Market Survey 03/2025
Resins & additives
Cap manufacturer &
cap inspection
Cap systems & cap moulds
Preform production & inspection
Preform systems & moulds
Two stage SBM machinery
Filling equipment
Suppliers of caps &
cap inspection systems
Shrinkfilm & palletising machinery
Recycling machinery
We are pleased to present the latest insights from suppliers and manufacturers in the
cap industry. In response to our call, a wide array of companies have contributed their
data, providing you with a comprehensive overview of their recent solutions. Please
find here the new data of the companies:
Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH, Bericap Holding GmbH, Corvaglia Group, Gulf Pack-
aging System Co, Has Plastik San Tic. A.S., IMD Ltd, Intravis GmbH, Retal Industries,
Sacmi Imola SC, Uner Plastic AS
Although the publishers have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding
completeness or accuracy.
Cap producer
Company name
Gulf Packaging System Co (3P GG) Retal Industries Ltd
Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG Corvaglia group
Postal address
Post Box 20266,
Epimitheos St. 6, Industrial Area Mockenstraße 34
Hörnlistrasse 14, CH-8360 Eschlikon,
+41 71 973 77 77
Jeddah 21455, KSA
+966 12 6360099
Mr Mohammed Najmuddin
A, Limassol, 3056, Cyprus
+357 25 270 500
6971 Hard, Austria
+43 5574 602 0
Telephone number
Web site address
Contact name
Direct telephone number
Mr Fuat Karaev
Mr Michael Feltes
Mr Vaidotas Bucevicius
Director Sales & Service
+41 71 973 77 10
Global Sales Director
+370 620 899 77
Managing Director - IM Devision
+43 5574 602 0
Product Range
One-piece closures for beverages
(Yes /No - If Yes, please specify
Yes, HDPE and PP
Two-piece closures for beverages
(with liner) (Yes / No - If Yes, please
specify material
Yes, PP with EVA liner
Applications relevant to PET contain- CSD, water, juice, milk, oil
ers (e.g. CSD, water, juice, beer, etc.)
CSD, water,
CSD, water, juice, tea, syrup, dairy
CSD & carbonated bottled water, still bottled
water (pressurised & non-pressurised),
sensitive drinks (juices, teas, flavoured
waters, ...), sports & energy drinks, others
(dairy, edible oil, …)
Neck finishes available as standard
29/25, 1881, 30/25, 1816, 38mm,
1881, 1810, 29/25, 26/22
26/22 (GME30.28, GME30.37, GME30.40);
PCO1881; PCO1810; 38mm 2-start
Several standard finishes from 25 to 48mm,
e.g. Cetie standard necks GME 30.21 to
(GME30.29); 38mm 3-start (GME30.25); glass GME 30.26, GME 30.28 to GME 30.33,
(MCA 7,5R); SPI-necks
GME 30.36 to GME 30.43, GME 32.03,
GME 32.04
Printed caps available (Yes / No)
Colour matching service (Yes / No)
Child-proof closures (Yes /No)
Push-Pull / sports caps (Yes / No)
Only in Mexico
Special comments/special closures
(e.g. tethered cap solution, flipt-tops,
drinking spouts, lightest cap for 28mm
PCO, 26mm for water etc including
non-beverage closures...)
Colour printing up to 3 colours,
UV & IR laser engraving avail-
able; caps embossment upon
request; tethered closures avail- neck finishes; CRC caps; standard packaging
able for various neck finishes
Non aerosol pumps in various neck finishes,
buckets and canisters for various app., tethered Mexico, USA. Corvaglia designed caps
cap solutions for 26/22, 1810, 1881, 38mm
Closure manufacturing sites in Switzerland,
are available around the world via partner
network. Tethered caps for carbonated and
non-carbonated drinks according to EU
Directive 2019/904
for pharma app.; 2-chamber caps; bi-and
multicomponent IM; custom-made closures
Special patented closures or market-
ing features
Digital printing capabilities installed in our
production sites. Custome closure designs
(for PET and non-PET containers) available
upon request
Cap producer
Company name
Uner Plastik AS
Bericap Holding GmbH
Has Plastik San Tic. A.S.
