Tessemae’s relies on bottle-to-bottle recycling process for its bottle range

Tessemae’s, a premier organic condiment and salad dressing US-company, announces bold new packaging for its array of products. The refreshed product line featuring an updated design and eye-catching artwork is available nationwide.

The design is a recyclable plastic bottle made from PET. Each product is involved in a bottle-to-bottle recycling process which enables a new bottle to be produced from an old one. 

“Since our inception in 2009, Tessemae’s has always been a purpose driven company. Identifying sustainable solutions that increase renewability while maintaining quality is a natural course of evolution for us,” stated Greg Vetter, CEO of Tessemae’s. “Unlike a lot of companies, we contribute to the public interest simply because we believe in the importance of doing so. We’ve been doing that from day one with the launch of our Crop Circles campaign and are fully committed to continuing with that guiding philosophy going forward.”                                                        

Aside from the progressive steps on the sustainability front, the revitalization of the product line was also influenced by a need to enhance both aesthetics and functionality. The packaging refresh will encompass the full product portfolio.

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