{"pages":{"page":[{"#text":"36 EVENT REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net Fakuma 2021review part 1 The 27th Fakuma international trade fair for plastics processing celebrated an inspiring restart in Friedrichshafen from October 12-16, 2021. 1,470 exhibitors from 39 countries came to Lake Constance for the first major international on-site event for the plastics industry this fall, and presented injection moulding, extrusion technology, thermoforming and 3D printing on a world-class level. Overall emphasis was placed on the issues of sustainability, circular economy and recycling. PETplanet Insider asked its customers three questions after the show: 1) Fakuma 2021 in Friedrichshafen was the first attendance event for many exhibitors and visitors. How was the trade fair for you? 2) What changes and new needs, also in the area of investments, have you registered with your customers that you will address? 3) Which markets have developed particularly for you in the Corona years? Ms Nathalie Fabbro, Global Sales & Marketing Coordinator at Plastisud 1) Actually we were happy that this show was not cancelled at the very last minute. However, we didn’t have too many expectations, knowing that the visitors would be much less than previous years – so we did the show with limited personnel on our booth. It was important to be present, to start it all again, but this was a “quiet” show for us, although we had the chance to exhibit on the Engel booth with our “patented” injection/compression technology on stack moulds, with a 4+4-cavity mould for 425g rectangular “ultra-light weight” tub. We enjoyed meeting our “regular” customers but didn’t really make new contacts, or only a few, compared with other Fakuma shows. 2) We were already present in Medical Device for more than 30 years, with 20 to 30% of our turnover dedicated to this industry, depending on the years. We presented a new mould in K 2019, with Sumitomo Demag machine and Hekuma robot: a 64-cavity mould for pipette tips. A good opportunity to show that we were real actors for high cavitation and high precision moulds for these parts. This came exactly on time in 2020, as this sector grew a lot, with higher volume requirements – we anticipated this with the purchase of new machines and tools dedicated to the machining of cavity elements for our moulds (we will not tell more…) and we are now full power with orders and deliveries. 3) Amongst the three markets we are working with (beverage closures, food packaging and medical parts) - and thanks to new developments made and presented during last K 2019 - we had a significant growth of or medical activity. Now it has become 40% of our turnover (was previously between 20 to 30% depending on the years). www.plastisud.com Ms Manuela Feuerstein, Sales Manager at Eisbär Trockentechnik GmbH 1) The trade fair was a huge success for us. It was very important that the sector was able to meet once again in person. Many of our customers were themselves exhibitors and our stand welcomed a host of visitors right up to Saturday. It was a great shame of course that the international audience was lacking. Nevertheless, the trade fair was much better than expected. 2) More than ever, recycling is a top theme for all customers. Many are ready to invest or have already invested. 3) China, Mexico, Thailand and Japan were notably good for us. However, a great many markets throughout Asia, North America and Europe have developed well. www.eisbaer.at","@ID":38} "EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 11 Will it all be diff erent? And if so, how exactly? The European Road Show to Drinktec 2022 is underwayby Kay Barton The Editourmobil is back in Europe! In the most exciting project we have implemented since the annual Road Shows, the PETplanet Team is working in the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic to highlight the current challenges, strategies and opportunities for the European PET sector. The global crisis has put the global economy, global requirements and consumer behaviour to the test. Conservative sectors, some operating constantly for decades, have been knocked around, forced to rethink on the fly and restructure themselves to suit the new situation. The way we communicate, invest and consume has undergone lasting change during the pandemic and the climate crisis. In many places, digitalisation has undergone massive expansion and remodelling; topics like health, sustainability, logistics and e-commerce have received an unprecedented boost and are once again the topics of our time. How can we achieve our future climate goals and structure production with greater added value? How can we ensure continuity and become more self-sufficient while maintaining competitiveness? What trends have arisen both because of and during the pandemic? And what adjustments must be made so we can offer our customers and partners security paired with good service? We want to discuss all these topics and much more on the European Road Show. Tour Sponsors: Sponsors to date Interested in becoming a Sponsor? [email protected] The worldwide round trip with EDITOURS Interested in being interviewed? [email protected] Let Your Inspiration Flow. 7KH (XURSHDQ 5RDG 6KRZ PART2 Empowered by drinktec Autumn 2021 - 2022 Back to Europe The second part of PETplanet’s bipartite Drinktec Editour is right ahead! After the successful first part “From Down Under to Japan” in 2020, our second stage of the project takes us back to the flourishing European hub where we will be exploring the latest technologies, news, innovations and developments that move our PET industry. We will be asking how global thinking might change as a result of Covid-19. How will bilateral business relationships cope with the aftermath of the pandemic? What opportunities will there be for the drinks industry and its suppliers? Our planning, in terms of precise timeframes and details of the countries to be visited will be flexible, in order to take account of the rapidly changing pandemic situation. We will be at the very heart of the roadshow as usual and are already looking forward to welcoming you back on board the Editourmobil! Share this exciting experience with us!","@ID":13} "EVENT REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 40 The PET recycle initiative Run, drink, recycle PET bottles have been confronted with the concept of danger attributed to nature as a whole. However, it is difficult to conceive of a long journey through nature without one of these bottles to hydrate and lighten the way. The Spanish company Novapet wants to demonstrate that PET and environment can be the best allies. Novapet finds in each PET bottle or container consumed a powerful resource that, through its correct management and treatment, allows to enjoy the benefits that PET offers in immediate environment, closing the bottle-to-bottle recycling cycle. The XII edition of the Ultra Trail Guara Somontano took place last October 25-26 in the Spanish town of Alquezar. A long-awaited edition after the lockdown caused by the global Covid-19 pandemic for all runners. Novapet, which has been collaborating with the race since 2019, recovering PET containers consumed, once again contributed its grain of sand in terms of sustainability for the event. “We prepared an exceptional team of volunteers distributed among the most relevant provisioning, refreshment and control points throughout the whole weekend, with the main objective of recovery all the PET containers that were used in the refreshment control stations during the race: mineral water, soft drink and isotonic drink bottles and, additionally in this edition, PET bowls and spoons for solid provisioning, which were delivered both in the race and at the finish line”, explained the management team. They continued: “We really push this circular economy initiative #ReciclaelPET that this fantastic material allows in such an event like this, in which, in a short period of time, PET consume is highly increased and we, as a PET producer based at the Somontano area, where the race takes place, want to take care of our closest environment with actions like this.” All PET containers from the 2021 edition will be used for the rPET containers for the next edition of the race. Recycling, necessary but not sufficient Novapet’s experience with this polymer in the different stages of the production process has led them to study the possibilities that the recycling of the material can offer. The first mechanical recycling line is expected to start up in the last quarter of 2022 at the Barbastro, Huesca, facility, with a processing capacity of up to 15,000t/a of food-grade rPET. The investments made in favour of the bottle-to-bottle production model will allow the company to close the PET circle by being able to manufacture food grade recycled PET resin with the waste from bottles already consumed, thus avoiding the waste of this resource with infinite lives such as PET. From Novapet urge the legislator to study in depth the possibilities that chemical recycling can offer, complementary to mechanical recycling, possibly allowing meeting the objectives of 100% recycled bottles in a sustainable way in the medium term. www.novapet.com The right tools and expertise to help with your rPET goals! Agr is uniquely positioned to support your venture into rPET bottle manufacturing with a powerful combination of Process Control tools, Process Consultants, and decades of industry experience. AGRINTL.COM • +1.724.482.2163","@ID":42} "PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 41 EVENT REVIEW 2021 PET Chemical Recycling: Depolymerization Forum In 2019, Petcore Europe launched the PET Monomer Recycling Special Industry Group - with initial engagement by companies involved in the development of new and innovative processes to recycle PET and polyester waste by depolymerisation and reusing its monomer constituents. Due to the growing interest in PET Monomer Recycling, Petcore Europe organised the Webinar “2021 PET Chemical Recycling: Depolymerization Forum” on the 6th of October 2021. Stephen Short, President of Petcore Europe opened the event with the triad that there is a lot of innovation, a lot of learning and as a result a lot of activity that this event would like to report on. Appropriately, there were 17 speakers whose short presentations were mainly about pilot projects, but also about regulations and almost market-ready plants. Kristin Geidenmark Olofsson, convenor for ISO TC 61 Plastics, SC 14 Environmental aspects and the Working Group 5 for mechanical and chemical recycling, pointed to the lack of a consensual agreement on a Mass balance model. She continued that a definition of recycled content, a verification scheme and environmental footprint methodology are still missing. She stated that the current available technologies within chemical recycling puts all methods in one calculation category, independent of rate of actual recycled content and that this open boundary approach risks the credibility of the plastics industry. Perspective of PET producer From the perspective of PET producers, Antonello Ciotti CPME Chairman, spoke about “PET on the Forefront of Ecological Transition.” He focused on the problem of green washing. He told that CPME works with the value chain to ensure that regulation is in place to set a fair competitive ground for the European PET industry. Antonello called for public confidence in vPET to be maintained in rPET and for chemical recycling (R monomers) to be a must in order to maintain the PET business in Europe. He summarised his demands in three points: The EU+1 must establish a control system to certify that imported PET has validated rPET content; unfair competition due to potential untruths (green washing) should be sanctioned and consumer safety must be maintained, and innovation should not be unintentionally blocked. Projects Martin Stephan, CEO Cabios, presented Carbios resarch on enzymes to fully break-down plastics. The enzyme allows an infinite recycling of all types of PET waste as well as the production of 100% recycled and 100% recyclable PET products, without loss of quality. Market validation was reached in June 2021 when the 4 brandowners partners, L’Oréal, Nestlé, PepsiCo and Suntory Beverage and Food Europe have presented their packaging manufactured in industrial conditions, made with product coming from Carbios technology with food-contact approval. The start-up of the demonstration plant in Clermont-Ferrand was at the end of September 2021. Licences are expected to be issued by the end of 2022. A successful capital increase of € 114 million was reached in May 2021. A start-up of a first-of-a-kind industrial unit (the reference plant) is planned for 2025. Legislation Mike Neal, Chairman of CPME, gave an update on the Chemical Recycling Legislative. He analysed that to be accepted from a regulatory point of view, chemical recycling must demonstrate that the myriad processes can produce products that align with the current plastics regulation. The monomers must be of suitable technical quality and purity; they shall not contain genotoxic materials and finally must be listed in the plastics regulation. The current work programme includes that monomers, and polymers produced from them, are being prepared and analysed. Analysis methods for monomer purity (NIAS) are being developed and polymer and flake (FI process) are being analysed for Nias reduction. The regulation status for monomer recycling is open for discussion; several aspects need to be considered for example Efsa will be asked to develop evaluation criteria, the industry view on PET chemical recycling that PET chemical recycling should remain outside of the scope of FC recycle regulation. For more infomation please visit Petcore Europe: www.petcore-europe.org by Heike Fischer","@ID":43} "BOTTLE MAKING 21 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net Sustainable bottle with plantable label Sustainability is an issue that has changed from being just a trend to a key part in the business strategy for companies wishing to develop their business. This is especially true for manufacturers that use PET for their packaging and operate in the fast-moving consumer goods industry, where products have a short life cycle. Gentlebrand’s Packaging Tailors have focused on options currently available when developing a bottle solution that is quick to implement and accessible to all, thanks to a low investment required. The result is “Aroma”, a bottle made of 100% recycled clear PET, which is completely recyclable and designed by rethinking the manufacturing system, as Gentlebrand states. It is intended to meet both the demands of brands in terms of marketing and communication and the needs of the company in terms of production, investment and sustainability. Separate label without glue Particular focus was placed on the label which is made of a special organic paper which contains the seeds of the aromatic plants making up the different flavours of the beverage the bottle contains. It has been combined with the choice of inks of vegetable origin or inks for food use, which makes the label plantable, thus creating a further virtuous circle. Furthermore, the addition of the label on the neck of the bottle without the need for glue further reduces the use of waste materials in the plastic recycling stream. Thanks to its position and the different material component, the label is perceived by consumers as a separate element, facilitating proper disposal. A sustainable idea supporting manufacturers by guaranteeing the integrity of the product, as the label can be removed with a simple and intuitive gesture: pulling it off. 100% rPET bottle Made of 100% recycled clear PET to be considered highly recyclable by positively impacting the bottle-tobottle loop, Aroma also gives a nod in the direction of brands in terms of marketing and communication: the large label on the neck of the bottle provides plenty of space for all the information required by law as well as the various marketing messages. The bottle itself can be fully customised with decorations or product descriptions, Gentlebrand states, reaching a high level of quality detail thanks to Supervent technology. The bottle is available for both still and sparkling products. It has been realised by Gentlebrand, with technologies by Competek and Sidel. www.gentlebrand.studio","@ID":23} "PATENTS PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 47 Optimised securing strap Intern. Patent No. WO 2021 / 026433 A1 Applicant: Niagara Bottling LLC., Diamond Bar (US) Application date: 7.8.2020 To further reduce the weight of a PET plastic bottle, a bottle is proposed where the guarantee band is replaced by a securing strap, the end of which is connected to the bottle by welding or sticking. Double-walled preform Intern. Patent No. WO 2021 / 029175 A1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co. Ltd., Tokyo (JP) Application date: 14.7.2020 Double-walled preform and procedure for manufacturing a bottle / container from this preform. Attachment with mixing function Disclosure No. DE 102019005513 A1 Applicant: HeineMack GmbH, Nuremberg (DE) Application date: 6.8.2019 Drinking and dispensing device for placing on a bottle opening. A container with a drink additive can be connected to the attachment so that when pouring or drinking directly from the bottle, the liquid is drunk as a drink mixed with the additive. Bottle with folding base Intern. Patent No. WO 2019 / 192975 A1 Applicant: Société Anonyme des Eaux Minérales D’Evian et en Abrege, Evian Les Bains (FR) Application date: 2.4.2019 A thin-walled bottle for water is inserted into a supportive shield and then fixed in place by pressure on the base, which folds this into a second, stable position. Stabilising collar Intern. Patent No. WO 2019 / 192974 A1 Applicant: Société Anonyme des Eaux Minérales D’Evian et en Abrege, Evian les Bains (FR) Application date: 2.4.2019 Thin-walled bottle with an outer shape that allows the thin-walled bottle to be screwed into a type of collar. This allows better handling of the thin-walled bottle. Reinforced grip area Intern. Patent No. WO 2019 / 206728 A1 