met: Christian Renners, Chief Sales Officer; Andreas Schramm, Chief Technical Officer; Frank Schuster, General Manager Sales In essence, there are two reasons why Sumitomo Demag – known as Mannesmann Demag Ergotech until a few years ago – are today making their presence felt in the caps & closures market. These are according to insiders: the development of a series of injection moulding machines (ElExis SP) with high performance capability and the sustained support of the new owner, the Japanese parent company, Sumitomo Heavy Industries. Christian Renners’ quote: “It is no longer just the injection moulding machine but what we do with it, i.e. the application technology makes up a significant proportion of our project activities today. In agreement and in collaboration with Sumitomo we have developed the hybrid series El-Exis SP for packaging – including caps & closures. The machines are fast, capable of fast production and reproduction, and are also energy efficient”. L to R: Andreas Schramm, CSO, Christian Renners, CTO, Frank Schuster, General Manager Sales, Sumitomo Demag","@ID":35}, "PREFORM PRODUCTION 21 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 tional cooling layout options, increase the degrees of freedom in preform design and can permit further reductions to be made in the weight of the preform. Sensors ensure correct mould installation and detect misalignment between mould halves during operation. They signal the operator through the Polaris HMI with specific instructions to correct any detected misalignment, allowing the vertical position of the cold half to be adjusted and the mould realigned without the need to resort to a crane. The general industry change times for a cold half from the point when production is stopped to new tool installation is approximately 4h or more. By way of an option, there is now the possibility of reducing the change time to 1h. This is made possible by hydraulic rapid clamping systems, a new hot runner design that allows the hot runner to remain hot, and special quick coupling systems for water supply. Additional features to reduce maintenance and cut downtime include an improved procedure for aligning neck rings to the cavity plate, and specialised antiwear coatings that extend greasing intervals up to 120,000 cycles. Performance and energy The CoolPik dehumidification unit, standard on HyPET HPP5 systems, now features refrigerator combined cooling and dehumidification, in place of desiccant wheel dehumidification and air to water heat exchanger. These changes are claimed to offer reduction in unit energy consumption of more than 20%. In the case of CSD preform applications, when combined with better melt control and other advantages, a cycle time improvement of up to 3% can be achieved, according to Husky. Q Preform sterilization in the heating tunnel Q Protected conveying of preforms and bottles The UCF BloFill monoblock from KHS – with fully enclosed hygiene housing Give your sensitive beverages more private space. Learn more at www.khs.com or scan the QR code. System The complete software and hardware system on the latest HPP5 has undergone improvements to streamline operation, including upgrades to increase automation and simplify controls. The Polaris HMI has been redesigned with a 19-inch full colour LCD display, with a more intuitive layout for easier access to screens, along with the ability to monitor and control auxiliaries. Operating software and menu screens have been improved to simplify start-up, and logic has been provided to act on the auxiliary feedback and alarms during operation. The Altanium temperature controller is now fully integrated and can be controlled using the Polaris HMI. The HPP5 incorporates Husky’s patented intelligent Mold ID technology, which provides information on mould maintenance, process set-up and operation for each start-up. www.husky.co","@ID":23}, "CAPPING / CLOSURES 31 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net The market is clearly segmented: In two-piece closures such as for CSD – high volume/low margin. Characteristic: very competitive; in speciality closures such as sports caps, flip caps, complex contour closures. Characteristic: low volume; in one-piece closures such as for water and, more recently, also for CSD. Characteristic: high volume. A few years ago the distribution of two-piece closures was around 85%, one-piece closures 15%. Today the distribution is completely reversed: now it is 15% for two-piece closures and 85% for one-piece closures. For all types – two-piece, speciality and one-piece closures – the same primary requirements on the part of the market apply:for higher or highest quality, for minimum energy consumption, for minimum materials usage. Practically all participants in the market acknowledge these requirements, have developed/formulated suitable strategies and have introduced the measures needed to further their aims. Processing There are two recognised procedures – compression moulding and injection moulding. Both processes are highly efficient in terms of output and productivity. Processing of two-piece closures – almost exclusively reserved for compression moulding. Processing of speciality caps – exclusively for injection moulding. Processing of one-piece closure – with injection and compression moulding in fierce competition, with injection moulding gradually gaining in competitivity. The converter’s decision in favour of one or the other process is based on factual and economic considerations depending on the design of cap, but there is often also an emotional response developed over the years by tradition and actual experience. Closures are manufactured either by specialist converters (approx. 