Postal address
Gebze Plastikciler OSB 1.cad 11.sok No.3
41400 Kocaeli/Turkiye
+90 262 751 3400
Cumhur Filik
Sales and Marketing Director
+90 530 265 0663
Kirchstrasse 5,
55257 Budenheim, Germany
+49 6139 2929 0
Firuzkoy Bulvari No 50
34325 Avcilar Istanbul, Turkey
+90 212 695 50 00
Mr Murat Aslan
Commercial Department
+90 212 695 50 00
Telephone number
Web site address
Contact name
Direct telephone number
Mr Thomas Schmidt
Group Marketing Director
+49 6139 2929 0
Product Range
One-piece closures for beverages Yes, HDPE/LDPE/PP with recyclable content
(Yes /No - If Yes, please specify
Two-piece closures for beverages No
(with liner) (Yes / No - If Yes,
please specify material
Yes, PP with EVA liner or HDPE with various liner types
Yes, HOD type only
Applications relevant to PET
Beverages, CSD, bottled and 5G water, juice, dairy, Beverage: CSD, water, dairy, juices, energy drinks, teas, syrups, CSD, water, juice, energy drinks, beer, dairy etc.
containers (e.g. CSD, water, juice, edible oil, food, beer, industrial segments, etc.
beer / Food: Ketchup, mayonnaise, spreadables, edible oil, soy
& vinegar
beer, etc.)
hotfill/aseptic/isotonic app. available
Neck finishes available as
28mm PCO-1810/1881, 29/25, 26/22, 30/25,
38mm 2/3 start hotfill/coldfill, 33mm 2 start hotfill,
29/21 1 or 2 pcs + 32/28 1 or 2 pcs snap-on
for edible oil, 48/41, 55mm 5G, handles for
38mm+48mm+55mm or lean/lateral handles for
edible oil bottles
26mm: PET 26/22 GME 30.28, GME 30.37, GME 30.38, GME
30.40, PET 26/21 GME 30.32; 28mm: PCO 1810, PCO 1881;
29mm: PET 29/25 GME 30.26, PET 29/21 GME 30.33; 30mm:
PET 30/25 GME 30.21; 33mm: PET 33/12 GME 30.30, PET
32/27 GME 30.36, PET 32/15; 38mm: PET 37/32 GME 30.29,
PET 37/16, PET 37/15, PET 38/33 GME 30.25; 48mm: GME
Tethered 26mm (GME 30.40), tethered 29-25mm,
tethered 1881, 26mm (25-22), 29-25mm, 30-25mm,
38mm, 48mm, 1810, 1881, HOD 55mm ( also non-
standard solutions upon request)
Printed caps available (Yes / No)
Yes, printing available in up to 4 colours
Yes (digital and tampon print)
Colour matching service (Yes / No) Yes, any colour can be matched with 99% accuracy Yes
Child-proof closures (Yes /No)
Push-Pull / sports caps (Yes / No)
Special comments/special closures Design, improvement, and production of caps with - ClipAside tethered cap introduced for all relevant neck finishes
Tethered caps (26 GME 30.40, 1881, 29-25), tethered
(e.g. tethered cap solution,
flipt-tops, drinking spouts, lightest
cap for 28mm PCO, 26mm for
water etc including non-beverage
our own Uner moulds. Tethered, light-weighted,
digital printed, spouted caps, and many others
across Europe
ready caps (GME30.40, 1881, 29-25), flip top caps,
- Mono-material sportscap range with special TE function (Biarritz lightest 1881 caps for high CSD
and Monet)
- Bericap Falcon: Light-weight SnapCap for PET 26/21 necks
- Extensive mono-material closure range for edible oil
Special patented closures or
marketing features
All closures designed and patented worldwide by
Uner Plastik AS
Silicone-free non-drip valve for sport caps and flip top closures
HOD caps for 5 gallon, laser marking inside caps
(alphanumeric codes, artwork etc), engraved logo
Cap inspection systems
Company name
IMD Ltd.
Gulf Packaging System Sacmi Imola S.A.