Applicant: Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., Vevey (CH) Application date: 16.4.2019 A thin-walled plastic bottle is given circulating, specially shaped ridges in the grip area to improve the stability in this area. PETpatents www.verpackungspatente.de","@ID":49} "PREFORM PRODUCTION PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 14 Sipa debuts preform mould with 200 cavities Same floor space, more output Not long ago, Sipa broke through a barrier of multi-cavity PET preform production with the first mould in the world to hold 180 cavities. The mould was the same size as one with 144 cavities, but advanced hot runner technology allowed to insert an extra 36 cavities – almost 25% more. Now the Italian company has gone and broken its own record. It is just what major packaging companies are after: producing more preforms with a single system, cutting consumption of utilities, being more efficient in the use of labour, and to tie up less valuable floor space. Sipa has made a mould containing 200 cavities for preforms with necks up to 28 mm, typical for mineral water and beverage bottles. The mould still has the same external dimensions, so it can be mounted on an XForm 500 GEN4 injection moulding machine. The 200-cavity mould facilitates the production of over 140,000 preforms every hour. This is making the investment in an XFormM 500 production system more cost-effective than ever, says Sipa. Companies can also maximise the potential for packaging line integration: one preform production system with a 200-cavity mould could be used to provide input for two bottle production and filling lines running at 81,000 bph. More output without stressing the equipment Sipa engineered the 200-cavity mould using the principles that applied to the 180-cavity mould, developing a solution that their customers could rely on. Sipa‘s Preform Tooling Manager comments: “We have the ability to create extremely wellbalanced hot runner systems that are virtually unconfined by limits on geometry. Sipa’s Gen4 hot runner design concept provides best-in-class balance, long maintenance intervals, and excellent ease of access when intervention is finally required.” He continues, “By increasing output on a 500 t machine without making it run faster – rather than running a mould with fewer cavities and shorter cycle times to achieve similar output, but putting extra stress on the machine – we can help the processor prolong equipment lifetimes.” www.sipasolutions.com PREFORMS","@ID":16} "MARKET SURVEY 29 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net Herbold Meckesheim GmbH Zhejiang Boretech Environmental Engineering Co.Ltd. Starlinger Recycling Technology Erema Engineering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen Ges.m.b.H. Industriestrasse 33, 74909 Meckesheim,Germany +49 6226 932 0 www.herbold.com Mr Achim Ebel Vice President for Plastic Recovery Systems +49 6226 932 0 [email protected] No.888, Jiuliting Ave. Caoqiao Street, Pinghu, China +86 573 85120 186 www.bo-re-tech.com Mr Alan Ou Senior V.P. +86 573 85136 190 [email protected], [email protected] Furtherstrasse 47a, 2564 Weissenbach, Austria +43 2674-800 3101 www.recycling.starlinger.com Mr Paul Niedl, MA Commercial Head +43 2674-800 3100 [email protected] Unterfeldstraße 3, 4052 Ansfelden, Austria +43 732 3190 0 www.erema.com Mr Christoph Wöss Business Development Man., Application Bottle +43 732 3190 0 [email protected] Yes, sorting done in cooperation with long-time partners or Keycycle Yes Mixed loose plastics Yes Sorted plastic bales 500-5,000kg/h 5,000-10,000 variable 1,000-20,000 1-4m³/t Variable ~100 Yes No OEM equipment, integration Depends on vendor's effi ciency (approx. 90-95%) Equipment for bale opening, delabelling, prewash drums Engineering and integration services, Turnkey projects, Keycycle GmbH, member of Erema Group GmbH, Michal Prochazka, Managing Director, +43 732 3190545, [email protected] Yes, washing done in cooperation with longtime partners or Keycycle (see above) Yes collected pressed bottles, various colours Yes Yes up to 5t/h 3,000-57,000 ≈ 1,800m² Depeding on design, 800-4,500 1-4m³ ~1.5 Depending on individual scope ~180 All PET / HDPE / LDPE Hydrocyclone technology for density separation No recoStar PET FG, recoStar PET FG+, recoStar PET iV+ Flakes, coloured proportion max 5%, not much chlorine Flakes Flakes or Pellets Yes (decontaminated for food contact, IV increased, AA 1ppm, lowest VOC level) Flakes (MPR) or pellets (Vacurema or Vacunite) 8,000-24,000 6,000-26,000t/a rPET pellets Up to 42,000 300-500, depeding on design Depending on design Depending on through-put and technology:50 - 600 Flakes and granulates with FDA approval Several USA/FDA (C-H), Austria, Germany/BfR, Ilsi, France/AFFSSA, Finland, Australia, Canada, Egypt, Japan, Switzerland, several Latin American Countries follows EFSA requiremens; several brand owners FDA (cat. A-H&J); EFSA (positive EFSA opinion issued); brand owners (conf.); several national approvals (Austria, CH, Zona Mercursur, etc.) 150-300, depending on design Depending on design Between 100-350 Closed loop system for water and N2, depending on application & technology type Yes Yes, depeding on design On request Yes Yes, depeding on design On request Yes Pelletising & SSP: 98kWh Included Pelletising & SSP: 10-15Nm³ On request Pelletising & SSP: 5m³ On request Yes NaOH (2-3kg per tonne output), and brand detergent (1-1.5 l per tonne output) Yes Yes, 2-3kg per tonne output Yes No Yes Yes, depending on customer demand and process Yes Yes, 5-10 l/h, depeding on bottle bales condition As needed to achieve higher fl ake quality Water fi ltration up to 1 μm 25 μm (automatic backfl ush fi lter); equals to 50/250 mesh (laser fi lter) Yes, batch reactors with controlled residence time IV 0.70→ 0.86dL/g, SSP: 12-16h for pellets , 4-6h for fl akes Yes, in cooperation with partners Yes Yes Yes, Vacurema Inline Preform (Xtreme Renew) Yes Yes Yes, Vacurema Inline Sheet Yes Yes, one stop solution from post-consumer bottles to PSF, POY and FDY Yes Yes, Vacurema Inline Fibre for Staple Fibre, BCF and Poy Yes Yes Yes, Vacurema Inline Strapping or Monofi lament Yes Yes No Yes, with Keycycle & Vacurema Yes Yes No Yes, with Vacurema","@ID":31} "LABELLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 31 Interview with Artem Krukov, Labelling Business Development Director at Sidel How the label becomes more sustainable and flexible In light of increasing regulatory demands globally, labelling today is a highly intricate process that is even more vital to products than ever before. Food and beverage industry players are particularly concerned about the costs of materials and are keen to optimise their investment while increasing brand recognition. Mr Artem Krukov, Labelling Business Development Director at Sidel talks about trends in labelling and how a greater focus on sustainability and flexibility is changing the way labels are created and applied. What are the most important challenges in labelling for the beverage industry? Artem Krukov: Similar to the manufacturing industry as a whole, beverage producers are searching for greater efficiency and lower total cost of ownership (TCO) for their labelling equipment. There is also a significant focus on sustainability. The label is one of the main interfaces for communication with the consumer. Companies are changing their labels constantly to respond to fast-changing consumer preferences. How is labelling becoming more sustainable? Artem Krukov: It is our goal to help customers cut costs on everything from material consumption to maintenance costs. By reducing label thicknesses and surface areas, customers can cut costs and improve the carbon footprint of label production and the labelling process. Label producers are working to ensure that labels do not affect PET recycling. Another important trend is the conversion of labels from shrink sleeves to BOPP labels (plastic roll-fed labels for wraparound application). This is a very important step in bottle labelling, since containers labelled with shrink sleeves are difficult to recycle. Hence, the shift to BOPP labels not only provides recycling capabilities, but also helps companies reduce their carbon footprint even further. What do you mean by that? Artem Krukov: Historically, labels have caused issues with PET recycling to food-grade standard because the label or the glue has affected the recycling process. Today there are several initiatives that can minimise this impact, namely label surface/size reduction, wash-off glue development and glue application minimisation. Drinks manufacturers focus a lot on glue characteristics. What is the reason for this? Artem Krukov: We can observe this tendency via two trends. First of all, customers around the world are eager to reduce the amount of glue for three reasons: 1) more glue equals higher costs; 2) less glue usage positively impacts machine cleanliness, which leads to higher efficiency; and 3) glue affects the recycling process. Most importantly, customers want to address all of these factors without sacrificing product quality. The second trend can be seen only in some countries: customers want to increase glue distribution to make label application more solid and stable. Sidel has developed a solution that fulfils both requirements, namely by leveraging the BOPP solution, we have developed a laser-engraved glue roller (a standard scope for the roll-fed machine portfolio). Thus, we can have better control of glue distribution and repeatability. As a result, the label can still maintain its optimal quality even with less glue. At the same time, we can manage higher glue quantity as well, and it will be distributed more efficiently over the entire glue strip surface. How does Sidel integrate sustainable solutions in labelling? Artem Krukov: Sustainability is always at the heart of Sidel. We make every effort to minimise the impact on the environment. The Sidel EvoDeco labelling solutions minimise electricity and glue consumption via the new","@ID":33} "37 EVENT REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 Mr Harald Nilson, Managing Director at Tria GmbH 1) We were excited to meet customers, suppliers and other participants of our market. Even i f we had less visitors this time, it was positive having time to go deep in certain technical issues with our visitors. 2) Many participants in our industry are heading for environmental issues and to become green companies. The potential to support them on the way is huge. 3) During Covid-19 everybody has seen the importance of hygienic packaging and where you need plastic for. www.triaplastics.com Mr Michael Perl, Group Director Sales Division Sorting Recycling at Sesotec GmbH 1) For us, the trade fair went well. In terms of the quality of conversations at our trade fair stand and the overall atmosphere at Fakuma, we found that everything had almost returned to pre-coronavirus levels. In other ways too, we basically had the feeling as a recycling equipment manufacturer that events in our sector are slowly recovering again. The only bit of bad news is the continuing lack of internationalism, which can of course be blamed on the travel restrictions that many visitors and customers are facing. Now, after Fakuma, November wi l l be really exciting for us. Next, we will be at PRSE in Amsterdam, where we will also have a trade fair stand. We see the event there as a further indicator of future events and we think that it could be just like before coronavirus, if not even better. Immediately after this, our teams will be in Chicago, USA from November 8-10, at the E-Scrap & E-Reuse conference, and from November 10-12 at Expo Plasticos in Guadalajara, Mexico. These will give us an indication of how things are now and how they are going on the American continents. 2) One development we see based on the travel restrictions in recent months is that there is a need for remote startups and maintenance in coordination with our experts and local engineers worldwide, especially in Asia. For this reason, we are offering more service packages to handle this development and we have therefore increased our manpower for online support 3) I wouldn’t say that any markets have especially stood out or are standing out through the coronavirus situation. Rather that demand at Sesotec is good overall. The momentum we see for our sorting recycling divisions for plastics recycling, especially for PET, PE and PP, as well as for glass and e-scrap recycling looks very promising. www.sesotec.com","@ID":39} "EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 12 Tour Sponsors: A year and a half of pandemic lies behind us and somehow we have got used to, or at least come to terms with, the ongoing topic of Covid-19 and the associated restrictions that affect so many areas of our lives, both personal and professional. Many places in Europe saw a relaxation in cases during the summer months alongside rising vaccination rates but now, figures are rising once more to new heights. Nevertheless, thanks to vaccinations, testing and various governmental strategies to stem the pandemic, Europeans are on the right track, maybe not always “together”, but at least there is hope. Small steps, such as the opportunity to meet here and there once again at trade fairs and conferences, offer some feeling of normality. However, the crisis is of course far from over. It has generated deep divides in society, politics and the global economy and has shown us all too clearly how much fragility can hide in our comfort zone. How then is the sector to continue to keep itself fit for the future and which learning processes are required? Here in the technology hub Europe, we want to investigate these questions with the European Road Show. Together with Drinktec 2022 and our sponsors ADS, Nissei ASB, Bericap, Contexo, Erema, MHT Mold & Hotrunner, Otto Systems, Pressco, Sesotec, Side, Sorema, Sukano and z-moulds, we are visiting the entire PET process chain in 17 European countries between now and the Drinktec trade fair, which is taking place in Munich from September 12-16, 2022. We will talk to material manufacturers, preformers, bottle blowers, bottlers and recyclers, as well as suppliers to the PET and drinks industries, mechanical engineers and equipment suppliers, about the past, present and future of the sector. The principal aspects over the coming years – namely CO2 reduction, sustainable raw material production and the associated recycling infrastructure – have become mandatory topics on any agenda. The “closed loop” should be the goal of our sector. Nicholas Hodac, Director General of Unesda Soft Drinks Europe, explains: “We have a responsibility to make sure that the bottles we bring to the market are collected and recycled to be turned into new bottles. Our goal is to achieve full circularity for our beverage packaging by 2030. We can only achieve packaging circularity if bottle-to-bottle recycling is real and effective. That’s why we call on the European Commission for “right of first refusal” to the recycled plastic material that we put on the market to be incorporated in the upcoming revision of the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive. This is a crucial step towards helping our industry to produce new packaging with foodgrade recycled PET compliant with EU food safety standards and achieving the EU collection and recycling targets. It will also prevent our recycled PET from being downcycled into non-food applications such as textile, thus breaking the bottle loop.’’ As always, you will find out all the important details right here in the PETplanet magazine. We are delighted to be on the road for you again and we wish you pleasant reading over the next few months. And if you would be interested in putting your views a fascinating interview in your factory here in Europe, let us know by emailing us at [email protected] www.drinktec.petpla.net www.drinktec.com www.unesda.eu *includes: carbonates, still drinks (25% juice), iced/RTD tea, iced/RTD coff ee, sports drinks, energy drinks, fl avoured water, enhanced water, squash/syrups, fruit powders Soft drinks* by pack material in the EU EU soft drinks volume sales per capita in litres EU soft drinks total volume sales in million litres","@ID":14} "","@ID":2} "7 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net PRODUCE MORE THAN 25 MILLION PREFORMS EXTRA PER YEAR FROM JUST ONE 72 CAVITY MOLD! Explore Cold Jet’s PCS 60 PET dry ice cleaning solution for the Preform and Blow Molding Sector • Up to 75% labor cost reduction • Up to 75% less time for mold maintenance • 3-6% higher production rate • Reduced running costs • Improved product quality • Less downtime • Environmentally friendly B E N E F I T S Learn more at coldjet.com i n f o . e u @ c o l d j e t . c o m + 3 2 1 3 5 3 9 5 4 7 *Get your ROI calculation. Contact Us! C H O O S E B E T W E E N 2 8 D RY I C E PA R T I C L E S I Z E S F R OM 0 . 