Svensk Plaståtervinning opens state-of-the-art facility for plastic recycling

Svensk Plaståtervinning, a Swedish a non-profit company co-owned by Swedish plastics, food and trade industry groups, inaugurated Site Zero, a sorting plant in Motala, Sweden. The plant features Tomra and Sutco equipment and aims to realise a circular economy for plastics by sorting Swedish plastic packaging waste into 12 fractions.

The plant is expected to process 42 metric tons of materials per hour and to recover 12 different types of plastics from mixed plastic packaging waste. This includes a variety of polyolefins, PET, PS, EPS, PVC, and more. The technology allows for purity levels of up to 98%. As of now the clean material fractions are then sent to recyclers in the EU. However, Site Zero is also planning to add recycling capacity to further process the main fractions locally in the future.

With Site Zero the three partners – Svensk Plaståtervinning, Tomra and Sutco – aim to close the loop on plastics and to enable zero waste, zero downcycling and zero emissions. “The plant we are seeing here today is the result of three partners working towards a common goal: closing the loop on plastic packaging.”, Oliver Lambertz, VP and Head of Operations and Feedstock Sourcing at Tomra Feedstock, concludes.

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