Recycled PET from the world’s coastal areas

Scanfill introduces Prevented Ocean Plastic rPET, a product that is claimed to meet high quality standards while contributing to cleaning up coastal areas.

Thanks to careful sorting and gentle handling of the raw material, the new Prevented Ocean Plastic (POP) rPET material can, among other things, exhibit a clearer transparency than other rPET, says the company.

“Prevented Ocean Plastic rPET both performs and looks as good as virgin PET. The product specifications of the POP rPET foil we produce are comparable to those of our Scanfoil PET, which is based on virgin material,” says Oscar Hugoson, CEO of Scanfill. “For those of us who have worked with recycled plastic for a long time, POP is a unique product as it both offers high material performance and actively contributes to reducing pollution in the coastal areas where it is collected.”

Certified recycled plastic with traceable origin

POP is a high-quality, certified recycled plastic that meets current health and safety standards. The raw material is collected by hand from selected coastal areas around the world, where plastic packaging risks polluting the ocean and negatively impacting marine life. “With POP, we can even trace the raw material back to a specific coastal region, so you’ll know whether your plastic comes from the Mediterranean, Central America, the Galapagos, or somewhere else,” says Oscar Hugoson.

Scanfill’s recent investments have focused on upgrading systems to ensure consistent quality throughout their production lines. This investment in the new product is another step toward continually improved quality.

“We see a growing demand for recycled materials, and our ambition is to stay at the forefront, offering our customers both materials and expertise in this rapidly expanding field,” says Oscar Hugoson.

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