3 MM TO 3 MM A N D E V E RY S I Z E I N B E T W E E N","@ID":9} "BOTTLE MAKING 24 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net that the largest measurement fluctuation was +/-0.1 ppm (see error bars). As a rule, variations within the range of 0.01 ppm can be assumed. In order to show the distribution and frequency of individual AA values, a different approach was taken. In Figure 2, the frequency of the individual preforms was plotted against the AA value. It is noticeable that around 60% of the preforms are between 2.6 and 3.2 ppm. Again, each preform was measured twice with the values plotted on the graph. The differences in the distribution of the preforms between the first and second measurement result from rounding errors as the AA values using this approach were rounded up and down to the nearest 0.5 ppm. The cycle time was shortened to 7.5 s to further reduce the AA values. Figure 3 shows the corresponding values for individual cavities. Thus, a reduction in AA values by up to 1 ppm can be achieved by reducing the residence time. However, individual cavities respond only slightly to a reduction in cycle time. These are cavities located on the operator side where AA values were already low at the longer time cycle. In order to show the variation from shot to shot, four consecutive shots were taken from the injection moulding machine. The average value is shown as a grey bar in Figure 3, with variation represented by the error bars. Fluctuations of -0,15/+0.3 ppm can be observed. The processed PET will vary slightly from shot to shot due to their treatment in the dryer (position of the granulates in the hopper, heat load), the different shear and temperature conditions in the plasticising process, and lastly the different conditions inside the hot runner. However, there is certainly some measurement variation in this as shown by the error bars for the measurement of one and the same preform at a cycle time of 8.2 s. Summary An indication of an AA value is always merely a snapshot of a machine’s condition, the material and measurement. Fluctuations occur which do not lead to limit values being exceeded if the basic value is justifiable. It could be shown that AA values on the new PET line side-entry are in a low range without the use of any AA blockers. www.netstal.com www.mht-ag.com Figure 3: AA values at different cycle times GAWiSD featuring AutoJob™–job set up in seconds +1.724.482.2163 AGRINTL.COM ACCURATE • FAST • REPEATABLE SEE GAWIS4D IN ACTION Dimensional and thickness measurements for plastic containers and preforms. ®","@ID":26} "46 PRODUCTS PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net Egypt’s first water bottles made of 100% rPET Nestlé Pure Life has launched Egypt’s f i rst water bot t les made of 100% rPET i n a 1 . 5 l f o rma t . The products which were first introduced and app r oved by the European Union as safe to use, are being produced by Nestlé Waters Egypt and go through a rigorous 10-step quality process. Bottles undergo more than one million quality tests per year. Nestlé’s global commitment includes investing a total of US$2 billion to develop sustainable packaging solutions for food grade recycled plastic; in addition to its commitment to increase the usage of rPET in packaging materials by 50% worldwide by 2025. Expanding the impact and contributing to increase recycling behaviour and raise public awareness, the new water bottles will include a QR code on the label which when scanned will direct the consumer to the Nestlé Pure Life website for further information about the product, as well as details of livelihood improvement and sustainability initiatives. Furthermore, vending machines will be placed at high traffic venues where consumers may dispose of their used plastic bottles, which will then be transferred for recycling. As part of its global commitments to tackle environmental and social issues, Nestlé Egypt is committed to recover and recycle as much plastic as it produces which will amount to 17,000 t of PET by the end of 2021 through the “Dorna” initiative which supports and encourages waste recycling operations and accelerates the pace of plastic collection. www.nestle-mena.com Prototype bottle made from 100% plant-based sources The Coca-Cola Company revealed a prototype bottle made from 100% plant-based plastic (bPET), excluding cap and label, produced using technologies that are ready to be commercially scaled across the industry. This builds on a technological breakthrough for the first planned commercialisation of technologies to convert second-generation biomass to plant-based monoethylene glycol (bMEG), one of two molecules necessary to create bPET. With the new bPET prototype uses materials from renewable sources, all petroleum-based content is being removing from the bottle. It is claimed to represent a significant technological step-forward in the reduction of virgin oil-based PET across commercially produced bottles. A l imited run of approximately 900 of the prototype bottles have been produced. The bottle is claimed to be recyclable bottle-to-bottle within existing recycling infrastructures, alongside PET from oil-based sources. Supporting the shared ambition to be net zero carbon by 2050, CocaCola recently announced a goal to use 3 million tons less virgin plastic from oil-based sources by 2025. Depending on business growth, this would result in approximately 20% less virgin plastic derived from fossil fuels worldwide than today. The strategy to achieve this goal includes investing in new recycling technologies; packaging improvements such as light weighting; different business models such as refillable, dispensed and fountain systems; as well as the development of new, renewable materials. Coca-Cola’s prototype is the product of partnerships with bio-based technology providers that are working to develop sustainable packaging solutions, including Changchun Meihe Science and Technology and Virent, Inc. It is made by combining sugars converted from plant-based materials to form plant-based monoethylene glycol (bMEG), as well as plant-based paraxylene (bPX), which has in turn been converted to plant-based terephthalic acid (bPTA). A c c o r d i n g t o Coca-Cola, these technologies signal n o t o n l y a s t e p change in the commercial viabi l i ty of bPX, led by Virent, but also a key evolution in renewable glycol production, using technology developed through a partnership between Coca-Cola and Changchun Meihe, with construction of a full-scale biorefinery by UPM now underway toward the commercialisation of the technology. The beverage packaging material is resulting from plant-based paraxylene produced at demonstration scale. The plant-based paraxylene was produced using sugar from corn, though Virent’s catalytic process lends itself to flexibility in feedstock. Finnish forest-based bioeconomy leader UPM announced in 2020 the construction of a full-scale biorefinery to convert wood biomass from forest residues and thinnings to plant-based MEG, alongside other 100% woodbased biomaterials. UPM uses sustainably sourced, certified hardwood from regional forests. The facility will be a world first for next-generation bMEG production that will be powered by Coca-Cola and Meihe co-owned technology, which was validated at demonstration scale in 2017. In addition to a simpler process, UPM will be unlocking new feedstock flexibility. While the plant-based MEG in today’s bottle was produced using sugar from corn, commercial quantities from sustainable wood biomass will be available soon. Scal ing renewable mater ials requires participation from the entire value chain, states Coca-Cola. The company worked with the team at Alpek Polyester to bring the technology online to convert renewable chemicals into 100% plant-based PET. Bottles were manufactured and filled within The Coca-Cola System. www.coca-colacompany.com","@ID":48} "PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 39 EVENT REVIEW About quality control and IR spectroscopy Compact FT-IR spectrometers in recycling Incoming goods inspection and the verification of raw materials have become vital tools of quality control. Where does the raw material come from? Has it been processed correctly? Does it meet the quality requirements? All these questions must be thoroughly answered if optimal production parameters and high-quality results are to be guaranteed. In this respect, the industry’s requirements for chemical analysis are clearly defined: it must be fast, reliable, at- or in-line, cost-effective, timesaving and, of course, easy to use. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy fulfils virtually all these conditions by default. It allows nondestructive chemical analysis of all types of polymers down to the additives and fillers they contain. An analysis usually takes less than a minute, is highly reproducible and requires no chemicals or consumables. At the push of a button, IR spectroscopy can even deformulate complex mixtures into their components. IR spectroscopy basics IR spectroscopy works by irradiating the sample material (e.g. pellets, shavings or even whole moulded parts) with IR light and checking the reflected or transmitted portion for certain molecular vibration patterns. Since the functional groups in the polymer, such as hydrocarbons, esters, ethers, ketones, etc., only absorb particular wavelengths of infrared light, one ends up with an IR spectrum that features a highly characteristic pattern. With this, it is possible to identify a polymer unambiguously, similar to a human fingerprint. This way, IR spectra can tell the information beyond the chemical identity as well. A real-life IR application is differentiation between different polyamides. Despite their very different material properties, the Polyamides 6.6, 6.10 and 6.12 are chemically very similar. Although they only differ in the chain length of the monomers used, this is already sufficient to recognise clear differences in an IR spectrum and to correctly assign the polyamides. Assessing the crystallinity (e.g. HDPE/ LDPE) or quantification of ingredients is also feasible, as long as the constituents in question are present within single-digit percentage range. IR and its role in recycling With the new DIN SPEC 91446, FT-IR spectroscopy has a strong presence in the quality control of recyclates and recycled products. Among other things, the new standard describes how IR spectrometers can be used to classify recycled plastics according to their purity. Users can assess the actual value of the recyclate in a few minutes through a quick chemical analysis. Much to their delight of course, since a pure and chemically well-defined recycled product fetches a significantly higher price. (FT-) IR spectrometers and instrumentation Robust benchtop IR spectrometers like Bruker’s Alpha II are no bigger than a shoebox these days and still offer full performance. The Alpha II is durable, easy to transport, virtually maintenance-free and offers true plugand-play qualities through automatic methods, dedicated reference libraries and intuitive touch operation said Bruker. Like all FT-IR spectrometers, it is based on an interferometer, which can rightfully be called the heart of the instrument. FT-IR stands for Fourier Transform Infrared and is nowadays the most common technique of acquiring and recording infrared spectra. The Alpha II’s interferometer is wearfree and offers permanent alignment for high quality results, less downtime and high stability. It is important to note that FT-IR analysis is not at all a black box. Although autonomous evaluation and analysis routines are common and practical, all results can be traced and understood at any time, even by inexperienced users. The Alpha II’s software logs all procedures on the instrument and can individually identify both, samples and users. www.bruker.com/alpha","@ID":41} "PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 43 EVENT REVIEW (Deposit Return Schemes) expected in the next few years, which are based on EU regulations, will not significantly increase the overall supply. What is the consequence of this imbalance between supply and demand? Prices have risen to new highs. For cost-sensitive brands, rPET prices are a major challenge. In Europe, food-grad rPET granulate was over € 1,600/t in August 2021, compared to ~€ 1,100/t for foodgrade virgin PET granulate. The outlook for rPET indicates a continued imbalance in the market, with demand exceeding supply. Freight and shipping were again the topic of the following presentation by Bjorn Vang Jensen, VP Advisory Services - Global Supply Chain, Sea-Intelligence. In conversation with Simon Hardy, Commercial Strategy Manager, Supply Chain Icis, Bjorn Vang Jensen explained how the increase in freight costs initially started in the US during the lockdown in 2020. Changing consumption patterns combined with quarantine measures, worker absences or outdated logistics hubs led to delays links in the chain, from a shortage of trucks and ships, loading and unloading or lack of space in warehouses. It could take another three years for the situation to return to normal, Vang Jensen said. The current outlook on MEG market dynamics was highlighted by Judith Wang, Senior Analyst Icis who gave updates on supply, capacity and trends. In 2020, global MEG capacities reached 40 m t/a in 2020, with Asia and the Middle East accounting for the lion’s share. Additional 1.4 m t/a capacity is expected to come on stream in H2 2021 with new plants in China and Saudi Arabia. Prices have been on a rollercoaster, with a historic low at the beginning of the corona pandemic, a rise in the second half of 2020 and ups and downs in 2021. Sven Saura of Veolia, VP Solid Waste Recycling and Treatment, brought the perspective of a waste management company. He described the current situation in the PET recycling market: the industry has shifted to domestic markets - driven by the Chinese import ban on plastic waste in 2018 - with the development of local processing facilities and local jobs. Technologies with lower energy consumption are currently being developed to further enhance the benefits of recycling from an environmental perspective. He cited policy directives but also voluntary commitments by manufacturers on recycling targets and recycled content targets as the main drivers. However, he pointed out that there is still work THE HIGH-PERFORMANCE HOT RUNNER SYSTEM FOR PREFORM PRODUCTION NEW Mold-Masters NEW PET-Series hot runner system incorporates features that focus on enhancing part quality, increasing productivity and lowering part cost.This includes field replaceable components, new dust minimizing actuators and MasterSHIELD leak protection technology. PET-Series systems are compatible with many industry standard layouts, existing molds and fit into all major machine platforms including those with post mold technology. North America • South America • Europe • Asia • India 905-877-0185 • [email protected] iFLOW Technology MasterSHIELD Technology","@ID":45} "DISCOVER MORE www.novapet.com Circularidad Circularity PET is a material 100% recyclable that can be transformed to offer other lives.","@ID":22} "PREFORM PRODUCTION PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 18 Manufacturing monitoring systems A recent project at Retal was both proposed and initiated by the team at Retal Russia. Driven by Artem Kletchenkov, regional director for Retal in Russia and also the project sponsor who proposed this opportunity for improvement, the team was aiming to define real time monitoring across its production. Under the project name ‘PETscope’, the project started at the company’s PetRus facility before being implemented across other factories in the region, with global adoption throughout Retal expected within the next two years. Retal operates 21 factories worldwide, with more than half located in Russia. Solving issues Kletchenkov explains, “The aim of PETscope is to improve efficiency in production by integrating the possibility to check each machine online in real time and to be able to accurately predict the machine’s longer-term capabilities, such as when maintentance is needed so it can be effectively planned for. It allows us to ask questions to our production online too, such as volume parameters for a particular preform currently being produced. This was not possible before; we just had to check our reports each month and make decisions based on previous performance and our expertise. Now, our expertise is enhanced by our online analysis and we can make far quicker decisions and solve any issues immediately. It supports our forecasting as well as our daily operations as we can make small changes as we go along.” The strategic benefits of this monitoring system were explained by the Retal Russia team. Kletchenkov says, “Once we had implemented the system in our factories in PetRus, then Retal Kalug and others, the decision was made to roll out the monitoring to global Retal factories, starting with Lithuania. Uniting all our production systems is creating the best solution for us as a multinational manufacturer; essentially all our factories have similar requirements as we all produce plastic packaging using modern equipment, so it is easy to share what we have learned with our wider family.” This sharing of expertise is the key to PETscope quickly proving to be a success for Retal. Connecting the whole company through an efficient network that can communicate in real time allows for any production issues to be quickly resolved, if they even happen thanks to early intervention, and means that factories producing products for global customers can share best practice. Kletchenkov concludes, “Every morning I have a meeting with my team and we all agree how to handle any issues in production, any delays, machinery maintenance; with PETscope, those issues are far less problematic as we can predict them and manage them smoothly, which helps to support the engagement of our team, and we can always use the lessons learned to help our colleagues at other factories. Our production is not interrupted so our customers can totally rely on us. This online system is easy to implement and easy to use yet it brings greater clarity to our daily operations; we are proud that PETscope was developed in Russia and is valued across the whole of Retal.” www.retalgroup.com PREFORMS","@ID":20} "8 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net Coca-Cola Germany begins the switchover of beverage caps and closures for PET bottles From the beginning of November 2021, Coca-Cola in Germany will begin the gradual changeover to new caps on all single-use PET bottles. In doing so, Coca-Cola is implementing an EU requirement that plastic beverage caps on single-use bottles must remain on the bottle after opening by July 3, 2024. Coca-Cola is using the changeover as an opportunity to optimise the use of materials of the bottles as a whole. The company intends to save up to 1.37g of plastic per bottle with the new caps. Changeover period of two and a half years Coca-Cola is starting the changeover to the new closures early in order to meet the EU requirement in Germany by July 2024. The bottling plant in Dorsten will start in November 2021, followed by the non-refillable PET lines at the sites in Mannheim, Mönchengladbach, Hildesheim and Knetzgau in 2022. By January 2024, all German plants with single-use disposable PET lines will successively convert their production to the bottles with the new closures. To ensure a smooth process, this will happen in a maximum