{"pages":{"page":[{"@ID":23, "PETINAR PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 32 Does size matter? - New challenges for the closure production require new mould solutions As the final highlight of the first day of the PETinar conference, PETplanet has invited, as Ruari aptly remarked, a good friend of PETplanet. Mr Michael Fink, Vice-President of Sales & Marketing from z-moulds came up with an equally remarkable innovation. Michael first presented some facts about the company z-moulds. The company is headquartered in Dornbirn, Austria, with a subsidiary in Atlanta, USA. Its global presence stretches from Canada to Mexico, Brazil to the U.A.E., India and finally China. He continued that z-moulds, as a mould making specialist for caps helps it customers to develop the best design for any cap application. All global testing standards are possible in the approved z-moulds laboratory. After designing, testing, and developing, z-moulds supports the inline work at its customers’ premises. Michael explained the well-known, proven, and patented z-slides technology. It differs from other mould systems in the following aspects: the front of the mould has a complete flat parting line. Centring of the cavities is not necessary. The cavities and sliders are located inside the mould. The mould itself is centred with guiding bars; this results in an almost wearfree system. Each cavity is accessible from the front. The entire cavity stack can easily be pulled out so that each part of the cavity can be replaced (eg. core, cooling top, slider). The 70 mm frame of the mould stays the same for all kind of closures. It is a completely modular system. Also, the cavity pitch remains the same, and in addition the same hot runner system can be used. Michael continued that the z-slides technology is still used but has now been extended. For a tethered cap, for example, the sliders must be higher because the parting line is moving up. By changing the angles on the demoulding face, where the height is increased to 15 mm, it is possible, to produce a 29/25 closure design entirely on the cold half of the mould. The extended z-slide technology can easily be implemented in the existing z-slides system. Michael concluded that all z-moulds technologies like the z-slides, z-slides extended, and the z-folded system are compatible with each other. With such cutting-edge technology, new ground can be broken. Michael asked what can be enhanced for tomorrow and talked about the mould size. He stated that in general the z-slides are known for their compact size because no sidewards movement is necessary. In the future could it be possible for the mould size to be even smaller? He presented two case studies. The first one was a project for a customer where a 23 mm light weight closure has to be produced on a high speed 128 cavity system in less than 2s. The problem today is that existing 128 cavity moulds are very big, and because of that they need big machines (eg. 650 t). From a closure point of view, these big machines are not necessary. As far as the clamping force goes, a 420 t machine would be enough, but the mould is then too big. With a new mould design with a pitch of 55mm the mould fits in a 420 t standard cap machine and this common machine size range allows faster cycles. (Fig.1) Also the weight of the moving part of the moulds is important. With the smaller mould there is a 52% weight saving which in turn reduces the overall cycle time. The reduction in cycle time results from the falling distance being cut to 300mm, leading to a saving of 0.07s. falling time per shot. Michael concluded by saying that with a new frame a smaller machine range can be used. Mouldhandling is much easier and the reduction in cycle times can be achieved due to the lighter weight and height of the mould. And finally, the less weight that needs to be moved leads to an enormous energy saving. The second case study focuses on a 96-cavity moulding system running in a 420 t machine. Fig 2: New 55mm pitch z- slides: size: 596 x 896 x 650mm, weight: ES 1,480 kg / NS 1,290 kg Pitch Fall height Falling time Competition 1,200 mm 0.495 s 70mm 1,000 mm 0.452 s 55mm 700 mm 0.378 s Total saving of falling time 0.117 s Pitch Es weight Open/close time Competition 2,690 kg 0.84 s 70mm 2,300 kg 0.81 s 55mm 1,480 kg 0.76 s Total saving of open/close time 0.08 s Some new closure designs require less clamping force, and consequently, a 250 t machine would be enough. As in the first example the size of the mould is too big. With the new z-slides pitch of 55mm the fall height is reduced, resulting in less falling time; the weight of the mould is reduced which leads to a more rapid opening and closing time, resulting in a lower energy consumption. (Fig.2) The answer to the question ‘does size matter?’ seems clear: energy savings, fast cycle times, a smaller machine are important parameters on which purchasing decisions are made! www.z-moulds.com We thank all speakers and participants as well as our sponsors! We would like to point out that the lectures as well as the presentations are available online at: https://petpla.net/2022/09/06/ review-technical-highlights-drinktec2022/?s= Fig. 1 The new 55mm pitch fits with 128 cavities into standard 420 t cap machines. Sponsors"},{"@ID":6, "PETcontents 4 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 11/2022 Page 20 EDITOUR 10 Sorting, washing and grinding - Interview with Mr Ottavio Previero, Sales and Marketing Manager at Sorema BOTTLE MAKING 12 Bottles for the 21st century - Inteview with Amelia Dales, Commercial Director, Packamama 15 Wide neck containers for body building supplements BOTTLING / FILLING 16 “All the bottles that leave our production plants are 100% recycable” - Ishka, Irland’s fresh spring water 18 A unique construction - Ramseier Swiss AG invests in state-of- the-art aspectic line from KHS 22 The rise of Zambia’s Big Tree Beverages - Investment in European technology MARKET SURVEY 23 Suppliers of recycling plants and washing units COMPRESSORS 26 Reused air - A special designed compressed air recovery system 28 Shifting the energy balance with new compressor operating cost model 29 Eliminating idling times - ABC Compressors launches energy-saving Horizon Synchro range TRADE SHOW REVIEW 30 PETinar: Technical highlights at Drinktec 2022 33 Drinktec 2022, review part 1 37 Cloud computing and data analytic technologies BUYER’S GUIDE 40 Get listed! INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 38 PET bottles for beverage + liquid food 39 Patents 46 Outer Planet Page 10 COMPRESSORS FILLING Page 29"},{"@ID":33, "PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 31 PETINAR no adjustment has to be done to the capper or on the inspection system. A flexible transition is possible due to the slitting technology: the transfer to a new shell design with standard slit or changing the slitting geometry to tethered whenever required. At Drinktec, Bericap presented an already lightweighted tethered cap solution for CSD beverages. (Fig. 2) Thomas continued that Bericap also showed its new generation of sports caps. For example, the new two-piece closure Monet, which is available in HDPE (single material) with a tamper evidence overcap and visible drop ring. The closure is suitable for dry and wet aseptic application. www.bericap.com PAC-E: the new all-electric high-speed benchmark Mr Arnaud Nomblot, Director of Business Development Packaging at Sumitomo (SHI) Demag, announced the premiere of a new machine at Drinktec. He briefly mentioned some facts about Sumitomo (SHI) Demag. The company belongs to Sumitomo Heavy Industries which is headquartered in Japan. Sumitomo (SHI) Demag accounts for 12% of the group’s activities. Each year, 7,000 IMMs are manufactured in four production plants, one in Japan, two in Germany and one in China. Arnaud explained that Sumitomo is very proud to be the world leader with around 80,000 all-electric machines in operation. The focus of Arnaud’s presentation was on plastics packaging. The new Sumitomo (SHI) Demag PAC-E injection moulding machine has combined the strengths of two machine types from Sumitomo, the El-Exis SP and the IntElect. The fast, reliable and proven technology of the El-Exis and the low energy consumption and allelectric competence of the IntElect are newly combined and reinforced. With the expertise of the two specialised competence centers in Japan (electrical drives and control knowledge) and Germany (packaging know-how), the PAC-E will be available worldwide. Arnaud said the new machine meets the requirements of the global beverage market. Performance, reliability, energy efficiency and finally cleanliness are the key parameters. In respect of performance, Sumitomo has adopted all the mechanics from existing packaging products, such as the clamping unit and platens, which are critical parts in the production of packaging parts. The performance of the clamping unit and the opening and closing speed of the mould were maintained. The machine has a fast injection speed of 550mm/s and a high-performance plasticising drive to meet the production requirements of short cycle times and high output in terms of kilograms of plastic converted per hour. The ejector is designed for the high speeds required for the applications and the application-specific interfaces have also been taken from proven technology and meet all the required packaging specifications. In terms of energy efficiency, the drives and motors are specially designed for processing plastic packaging. All components of the motors and drives are manufactured by Sumitomo Heavy Industries itself. The last key parameter Arnaud mentioned was cleanliness. All the main axes, such as the clamping unit drive for opening and closing the mould and the injection drive, are completely encapsulated. The machine works with a closed lubrication cycle. This ensures that the closures and packaging are produced in a clean environment and the effort required to clean the machines is reduced by this closed system. The closed lubrication circuit means that fewer lubricants are used. Costs are saved from the sustainable use of lubricants. All in all, the machine is the result of bestin-class development in collaboration with best-in-class partners such as z-moulds, Intravis, Sise, Piovan, Eisbär and Ineos, Arnaud concluded. www.sumitomo-shi-demag.eu Fig. 2 Bericap lightweight example: CSD neck & closure: from PCO 1810 to PET 26 CSD GME 30.40 The new all-electric high-speed Sumitomo (SHI) Demag PAC-E 350-2000"},{"@ID":10, "8 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net Atlas Copco appoints Anna Sjörén as Vice President Sustainability Atlas Copco has appointed Anna Sjörén as its new Vice President Sustainability, the company announced on October 11. Anna Sjörén is currently Compliance and Sustainability Officer at Dometic Group. Between 2007 and 2019, she worked for Atlas Copco, where she last held the position as Global Sustainability Manager for the business area Industrial Technique. She will take on her new position in January 2023. Anna Sjörén has a Masters’ degree in engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. Atlas Copco’s current Vice President Sustainability, Sofia Svingby, will leave Atlas Copco for a role outside the group. www.atlascopcogroup.com Drink Technology India 2022 India’s beverage, dairy and liquid food industry returns to Mumbai India’s biggest exposition for beverage, dairy, and liquid food technology, Drink Technology India (DTI) will take place on December 7-9 , 2022 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai. The trade show will be co-located with Pack Mach Asia Expo and World Tea & Coffee Expo. More than 250 exhibitors will show more than 3,000 novelties and innovations on an area of over 15,000m2. The demand for beverages and liquid foods has been steadily increasing over the past few years and is expected to grow exponentially at an average CAGR of 5.37% from 2021 to 2026. The ever-changing consumer tastes and trends have forced various brands to innovate and come up with new ideas to attract customers. The increasing proliferation of modern retail structures such as supermarkets and vending machines have fuelled the growth of the beverage industry. DTI has grown consistently over the years and has established as the preferred trade fair by the suppliers and buyers of the Indian beverage, dairy and liquid food industry. Industry decision makers, influencers and key professionals have found DTI to be the most important platform to witness innovations, engage with industry peers and exchange business ideas in the past. As in previous years, a rich supporting programme is planned during this year’s show, including knowledge-sharing conferences where industry leaders share their success stories, advise on the future outlook of the industry and discuss innovations. Brewers from across the country will meet with peers and industry leaders as part of the “place2beer” programme. From discussions on topical issues to a wide range of beer tastings, the programme is a one-stop shop for brewers. About the upcoming DTI 2022, Bhupinder Singh, CEO, Messe Muenchen India said, “The beverage and liquid foods market in India is growing at a rapid pace due to ever-increasing demand and consumption. We have received an overwhelming response from our exhibitors for our upcoming 2022 edition to be held in Mumbai. The event covers the full spectrum of the liquid food and beverage sector in India, thus enabling meaningful handshakes and unlocking business opportunities.” www.drinktechnology-india.com Alpla North America announces new Regional Managing Director Alpla Group, a global packag i ng manu f ac - turer for a wide range of industries, announced the appointment of Tasos Pourloukakis as its new Regional Managing Director North America, the top business unit leader for the region. Tasos Pourloukakis was promoted from Country Managing Director for Alpla’s UK operations and brings a total of sixteen years of manufacturing and quality experience from both Alpla and another industry leader. Prior to joining Alpla, Tasos Pourloukakis served with packaging manufacturer Crown Holdings, Inc. in the UK and in Dubai UAE, finishing as a Plant Manager at a large UK speciality packaging site, responsible for all activity including manufacturing, quality, engineering, HSE, logistics and finance. He held progressively responsible roles in quality, continuous improvement, operations and health and safety. Alpla is one of the leading companies for plastic packaging and recycling. Around 22,100 employees