5,000 people joined Sacmi’s 105th ‘birthday party’

On Saturday, November 30, almost 5,000 people celebrated Sacmi Imola’s 105th ‘birthday’. The Open Day at the company’s premises was intended to give a close look at the ‘Sacmi world’: a world that spans from manufacturing to the cutting-edge research with which the company is building the factories of the future.

Guided tours of Sacmi’s production and innovation hubs

The main event of the day was a 13-stop tour of the factory to explore key areas of Sacmi production and innovation: from the Rigid Packaging Lab (where new low-environmental-impact caps in cellulose fibre are being designed) to the department that assembles and tests the industrial presses used to make everyday ceramic and metal items. It was also an opportunity to introduce visitors to some of the lesser-known parts of the factory, such as the machine tool department: 5,000 m2 of pure technology where metal parts (e.g. moulds for cap presses) are made with micrometric precision. The tour also covered AI and, more generally, advanced Quality Control systems that simplify workers’ tasks, taking process control into the realm of consistent quality. The Ceramic and Whiteware Labs also played key roles.

The factory through a child’s eyes

Many of the day’s activities were designed for families with children or youngsters. In an area set up in the canteen, children were able to dive into the clay-working process and conduct scientific experiments, giving them a fun, hands-on way of exploring the challenges of sustainability, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Older participants had the opportunity to add to the resulting knowledge by completing the tour and seeing the ‘real’ machines in action.

From workshop to worldwide success

To bring these 105th celebrations to a close, Monday December 2 – the exact anniversary of the company’s founding – saw the presentation of the book “Sacmi: from workshop to worldwide success Origins of an extraordinary cooperative experience”. In a packed auditorium, people gathered to listen to the author of the book, Valter Galavotti, and two former and current Sacmi employees, Leo Monduzzi and Cecilia Palmieri. The event was also attended by local institutions: the acting president of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Irene Priolo, was there, together with the mayor of Imola, Marco Panieri, highlighting how the ‘Sacmi model’ is a crucial part of Imola, the Region and, indeed, Italy’s industrial, economic and social heritage. The meeting ended with words from the President of Legacoop Nazionale, Simone Gamberini. “We’re especially proud”, pointed out Sacmi’s President Paolo Mongardi in his opening remarks, “to have turned the spotlight on, for this anniversary, with a new interpretation of Sacmi’s origins and how it went from being a small workshop to a huge industrial concern while remaining rooted in the communities from which it sprang. We’re not just talking about the history of a company, our history, but about the always-relevant values and principles of being a cooperative, of looking to the future and the coming generations.”

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