of five plants per year. Due to the long-term changeover phase, for a while there will be single-use PET bottles with both the previous type of closure and the new closures on the market. In order to draw consumers’ attention to the new closures, the caps will be marked with the inscription “Lass mich dran!” (“Leave me on!”). The previous opening mechanism does not change. The new closures will, however, remain connected to a part of the safety ring at the neck of the bottle. For comfortable consumption, the cap can be opened and closed easily and moved back and forth. In addition, it can be fixed in one position, to allow for easy pouring. As before, the PET bottles with the new caps can also be handed in via reverse vending machines including the cap throughout Germany. Thanks to the deposit system, the material can be collected and recycled. www.cocacolaep.com Alpla selects Kansas City for new facility, dedicated to injection moulding The Alpla Group, a global packaging solutions manufacturer and recycling specialist headquartered in Hard, Austria, announced that it has selected the Kansas City region for its new 23,000m2 manufacturing plant. In a facility located at the Blue River Commerce Center in Kansas City, Missouri, the regional organisation Alpla Inc. will create 75 jobs while continuing to invest in the city over the next several years. “We are excited about our new Kansas City site, which represents a key element of our growth strategy and our continued commitment to the expansion of our injection-moulding capabilities,” stated James Rooney, Managing Director, Alpla North America. The new addition in Kansas City will be Alpla’s fourth site in Missouri and the first dedicated to injection moulding. As such, Alpla Inc. will utilise cutting-edge technologies to produce packaging systems, bottles, caps and injectionmoulded parts for a wide range of industries. Led by Cushman & Wakefield, the project is slated to begin in late 2021, with a completion date in the fourth quarter of 2022. The company cited the Kansas City region’s central location and strong community relationships as key drivers for the decision. The Kansas City Area Development Council is proud to have worked with a number of regional partners in attracting Alpla Inc. to the Kansas City area, including the State of Missouri; Missouri Partnership; Port KC; City of Kansas City, Missouri; Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City; Cushman & Wakefield – Joe Accurso, NorthPoint Development, Evergy, Spire and KC SmartPort. www.alpla.com Conair Group names new president Jason Ganim, whose background includes almost 30 years of success in sales, management and executive leadership, as well as a degree in Finance, is the new President of Conair Group, effective November 8. Most recent ly, Ganim was a senior executive for Transtar Industries, Cleveland, a leading distributor of automotive aftermarket parts and solutions. He held multiple high-level positions during his 13 years with that company. He was Vice President Business Development for East West Manufacturing, Atlanta, for just over 5 years before that, and, earlier in his career spent 6 years as Director of Aftermarket Business for a large distributor of automotive and industrial replacement parts. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Georgia, with special concentration in Finance. www.conairgroup.com","@ID":10} "PREFORM PRODUCTION PETplanet Insider Vol. 18 No. 0/17 petpla.net 15 Flow+, a new hot runner system for preform moulds In 2020, Sacmi supplied the market with over 3,200 preform stacks, half of which were self-produced. Marketed in synergy with the injection preform system (IPS) machine family, yet also available for the most common commercial applications, the Sacmi mould range provides proprietary design solutions. PREFORMS These mainly regard the hot section, with the latest generation of Flow+ hot runners, also the cold part, with a moulding section designed to incorporate enhanced cooling. Sacmi’s technical solutions as standard on its components are for example, quality steels and treatments such as Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) on the neck-rings to lengthen maintenance intervals and extend mould lifespans. Less maintenance Compared to previous versions, the new Flow+ involves limited dust formation inside the runner. Maintenance intervals are now twice as long resulting in lower costs and greater mould (and therefore machine) availability. This solution has already proved on the market. The patented Sacmi solution has been tested by European customers who appreciated its multiple plus-points of product quality and repeatability, moulding process efficiency and mould-machine availability, says Sacmi. Unmatched PET temperature control Thanks to better insulation and an increased number of control zones, the new Flow+ ensures temperature control along the entire PET pathway inside the hot runner, resulting in higher production quality and minimising stress on the material (and its consequent decay). During each stage of the process both the cross manifold and main manifold are kept ‘packed’ by a system of springs. This ensures the hot runner stays sealed, even during heating and cooling, considerably reducing dust generation and any PET leakage problems. The improved nozzle temperature control is reflected in a stable process. Process optimisation The Flow+ features new solutions developed with the aid of simulation systems, allowing balance and low pressure drops along the entire PET pathway, from the runner inlet to the cavities. Sacmi said that Flow+ helps shorten size changeover times as it’s designed to integrate cooling and make cavity plate assembly easier. Maximum feasibility for customers The new Flow+ is available on some models with a double shot counter, allowing effective maintenance control. Maintenance is streamlined by improved accessibility to components subject to wear and a special toolbox that includes everything needed to perform maintenance tasks. www.sacmi.com German Technology Innovative hotrunner optiRun","@ID":17} "49 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net BUYERS GUIDE 2.2 Bottle production (machines and equipment) two-step blow molders, Leak testers, trimmers [email protected] Phone # 905 951 9559 www.amslerequipment.net Nissei ASB Machine Co., Ltd. 4586-3 Koo, Komoro-shi, Nagano-ken 384-8585, Japan Tel. 0081-267-23-1565 Fax 0081-267-23-1564 [email protected] www.nisseiasb.co.jp B&G Product Co. Inc. Spare Parts and Onsite Service for PET Blower/Filler Lines: Sidel; Krones; KHS Blomax; Sipa SFL & SFR; 1Blow. Available Internationally. Tel: +616 698-9050 [email protected] www.bgproducts.com No. 688-1, Zhong-shan road, Sec. 3, Wuri, Taichung, 414, Taiwan Tel: 886-4-23388289 Fax: 886-4-23380219 [email protected] www.chumpower.com Powerjet Plastic Machinery Co.,ltd Injection Molding Machine Extrusion&Blow Molding Machine Professional PET https://powerjetmachine.cn [email protected] +86 139 2918 0002 No. 5, Chuangxin Road West, Leping, Sanshui, Foshan, Guangdong, China-528137 25%~30% maintenance costs of other brands 21 years of manufacturing experience, Turnkey solution SACMI IMOLA www.sacmi.com Eugen Seitz AG Spitalstrasse 204 8623 Wetzikon, Switzerland phone: +41 44 931 80 80 fax: +41 44 931 80 90 [email protected] www.seitz.ch SIPA S.p.A via Caduti del Lavoro,3 31029 Vittorio Veneto, Italy Tel. +390438911511 Fax +390438912273 [email protected] www.sipa.it SMI S.p.A. Via Carlo Ceresa, 10 I-24015 S. Giovanni Bianco (BG) Tel. +39 0345-40111 Fax +39 0345-40209 [email protected] www.smigroup.it 2.2.1 Single stage stretch blow moulding equipment CREATING MOLDS WITH A DIFFERENCE Acme Drinktec Solutions LLP New Delhi, INDIA Tel No: +91 9810418975 +91 9819020785 [email protected] www.acmedrinktec.com 2.2.2 Two stage stretch blow moulding equipment F-95650 Boissy l’Aillerie, France Tel : +33 (0) 9800 820 70 [email protected] www.1blow.com FlexBlow – ONE for ALL Flexible SBM solutions www.flexblow.com www.petkamold.com [email protected] Blow moulding, filling, packaging lines North America: (1) 630 510 9343 South America: (55) 11 3611 2400 Europe: (33) 0243 60 28 28 Asia: (60) 3 8605 3690 [email protected] www.serac-group.com SHYAM Plastic Machinery C1/ 4512, Phase IV, G.I.D.C. Vatva, Ahmedabad 382445. INDIA Tel: +91-79-2584 1147, 2584 1258 Mobile: +91-98795 39705 [email protected] [email protected] www.shyamplastic.com www.shyamplastic.in PET Blow Moulding Machines Tel: +34 93 846 3051 www.sidemachines.com Blow Molding Machines, Bottling Lines Stuifenstraße 59, D-74385 Pleidelsheim, Germany [email protected] www.smfgmbh.com Stretch Blow Moulding Machines Palletizing Systems PL-80180 Gdansk, Poland +48 58 301 71 81 [email protected] 2.2.3 Coating systems PET Preform & Bottle Lubrication www.steidle-pic.com","@ID":51} "LABELLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 32 melter and glue distribution control. With an integrated glue tank in the roll-fed labeller, a patented vertical melter and heating control, glue is melted on demand and always circulated at a precise temperature and in smaller quantities, increasing label application quality. This enables reduced glue consumption and prevents glue degradation, glue filaments, and glue splashing, for better overall quality and improved sustainability. The solution offers 40% less electricity consumption and needs no gears and transmissions and therefore no lubrication. About light-weighting: how has the move towards lighter bottles affected labelling? Artem Krukov: Packaging design has a critical impact on the efficiency of the entire supply chain. Over the past 30 years, we have more than halved the weight of a 1.5 l PET bottle, while increasing output speeds by 2.5 times, with considerable savings in terms of raw material and gains from a productivity perspective. Therefore, it is a story about “right-weighting” – making sure that the package is minimised while still maintaining its technical performance and high consumer appeal. Some manufacturers use nitrogen to add resistance and stability to the bottle. Sidel has designed its labellers so that they can manage the extra demands of bottle light-weighting with or even without nitrogen. The most advanced solution for handling lightweight bottles is the Super Combi, where the labeller is placed in between the blower and the filler as part of an all-in-one solution. With this setting, labels are applied on the empty bottles handled by the neck, reducing the risk of scratches and improving overall bottle quality. Another crucial factor in labelling is flexibility, and this relates to product personalisation. What is it, and how does it affect labels? Artem Krukov: Labels are key components of any brand marketing mix, allowing manufacturers to differentiate their products and give end consumers the information they need and increasingly expect. The growing variety of beverage types and bottle formats has made labelling increasingly challenging. More than ever, flexibility has become a valuable benefit to beverage producers. Top priorities today are faster product and format changeovers, simple operations and optimised processes that use the same equipment for different label types, while still ensuring consistent uptime. Product personalisation is about being able to produce smaller batches of products with their own labelling in a very short time. Hence, the main challenges are the short timeframe for creating customised graphics and labels. Personalising the label is a difficult process, as there are so many different elements involved. The change usually starts with marketing and then has to go through design and production phases and lastly storage and transport. In fact, the standard process for a label change can easily take over four months. With the rise of online shopping, there has been a challenge to supply consistent, unique and durable packaging and label solutions. This has opened new opportunities to offer personalised packaging solutions for product protection during shipping, by rightsizing the packaging and making sure that it provides a seamless brand experience for consumers. This is the reason why we also provide consultancy for customers regarding packaging design. We not only create bottle designs but also labels or secondary packaging, etc. How does Sidel help customers face this challenge? Artem Krukov: We fully understand the challenge, and that is why we have flexibility in mind. With Sidel’s EvoDeco labelling solutions, manufacturers can deliver different stock keeping units (SKUs). They might either include several labelling applications in one multi-technology machine or a single labelling application through dedicated equipment for optimised uptime, reduced footprint and low total cost of ownership (TCO). So manufacturers can use one machine for different labels? Artem Krukov: Exactly. It gives businesses the flexibility they need and allows them to produce most product types on a single machine. Thanks to the modular design and a variety of technologies, they allow companies to adapt multiple application methods in one compact machine. What is the most up-to-date Sidel labelling solution with high flexibility? Artem Krukov: The most flexible labelling solution to date from Sidel, the EvoDeco Multi, brings next-level modularity into labelling. It offers a standardised carousel that can be equipped with up to four different labelling technologies, including hot melt, roll-fed, self-adhesive and cold glue. Moreover, switching between various labelling modules is quick and easy thanks to plug & play connections, offering producers the freedom of labelling choice and total flexibility. Meanwhile, when being part of Sidel’s Super Combi settings, the labeller can run at up to 90,000 bph. Sidels EvoDeco Multi","@ID":34} "35 EVENT REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 18 No. 0/17 petpla.net PRS Europe 2021review Safety and circular economy can go hand in hand by Lucia Buffoni, Marketing Manager Repi Group If we talk of safety, plastics and packaging pop up. In such an emergency contingency, plastics have proven once more to be the most reliable and affordable solution for personal protection. Specialty additives and colours allow the incorporation of increasing quantities of recycled material, representing a step forward to circularity. If we look at the world consumption rates of 2020, single use packaging is at a record high and this will last for a while, together with the demand of protection devices. What about circulari ty in such a context? Reaching a circular economy means structuring economies on the virtuous closed loop of make-use-recycle in which every product is designed to be re-used to generate other products and so on. Looking at plastics in packaging, they help reduce CO2 emissions of the packaging, especially when it incorporates recycled materials. A PET bottle made of 50% rPET has a lower environmental impact than a tin can or a glass bottle, the least environmental friendly. Having said that, there are ways to make a plastic packaging even more sustainable. One way is choosing additives and colours that add performance and aesthetics while having negligible impact on its recyclability. This is at the basis of Repi’s Refit range made of liquid additives such as toners for rPET and IV enhancers and a line of low-impact colours that starting from the shade of rPET, give premium look to recycled packaging. www.repi.com","@ID":37} "PREFORM PRODUCTION PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 16 Preforms for all purposes French Société Générale des Techniques, SGT, offers a wide range of preforms. While some, such as the preforms for 3 or 5 gallon containers, have been further developed and improved, the company is also introducing new projects like the 24/410 neck preforms dedicated to cosmetic and personal care applications. In comparison to developments in PC, the 5-gallon PET alternative is claimed to be more eco-responsible as PET is a reliable and robust material which is suitable for food contact - and it is recyclable. The SGT group’s R&D department set itself a real technical challenge by developing a shorter version of the “5-gallon”, compatible with all injection press and blower models. This specific feature enables better bi-axial orientation and therefore better distribution of the material. Finally, the preform may be customised and provides the possibility of integrating a handle. PET “cup” preform SGT has developed a recyclable alternative to polystyrene (PS) yoghurt and dessert cups that may integrate up to 100% rPET. The cup preform that SGT is proposing is claimed to be light and transparent. It enables an unbreakable pot with a lid to be blown. This PET yoghurt pot version also seeks to replace glass jars which are much heavier (80 g compared with 11 g for its plastic equivalent). Since glass generates more CO2 emissions when it is manufactured and transported, compared to PET, it is a less eco-responsible solution. SGT states: “It is clear to see that today PET is the material which can be converted the most, is suitable for food contact, is 100% recyclable and which responds precisely to new PREFORMS 3- and 5-gallon refill preforms The 3- and 5-gallon refill preforms for water bottles have been developed by SGT for the re-use market. They can contain up to 25% rPET. This preform, which was already available but has been improved, has been completely re-imagined in terms of its design and geometry: 33% shorter than most 5-gallon preforms currently on the market, it optimises bi-orientation, obtains a better stretching and blowing ratio and prevents the bottle from crystallising, with no compromise on the quality and robustness of the packaging, states SGT. Its weight has also been reduced from 730 g to 650 g for the 5-gallon version, and 450 g for the 3-gallon one. This not only saves material costs but also transport costs. The 55mm preform neck has been specially designed to guarantee a perfect seal. The ovoid preform base enables the bottoms of the bottles to be lightened after blowing. The PET “refill” preforms are designed as an alternative to polycarbonate solutions for water fountain bottles. The bottle obtained is consignable, reusable, refillable and recyclable. It provides a response to current economic and environmental objectives. The development of the “refill” preform is in keeping with the Group’s 3 R strategy: SGT is committed to Recycling, through its SGR unit, to Reducing the weight of its preforms and now to project to Re-use plastic packaging. SGT’s “refill” preforms are both reusable and recyclable. SGT points out that the gallon bottles respond to current market demands since today it is not only companies who use large water bottles but also private customers who no longer want to buy, carry and store packs of water bottles.","@ID":18} "45 PRODUCTS PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net PETproducts Cosmetic portfolio made from ocean-bound PET In addition to the already established cosmetics packaging made from various blends of recycled PET (rPET), Gerresheimer now offers its cosmetic portfolio made from ocean-bound plastic. At Luxepack the company presented this offer to its customers. The packaging material is suitable for a wide range of care and cosmetic products, such as shower gels, hair shampoos, body lotions, facial cleansing products and various creams, claims the company. Niels Düring, Global Executive Vice President Plastic Packaging, and his team perceive clear advantages in its usage: the ocean-bound plastic consists of 100% PET and is recyclable. Since less energy needs to be used for recycling, the CO2 requirement for production is reduced. Consequently, recycling saves both raw materials and energy. Gerresheimer has developed a complete dimensional analysis together with a functional test. In conclusion, there are no significant differences between ocean-bound and virgin PET material. They only differ slightly in their visual appearance related to the colour tonality. Gerresheimer obtains the recycled, ocean-bound plastic from an experienced and certified partner company, which collects the material and processes it appropriately for use in production. www.gerresheimer.com E N D L E S S I N N O V A T I O N S I N C E 1 9 1 9","@ID":47} "No.11 2021 petpla.net D 51178; ISSN: 1438-9452 22 . 