07+08 / 2010

{"pages":{"page":[{"#text":"BOTTLE MAKING 27 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net container with almost 30% more topload strength better than other, existing hot-fill bottles. The Purity Organic active performance bottles will be used for the company’s whole juice and juice-flavoured drinks. They have an appearance and feel approaching that of a straight-wall container and are also claimed to be more durable, dent-resistant and have strong stacking capability. Amcor further says that labels fit more securely and the reduced neck finish – down from 43mm to 38mm – offers easier drinking and less spillage. Amcor has been developing its Active Hinge technology across a variety of sizes. Eight and ten-ounce bottles have been commercialised at 24g weight and it says that it will commercially launch a 12oz version, also at 24g weight, in Q3 2010. The same period is also scheduled to see the commercial launch of a recent development of the 20oz model, named Coflex. It features Active Hinge technology with the addition of VAB – a vacuum absorbing base. This particular product has been test-run on small filling lines at 25g weight. Once it has been successfully commercialised, Amcor plans to integrate the Active Hinge/ VAB design beyond the current 29g bottle weight. Amcor PET Packaging manufactures PET packaging for the world’s beverage, food and non-food industries, at 60 facilities in 12 countries. Its parent company, Amcor Holdings, has a total of 217 plants in 34 countries across the world. Reported sales revenues for the year ended June 30 2009 were US$8 billion. www.amcor.com Strong fresh air for PET-bottle industry Gainnew heights in savings and energy-efficiency with the new oil-free ZD compressor Time to gain new heights.  The highly energy efficient ZD compressor, with superior screw and booster  technology, offers Class Zeroquality air and is extremely silent with no vibrations. Theair-cooledZD provides you anexceptional reliability, no water consumption, while driving down investment and installation cost. It all adds up to sustainable productivity for today’s challenging low carbon economy. This new ZD is The answer for all your high pressure 40 bar applications. For more information, visit www.atlascopco.com/petcompressors Amcor’s Purity organic active performance bottles are used for Purity Organic’s whole juice and juice-flavoured drinks.","@ID":29}

"BEVERAGE PREPARATION 30 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net The Good Taste Guide Taste is at the heart of any successful product in the food and beverage industry. Getting the right flavour is a complex process and Rudolf Wild GmbH & Co KG has invested a lot of time and effort into getting it right – not least, adapting to different preferences in different countries. New and innovative products are always of interest – but if they don’t hit the mark with the paying public then they can hardly be counted as successful. It may be a blindingly obvious statement but customers will only buy products they like; the challenge, in the food and beverage industry, is to develop something you will be confident the customer will like before it ever hits the shelves. Some aspects look straightforward; if it’s too salty, too sweet or too sharp, then it won’t work, nor if it isn’t salty, sweet or sharp enough. But what about taste? It varies a lot between countries. Take vanilla, for example. It’s a widespread ingredient, almost as common as wheatflour or sugar. But the word covers a multitude of subtle differences. There are around 60 different types of it, with Bourbon vanilla (v. planifola) from Madagascar being the most common. But in Europe alone, there are ten different flavours: the British prefer theirs with a caramel taste; the Germans like it creamy. The French don’t use Bourbon vanilla at all, preferring the savoury aniseed tang of v. tahitensis, from Tahiti. Hitting the right spot How does a food and beverage manufacturer ensure their blend of flavours and textures hits the right spot? Rudolf Wild GmbH & Co KG (Wild) says that it understands food sensory analysis as a competitive factor and integrates it into product development. Established food industry methodology such as comparison tests, descriptive tests and consumer tests take place at various points during development and help to optimise success rates of innovative products. However, it is ultimately about taste and human perception – so the ultimate test instruments aren’t mechanical, electrical or chemical; they are human beings. But people are individuals and using them to test products in sensory analyses can create subjective perceptions, which lead to results being more widely varied than would be the case with technical measuring instruments. For that reason, sensory decisions are always based on group results – a triangle test, for example, will involve at least 24 to 30 tasters. Disruptive influences must be minimized, so testers have special, sealed tasting stations. Tasters must be neither hungry nor full, they must have plenty of time for tasting and the environment has to be stress-free. The vanilla “spiderweb”: Taste varies a lot between countries. Vanilla for example covers a lot of subtle differences.","@ID":32}

"MARKET SURVEY 18 MARKETsurvey 07+08/10 Company name Wei L Plastics Machinery (H.K.) LIMITED Kosme Gesellschaft mbH Siapi SRL Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail 1212, Fo Tan Ind. Ctr., 26-28 Au Pui Wan St., Fotan, N.T. Hong Kong (852) 2690 2368 www.weiliplastics.com Mr. Jerry Tang +852 2690 2368 +852 2690 2380 [email protected] Gewerbestrasse 3 2601 Sollenau,  Austria 0043-(0)2628-411-0 www.kosme-austria.com Johann Gugler Managing Director +43-(0)2628-411-125 +43-(0)2628-411-4125 [email protected] Via Ferrovia Nord, 45 31020 San Vendemiano (Tv), Italy +39 0438 4096 www.siapi.it Maico Zanco Sales Manager +39 0438 4096 +39 0438 401016 [email protected] - [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number MP02 Rotary Machines (4 models) Linear Machines (6 models) EA series (13 models) EA Heat Set series (12 models) EAWM series (5 models) 2. Bottle volume (from/to in litres) a) Standard machines 20ml ~ 1.5l 0.05 - 3 0.05 - 3 0.1 - 5 l 0.1-1.5 l 0,1-1,5 l b) Machines for large containers up to 20l 0.25 - 6 0.5 - 30 5 - 40 l up to 12 l 3. Maximum number of stretch-blow moulds (units) a) Standard machines 2-Cavity 6 1 - 4 2 - 16 2 - 16 from 1 to 4 b) Machines for large containers 1-Cavity 6 2 - 4 1 - 5 from 1 to 3 4. Output per stretch-blow mould for: 0.5 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 1,200 ~ 1,800 2,000 1,700 1,500-1,800 1 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 1,200 ~ 1,800 2,000 1,650 1,500-1,800 1.5 litre still mineral water bottle (units per hour) 1,000 ~ 1,300 2,000 1,600 1,500-1,800 Large capacity container 500 ~ 800 1,250 up to 1,250 for 5,0 l; 350 for 30l 250-700 Other 1,000-1200(0.11.5l for hotfill) 700-1,400 (0.1-12l for wide mouth jars) 5. Footprint / space requirement (L x W x H in metres) 2.72 x 1.62 x 15.0  ~ 3.68 x 2.53 x1.80 6.05 x 3.85 x 3.25 (without preform feeding system) min.: 4.5 x 1.83 x 3.1; max.: 5.1 x 1.85 x 3.1 (without preform feeding system) 2,9x2x2,2; 7,3x3,1x2,4 2,9x2x2,2 7,3x3,1x2,4 2,9x2x2,2; 5,5x2,2x2,5 6. Special features (short description/keywords) Semi/Fully automatic Mechanical mould locking system active neck cooling block version with fillers for all sizes available air recycling system, mould shells of linear machines compatible with rotary machines, fast semiautomatic mould change within 10 minutes, preferential heating + indexing available Fully electrical, air recovery system, preferential heating, automatic handle insertion for big size bottles Heat set technology, fully electrical, air recovery system Max neck finish diameter 180mm, fully electrical, air recovery system, preferential heating, automatic handle insertion for big size jars Company name Amsler Equipment Inc. SMF Maschinenfabrik GmbH Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail 1245 Reid St., Unit 1, Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada L4B1G4 905-707-6704 www.amslerequipment.net Heidi Amsler Sales and Marketing Manager 905-707-6704 905-707-6707 [email protected] Redcarstrasse 40, 53842 Troisdorf – Spich, Germany +49 2241 944 886-0 www.smfgmbh.com Przemyslaw Wojtowicz Sales Manager +49 2241 944 886-0 +49 2241 944 886-99 [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number Linear Series - 9 Models: L12, L15, L22,L32,L407,L42, L515, L615 Linear Widemouth Series - 2 Models: L16J, L25J Linear Convertible Series - 4 Models, L32C, L42C, L515C, L615C Linear Large Format Series - 5 Models, L110, L210, M120, LM120, L120C Rotary Series - 2 Models, APT10, APT16 HS 3000/6000 HS 6000 Stratos 10 electric 2. Bottle volume (from/to in litres) a) Standard machines 50ml to 5l 100ml to 6l 50ml to 5l 50ml to 2l 0.25 – 3l 0.25 – 3.0L 3 – 10l b) Machines for large containers 4L to 23l 3. Maximum number of stretchblow moulds (units) a) Standard machines 6 2 6 16 2 4 2 b) Machines for large containers 3 4. Output per stretch-blow mould for: output per ma 0.5 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 1,800 1,800 1,500 up to 2,750 up to 5,500 1 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 1,400 - 1,800 1,400 - 1,800 1,250 - 1,500 up to 2,500 up to 5,000 1.5 litre still mineral water bottle (units per hour) 1,400 - 1,800 1,400 - 1,800 1,300 - 1,500 up to 2,400 up to 4,800 Large capacity container 900(10l); 275(18.9öl) up to 2,000 up to 4,000 up to 1,800 Other 800 - 1,600 3,000(4l) 3-5l: up to 1,700; 10l  up to 1,400 5. Footprint / space requirement (L x W x H in metres) from 4.0x1.8x2.4 to 4.3x3.7x2.5 3.9x2.5x2.2 5.7x2.0x2.4 to 4.3x3.7x2.5 3.9x3.8x2.7 2.7x2.2x3.1 to 4.2x3.0x3.2 3.5x14x22 3.5x2.8x2.2 up to 1,200 4100x2430x3420 6. Special features (short description/keywords) All servo-electric, servo stretch rods, hotfill, neck orientation, preferential cooling, air recovery system, handle insertion, accepts competitors moulds automatic loading of preforms, up to 89mm neck size ability to run multiple mould configurations for different container sizes. For example: L32C in 3-cavity mode = 2l; L32C in 2-cavity mode = 3l; L32C in 1-cavity mode = 5l L120C capable of 1, 2 or 3-cavity, configuration and sizes from 4l to 23l hotfill","@ID":24}