Co (3P GG)
P&S Technology Co., Ltd
Postal address
Industriestrasse 37A
2555 Bruegg, Switzerland
+41 32 366 80 66
Mr Martin Gerber
Post box 20266,
Via Selice Prov. Le 17/A
40026 Imola (Bo), Italy
+39 0542 607111
261 Daeji-ro, Suji-gu, Yongin-si,
Gyenggi-do, 16882, Korea
Jeddah 21455, KSA
+966 12 636 00 99
Telephone number
Web site address
Contact name
Mr Mohammed Najmuddin Mr Stefano Severi
Sales Director - CSO
VP - Operations
Sales Specialist Manager
Direct telephone no. +41 32 366 80 66
+966 12 6360099 ext 105 +39 335 659 4236
Inspection system
Inspection speed
Inspection method
Inspected objects
IMDvista 100% closure
inspection systems
Camera vision inspection CHS102/202
Cap closure inspection
Max 2,200 cpm
80cps / 4,800cpm /
2,400 caps/min
Up to 4,500 caps/min
Up to 200 caps/h
High resolution colour
Artificial computer vision algorithms, spark tester Mechanical and destructive breaking
force test
Any closure geometry and
Beverage closures
Flat top caps, tethered caps, sport caps, hinge
caps, multicomponents caps
Flat top caps and tethered caps
Aluminium / steel / plastic
Inspected parameters:
-Inner inspection
Short shots, flash, colour
defects, contamination,
ovality, sealing lip defects,
deformation, inside diameter
Insp. of the whole product side, incl. mouth,
plug seal (one piece caps), gasket (two pieces
caps); dedicated algorithms for precise thread
insp.; detection of small flashes & voids in TE
band wings; detection of colour variations,
discolourations, contaminations, black specks,
pulled threads, voids, flashes of material; insp.
of standard/tethered cut produced in the mould:
flashes in the windows, windows partially
closed, bridges, no. of/thickness of bridges
Ovality: ± 0.2mm, black particle:
Φ0.3mm, pinhole: Φ 0.5mm
-Outer inspection
Contamination outside wall, Yes
height meas., colour defects,
deformation, outside flash,
ovality, diameter
Complete insp. of the public side, including
Black particle: Φ 0.5mm, print: ≥30
gray level & ≥1.0mm offset
sidewall. Special CVS360-3D module to unroll
sidewall in a 2D image making a compensation of
any deformation coming from lens deformation,
perspective and spatial position of the object; insp.
of the decoration with automatic recognition of
colours and areas with a specific colour; colour
variation (ΔE), wrong colour, colour planes registra-
tion, off-centre, stains, black specks and others
Any type
From a top view: ovalisation, indicative meas.
on inner and outer diameter; from side views:
outer diameters measured along the cap body,
bulged caps, cap height
-Cavity number
Automated 100% cavity
inpspection by IMDvista
Neuron (generic AI tool)
Yes, through AI algorithms for high reliability
and performance; statistics of defects by cavity
number, sorting by cavity number
Yes, through CVScut vision system
Save images by number with
mould number reading function
-Microhole inspec-
Available / high-voltage
Spark system
Yes, with dedicated and integrated spark tester
-Additional inspection Top plate inspection for colour, N/A
Yes (presence/absence, integrity, black specks,
voids, flashes, contaminations…)
Inspected diameter range :
12-53 mm; inspected height range
criteria for inserts
print and contamination
Further inspection
New calibrated and validated
system solution; AI inspec-
tion for tethered closure
types - no false rejects, Inline
measurements with absolute
values due to system
Side inspection
Breaking force test
Cavity recognition, print colour,
print damage
Colour Camera:
All colour cameras
CHS features up to 7/12 high resolution and
high speed colour cameras to control the
whole cap
Stand-alone (offline) Available
Yes CHS 102, no CHS 202
CHS family includes two machines: CHS102
(single vacuum conveyor belt) and CHS202
PFMC takes samples of plastic caps and
performs destructive tests: breaking forces
(double vacuum conveyor belt); both machines of the bridges and of the lugs that keep the
are compact and have been designed to match cap tethered to the bottle; machine records
high production speeds (up to 4,500ppm)
detected values and provides a set of
statistics; chart showing force as a function
of time, export of data via Ethernet or USB
AI tool - IMDvista Neuron;
IMDvista Portal - Connects
your IMD vision systems
Software portal for process Graphical HMI translated in more than 20 lan-
monitoring and control
guages, AI algorithms, colour analysis, special
tools dedicated to a precise thread insp., runs
under Windows 10 IoT
Cap inspection systems
Company name
Intravis GmbH
Postal address:
Rotter Bruch 26a, 52068 Aachen, Germany
Contact name | Function: Mr Marius Pötting | Product Manager Caps and Closures
Inspection system CapWatcher Compact