11 . 21 PETplanet is read in more than 140 countries MAGAZ I NE FOR BOT T L E R S AND BOT T L E - MAK E R S IN THE AMER ICAS, AS IA, EUROPE AND AL L AROUND THE PLANET MARKETsurvey Suppliers of recycling machinery and washing units Page 27 Page 11 Page 14 PREFORMS","@ID":1} "EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 13 rPET100 Designed for recycling. Made from recycling. • Heat resistant • Fully recyclable • Thermoformable like PET BENEFITS HOT CUPS · DAIRY PRODUCTS · INSTANT SOUPS · TO-GO MEALS · COFFEE LIDS foodgrade without compromise Kick off European Road Show 2021Part 3 In the run-up to our European Road Show, we asked Mr Sukhbir Singh, Director ADS Acme Drinktec Solutions LLP, about topics that are currently relevant: PETplanet: PETplanet’s latest Roadshow takes a critical look at the European market, which is picking up steam this year after pandemicrelated slumps. How has the pandemic affected your business and what are your expectations for the coming months? Singh: The global Covid-19 pandemic stimulated demand for hand sanitiser, especially in handy, easyto-carry sizes – such as 30 and 50ml. These small bottles are produced in PET exclusively by the single-stage ISBM process. ADS swiftly got special approval to supply this market, as a necessity product. ADS and its employees have been pleased to carry the risk and rise to the challenge to support the nation during this critical period and has continued to operate with minimal restrictions at the factory. PETplanet: The European PET bottle market is on the move - not least due to the potential impact of various EU directives. Which of these are particularly relevant for your company and how are you placed to meet them? Singh: As we have seen several times, whenever a change in direction occurs, market requirements expand and more business can be expected, particularly in the light of restrictions on trade between nations and continents. PETplanet: What future challenges do you see for the PET industry? Singh: The increased competitive design & quality requirements of PET rigid packaging users, such as the FMCG, pharma and beverage segments, will not be easy to accomplish with sustainable, environmentally friendly solutions, in the context of worldwide concerns about global warming. www.acmedrinktec.com","@ID":15} "PETnews 6 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net Carbios’ Board of Directors nominates a new Chief Executive Officer Carbios, developer of enzymatic solutions dedicated to the end-of-life of plastic and textile polymers, announced the nomination of Emmanuel Ladent as Chief Executive Officer of the company. He will also be Chairman of Carbios’ subsidiary, Carbiolice. His role will take effect on December 1, 2021. At the same time, the Board of Directors acknowledged the resignation of JeanClaude Lumaret on November 5, 2021 from his position as Chief Executive Officer. In order to ensure the transition with Emmanuel Ladent, Jean-Claude Lumaret will remain an employee of the Company until his retirement on March 31, 2022. He will also continue to serve as a Board member of the company until the end of the general meeting, which will be held in 2025 to approve the financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2024. Emmanuel Ladent, 52, a graduate of the Neoma Business School, has 30 years of experience in the automotive sector and more specifically in mobility. Most recently, he managed the Michelin Group’s largest business line, the Automotive Global Brands division. His management career is characterised by a strong international background, with more than 20 years spent working on several different continents. Specialised in business transformation through innovation, Mr. Ladent has contributed to the development of subsidiaries with multi-billion euro turnovers. Jean-Claude Lumaret, 64, cofounded Carbios in 2011 and led the company as CEO throughout this period. He supported Carbios in its growth: ten years devoted to the research and development of proprietary enzymes and innovative processes dedicated to PET recycling and PLA biodegradation, leading to the first industrial achievements. www.carbios.com Key considerations for integration of recycled content in plastic products Eunomia consultancy carried out new research which has identified key considerations to verify recycled content claims in plastic products. The reason for the research was to inform actions in support of Canada’s target of achieving at least 50% recycled content in plastic products, where applicable, by 2030. Cur rent ly, Canada generates approximately 3 million tonnes of plastic waste, of which 9% is recycled and represents a loss of approximately $8 billion in value to the Canadian economy. The remainder is discarded in landfills or leaks into the environment as plastic pollution, where it has caused harm to organisms and their habitats. To address this, companies around the globe in various sectors across the economy are increasingly using recycled content and adopting voluntary recycled content targets for plastic products and packaging. As governments and industry consider actions to increase the use of recycled plastic, a critical element will be how to measure and verify recycled content in products. To support this approach, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and Environment and Climate Change Canada commissioned Eunomia to carry out a comparative assessment of existing and in-development North American and international standards and certification protocols for verifying recycled content in plastic products, following which we identified needs for effective future certification programs. The project also engaged Circular Innovation Council, which interviewed industry and government stakeholders to understand uptake and use of standards and certifications; factors influencing choice; as wel l as the key barriers affecting the integration of recycled content in manufacturing processes. Interviews also revealed that recycled plastic feedstocks move freely between packaging and product sectors, which underscores the need for new recycled content standards to consider the plastics economy at a macro level. Sarah Edwards, Head of Eunomia’s Americas Office, said: “As governments and brands set recycled content targets, there needs to be clear and common rules on how compliance is measured, and traceability demonstrated through agreed chain of custody models to ensure uniformity. The landscape analysis of recycled content certification programs presented in our report provides a basis for the Government of Canada and industry to consider their approach to recycled content verification.” The study found that use and verification of recycled content is still in its infancy and varies between resin types and product sectors. The use and choice of program also varies by industry sector and includes third-party and internally developed programs, which reflects several differences. These include definitions of key terms; acceptable chain of custody models for physical and chemical traceability; what to include in the calculation of recycled content; auditing and compliance methodology; labelling systems; and how outputs from non-mechanical recycling contribute to recycled content goals. The study further suggests the federal government should consider setting minimum requirements for verification and reporting of recycled content that any new or existing program would have to meet to incorporate effective verification in Canada. The report’s release comes amid a growing number of initiatives and regulations worldwide aimed at reducing plastic pollution. The focus on how to measure recycled content to ensure there is a common and fair process for doing so is being discussed in many other jurisdictions, including the European Union, which is also being supported by Eunomia to develop a general method for the calculation, verification and reporting of recycled content in single-use plastic bottles as part of the Single Use Plastics Directive. www.eunomia.co.uk","@ID":8} "BOTTLE MAKING 23 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net Thermal effects or flow patterns of the melt generate different AA values at varying positions within a shot. As a result, cavities with higher AA values are formed whose positions remain reproducible during manufacture. The outer edge layers of the melt experience higher shear than the inner core. Consequently, the layers close to the wall have a higher temperature and always follow the inside of the manifold. In the further development of the optiRun line, the focus has been on mixing the middle and edge layers through mechanical intervention. This is achieved by, for example, manufacturing the manifolds using alternative production processes. Furthermore, thermal imbalances are reduced by the number of heaters. The new PET line has numerous control points thus providing ideal and precise interaction between machine and hot runner. In order to be able to draw definite conclusions about the level of AA values, tests were carried out on Netstal’s new PET line side-entry in conjunction with a 128-cavity mould from MHT. The mould includes a high-performance hot runner from the optiRun range. New virgin PET material Lighter S93 from Equipolymers was processed. The preform produced has a wall thickness of 2.6mm, a weight of 18.58g and a PCO 1881 thread. The booster temperature was 170 °C, with a residual moisture level of 34ppm. In order to measure the AA value, it is best to use a method based on the gas chromatography principle. Netstal measures the AA values of the preforms produced according to ASTM F2013 standards using gas chromatography methodology. Firstly, a whole shot was measured during production with a cycle time of 8.2 s to obtain an overview of the distribution of AA values and to find high and low cavities. In any new mould configuration, a whole shot is initially analysed to determine high and low cavities, i.e. those in which AA values are highest and lowest. AA is not formed homogenously in the melt but shear-induced temperature peaks and, above all, differences in the residence time of the melt result in locally high and low values. When analysing the shot, it was noticeable that the two mould quarters on the non-operator side have generally higher values than on the non-operator side itself. The limit value of 4 ppm is not exceeded, although one of the values is exactly 4 ppm. In Figure 1, the proximity to the limit value can be explained by the residence time, which is relatively long for an 8.2 s cycle compared to the target cycle time design. In order to avoid variations in data, each preform was analysed in two readings. It became clear Figure 1: A fully measured shot of 128 cavities Figure 2: Distribution of AA values - One preform analysed using two measurements","@ID":25} "PREFORM PRODUCTION PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 19 A two step-injection process Lightweighted preforms made of PCR PET material Years ago, PDG Plastiques and its partners developed Prelactia, a new two-step injection process. It is offering a solution to the dairy industry in finding alternatives to aseptic HDPE and carton solutions, offering complete light blockage. Taking care of the circular economy, PDG Plastiques introduced, as one of the first PET convertors in Europe, a dairy milk bottle with 100% recycled PET. The post-consumer material came from opaque bottles. PET converter PDG Plastiques is active in the PET industry for more than 30 years, being one of the pioneers in the PET industry in Europe. As a family owned company, integrity, reliability and partnership are the keys to PDG Plastiques. PDGPlastiques is located south of Paris and has a subsidiary plant in Algeria. It is producing approx. 2 billion preforms consolidated. Blowing activities represent approx. 60 million bottles per year. www.pdg-plastiques.com PREFORMS The company is ISO 22000 FSSC certificated. The technology applied allows PDG Plastiques to fulfill the European directives to achieve 25% recycling content in the PET bottle by 2025 and 30% by 2030. The company also developed active barrier solutions for the Prelactia technology. A different mindset in the green economy, PDG introduced one and a half years ago the 26/22 light neck finish for carbonated and still beverages, saving 2 g as a total package solution towards the standard 1881 finish. The current material price increase provides additional motivation to look for this solution. This trend will certainly be followed by mayor brand owners in Europe, says PDG. In the constant struggle to save material, PDG introduced a Light Base Technology together with its partner. By applying this technology, the French company removed between 6-8% of material from the bottom of the preform. This could be interesting for example for heavy preforms. This technology will shortly be shown in a new container development for a well known French Brand. “In our pursuit of a world with low CO2 emissions, we are an active player, witnessing active participation in organisations such as Elipso, chairing another association in France with the aim of finding solutions to promote the circular economy”, states PDG Plastiques, and continues, “We carry out the necessary checks on our injection process, using the most modern technologies, ensuring that our quality objectives are achieved and that our customers can market their products with a clear conscience. Our laboratory, equipped with the most modern measuring equipment, monitors the quality of its end product.”","@ID":21} "EVENT REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 44 to be done, such as improving the sourcing of raw materials through efficient collection systems and expanding into new PET applications. To avoid competition for rPET, for example, closed loops tray-to-tray or textile-to-textile could be established. Bruno Langlois from Carbios and Philippe Bonningue, Group Global Director of Sustainable Packaging and Development, L’Oréal, presented the Carbios infinite enzymatic recycling process. In June, L’Oréal announced the realisation of the first cosmetic bottle made from plastic entirely recycled using Carbios’ enzymatic technology and the aim to put into production the bottles based on this development in 2025. Two panel discussions concluded the conference. Antonello Ciotti Chairman CPME, Paul Hodges Chairman New Normal Consulting, Rohit Maindwal COO JBF and Stewart Hardy Senior Consultant Nexant were the participants of the first round ‘Defining a new strategic direction for the PET value chain’. Participants quickly agreed that sustainability and recycling are the order of the day, but that the old supply chains are not working sufficiently to meet demand. Ciotti explained that in 2018, rPET was available in the European market in a quantity amounting to a maximum of 23% share. Brand owners who operate with a higher recycled content of 50 or even 100% are thus denying competitors access to the material. Ciotti indicated that even with deposit systems, it would not be possible to achieve the required proportion of recycled material within Europe. In this context, the risk of greenwashing was also pointed out: it must be possible to prove that the reported recycled content is a fact. Hardy raised the question whether it is responsible for a brand to go for a 100% rPET content if this is not possible for the market as a whole? He pointed out that with brand pledges for high rPET rates, a further increase in rPET prices will be seen. So instead of a global growth in recycling, an association of global rPET with high priced premium goods will arise, he worried. Participants of the last panel discussion ‘Advancing sustainability during a time of increased volatility’ were Andrew Almack, Founder & CEO Plastics For Change, Ian Rosenberg, CEO First Mile, Raffi Schieir, Director Bantam Materials UK Ltd. and Matt Tudball, Senior Editor Icis. Together they discussed business models that generate feedstock from the global south. The most