Sidel and Gebo Cermex business units forming a single team

The Gebo Cermex and Sidel business units are officially operating as one single team called Sidel, as of January 01, 2019. The company states that by joining forces the team has increased the quality of these assets for Sidel and for Sidel’s customers.

Sidel, part of Tetra Laval group, is offering complete and modular PET packaging solutions. The company Gebo Cermex has already been working in a partnership with Sidel as part of the Sidel Group. The group is a leading provider of equipment and services for packaging liquid, food, home and personal care products in PET, can, glass and other materials. Gebo Cermex offers a braod range of solutions in line-integration to conveying, feeding systems and tunnel machines to unwrapping, packaging and palletizing systems. The company has expertise in this sector for over five decades.

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