produce tailor-made packaging systems, bottles, closures and injection moulded parts at 177 locations in 45 countries. The areas of application for the quality packaging are diverse: food and beverages, cosmetics and care products, household cleaners, detergents and cleaning agents, pharmaceuticals, motor oil and lubricants. The company operates recycling plants for PET and HDPE in Austria, Germany, Poland, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Romania and Thailand. Other projects are being implemented internationally. www.alpla.com Tasos Pourloukakis is Alpla’s new Regional Managing Director North America. (Photo: Alpla)"},{"@ID":30, "COMPRESSORS PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 28 Shifting the energy balance with new compressor operating cost model With the global rise in electricity prices, compressed air energy costs have risen to as much as 91% of the total cost of ownership. Operators urgently need to review the efficiency of their system, according to Graham Read, Product Manager for industrial compressors in Europe at Compair. For many years, the industry has used a formula to calculate the operating costs of compressed air systems, which is made up of 10% capital and installation costs, around 8% maintenance costs and 82% energy costs, explains Graham Read, Compair. This breakdown has served many customers well, enabling them to make informed decisions to reduce operating costs, says Graham. This is especially true when considering the investment costs and the potential payback on the investment in an energy-efficient machine. However, as Graham explains, customers now need to re-evaluate the way they assess their energy costs for compressed air: “The total cost of ownership for a 160 kW compressor has more than doubled in the last ten years.” Graham makes a sample calculation: if a company previously spent 100,000 € on compressed air, around 82,000 € was spent on energy costs. Now it’s 91,000 € - and energy costs have doubled in the last two years alone. “The good news is that there are many powerful, energy-efficient compressors on the market that can help significantly reduce a site’s dependence on electricity,” Graham says and continues: “While not every site has the capital to invest in a new energy efficient compressor, significant savings can be made by taking the ‘measure, manage and improve’ approach.” “CompAir offers an air assessment service that looks at all aspects of a compressed air system’s performance, including power and flow data, pressure measurements, leak detection and heat recovery, to name but a few,” he explaines. Accurate measurements are taken using data logging, giving a comprehensive overview of energy performance. Suggestions can then be made for possible retrofits or investments, down to simple optimisations and cost-effective measures such as eliminating leaks, reducing pressure and shutting down compressors when they are not in use. “The industry is increasingly concerned about the significant rise in electricity prices and many customers are talking to us about how they can future-proof their compressed air system to mitigate further price increases. By understanding how the balance of operating costs has shifted and taking a systems-based approach, customers can achieve a rapid return on their investment.” www.compair.com COMPRESSORS"},{"@ID":7, "BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 17 PETplanet: How important are sustainability and environmental protection to Ishka, and to your customers? Sutton: As a company we are determined to do everything possible to guide consumer behaviour towards the necessary change, to solve the global waste problem and to safeguard marine life. Many of the innovative activities at Ishka Irish Spring Water are about finding optimal solutions for the packaging of our spring water. We chose rPET because it is currently the packaging option that is the most eco-friendly. Furthermore, we are constantly striving to minimise the environmental impact of our business through a series of initiatives, including the use of recyclable plastics such as rPET and light BPA-free plastics and reducing the weight of the containers. In fact, all the bottles that leave our production plants are 100% recyclable. Further help in protecting the environment, comes from the fact that we produce rPET bottles on site, thus eliminating the need to transport them by road to our factory. Our company is also part of Repak, Ireland’s leading environmental non-profit organisation for the recycling and sustainability of packaging waste. As a member, we help fund projects for the development of fully recyclable household containers and for the creation of national recycling centers. PETplanet: How do you see the future of the bottled water industry? Sutton: The demand for bottled spring water in Ireland, is estimated to continue to grow in the coming years. Customers are increasingly interested in “premium” products, in knowing how they are produced and what they contain. At Ishka, we have great respect for the territory that hosts us and for the water it provides; for this reason, we undertake all possible initiatives to ensure the purity of our source and the surrounding environment. Every investment aimed at protecting the eco-system in which we operate, is a guarantee to maintain the quality of our products today, tomorrow, and forever. PETplanet: We thank you very much for the interview. Installed machinery: After a longstanding partnership SMI developed the production line for 5 l containers, which has allowed Ishka to increase plant capacity by over 50%. The expansion project was necessary to upgrade the existing line, this involved replacing the old linear blow moulder with a modern integrated SMI Ecobloc system, consisting of a 3-cavity rotary blow moulder, an electronic filler and a capper. The 3,600 bph bottling and packaging line for 5 l bottles consists of an Ecobloc 3-9-3 HC Ergon with a DV 500 divider & SK502T Ergon shrinkwrapper and finally an APS 1550 Ergon palletiser & conveyor belts. This system upgrade permitted the installation of a faster and more efficient stretch-blow moulding and filling system, while at the same time maintaining a compact footprint, thanks to the fact that no conveyor belts are necessary between the blow moulder and the filler. The new project also posed a challenge in secondary packaging, as Ishka required shrink film pack formats in 2x1 and 3x1 and a large (4x5) tray format to make a half pallet pack. The 2x1 and 3x1 pack sizes in film only, are made by the SK 502T Ergon shrinkwrapper, which, after the format change, is also used to create a “super” format consisting of a halfpallet display tray without shrink film. The packaging system groups 20 bottles in a 4x5 pattern, then forms a tray around the bottles, starting from a flat blank; subsequently, the package thus created, is palletised and sent to supermarkets, ready for display. For the 16,000 bph end of line for the packaging of 250ml & 500ml PET bottles a CSK42 F Ergon & LSK30F shrinkwrappers with an APS 1550 Ergon palletiser and conveyor belt has been installed. By combining a CSK42F Ergon twin lane shrink wrapper and an LSK30F Ergon shrinkwrapper to repack in film only, Ishka create “packin-pack” packages for large distribution. With the APS 1550 Ergon palletiser manages half pallets, europallets and UK pallets and has an optional system that automatically loads the half pallets, on standard pallets for storage in the warehouse. www.smigroup.it www.irishspringwater.com"},{"@ID":35, "33 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net Drinktec review part 1 The right tools and expertise to help with your rPET goals! Agr is uniquely positioned to support your venture into rPET bottle manufacturing with a powerful combination of Process Control tools, Process Consultants, and decades of industry experience. AGRINTL.COM • +1.724.482.2163 Drinktec 2022 - Beverage industry meeting after 5 years International, pioneering and the highest possible quality - that’s how to describe Drinktec, which was held from September 12 - 16, 2022, at the Munich trade fair center. A total of 1,002 exhibitors from 55 countries and nearly 50,000 visitors from 169 countries came to this edition of Drinktec 2022. For visitors, Drinktec is also the beverage and liquid food industry’s major networking platform, as Gary Guo, Vice President, Global Supply Chain with the Coca-Cola Company, confirms: “It’s so good to be back here in Munich at Drinktec after five years. This is one of the premier events in our business calendar and is a must-attend for us. Together with our global bottling partners we use Drinktec to explore the latest developments and emerging technologies in areas such as supply chain, manufacturing, digital transformation and sustainability, and look for opportunities to transform our business. The event this year is better than ever.” For Drinktec Exhibition Director Petra Westphal and her team, the customers’ feedback is more than positive: “The preparations for this year’s event really were something of a rollercoaster ride. The effects of the pandemic and geopolitical tensions have resulted in volatile framework conditions and uncertainties. And suddenly the first trade fair day is there. The world meets here with us in Munich after five years. The joy of getting together again is indescribable. The challenges of the day are intensively discussed and solutions are presented at all of the stands – the industry’s future is being shaped here.” PETplanet has put together some highlights for you! Pulsed light sterilisation Packaging decontamination expert Claranor demonstrated several of their innovations at their stand. The French company, which specialises in pulsed light sterilisation, showed off its Inncap Evolution and Inncap High-Speed inline disinfection unit which has been specially developed for closures. This compact unit measuring just 380x310x490mm (Evolution model) and 380x310x650mm (High-Speed model), weighing 32 kg and 38kg respectively, can be used for a number of closure types and is able to process not only traditional plastic caps but also aluminium or T-cork ones from 8 to 80mm in height and 20-68mm in diameter. According to the company, this is the first machine on the market that can disinfect up to 100,000 inner cap surfaces per hour and achieve a 3-log reduction in Aspergillus brasiliensis and Penicillium rubens. The flash lamps for both models, which are capable of 10 million flashes, are physically separated from the cap guide rail in a dedicated, hinged housing section. For a larger required throughput, the Hi-Speed lamp with its 75% greater length compared to the Evolution can treat more caps per flash. Claranor estimates the operating costs for one million closures to be €25 for an hourly output for 50,000 (Evolution lamp), or €16 for 100,000 units (Hi-Speed lamp). Inncap is also said to offer the possibility of a quick format change that can be integrated within existing feeding systems. “We have begun an interesting collaboration with M. Tanner AG“, explained CEO Christophe Riedel. The Swiss company, which specialises in conveyor systems for preforms, used Claranor’s Pulsed Light when carrying out some research on its “Ergo Flow” line. A reduction of up to 4-log in Aspergillus brasiliensis on the inner and outer surface of the neck and up to 2-log on the inner surface of the preform body was achieved with an energy consumption of 2kW for 48,000 preforms per hour. “The study shows that with such preform decontamination, bottlers can be offered an additional way of filling hygienically sensitive products such as dairy items or juices”, said Mr Riedel. www.claranor.com CEO Christophe Riedel showing the Inncap"},{"@ID":2, "BOTTLE MAKING 12 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net Interview with Amelia Dales, Commercial Director, Packamama Bottles for the 21st century The original impetus behind Garçon Wines was the company’s focus on e-commerce friendly wine bottles. The result was the compact bottle shape, which is flat enough to be put through a letter box, and its PET format, which is light and robust enough for easy despatch. Behind the packaging concept and its manufacture is Packamama, the brand’s spin-off. PETplanet spoke to Amelia Dales, Commercial Director, about wine in PET, customer feedback and the focus on sustainability. PETplanet: At the beginning of the year, Packamama was created as a spin-off from Garçon Wines. What is behind the brand, which parts of the business are yours and which are Garçon Wines? Amelia Dales: Packamama had been in the works since the end of 2019, but with the onset of Covid-19, we decided to hold spinning off this business line under a new brand. The timing became right at the start of 2022 with the pandemic largely behind us and soon-to-launch collaborations on the horizon. Packamama encompasses the packaging elements of Garçon Wines, supplying dry goods and processing to pioneering wine companies, that is, our IPprotected eco-flat bottles, bottling and secondary packaging. As the business increasingly became focused on business-to-business packaging and collaborating with wine companies, it made little sense to continue with a legacy name that included ‘wines’ in the title. Garçon Wines will continue to operate separately and establish itself instead as a direct-to-consumer sustainable wine brand owner of brands that use eco-flat bottles and other more sustainable packaging formats in the future. The name Packamama was inspired by the earth goddess Pachamama, with a playful change in letter as we offer Packaging Protecting Mother Earth. This name far better aligns with our vision for a lower carbon future in drinks. Additionally, the name is liquid agnostic, which is important to us as Packamama will provide packaging for more than just wine in the future. PETplanet: What was the original impetus to package wine in recycled PET? Amelia Dales: The original impetus came from wanting to make a greater success of wine ecommerce, which in our view was hampered by an inefficient primary pack that was still in use from the 19th century. If you asked a group of intelligence people today to create an optimum packaging format for wine, a product that travels vast distances across the globe through complex supply chains, they would not have come up with a round, glass bottle. It’s a logistics nightmare due to being spatially inefficient, heavy and very fragile. Challenging the base assumptions that wine bottles need to be round and made from glass led to the creation