Barrier protection technology

Ring Container Technologies, a leader in the plastic container manufacturing industry, announced the launch of its patent-pending, proprietary technology, BarrierGuard. The company is disrupting the traditional balance of protection and value with the initial application of this technology, BarrierGuard OxygenSmart.

Ring currently produces bottles using BarrierGuard OxygenSmart at its newest plant, which opened in Louisville, Kentucky in October of last year. Plastic bottles using BarrierGuard OxygenSmart are intended to replace other barrier technologies to provide best-in-class barrier protection with glass-like clarity, states the company. According to Ring Container Technologies, initial studies revealed that BarrierGuard OxygenSmart blocked or absorbed up to 30 percent more oxygen versus other competitive barriers, while using 2.5 times less barrier material on average.

BarrierGuard OxygenSmart can be customised for a wide variety of oxygen-sensitive applications including: tomato-based sauces, nuts, oils, baby foods, instant coffee and vegetables. Additionally, BarrierGuard OxygenSmart inventory can be stored without special requirements and offer up to 24 months of shelf life.

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