Three questions for Karel-Keersmaekers-Michiels, Managing Director Nissei ASB

PETplanet: How would you assess your overall experience at NPE this year?

Karel-Keersmaekers-Michiels: Our overall experience was positive. The event had heavy traffic and attendees were enthusiastic about the new ASB technology on display.

PETplanet: Could you please share the key exhibits or technologies showcased at your booth during NPE? What factors influenced your decision to focus on these particular offerings, and what was the response from visitors?

Karel-Keersmaekers-Michiels: Key technologies and drivers were our 1-step ISBM polyethylene moulding technology. This technology was showcased in response to customer demand and market opportunities for the production of high-quality HDPE containers. Furthermore, we showcased our Vision 1 user interface. This new interface reflects our commitment to improving the digital experience, offering enhanced connectivity and communication. And we of course showcased our renowned Zero Cooling, with higher quality and faster cycle times being the driving factors for this technology. The response from visitors was very positive.

PETplanet: Based on your experience at NPE and your broader industry knowledge, what developments or challenges do you observe in the American PET bottle market?

Karel-Keersmaekers-Michiels: The US PET bottle market is still working to demonstrate its sustainability and prove that it is the best choice for packaging compared to glass and aluminium. The ongoing challenge for the industry is to demonstrate the value of automation in reducing labour costs, which are high in the US due to the expense of the labour market.

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