of a bottle that is a flat, cross-section design of the shape consumers knows and love, and made from recycled PET (rPET) to save weight and energy. The functional benefits of PET include being lightweight and shatterproof, while still retaining glass-like qualities such as shine and transparency. PET is also the most widely recycled plastic on the planet, with capacity to make high quality products from its recyclate. Using 100% rPET from the outset was non-negotiable from an environmental perspective because of the importance of putting pre-existing material back to good use, limiting creation of new plastic and contributing to circular economies. Most importantly, as we more frequently see and feel the alarming impacts of the climate crisis, rPET is a more climate-friendly material to be using for wine, an industry whose carbon footprint hotspot comes from the glass bottle. rPET saves energy and weight in production, transport and recycling compared to both glass and virgin PET to slash carbon emissions and so is the best-in-class material for wines that don’t require bottle aging. PETplanet: Are there plans to expand into other beverage segments such as sparkling wine or beer? Amelia Dales: We’re starting in wine because packaging represents a carbon footprint hotspot and the single greatest impact producers can make in reducing their carbon emissions is to change the bottle. We also specifically designed our bottles to pay homage to the tradition and beauty of Amelia Dales, Commercial Director at Packamama by Gabriele Kosmehl"},{"@ID":50, "BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 16 Ishka - Ireland’s fresh spring water “All the bottles that leave our production plants are 100% recyclable” In Ballyneety, County Limerick, the luscious green, rolling landscape of the beautiful Irish countryside is the backdrop to one of the most modern bottling plants of spring water in Europe: Ishka Irish Spring Water. The company, founded in 1978 by Michael Sutton Sr. thanks to a brilliant family idea, is today a multimillion-euro company managed by Mike and Denis Sutton, sons of the founder. Every hour the plant, consisting of four fully automated lines built in partnership with SMI, produces over 40,000 bottles of spring water, with the utmost attention paid to the care and preservation of the surrounding environment. FILLING PETplanet: When and why did Ishka start bottling water? Sutton: Ishka Irish Spring Water is a family business founded in 1978 by our father Michael. Our mother, who was a great Irish speaker, invented the phonics for the trademark. The company, located in Ballyneety in County Limerick, occupies a production site of 11-acres and is one of the most modern facilities in Europe, where product innovation, production efficiency and sustainable development have been the order of the day since the beginning. In 2012, after major investments to make the site safe, we started producing bottles in PET on site, a goal that our father had always dreamed of, however, he unfortunately passed away only a few months before the start of the new business. About 60% of the water bottled in our factory, is destined for various private labels distributed in the main Irish supermarkets, while the remaining 40% concerns bottles marketed under the Ishka brand. PETplanet: In general, what position does Ishka water hold compared to the others available on the market? Sutton: Ishka is known for being “Ireland’s freshest spring water”, as it is drawn from aquifers 200 meters underground and naturally filtered through the pristine, limestone bedrock of Ballyneety - hence the distinctive taste and product refreshment. Ishka was the first Irish spring water company on the market to introduce a 100% recycled PET bottle and the first to use tethered caps anchored to the bottle, three years before the EU Directive, that made them mandatory, came into force. PETplanet: Is this innovation continual? Sutton: Naturally! Innovation is a constant element of our business. Ishka is planning a new €11 million investment, to install a new highspeed rPET bottling line, capable of producing up to 36,000 bottles per hour, by early 2023. We will also install a new glass line for the catering and hospitality sector. The presence of a brand-new kitchen will also allow us to add flavourings and develop a new range of mixers and flavoured drinks. PETplanet: What are the main factors that convinced you to invest in a new plant supplied by SMI? Sutton: SMI offered us a unique solution for filling, transporting product on conveyor belts, secondary packaging and palletising, with the consequent optimisation of management costs and time for format changes. The line designed by our Italian partner, guarantees maximum production flexibility. Furthermore, the presence of a local SMI branch that assists us quickly and efficiently, is of great importance to us. Mike Sutton & Denis Sutton the owner of Ishka Spring Water"},{"@ID":25, "MARKET SURVEY 23 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 11/2022 MARKETsurvey Company name Krones AG Herbold Meckesheim GmbH Sorema Div. of Previero N. SRL Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Boehmerwaldstr 5, 93073 Neutraubling, Germany +49 9401 70 0 www.krones.com Mr Peter Hartel Head of Sales - Recycling Solutions +49 9401 70 5448 [email protected] Industriestrasse 33, 74909 Meckesheim, Germany +49 6226 932 0 www.herbold.com Mr Achim Ebel Vice President Sales +49 6226 932 0 [email protected] Via per Cavolto, 17, 22040 Anzano del Parco (CO), Italy +39 031 63491250 www.sorema.it Mr Dario Previero General Manager +39 031 63491250 [email protected] Frontend Sorting Section Input variable: collected pressed bottles, various colours Yes, with different qualities Yes Selective & deposit collection, from blacks bags or landfi ll bottle collection Output: sorted bottles, treated sidestreams Yes, separation in several valuable streams if necessary Yes Pre-sorting section with prewashing, delabelling, metal separation, fi lm separation, material and colour sorting Capacity range output [t/a] 10,000 t/a - much higher ranges are also possible if necessary 500 - 5,000kg/h Up to 20 t/h Floor space [m²] Starting with 1,500m² and more; will be designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply Variable Depending on customer, multi level tower sorting line available Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] (if necessary) Only necessary if whole bottle washing is required 1 - 4m³/t Minimised, according to input material & water treatment design Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply Variable Minimised, according to input material & water treatment design Grinder included Yes, with high quality suppliers, mainly from Europe Yes Yes Additional information Krones can act as turnkey-supplier and offers frontend from preferred partner Stadler Anlagenbau Equipment for bale opening, delabelling, prewash drums Prewashing delabeller to remove lables and clean the materials before sorters Sorting technology (NIR, laser, optical etc.), effi ciency in % OEM equipment, integration Best technology available according to input material and output targets Washing Section MetaPure W Input variable: Flakes, coloured proportion max 5%, not much chlorine Yes Yes Flakes, ground from bottles pre-sorted Output: Hot washed fl akes Yes, washed with hot caustic, rest humidity 1% Yes Up to 10 t/h Capacity range output [t/a] 7,000 t/a - 42,000 t/a; higher output possible by multiplying sections Up to 5t/h Up to 10 t/h Floor space [m²] 450- 2,100m²; higher output reqires more space ≈ 1,800m² Depending on customer, multi level and tower washing line available Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] 1.5 - 2,0m³, depending on input quality 1- 4m³ Minimised, according to input material & water treatment design Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply Depending on individual scope Minimised, according to input material & water treatment design Kind of polymer (PET, PP, PS, HD-PE, LD-PE etc.) PET, PP, PS , PE-HD, PE-LD All Washing line with multiple material available: PET, PP, PS, HDPE, LDPE… Additional information Krones own manufacturing Hydrocyclone technology for density separation State of the art washing system, full automatic for fl akes for the most demanding application. Decontamination section MetaPure S Input variable: Flakes or Pellets Flakes Integrate sub supplier technology including decontamination section Output: Flakes or Pellets Flakes, pellets According to production & supplier specifi cation Capacity [t/a] 3,500 - 12,800 t/a per decontamination unit According to production & supplier specifi cation Floor space [m²] 450 - 520 m² per decontamination unit According to production & supplier specifi cation Approvals (FDA, EFSA, others) FDA, EFSA, various brands According to production & supplier specifi cation Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply According to production & supplier specifi cation Additional information Krones own manufacturing Turn key lines available on request Periphery Fresh water treatment Yes Yes Sorema desing & built water tretment Waste water treatment Yes Yes Sorema desing & built water tretment Heating systems Yes, with partner Yes Sorema desing & integrate heating system based on steam, electrical, cogeneration and other technologies Nitrogen generator Yes, with partner Integrate in case of turn key line Compressed air Yes, with partner Integrate in case of turn key line Chemical dosing Yes Yes Sorema desing and built chemical dosing systems Kind and quantity of detergents Chemicals use is strictly confi dential Caustic soda 8.0 - 12.0 ml per kg output Yes Additives 0.5 - 1.0 ml per kg output Yes Defoamer Depending on infeed quality Yes Acid for neutralisation 1.2 - 1.8 ml per kg output Yes Removal of the organic residuals up to which size [μm] As needed to achieve higher fl ake quality State of the art washing system to grant the minimum surface organic residue Presetting residence time in the process Yes, according to desired fi nal product quality Yes, batch reactors with controlled residence time The system is easy to set in all its parameter including the residince time in the hot washing. Company also offers systems for Yes, in cooperation with partners Bottle-to-preform Yes, with partner Yes Bottle-to-fi lm Yes, with partner Yes Bottle-to-fi bre Yes, with partner Yes Bottle-to-strapping Yes, with partner Yes Bottle-to-tray Yes Tray-to-tray Yes Suppliers of recycling plants and washing units"},{"@ID":36, "34 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net Increased output per cavity The Chinese complete systems manufacturer Tech-Long, based in Guangzhou, demonstrated its PET blow-moulding machine G6 at its stand. As Commercial Director Eddy Vuylsteker told us, their machine is faster and uses energy-saving air rather than water cooling in the neck area during the heating phase. This has led to an increase in output per cavity based on total number of cavities, the type of application involved and bottle or preform design compared to their previous model. A number of other innovations have also been incorporated into the G6. For example, the machine offers more energyefficient blowing valves, mould holders that produce less vibration and noise, clamping technology, improved oven design and a tool-free mould change mechanism intended to reduce the changeover time per station to less than one minute. The preform scrambler also takes up less space with a 450 feed that provides an opportunity for faster neck changes to be achieved. Based on the use of an 8 g preform at 33,000 bph, the machine builder claims to be able to produce a power consumption rate of 108 kW. The machine is available as part of the CPX model series that offers a cavity range of three to 28 and from the CPXX series ranging from 16 to 36 cavities. Tech-Long states that the G6 can be used for water, CSD, juices, beer, alcoholic beverages, edible oil, food and non-food products in container sizes from 0,2 l to 2,5 l. “The G6 is capable of producing 2,750 bph per cavity in water and CSD bottles, representing a 350 bph increase in performance compared to the previous model”, said Eddy Vuylsteker. www.tech-long-intl.com F.l.t.r.: Tech-Long’s Commercial Director Eddy Vuylsteker and Keith Boss, CEO Americas"},{"@ID":16, "BOTTLE MAKING 14 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net BOTTLE MAKING 14 an advanced barrier technology that’s introduced prior to the bottle blowing process to ensure that the format is still monolayer, which is important from a recyclability perspective. This barrier features an active oxygen scavenger and passive carbon dioxide barrier, giving the wines in our bottles a shelf-life of 19-21 months according to realtime and modelled shelf-life analysis. This is more than enough time for most wines given that around 85% of wines produced are for everyday drinking and are consumed shortly after purchase. “We tend to fi nd that our customers’ primary motivations for using eco-fl at bottles are related to sustainability targets” PETplanet: The glass industry is particularly affected by rising energy prices. Have there already been cost-driven conversions from glass to PET bottles among your new customers? Amelia Dales: You’re correct that recycled PET requires less energy than glass, as it can be produced and recycled at much lower temperatures. This also cuts costs in the supply chain. That said, 100% recycled PET is still facing the good problem of demand increase, and some price increase as a result. Resource scarcity of this nature, whether it be glass or recycled PET, goes to show the importance of keeping valuable resources in circulation and accelerating the transition to a circular economy to slash carbon footprint. We tend to find that our customers’ primary motivations for using eco-flat bottles are related to sustainability targets, staying relevant amongst their consumers bases and appealing to new shoppers, rather than cost-cutting at the moment. However, we have certainly seen an increase in enquiries related to the rising cost of glass along as well as availability and lead times, with larger industries such as beer and spirits taking priority. PETplanet: Thank you very much for these interesting insights into your business! www.packamama.com STEPS TO THE PERFECT BOTTLE. www.roeders.de www.roeders.de Idea & Design Technology Manufacturing Blow Mould 100% Service Y O U R PA R T N E R F O R B L OW MO U L D S ."