Processing virgin and recycled materials

Moretto’s comprehensive portfolio includes solutions for feeding and conveying, dosing, drying, granulation, temperature control, process cooling, storage, and integrated system supervision and management. Their products, particularly those aimed at the recycling process, cover all phases before injection moulding or extrusion. This includes grinders for pre and post-consumer waste material, devices for the storage and treatment of flakes, chips, and regrind material, and dehumidifying dryers for large quantities of recycled materials.

PRSE visitors were showing particular interest in advanced equipment designed to process both virgin and high percentages of recycled materials. The key focus was on transforming post-consumer plastics into valuable resources through proper treatment. Special attention has been dedicated to the gravimetric batch blender DGM Maxi Gravix specially developed for high volumes flakes dosing.

DGM Maxi Gravix

Looking ahead, Moretto foresees a twofold challenge for operators in the plastics industry. “On one side it is necessary to constantly raise the products quality standards, guaranteeing superior performance and customer satisfaction; on the other it is essential to combine this continuous quest for excellence with a growing environmental awareness by producing high-quality plastic materials that reduce their environmental impact along the entire supply chain. Last but not least, an intelligent use of plastic is essential,” said Caterina Zambianchi, Operational Marketing Director at Moretto. “Customers are paying increasing attention to this issue demanding machinery designed specifically for recycling, which can combine high performance and energy efficiency. The theme of the environment and greener production is certainly central to our industry and must be contextualized in a world that is going through a significant transition phase.”

Technological advancement and digitalisation are poised to be pivotal trends shaping the future of the plastics industry. Moretto recognises that investing in these areas is crucial not only to maintain competitiveness but also to propel the industry towards greater efficiency and sustainability.

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Photo: The Moretto team at PRSE

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