"PETnews 6 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net The “new” Artenius PET Packaging Europe (APPE) APPE came under the control of the Spanish PET resin producer La Seda Barcelona (LSB) in October 2007. Less than one year later APPE was drawn into the turmoil connected with the collapse of LSB, who had pursued an aggressive strategy of acquisition, had over-invested and became near insolvent. After many months of negotiations with the syndicate investors a restructuring plan was developed which would require a new capital injection together with a revised syndicate loan scheme. As a consequence, and with the help of new potential investor’s such as from Portugal (BA Vidro), the capital structure of LSB will be revised. In combination with fresh money, significant asset realignment to future packaging strategy the banks have now signed up to renew their loans. The “new” group’s revised strategic direction is to become an efficient packaging solution company – not just focussed on PET. The strategic initiatives are: Group business to be focussed on preforms, PET and recy-  cled PET only Focus on key, long-term contracts with multinational customers  Exit from remaining business: MEG, bio fuels and non-strate-  gic PET Ultimate disposal of shares in SINES PTA  Cost reduction through downsizing the organisation and  implementation of other efficiency measures: Jean Marc Rostagno, Managing Director of APPE in France, stated that “We are growing the business despite the internal and external crises. The past few months have been a ‘distraction’, however now these will soon be behind us. We can focus once again on being Europe’s leading PET converter.” La Seda turns the corner The AGM of La Seda de Barcelona took place on June 22nd with an exceptional level of attendance by shareholders. The meeting ratified the 2009 accounts, the appointment of new auditors and new directors. Following a recent restructuring programme La Seda is entering a new phase where recycled PET and products with a high added value will be the driving force. The president, José Luis Morlanes, presented the 2009 results and the anticipated results for 2010. Up until the end of May La Seda turned in a positive EBITDA of 18 million Euros and forecasts an EBITDA of 50 to 65 million for the full year. “A company expecting to turn over 1 billion Euros is a company operating normally,” he said. The company has increased PET turnover by 10% and expects to beat previous records of preforms sold. “Success depends on an increase in capital. Without an increase in capital the company has no future,” said Morlanes, urging the shareholders to take up their preferential share options. Automatics hold Open House Merger of Maag Pump Systems and Automatik Plastics Machinery The two private equity organisations, CGS and Clyde Blowers, are amalgamating both their subsidiaries, Automatik Plastik Machinery (formerly Rieter) and Maag Pump Systems to form a single unit. Under the leadership of Ueli Thürig, the new company will be able to offer a range of machinery from screw injection moulding machines to pelletising equipment. This development indicates the rise of a major competitor on a par with Kreyenbourg. Automatik Plastics Machinery is a well-known specialist in pelletizing systems for manufacturing plastic pellets whilst Maag Pump Systems are recognized suppliers of gear pumps, filtration systems and screen changers for the plastics industry. In 2008 the companies achieved a joint turnover of €100m. The projection for 2012 is €150m. The focal point will be acquisitions and expansion in China and North America. For the time being the Indian market is not of interest, as Roger Stehr CEO explained to PETplanet Insider. The news of the merger all but stole the thunder from the actual highlight of the Open House, the CC-PET direct crystallization process. The plant incorporates underwater pelletizing system Sphero 70 combining pelletizing, drying and crystallization in a single process stage. This means considerable savings in time, a reduction in manpower requirements, no need for intermediate storage and savings in investment and operating costs. Bericap’s HexaLite introduced at Naya Waters German closure manufacturer Bericap has introduced its HexaLite product at Naya Waters Canada.The range exists as a lightweight 26mm neck finish, or a lightweight 30mm neck finish. They are all equipped with a slit and folded safety band for efficient TE performance, as well as reliable application on high-speed lines. The company says that the saving made by moving to this product is approximately 33% of the resin in the neck and closure weight. Bericap says that lightweight packaging is a core target for the industry in general, addressing issues of cost reduction and sustainability. The method reduces the use of non-renewable raw materials by using less packaging materials, helping to reduce CO 2 . According to the company, it is these savings that have spurred the conversion to this product, which has already gained a foothold in North America. www.bericap.com Principle of the Sphero 70","@ID":8}

"REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 13 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net Masan Food: The market leader in seasoning sauces Mr. Pham Hong Son – General Director Masan Food is one of Vietnam’s largest food and beverage companies and part of the Masan Group, producing seasoning sauces (soybean, fish, chili) and instant noodles. The company has about 5,000 employees and is the market leader in fish and also soy sauce. The fish sauce market is much bigger than the soy sauce market in Vietnam and also contributes most in terms of sales to the company’s overall results. With its different brands, the company covers the whole market, from low to high-end. Pioneer in PET for fish sauces 14 years ago the first seasoning sauces produced and packaged in PET bottles were introduced onto the market. At that time the bottles were produced on small machines with only 4 cavities, then later Taiwanese machines with up to 32 cavities were used. The company was the pioneer in large-scale production of PET bottles for fish sauce in Vietnam. Today, to keep up with the demand, a Husky Hypet 300 with 72 cavities is used and the bottles are then blown on machines from Taiwan. Altogether 30 million bottles per month are produced, and even so bottles from outside have to be purchased. The closures are mainly boughtin from outside. In the company showroom there are also HDPE bottles on display, but according to General Director Mr. Son, this is not a general trend. Fish sauce Vietnam market size: 100million bottles per month (glass  and PET) Market share in Vietnam: 50%  Bottle sizes: 500ml, 750ml and 1l  Competition: Local companies only  Soy Sauce Market size: 15-20 million bottles per month (glass and PET)  Market share in Vietnam: 70-80%  Bottle size: 500ml  Competition: Local and foreign companies (e.g. Maggi  from Nestlé in the high-end market). SOLO-MAS technology and savings Sacmi Filling S.p.A. Via E. Ferrari, 1 40026 Ramoscello di Sorbolo (PR) Italy Tel. +39 0521 695 411 - Fax +39 0521 695 401 E-mail: [email protected]   www.sacmi.com SOLO-MAS is a modular and compact system which, thanks to a new patented technology, sets higher standards for filling accuracy, cleanliness, quality and safety of the product. The flexible software, the user-friendly operator interface and the reduced maintenance allow simplified and economical operation. SACMI Filling complete solutions for the beverage industry.","@ID":15}

"17 Stretch blow moulding machinery Following our recent survey of producers of preform moulds and bottle moulds, in this latest issue we focus on manufacturers of stretch blow moulding machines. The wide range of machines from individual suppliers reflects the very wide range of bottle designs and bottle sizes in use today. 16 suppliers from the Americas, the Far East and Europe are once again listed in our survey. It can be seen that there have in the meantime been some increases in machine outputs. Last year the maximum output per cavity per hour was 2,000 bottles, whereas now that figure has been exceeded by machines with an output of 2,200 bottles per blow mould per hour. 07+08/10 MARKETsurvey PET bottle-to-bottle recycling plants Caps and closures Conveyers for preforms and empty bottles Preforms Preform moulds and SBM moulds  Two-stage SBM machinery Preform and single stage machinery Resins and additives Filling equipment Compressors Company name Sipa Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Via Caduti Del Lavoro 3 +390438911511 www.sipa.it Giovanni Chiarotto Machinery Division Director +390438911511 +390438912273 [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number Rotary blowmoulders , SFR 8 EVO, SFR 12 EVO, SFR 16 EVO,SFR 20 EVO,SFR 24 EVO, SFR  9/27 (6 MODELS) Linear blowmoulders , SFL 2/2,SFL 2/1,SFL 4/2,SFL 4/3, SFL 4/4, SFL 6/2, SFL 6/3, SFL 6/4, SFL 6/6 (9 MODELS) 2. Bottle volume (from/to in litres) a) Standard machines from 0.25l to 3.3l From 0.25l to 3.0l b) Machines for large containers From 4l to 30l 3. Maximum number of stretch-blow moulds (units) a) Standard machines 27 6 b) Machines for large containers 4 4. Output per stretch-blow mould for: 0.5 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 2,200 1,800 1 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 2,000 1,700 1.5 litre still mineral water bottle (units per hour) 2,000 1,800 Large capacity container 1,250 b/c/h for 5l; 800 b/c/h for 30l Other 5. Footprint / space requirement (L x W x H in metres) 4,4x3,9x3,7 5,8x2,2x2,1 6. Special features (short description/keywords) High oven efficiency, simple mechanical systems, triple cavity machine (sfr 9/27), hot fill machines with electrical heating, up to 43 mm neck finish, also for PP and PLA bottles. All- electric, hot fill,  also for PP and PLA bottles, moulds for bottles with handle, neck orientation, preferential heating for oval containers, Company name Sidel Group Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Avenue de la Patrouille de France, Octeville-sur-Mer, BP 204, 76053 Le Havre Cedex, France 33 2 32 85 86 87 www.sidel.com Sylvie Rak Business Communication Manager 33 2 32 85 82 46 33 2 32 85 81 34 [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number SBO Universal & SBO Universal2, 15 models SBO Highspeed, 2 models SBO Compact, 2 models SBO Universal PH (Preferential Heating)/, 6 models SBO Universal HR (Heat Resistant), /9 models 2. Bottle volume (from/to in litres) a) Standard machines 0,25l to 3l 0,25l to 0,7l, 0,25l to 3,3l, b) Machines for large containers none none Up to 10 L 0,25l to 3,3l, none 0,25l to 3l, none 3. Maximum number of stretch-blow moulds (units) a) Standard machines 30 34 4 20 30 b) Machines for large containers not applicable not applicable 3 not applicable not applicable 4. Output per stretch-blow mould for: 0.5 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 1 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 1,800 / 2,000 (1,700 for SBO 30) 2,000 1,600 (SBO4)  - 2,000 (SBO 2XL) - 1,200 (SBO 2XL) 1,400 1,800 1.5 litre still mineral water bottle (units per hour) 1,800 / 2,000 (1,700 for SBO 30) 1,600 (SBO4)  - 2,000 (SBO 2XL) - 1,200 (SBO 2XL) 1,400 1,700 Large capacity container 1,800 (1,700 for SBO 30) 1,600 (SBO4)  - 2,000 (SBO 2XL) - 1,200 (SBO 2XL) 1,200 1,500 Other 1,200 5. Footprint / space requirement (Lx W x H in metres) from 7.1 x 3.3 x 3.8 to 18.8 x 6.6 x 3.9 from 11.3 x 4.9 x 3.9 to 13.1 x 4.9 x 3. 8 5.1 x 2 x 3.4 from 6.7 x 3.3 x 3.8 to 10.6 x 4.9 x 3.9 from 7.1 x 3.3 x 3.8 to 18.8 x 6.6 x 3.9 6. Special features (short description/keywords) Linear blowing machine For flat or complex packages For hot filled bottles","@ID":23}