60%), who then supply the bottlers and/or are produced by the bottlers themselves, for their own use, and are thus known as Integrated Bottlers (approx. 40%). Market data The data are extracted from research companies specialising in the analysis of the beverages sector and are cross-checked with our internal data after consultation at K 2013. Thus we are able to conclude: Global volume of plastic closures for PET bottle applications in 2012 = approx. 480 billion; of this volume, approx. 40% was for mineral water applications, approx. 30% for CSD applications, approx. 30% for JNSDIT (juices, nectars, still drinks, isotonics and teas) – with growth potential in water and JNSDIT; approx. closure market distribution: 19% North America, 17% South America, 18% Western Europe, 8% Eastern Europe, 3% Africa, 5% Middle East, 30% Asia; Approx. 260 billion caps and closures are compression moulded, i.e. 55%; 220 billion caps & closures are injection moulded, i.e. just below 45%; the share of compression and injection moulding varies in different markets. In Asia, especially China, compression predominates with almost 80%, with injection at only 20%. By contrast, in Europe 80% is in injection moulding and only 20% compression. Machinery Compression moulding is dominated by one single machine supplier. The entire compression moulding system including peripheral equipment (quality control, slitting, cap assembly, etc) comes from Sacmi of Italy, who have supplied 1,300 compression moulding machines since the beginning of 1994. The hi-tech injection moulding sector is split between a number of specialist suppliers of equipment: moulds, hot runner and injection machinery as well as peripheral equipment (automation, quality control, etc.) – from Europe, Canada and US. The bigger and prominent suppliers of injection moulding machines also offer complete systems. Apart from one prominent exception – Husky had expressed a preference to service their customers by means of conference events at their international branches – the full complement of engineers in the fields of components, machinery and systems for manufacturing closures was represented at K 2013. The majority featured exhibits on generously proportioned stand areas, presented with some ostentation by highly motivated teams from their engineering and sales departments of the individual companies. We asked everyone the same questions, namely about the product and state of the art technology, about innovation and unique selling points, about trends and a sustained strategy for handling these trends. The answers given to us were obtained in the course of individual interviews. We have adopted an abbreviated format for reporting on the meetings. The picture that emerged overall was one of a vital, very much alive sector. (The sequence of reports is random, being based on the chronological sequence of the meetings. The technical information, in particular the unique selling points (USPs) that we have adopted into the reports without making any comments or criticisms, represent the opinions and statements of our interviewees). Sacmi We met: Vezio Bernardi, Beverage General Manager Caps production, Italian style, at the Sacmi booth at K 2013 It is a very surprising phenomenon on this caps & closures market that one manufacturer (namely Sacmi from Italy) is maintaining a share of 55% with","@ID":33}, "BOTTLE MAKING 22 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Sipa makes a splash in Japanese (home delivery) market with big water bottles Water-cooler moment Two Japanese companies specialising in home and office delivery of large water bottles have recently added to their capacity with Sipa SFL 2/2 twin-cavity linear stretch-blow moulding machines. Cosmo Water and Water Direct both took delivery of their new lines through Sipa’s partner in Japan, Itochu Machine-Technos Corporation, a specialist equipment importing and engineering company. Sipa collaborated in fine tuning the designs of the 12l bottles, originated by Cosmo Water, to enable them to be produced more efficiently on the new machines. Some minor modifications were also made to the ovens on the machines themselves. Bottle design What makes the bottles a little bit different is that they are collapsible. Normally with large water bottles - often referred to as water cooler bottles (even though the bottle sits on top of a server that does not necessarily cool the water) - when the tap underneath is turned on, water comes out and then a big bubble of air goes in to fill the space vacated. It makes a satisfying ‘gloop’ sound as it does so, but it may also carry germs into the headspace. With the new bottles, a one-way valve stops the air getting in, and as the bottle is drained, it collapses in on itself. No satisfying ‘gloop’ sound, but no germs either. Itochu and Sipa have engineered the bottles - different designs for each company - so that they collapse into compact fat discs that take up as little space as possible. This is important because the