CapWatcher Q-Line
CapWatcher SC (Specialty Closures) CapWatcher B-Line
40 cps / 2,400 cpm / 144,000 cph
CapWatcher FC
Inspection speed
40 cps / 2,400 cpm / 144,000 cph
80 cps / 4,800 cpm / 288,000 cph 80 cps / 4,800 cpm / 288,000 cph
20 caps on filled bottles/s /
1,200bpm / 72,000 bph
Inspection method An inline inspection system that combines
sorting and inspection in one system and
3 cameras for inner insp. (sealing
elements, thread, TE band), 4
Fully customised insp. systems that are Modular insp. system; 1 camera for
tailored to the needs and wishes of the inner inspection, 4 cameras for outer
Splash-proofed quality control of
the filled end product; 5 cameras
for outer inspection, the applica-
tion angle and the TE band; 2
cameras for outer verification of fill
level and closure position
with the smallest possible footprint. 4 cam-
cameras for outer insp., 1 camera customers
inspection, 1 camera for liner inspec-
tion/cavity no. reading
eras for outer inspection, 1 camera for inner for topwall/print insp., contactless
inspection, 1 optional camera for topwall/
microhole insp., temp. meas., 1
print inspection, 1 camera for cavity number camera for cavity no. reading,
reading, contactless microhole inspection
sensor to detect concavity/convexity
>All measurements with calibrated absolute of closures
values and highest accuracy
Inspected objects
Standard one-piece beverage closures,
standard two-piece beverage closures,
tethered caps
Tethered caps, standard one-piece Tethered caps, standard one-and two-
bev. closures, standard two-piece
bev. closures (*CapWatcher Q-Line sports cap, push-pull, 3-piece closures,
Slitter available for slitted closures, screw top cap, spout & dosing, beauty &
Standard one-piece bev. closures,
piece bev. closures, carton fitment, flip-top, standard two-piece bev. closures, teth- standard two-piece bev. closures,
Standard one-piece bev. closures,
ered caps (without tethered features)
metal closures (without meas. of
application angle)
behind slitting machine)
home-care, food & bev., pharma, automo-
tive, inserts, cutters, lids, dustcover
Inspected parameters:
-Inner inspection
-Outer inspection
Measurement of inner & outer seal cone
diameter, thread inspection, tamper-evident thread insp., TE band insp., black
band inspection, black specks, contamina- specks, contamination, colour
Meas. of inner seal cone diameter, Meas. of inner & outer seal cone
Meas. of inner seal cone diameter,
inner closure diameter, ovality, thread
insp., TE band insp., black specks,
contamination, colour deviation, inner/
diameter, thread insp., TE band insp.,
black specks, contamination, colour
tion, colour deviation, inner seal cone, outer deviation, inner & outer seal cone, deviation, inner/outer seal cone, plug
seal cone, constant distance between inner plug seal, constant distance and
and outer seal cone, short shots, flashes,
homogeneity between inner/outer outer seal cone, homogeneity between liner, cavity no. reading
liner, laser engraving, QR-codes, promotion seal cone, short shots, flashes,
seal, constant distance between inner & outer seal cone, short shots, flashes,
inner/outer seal cone, short shots,
flashes, liner, protruding features, laser
engraving, QR-/promotion codes, cavity
no. reading
codes, cavity number reading
liner, protruding features, laser
engraving, QR-/promotion codes,
cavity no. reading
Measurement of outer closure diameter,
measurement of outer closure height,
Meas. of outer closure diameter and Meas. of outer closure diameter &
height, long gate insp., slit quality for height, long gate insp., slit quality for
Meas. of outer closure diameter &
height, colour deviation, black specks, band inspec., verification of fill
absence and damage of the tamper-evident slitted closures, absence/damage slitted closures, absence/damage of TE contamination, absence and damage level, insp. for presence of clo-
Meas. of application angle, TE
band, colour deviation, black specks,
contamination, ovality, vertical/ horizontal/
of the TE band, colour deviation,
band, colour deviation, black specks,
of TE band, short shots, flashes
sure, elevated closure, crooked/
bent closure, domed closure
black specks, contamination, ovality, contamination, ovality, short shots,
radial flashes, open and closed short shots, short shots, flashes, angel hairs,
flashes, angel hairs, colour streaks,
flow lines/colour/cracks at inj. gate,
colour streaks, flow lines at the injection
gate, colour of the injection gate, cracks at
colour streaks, flow lines/ cracks
at injection gate, colour of injection prints on head plate, tethered features,
the injection gate, prints on the head plate, gate, prints on head plate, tethered temp. meas.
