WPO launches the ‘Packaging Trends Report’ based on WorldStar 2021 winners

The 2nd edition of WPO (World Packaging Organisation) ‘Packaging Trends Report’ is ready for free download at WPO webpage or can be accessed through the link https://worldpackaging.org/resources/28/.

The document, written and produced by the packaging editor and specialist Liliam Benzi, that is also WPO Press & Communication Liaison Officer, brings a comprehensive overview of global macro trends, based in Mintel and Euromonitor studies, as well as in the packaging trends for various sectors, according to what was detected in the winning packages of WorldStar 2021 edition.

“Readers will also find 04 key opportunities for brands that can be explored through packaging”, says Liliam. She refers to:

  • Understanding supply chains and what they mean in terms of ethics and ingredients is growing in importance through technology.
  • Packaging can be the ‘moment of true’ with clear and simple messaging from brands.
  • Consumers are aware of their digital footprints, prompting concerns over who has access to their data and how it is being used and packaging can help with privacy control.
  • Brands that offer customised products, as well as those that test and track consumers’ changing physical states, offer more reassurance to consumers than the items they purchase and use will serve them.

Liliam also listed some recommendations to the packaging value chain, as a result of the trends noticed in the packages analysed to produce this ‘Packaging Trends Report’. And they are:

  • responsability is the new sustainability;
  • collaboration in sustainability + circular economy;
  • understand the revolution in chaging packaging materials and the supply chain;
  • be in e-commerce no matter what;
  • packaging should trace consumers data;
  • the future is digital + sensorial;
  • protect what is good (food, nature and people);
  • recycling + recycled content are together;
  • consumer extended responsability is key;
  • less story telling and more story doing results in story changing.

The ‘Packaging Trends Report’ also takes into consideration almost two years since the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic. The document will be officially presented to WPO members during the virtual Board Meeting on November 25.

About WPO

World Packaging Organisation (WPO) is a non-profit, non-governmental, international federation of packaging institutes, associations, federations and other interested parties including corporations and trade associations. Its mission is “Better quality of life through better packaging for more people”. WPO joins 62 different countries.

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