bottles are one-way types, unlike more conventional ones that are used many times over. Instead, the compacted bottles go straight into the recycling stream, and being small is important for storage and transport. The bottles have been designed with thin walls and special ribbing to make them collapse in a predictable fashion. The bottles weigh just 130g, and Water Direct will soon produce a bottle that is even lighter than that. By contrast, a five-gallon multi-trip bottle weighs over 650g. Line design Using the Sipa SFL 2/2 stretchblow moulding equipment, Cosmo Water and Water Direct obtained a productivity of 700 containers/cavity/h. The equipment for Cosmo Water, which went into commercial production in April, is connected directly to a rinsing/filling/capping block supplied by an Italian company. Mr Arakawa, Technical Director of Cosmo Water expressed satisfaction with the productivity of the line. “Production is consistently high”, he says. He also commented favourably on the compact design of the SFL 2/2. “Installation and commissioning was also rapid and trouble-free”, he added. Water Direct’s new line was commissioned in June and connected to downstream equipment from a local supplier. On top of this, Mr Arakawa continued, “the linear configuration of the SFL equipment gave us more flexibility in the layout of the ovens.This Sipa delivered two linear stretch blow moulding machines... ...for the production of 12l water bottles... ...to two Japanese companies: ...","@ID":24}, "MATERIAL / RECYCLING 18 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Is PET entering a new era? Francesco Zanchi, Founder and CEO of GSI Global Service International, highlighted the fundamentals and the expected new course of PET markets. He started with a few significant figures: World PET demand 2013: 18.6 million t, 6% increase against 2012 world PET production Capacity 2013: 24.5 million t, 8% increase against 2012 world PET surplus 2013: 6 Million t Chinese PET surplus 2013: 4 Million t Factors having an impact on PET prices: In such an overcapacity situation, PET demand does not influence PET price PET prices are mainly driven by raw material prices raw material prices are conditioned by demand for polyester fibres demand for polyester fibres, in its turn, is influenced by the price of cotton In terms of PET prices volatility, Zanchi pointed out that buyers can turn it into an opportunity by a proper management strategy, namely low risk, through yearly contracts with competitive suppliers able to sell in open credit and deliver on call and high risk by purchasing significant volumes at the most favourable time. Chinese PET market China, with its current PET capacity of more than 7 million t/a, expected to become 8 million in 2014 and mainly based on state of the art technology, has a large surplus (4 million t) and its exports have been growing from about 100,000t in 2004, when GSI opened its office in Changzhou, to the current 1.5 million t, expected to become about 2 million t in 2015. However, it is not in a position to send PET to the EU because of the Anti-Dumping measures, although its large exports to Eastern Europe and to other countries near to the EU are certainly influencing the EU price level. China is the world’s largest exporting region followed by Northeast Asia, South & Southeast Asia, North America and the Middle East. In 2012 the global PET trade flow amounted to about 3.9 million t. EU PET market: Zanchi presented the EU 27 PET supply and demand balance which is negative in 2013 at about 350,000t and is expected to remain negative also in 2014. Projections for 2015 and 2016 show a small surplus. The new capacities preparing to target the EU PET demand amount to a total of about 2.3 million t/a (80% of the current EU PET demand). Out of this 640,000t are located in the EU and 1,640,000 outside the EU, in countries which will have 0% duty. In the 2013 -2016 time horizon, the amount of capacity in a position to target the EU market with 0% duty will grow by an additional 5 million t/a. The graph of EU PET Imports shows a growing import trend starting from September 2012, and the GSI PET yearly import forecast into the EU indicates a total of 550,000t for 2013 and of 750,000t for 2014. The most important countries of origin in 2014 will be India, South Korea, Egypt, Turkey, Thailand; the main destination countries are expected to be Italy, Belgium, Rumania, France, and Spain. In 2010, 2011, and 2012 a large share of the imports came from countries having a duty higher than 3%, whereas, in 2014 and 2015, imports will be mainly coming from countries having duties of less than 3%, namely the plants located in countries having 0% duty. Zanchi then calculated that an import duty of 3% and of 6.5% on a PET price of € 1,200/t DDP would correspond to €35/t and €72/t, specifying that the value of duty reduction will be shared between the EU PET Buyer and the non-EU PET Exporter. In this connection he asked two questions: Which EU PET producer will be in a position to face the increased competitiveness of the PET exporters to the EU? In answer to this question, he pointed out that many European producers will have difficulty competing and mentioned CEPSA as being the best European partner for 2013 contracts by virtue of its shareholder solidity, the complete integration from oil to PET at its San