tethered features
features, temp. meas.
High precision measurement of closure
diameter and ovality, high precision
measurement of the inner & outer seal
cone diameter and ovality, high precision
measurement of the outer closure height,
High precision meas. of closure
High precision meas. of diameter and
Diameter and ovality (closure, seal
cone), closure height, damaged seal
cone, missing or damaged TE band
Missing closure, missing or dam-
aged TE band, domed closure
diameter and ovality, high precision ovality (closure&seal cone), high preci-
meas. of inner & outer seal cone
sion meas. of closure height, assembly
diameter and ovality, high precision faults, missing components, damaged
meas. of outer closure height,
components, damaged seal cone,
missing or damaged tamper-evident band, missing or damaged TE band,
height of the tamper-evident band
height of the TE band, flap insp.,
vertical/horizontal/radial long shots, open
& closed short shots, height of TE band,
vertical/horizontal/radial long shots, missing/damaged TE band, damaged/
open and closed short shots, temp. turned up flaps, damaged pull tabs,
meas. of every single closure
missing/damaged quality seal, temp.
meas. of every single closure
-Cavity number
Unique, robust cavity reading with machine- Robust cavity reading with special illumination techn., cap-oriented imaging and Robust cavity reading with machine-
learning algorithms for outstanding cavity
recognition. This enables: assignment of
microholes to individual cavities, wear or
machine-learning algorithms for cavity recognition. This enables the creation
of real-time heat maps of moulds; problems in the temp. control of individual
cavities or entire heating and cooling circuits can be detected and eliminated;
learning algorithms for outstanding
cavity recognition. This enables wear/
defects in the tool can be detected at
an early stage; every defective closure
will be assigned to its real cavity in
the mould
defect detection in the tool at an early stage, microholes can be assigned to individual cavities; wear or defects in the tool
every defective closure will be assigned to
its real cavity in the mould
can be detected at early stage; every defective closure will be assigned to its
real cavity in the mould
-Microhole inspec- Contactless microhole inspection - no need Contactless microhole insp. - no
Contactless microhole inspec. - no need
to dip into the closure. Precise assignment need to dip into the closure > must- to dip into the closure
of microholes to individual cavities providing have for tethered caps with inserts
the best possible production analysis.
-Additional inspec-
tion criteria for
Missing components, weight, label, l*a*b
values, barrier/label insp., tactile meas.
Further inspection AI-based inspection of tethered features
Tethered & TE band features
Filler and capper tracking (objects
can be traced back to specific tool
of filler and capper)
Colour Camera:
Yes, additional, configurable second
Data base connection; reject rate monitoring; product monitoring (upgradeable Data base connection; reject rate moni- Data base connection; reject
ejector e.g. for specific cavities, individual with IntraVisualizer); integrated control of up- and downstream equipment (one toring; product monitoring (upgrade-
rate monitoring (via filler capper
inspection criteria (e.g. for objects with
high reject rates); IntraVisualizer &
HMI for complete line); integrated trend statistics with pre-warning; industry 4.0 able with IntraVisualizer); integrated
ready (IntraVisualizer & IntraRecommender)
tracking, ejector available); product
control of up- and downstream equip. monitoring (upgradeable with
(one HMI for the Intravis sorter, insp.
IntraVisualizer); integrated control
and packaging system / integration into of up- and downstream equip.
line of customer possible); integrated
trend statistics with pre-warning;
industry 4.0 ready (IntraVisualizer &
(ejector for filled bottles); integrated
trend statistics with pre-warning;
industry 4.0 ready (IntraVisualizer
& IntraRecommender)
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