important issues addressed in this context were the social impact on local communities and business aspects in terms of quality, traceability and certification of the material. Almack and Rosenberg both pointed out that in the global south, supply and demand figures of rPET are reversed compared to Europe. While the material is there, regulations prevent using rPET in any food or beverage packaging. According to Raffi Schieir, one of the main arguments for using recycled plastics from the global south are CO2 emissions: these only account for 1/5 of the CO2 emissions of new plastics - including transport. He calculated that a container loaded with recycled materials, for example from Southeast Asia or South America to Europe, accounts for 13,000 (S.E. Asia) or 14,000 kg (S. America) of CO2. A container with virgin material, on the other hand, would produce ~68,000 kg of CO2, a plus of more than 50,000 kg of CO2. Also, in terms of emissions, the container shipping would be significantly lower than a transport by truck in Europe. Almack confirmed this with an example from India: Emissions would be significantly higher for a truck transport from the north to the south of India than a cargo ship from India to a European port, he stated. www.icis.com","@ID":46} "PETcontents 4 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 11/2021 Page 31 EDITOUR 11 The European Road Show to Drinktec 2022 13 Kick-off European Road Show PREFORM PRODUCTION 14 Same floor space, more output - Sipa debuts preform mould with 200 cavities 15 Flow+, a new hot runner system for preform moulds 16 Preforms for all purposes 18 Manufacturing monitoring systems 19 Lightweighted preforms made of PCR PET material - A two-step injection process BOTTLE MAKING 21 Sustainable bottle with plantable label 22 Keeping the AA level low BOTTLING / FILLING 25 Nature in a bottle - Holderhof Produkte installs aseptic PET line for its organic fruit drinks 30 Scrutinising every step - Carbon-neutral juice production plant for Innocent MARKET SURVEY 27 Suppliers of recycling machinery and washing units LABELLING 31 How the label becomes more sustainable and flexible - Interview with Artem Krukov, Labelling Business Development Director at Sidel MATERIALS / RECYCLING 34 Efficient sorting for various applications - High-quality PET recyclate for the plastics processing industry EVENT REVIEW 35 PRS Europe 2021 - Safety and circular economy can go hand in hand, part 1 36 Fakuma 2021 review, part 1 38 Flexible dry ice cleaning with selective particle size 39 Compact FT-IR spectrometers in recycling 40 Run, drink, recycle - The PET recycle initiative 41 2021 PET Chemical Recycling: Depolymerization Forum 42 Icis PET Value Chain Virtual Conference BUYER’S GUIDE 48 Get listed! INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 54 Products 47 Patents 54 Outer Planet PREFORMS Page 25 Page 21","@ID":6} "MARKET SURVEY 27 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 11/2021 MARKETsurvey Resins & additives Preform machinery Preform production & inspection systems Preform & SBM mould manufacturer SBM 2-stage Compressors Caps & closures & inspection systems Filling equipment & inspection systems Recycling machinery Palletising & shrink film machinery Suppliers of recycling plants and washing units This time we take a deeper look at suppliers of recycling plants and washing units. Find out more about new developments of the participating companies: Krones AG, Boretech Environmental Engineering Co.,Ltd., Herbold Meckesheim GmbH, Tecnofer Ecoimpianti Srl, Gneuss Kunststofftechnik GmbH, Starlinger Recycling Technology and Erema Engineering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen Ges.m.b.H. Although the publisher have made every eff ort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accuracy. */41&$5 $0-03 \"$$63\"$: 0' 13&'03.4 */ :063 -\"# 13&'03. 7*4*0/ */41&$5*0/ 888 */53\"7*4 $0.","@ID":29} "BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 26 Flexibility and adaptability The aseptic line solution, provided by SMI, was designed and installed with the intention of providing a flexible and adaptable system, able to process the full range of Holderhof products and to preserve the surrounding environment. Christof Schenk, the founder and now managing director of Holderhof Produkte AG, forecasts that the demand for natural beverages will continue to grow. “Customers are increasingly interested in product contents and will become increasingly opposed to the use of synthetic raw materials,” he says. Holderhof has invested heavily in organic agriculture and continuous expansion of its berry plantations. “We pay maximum attention to the activities of harvesting and production, in order to maintain the quality of the raw materials.” Quality and continuous development Holderhof originated in Christof Schenk’s passion for elderberry products; elderberry wine was the subject of his undergraduate thesis at university. Its commitment to sourcing raw materials only from its own, certified, organic farm is a factor that differentiates it from its competitors, he maintains. “In this way, we can constantly monitor the quality, starting from the raw material up to the ready drink,” he says. The installation of the SMI aseptic bottling line is in accordance with the company’s ethos of continuous development and innovation. “The aseptic line, recently installed by SMI, came from the need to improve continually and have the latest hi-tech production plant, which is extremely flexible and able to efficiently pack the wide range of juices that we produce,” Schenk says. Both the production line itself and its ancillary equipment all came from SMI. “Since the blow moulding machine, conveyors, shrink wrapper and palletiser were designed, built and installed by a single supplier, we can benefit from optimised management costs and changeover times. The production of the Holderhof company is, in fact, very varied and we need to quickly switch from one bottle to another and from one pack format to another. We opted for the EBS E Ergon rotary blow moulding machine, because it offers the advantage of being flexible in the production of various types of PET containers, of different capacities, and allows simple and quick format changes.” Changeover times minimised; formats optimised The EBS 4 E Ergon blower has a capacity of up to 8,800 bph. Holderhof uses it to produce 17 different PET bottle types, with capacities from 250ml to 1.5 l. A monobloc LSK 30T Ergon Packer fills and packs up to 30 units a minute. It bundles in film, tray and tray plus film in 3x2 or 4x3 formats. An APS 1550 P Ergon Palletiser packs bundles arriving from the Packer onto 800x1200 Europallets. Holderhof Produkte opted for SMI’s EBS E Ergon rotary technology for its flexibility in producing and handling a range of bottles of different types, with the consequent need for frequent format changes. The stretchblow moulding machine with preheating oven can process different types of PET or rPET preforms, which helps the company to implement its strategy of increasing its use of recycled resin. The SMI solution’s two-stage air recovery system delivers a reduction in energy consumption and related costs. Filling with weight-dosing technology is the preferred solution for sensitive products, such as juices and syrups. Simplified maintenance operations help to optimise consumption of washing liquids during cleaning. The LSK 30T ergon shrink wrapper and the APS 1550 palletiser can package more than 35 formats and quickly switch between them. The line’s Posyc HMI system is claimed to provide simple and intuitive management and control of the production line, including product flow and conveyor speed. The SWM supervisor system provides remote monitoring of the line via smartphone and tablet. It has been developed in accordance with Industry 4.0 principles and uses IoT technology in its production data collection and monitoring functions. A series of tools simplify the control and management of the plant and are claimed to improve its productivity, safety and cost containment. www.smigroup.it The EBS 4 E Ergon Blower produces up to 8,800bph. Weight dosing technology is a good solution for filling sensitive products such as juices and syrups.","@ID":28} "MARKET SURVEY 28 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net Company name Krones AG Tecnofer Ecoimpianti Srl Gneuss Kunststofftechnik GmbH Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Boehmerwaldstr 5, 93073 Neutraubling, Germany +49 9401 70-0 www.krones.com Mr Peter Hartel Head of Sales - Recycling Solutions +49 9401 70 5448 [email protected] Via Calto 409, 45030 Ceneselli (Ro), Italy +39 0425 849090 www.tecnofer.biz Mr Mauro Garbellini Sales manager +39 0425 849090 [email protected] Mönichhusen 42, 32549 Bad Oeynhausen, Germany +49 5731 5307 0 www.gneuss.com Frontend Sorting Section Input variable: collected pressed bottles, various colours Yes, with different qualities, also trays Output: sorted bottles, treated sidestreams Yes, separation in several valuable streams if necessary Capacity range output [t/a] 10,000t/a - much higher ranges are also possible if necessary 500-4,000kg/h Floor space [m²] Starting with 1,500m² and more; will be designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply In function of plant confi guration according to material input and output quality requested Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] (if necessary) Only necessary if whole bottle washing is required In function of plant confi guration according to material contamination Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply Grinder included Yes, with high quality suppliers, mainly from Europe Sorting technology (NIR, laser, optical etc.); effi ciency in % Yes, with high quality suppliers, mainly from Europe Additional information Krones can act as Turnkey-supplier and offers Frontend from preferred partner Stadler Anlagenbau Washing Section MetaPure W Input variable: Flakes, coloured proportion max 5%, not much chlorine Input variable; from clear to colour - depending on customer request Output: Hot washed fl akes Yes, variable in temperature and caustic concentration Capacity range output [t/a] 7,000-42,000t/a; higher output possible by multiplying sections Floor space [m²] 450-2,100m²; higher output reqires more space In function of plant confi guration according to material input and output quality requested Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] 1.5-2.0m³, depending on input quality In function of plant confi guration according to material contamination Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply Kind of polymer (PET, PP, PS, HD-PE, LD-PE etc.) PET-Bottle and/or PET-Tray, PP, PS , PE-HD, PE-LD, BOPP Additional information Krones own manufacturing Decontamination section MetaPure S Input variable: Flakes or Pellets Flakes Flakes Output: Flakes or Pellets Flakes, Pellets Pellets Capacity [t/a] 3,500-12,800t/a per decontamination unit 200-17,000 Floor space [m²] 450-520m² per decontamination unit 30-80, depending on size Approvals (FDA, EFSA, others) FDA, EFSA, various brands FDA, EFSA (pending), INTI, brand owners (conf.) Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply 350 Additional information Krones own manufacturing Periphery Fresh water treatment Yes Waste water treatment Yes Heating systems Yes, with partner Yes Nitrogen generator Yes, with partner Compressed air Yes, with partner Yes Chemical dosing Yes Yes Kind and quantity of detergents Caustic soda 8.0-12.0ml per kg output Yes Additives 0.5-1.0ml per kg output Yes Defoamer only used if absolutely necessary Yes Acid for neutralisation 1.2-1.8ml per kg output Removal of the organic residuals up to which size [μm] Presetting residence time in the process Yes, according to desired fi nal product quality or approval FDA, EFSA and brands Company also offers systems for Bottle-to-preform Yes, with partner Bottle-to-fi lm Yes, with partner Yes, mainly thermoforming sheet lines in direct food contact Bottle-to-fi bre Yes, with partner Yes, several lines under operation worldwide Bottle-to-strapping Yes, with partner Yes, several lines under operation worldwide Bottle-to-tray Yes, with partner Yes Tray-to-tray Yes, with partner Yes","@ID":30} "PREFORM PRODUCTION PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 17 European sustainable consumption requirements.” SGT’s cup PET preform meets new European single-use plastic directives since it can contain up to 100% rPET and is 100% recyclable. The new application has been developed as part of SGT’s continuous improvement approach: “We have extended our specific offer to ultra-fresh products by proposing this cup preform dedicated to yoghurts and fresh desserts in response to market demands. This solution is perfectly in keeping with a circular economy approach.” says SGT. The cup PET preform is transparent, light, hard-wearing and recyclable. This packaging provides all food safety guarantees and gets round the problems of broken glass during production. SGT’s cup preform also offers a host of design possibilities, which is a significant marketing asset for brands who want to stand out on the shelves. Thr cup preform is claimed to be compatible with the collection and recycling system currently in place for PET. It is currently the material which can be converted the most. PET yoghurt pots can then be used, sorted and recycled to be converted again and follow a more virtuous circuit. Multi-layer preform for UHT milk packaging For UHT milk packaging, SGT has developed a multi-layer preform with a very low opacifier rate ( 1%). The main innovation of this multi-layer process involves inserting a layer of black PET as close as possible to the internal wall of the preform, which enables 99.95% of light transmission to be blocked out. This technology enables the nutritional qualities of UHT milk to be preserved for longer and considerably reduces the use of opacifiers which disrupt recycling flows. The new multi-layer UHT milk bottle is also environmentally-friendly since it can contain up to 100% recycled clear or opaque PET and so potentially enter a recycling circuit with return to the milk bottle. This opaque multi-layer PET bottle also has the same preservation qualities as an HDPE bottle, says SGT. While this preform is currently being proposed for UHT milk packaging, a much wider-scale use is intended since it meets the preservation requirements of all photo-sensitive liquids. This solution is claimed to provide a response to: The issue of recycling opaque milk bottles in closed circuits; long-term preservation of photosensitive liquids: eco-design requirements because bottle weight can be reduced; the conversion of milk bottles at the end of their life; and the obligations set by European regulations which impose from 2025 the integration of 25% recycled plastic in PET bottles. The SGT R&D department based at Rezé in the Loire-Atlantique département in France has carried out a 3-year test programme to obtain an optimised solution with low mineral load ( 1%), integrating recycled PET and suitable for food contact. This work is also the product of long-term co-operation with their suppliers. In addtion to being recyclable, the opaque PET multi-layer milk preform protects the milk and enables long-term preservation, says SGT. It therefore contains less than 1% of opacifiers and adapts to the design constraints of different brands as it may be realised with a matt or glossy appearance. Other advantages include that it does not require a lid, and, by comparison, it is lighter than other materials which are currently used for UHT milk. It responds to current and future economic and environmental objectives with the obligation to incorporate recycled plastic into PET bottles by 2025 and the use of tethered caps. Increased preform range SGT is constantly increasing its portfolio to meet the demand of bottlers of hygiene and beauty products who are increasingly committed to 100% recycled, recyclable or refillable PET packaging. Now, SGT offers new 24/410 neck preforms dedicated to cosmetic and personal care applications (200ml). Body lotions, face creams, shampoo, conditioner and hand sanitiser are all suited with this new cosmetic preform. Involving in the 3R process for Recycle, Reuse and Reduce, the company has also increased its 38mm neck range with new preform weights, from 62 g to 75 g, for 3-5 l still water or detergent containers. Finally, SGT has developed a new CSD preform, the 26/22 neck finish, distinguished by a very low height and weight. SGT states that all its preform ranges are suitable for tethered caps. SGT has accumulated 40 years of experience and knowhow in the injection-moulding of PET preforms. A family business founded in 1981 in Rezé, France, the company today employs a staff of 450 on five sites, produces over seven billion preforms per year and exports its products all over the world. www.sgt-pet.com","@ID":19} "EVENT REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 38 Flexible dry ice cleaning with selective particle size In showcasing the PCS 60 PET model from the Aero 2 range at the Fakuma trade fair, dry ice cleaning system manufacturer Cold Jet demonstrated a flexible, IoT-compatible solution for users that wish to carry out cleaning applications with a single machine to different degrees of effectiveness on surfaces of varying sensitivity. This will result in a more environmentally-friendly production process and labour cost savings of around 70% for PET preform, blow moulds and machine maintenance. Production outputs could increase by up to 5%, according to the company. Jet claims allows intuitive operation. Besides the particle size, blow pressure and dry ice flow rate can also be varied and saved as one of nine possible profiles, password protected as necessary. The manufacturer is also advertising an optimisation in terms of efficiency and energy. “In operation, the device consumes around 25% less dry ice and energy compared to previous models,” said Dietmar Juchmes. The dry ice particle sizes can be set at 28 steps from 3mm to 0.3mm and, as diamond-shaped particles, can be blown precisely and continuously. The blow pressure can be varied from 1.4 to 