Roque plant, located inside the largest Spanish refinery, and its many future plans to increase its presence in the polyester industry. What will be the impact of more competitive PET prices on European PET demand? Concerning the second question, he noted that more competitive PET prices will positively impact on EU PET demand for three reasons: fewer preforms and commodity APET sheet imports more export opportunities for these articles produced in Europe additional demand created by more competitive PET against other packaging materials. EU PET business environment On the basis of the above considerations, GSI is forecasting PET imports into the EU in 2015 and 2016 at 800,000t, and this would push down the utilisation rate of the EU PET production capacity to about 65%. A further rationalisation of the EU PET industry might therefore become necessary. Zanchi ‘s presentation closed with an exercise: What will happen to PET prices if oil prices go down to US$70 barrel in 2018? If this should happen, PET prices can be evaluated at US$980/1,020/t, FOB Asia, and €780/820/t, DDP Europe. Considering the EU price of €780/820 /t, Zanchi asked two questions: Will bio-PET and RPET be capable of competing with Virgin PET? Will a lower PET price generate incremental demand? The presentations at the PET Day in Artimino Villa, Tuscany, Italy, dealt with the tradional topics and global trends of the polyester raw material.","@ID":20}, "PETnews 6 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Husky buys Schöttli Husky Injection Molding Systems has announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Schöttli Group, of Diessenhofen, Switzerland. Schöttli is a global player in a number of select medical applications, such as syringes, infusion/transfusion products, diagnostic systems and feminine care items. Husky says that its hot runner customers will benefit from product improvements based on strengthened knowledge and that Schöttli’s closures activities complements its existing closures business. Schöttli customers will have easier access to Husky’s hot runner, controller and injection moulding machine products. The expanded technical expertise and capacity is expected to increase speed to market, and to improve customer response through an enlarged global service and support network, which will now include Schöttli’s headquarters along with other facilities in San Dimas, California and Suzhou, China. Private equity company CGS Management took a majority stake in Schöttli AG in early 2008. Acquisitions, subsequent integration and global organisation enabled significant market share expansion and increased profitability. www.husky.co www.schoettli.com Plastisud and Engel open up for China Plastisud and Engel, who have been operating in China for over a year in their Green Cap joint venture, have agreed to discontinue their exclusive partnership and to be open to working with other partners. Jean-Luc Giraud, CEO of Plastisud, emphasised that the two companies will continue to mutually develop and commission turnkey solutions for the Chinese market but they will also, now, be free to implement systems with other suppliers. They will also be able to supply processors who are committed to specific injection moulding machine suppliers or mould makers. Plastisud and Engel both have representative offices in Shanghai. www.engel.at www.plastisud.com Gebo bringing competitive talents together A new approach to planning, engineering and running beverage packaging lines is now being offered by Gebo, part of Gebo Cermex. Its “integrator model”, which was presented at drinktec in Munich, Germany, by President and Managing director Marc Aury, aims to optimise operational expenditure through independently selecting best-inclass machines from any producer. It will design the plant and line layout to best suit the production environment and to align the technology for most efficient production. While full turnkey solutions have been dominating the market recently and have a number of clear benefits, Marc Aury claimed that operational expenditure (Opex) can become costly as the limited number of global suppliers leaves little choice over service and maintenance. “This is where the integrator model by Gebo offers an alternative that combines the advantages of different approaches,” he said. Gebo advises clients independently on the best-in-class machines for each part of a beverage packaging line, from blowing/filling equipment to tunnels, labelling, packing/ overwrapping, palletising and conveying machines, and integrates each part into the line. The company says that it draws on its extensive engineering expertise and claims to be able to guarantee best means, operating performance and design concept, and to take responsibility for the overall result. Plant and line audits are designed to identity all the major improvement opportunities, including operator training and maintenance strategies. The strategic objective is to reduce downtime, speed and quality losses and to improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) increases. By selecting the best-in-class machines, optimising plant and line layout and aligning the technology, Gebo maintains that total cost of ownership (TCO) is minimised. The company also asserts that, while insufficient capacities may appear to demonstrate the need for new lines or