"PREFORM PRODUCTION 19 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net Table of Contents i................................................... About the Authors ii........................................................... Introduction Chapter 1........................................................ AA Level High 2................................................... Accordion Preform 3..................................................Air hooks / Streaks 4.......................................................... Black Specks 5................................................................. Bubbles 6............................................................ Burn Marks 7........................................Colour Streaking / Peeling 8............................................................ Crystallinity 9........................................................... Drool Marks 10.....................................................................Flash 11....................................................Gate Depressions 12.......................................................... Gate Peeling 13............................................ Gate Voids / Pin Holes 14....................................................Internal Gate Sink 15.......................................................... Internal Sinks 16...................................................................IV Loss 17...................................................... Long Gate Nub 18......................................................... Milky Preform 19.......................................................Moisture Marks 20.......................................... Neck Finish out of Round 21..................................................Parting Line Crease 22........................................... Parting Line Deformation 23....................................................Preform Yellowing 24.............................................................Short Shots 25.....................................................................Sinks 26....................................................................Splay 27......................................................Stretched Necks 28................................................................Stringing 29....................................................Surface Blemishes 30....................................................Thread Flow Lines 31................................... TSS (Top Sealing Surface) Sink 32................................................................. Unmelts 33........................................... Wall Thickness Variation 34............................................................Wavy Body 35.............................................................Weld Lines prices in EUR + VAT. 1- 3  exemplar each 129,- € 4 - 10  exemplar each 99,- €  10  exemplar each 69,- € fax: +49 (0) 6221-65108-28 [email protected]  www.petpla.net Order your copy now! ","@ID":21}

"Vol.6 PETplanet print PREFORM PRODUCTION 18 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net The Rapid Guide to Perfect Preforms by Rick Unterlander and Ottmar Brandau Troubleshooting guides have suffered in the past from being locked away in offices and not being available to the people that actually need them. Considering the high cost of machine and tools high scrap rates can be a costly proposition eating away at already tight margins. PETplanet’s “Rapid Guide to Perfect Preforms” takes a different approach. Bound in laminated paper that is easy to clean off, the small format of the book of 108mm by 151mm (4.25” by 6”) allows easy storage in back pockets or tool boxes. It has been written for the people on the floor of injection moulding companies to support their daily work in making the best preforms possible. The product of two industry experts, Rick Unterlander and Ottmar Brandau, it gives concrete advice on 35 of the most common problems in preform manufacture, most illustrated by pictures. From high AA levels to wavy bodies processors can find help when they need it. PETplanet print vol.6 The Rapid Guide to Perfect Preforms machine no./name the shut-off nozzle must be opened before the valve stems are opened for the next cycle. This will pressurize the hot runner at the beginning of the next cycle and help fill in the empty space in front of the valve stem as it opens. Do this by increasing the valve gate open delay timer and/or by increasing the cooling time to provide more transfer before the mould opens. The shut-off nozzle delay time should be set to 0sec. 7. Check all temperature readings and correct if necessary. PET resin should be melted at about 280ºC (536ºF) +/- 10ºC (18ºF). Too low a melt temperature may raise the viscosity enough to cause poor melt flow around the valve stem / nozzle tip area. 8. Check nozzle tip heat settings. This area has a major impact on gate voids / pin holes. Settings too high may slow the solidification process. The settings should be adjusted low enough to minimize gate deformation yet not too low to cause crystalline formations. 9. Check that the decompression (pullback) time and position is not excessive. This should be set as low as possible to minimize the risk of drawing in air, yet enough to eliminate drooling into the cavity from excess melt pressure. Typical settings for valve gated moulds are: Time = 0 – 1sec; Distance = 0 – 10mm. 10. Check to ensure that the valve gate compressed air pressure is sufficient to close the valve stems properly. Typical pressures are in the range of 8 – 10bar (120 –145psi). 11. Check hardware for worn, damaged or failed components, specifically the mould gate inserts, valve stems, valve stem seals, nozzle tips (check manufacturer for best suited tip design), tip insulators, and clogged core / cavity cooling channels. 13. Gate Voids / Pin Holes Symptom: A small hole or empty space has formed directly on or under the gate nub; this may or may not be a complete hole. Cause: Plastic in the gate nub was not properly formed or solidified. Solutions: 1. Check water cooling temperature. This should be 7 – 10ºC (45 - 50ºF) for optimum cooling. 2. Check water cooling flow to mould. This should be at the mould manufacturers rating (for a given preform size and cavitation). 3. Check that the cooling time is sufficient for the preform being moulded. This typically ranges from about 1 to 3sec depending upon the preform gate thickness. Add time if necessary to improve gate solidification. 4. Check that the hold (packing) time isn’t too little for the preform being moulded. Increase as necessary to improve gate formation. 5. Check the valve gate close delay timer and decrease as necessary to maximize nub cooling. Typical settings are 0 – 0.3sec. 6. Ensure that the empty space in front of the valve stem (when initially opened) is properly re-filled with melt at the start of injection. For this to occur, the melt in the barrel must be transferred to the shooting pot (2-stage machines only) and","@ID":20}

"REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 11 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net Bavico JSC: The preform and bottle pioneer Mr. Nguyen Quoc Bao – Chairman Mr. Luka Gregory James – General Director The Bavico company was established in 1993 for the purpose of importing PET bottles. The name BA-VI-CO represents the names of the founder’s son (BAO) and daughter (VAN). Just two years later the company bought its first Nissei single-stage machines to produce its own bottles. According to Mr. Bao, chairman of the company, Bavico was the pioneer in the production of preforms and bottles in Vietnam and is now one of the country’s largest converters. To keep up with the growing demand, the company first purchased Sidel stretch-blow-moulders in the years 1994 and the first Husky injection moulding machine in 1997. Today the company employs approximately 400 people and has five plants, including a newly opened one in Bien Hoa to produce preforms and bottles. The company is now directed and coordinated by Luka Gregory James, a veteran with 30 years experience in PET packaging. Altogether the company uses: for preforms: 14 injection moulding machines from  Husky for bottles: 14 stretch blow moulding machines from  Sidel and from Taiwan (with moulds from 1 to 16 cavities) High preform capacity – export to the US Two further injection moulding machines (HyPET30072 cavity systems) will be delivered shortly to their Bien Hoa plant. Several machines are located at customers’ premises to allow economical in-house production. The company has an installed capacity of 2.5 billion preforms per year (preform weights from 10 to 110g), which are used mainly for CSDs, cooking oil, drinking water and cosmetics. Closures are produced at Vinacap, a subsidiary company of Bavico. Reference customers: PepsiCo International, CocaCola Beverages Vietnam, Nestlé (Lavie water), Tribeco and edible oil market leader Calofic. Bavico imports the PET resin (as do almost all other PET companies in Vietnam). A large percentage of the preforms are sent to Bavico’s own company in the USA (US Plastic Inc.) which opened in 2004. Lower electricity costs (approx. 6-7 cents/kW in Vietnam compared to up to 18 cents/kW in the US), as well as low labour and packaging costs in Vietnam, mean that such a long sea journey is still economical. www.bavico.com.vn Everything in PET except sugarcane Hon Chuan Vietnam Co., Ltd: From preform to co-packaging Chiu Chien Fu, Plant Manager Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Country Manager Sidel Jeff Chen, Sales Hon Chuan, headquartered in Taiwan, is one of Asia’s leading suppliers of packaging materials including preforms, bottles, closures, labels, co-packaging services and non-plastic packaging materials. The total turnover of the whole group is stated at US$ 370 million. In the field of beverages packed in plastic, the company has a market share of about 80% in Taiwan and in addition factories in China, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. As a serviceoriented converter, the company is focused on the more demanding hot fill and aseptic applications. In Taiwan the","@ID":13}