},{"@ID":15, "BOTTLE MAKING 13 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net the world of wine through the crosssection Bordeaux design, retaining the emotional connection and recognition of wine from a bottle. However, we do plan to expand into other beverage segments, such as spirits and bottled water and other liquid foodstuffs such as vinegar and olive oil. We would like to be able to find a solution to package sparkling wines and other carbonated beverages like beer, but the pressure exerted on the flat panels means that, for now, the bottles are only suitable for still liquids. PETplanet: The wine-buying public has a reputation for being rather traditionally-minded when it comes to purchasing and is often sceptical about wine in plastic bottles. How do you manage to convince wine producers to bottle in PET? Amelia Dales: The wine industry is steeped in a rich heritage and is generally slower to adopt innovation. But there are plenty of instances where it has adapted and continues to do so, whether that is adopting screw caps to changing perceptions about packaging wines in bag-in-box or cans. As our bottle is inspired by the traditional shapes that producers and consumers know and love, we call it an advancement to traditional bottles. It is a better bottle for the 21st century, rather than an alternative format. The main areas we highlight to producers are that our bottles will protect both their wines and our planet. We demonstrate that our packaging protects their wines through the 19-21 months shelf-life, and using PET that’s certified food-grade to FSA and Efsa standards and is a stable, inert material. For protecting the planet, the evidence is clear that we need to be reducing carbon emissions, and the evidence is also clear that in wine, recycled PET is the better option for a lower carbon, monolayer bottle which is available to scale now. Innovation is fundamental to help wine producers futureproof themselves through continuing to appeal to generations that are highly eco-conscious. These generations will have to live with the planet that we’ve damaged so badly and will not accept products with an unnecessary carbon footprint, especially if a better option is available. Previously, the bar for PET wine packaging has been set too low, using virgin material, aluminium caps that can have a negative impact on recyclability and having a bottle that looks smaller standing next to its 750 ml glass counterpart. Through shape innovation, best-in-class material and recyclability by design, we’ve changed the rhetoric. Both consumers and business customers are intrigued and interested to know more about why we do what we do, providing a platform to communicate why this packaging change is positive and needed. So far, we’ve brought on board Accolade Wines (the UK’s number 1 wine company), Château Galoupet (a Provence estate owned by luxury goods giant LVMH), Miguel Torres Chile (climate action champions in wine) and Taylors Wines (one of Australia’s first families of wine). More will follow. We engage with the larger producers as it is the largest and most respected producers that can make the greatest impact. Small/er producers are more likely to use our ecoflat bottles once they see the largest progressing. PETplanet: Do you have a few examples of consumers‘ feedback on the PET bottles? Amelia Dales: As Packamama is not a wine brand owner, we do not directly interact with consumers. However, from what we’ve seen on social media, there is a 70% positive sentiment towards our format and just a 2% negative. We also pay attention to reviews left on retailer sites. On Tesco.com, where Accolade Wines’ brand Banrock Station is available, there is a roughly 80% positive sentiment towards the bottles. Specific comments from these reviews include “I was convinced this would taste different, due to being in an ‘odd’ bottle. However, this was not the case; full bodied, fruity and really enjoyable to drink. The fact I don’t have to clink up the glass bottle bank at the top of the road is a plus, as could go directly into my own household recycling. Big thumbs up from me, and will buy more, the bottle shape also takes up less space for storage which is another bonus” and “Love the packaging too, light and compact and just the thing to take on a summer picnic, sustainability is an added bonus.” Any comments indicating repeat purchase intention is a clear sign of good consumer uptake and acceptance, so we are particularly pleased to see this. PETplanet: In which (geographical) markets are you active, which could follow soon? Amelia Dales: Packamama is active with production capabilities in the UK and Australia. The brands that use our bottles distribute them beyond just these countries though, so wines in eco-flat bottles are available in the Nordics and Canada too, and online via certain European e-retailers. Our top priority for international expansion is to establish a team and production capabilities in the USA. This is an attractive market as it is the top wine consuming country and the fourth largest wine producing country in the world. PETplanet: Oxygen ingress is more of an issue for beverages in PET than in glass. How have you solved it so that the quality of the wine does not suffer? Amelia Dales: Our bottles use"},{"@ID":3, "COMPRESSORS PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 27 moulding machines control system (8-8.5bar) There is no need to reduce the compressed air of high pressure (20-40bar) to the in-line blow moulding machines control system (8-8.5bar) Buying an additional screw compressor for the can line is not necessary. An additional advantage of this solution is that the other equipment in the filling line does not need to be supplied with compressed air at a pressure of 6-6.5bar. This specially designed compressed air recovery system is a high added value to the project of complete filling line. This was also the reason why the client received substantial EU funding for this project that significantly reduced the amount of investment needed. Moreover, this system is 100% compatible with most of the systems of compressor manufacturers’ schemes to save money and being more and more environmentally friendly. www.stm-pack.com www.tes.com.pl VACUNITE® redefines the benchmark for performance in bottle-to-bottle recycling: Impressive safety, productivity and quality are ensured thanks to the highest decontamination efficiency for uncompromising food contact compliance, rPET pellets with the best colour values, top IV stability, compactness of the system as well as low energy consumption throughout the entire process. Unites vacuum & nitrogen technology The specially designed compressed air recovery system is a high added value to the project of the complete filling line."},{"@ID":41, "PATENTS PETpatents www.verpackungspatente.de PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 39 A stable bottle International Patent No. WO 2020 / 159479 A1 Applicant: Amcor Rigid Packaging USA LLC., Wilmington (US) Registration date: 29.1.2019 A thin-walled bottle with reinforced grooves whose special shape increases stability, particularly when lateral forces are applied. A beverage bottle International Patent No. WO 2020 / 172275 A1 Applicant: Pepsico. Inc., Purchase (US) Registration date: 19.2.2020 A lightweight plastic bottle with several reinforced grooves and embossing on the outer surface designed to make the container more resilient. A multi-piece bottle International Patent No. WO 2022 / 008245 A1 Applicant: Aarke AB, Stockholm (SE) Registration date: 23.6.2021 A PET bottle that can be used in combination with a water sprayer. After use, the bottle can be removed from its screwed-on base and recycled. A foldable bottle International Patent No. WO 2020 / 174466 A1 Applicant: Strauss Group Ltd., Petach-Tikva (IL) Registration date: 25.2.2020 The applicant has developed an inwardly-folded PET bottle that has a volume of 550ml when filled. This saves space during transport and storage. Empty bottles can be stacked inside one another. An aerosol container International Patent No. WO 2022 / 035671 A1 Applicant: Graham Packaging Comp., Lancaster (US) Registration date: 5.8.2021 A pressurised container whose base can be “folded” in order to adjust the pressure in the bottle and, where necessary, to prevent it from bursting. A robust bottle European Patent No. EP 3950519 A1 Applicant: Suntory Holdings Ltd., Osaka (JP) Registration date: 23.1.2020 A lightweight bottle designed for very cold, non-sweetened products whose distinctively shaped base prevents the container from being badly deformed."},{"@ID":48, "OUTER PLANET 46 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net OUTER PLANET Choose your beverage and “print” it at home Scientists of the US company Cana, based in Redwood City, CA, claim to have identified and isolated those molecules that drive flavour and aroma of a beverage but also to have developed a way to use this knowledge to recreate thousands of drinks simply at home. Cana‘s goal was to develop a device that could “print” any beverage from the convenience of a consumer‘s kitchen by simply adding water. The ‘Cana One’ is what the company calls the world’s first molecular beverage printer. This device is claimed to be able to create thousands of beverages from juice, soft drinks and iced coffee, to hard seltzers, wine, and cocktails. Customers can use Cana’s touchscreen display to explore, discover, and create their perfect drink from thousands of beverage types and brands. Beverages can be personalised in terms of the preferred levels of alcohol, caffeine, sugar, carbonisation, vitamins and other supplements; customising beverages for breakfast, post-workout, dinner, or relaxation. “Cana One is designed to give each customer convenience, savings, and an experience they didn’t know they were craving – while cleaning up the planet,” said Cana CEO Matt Mahar. Maximum variety, minimum waste Cana One comes with a carbonation cylinder and sugar, spirits and ingredients cartridges. Unlike podbased beverage systems, a single Cana One ingredient cartridge can create hundreds of different beverages and should last on average for a month without needing replacement, states the company. The device comes with parental controls including a PIN code to keep certain beverages (including alcoholic and caffeinated options) away from others in the home. Cana intends to eliminate the need for more than 100 beverage containers per month for the typical American household. “Instead of making insignificant, incremental improvements to the beverage industry’s archaic systems, Cana accelerates the shift to clean, decentralised manufacturing and brings an incredibly fun product to your home,” said Cana Chairman Bharat Vasan. “Any beverage you want, any time, with ultra-low waste – that’s what people and the planet deserve.” Science in every sip Cana’s team spent three years studying beverages at the molecular level, commercialising research in flavour and analytical chemistry. The scientists identified and isolated the specific trace compounds that drive flavour and aroma for thousands of unique commercially available beverages. They created what they call the world’s first universal beverage ingredient set, which is intended to recreate thousands of different drinks using a simplified set of ingredients that can be printed out of the ingredient cartridge. Cana engineers designed, tested, and have now demonstrated a novel microfluidic liquid dispense technology that is claimed to be able to combine affordably, quickly, and accurately Cana’s individual flavouring ingredients in a small form factor, delivering a better beverage than the commercially available bottled options. “We just passed the 1,000,000th beverage ingredient scan in our labs - we think this means we have the world’s largest analytical beverage dataset in the world at this point,” states the company. Cana expects first shipments to go out in 2023, based on current visibility into its supply chain. At the InnoBev Awards 2022, Cana One was amongst the winners of the Best Technology Innovation award category, recognising a scientific and technological breakthrough for reducing the waste created per beverage while increasing the personalisation and convenience for the consumer. The company is funded by the business foundry The Production Board. www.cana.com Cana One comes with sugar, spirits and ingredients cartridges as well as a carbonation cylinder."},{"@ID":8, "PETnews 6 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net Propak West Africa 2022 opens visitor registration Propak West Africa opens its doors in the end of November - with visitors now able to register for their badges. With a record number of over 5,000 visitors expected through the doors at Propak to witness the growth and innovation that the exhibition has gone through since 2021, exceeding its previous largest edition in 2019, it promises to be a catalyst for ideas across the industries served. The focus of Propak remains on the packaging, printing, plastics and processing industries and the auxiliary services and sectors that tie into them, with sustainability and green technologies having a rightfully larger presence for both the exhibitors and the conference agenda. The ninth edition is sponsored by Epson, Skysat and Neofyton and will take place from November 22-24, 2022, once again returning to the purposebuilt exhibition venue, The Landmark Centre that sits at the centre of commerce in Africa’s largest city of Lagos, Nigeria. Propak West Africa will see a large number of international companies arrive in Nigeria to showcase their product innovations and services to key buyers, business and factory owners from across West Africa. With substantial pavilions from Austria, Egypt, Italy in attendance alongside companies from 14 other countries, it is expected to be a truly international event. Not to be outdone by the international representation there is a strong and varied attendance from Nigerian companies who represent a broad range of household names and inspiring start-up companies in the sector. More than 150 brands already confirmed their participation in the exhibition. Retaining its importance more than ever is the conference theatre, where industry leading commentators and operators will be sharing their insight and experience with those who attend. With Prof Pierre Pienaar, President, World Packaging Organisation, Princess Layo Bakare, Managing Director/ CEO, FAE Limited and Amith Sukhnundan, Head, Markem-Imaje Dept, SBA Group already confirmed to speak. The sessions will cover key topics that are affecting the industries today, along with panel