factories, existing lines may be capable of raising production to adequate levels. It will seek to optimise production and to make sure investment in new capacities is not made unless and until current production lines are delivering their full potential. Gebo says that its integrator model is not meant to replace the turnkey model but that it fulfils a need in both mature and developing markets. www.gebocermex.com Recognition for KHS Clearline The KHS Clearline machine design has won a special mention for its design quality in the Industrial Goods and Materials category at the 2014 German Design Awards. A total of 1,900 entries were submitted to the 2014 German Design Award committee. Judging was by 30 design experts from the fields of commerce, education and science. The German Design Award is normally presented to individual products, which makes the award to the KHS Clearline, which is a system, unusual. The company says that the product’s design and development process attached significant importance to achieving a design that met various aesthetic, tactile and ergonomic specifications, while simplifying functions and reducing part count, cutting maintenance and cleaning effort, and optimising the hygienic aspects. KHS Clearline was premiered at drinktec 2013. www.khs.com","@ID":8}, "EDITOUR REPORTS 13 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 Juices and energy drinks are fast growing products The interesting trend of the market share of fruit/vegetable juices is evident from Diagram 3. Over the past year this has shown relatively constant growth of 17.5% on average. This is particularly high by comparison with Latin America where the average growth in the last five years for this type of drink has been only 9%. However, it should be noted that, as is the case with diagram 1, it is clear that in 2012 the juices only had a share of 4% (20.3m litres) of the trading volume for soft drinks in Uruguay. Relatively high (on average 39%) but very volatile is the annual growth rate for sports and energy drinks over the past few years. In 2012 these drinks accounted for only around 0.7% of the trading volume of soft drinks in Uruguay. In the rest of Latin America, however, this market has developed during the past few years with a relatively constant growth rate of around 10%. It is therefore not inconceivable that the rate of growth of sports and energy drinks in Uruguay will stabilise in the future with an increase in absolute market volume. Our contacts in Uruguay estimate that, in the coming years, the market for flavoured water in Uruguay will grow. There are some predictions pointing to an increase in sales volume for fruit and vegetable juices. Individual packaging for non– food products is also likely to become increasingly sought after in Uruguay in the future. However, the volume of trade in this is very small. [Source: (unless otherwise indicated) Euromonitor International] 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 100 80 60 40 20 0 Annual Growth Rate in Percent Fruit/Vegetable Juice Sports and Energy Drinks Diagram 3: Juices and energy drinks are fast growing products","@ID":15}, "EDITOUR REPORTS 11 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Meat exports, IT services and tourism The fertile rolling plains and low hill ranges comprise much of the landscape, making it especially suitable for agriculture in general and stock farming in particular. Agriculture accounted for around 10% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2012, amounting to US$53bn. Principal exports are: meat (2006: 37% of total exports), fish, rice and textiles. In 2012 the value of all exports came to US$9.8bn. The industrial sector contributes around 22% of GDP (2012 figures). Noteworthy in this context are industries that involve the further processing of agricultural products. Subsidiary activities such as crude oil processing and the production of foodstuffs also have an important part to play within this sector. Uruguay is a comparatively high-tech country, and its IT services sector plays a major role on the South American market. Tourism is another fast developing industry, contributing a significant 6% to GDP. In all, the tertiary sector contributes roughly two thirds of the country’s GDP, according to 2012 figures. Energy market, imports, investment 94% of power generation activities as well as large parts of the water supply, mineral oil and telecommunications systems in the country are in the hands of the State. This sets Uruguay apart from its neighbouring countries where privatisation has already progressed much further. Around a quarter of Uruguayans are employed by the State. Economically speaking, Uruguay maintains close contacts with its neighbours. The fact that the country has no fossil resources of its own means that it has to import around 60% of its energy requirement from Argentina and Brazil. This leads to relatively high electricity prices, which also creates problems for the PET industry. Hydro-electric power is an important source of domestically produced energy, but the potential for any further exploitation of its water resources is now exhausted. Uruguay’s government is therefore actively looking to expand its renewable energy sector, in particular wind power, which is seen as a major potential source of energy in what is a thinly populated country. The