"PREFORM PRODUCTION 17 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net equates to approximately US$585 or €475. There are other savings, which help to offset initial investment and achieve return on investment (ROI) in a reasonable period. “As well as savings in materials, the design also helps to reduce energy costs.” As the preforms are lighter than round base equivalents, transportation costs may also be favourably affected. Applications The conical base design is not currently being used for hot-fill; it is primarily to be found in aseptic, CSD and water bottles. Its first appearance was in an oil bottle; as it was found to be acceptable and effective, it moved into food and beverage and the patent granted in China is also being applied for in other countries. Other mould manufacturers have adopted the design, under licence, but who they are remains commercially confidential, for the moment. However, GDXL says that other moulds in its range are suitable for products made by major companies such as Husky, Sidel, Krones and SIG/KHS, as well as other producers. Its conical base design is suitable for PET bottles ranging from 300ml water bottles up to 20l oil bottles. About GDXL GDXL was founded in 1993 and now employs around 380 people – approximately 100 of whom are R&D engineers. It specialises in the design and manufacture of PET blow moulding equipment for the food and beverage, health and beauty, and pharmaceutical industries. Its current blow-mould capacity stands at 10,000 cavities a year; preform mould capacity is 8,000/a. It also licences its designs to other producers. Annual sales turnover amounts to approximately US$30 million (RMB 200,000,000). Its cold half preform moulds are suitable for up to 144 cavity machines, with neck finishes 28mm (PC 1716, 1810, and 1881) and 38mm. ‘Complete set’ preform moulds are applicable for one to 72 cavities on various different preform injection systems. It also makes a complete range of components and parts. GDXL will be launching a new compression mould for cap manufacture in Q3 of 2010. It has capabilities in R&D for bottles, preforms, test runs, and marketing and feasibility studies. Customers include CocaCola; Pepsi; Danone, Suntory and San Miguel. Dimensions of the neck, both in height and diameter, remain exactly the same for both a traditional round base and GDXL’s conical base","@ID":19}

"PETproducts 32 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net UVA additive with improved clarity Ampacet has launched a new masterbatch additive for UV protection that does not cause discoloration. CrystalClear achieves a clear non-yellow package with protection up to 380nm and has been compounded for performance, clarity and cost efficiency. The company reports that the UVA performance of this product is 75% more effective than current UVA products for PET. It has also carried out a comparative study, which shows the additive reduces the cost per pound by up to 40% compared to similar products.The firm says that this product is less volatile and more soluble than standard additives, and it wont contribute to plate-out issues during moulding . www.ampacet.com Compression moulded cap Silgan White Cap Europe/Asia has introduced a new closure in the advanced Plastic-Twist range.  The 38mm CVT Plasti-Twist, which is the result of two years of development work, has been designed for cold and aseptic fill applications such as juices, health drinks, iced tea, fresh milk and milk drinks. The linerless closure is compression moulded in polyethylene and features a “d form” tamper evident band. A special triple seal function provides three contact sealing areas for the closure and the container – top, inner and outer – ensuring a totally airtight seal.  Other important features include pull-up controls that correspond to controls on PET bottles for immediate non-destructive visual checks of good closure application. The matt (as opposed to gloss) surface finish provides enhanced printing opportunities. Light weighting across the closure range KTW Group has launched a range of standard closures for beverages that bring light weighting advantages to all bottles, from 26 to 38mm. The company’s KTW 13 LT 26.7mm Alaska closure uses a shorter neck – 8.8mm compared with 14.5mm – that saves PET and is 0.9g lighter. It offers opportunities for material savings for companies that have not yet invested in PC1881 systems. At drinktec 2009, KTW presented its new 29/25 line for the coming season, which has a shorter height and is also lighter. It also announced that its KTW 9 LT 30/25 series will change to 29/25 and that it is currently selling the system for testing. KTW also makes high-performance 1881 closures for CSD; users include Coca-Cola. It is also launching a new one-piece closure system that includes an internal seal. “We are seeking to optimise mould solutions with less, energy, which is an ongoing process,” said Markus Bohn. “Step by step, we are improving performance by making lighter closures, faster running moulds and using less PE and energy.” www.ktw-group.com New slip concentrate for polyester based polymers Croda Polymer Additives has announced the launch of Atmer 7510 – a new slip concentrate. It is a 10% concentrate of the company’s IncroMax 100 product in a PET carrier system. The firm says the new product can reduce surface friction by up to 60%, improving product quality and process efficiency in both PET film and sheet, as well as injection moulding. It also claims that the slip has no adverse effect on PET colour or clarity. Target applications include beverage bottles, household and cosmetic bottles, thermoformed trays and tubs, food packaging, and PET film and extruded sheet. www.croda.com/pa Moulded frosted glass effect for PET Chroma Corporation has released a new masterbatch for sale to the highend cosmetics, personal care and alcohol markets wanting to give PET bottles a frosted-glass look. The company estimates that the moulded frosted plastic bottles the product would produce cost at least 90% less than those that are painted. It also says that the colour of this type of container is more durable as it is moulded into the plastic. The corporation says that its clients are enthusiastic about frosted looking plastic packaging because they want to duplicate the appearance of sandblasted glass, with the shatterproof safety of plastic. The product can be used to achieve this look for PET and other clear resins as part of injection moulding preform, reheat blow moulding or sheet extrusion. It can also be tinted. The different use rates, typically between 1 and 5%, allow processors to control the intensity of the frosted effect, ranging from translucent to opaque.","@ID":34}

"MARKET SURVEY 19 SMI S.p.A. Side S.A. PET Technologies Europe GmbH. Mega Machinery Via Piazzalunga 30 -24015 San Giovanni Bianco (BG) Italy ++39 0345 40111 www.smigroup.it Mr. Pietro Volpi Marketing Manager +39 0345 40316 +39 0345 40209 [email protected] Pol. Ind. Monguit , 08480 L'Ametlla del Vallès Barcelona - Spain +34938463051 www.sidemachines.com Josep Jiménez Export Manager +34938463051ext. 184 +34938492211 [email protected] Prof. Dr. Koren Straße 10 A-2700 Wiener NeustadtAustria +43 720 555300 www.pet-eu.com Walter Höbling Managing Director +43 720 555400 [email protected] 47-8 Huangzhou road, Huangyan, Zheijiang, China 0086-576-84020122 www.megamachinery.com Simon Cai Sale Manager +86-576-84020122 +86-576-84020107 [email protected] SR series(10 models (8 for standard capacity containers 2 for high capacity containers) Easyblow Maxiblow TMS 1002e/2004e/2006e/2002eG/2003e-G/5001G APF 5 APF 3002 APF 6004 UPF 5, (semi automatic) 15 0.25l /10l 0.05 - 2.5 0.5 - 10 0.05-2-5/0.05 -2-5/0.05-2-5/0.510/0.5-10/5-30 3 - 10l 0.2 - 2l 0.2 - 2l 0.2 - 6l up to 25l 0.25l /3l up to 2.5l 4l /10l up to 25l 20 1 1 24/6/2/3/1 4 16 unit 20 2 4 16 6 2 1 Output per machine/h Output per machine/h 1,800 1,200 1,000 2,600/6,000/9,000/2,600/3,600/700 1,,500 1,800 1,200 1,000 2,500/5,800/8,800/2,600/3,600/700 1,300 1,800 1,100 900 2,500/5,800/8,600/2,600/3,600/700 3,000 6,000 1,300 1,100 800 800 2,200/5,200/8,200/1,800/2,700/450 1,800 90 (20l) min 3.60x3.75x3.55(SR 4/6) / max 4.79x8.83x3.55 (SR20) Depending on peripherics and ancillary equipment 9,2x3,2x2,72 6,4x2,8x2,3 8,66x3,24x2,54 Asymetric bottles, oval bottles, light weight bottles, orientation neck system, all electrics servomotors compatible for PP IV container, multi layer containers, large sized PET containers. Krones AG Urola S.C. KHS Corpoplast GmbH & Co. KG Böhmerwaldstr. 5 D - 93073 Neutraubling +49 9401-70-0 www.krones.com Stefan Hauke Product Manager +49 9401 70-1037 +49 9401 70-911037 [email protected] Urola Kalea s/n, PO Box 20230 Legazpi, Spain +34 943 737003 www.urola.com Iñaki Unanue +34 943 737144 [email protected] Meiendorfer Strasse 203 22145 Hamburg, Germany +49 (40) 67907-0 www.khs.com Frank Haesendonckx Product Manager SBM Machines +49 (40) 679 07 475 +49 (40) 679 07 9475 [email protected] Stratos 20 electric CL400 HL6000 Contiform S/H Contiform M Contiform K Contiform G Urbi Series / 5 models KHS InnoPET Blomax Series IV, 13 models, 4 -36 stations 16 models 3 models 5 models 2 5 – 20l 0.25 – 2.5l 0.25 – 2.5l 100ml -2l 0.2 - 3.0l 0,1 - 3,0 0,1 - 2,0 (1,5) 0,1 - 0,7 0,1 - 5,0 up to 10l up to 6l (Blomax Series III) 1 4 4 8 36 3, 2 24 30 40 12 4 8 (Series III) hine per hour up to 11,000 2,000 1,800 1,800 2 2,200 up to 10,000 2,000 1,800 1,800 2 2,200 up to 4,000 up to 8,400 2,000 1,800 2 2,200 up to 500 up to 5,200 1,200 2,.400 1,500 , 6l container, depending on geometry (Series III) 4,800 3.3x2.23x3.90 2.76x2.4x1.987 2.831x2.62x2.307 from 6,9 x 4,4 x 3,6 to    10,8 x 6,4 x 3,6 from 7,3 x 4,4 x 3,6 to    13,9 x 6,8 x 3,6 from 7,3 x 4,4 x 3,6 to    16,6 x 6,8 x 3,6 8,0 x 4,8 x 3,6 Smallest Urbi-2 (L 2.320, W 2.200, H 2.000), Largest URBI-8 (L 5.900, w 4.350, H 2.300) 7,4x3,0x3,25  Blomax 4  | 13,3x7,0x3,25  Blomax 36 Nitro hotfill; air recycling systems for standard and heat set machines; patented mould carrier locking system; (dimensions without hopper-loader), Fully electric, very compact, low energy, Options: preferential heating; air recovery, hot filling Monoblock version, air-recycling, speed-loc quick change device for product change-over, hotfill+, preferential heating (series iii)","@ID":25}