discussions covering green technologies, IntraAfrica trade and capital finance. These will be bolstered with presentations on specific areas of the industry including recycling, regulatory changes and industry 4.0. www.propakwestafrica.com Ceresana examines the global market for bioplastics According to the latest edition of the Ceresana report on bioplastics, the global market for “green” polymers will continue to grow dynamically: analysts expect bioplastics sales to rise to around USD 9.7 billion by 2031. Biodegradable plastics, for example polylactic acids (PLA) and starch polymers, reached a market share of 65% of the total bioplastics market in 2021. For this product group, Ceresana expects further volume growth of 10.4% per year until 2031. For bio-based plastics that are not bio-degradable, such as polyethylene, PET or PA, growth is expected to be lower at 7.5% per year. The most important application area in 2021 was the packaging industry: 58% of all bio-plastics were processed in this area. Ceresana expects the highest growth rate in the “bags and sacks” segment. www.ceresana.com Indorama Ventures opens the largest PET recycling plant in the Philippines in partnership with Coca-Cola Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) announced the official opening of its PETValue bottle-to-bottle recycling plant in the Philippines, in partnership with Coca-Cola Beverages Philippines – the bottling arm of Coca-Cola in the country. The plant is IVL’s latest recycled PET facility as the global integrated petrochemicals company builds on its position as the world’s largest producer of recycled resin used in plastic beverage bottles. PETValue Philippines is located in General Trias in Cavite Province south of Manila. As a result of the joint venture with CocaCola, IVL will recycle about 2 billion additional used PET bottles in the Philippines every year and create about 200 new local jobs. The plant will wash and shred post-consumer bottles into flakes to produce recycled PET resin that is suitable for use in food-contact applications. Managed under IVL’s regional business lead for Recycling Vertical Mr. Anivesh Tewari, PETValue brings together an experienced leadership team led by Site Manager Mr. Joel Potian, who has nearly three decades of manufacturing and chemical engineering expertise in the Philippines and Korea. He is supported by Mr. Aris Castillo as Chief Financial Officer, formerly from Coca-Cola Beverages Philippines with more than 10 years in supply chain finance and manufacturing. PETValue will introduce advanced technology and infrastructure in the Philippines, helping to improve collection and recycling rates and prevent leakage into waterways. www.indoramaventures.com"},{"@ID":38, "36 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 02/'6 $6% 0% 0 '3+ '3:@ $2., 6,3$ (7& $ 1IBTF **\r .BZBQVSJ *OEVTUSJBM BSFB\r /FX %FMIJ \rJOEJB 1IPOF \r \r &NBJM TBMFT!BDNFESJOLUFD DPN 8FCTJUF XXX BDNFESJOLUFD DPN 0ROG# '3+ )BMM #PPUI $ 0DU %ÝTTFMEPSG (FSNBOZ 7JTJU VT 0ROGV 3URYHQ *OREDOO\\ ^ŝŶŐůĞ ^ƚĂŐĞ DŽůĚƐ Measuring packaging wall thickness With its Thickness Pen, Agr is showcasing a new option for measuring packaging wall thickness using a portable device. According to Agr, an application has been made to patent the device, which has been developed for a variety of different applications in thickness measurement in the production environment. The idea behind it is flexible use in almost all areas, including the laboratory, the production hall or even a wet environment. Marketing Director David Dineff explains: “The device offers an easy way to determine precisely and non-destructively the wall thickness of non-ferrous packaging, regardless of its size, shape or material.” The device has a Dual Mode design, which offers users the option to measure in magnetic mode or capacitive mode, depending on what is most suitable for the particular application. In magnetic mode, a target ball is used in the measurements. This mode offers a level of precision corresponding to conventional Hall effect devices but with greater simplicity and reliability, and without the concerns connected with sensors using stronger magnetic fields. “In this mode, the Thickness Pen can be used either in its docking station for table measurements or on its own as a portable device anywhere where critical measurements are required,” says Dineff. “The magnetic mode offers high measurement precision, which is required for thin, non-ferrous materials as well as for ultra-light containers and packaging.” The capacity mode enables one-sided measurements without requiring a target ball. This is ideal for taking measurements on the production line, for example, or wherever portability is desired and the risk of product contamination by a target ball represents a problem. The Thickness Pen’s capacitance mode offers a quick “touch and go” measurement method and is ideal for measuring large containers, plate material and large preforms where using a target ball isn’t practicable. “The device is compatible with smartphones and tablets,” explains Dineff. “With the app, the user can call up and manage the type and size of the data it shows wirelessly via Bluetooth, as well as record and install updates to keep everything up to date.” www.agrintl.com Agr’s Thickness Pen"},{"@ID":20, "BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 18 Ramseier Suisse AG invests in state-of-the-art aseptic line from KHS A unique construction With technology from KHS, Ramseier Suisse AG in Sursee in Switzerland recently commissioned a special aseptic line: one that is flexible, efficient and perfectly tailored to the company’s demand for quality. Established as a cider press over 100 years ago, with a gross turnover of CHF 156 million, traditional company Ramseier Suisse AG is one of the biggest beverage producers and most important independent breweries in the Swiss Confederation. At its four facilities it produces not just beer but primarily apple juice, cider and apple spritzers, fruit juice, mineral water, soda pop and soft drinks – some as exclusive own brands for retail chains such as Coop or Migros. As it processes more than half of all cider fruit in Switzerland, Ramseier Suisse AG attaches great importance to quality. Apples, pears and the apple mint used in its freshly brewed iced tea are sourced from local farmers and governed by strict specifications. The company’s high demands equally apply to its products and the methods used to make them: many of the fruit juice and tea beverages are not hot filled, for example, but instead undergo gentle pasteurisation and are filled into the bottle under aseptic conditions in order to retain the full fruity or herbal flavour. When it comes to the production technology, using standard equipment is not, for the Swiss, a satisfactory option. Ramseier Suisse AG has worked with systems provider KHS for over 30 years. The most recent product of this cooperation is an aseptic line at the production site in Sursee near Lucerne. The Dortmund engineering company has supplied the process technology, the stretch blow moulder/ filler block and a labelling machine. The new line, in which around €15 million have been invested, is part of the systematic innovation process that is intended to make the bottler technologically fit for the future. “We reckon that the variety of products and packaging will continue to increase,” explains Christoph Suter, CTO and board member of Ramseier Suisse AG. “In the future our production setup must be able to react even more flexibly to constantly changing market requirements. This calls for continuous renewal of our plant infrastructure.” FILLING Full view of the KHS aseptic line A dormer had to be built into the roof to accommodate the 9,000 l buffer tank installed on the platform."},{"@ID":46, "PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 38 PETbottles Beverage + Liquid Food Scrambled egg substitute in PET Under the name “Bio & Vegan”, the German Rewe AG sel ls 47 g of scrambled egg substitute in an opaque PET bot t le. The vegetar ian and lactose-free powder consists of chickpea flour. The bottle is decorated with two self-adhesive labels and closed with a black, first-removal-secured screw cap. The label on the back can be flipped open and contains additional information about the contents, preparation and cl imate protection. www.rewe.de Vilsa Plus Bio in 100% recycled material Vilsa-Brunnen Otto Rodekohr GmbH from Germany fills 1 l of natural mineral water with natural organic flavours into a bottle made of 100% recycled material with a l ight bluish shimmer. The lightly carbonated, calorie-free drink does not contain sugar, sweeteners or artificial flavours and taste enhancers. The surface of the waisted bottle is roughened in the grip area, has reinforcing grooves all around and is embossed with “Vilsa”. The labels and colours of the screw caps are adapted to the respective flavours. www.vilsa.de Shots from Kraftling Five years ago, the story of the Kraftling brand began with the first home-made shots or smoothies in a smal l kitchen, which were only sold regionally. The brand grew with the range of foods for healthconscious consumers and was l isted i n supra- reg i ona l supermarkets. The var ious shots are filled in transparent, non-round bottles with a capacity of 60ml. The bottles, made of 100% recycled material, are decorated with surrounding paper labels and closed with a screw cap with a first-opening safety device. www.kraftlinge.com +44 78175 32087 +34 676 986 962 [email protected] petmachinery.com Looking to sell your used PET machinery? We can help you. We offer a free valuation service, 50 years of industry experience, and a global network that guarantees you the best market value. Contact us today to find out more. THE INDUSTRY EXPERTS"},{"@ID":37, "35 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net Faster and cooler than ever optiSTACK saves your time and money! German Technology Freshness control and tethered caps United Caps demonstrated a whole new range of closures and technologies. Highlights included the Mimica touch cap and Fit for a King UCTC tethered cap solutions. In producing the touch cap, the company collaborated with the British Mimica Lab, which has been working in the field of freshness control on external food packaging surfaces since 2020. The result is an affordable cap that, according to United Caps, can be used to provide a simple freshness check for products that have already been opened and also to give more detailed information than the printed best-before date. The general rule is that if you run your finger over the visually marked part of the closure, the drink will be of high quality if the surface feels smooth. However, the opposite will be true if small bumps are discernible. The whole process works by using patented gel technology incorporated within the closure and activated when a drink is first opened. During activation, a chemical reaction causes the gel, which is solid at first, to become liquid over time, enabling you to then feel the integrated bumps that could not be discerned previously due to their solidity. According to the manufacturer, the gel is able to determine when a drink has been spoiled based on time and ambient temperature and without coming into contact with the drink’s contents. This means that beverages which have already been opened can be stored for longer and possibly prevented from being disposed of prematurely. The closure consists of a base and over cap made by United Caps that contains Mimica’s activator liquid, the gel and inlay of bumps and a foil label that becomes uneven in the event of spoilage. The touch cap is fully recyclable along with the bottle, according to United Caps. The base cap is added first during the filling process, with minor adjustments made to the filling system and an over cap fitted using a special inline assembly unit. According to CEO Benoit Henckes, retail waste could be reduced by 50% and household waste of perishable goods by 63% if the shelf life of food was extended by just two days. Brands using this technology could increase their sales by around 10%, for example by encouraging consumers to buy larger containers of items such as orange juice without having to worry about expiry dates before the products are fully consumed. A UK orange juice brand is currently testing the closure as part of a pilot project. It is estimated that extending the shelf life of perishable foods by just one day could save more than 202,8 million tonnes of greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere. United Caps also showed off its Fit for a King tethered caps range which forms part of the company’s new approach to sustainability and designed to meet the requirements of the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive. The range includes both the Crown Jewel injection-moulded premium cap and the No Drama Queens slitted closure. According to the company, the caps have been developed with support from a consortium of packaging industry sector leaders to ensure that these closures have the least possible impact on production systems. Both products come in a variety of different colours to meet the needs of a wide range of brand owners and product types. These include carbonated and still drinks, as well as juices and dairy products. www.unitedcaps.com Mimica touch cap United Caps’ booth at Drinktec"},{"@ID":11, "9 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net Interzero and Eastman reach supply agreement for planned molecular recycling facility Interzero and Eastman announced a long-term supply agreement for Eastman’s previously announced molecular recycling facility in Normandy, France. Interzero will provide up to 20,000 metric tonnes per year of hard-to-recycle PET household packaging waste that would otherwise be incinerated. Interzero Plastics Recycling, as part of Interzero, a leading service provider of circular solutions in Europe. Eastman’s planned molecular recycling facility in France is intended to become the world’s largest material-to-material molecular recycling plant. Once complete, the facility will recycle approximately 160,000 t/a of hard-to-recycle polyester waste. The project is expected to be operational in 2025. Chemical recycling is a complement to mechanical recycling to keep more raw materials in the loop. Eastman’s facility in France will process coloured and opaque PET waste that cannot be recycled mechanically to create clear and transparent rPET upon completion. Eastman’s proven polyester renewal technology is claimed to