10bar. “All parameters and documentation on cleaning processes can also reviewed on tablet or PC via an online portal meeting Industry 4.0 standards. The system can be serviced remotely and networked with other PLC-compatible machines,” continued Juchmes. “With the acquisition of the PCS 60 PET, the buyer automatically receives a 3-year subscription to the online customer service platform ‘Connect’.” Further digital services from Connect include instructions, training videos and product documentation, statistics, analysis and procedure planning on all relevant cleaning tasks and applications, including data export, as well as live chat or direct contact with the Cold Jet service team. The Connect service is offered in three subscription variants with different service models. The equipment is delivered with two special designed cleaning kits for the PET preform and blow mould application. For smaller facilities (fewer cavities) or requirements Cold Jet offers the i³ Micro Clean 2 PET solution with the specially designed PET preform kit. Reflecting on the pandemic period and the Aero 2 range, Dietmar Juchmes said: “Our business is running very well and we have already been very successful with the new equipment. For example, a well-known pharmaceutical manufacturer in Germany has bought a higher two-figure number of PCS 60 PET machines for the individual facilities.” Cold Jet is offering the machines for €35,000-45,000, with subscription fees for Connect amounting to €3,600 per year. www.coldjet.com Dietmar Juchmes showcases the PCS 60 PET at the Cold Jet trade fair stand. An important feature of the ergonomic, mobile machine is the option to select from 28 individually adjustable dry ice particle sizes, which would be particularly interesting for PET injection moulders and blow moulders. Cold Jet Senior Vice President Dietmar Juchmes, responsible for sales in Europe and Africa, showed us the machine, which has already been announced for NPE 2021 (the trade fair was postponed from 2021 to 2024 because of the pandemic). Here at Fakuma it was presented for the first time as a physical exhibit. Weighing in at just over 100kg and with dimensions of L 99 x W 48 x H 114cm, the unit has a 7-inch LCD display, which Cold","@ID":40} "imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Vangerowstraße 33 69115 Heidelberg, Germany phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 [email protected] EDITORIAL Kay Barton Heike Fischer Gabriele Kosmehl Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Anthony Withers WikiPETia. info [email protected] MEDIA CONSULTANTS Martina Hirschmann [email protected] Johann Lange-Brock [email protected] phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 LAYOUT AND PREPRESS EXPRIM Werbeagentur | exprim.de Matthias Gaumann READER SERVICES Till Kretner [email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck Eine Unternehmung der Limberg-Druck GmbH Danziger Platz 6 67059 Ludwigshafen, Germany WWW www.hbmedia.net | petpla.net PETplanet Insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trademarks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net Dear readers, The most important news for our industry in the last few weeks has nothing to do with recycling, not even directly with CO2 savings, nor even with delivery bottlenecks. It is the message that the first production line in Europe has switched to tethered caps. Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) officially announced that in their first plant, small one-way containers of CSD products will be screwed on with tethered caps, which will be mandatory by 2024. CCEP has chosen a closure that can be opened up to 160 degrees (please see also page 8). Steffen Türk, Director Public Affairs & Communication GER of CCEP reported to PETplanet Insider that every plant will be converted by 2024. To ensure business runs as smoothly as possible, the work will be undertaken gradually during the non-peak months. The process will begin with production in Dorsten, Germany. The changeover to the new closure – Türk went on – provided CCEP with the opportunity to optimise the weight of the neck area. A narrower neck saves about 1.02 g of PET and, depending on the closure, between 0.15 and 0.35 g of material on the cap. All that remains to be said is that our Editourmobil has been on the road for the past month and will certainly be on a supermarket parking lot in Dorsten for the next few days. Yours sincerely, Alexander Büchler","@ID":5} "9 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net","@ID":11} "BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 30 Carbon-neutral juice production plant for Innocent Scrutinising every step Gea Group AG has provided Innocent, a leading European smoothie and juice brand, with the process technology for a carbon-neutral juice factory. The new factory in the Netherlands is intended to lead the way for future plants in the food industry with a sustainable approach. Located at the Rotterdam Food Hub, the production facility is scheduled to open officially in spring 2022. In the new-build project, Gea, as key project partner, is responsible for the process, refrigeration and heating technology. Early involvement in the design planning phase enabled the company to develop numerous process changes that help Innocent on the path to reaching its climate goals. Gea and Innocent recently won gold in the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) People’s Choice Award for the smart heat pump design. Gea CEO Stefan Klebert says about the project: “Not only have we integrated the most resource-efficient technologies, we have also entirely rethought the processes as well as the heating and refrigeration systems. Together with Innocent, we have pushed the envelope beyond standard beverage production practice.” Energy supply and demand cycle Since much of the energy used in production is for heat, Gea worked intensively on in-process energy and resource efficiency in the manufacturing process. During the planning process, the project participants scrutinised every step: Could certain processes run at a lower temperature without impacting quality? Could the water needed for pasteurisation be heated using waste heat from the refrigeration plant? What temperatures are new electric heat pumps capable of producing? Where is steam really necessary as a medium? For Innocent, Gea broke down the entire juice-making process into its component parts and then rebuilt it from the ground up. The company also applied the sustainable energy solutions (SEnS) approach. This factors heating and cooling requirements into the systems right at the planning stage, instead of after the fact when corrections are virtually no longer possible. Adapting the process on utilities demand For example, a Gea heat pump will recover waste heat from the refrigeration systems and reuse it in other process steps. The pasteurisation temperatures can be lowered from 95 °C to 90 °C – improving the energy balance by 3%. This makes it possible to fit a heat pump and thaw frozen juices with warm water instead of steam. Gea advised Innocent to use two separate heating circuits – one set to 65 °C for cleaning and the other to 90 °C for pasteurisation and sterilisation. In addition, Innocent will only cool the juices as much as is absolutely necessary because every degree that the mercury doesn’t need to fall improves energy efficiency by as much as 4%. Taking a 360-degree view of the process chain will allow Innocent to substantially cut its carbon footprint while massively influencing other parameters such as water consumption and waste generation. An example highlights the use of lemon juice rather than water as a natural seal flushing liquid, because the low pH value prevents bacterial growth. On top of that, Gea has developed an automated clean-in-place system that minimises the required cleaning surface area but also leverages Fluidor’s pioneering Fluivac technology to clean pipes with air instead of water. That allows Innocent to recover 98% of the juice from the process piping. The customer will save on water and chemical usage as well as reduce manual tasks and downtime at the manufacturing facility. www.gea.com Every year, the EHPA honours the most efficient and sustainable heat pump solutions with the Heat Pump Award. 2021, Gea and Innocent drinks jointly won gold the People’s Choice Award of the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) for the new juice factory with the intelligent heat pump design in combination with the process adaptations. (Photo: Gea)","@ID":32} "51 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net BUYERS GUIDE Injection Molds and Integrated Solutions Americas: +1-416-749-1698 x. 577 [email protected] Asia: +82 31 8059 7000 [email protected] www.stackteck.com 3.2 Stretch blow moulds Packaging and Preform Engineering, Moulds and Line Conversion Tel: +33 (0)5 45 36 63 50 [email protected] [email protected] DEMO Design and Moulds 31020 San Vendemiano (TV) - Italy Tel.: +39 0438 409048 Fax: +39 0438 409046 [email protected] www.designandmoulds.com www.kiefer-mold.de [email protected] www.petkamold.com [email protected] 29614 Soltau, Germany [email protected] www.roeders.de SIPA S.p.A via Caduti del Lavoro,3 31029 Vittorio Veneto, Italy Tel. +390438911511 Fax +390438912273 [email protected] www.sipa.it www.wtbvc.com Blow Molds for All Technologies, All Machine Types, All Sizes. Highest Quality, Fastest Delivery, Lowest Cost. Canada +1-519-754-5400 [email protected] Poland +48-81-820-5730 [email protected] UK +44-1623-658-416 [email protected] China +86-137-646-05384 [email protected] Argentina +54-11-4753-1111 [email protected] 3.1 Preform moulds Preform, Caps & Thin Wall Molds Acme Die Systems Pvt. Ltd (India) Tel: +91-98110 39129 [email protected] www.acmedisys.com PET Preform, Blow, Closure Molds and Hot Runners GDXL Precise Machinery Co., Ltd. No. 18, Changjiang Rd., Guicheng, Nanhai, Foshan, Guangdong, PRC Tel: +86 757 86777168 Fax: +86 757 86233168 [email protected] www.gdxl.com Leo precision products, ISBM, Precision PET moulds, Change parts Silvassa, Ut of DNH, INDIA M: +91 99798 67490 +91 93288 85884 Mail: [email protected] Web: www.leopp.in PET Preform and Closure Mould Chengdu Lianyu Precise Machinery Co., Ltd Pidu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, 611743 China [email protected] www.cd-lianyu.com MHT MOLD & HOTRUNNER TECHNOLOGY AG www.mht-ag.de Otto Hofstetter AG Zürcherstrasse 73 8730 Uznach, Switzerland Tel. +41 55 285 22 11 Fax +41 55 285 22 44 [email protected] www.otto-hofstetter.com No.5, 36th Road, Taichung Industrial Park. Taichung City. 407. Taiwan Tel. +886 4 23553779 Ext: 103 [email protected] www.passcard.com.tw www.petkamold.com [email protected] 3.3 Cap moulds [email protected] www.cd-lianyu.com PLASTISUD SAS 5 rue Joseph Jacquard 11400 Castelnaudary - France [email protected] Tél: +33 6 45 72 86 24 www.plastisud.com Injection Molds and Integrated Solutions Americas: +1-416-749-1698 x.641 [email protected] Asia: +82 31 8059 7000 [email protected] www.stackteck.com www.z-moulds.com 3.6 PET mould cleaning Dry Ice Cleaning Solution for the Injection and Blow Molding Phone: +49 6551 9606-13 E-mail: [email protected] www.coldjet.com","@ID":53} "MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 34 High-quality PET recyclate for the plastics processing industry Efficient sorting for various applications Plastic processors are facing higher political and social demands to use a greater proportion of recycled materials. Companies such as MultiPet GmbH, a recycling company that processes used PET materials into flakes, make this transition possible. Along with their sister company Multiport, which specialises in making HDPE compounds from packaging waste, they are considered important suppliers of secondary raw materials for the plastics processing industry. The company is part of Veolia, an environmental service provider that is active across the world. MultiPet processes discarded PET bottles and trays into high-quality recycled PET flakes that are pure enough to be used by plastic processors to create new products and containers. The process starts when the company receives pressed bales of presorted PET waste. After the bales are broken up, plastics are first checked for impurities, then ground into flakes and intensively washed. ‘Flake Purifier+’ multi-sensor sorting systems from Sesotec come into play directly after the ground material has undergone a two-stage density separation process, involving two rounds of hot washing. The sorting systems then separate discoloured materials, foreign plastics and metals from the flakes. Sesotec says that Flake Purifier+ units are designed especially for use in plastic flake processing and are characterised by ease of operation and heightened throughput capacities. At MultiPet, the systems are equipped with multiple sensors for colour and material recognition. This enables the production of PET flakes in batches of different colours and qualities, for use as raw materials in the plastics processing industry. By using recyclates produced by MultiPet, plastic processors are reducing their CO2 footprint, contributing to climate protection and conserving resources. “This processing technology enables us to keep the loss of good material to a minimum”, says Herbert Snell, Managing Director of MultiPet GmbH. Sesotec‘s scope of delivery was complemented by a turn-key material handling setup which included steel work platforms and material conveyance systems, simplifying integration into the overall process. www.sesotec.com","@ID":36} "LABELLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 33 What are your observations on the impact of the pandemic on the labelling industry? Artem Krukov: “During the pandemic, many people reduced their daily spending due to economic reasons. This has resulted in stagnating sales for certain premium products in the beverage sector, and manufacturers have been forced to reduce packaging costs. For instance, the secondtier beverage producers have shown significant interest in converting from shrink sleeves to BOPP labels to save cost. That is the reason why low-cost beverages have been popping up recently in the market. Lastly, would you share with us what Sidel has achieved and the next step in labelling? Artem Krukov: Since 1976, Sidel has continuously ensured and promoted the image of various brands. That is 45 years of experience. At its dedicated labelling plant in Mantua, Italy, the company is not only manufacturing labelling equipment, but also providing outstanding services to support its customers worldwide. Additionally, we are proud of the milestone we achieved in 2021 – installing the 5,000th labeller for Ting Hsin International Group (Ting Hsin) in China. We aim to play as an end-to-end partner in sustainable labelling, starting from offering packaging design to providing the proper equipment for advanced product manufacturing, including hightech solutions for product shelf-life security. Thank you very much! www.sidel.com","@ID":35} "OUTER PLANET 54 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net OUTER PLANET As he sat in a packaging brainstorming meeting in 2019, Ron Khan, PepsiCo Vice President of Packaging for Beverages, knew he had a potentially ground-breaking ambition: paper bottles for beverages. “Many years ago, we wanted to pursue this concept, but couldn’t find the right technology,” recalls Khan, PepsiCo Vice President of Packaging for Beverages. “I knew we needed to make this happen now.” Two years later, Khan can hold in his hand a prototype claimed to be the world’s first fully recyclable paper bottle. Thanks to a partnership with packaging technology company Pulpex Limited and the vision of PepsiCo’s Packaging, R&D and Design teams, the development is poised to add a new packaging solution for products throughout the world. “This bottle offers so many rare opportunities,” Khan says. “It’s sustainably sourced, it’s recyclable, it’s natural - the advantages are huge.” With Pulpex, an R&D collaboration between Diageo (makers of Johnnie Walker, Smirnoff and Guinness) and Pilot Lite (a Venture Management company), and a consortium of global consumer goods companies, PepsiCo is working to develop and scale the fully recyclable paper bottle. Water based coating barrier Versions of the paper bottle concept have been attempted in the past, but they have all required some form of an inner plastic liner that would prevent them from being recycled via mainstream methods. What could make the Pulpex version a game-changer is its base material: sustainable, renewable FSC certified wood pulp. The mixture is blended, moulded and dried to give it strength. Then, to prevent leaks and give an oxygen and moisture barrier, it is treated with a thin, food-grade water-based coating that can go into the paper recycling stream. It is topped off with an also recyclable cap. Khan says, “It adds one more sustainable option to PepsiCo’s portfolio.” Introducing more sustainable packaging, like the Pulpex bottle, is one of the ways PepsiCo is intending to realise its pep+ (PepsiCo Positive) transformation with sustainability at the centre of its business to inspire positive change for the planet and people. A canvas for the design team While Khan’s Packaging team sees the sustainable packaging’s revolutionary potential, the Design team is inspired by the unique canvas a paper bottle offers. Niklas Gustafsson, Design Director at PepsiCo Design and Innovation Studio, worked handin-hand with the Packaging team in the prototype process. His group started by asking questions: “You wonder, what are the limitations? What are the constraints? With every new technology, it’s a lot of trial and error,” Gustafsson explains. The Design team decided to capitalise on its canvas. The material, which Gustafsson says feels a little like the texture of an egg carton, is a wide-open space for printing images and text. The designs they are exploring are bold and direct. All of the branding and images will be printed directly on the bottle rather than requiring a label. One side bears a “recycle” imprint, which Gustafsson sees as a call to action. “I hope we can inspire people, when they