"BOTTLING / FILLING 25 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net Redesigned stretch blow moulder/filler monoblock Since its launch, KHS’ InnoPET BloFill stretch blow moulder/filler monoblock system has been adopted by, among others, Coca-Cola China and Swire Coca-Cola. It has also achieved sales in Central and South America. Among the advantages claimed by KHS for the InnoPET BloFill system are cost savings by elimination of an air conveyor; a reduced footprint without an air conveyor; and gentler PET bottle handling. A redesigned InnoPET BloFill stretch blow moulder/filler monoblock has recently been launched by KHS. It is capable of processing a wide range of PET bottle sizes and shapes, from 120ml to 3l. The company says that the monoblock setup is able to process up to 72,000 PET bottles per hour, with typical efficiency levels exceeding 96%. Directly downstream of the stretch blow moulding process, removal of bottles from the blow station and adjustment of the clearance between finished PET bottles required by the configuration of the filling system is now handled by just one modular transfer wheel. All second monoblock modules feature the same airlock design, regardless of size and application. If carbonated beverages are being filled, the PET bottles are conveyed through a modular cooling segment before being passed on to the filling system. KHS says that the cooling process is particularly efficient and economical as its water requirement has been reduced to a minimum. The system uses up to nine nozzles, which constantly spray a mixture of water and air onto the bottle bases and cover them with fine drops of mist. Each nozzle sprays just one liter of water an hour. Monobloc features InnoPET Blomax Series IV machines are equipped with a new heating technology that cuts the time required to heat preforms by almost half, compared with the InnoPET Blomax Series III system. The new heater segment requires just half as much space as the previous heater, which also holds only half the number of the preforms of its predecessor model. That means only half the amount of preforms need to be channeled out if an emergency stop is triggered within the monoblock, compared with the previous setup. This further means that the buffer area between the monoblock and downstream labeler is also minimized.. KHS says that the new monoblock has a shorter start-up time: 15s, compared with the predecessor system’s two minutes. This increases system availability. The stretching processes in the blow stations are controlled by servo-motors. Stretch speed is now independent of the machine speed, which facilitates helps facilitate different bottle sizes to the filler. www.khs.com The new KHS InnoPET BloFill stretch blow moulder/filler monoblock is capable of processing a wide range of PET bottle sizes and shapes, with bottles holding anything from 120ml to 3l. The monoblock setup is able to handle up to 72,000 PET bottles per hour.","@ID":27}

"BOTTLE MAKING 26 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net Light weighting hinges on active technology Amcor PET Packaging, which is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia and has its main US facility at Manchester, Michigan, USA, has launched a new and patented hot-fill PET bottle design. The company says that the technology reduces weight and cost, while offering competitive performance. The new design, which Amcor describes as ‘active performance technology’, was commercialised in 2009 in eight and ten-ounce hot-fill containers. It is now going into series production in a 16oz PET container for San Francisco enterprise Purity Organic Inc, which supplies organic fruit juices and ‘functional’ drinks – water with 20% juice and added vitamins. All its products are packaged in PET bottles exclusively; it produces more than four million SKUs a year. Its new 16 oz Amcor PET bottle uses 20% less materials – the bottle weight is 29g, down from 35g – and costs 20% less than the company’s previous PET containers, according to Purity Organic. It advertises its lighter weight to consumers with a ‘20% less plastic’ sticker on the cap. The reduced weight and the choice of recyclable material for the bottle help the company to meet its sustainability commitments. Amcor’s ‘active hinge technology’ is the means by which Purity Organic and other customers are able to achieve high standards in 185F (84°C) hot-fill. The design makes use of horizontal hinges that also allow vertical movement, which adjust to the space created by the vacuum as the liquid cools. The company says that these ‘active hinges’ provide high radial stiffness and provide the 31g","@ID":28}

"BEVERAGE PREPARATION 31 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net A standard language Wild employs sensory analyses throughout the process. Every new harvest, of vanilla plants and everything else, has to be carefully selected and analysed. In order to ensure that all testers report in a consistent manner, a uniform technical language is employed, which defines each and every sensory quality. Regular training sessions ensure that each project member uses the same sensory language. An analysis team, made up of ten to twelve selected and trained individuals, is normally used to create a flavour profile. They must possess above-average sensory perception, powers of association, and the ability to verbalise sensory impressions. By comparing the flavour profile – the ‘sensory fingerprint’ – from the manufacturer’s specifications (target) with that of the latest prototype (actual), the sensory attributes that require modification can be identified and adjusted. However, even expert sensory analysis and a product that matches the manufacturer’s specification in every way will not guarantee success. The market has the last word and consumer acceptance tests are used to identify whether a new product prototype satisfies market tastes and expectations. The consumer testing panel is not an expert team; it is selected on the basis of age, gender and consumption behaviour. Results of consumer tests help to raise – but do not, ultimately, guarantee – the level of certainty and probability of success for new products. Wild has been using sensory analysis for many years. It continues to research and refine its methods in the quest to ensure that new products meet the differing tastes and inclinations of varying markets in the food and beverage industry. www.wild.com Wild employs sensory analysis throughout the whole process of ensuring their blend of flavours and textures.","@ID":33}

"PETcontents 07+08/10 4 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 32 Products 34 Bottles-Personal Care 36 Patents BUYER’S GUIDE 37 Get listed! BOTTLE MAKING 26 Ligth weighting hinges on active technology CAPPING / CLOSURES 28 Short, light and eco-friendly BEVERAGE PREPARATION 30 The good taste guide REGIONAL MARKET REPORT 10 Vietnam Part 2 PREFORM PRODUCTION 16 Getting to the point 18 The rapid guide to erfect preforms - Part 13 MARKET SURVEY 21 Manufacturers of stretch blow moulding machinery BOTTLING /FILLING 25 Redesigned SBM/filler monoblock Page 10 Page 26 Page 16","@ID":6}

"CAPPING / CLOSURES 28 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net Short, light and eco-friendly Light weighting in PET bottles is a very strong trend. The strongest emphasis may be on lower costs through reduced use of raw materials but the same objectives help environmental priorities as well. Reduced weight, maintained performance Corvaglia, which is based in Eschlikon, Switzerland, started to look for cost control through material reduction by researching and developing short necks in 2003. It developed the ‘PCO Corvaglia’ standard, also know as CSN-28, which achieved the objectives of using less material for the cap and bottle neck, without compromising performance, whether in still or CSD beverage packages. The design was refined in a joint development programme, undertaken with Nestle Waters Italy. Corvaglia’s PCO neck design is unusual, because it does not alter the distance between the neck ring and the tamper band. This has an advantage, to bottling companies in particular, because existing grippers can be used, without amendment, on many filling lines. A second attraction has been that the PCO Corvaglia corresponds to the widely-used 26.8mm Alaska design which enables PCO Corvaglia and Alaska specifications to be processed on the same filling lines, without adjustment or time-consuming changeovers. (Fig.2) While the amount of material that can be saved per individual cap looks small, at just fractions of a gram, the gains on neck design also contribute to overall savings. Corvaglia worked with a vertically-integrated North American mineral water company that produces around seven million bottles a day to develop a customised closure system for its 500ml bottle. The cap weight was cut by less than two-thirds of a gram; the neck weight reduced by a little under half, from 3.15 to 1.75g. (Fig.3) All these small gains add up to something very much more significant. Millions of bottles a day represent significant savings in PET and PE material. Each tonne of PET The drive for reduced material consumption also applies to closure systems, an area in which Swiss company Corvaglia has developed a number of solutions. The immediately obvious way in which PET closure system manufacturers have driven to reduce consumption of the thermoplastic melts used in caps is to cut their size. While a series of ‘shortneck’ designs have appeared over the past years, in the second part of the decade, the International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT), which included beverage companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, developed the PCO 1881 standard. The use of the word ‘standard’ may be a bit of a misnomer, as approaching 20 different PCO 1881 specifications have been released since then. While PCO 1881 seems likely to become the globallyadopted standard, progress seems to be taking longer than originally anticipated.(Fig.1) Fig. 1: PCO 1881, 3.75g left PCO 1810 5.20g right Fig. 2 CSN-28 left compared to Alaska 26.8 right Fig. 3 Customised Neck 1.75g left and 3.15g standard neck right Fig. 5 Special closure design for Y-Water","@ID":30}

"imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Landhausstr. 4 69115 Heidelberg, Germany phone:  +49(0)6221-65108-0 fax:  +49(0)6221-65108-28 [email protected] EDITORIAL Doris Fischer [email protected] Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Tony O´Neill Ilona Trotter Wolfgang von Schroeter Anthony Withers MEDIA CONSULTANTS Ute Andrä [email protected] Miriam Kiesler [email protected] phone:  +49(0)6221-65108-0 fax:  +49(0)6221-65108-28 France, Italy, Spain, UK Elisabeth Maria Köpke phone: +49(0)6201-878925 fax: +49(0)6201-878926 [email protected] LAYOUT AND PREPRESS EXPRIM Kommunikationsdesign www.exprim.de READER SERVICES Kay Krüger [email protected] PRINT WDW Druck GmbH Gustav-Throm-Straße 1 69181 Leimen-St.Ilgen Germany WWW www.petpla.net | india.petpla.net PETplanet insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trade marks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net EDITORIAL dear readers, India India appears to be practically unaffected by the economic crisis. Fuelled by a high level of demand, the Indians have been the architects of their own growth. Here at PETPlanet, we too will be focusing on India this year. We will have our own stand at the 4th PET + Drink Tech Asia 2010 in Chennai from 27th to 29th August. This is the meeting point for the whole of the beverages and PET community in India. In November the “Drink Technology India 2010” (dti) exhibition comes to town in Mumbai. This is traditionally where the international engineering companies exhibit their latest developments. Many of them will be coming from the brewing technology sector. PETPlanet, as partners of the exhibition organisers, will be represented here also with our own stand. Our special supplement on PETPlanet India is enclosed inside this issue.  With detailed on-site reports we have tried to capture the atmosphere and excitement among the regional manufacturers and bottlers. Pepsi, Jaipura, Bisleri and AMD are just some of the delights to look forward to. If you did not find the special supplement in your envelope you can still browse through the issue on-line at  www.india. petpla.net Yours Alexander Büchler","@ID":5}

