ABC Compressors: expanding business in Eastern Europe

With the aim of establishing and expanding business, ABC compressors has established 6 new services in Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria and Hungary in the last two years. Thus, in order to be much closer to the final client and to assure the quickest service, all of them have a significant warehouse of spare parts and are representing ABC compressors in terms of sales.

Nacho Urbistondo, sales area manager of North, South, East Europe and Russia, remarks the importance for ABC compressors to be present in the whole continent but specially in all the emergent countries that are mostly based in the East European part. Many of these countries are very rich in terms of water resources, being Romania the clearest example, where more than 80% of the mineral water aquifers from all Europe are based. In other words, there is a large population of water plants with huge growth potential. At the same time, the price of the electricity is growing exponentially in all these countries and here is where ABC compressors plays an active role, providing energy efficiency equipment, which balances out the kW price increase.

The presence of local OEM companies in this area is also very remarkable as they are expanding little by little, focusing their business internationally. These companies offer turnkey projects where compressors are part of their solution, so ABC compressors is focusing its attention on all these accounts. Moreover, collaborating with them helps ABC compressors to reach countries where they haven’t got any presence yet and to meet clients that had not been met before.

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