see this bottle, that even small acts can create a big impact on the environment,” he says. The next steps Next up: a wide range of laboratory tests to evaluate safety, performance and recyclability before testing with consumers and on the bottling line to evaluate the prototype’s performance. This critical stage will yield important findings and require more design iterations to refine the bottle; all of which will take months. www.pepsico.com A bottle that goes into the paper recycling stream Prototype in pulp While paper bottles previously designed were always covered with an inner polymer layer that made recycling difficult, PepsiCo, through the Pulpex consortium, has come up with a new prototype that is claimed to be recyclable in the paper recycling stream. Through its partnership with Pulpex, the beverage company has embarked on an R&D and design quest that “could change the face of packaging as we know it”.","@ID":56} "BOTTLE MAKING 22 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net Keeping the AA level low by Dr Eng Christina Haerter, Head of Application Engineering at Netstal and Christian Tilsner, Technical Director at MHT Mold & Hotrunner Technology Acetaldehyde (AA) is a small molecule formed by the body during the degradation of ethanol (alcohol) and the cause of a hangover after a long evening’s drinking. It also occurs in a variety of foods such as yoghurt, beer, green apples and coffee and contributes to the taste. It produces a fruity, fresh taste very similar to that of apple. When PET is processed into preforms, AA is formed as a degradation by-product of PET through a reaction of OH-end groups of PET with water, glycol and oxygen. AA is a colourless and highly volatile liquid. Individual molecules can migrate through the PET of a bottle wall and enter the packaged liquid, as AA is miscible in water. A higher concentration of the substance is undesirable, particularly in water packaged in PET bottles, as a change in taste occurs after a certain storage time, the threshold of which is 0.01-0.025 ppm. The beverage is then in breach of European Framework Regulation No. 1935/2004 or the US Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Both regulations ensure that the organoleptic quality of food remains the same. This is why some water bottlers have set limits for AA in preforms and bottles. In preforms, the limit is often 4 ppm. In Germany, the rule is much stricter at 2 ppm. AA blockers are used to achieve these low values. In addition, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified AA as a possible carcinogen because it readily forms bonds with human DNA and is thought to have mutagenic and carcinogenic effects, particularly in combination with other substances. However, the limits of 6 ppm that apply in Switzerland and the EU are not exceeded during the production of PET bottles, from which we can be confident that the bottles do not pose any health hazards. Netstal launched its new PET line with sideways removal in September 2020. It is compatible with industry standards and thus offers the user a high level of flexibility. The main focus in the design of the machinery was to keep AA levels low because if the AA blocker is used to prevent migration of AA from the bottle wall into water, it is often a 2-aminobenzamide with an SML (specific migration limit) of up to 50 μg/l. This blocker is thought to contain hormone-like substances and should therefore be avoided. Furthermore, the use of an additional additive results in high costs. Particular attention therefore had to be paid to factors that affect the AA value. The formation of AA can be influenced by drying temperature, the amount of drying air, processing temperature, residence time in the dryer, plasticising or the individual mould. Tests carried out by Netstal have shown that residence time has by far the greatest impact on the AA level. If the plasticising process is too great in relation to the throughput, degradation and therefore the formation of AA are enhanced. For this reason, it is important to consider the scale of the plasticisation procedure, particularly for small, lightweight water preforms. Netstal has developed a completely new screw for its latest PET line whose design guides the shear into the melt in a controlled way and is also optimised in terms of residence time in the molten state. Material and thermal homogenisation takes place again at the tip of the screw. The melt then enters the shotpot with a uniform, thermal cross-section. By using the screw, which has extremely robust process properties, PET can be processed at temperatures around 20 K lower than before. In combination with the low shear, this means low AA values. The new screw design on its own has made it possible to reduce the use of AA blockers through a partner company that has already tested its effectiveness. The choice of the correct hot runner size or model can also affect the AA value. As with the plasticising process mentioned above, the residence time of the melt, shear and temperature control are also influencing factors in the hot runner’s AA value. The most important drivers that contribute to the formation of AA are the temperature and residence time of the melt in areas that have an elevated temperature. The primary task of the hot runner manifold is to distribute the melt flow simultaneously to all cavities at the same flow rate. When designing the balancing system, the volume, channel diameter, stagnation zones, together with deviations and temperature control, have an effect on preform quality or AA content. The balance between residence time, pressure loss and associated shear is critical in hot runner design. The residence time of the PET in the hot runner is a function of the preform weight and the volume of material in the manifold, including nozzle and cycle time. Preforms with low weights or long cycle times cause the melt to remain longer in the manifold, resulting in an increase in AA content. The hot runner manufacturer MHT selects the channels or volumes to suit a specific application as required. If the volume of the hot runner manifold is to be kept as low as possible, the Legacy model can demonstrate its full potential through short flow pathways or fewer manifold levels. However, flow channels cannot be reduced indefinitely as the reduced flow cross-section leads to increased pressure loss and thus to higher shear loads.","@ID":24} "10 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net Icis launches first interactive global database of chemical recycling projects Targets set by brand-owners and regulators have been contributing to a growing demand for recycled plastics globally, particularly for use in food and beverage packaging. However, supply of high-quality food grade recycled polymer material remains limited. To assist the industry in effectively securing supply of recycled resins suitable for these applications, Icis has announced the release of the Recycling Supply Tracker – Chemical which provides FMCGs, chemical producers, large converters and retailers with the most comprehensive view of the emerging chemical recycling market. Many industry players have public sustainability targets and need to understand the capacities in the market to ensure they can source the necessary materials to meet these. As of 2021, the global installed capacity for chemical recycling is under 2.5 mt, including both commercial and pre-commercial facilities with Asia Pacific and North America as the leading regions. The Icis Recycling Supply Tracker – Chemical will provide up to date data including installed capacity, output volume, process, and feedstock, as well as details about the licensor and investors. Chemical recycling processes can also be used to revert plastic waste back to an earlier molecular state. The tracker has identified that, in terms of capacity, only around 20% of the global recyclers currently produce polymers as an output of their chemical recycling facilities. The interactive database is updated with new projects and project developments as they happen, helping the industry understand the pace of growth in this sector. Less than 30% of projects are currently operating at commercial scale, but over half of the plants identified are expected to start-up in the next three years. Louise Boddy, Head of Commercial Strategy, Sustainability at Icis, said, “Plastic waste is one of the biggest issues facing society and the investment now going into the development of new technologies to deal with plastic waste could be a game changer in the prevention of environmental leakage of used plastic.” Boddy continued, “Efforts to bring more complex technology and greater scale to this industry are accelerating fast and Icis is detailing these developments with its new supply tracker, helping to foster partnerships and investments that improve circularity and prevent waste.” Available through Icis Digital, the tracker is the world’s only interactive database on global chemical recycling projects. Based on 18 years of leading recycled market expertise, with data sourced and maintained by a team of analysts with deep market knowledge and daily interactions with the marketplace, it offers the ability to filter, download and connect with suppliers. www.icis.com Napcor’s 2020 PET Recycling Report The National Association for PET Container Resources (Napcor) announced the release of its 2020 PET Recycling Report. Overall, the 26th annual report revealed a 10% increase in end use consumption of recycled PET (rPET) in the U.S. and Canada. According to the analysts, this increase signals strong support of post-consumer content in brand packaging, and demonstrates the resiliency of PET’s value in recycling-minded communities - even during a pandemic. Examining the use of rPET in specific end markets, the 2020 report positions the industry at a pivotal point where Food/Beverage and Non-Food/Beverage Bottle categories grew by 32 per cent in total, surpassing fibre for the first time as the largest end market user of post-consumer PET bottles. In addition, over the past decade, there has been a cumulative increase in rPET consumption in U.S. and Canadian markets, climbing from 1 billion pounds in 2010 to 1.8 billion pounds in 2020. Napcor’s analysis shows the higher market demand outpaced collection, which drove PET reclaimers to rely more heavily on imports, after depleting their existing inventory. While demand was strong, collection of PET bottles decreased by approximately 2.3%in the United States, which resulted in a 26.6% recycling rate for PET plastic bottles, a decrease from the 2019 rate of 27.9%. The decline in recycling rate is not surprising, given the challenges faced in 2020, including closure of redemption centres and disruption in kerbside recycling due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The 2020 North American PET recycling rate is 33.9%, which incorporates statistics from Mexico and Canada, in addition to the U.S. This is a slight drop from the 35% reported in 2019. PET Thermoform Analysis New in the 2020 PET Recycling Report is an in-depth PET Thermoform Market Analysis including post-consumer collection volumes of these packages which surpassed 2019 numbers. “PET thermoforms have been a significant and growing end market over the years. By expanding our discussion and analysis of PET thermoforms, we have additional data points illustrating that thermoform-to-thermoform recycling is occurring,” stated Darrel Collier, Napcor Executive Director. “We have worked to better understand the challenges involved with recycling PET thermoforms, which still exist, and are encouraged with the work being done by our PET reclamation and thermoform industry to incorporate into packaging, thus, closing the loop.” Napcor continues to work to address the industry’s ongoing challenges, with particular focus on methods to increase the amount of PET that gets recycled. This is the 26th year that the PET Recycling Report has been issued. To purchase the full 2020 PET Recycling Report, visit Napcor’s website. www.napcor.com","@ID":12} "BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 25 Holderhof Produkte installs aseptic PET line for its organic fruit drinks Nature in a bottle Founded in 2000 by young entrepreneur Christof Schenk, Holderhof Produkte AG manufactures and sells products made from elderberry flowers and berries, as well as currants, raspberries, herbs and berries grown on its own lands. The company’s factory at Henau, in St Gallen canton, Switzerland, close by Lake Constance, has a payroll of 25 employees. Holderhof has, since 2012, packaged its products primarily in PET containers, with some syrups bottled in glass since 2017. Holderhof makes products under its own brand and for third parties and private label, in Switzerland and in other countries. Its range includes organic drinks based on natural fruit juices and teas; organic and conventional syrups, available in both glass and PET bottles; fresh juices, made from both whole fruit and pulp; fruit wines, made from fresh fruit and with an alcohol content of less than 10%; elderberry syrup; and an organic energy drink. Its stated desire to protect and preserve its environment has a strong influence on its product and manufacturing strategies. It presents itself as an ecologically responsible organisation, using organic raw materials and deploying collection, production and distribution methods and technologies that are in line with its brand values. Holderhof began its existence with elderberry-based products. The organic fruit syrups are made with fruits from plantations located between Lake Constance and the Toggenburg district. The harvest is hand-picked; flowers in in May to June and berries from the end of August. Manual harvesting is labour-intensive but Holderhof has taken the view that this is the best way of ensuring high-quality raw material. The time between harvesting and processing is kept as short as possible, to guarantee freshness and to maintain taste and quality in the finished products.","@ID":27} "EVENT REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 petpla.net 42 Icis PET Value Chain Virtual Conference The 2021 edition of the PET Value Chain Conference from Icis was held on September 8-9. The virtual event shed light on the most pressing issues in the PET value chain and the market dynamics that are influencing it. In a first presentation ‘Global macroeconomic outlook: Challenges and opportunities from the end of ‘business as normal,’ Mr Paul Hodges, Chairman of New Normal Consulting, highlighted five mutually reinforcing paradigm shifts which are transforming the polyester industry: Demand patterns, reshoring supply chains, energy abundance, circular economy and advanced manufacturing. According to Hodges, changing patterns of demand arose due to lockdown, WFH, or the EU Green Deal. Also due to lockdowns but as a result of volatility in demand patterns, too, supply chains have proved fragile. In terms of Hodges’ third point, energy abundance, it refers to the shift from fossil fuels to renewables. ‘Cost-advantaged feedstock’ may no longer be a critical success factor when considering new investments. The Circular Economy was the fourth point that Hodges focused on: Reshoring supply chains could accelerate a circular economy. Locally-based business models, which cover the value chain from collection through processing, manufacturing and distribution must be built up. The last point was ‘advanced manufacturing’: technology is becoming safer, greener, faster and cheaper, and businesses should take advantage. In the second presentation, Jimmy Zhang, Senior Analyst Icis, highlighted the challenges facing the global virgin PET market. Growth is expected to be 5% over the next five years, and competition will continue between virgin PET and recycled PET. The increasing use of rPET and continuous capacity expansions will lead to a lower operational increase in the PET industry in the long run. High freight costs have become a hot topic. The main reason for the rising costs is still the pandemic, Zhang explained: incoming cargoes have to be checked more carefully, which leads to much slower ship handling. A shortage of containers and shipments has also led to rising freight costs. High freight costs have made domestic supply more important in western markets. On the other hand, Europe in particular is heavily dependent on imports of PET, MEG or PTA. Companies are facing volatility in supply. Simon Hardy, Commercial Strategy Manager, Supply Chain, Icis talked about building resilience in the PET value chain, which has to balance price, availability and social responsibility. He also addressed the freight situation: average rates for a 40-foot container (FEU) (20,185 kg) from the Far East to Northern Europe rose from US $ 10,000 in May to US $ 14,000 in mid-August - a US $ 4,000 difference in freight costs per container (US $ 200 per tonne) in just three months time. Hardy pointed out that it is difficult to forecast how long the situation will remain this tense. A value chain resilience requires a constant consulting and analysing of data and a close cooperation between all suppliers and customers. In terms of supply capacity, there is just over 19 million tonnes of recycled PET available globally, spread across three key regions (Asia Pacific, Europe and North America), according to Helen McGeough, Icis Senior Analyst and Global Analyst Team Lead, Plastics Recycling. Of the global PET capacity in 2020, recyclate accounts for 15%. This is one of the biggest challenges for the market, which has ambitious targets for a high share of recycled material. In Europe, a more mature market, recycling accounts for 36% of the global PET industry. But even in Europe, where rPET capacity is above average, supply is a challenge due to the lack of raw materials. To reach a 50% recycling share, the market would need to double the amount recycled by 2025. What about collection and sorting? According to McGeough, the current infrastructure is not sufficient, either in terms of quantity nor quality. The lack of harmonisation of collection systems leads to a very wide range of qualities. Even the DRS by Gabriele Kosmehl","@ID":44}