government aims to cover 90% of the energy requirement by means of renewable resources by 2015, of which 63% is expected to be from hydro-electric power, 15% from wind power, and 13% from biomass. Protecting the environment and action on climate change are also major government concerns, together with energy saving measures. Currently, Uruguay does not have any significant waste recycling systems, relying entirely on landfill sites. River pollution and soil erosion present serious problems that the government recognises it must address. Cost effective 2-step process with machine direction print, lowering label costs + Roll count optimization + No seaming in label conversion: it’s done on the labellers + Storage space and shipping costs down thanks to higher roll and pallet quantities + Emerging lightweight micron film technology boosts productivity + Higher labelling speeds, up to 50,000 BPH + Weld seam applied during labelling process = COST REDUCTION UP TO 20% compared to traditional sleeve technologies Sacmi Verona S.p.A. Via Dell’Industria, 2/A 37060 Mozzecane (VR) Italy Tel. +39.045.6347511 sacmilabelling@sacmilabelling.it | www.sacmilabelling.com www.formsleeveplus.sacmi.com Quality +Cost Control in just one technology","@ID":13}, "PETpatents www.verpackungspatente.de 44 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Improved bottle shape International Patent No. WO 2013 / 080926 A1 Applicant: Lion Corp. Tokyo (JP) Date of Application: 26.11.2012 A plastic bottle which is to have a label attached to it incorporates specially moulded and arranged grooving with burls in the body area. This arrangement is intended to “level out” different fill heights and improve the appearance of the label. Pressure vessel in plastic International Patent No. WO 2013 / 082680 A1 Applicant: Resilux, Wetteren (BE) Date of Application: 5.12.2012 The description relates to an aerosol can made from plastic which is so designed and provided with reinforcements that it is even able to withstand increased internal pressure in the region of up to more than 200bar. Variable grooving International Patent No. WO 2013 / 085919 A1 Applicant: Niagara Bottling LLC., Ontario (CA) Date of Application: 4.12.2012 In the interests of achieving the values demanded by the bottlers and logistics companies in relation to stability despite a reduction in wall thickness, a bottle made from PET incorporates differently moulded grooves that vary in terms of their depth. Stackable containers International Patent No. WO 2013 / 088006 A1 Applicant: Sidel Participation, Octeville Sur Mer (FR) Date of Application: 1.10.2012 The top and underside of a plastic bottle (PET) are moulded so that the bottle can be properly and safely stacked. Peripheral grooving prevents any slippage to the side. The transmission of force due to the weight of the other bottles has been optimised. Anti-foam container International Patent No. WO 2013 / 088048 A1 Applicant: Sidel Participations, Octeville Sur Mer (FR) Date of Application: 11.12.2012 The shape of the base of a plastic container is designed so that, during the pouring operation and on subsequent replacement of the bottle, any likelihood of the product forming foam on flow-back is inhibited or reduced to a considerable extent. Foils as closure International Patent No. WO 2013 / 092592 A1 Applicant: SA des Eaux Minerales D’Evian Saeme, Evian-les-Bains (FR) Date of Application: 17.12.2012 This international application describes the facility to seal a bottle with an opening less than 40mm in diameter with a tear-off, in part reinforced sealing membrane that at the same time incorporates product information.","@ID":46}, "PETbottles 40 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Beverages & Liquid Food The plastic closure company committed to your success BERICAP Technology Research and Development Mould Technology | Global Presence Capping Technology and Know-How Innovation and Flexibility www.bericap.com Oblong for orange juice Deploying the tagline “Anna’s Best“, Migros of Switzerland are marketing 750ml of orange juice with a 100% fruit proportion in a slim PET bottle featuring a basic oblong shape. The transparent bottle has all-round stabilisation grooves, a screw cap with a tamper-evident guarantee strip and a wrap around plastic label. The cap is printed with two expiry dates, one being the date by which the product is to be sold and the other the one by which the product needs to be used. www.migros.ch Lemon soda with fruit bits The Italian company DCM S.p.A. has packed its lemon soda drink with fruit bits in a waisted bottle made from PET. The slightly green-tinted 1.5l bottle incorporates grooves running in a type of helical formation in the holding area, making for a better grip and improved stability. The bottle is also closed by means of a tamper-proof screw cap. A plastic label is used to convey the retail information and this also indicates the exclusive use of Italian lemons. www.camparigroup.com/en Sports drink with sleeve label The German company All Stars Fitness Products GmbH is packaging its nourishing ready-to-drink beverages specifically for sportsmen and -women before, during and after training or competition, in handy PET bottles. “Isowhey Pure“, boasting 30g of muscle-building protein, is packaged in a bottle with a content of 500 ml, while ”Liporush“ – an energy