PolyOne OnColor Naturals Launched at PCD Paris

At the Packaging of Perfume, Cosmetics and Design show PCD Paris, PolyOne was launching OnColor Naturals, the latest addition to its sustainable solutions portfolio. Fully customisable, OnColor Naturals includes a range of colourants made with natural pigments derived from plants, flowers, roots and minerals.

These bio-derived colours can be used with recycled and bio-derived resins, and can also be formulated for use with fully biodegradable and compostable resins.

Mineral and botanical pigments can be mixed together to adjust colour tones, with plant-based pigments enabling vivid colour and mineral pigments helping achieve calm and earthy tones.

As with conventional colourants, OnColor Naturals can be customised and combined with special effects formulated with ingredients such as almond shells, natural fibres and wood particles to increase design possibilities and deliver natural aesthetics.

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