"PREFORM PRODUCTION 16 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net Getting to the Point Chinese company GDXL has recently patented a conicalbase preform that saves weight and material. It has already been adopted for series production by a major beverage company. Preform production companies are constantly striving to reduce the weight of their products and cut the use of materials. However, the drive for light weighting has to be reconciled with the need to retain product strength. Guang Dong Xing Lian Precise Machinery Co., Ltd. (GDXL) is headquartered in Fo Shan City in Guang Dong Province, which borders both Hong Kong and Macau and has the largest GDP of any province in the People’s Republic of China. GDXL’s design for a preform with a conical base was awarded patent certificate no. ZL2009 3 0073607 2 from the China State Intellectual Property Office on March 10, 2010. “GDXL has had a conical base design on the market since 2006. This design is now being used by CocaCola Corporation in its operations in China,” said Simon Wu, sales delegate for GDXL. “The primary driver for the new design is material saving – that is its strongest advantage.” Material reduction Dimensions of the neck, both in height and diameter, remain exactly the same for both a traditional round base and GDXL’s conical base; both are exactly the same length, also. Further down the preform, the walls are slightly thicker on the conical design than in the round base. The company says that the bottom property of PET bottles made to its design will be improved, through taking advantage of bottom stretching but weight savings through the use of less material are in the region of 2 to 3% per bottle. A 500ml CSD preform weighing 22.2g with a round base, for example, will see weight reduction of 0.5g; a 2.0ltr CSD conical preform will weigh 1.67g less than the 45.03g typical of a round base. “The conical base design can reduce the amount of redundant material in round base design but,at the same time, it can improve the PET bottle’s stress cracking in the bottom, due to better stretching,” said Wu. Coca-Cola in China has been using GDXL’s conical base for a number of its products, including its 480ml aseptic fill Yuanye tea series. “The weight of that PET bottle is lowered from 17.2g to 16.6g, using the conical base design. Its 2l Cola/Sprite bottle has seen, its weight reduced from 46.7g to 45.63g.” Despite using less material, the company says that the finished bottle has no need for additional support. However, during the design phase, manufacturers should ensure that the curve is smooth, in order that injection resistance is minimised. GDXL has designed its conical base preform to run on existing equipment, although modifications are required to the core themselves, the cooling tube, gate insert and cooling insert of the takeoff tube. “As the shape of the preform bottom is changed, these components should be reformed to fit the conical base design,” Wu explained. “We estimate that the cost of modification is around RMB4000 per cavity.” The cost Comparison of round and conical preform: Both are exactly the same length","@ID":18}

"REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 12 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net company has long-term contracts to produce milk, teas and juices on their aseptic lines exclusively for its best customer Uni-President. The in-house converter In Vietnam the company started only two years ago, and, following the general converter trend, Hon Chuan supplies in-house production of bottles to one of its best customers in Vietnam: Tribeco (now also partly owned by Uni-President). The 500ml bottles are blown on a Sidel SBO 16 with a capacity of 19,200bph, which is located at Tribeco’s facility. The bottles, that can withstand temperatures of up to 92ºC, are then directly conveyed to the filling station (maximum capacity: of 24,000bph). The 500ml bottles have a current weight of 28.5g, but a lightweight design of 26g will be introduced shortly. The preforms and closures are imported from Hon Chuan’s factories in Thailand and Taiwan. Focus on hot-fill applications According to Chen, most companies in Vietnam blow their own bottles, especially when it comes to CSD and cold-fill applications (exceptions are Coke and Pepsi). There are several companies in Vietnam making bottles for hot-fill, but by his own account Hon Chuan is one of two companies in Vietnam who can provide bottles of high quality for this application. If volumes goes up the company intends to further invest in hot-fill, including injection moulding and closure production. There are also plans to start injection moulding of preforms and stretch blow moulding in northern Vietnam. www.honchuan.com.tw Making an even bigger splash in 2010 17 exciting categories Now open for entries FoodBevcom A world of food and drink For more information on sponsorship and entry, visit www.waterinnovationawards.com Ÿ Fb\\X s ;i\\Xdjk`d\\%Zfd Sponsors announced so far: Friendly old vendor in his push-cart offering soft drinks","@ID":14}

"PRODUCTS 33 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net zoom zoom fax: +49-6221-65108-28 [email protected] www.petpla.net ANA LY S I S OF A L L E S S ENT I A L P E T BOT T L E COMPONENT S WOR L DWI D E PETpla.net Zoom sheds light on the mysteries surrounding the manufacturing processes of leading PET bottle manufacturers and provides a comprehensive analysis of the PET bottles of this world. Get the results online. Professional. Precise. Up-to-date. Global. Join the inner circle and become a real insider! Why not give it a try, and download some sample data? Go to zoom.petpla.net ! It’s sure to impress! PETpla.net Zoom Analysis of all essential PET bottle components worldwide Photo: ©suzannmeer - Fotolia.com","@ID":35}

"REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 14 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net According to the company, there is basically no difference in consumer behaviour and consumption of fish and soy sauce between the cities and rural areas, i.e. the same sizes of bottles are supplied (which is often not the case for beverages and edible oil). This is simply due to the fact that the price level of the soy and fish sauce is affordable - and loved by the Vietnamese consumers. www.masanfood.com URC Vietnam: “C2 - Cool & Clean” is the formula Gianfranfo Perrici of Sipa (see picture) opened the doors to URC Vietnam where M. Maruschke met Mr. Vikas J. Rai , Manufacturing Director.( Inside the company, we were not allowed to take pictures). URC Vietnam Co., Ltd started in Vietnam with the manufacturing of candies and snacks in the year 2005. One year later the company ventured into beverages initially with RTD traditional Vietnamese teas such as green, lotus and jasmine teas. Soon teas with additional flavours, such as lemon, apple, forest fruits and peach were added. Today the company employs 400 people. The focus is on health drinks with no preservatives. High efficiency and low reject rate URC produces 360 ml bottles on single-stage machines and are then hot-filled with a range of teas. The closures are imported from the parent company in the Philippines. Today the company employs five high-capacity single-stage machines from Sipa, with the latest being rated at 24,000bph. The factory is running at full capacity 24/7, and yet, in order to meet demand, teas still have to be imported from the sister company in Indonesia. During our visit the control panel of the Sipa machine showed that the machines had been running at 95% efficiency and with less than a 1% rejection rate over the last few days and weeks, which was also confirmed by the Manufacturing Director, Mr. Vikas J. Rai One of the lines with similar capacity is now being installed in Thach That near Hanoi in order to supply the Northern part of Vietnam. According to Mr. Vikas J. Rai, there are several reasons to choose single-stage machines: no thermal crystallization of the neck is necessary  energy savings  higher level of hygiene  possibility of getting better efficiency in bottle weight  (for hot-fill applications) The point about hygiene is particularly easy to comprehend: the URC facility is one of the cleanest and bestorganised operations that we visited during our Vietnam trip. High share in the tea market According to the company, URC has a market share of 35% in the field of tea in Vietnam, and an even slightly higher share of 40% in HCMC (Ho Chi Minh City) itself. In HCMC the company, with its popular “C2 - Cool & Clean” drink, has even a higher market share in tea than the local beverage giant, the THP Group. Their most popular drink is the “C2 - Cool & Clean” lemon tea. There are basically no real high and low seasons for the company. They run at full capacity almost the whole year, with only a slight dip in July/August due to school holidays. Obviously the high market share is supported by a young group of consumers in line with the young image of the company and its products. Pushcart loaded with lightweight PET bottles Regional market report France ISSUE 9/2010","@ID":16}

"MARKET SURVEY 20 Company name MAG-Plastic Machinery SA Nissei ASB Machine Co., Ltd. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Rue Alfred-Pot 1 CH-1896 Vouvry, Switzerland +41 24 482 0820 www.magplastic.com +41 24 482 0819 [email protected] 4586-3 Koo, Komoro-shi, Nagano-ken 384-8585, Japan +81(267)23-1565 www.nisseiasb.co.jp/en/ Katsuo Ishiguro Sales Coordination +81(267)23-1565 +81(267)23-1564 [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number - SSB ( Synchronised Stretch Blow ) serie  : 5 - LBM  ( Linear blow moulder ) serie : 2 - SLC  (Super Large Container) serie : 2 NB Series HSB Series 2. Bottle volume (from/to in litres) 40ml – 2.25l a) Standard machines - SSB 02 from 40ml to 5l, SSB 02 Wide Mouth & SSB 02 Hot fill from 0.25 to 1.5L - SSB 03 from 40ml to 5l - SSB04 from 0.2L to 2.5l - LBM 05 & LBM 10 from 0.25l to 2l b) Machines for large containers - SLC-01/25 : 11.5l to 26.5l ( 3 - 7 Gallons ) - SLC-02/25 : 11.5l to 26.5l ( 3 - 7 Gallons ) ~1.5, ~8 ~0.6, ~2 3. Maximum number of stretch-blow moulds (units) a) Standard machines 10 b) Machines for large containers 2 4; 2 6; 4 4. Output per stretch-blow mould for: 0.5 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 1,200 – 1,400 bph depending on machine model 1 litre CSD bottle (units per hour) 1,200 – 1,400 bph depending on machine model 900 1,000 1.5 litre still mineral water bottle (units per hour) 1,200 – 1,400 bph depending on machine model 850Large capacity container 400 subject to bottle design & preform weight 900Other 650 600 5. Footprint / space requirement (L x W x H in metres) a) Smallest machine incl. elevator : 6.35 x 3.0 x 3.9  Largest machine incl. elevator : 11.7 x 4.2 x 2.6 largest 5.2x2.3x2.1 6.7x2.0x3.2 6. Special features (short description/keywords) a) Special preform loading device :to handle difficult preform e.g. preform  with minimum neck ring, preform with body wider than the neck enabling the blowing of elegant bottles down to 40ml b) Preferential heating: c) Neck orientation technology, able to handle with all kinds of preforms available on the markets unlike. d) Wide mouth option for production of containers with neck ring diameter up to 88 mm e) Heat set - Hot fill Entry level fully automatic machines. Heat-set moulding, double blow, up to 95°C fill temp. for hot fill bottles. Can also be used for regular blowing at higher outputs","@ID":26}

