A smart way to produce PET preforms and bottles with rPET

PDG Plastiques Hall 5C – Booth 300

PDG Plastiques is specialised in the development and production of PET and rPET preforms and bottles since 1990. PDG Plastiques, located in Malesherbes, France, and Oran, Algeria, will introduce new developments and new products. For example, the Prelactia v3, a new version of two layers preforms light barrier for UHT milk. This version allows to use rPET Q5 from post consumers coloured and opaque bottles. With dosing 30%, 50% and 100%. The new neck finish 26/22 for carbonated and still beverages with a gain of 1.6 g per bottle, only in the neck part will be presented.

Another highlight will be shown: the third version of the Mint-Tec technology which reduces the weight of the bottle bottom thanks to a thinner bottom of the preform. It ensures a better distribution of material during blowing. It is helpful for example for 62 g for a 5 l bottle. The company developed also a new stackable PET bottles for 8 l, 10 l and 20 l for filling of food liquids and beverages. All these solutions are compatibles with using of rPET and tethered caps.

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