provide circularity for hard-to-recycle plastic waste that remains in a linear economy today. This material is typically incinerated because it either cannot be mechanically recycled or must be downcycled using existing technology. Eastman’s chemical recycling technology allows this hard-to-recycle waste to be broken down into its molecular building blocks and then reassembled to become first-quality material. Eastman’s polyester renewal technology enables the potentially infinite value of materials by keeping them in production, lifecycle after lifecycle. With the technology’s inherent efficiencies and the renewable energy sources available in France, materials can be produced with less greenhouse gas emissions than traditional methods, says the company. www.eastman.com www.interzero.de New dual leadership at Kiefel Packaging GmbH in Austria Kiefel Packaging GmbH, the Upper Austrian subsidiary of the Freilassing-based mechanical engineering company Kiefel GmbH, has been under dual management since September 1, 2022. Andreas Staudinger took on the duties of the previous managing director Robin Roth in spring and now heads the location as Chief Sales Officer (CSO) jointly with Christian Töscher as Chief Operations Officer (COO). Andreas Staudinger has been with Kiefel for more than 30 years and is an experienced manager with extensive market and process knowledge. He will hold the position of Managing Director at Kiefel Packaging GmbH in addition to his role as Head of the Polymer Packaging Division at Kiefel GmbH, which he has held for around two years. Christian Töscher looks back on relevant experience as COO in the management of an international company for the manufacture of machine components and tools in the metal and glass processing industry. Here he was the driving force behind, among other things, harmonisation projects at various plants, the implementation of lean concepts and strategic purchasing projects. www.kiefel.com F.l.t.r.: Christian Töscher (COO) and Andreas Staudinger (CSO) are the new dual managers of Kiefel’s Austrian site. ES PROCESS on energy consumption, PET RECYCLING PLANT Compact process, modular design equipment space. CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE ! WWW.BO-RE-TECH.COM | +86-573-85120186 | [email protected]"},{"@ID":45, "PETINAR PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 30 Review on the PETinar series: Technical highlights at Drinktec 2022, day 1 PETINAR Sponsors The series started with an introductory interview by Alexander Büchler, Publisher of PETplanet Insider with the Exhibition Director of the Drinktec trade fair, ‘Ms Drinktec’ Petra Westphal. The twenty-year cooperation between Drinktec and PETplanet gives an idea of how much both sides enjoyed exchanging ideas. After some remarkable memories such as the idea, development and implementation of the PETpoint hall at Drinktec, Petra Westphal delivered some hard facts about the upcoming Drinktec 2022. According to the fair’s data on visitor numbers, every third visitor comes from the dairy and liquid food industry, every fourth from the wine industry, whilst every second visitor comes from the beer sector. The majority of visitors represent the non-alcoholic beverage industry. Petra went on that the 1,001 exhibitors from 55 countries not only present their highlights across the entire value chain but also in relation to the four hot topics of the fair: sustainable production of packaging, water & water treatment, digital solution & digital transformation and finally consumer demand & consumer development. Petra stated that in the newly established innovation hubs, exhibitors would have the opportunity to present their best-case studies dealing with the four main topics of the fair. Despite the well-known very difficult circumstances such as the pandemic or the Russia-Ukraine conflict, 22 exhibitors from China and three from Ukraine are expected. Even though there would have been more representatives from these countries in a normal trade fair year, Petra gratified by the presence of the exhibitors who were now presenting their technologies. She closed with an invitation to the Drinktec 2022 and thanked PETplanet for the opportunity to present Drinktec at this special PETinar. More ECOnvenience After this positive introduction, Mr Thomas Schmidt, Group Marketing Director at Bericap, presented Bericap’s new sustainable and consumer-friendly closure solutions. Thomas briefly introduced Bericap: the quality-oriented family business is represented in 100 countries with 26 factories worldwide. With specialised R&D centers and its own mould shop, Bericap has intensively driven the development and industrialisation of tethered caps solutions. The development of the closures targeted to improve the beverage experience in multiple aspects: convenient pouring at home, comfortable drinking on-thego and finally consciously protecting the environment by the joint collection of bottle and cap. After the first successful customer market launches with the Bericap ClipAside the company has executed a consumer survey and has put his own closures to a daily-life test. The result was very positive in terms of closure handling, hygiene and especially from an ecological point of view. Bericap recognised and already solved one potential issue for the consumer specially for on-the go-dairy products: after shaking the package some foam stays in the cap. To avoid liquid dropping out of the closure when drinking from the bottle, Bericap developed the patent pending capillary ribs with a frosted head plate surface. This technology improves the retention of the fluid in the cap. (Fig.1) The ClipAside tethered caps solution is available for all relevant neck finishes. The opening angle is between 170-180 ° depending on the neck finish. It has a consistent performance on all relevant neck finishes from 26-38mm. Production on an industrial scale was carried out with a trial, in which 80 million caps were cut with one knife. In order to produce the ClipAside cap it is not necessary to change the neck area and little or Fig. 1: F.l.t.r. Standard closure vs capillary ribs with frosted surface A positive excitement could be felt by everyone in the last days before the Drinktec fair. The PET and beverage industry was shuffling its feet and could hardly wait to get back to exchanging ideas with customers and visitors. To make the wait easier, PETplanet initiated a preview series ahead of the fair. On two consecutive days, a total of six talks on PET-relevant technical highlights took place at the PETinar online conferences. As an industry expert and Editor-at-Large at PETplanet, Ruari McCallion led us with his charm through two highly interesting days."},{"@ID":5, "imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Hubweg 15 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 [email protected] EDITORIAL Kay Barton Heike Fischer Gabriele Kosmehl Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Anthony Withers WikiPETia. info [email protected] MEDIA CONSULTANTS Martina Hirschmann [email protected] Johann Lange-Brock [email protected] phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 LAYOUT AND PREPRESS EXPRIM Werbeagentur | exprim.de Matthias Gaumann READER SERVICES [email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck Eine Unternehmung der Limberg-Druck GmbH Danziger Platz 6 67059 Ludwigshafen, Germany WWW www.hbmedia.net | www.petpla.net PETplanet Insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trademarks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net Dear readers, Once again, the subject of wine in PET pops up. This time from Australia. Packamama, a subsidiary of Garçon Wines, has focused totally on the subject of wine in PET. The company claims nothing less than to have re-invented the traditional glass bottle into the PET bottle of the future. The ideas are good; the wine bottle should have a significantly lower CO2 footprint, rPET is used and the exceptionally flat design of the bottle is eye-catching at the point of sale. Due to its slim shape, it is just as large as the glass bottle with the same capacity. The wine has a best-before-date of 19 to 21 months. As you can read in the report starting on page 12, the focus is not on costs, but on the target group of new buyers as well as sustainability. It is not for nothing that the company name Packamama is based on the Pachamama, the earth mother revered in South America. The London-based company not only has production facilities in Australia, but is also in the UK. So the Australians can supply Europe. But they also have their eyes on the North American market, the fourth largest wine producer in the world. The bottle particularly appeals to consumers who enjoy their wine promptly. According to the company, this accounts for 85% of the wine market. We wish the team every success. It’s late, I’ll call it a day and sit down and enjoy a glass of red wine – sadly from a glass bottle - and ponder the variety of packaging materials now used for drinks. Yours, Alexander Büchler"},{"@ID":47, "BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 22 Investment in European technology The rise of Zambia’s Big Tree Beverages Ongoing projects include a new factory and further investments in technology to expand the production capacity on new and existing brands. Big Tree Beverages, headquartered in Zambia and part of the Trade Kings Group has, in just a few years, evolved into a market leader. Its product range includes Vatra, Fruticana, Mojo, Appy, Wildcat Kungfu and Fruitop brands. and with a tight investment plan in European technology. “We started in 2018 with a very ambitious investment programme,” said director Hussein Patel. “Our goal was to become a major player in bottling, with complete solutions, capable of accompanying the launch of new products and offering our customers the best consumer experience.” Its strategy has been based on clearlydefined investments in European technology. The purchase of CCM Sacmi machines for the production of capsules, along with IPS presses to make preforms, enabled Big Tree to present itself as a complete bottler, using advanced, contemporary technology. With multiple IPS & CCM machines already installed since 2018, 2022 is seeing two more IPS and another CCM en route shipped to be installed alongside existing lines, where Big Tree is producing its entire requirement of preforms and caps. “We have experienced continuous growth of our brands in the market, and we have launched new ones,” Patel said. He ascribed the company’s success to the versatility, high performance and ease of use of its Sacmi machines. All of its preform presses are based on the IPS 220 model, the first one developed in-house by Sacmi, which kickstarted its drive into international markets in the preform production sector ten years ago, following the success it had enjoyed with its caps lines. “It is a very high-performance press, which is easy to use. Installation and commissioning takes only about three weeks,” Subhodeep Brahmachary, Head of Manufacturing and Projects at Big Tree, added. “It is also highly efficient in terms of consumption.” Sacmi’s CCM compression technology for production of one-piece capsules for water, CSD and juices, is available in 24, 32 and now 48 cavities. “What CCM enables is the production of modern capsule standards at very high speed and in a versatile way, with advantages including lower extrusion temperature compared to alternative technologies and the precise control of each individual cavity-mould, guaranteeing 100 per cent quality and yield”, Brahmachary continued. “Our teams worked together to develop the most innovative capsule-preform designs, identifying the best performing and most profitable solutions.” The Sacmi Rigid Packaging Laboratory, which worked on the project, has developed more than 1,000 capsule-preform designs for customers all over the world. “Our company has a dynamic identity; it is constantly searching for new products that reflect the personality and taste of our customers,” said Hussein Patel. In Sacmi, Big Tree Beverages found a partner capable of accompanying their ambitions. www.sacmi.com FILLING F.l.t.r.: Subhodeep Brahmachary, Head of Manufacturing and Projects Big Tree and Nel Renier, Sales Manager Sacmi South Africa"},{"@ID":4, "BOTTLE MAKING 15 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net Wide neck containers for body building supplements Two Sipa ECS SP 80 injection-stretch-blow moulding (ISMB) units have been installed this year at JSC Plastikse in Lithuania. The wide mouth jars produced on these lines are dedicated to sport nutrition powder and pills. tion. Just like the smaller ECS SP 25, it was designed with high-speed production in mind, using hydraulics when large forces are required and servo electric drives for fast movements. This combination is claimed to be very energy efficient, helping the machines achieve a small carbon footprint. Both the ECS SP 80 and SP 25 accept moulds not only made by Sipa, but also others originally designed to run on equipment from other brands. www.sipa.com happy to place on the market a new kind of product which is fully designed for recycling and manufactured with 100% green energy from renewable resources. Solar panels installed on the factory roof provide much of the energy we need.” says company GM Leonid Sterlin. The ECS SP 80 machine can produce containers with neck finishes up to 130mm in diameter. Various special features make it possible to produce containers with optimal material distribution. For example, the conditioning system provides a preform thermal profile based on the bottle specificaECS SP 80 ISBM unit with its take-out robot system Everything is on a large scale at JSC Plastikse. The company, located close to Vilnius, is one of the biggest PET converters in the Baltic region. Among the wide range of PET packaging supplied for different markets, it makes 2 l and 4 l PET jars with wide mouths, to be filled with body building supplements and sports nutrition. Both formats are being produces with Sipa ECS SP systems. The 4 l PET jars with 120mm necks, weighing 140 g as well as 2 l jars 100mm necks weighing 90 g are produced in a very short cycle time. Production of the jars from resin to the finished container is carried out without any interruption. In this way, small batches and customised jars can be produced. Designed for recycling JSC Plastikse has been in business since 2000, positioning itself at the forefront of packaging products for beverage, food, cosmetic, chemical, and medical industries worldwide. “We