"PETbottles 34 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net New energy drink from Thai Beverage The new product called Power Plus will compete with other energy drinks already famous in Asia and around the world, such as RedBull, M-Max by Osotspa and Gatorade. Its producer, Thai Beverage Plc, has already made major investments to promote the product on the market and is certain to make Power Plus the number two selling sports drink in SEA by 2012. The 325ml hot fill bottle was designed in cooperation with Sipa’s Hanghzhou, China (Sipa Machinery Hangzhou) branch. Sipa manufactured the test mould and blowing moulds for the SFL linear blowmoulders installed at a Thai converter, a partner of Thai Bev that manufactures the containers. www.sipa.com Vitaperle in a clear bottle Under the brand name “Vitaperle” the Austrian private mineral spring Gruber of Brixlegg is selling 1.5l of fruit-flavoured soft drinks in variously shaped PET bottles. The “no label” look labels help the packs to stand out at the point of sale. Screw caps, which are coloured to correspond to the fruit flavour in the bottle, have a tear-off tamper band and nicely finish off the packs. Tinto Verano in PET Tinto de Verano is a red wine and lemonade mix being marketed by the Spanish beverage producer Sandevid in a slim PET bottle. The 0.5l packs have a relatively large wrap-around foil label and a printed, colour-coordinated screw cap with tear-off tamper evidence. www.sandevid.com O 2 with a rotating cap Bionic Vertriebs GmbH, a company based in Linz, Austria, are offering their O 2 soft drinks in a 0.5l PET bottle with an innovative twist-lever cap. The locking lever is very simple to twist though 90° to the “open”, or drinking, position and back again to reseal the bottle. The way that the cap works is clearly explained on the wrap-around foil label. If the whole cap is unscrewed the drink can be poured out of the wide neck opening. A clear snap-on cover protects the actuating lever during transport and distribution. www.o2alive.com New sizes for Tri Top “Tri Top“, the branded soft drink concentrate by Drink Star of Rosenheim, germany, are sold in a new 600ml PET bottle from the middle of 2010. In the lower part of the slim, easy-togrip bottles there are cleanly legible, embossed brand logos, whilst around the neck area an adhesive foil label carries the required product and commercial data. The bottle is sealed underneath the screw cap (which also acts as a dispensing measure) by a aluminium composition foil. “Rotbäckchen” in a PET bottle The company Hans Rabenhorst of Unkel am Rhein, Germany,  is selling 330 ml packs of organic spritzer with mixed fruit extracts in a handy PET bottle. The bottle is decorated with a wrap-around paper label and has clear brand embossing around the neck area. A colour-coordinated screw cap with tear-off tamper band nicely finishes off this beverage pack. Rotbäckchen is a long-established traditional brand in Germany and means “rosy cheeks”. www.rotbaeckchen.de","@ID":36}

"NEWS 8 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net Obituary Hermann Kronseder Dr.-Ing. E. h. Hermann Kronseder died in his home near Regensburg on 9 July 2010 at the age of 85. The founder of Krones AG and the father of Volker Kronseder, the company’s current CEO and chairman, continued to visit the group’s headquarters in Neutraubling well into his retirement. Hermann Kronseder came from a family of craftsmen in the Upper Palatinate. Having served an apprenticeship at the Messerschmitt company in Regensburg, he qualified as a master machinist in the late 1940s and, subsequently, as a master electrician. He established his own company in Neutraubling in 1951. During the 1970s it began producing bottle fillers and pioneered the concept of monoblocs comprising of filler, closer and labeller machines. Krones has been listed on the stock exchange since  1984. Hermann Kronseder became chairman of the supervisory board in 1996, before stepping down for health reasons in 1997. He has 630 patents registered in his own name and the company he founded continues the tradition of innovation and technological leadership. Among the many accolades and awards he received during his life, the ones he most treasured were the Federal Order of Merit 1st Class and the Diesel Medal in Gold from the German Institute of Inventions. Today, the Krones Group employs more than 10,000 people across the world and has a turnover in excess of €2 billion. The majority of the company’s issued stock continues to be owned by the Kronseder family. dti becomes tradefair drink technology India (dti), which takes place  November 18 -2 0, 2010 in the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai, is being held for the first time as a trade fair with accompanying forum for exhibitors´ presentations. Around 80 exhibitors from approximately 12 countries will be presenting beverage and liquid-food technology here, primarily for the Indian market. Following 2007 and 2008, when drink technology India (dti) was held as a congress with accompanying exhibition, the event is now being restructured as a trade fair. According to Messe München, the number of exhibitors has virtually doubled, dti has attracted a new partner: International PackTech India, organised by the Düsseldorf trade-fair company represented by their subsidiary Messe Düsseldorf India Pvt. Ltd. In November 2010 drink technology India and International PackTech India will be held together at the same time at the same venue. In conjunction, these two fairs will form an extensive, single business platform for customers from the packaging and the beverage and liquid-food industries. For further information on International PackTech India go to www.packtech-india.com As well as the presentations at the stands themselves, the exhibitors will also be showcasing their solutions and innovations in the Exhibitors’ Forum. The lectures there are divided into several theme blocks: Brewing and beverage technology; Beverage packaging in PET; Caps and closures for beverages; Water treatment; Technology in dairy processing; and Hotfill technology. For further details and information on the lecturers, refer to the dti website: www.drinktechnologyindia.com. Here, too, the listings are continuously being updated and extended. VLB of Berlin, a research and teaching institution in the brewing sector, is organising a three-day seminar at dti on fundamental and highly topical themes in brewing and beverage technology. The seminar entitled ‘Production of Beer and Beverages – Technology – Filling – Quality’ is addressed at managers and employees on the production side in breweries and beverages manufacturers. www.drinktec.com/en/Home/drinkTechnologyIndia","@ID":10}

"BOTTLES 35 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net PETbottles Personal Care Lavender bath in PET The German company Herbacin cosmetic GmbH of Wutha-Farnroda markets 1000ml packs of Wellness shower gel with lavender in a round PET bottle. According to the manufacturer lavender is restorative and good for the body, mind and spirit. A high quality printed label, coloured to match the product, informs the consumer and also gives the pack a high class appearance. A colour-coordinated screw cap completes the elegant presentation. www.herbacin.com Axe in PET Unilever is selling  Axe shower gel in the typical handy container shape, but now in a clear 350 ml PET bottle. This highlights the colour of the product variants (lemon, orange) more strongly. The pack is produced by Alpla of Hard in Austria. www.unilever.com Personal care range In Poland the cosmetics company Avon is selling a full range of “Senses” personal care products in clear PET bottles. The shower gel and liquid soap are decorated with high quality self-adhesive labels and are particularly eyecatching at the point ofsale. The packaging is produced by the Austrian company Alpla of Hard . www.avon.com Droplet-shaped for the shower The Colgate-Palmolive conglomerate has launched a new 250ml PET bottle in Italy for shower gel. The clear bottle is shaped like a droplet and the “no label” look label on the front of the bottle is integrated into the shape of the pack. A hinged cap for one-handed opening and closing also blends with the shape of the bottle and rounds off a nice-looking pack. The cap and bottle are supplied by Alpla of Hard in Austria. www.colgate.de International PackTech India 2010 www.packtech-india.com 18–20 November 2010 Bombay Exhibition Centre Mumbai/India 6th International Exhibition and Conference for the Packaging- and Processing Industry Messe Düsseldorf GmbH P.O. Box 101006 40001 Düsseldorf Germany Phone +49/211/4560-7739/-7741 Fax +49/211/4560-7740 [email protected] [email protected] www.messe-duesseldorf.de International trade fair for beverage and liquid food technology 18–20 November 2010 Bombay Exhibiton Centre, Mumbai/India Supported by Sponsors and Conference Organisers www.drinktechnology-india.com Powered by Partner: Supported by: Contact: MMI India Pvt. Ltd. • Lalani Aura, 5th Floor, 34th Road, Khar (W), Mumbai – 400 052, India Phone (+91 22) 26 48-71 17 • Fax (+91 22) 26 48-71 14 • [email protected]","@ID":37}