drink with a high proportion of caffeine – is packaged in a 250ml bottle. What the two bottles with their eye-catching sleeves have in common is the fact that the label is drawn over the screw top to form a tamper-evident guarantee strip. For easier opening the label is fitted with perforations in this area. www.all-stars.de Apple-limette As part of its “Asia Weeks“ promotion, German discounter store Lidl regularly creates an appropriate product range. For its drinks portfolio, Lidl is endeavouring to give its beverages an Asian touch by indulging in a spot of ‘fine-tuning’ where taste is concerned. One example of this is the Apple-Limette drink produced under the brand name of “Vitasia“, which has been refined by the addition of a lemon grass aroma. The transparent PET bottle with its one litre content features a shapely design, is decorated with a wrap around label and closed by means of a screw closure with a tamper strip.","@ID":42}, "NEWS 9 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Krones announces financial reports and share ownership transfers Krones AG has reported improved revenues and EBT margin for Q3 and has confirmed its growth and earnings targets for the year as a whole. It expects higher revenues and improved profitability in 2014. The period from July to September saw revenue increased 7.8% year-on-year from 2012’s €607.9 million to €655.4 million. Sales in the first nine months of 2013 were up 7.1% year-on-year, from €1,897.6 million to €2,032.9 million. The company reported especially strong third quarter growth in the North and Central America and South America/Mexico sales regions. New orders in Q3 were up 12.7% year-over-year, from €639.5 million to €721.0 million. At €2,103.8 million, new orders in the first nine months of 2013 were 6.9% higher than 2012’s €1,967.3 million. Orders on hand were up 5.7% at 30 September 2013, from €1,012.1 million to €1,070.2million. Earnings before taxes (EBT) were up to €117.1 million in the first nine months of 2013, from €50.4 million in the same period in 2012, which was affected by a one-time expense of €40.6 million. The EBT margin was 5.8% after the first three quarters (2012: 4.8%). Net income amounted to €81.7million for the first nine months of 2013 (2012: €36.2 million), which corresponds to earnings per share of €2.64 (previous year: €1.20). Krones increased its return on capital employed (ROCE), the ratio of EBIT to average net tied-up capital, to 15.3% in the period from January to September (previous year: 6.7%). Equity ratio was 43.5% at the end of Q3 (31 December 2012: 37.8%), with net cash and cash equivalents (cash and cash equivalents less bank debt) of €120.4 million. Krones says that it expects to achieve 4% growth yearon-year and an EBT margin of 5.8% to 6.0% for 2013 as a whole. Its management is confident that the company will achieve its ROCE target of 15% in 2013, with a generation of free cash flow similar to that of the previous year. Wider forecasts are for stronger business momentum in 2014, in both the industrialised and emerging economies. Krones expects consolidated revenue to grow by 4% in 2014, with revenues in machines and lines for product filling and decoration increasing more sharply than in 2013. Krones also announced that Markus Tischer has been appointed to the Executive Board for International Services and Operations, effective January 1, 2014, and that Volker Kronseder, Chairman of the Executive Board, and Norman Kronseder, Member of the Supervisory Board, are making arrangements to ensure the future orderly transfer of their Krones shares to their children. Volker Kronseder has placed shares in a foundation for this purpose. The existing pooling agreement, under which the voting rights of all members of the Kronseder family and their enterprises are exercised as a voting trust, remains unaffected. The Kronseder family retains a 51.85% stake in Krones AG. www.krones.com PET wins sustainability award P.E.T. Engineering was presented with a plaque marking the Distinction Award of in the Eco - Design category in the Sustainable Development Awards at the Ecomondo – Key Energy tradeshow in October 2013. The award was established in 2008 by the Foundation for Sustainable Development and Ecomondo - Fiera di Rimini, with the support of the President of the Republic of Italy. Sponsorship was provided for the first time in 2013, by Italy’s Ministry of Economic Development. The Awards are made to companies whose activities and projects have been judged to have provided significant environmental benefits, have innovative content, and offer the potential for economic and employment benefits. This year’s competition attracted the participation of more than 200 Italian companies in three categories: Eco - Design, Eco - Agricultural Activities, and start-ups. The citation for PET Engineering’s award highlighted the low environmental impact but high quality of its design activity in packaging. PET Engineering has also, this year, been awarded with the “Oscar dell’Imballaggio” for its very light 5 LW, 5l container, and the “Innobev Sustainability Award” for its “Swerve Neck” solution. www.petengineering.com ERRATUM An article on Issue 10/2013, p 63 of PETPlanet Insider, part of the K Show preview, contained an error relating to the productivity of Sacmi Imola’s IPS220 B machine. Here is the corrected