pride ourselves on innovation and flexibility, providing customers with high-quality customised products and services. Nowadays, packaging of a supplement product is more demanding than ever, the people are taking care about their body and health much more than before. We are The two ECS SP80 machines installed side by side at Plastikse"},{"@ID":49, "The worldwide round trip with EDITOURS Let Your Inspiration Flow. 7KH (XURSHDQ 5RDG 6KRZ PART2 Empowered by drinktec Autumn 2021 - 2022 We would like to thank our sponsors and partners for their continued support. PET world in the Middle East New year, new tour! After our successful Drinktec tour, the PETplanet team is going to the Middle East in the last quarter of 2023! In a spectacular project taking us well into 2024, we will be travelling in a wide variety of ways to various countries and regions of the Middle East with different mobile editors. There we will interview machine manufacturers, the supply industry, bottle and beverage producers, as well as PET recyclers and everyone involved in the process chain. What market-specific trends are there now or will arise in the future? What developments and technologies are in vogue on the consumer and plant construction site in some of the hottest regions of the world? What special requirements are there? What role do topics such as food safety, shelf life and sustainability play in PET packaging and how are companies preparing themselves for the coming years? This, and much more we will be discussing face-to-face with all the key players and then our results will be presented to you in a series of must-read reports in PETplanet Insider. Please join on this enchanting voyage to the world of PET in the Middle East. We look forward to welcoming you on board! Interested in being visited? [email protected] The worldwide round trip with The Middle East Roadshow Thank you! Autumn 2023 - 2024 7 countries numerous interviews with PET companies Be part of our next adventure » New Road Show 2023"},{"@ID":39, "PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 37 TRADE SHOW REVIEW Cloud computing and data analytic technologies At this year’s Drinktec, Sidel was exhibiting on a new stand design entirely without machines. The trade fair stand was intended to be an emotional excursion through the topics of digitalisation, aseptic packaging technology and sustainability. Interested visitors could find out more about current and future products on interactive screens and touch panels. Digital Product Manager and Business Development Director Gabriele Gatti showed PETplanet insider Sidel’s digital solution for comprehensive data analysis and process optimisation on machinery and production lines. The cloudbased, modular software suite named Evo-On collects data from the equipment and analyses them in real time. It allows people with the relevant access rights to access all digitally connected machinery and systems sorted by country, production site and location within the particular production field. They can also bring up current data on all relevant processes and export this in graphical overview reports and diagrams. The whole system works for individually set time periods to enable the visualisation of changes. According to Sidel, this works not only on proactive queries made by the user but is bi-directional: Evo-On communicates independently externally and compiles reports, for example by email. Accordingly, this should not only improve ongoing processes, but also enable the prompt identification of energy use, technical requirements, product changes, problems and maintenance notices in order to ensure the continuous optimisation of production and costs, and most importantly to avoid production losses or even stoppage. But the user need not be an exclusive Sidel customer. According to Mr Gatti, the software will also work with IoT-compatible machines and systems from third-party manufacturers. The software’s scope of services is divided into the fields of Care, Eco, Performance, Flex and Quality, and can be configured on a modular basis. Care works as an early-warning monitoring system for the equipment and should therefore provide information not only about acute problems but also about the fundamental weaknesses that cause them. Sidel advertises an extension of component service life by up to 30% and an increase of 3% in overall equipment effectiveness. Eco measures energy, water and chemicals consumption and contributes to improving these. Performance is geared towards productivity and, based on a root cause analysis, gives recommendations for efficiency and/or information on the potential inefficiency of production lines, with an OEE increase of up to 20%, according to its own information. Flex helps with product and production adjustments, uses production characteristics and available line operators to support future adjustments and guides operators through the adjustment process. Finally, Quality is dedicated to production quality and supports its preservation. The application monitors quality control parameters and reports deviations in real time, compiles statistical trend analyses, calculates causes of quality loss, and supplies possible solutions to rectify them. Lightweight “1 Skin” bottle The 1 l “1 Skin” bottle made of 100% rPET was showcased in Sidel’s sustainability area. The 28 g bottle, furnished with a tethered cap, was designed for sensitive drinks and demonstrates a high degree of recyclability and sustainability. For example, the design foregoes a label, and the information is laser-embossed in the bottle body. So, the bottle is free from additional material such as glue that can disrupt the recycling process. The entire bottle shape with a grippable area in the top third, a short bottle neck and Sidel’s patented Starlite base design technology offers stability as well as weight optimisation and production performance. www.sidel.com Gabriele Gatti showing Sidel’s Evo-On"},{"@ID":22, "BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 20 thus causes less damage to them. A dedusting and an inspection module have also been installed. While the first blows out the preforms, the second identifies any foreign particles or deformation and ejects all affected PET preforms, thus preventing production downtimes. A cap inspection unit at the filler that checks for shape and colour fulfils the same purpose. The tried-and-tested linear aseptic filler itself fills up to 12,000 bph in PET, holding between 250ml and 1 l or 9,000 bph containing 1,5 l. Its many striking features include a number of technical innovations such as for instance, further-developed bottle grippers that hold the bottles in place better than the previous model. Innovative switching valves control the volume of the inflow to the actual filling valve and thus permit a total of four different infeed speeds adapted to the beverages’ respective foaming properties. The filling valves and valve outlets were specially optimised to cater for Ramseier Suisse AG products. “There’s absolutely nothing normal about this line,” emphasises Lutz Müller. Smart technology The system control unit based on TIA Siemens technology is one of the novelties on this line, making use of modular software for the very first time. It enables any adjustments to be made to the affected module only without the entire system having to be handled. The machinery is operated from the new ClearLine HMI (human machine interface) operator panel. One practical feature for the operator is that the panels installed at filler height at ground level can also be used to control the process engineering up on the platform. This means that personnel do not have to waste time climbing stairs or walking round the machine, as screens are positioned on both sides of the stretch blow moulder/filler block. Every effort has been made along the entire line to speed up, shorten PET bottles filled with tea are dressed with sleeve labels on the KHS labeller. Fruit juice and tea beverages in premium Swiss quality: excerpt from the company’s portfolio. Christoph Suter, CTO and member of the board of Ramseier Suisse AG. Bottle grippers are provided on a trolley for format changeovers. or simplify processes in order to save time and make the plant engineering as efficient as possible. Further examples are the quick and flexible format changeovers and shorter cleaning and sterilisation times, reduced from a previous 5 h to a current 3.5 h. In addition, the new filler is now sterilised with hydrogen peroxide instead of peracetic acid which was formerly used in wet aseptics. Suter therefore expects to make savings in maintenance, operating materials, steam consumption and in water and wastewater. “The new line is also more efficient regarding fixed product loss caused by the system,” states the CTO. www.khs.com"},{"@ID":28, "COMPRESSORS PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 26 A special designed compressed air recovery system Reused air by Dr hab. Eng. Waldemar Karaszewski, Vice President of TES STM Group One of its regular customers approached TES STM Group to add a 5 l water bottle to their product range. The client decided to invest in a complete filling line based on the Synchroblock producing 4,000 bph at 5 l, together with the signature Eco Power Air Recovery System designed particularly for this project. TES STM Group has become the first company in Central-Eastern Europe to produce an all-in-one Synchroblock, a blow moulding-filling-capping machine. Many people still look at how much electric energy does a blow moulding machine use to produce a PET bottle, forgetting that it’s much smaller amount in comparison to how much energy is needed to compress the air required for the blow moulding process. In the production of PET packaging, one of the main elements related to the cost of producing PET bottles is the consumption of compressed air, which directly translates into electricity consumption. Various types of solutions are used in blow-moulding machines to recover compressed air and reuse it in the blowing process or for the pneumatic control system of the blow moulding machine. Since it is possible to recover a relatively large amount of compressed air during the blow moulding process, especially in the case of large-volume bottle production, e.g., 5 l bottles, a solution was proposed to use the recovered compressed air for other machines and equipment in the packaging line, e.g. for filling machine, labelling machine, etc. This solution is beneficial from an energy point of view, i.e. the reuse of compressed air will result in a reduction of electricity consumption for the generation of compressed air. At the same time, the proposed solution means that the size of the compressors in the system can be reduced, resulting in lower initial investment costs. Compressed air is supplied to the blow moulding machine to blow PET bottles at a pressure of 20 bar to 40 bar. The PET bottles are first blown with a pre-blow pressure of 4 to 9 bar, and then with air at a maximum pressure of 25 bar to 40 bar, the so-called main blowing pressure. In addition, the same compressed air is used to compensate for the blow mould, i.e. to “hold” the blow mould with a force that prevents it from opening during the blowing process. After the bottle has been formed, in the standard solution the air is removed to the environment or recovered to the control system of the same blow-moulding machine. From the blow mould compensation system, in the standard solution, air is always removed to the environment. STM’s technological solution proposes a way of removing the air from the blow mould together with the compressed air from the blow mould compensation system in a sequential manner, so that three pressure values are ultimately achieved: 6 to 6.5 bar - to supply equipment in the filling line (filler, labelling machine, shrink-wrapper, palletising system, etc.) connected with the Synchroblock; 6 to 6.5 bar - to supply equipment in the can line (filler, shrink-wrapper, palletising and depalletising system, etc.) connected with the second line; 8 to 8.5 bar - to supply the inline blow-moulding machine for the control process in the Synchroblock. It was possible to recover so much of compressed air to supply TES STM Group’s line, but also the complete new can line for 14,000 bph at 0.5 l that is standing beside it, in the same new client’s hall. In the given client’s case, the energy used directly by a blow moulding section of a Synchroblock was not even 25% of the total energy needed for the blow moulding process. Nowadays in times of rising inflation, recession and constantly increasing prices of energy, these are reasons to be taken into account. Not needing to deliver additional compressed air with pressure 6-10.5 bar has direct advantages: There is no reason for buying an additional screw compressor or small 2-stage piston compressor to deliver compressed air to the in-line blow COMPRESSORS TURNKEY SOLUTION FOR BEVERAGE & NON-BEVERAGE PRODUCTS"},{"@ID":43, "BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 19 Ramseier Suisse AG’s key demands in this respect are flexibility, operational reliability, efficiency and sustainability. “Our machines have to process a broad spectrum of beverages,” says Suter. “Not only that but the PET aseptic line has to cater particularly for a variety of packaging specifications, such as different bottle shapes, sports caps or sleeve labels, all of which feature in our highly diverse product portfolio.” Limited amount of room One special challenge faced by the KHS engineers was the limited amount of room available for the new machinery. Despite the production shop being expanded, there was only a narrow space provided for the line. The answer was to construct a large stainless steel platform above the stretch blow moulder/filler block that contains all of the process engineering with a juice de-aerator, flash pasteuriser, sterile buffer tank, valve manifold, CIP system and all control cabinets for the entire line. A dormer had to be especially built into the production shop roof to accommodate the enormous tank. With a total volume of 9,000l, it allows a new batch of product to be prepared while the filler is still being cleaned. So that it runs completely empty using the natural incline, the tank was also placed on staging so that its upper edge stands at over ten metres. A practical door accessed from the roof facilitates inspection and maintenance. “The customer is not the only one enthused by the result, says Lutz Müller, Sales Manager at KHS, “This is a unique construction, a real eye-opener. Here, we can see how product preparation and product filling perfectly interact – the result of an elaborate and thorough planning process mastered together with the engineers at Ramseier Suisse AG.” “There’s absolutely nothing normal about this line” The InnoPET BloFill ACF-L aseptic stretch blow moulder/filler block from KHS is a good example of the hightech now erected in Switzerland. This includes the InnoPET Blomax Series V, the latest generation of KHS stretch blow moulding technology. It has been equipped with a box tilter which with its dosed preform infeed exerts a lower load on the preforms and For product changeovers recipes are selected on the ClearLine HMI operator panel from KHS."