"CAPPING / CLOSURES 29 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net saved cuts CO 2 emissions by 3.01t; the same amount of PE saves 1.69 tonnes of CO2 (source: Fraunhofer / Interseroh). That North American company has reduced its CO 2 emissions by around 36.6t daily (or 13,357 t/a), simply by reducing the amount of raw materials it uses. That is the equivalent of a medium-sized family automobile driving 33.6 million kilometres (that is 3333 times around the globe) to generate this annual amount of CO 2 . Balancing weight, performance and security One of the biggest challenges for closure systems manufacturers has been achieving a balance between reduced weight and maintenance of expected performance. Building on the experience of its North American partnership, Corvaglia has developed a BTL (break then leak) design that, it says, delivers retail shelf-standard sealing performance with additional security. The system is designed so that the tamper band breaks before leakage can occur, which is an additional comfort for both retailers and consumers. The Corvaglia’s CSN-26 BTL still water short-neck’ closure system was first launched by Ice River Springs Water Co. Inc. in Canada and followed by their US production, in early 2009. Attracted by this solution this trend was followed by Silver Springs Bottled Water Company in Florida US. (Fig. 4) In addressing ecological aspects, Corvaglia’s developments are always one-piece cap solutions which are moulded with a single raw material, in one production step. This reduces costs for the bottling company as well, because standard two-piece caps are produced in four production steps: impact extrusion, cutting and folding of the tamper evident band and insertion of the liner. By contrast, the one-piece cap reduces energy consumption and cuts cycle time. Efficiency and market appeal The company’s ‘still water shortneck’ closure system is now being introduced at other customers around the world. But design is not just about efficiency, it is about product differentiation as well. Packaging is about presentation but it is about convenience and functionality in the hands of the consumer, also. The plastic closure of a beverage package is more than just a seal – it is an important part of the brand concept. An attractive package can have a significant impact on the decision to buy. The closure therefore plays a major part in positioning a product in the marketplace. Corvaglia’s special closure design for the Y-Water kids‘ drink, for example, provides a new product with a unique selling proposition. The neck and cap are based on the PCO Corvaglia closure thread design. The use of a top cap achieves a well-proportioned continuation of the bottle contour. The Vöslauer cap also helps with market positioning. The differnt look is meant to attract the attention of the consumer. As a convenience benefit Its shape makes it easy to open,  (Fig. 6 and 7). The design has now been copied in other parts of the world. The company does not simply produce standard closure system designs. The system created for the North American mineral water company described above was a bespoke solution, for that customer’s specific needs. It has worked with a number of major and growing companies in developing innovations that meet market needs, help to differentiate the product and assist its customers in cutting their costs and environmental footprint. Looking to the future Future developments that may soon impact the market include the introduction of bottles made from PLA (polylactic acid – a maize starchbased plastic); and a PET bottle made from 30% sugar cane and molassessourced monoethylene glycol components. While the biodegradability of some bioplastics is currently not at the top of the agenda, renewability certainly is, because it reduces dependence on oil and cuts the PET industry’s CO 2 emissions. Corvaglia maintains that innovative developments are only made possible through close collaboration with its customers. Short neck threads and advanced cap geometries may offer ecological and financial benefits but the challenges involved with their implementation in high productivity cap production and filling lines – the conversion from two-component cap systems to single-component caps – is ongoing. Fig. 4 Corvaglia Short Neck / CSN-26 Fig. 6 Vöslauer cap Fig. 7 Vöslauer cap and bottle","@ID":31}

"PETpatents www.verpackungspatente.de 36 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net Bottle neck-form European patent granted No. EP 1528000 B1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co. Ltd., Tokyo (JP) Date of application: 11.8.2003 The neck form and thread of a PET bottle are designed in particular to compensate for changing pressures and to resist leakage when hot filling. Variable geometry bottle International patent No. WO 2010 / 018835 A1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co. Ltd., Tokyo (JP) Date of application: 11.8.2009 A plastic bottle with side-walls so designed that, when the pressure in the bottle rises or falls, they “unfold” in an axial direction or draw together, to compensate for changes in the internal and external pressures. Preform with integrated pourer International patent No. WO 2008 / 143853 A1 Applicant: Amcor Ltd., Abbotsford (AU) Date of application: 14.5.2008 The shape and manufacturing process for a container with an integrated pouring spout made from a one-piece preform. The pourer is not retrofitted. Plastic bottle US patent No. US 2008 / 0245761 A1 Applicant: Graham Packaging Comp., York (US) Date of application: 5.4.2007 A plastic bottle for use in hot filling or pasteurisation which, thanks to its design and material combination, is more tightly sealed and less permeable than others in this category and so extends the shelf-life of the contents. Multi-layer bottle International patent No. WO 2010 / 001842 A1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co. Ltd., Tokyo (JP) Date of application: 29.6.2009 The process for manufacture of a bottle with ribs is described. The construction of the multi-layer bottle and the tool required to produce it are also described. Bottle with handle European patent No. EP 2143653 A1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co. Ltd., Tokyo (JP) Date of application: 26.3.2008 The application describes the process for manufacture of a PET bottle with a separately produced handle. In particular the application covers optimisations in the area of leak-proofing, and testing the seal around the handle mounting point.","@ID":38}

"NEWS 7 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11 Strong fresh air for PET-bottle industry Glide intoa new eraof air-cooled, oil-free, and cost-efficient high pressure Time to gain new heights.  The highly energy efficient ZD compressor, with superior screw and booster  technology, offers Class Zeroquality air and is extremely silent with no vibrations. Theair-cooledZD provides you anexceptional reliability, no water consumption, while driving down investment and installation cost. It all adds up to sustainable productivity for today’s challenging low carbon economy. This new ZD is The answer for all your high pressure 40 bar applications. For more information, visit www.atlascopco.com/petcompressors Strong attendance at Chinaplas 2010 Despite the impact of Icelandic volcanic ash on air travel, 14,701 overseas visitors, out of a total of 81,435 trade delegates and representatives, attended Chinaplas 2010, the 24th International Exhibition on Plastics and Rubber Industries. It ran from April 19-22 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, Shanghai, PR China. The 2010 edition attracted 2,144 exhibitors from 32 countries, making it the largest in the event’s history. Exhibits included 1900 machine sets and a wide range of advanced chemicals and raw materials, many of which reflected the exhibition’s theme of ‘Green Plastics: Our Goal, Our Future’. Chinaplas’ visitor profile covered a comprehensive range of plastics and rubber application sectors, including automotive, building and construction, electronic and electrical, IT and telecommunications, packaging, toys, moulds, food packaging, and so on. Chinaplas 2010 also hosted a number of concurrent activities, including the ‘Industrial Forum on Green Plastics and Rubber’. Its six sessions attracted suppliers, professionals and user representatives from around the world, covering applications of green plastics and rubber technology to automotive, building and construction, packaging, and electrical industries. More than 60 technical seminars covered market trends, latest technologies and user expectations. Chinaplas 2011 will be held at China Import & Export Fair Pazhou Complex, Guangzhou, PR China on May 17 - 20, 2011. www.ChinaplasOnline.com Double-digit growth for R&D/Leverage – UK The UK arm of integrated tool supplier and specialist industrial design company R&D/Leverage has reported 17% growth in sales across Europe. The company ascribes its success to fast delivery times, the recent addition of the Genesis Hotrunner System to its range, and the work of its Property Solutions Lab (PSL), which is located at its UK headquarters in Sutton in Ashfield, Notts, England. R&D/Leverage says that PSL is being used to provide valueadded services such as in-house training modules, first-to-market samples and product qualification to its customers. The company has invested in people capable of doing business in non-Englishspeaking countries, including Greece, Portugal, Spain and Poland. Further, it sees PET products growing in popularity and cites the recent commitment of a major UK retailer to switch its smaller wine bottles to PET. www.rdleverage.com","@ID":9}

"REGIONAL MARKET REPORTS 10 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11    No. 07+08/10    www.petpla.net Part 2 Vietnam In our last edition of PETplanet, 06/10, we gave readers a general overview of the Vietnamese PET market and the huge potential for PET containers in the fields of beverages and edible oil. Vietnam is developing fast, with food processing and packaging ranked among the strongest-growing sectors. This second part of our Vietnam report includes further visits to converters and fillers – and to a producer who gives daily spice to the Vietnamese people. by Michael Maruschke Regional market reports Vietnam Part 2","@ID":12}

"NEWS 9 PETplanet insider    Vol. 11 Pelletised redistribution New mid-year plant start-up record in 2010 for Erema Bottle-to-Bottle (BTB) PET recycling systems The recycling of post-consumer PET bottles is growing rapidly in Europe for both ecological and economical reasons and is keeping Austrian company Erema (Engineering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen) Ges.m.b.H. very busy. In the first six months of 2010, the company delivered four large-scale Vacurema Prime recycling systems, which will produce around 50,000t/a of melt-filtered, IVincreased and food-contactapproved pellets in central and south-eastern Europe. Erema says that its patented Vacurema Prime plant technology enables efficient and defined decontamination of PET flakes through an integrated batch process. The latest most recent developments of the machines mean that they are now capable of delivering less than one part per million of defective items. Erema was founded in 1983 and specialises in the development, manufacture and worldwide distribution of plastic recycling systems and technologies for the plastics processing industry. www.erema.at Talking about Polyester in China The 6th China International Recycled Polyester Forum will run from 15-17 Sep 2010. The conference is intended to address issues and dynamics across the whole polyester recycling chain, from bottle and waste collection to flake processing and product trading. Presentations will include market development and process technology and cover the latest current opinions; there will also be the opportunity to exchange ideas about today’s market situation. Specific topics to be covered include low-carbon concepts, such as achieving virgin material quality from low-CO 2 footprint fibres and bottles; challenges to growth, including competition, price pressures arising from shortage of flake supplies, as well as taxes, and energy and labour costs. The conference will consider solutions such as technology, higher valueadded activities, and co-operation between companies, described as ‘development with self-restraint’. The conference will also consider the effect of China’s economic and monetary policies, upward revaluation of the RMB in particular; the development of the whole polyester recycling chain in China and internationally, with examples of inter-company co-operation. Market and technological developments will also be topics for major presentations and discussions. The 6th China International Recycled Polyester Forum is organised by the China Chemical Fibre Association (CCFA); Dr. Thiele Polyester Technology; and PCI PET Packaging, Resin & Recycling Ltd. It takes place at Jinling Jinma Hotel Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 15-17 September 2010. www.ccfei.net or www.ce-pip.com/events.htm","@ID":11}]}}