One stop shopping-machine and process technology from a single source

Sumitomo-Demag – hall B1 booth 1105

All-electric injection moulding machines for LSR, IMD, medical and packaging applications. The trade fair presentation will be supported by three all-electric injection moulding machines from the IntElect series, plus one from the company’s El-Exis SP packaging range. An IntElect 130/520-450, including an LSR package, showcases state-of-the-art elastomer injection moulding integrated with the Servomix Z200 metering system from partner Nexus Elastomer Systems GmbH, Eberstalzell, Austria. An El-Exis SP 250 proves its high-speed capabilities in cup manufacturing applications. The hybrid packaging machine demonstrates high speed, user-friendliness and durability. “Opening and closing sides are the fastest on the market,” reports Arnaud Nomblot, Director Packaging. “The origins of the short cycle times and 1,000 mm/s injection speeds can be attributed to the hydraulic accumulator. As a result, processors can produce even thinner and lighter packaging items, resulting in a significant reduction in raw material requirements, packaging waste and shipping costs.”

Permanent condition monitoring of machine status

Another booth highlight is the inaugural launch of a series of permanent machine status condition monitoring systems. Reducing maintenance costs while maintaining reliability, they can be used to determine the actual degree of wear and tear, enabling early detection and optimal maintenance planning towards the end of the service life of the injection moulding machine. Utilising condition monitoring, complex processes can be reliably analysed directly on the machine, making it possible to monitor critical parameters, which typically requires considerable effort and resources.

Commitment to sustainability

At the trade fair, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag draws special attention to the ecological progress being made within the production landscape. The company states to be committed to the new slogan “Act! Sustainably”. Firmly integrated into the company’s corporate and CSR mission statement, only machines and equipment that contribute to this sustainability statement will be showcased.

Future proof Industry 4.0 networking tools and web-based software

Meeting all future networking and communication requirements in the context of Industry 4.0, all of the company’s robots and machines are now completely aligned to the OPC/UA control, monitoring and integration interface. Additionally, Sumitomo (SHI) Demag presents its advanced web-based software solution MyConnect. This central platform gives customers direct access to a wide range of fully networked support services. The MyConnect system helps to enhance the management of inefficiencies, reduce costs, improve total cost of ownership, troubleshoot errors and minimise downtime.

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