report. Caps, containers and preforms The Sacmi stand showcased the company’s solutions for the manufacture of caps, preforms and containers and included presses capable of producing large ‘one-step’ articles, along with others designed to combine the best of hydraulic and full-electric technology. A key exhibit was the IPS220 B, an injection preform press that was originally launched in 2012 and now incorporates a number of innovations, aimed at achieving higher competitiveness and flexibility. The machine was equipped with a 48-cavity mould running at a cycle time of 6.8s/12 g preform with Alaska neck finish. That rate translates to more than 25,000pph but Sacmi says that it is possible to run up to 72-cavity moulds on the same frame. The maximum preform size will be 190 mm length and 90 g weight. The machine was connected with a PVS002 vision inspection system equipped with six cameras and suitable for a deep quality inspection of preforms at speeds of up to 1200 pph. Sacmi’s stand also had an upgraded version of the CCM 48 S, optimised for the innovative COOL+ mould. The version on show at the fair produced 2000 caps/min. The new CHS Lean solution, which can inspect up to 150,000 caps/ hr and allows 360O cap control, was on display, as was the CBF container manufacturing machine, another product originally launched in 2012. www.sacmi.com","@ID":11}, "BOTTLE MAKING 24 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Laboratory tests on sample bottles – Bottles, performs and closures, part 8 Mould trials and examination of sample bottles Normally the finalised mould design is used to make a single cavity for the production of sample bottles in a laboratory machine. These sample bottles are then tested comprehensively to see whether they meet the defined requirements. This article will cover the first steps in bottle examination from verifying the main dimensions to burst pressure tests. PETplanet insider is publishing extracts from successive chapters of Ottmar Brandau’s “Bottles, Preforms and Closures”, which was first published by hbmedia. A newly revised version is reissued under the Elsevier imprint. Verifying the main dimensions In the first step, all the principal dimensions of the bottles from the mould trials are measured. These are primarily the main diameter; the points of contact that are important, e.g., for packing in cartons; the label diameter; and the overall height. Apart from calliper gauges and so-called Pi Tapes or diameter tapes, which permit a direct reading of the diameter based on the circumference, laser-assisted measuring instruments are also used. Especially for bottles designed for CO 2 -containing products, the bottom clearance is also determined. This means that the distance between the","@ID":26}, "EDITOUR REPORTS 10 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 12/13 petpla.net Following our Editour report on the Argentine PET and beverage market, we now move on to the next stage of the “Go with the flow” tour. Florian Roscheck analysed the Uruguayan bottle market and interviewed the preform manufacturer CristalPET, whose output is without doubt one of the largest in South America. Bordering Brazil in the north and Argentina in the west, it covers an area of approx.175,000km², roughly the same as Florida, in the United States. Uruguay has around 3.3million inhabitants. Its capital city, the port of Montevideo, on the Atlantic Ocean, is the largest and the most important city in the country. 60% of the inhabitants of Uruguay reside within the metropolitan area of Montevideo. Occupying the seat of government since 2004 is a centre-left coalition led by José Mujica, who succeeded his Broad Front predecessor, Tabaré Ramón Vázquez Rosas. His election represented something of a break with tradition because he did not come from either of the two established parties. The present government has embarked on a series of social and economic reforms, based on the European model. The education policy pursued by the government has meant that the Uruguayan labour force today is relatively well trained. Blog summary Uruguay I am on my way to Montevideo, Uruguay, to Melli and Michael from Uruguay-Trip who welcomed me by serving up a thick juicy steak. A nice change from the dismal diet of noodles and the hastily eaten sandwiches! After my appointment in Montevideo with Cristalpet, I set off on Friday on the 830km haul to Porto Alegre. Later I stop at a petrol station in the no-man’s land behind Chui for an overnight stay. Next morning I notice that the fresh water tank is empty. The bumpy roads have taken their toll; the valve has come loose and the water has escaped. I get into a brief discussion with one of the locals about the upcoming World Cup in Brazil, and end up being offered the possibility of a nice warm shower. Then I set off once more towards Porto Alegre, a daunting 460km away …. And finally here I am, sitting in the air-conditioned courtesy lounge of the supervised car park near Porto Alegre airport, Brazil, on my own, feet up, watching TV, and ready to welcome Waldemar tomorrow for the next stage of the adventure. Lima Santiago La Paz Buenos Aires Montevideo Progresso São José dos Pinhais São Paulo Rio de Janeiro Lindóia Santa Cruz Sucre Quilmes Pilar Jaú Concepción Santa Fe Barueri Jundiai Sorocaba Amparoa Limeira Uruguay by Florian Roscheck","@ID":12}]}}