How satisfied are you with your After Sales Service?
Global market research study on cap and preform production and bottle-filling
Sumitomo Demag / Engel / Netstal / Sacmi / Corvaglia / z moulds / Husky / StackTeck / GDXL / Intravis / Pressco / Sacmi / IMDVista / Otto Systems / Mold Master / Otto Hofstetter / Electra Form / MHT / Sipa / R&D Leverage / Petka Mold / Agr / Ingersoll Rand / ABC / AF Compressors / Kaeser / Dalgakiran / Shangair / Boge / Siad / LMF / Atlas Copco / 1Blow / KHS / Side / SMI / Kosme / Technopet Machineries / Luxber / Newamstar / Krones / Flexblow / Amsler / Sidel / STM Pack / Fogg Filler / Serac / PE Labellers / Filtec / Finpac / Heuft
How satisfied are you with the after sales service provided by your OEM?
In the next few weeks you will be receiving an e-mail from us asking you to take part in a survey on the After Sales service provided by your machine suppliers. As a thank you, you will be given a confidential assessment of similar companies in your area. For you as a processor and manufacturer of caps, preforms, bottles and fillers in PET bottles, the results of this detailed customer satisfaction survey of After Sales Service can be an additional factor to consider when purchasing new machinery or in improving the servicing of your existing machines. I am really looking forward to receiving your input which will of course be anonymised. Mrs Trotter will be happy to send you the link and access code if you have not received your questionnaire by the end of April (e-mail [email protected]).
As it has been eight years since our last market research study on this subject, we felt it was high time to take a closer look at the quality of After Sales Service. The online questionnaire asks for information on which manufacturers provide the machines used in your plant and how satisfied you are with their After Sales Service. This includes the following elements:
- Speed, reliability, skill;
- Reasonable price-performance ratio;
- Availability of mechanical replacement parts;
- Availability of electrical replacement parts;
- Emergency hotline;
- Retrofit/upgrade services;
- Monitoring and digitalisation of the machines/systems;
- Employee training/continued training.
It would also be fascinating to know what level of After Sales Service you receive from the machine manufacturer OEM or from third-parties. We realise this will be a subjective view but having made many on-site visits, we are sure that every company will be able to make a realistic assessment. This can be between 0% (no After Sales Service from the machine manufacturer) up to 100% (all-round carefree package provided by the manufacturer).
In evaluating the many questionnaires, we will be able to identify clear trends in particular areas and highlight regional, machine manufacturer or size of company differences. The success of this study depends on your cooperation. I look forward to receiving your contributions.
Alexander Büchler
Publisher of PETplanet Insider