Atlas Copco has acquired Air Diffusion

Atlas Copco has acquired S.A.S. Air Diffusion. The company is a distributor of compressors for Atlas Copco. Air Diffusion is located in St. Etienne in the southern part of France. The company has around 15 employees.

Air Diffusion has a diverse group of small to medium-sized customers in workshops and in the manufacturing, food and beverage, wood, plastic and foundry industries.

“With this acquisition we will increase our coverage in the region”, said Vagner Rego, Business Area President Compressor Technique. “It allows us to increase our service offering and our support to customers”.

The purchase price is not material relative to Atlas Copco’s market capitalisation and is not disclosed.

Air Diffusion is acquired by Exlair S.A.S., which is part of Atlas Copco Holding France.

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