},{"@ID":26, "MARKET SURVEY 24 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net Company name Starlinger recycling technology Erema Engineering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen Ges.m.b.H. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Furtherstrasse 47a 2564 Weissenbach, Austria +43 2674 800 3101 www.recycling.starlinger.com Mr Paul Niedl, MA Commercial Head +43 2674 800 3100 [email protected] Unterfeldstraße 3, 4052 Ansfelden, Austria +43 732 3190 0 www.erema.com Mr Christoph Wöss Business Development Manager, Application Bottle +43 732 3190 0 [email protected] Frontend Sorting Section Yes, sorting done in cooperation with long-time partners or Keycycle (Erema Group) Input variable: collected pressed bottles, various colours Pre-sorted PET bottles, prefferable bales Output: sorted bottles, treated sidestreams Sorted bottles, colour sorting possible Capacity range output [t/a] Depending on customer' requirements Floor space [m²] Depending on the capacity of the plant Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] (if necessary) Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Grinder included Yes, by Keycycle Additional information Engineering and integration services, turnkey projects. Contact: Keycycle GmbH, (Erema Group GmbH) Mr Michal Prochazka, Managing Director, +43 732 3190 545, [email protected] Sorting technology (NIR, laser, optical etc.), effi ciency in % Washing Section Yes, washing done in cooperation with long-time partners or Keycycle Input variable: Flakes, coloured proportion max 5%, not much chlorine Output: Hot washed fl akes Capacity range output [t/a] Depending on customer' requirements, Keycycle Floor space [m²] Depending on the capacity of the plant, Keycycle Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Kind of polymer (PET, PP, PS, HD-PE, LD-PE etc.) All types of common polymers possible, Keycycle Additional information Decontamination section Input variable: Flakes or Pellets Flake to granulate: hot-washed PET fl akes (various colours), available models: RecoStar PET FG, RecoStar PET FG+, RecoStar PET iV+, RecoStar PET art Flakes and/or pellets Output: Flakes or Pellets Granulate with approval, decontaminated for food contact, IV increased, AA 1ppm, lowest VOC level Flakes (MPR) or pellets (Vacurema or Vacunite) Capacity [t/a] 6,000 - 30,000 t/a rPET pellets Up to 48,000 Floor space [m²] Depending on design Depending on through-put and technology: 50 - 650 Approvals (FDA, EFSA, others) Several USA/FDA (C-H), Austria, Germany/BfR, Ilsi, France/AFFSSA, Finland, Australia, Canada, Egypt, Japan, Switzerland, several Latin American countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru); follows Efsa requiremens; several brand owners FDA (cat. A-H&J); Efsa (positive Efsa opinion issued); brand owners (conf.); several national approvals (Austria, CH, Zona Mercursur, etc.) Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Depending on design Between 100 - 350 Additional information Bottles to fl akes to granulate: input variable, collected pressed bottles, various colours; output are fl akes with/without approval, decontaminated for food contact, IV increased, AA 1ppm, lowest VOC level. Starlinger offers turn-key supply of complete plants from bottles to fl akes to rPET granulate Closed loop system for water and N2, depending on application & technology type Periphery Fresh water treatment Oon request, with external partner or Keycycle Waste water treatment Oon request, with external partner or Keycycle Heating systems Included Nitrogen generator On request Compressed air On request Chemical dosing On request Kind and quantity of detergents Caustic soda Yes for washing process, Keycycle Additives Yes for washing process, Keycycle Defoamer Yes for washing process, Keycycle Acid for neutralisation Yes for washing process, Keycycle Removal of the organic residuals up to which size [μm] 25 μm Presetting residence time in the process 1.5 - 15h Company also offers systems for Bottle-to-preform Yes Yes, Vacurema Inline Preform Bottle-to-fi lm Yes Yes, Vacurema Inline Sheet Bottle-to-fi bre Yes Yes, Vacurema Inline Fibre for Staple Fibre, BCF and POY Bottle-to-strapping Yes Yes, Vacurema Inline Strapping or Monofi lament Bottle-to-tray Yes, with Keycycle & Vacurema Tray-to-tray Yes, with Vacurema"},{"@ID":44, "MARKET SURVEY 25 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net E N D L E S S I N N O V A T I O N S I N C E 1 9 1 9 Gneuss Kunststofftechnik GmbH Amut SpA Boretech Environmental Engineering Co.,Ltd. Mönichhusen 42, 32549 Bad Oeynhausen, Germany +49 5731 5307 0 www.gneuss.com Via Cameri 16, Novara (NO), Italy +39 0321 6641 www.amut.it Mr Giovanni Cattaneo Sales Manager Director +39 0321 664943 [email protected] No.888, Jiuliting Avenue, Caoqiao Street, Pinghu, Zhejiang, China +86 573 85120 186 www.bo-re-tech.com Mr Alan Ou Vice General Manager +86 573 85136 190 [email protected], [email protected] Yes Mixed loose plastics Yes Sorted plastic bales Up to 150,000 5,000 - 10,000 Depending on design, layout 1,000 -20,000 Not necessary 25 - 55 kWh/t ~100 When and if required No Patented delabelling machine No From third party Depends on vendor's effi ciency (approx. 90 - 95%) Yes Collected pressed bottles, fl akes, various colours Yes, high purity fl akes Hot washed clear fl akes From 7,000 - 45,000 3,000 - 57,000 Depending on design, layout Depeding on design, 800 - 4,500 PET = 1.1 m³/t - PO 3.0 m³/t ~1,5 90 - 110 kWh/t ~180 PET, PP, HD-PE, LD-PE PET / HDPE /LDPE/PP/PS Patented friction washer Flakes Flakes, coloured proportion max 5%, not much chlorine Pellets Flakes or pellets 200 - 17,000 8,000 - 24,000 30 - 80, depending on size 300 - 500, depeding on design FDA, Efsa, INTI, brand owners (conf.) Flakes and granulates with FDAApproval 350 Yes, depeding on design Yes, depeding on design Pelletising & SSP: 98kWh Pelletising & SSP: 10 - 15Nm³ Pelletising & SSP: 5m³ NaOH (2 - 3kg/t output), and brand detergent (1 - 1.5 l/t output) Yes Yes, 2 - 3 kg/t output Yes CHT, 1 - 3 l/t fl akes output Yes Yes, depending on customer demand and process No Yes, 5 - 10 l/h, depeding on bottle bales condition Water fi ltration up to 1 μm Yes, but only continuos process, no batches IV 0.70→ 0.86dL/g, SSP 12 - 16h for pellets, 4 - 6h for fl akes Yes, mainly thermoforming sheet lines in direct food contact Yes Yes, several lines under operation worldwide No Yes, one stop solution from post-consumer bottles to PSF, POY and FDY Yes, several lines under operation worldwide No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes"},{"@ID":42, "COMPRESSORS PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 29 ABC Compressors launches energy-saving Horizon Synchro range Eliminating idling times At Drinktec 2022, ABC Compressors presented its latest Horizon Synchro (branded) range of air compressors. The company says that the new machines have been designed from the start with improved airflow efficiency, better heat transfer and more stability. Energy saving is the key feature of the new range. ABC pointed out that 80% of the total cost of ownership of a compressor over a 10-year lifecycle is attributable to energy consumption. The Horizon Synchro models are equipped with advanced IE5 motors, which are claimed to cut motor losses by more than, 20% compared to IE3 versions. They are also claimed to reduce gearbox friction losses by 3%. The range also features an integrated variable speed drive that eliminates idling times. ABC says that these models are the first on the market equipped to do so, that the drives offer the widest regulation range in the market and optimise energy usage by up to 82%. The improved cooling circuit and cylinder surfaces reduce thermal losses by 10% and leaks, dead area and pressure losses within the airflow by 15%. Service cycles are also claimed to be the longest in class, at 8,000 h. The Horizon Synchro compressors feature 100% digital control and automation from a single human-machine interface (HMI) point. Draining is controlled from a central point, with no need for physical intervention. Digital monitoring transmitters constantly measure motor temperature, as well as air, water and oil temperature and pressure at each stage. Cloud mon i t o r i ng and predict ive maintenance enables better scheduling of servicing, enabling less downtime, both scheduled and otherwise. ABC is implementing sustainable development goals under the UN 2030 Agenda across its operations, including the installation of solar panels on the roof of its factory in Eibar, Gipuzkoa , NE Spa i n , which provide 50% of total factory consumpt ion. It also has a system that recovers energy from compressors undergoing testing. www.abccompressors.com COMPRESSORS The ABC team at Drinktec The new Horizon Synchro range comes in black. Sidel Super Combi Compact integrates five process steps into a single system: preform feeder, blower, labeller, filler/capper and cap feeder. This solution drastically reduces the space required, while enhancing performance thanks to new dynamic filling technology that produces up to 54,000 bph. This makes it the ideal solution for maximising water production and increasing line efficiency while reducing your TCO. That’s one compact, super-efficient solution. sidel.com/supercombicompact MORE PERFORMANCE, LESS SPACE. SUPER COMBI COMPACT"},{"@ID":9, "EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 www.petpla.net 10 Sorting, washing and grinding Sorting, washing and grinding are vital elements in the processing of PET bottles. PETplanet insider visited Sorema the specialist company in washing and mechanical recycling plants, whose latest development is providing tailored water treatment equipment to reduce recycling plant needs. In Italy, PETplanet spoke to Ottavio Previero, Sales and Marketing Manager. Tour Sponsors: July 2022 We met: Mr Ottavio Previero, Sales and Marketing Manager at Sorema, and Mrs Chiara La Donna, Marketing More than 100 years ago, Ottavio’s great-grandfather founded the Previero company for the pre-grinding of wood. In 1974, the plastics washing division was created under the name Sorema. They initially started with a washing plant for LDPE and by 1982 had already built their first PET facility. The latest developments in Sorema’s PET washing plants is the upgrading of the bottles pre-washing system. This not only washes the bottles after dry pre-sorting but also removes the labels and sleeves. Washing removes all external contamination, which can also include sand and grit in addition to organic material. The next stage involves the grinding of bottles into flakes using wet grinders. Depending on local conditions, oil residues and other synthetic adhesions are washed off as well as any remaining organic components. After drying and sorting, the flakes are ready for further processing, hot washing, rinsing and drying. Sorema offers its customers full scale recycling and washing trials, in its pilot plant, to determine the mass balance and see the final output quality. However, for Ottavio, costs are just as important as delivery top quality flakes. “We can wash everything using our technology but a recycler must also keep an eye on costs. We therefore adapt our facilities to match the quality of the post-consumer waste stream, making them ideal in terms of costs and excellence. We have focused on wastewater treatment as a way of keeping costs in check and are offering customised solutions through our newly acquired subsidiary company Teknodepurazioni”. Teknodepurazioni Aquae is a specialist industrial wastewater treatment business, with years of experience to control the water quantity and quality between wastewater plants and washing plants for PET or other plastics. The company carries out tests, laboratory analyses and pilot plants to be able to propose the best solution for each specific application in terms of functionality, economy and ease of management. In its own analysis and research laboratory, Teknodepurazioni Aquae determine the chemical-physical and bacteriological properties of the water before and after the purification process. Depending on the requirements, wastewater is treated in three stages. These stages are mechanical filtration, followed by chemical sedimentation and finally biological treatment. Process selections is made on the client’s requirements, such as the characteristics of the area or the discharge specifications. After a final-fine treatment, the purified water can be discharged into the river, in the sewer or even reused. At the two locations Alzate Brianza and Anzano del Parco in Como, Italy, 110 workers produce Sorema equipment on an area of 11,000m2. To date, hundreds recycling plants have been installed worldwide, which recycle post-consumer and industrial plastics waste all around the year. Shortly before our visit, at the beginning this month, a bottle-to-bottle recycling plant was sold to Mexico. This turnkey plant was shipped to the Mexican recycler Envases Universales for increasing the production capacity of rPET flakes for food applications. With an output of 9,000kg/h of washed PET flakes, provided by the local municipal bottle collection of bottles, this plant helps to drive the circular economy with rPET by reintegrating the material into the production of new containers, preforms and bottles. The bottle-to-bottle rPET line contains automatic feeding, pre-washing, de-labelling, followed by the wet grinding, hot washing, flotation and finally rinsing and drying steps. The line includes colour and materials detectors for bottles and flakes as well as a Sorema Scada 4.0 digital monitoring system for an efficient local and remote control. We thank Chiara and Ottavio for their time and kind hospitality and are looking forward to meeting them again at the K’ show in Düsseldorf. www.sorema.it The Mexican plant has an output of 9,000 kg/h of washed PET flakes."}]}}