{"pages":{"page":[{"#text":"MATERIAL / RECYCLING 13 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net Presentations “Managing a Business in today’s VUCA environment (VUCA = Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity)” Paul Hodges, International eChem President, renowned adviser and collaborator of many of the major chemical companies, opened the conference with a stimulating and lively presentation. Quite obviously, VUCA represents a threat to global business. Volatility is rising in the financial markets. “We are going into a recession. Oil prices are up – inevitably. Decision-making is becoming more ambiguous and political. Factors which are common to all economies. How, asks Hodges, can business possibly survive? Is growth possible in a scenario made up of global financial crises and cuts in public expenditure? Hodges basically places the demographic developments at the heart of his deliberations. What Hodges says is: “Demographics drive demand – upwards as well as downwards.” In an ageing Europe with the “New Old 55+ Generation“. The baby boomer generation of 1946-70 saw a major rise in births, creating the largest and wealthiest generation that has ever lived. Since 2001 these baby boomers have been entering the 55+cohort. They spend less and save more and also have the longest life expectancy in history. In the up-and-coming developing countries with their young ”New Poor Generation“, who are embarking on a mission to escape poverty. The emerging economies become essential. They no longer rely on exports to drive growth, but re-focus on domestic consumption. Thus we are moving towards a New Normal with new potentials – with ageing baby boomers to be satisfied and emerging economies focussing on domestic demand. Hodges nevertheless leaves Paul Hodges","@ID":15} "MARKET SURVEY 18 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net Resins Additives 12/2012 MARKETsurvey Company name BASF Color Solutions Germany GmbH ColorMatrix Gabriel-Chemie Gesellschaft m.b.H. Clariant Masterbatches Italy Valspar Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Clevischer Ring 180 51063 Cologne, Germany +49 221 96498-0 www.basf.com/masterbatch Anna Herbst Marketing Manager +49 221 96498-515 +49 221 96498-520 [email protected] Unity Grove, Knowsley Business Park Knowsley, L34 9GT, UK +44 151 6328800 www.colormatrix.com Claudia Finamore EMEAMarketing Manager +44 151 6328800 +44 151 5490994 [email protected] Industriestraße 1, 2352 Gumpoldskirchen, Austria +43 2252 636 30-0 www.gabriel-chemie.com Ing. Manuel Hakel Unit Manager Food & Beverage Packaging +43 2252 636 30-1641 +43 2252 627 25-1641 [email protected] Via Lainate 26, Pogliano Milanese, 20010, Italy www.clariant.com Marco Sinigaglia Head of Technical Assistance +39 02 9918 7614 +39 02 9918 7551 [email protected] 2000 Georgetowne Drive Sewickley, PA 15143, USA +1 800-873-5575 www.valsparpackaging.com Lynn Spataro Market Manager +1 724-940-3141 [email protected] Additives and Colours for PET Liquid colours Yes Yes No Yes Microgranule colours Yes Yes Yes Masterbatch colours Yes Yes Yes UV protection additive (solid) Yes Yes Yes UV protection additive (liquid) Yes Ultimate UV; Lactra No Yes AA reduction (solid) No Yes Yes AA reduction (liquid) No Triple A No Yes Oxygen scavenger (solid) No Amosorb & Amosorb Solo; HyGuard Oxygen Scavenging System Yes Yes valOR Activ and valOR ActivBloc Oxygen scavenger (liquid) No No No Other PET additives in liquid or solid form Yes PET resin enhancement additives (Joule RHB and SmartHeat) Optica PET Resin toners (liquid) Eze (liquid) Yes Yes Slip agents Reheating, matting agents Special effects valOR ActivBloc and valOR Bloc for passive barrier Company name Neo Group Expopet Green Intl Ltd NovaPET, S.A. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Silutes str. 9, Rimkai LT-95346, Dovilai Eldership, Klaipeda District, Lithuania +370 46466710 www.neogroup.eu Gediminas Paulauskas Sales Manager +370 686 73401 +370 46466711 [email protected] 125 Shenley Road, Clarendon House WD6 1AG, London, United Kingdom +44 208 207 7356 www.expopetgreen.com Richard Kennedy Business Manager +44 208 207 7389 +44 207 183 5276 [email protected] P° Independencia, 21, 3°, PC 50001, Zaragoza, Spain +34 976 216129 www.novapet.es Miguel Angel Arto Business Development Director +34 976 216129 +34 901 021138 [email protected] RESINS 1. Brand name of the resins Neopet Expo NovaPET 2. IV range a. of homo-polymers 0.56 - 0.64 0.62 to 0.96 b. of co-polymers 0.76 - 0.84 0.75 - 0.87 0.60 to 1.10 3. Speciality resins CSD Neopet 80, Neopet 82 Expo A8, Expo A8+ Lbs Soft, Cr Water Aqua Neopet 76, Neopet 78 Expo A7, Expo A8 Mw Soft, Cr, Glasstar and X_treme Beer Neopet 80, Neopet 82 Glasstar Wine / Liquors Neopet 80, Neopet 82 Glasstar Personal care /Pharmaceuticals Neopet 80 Glasstar, Sprit H 11, Sprit L01, Kera Slow crystallisation Glasstar, X_treme Hotfill HF Pre-coloured Dairy, Luz Fast reheat Neopet 82 FR, Neopet 84 FR Expo A8FR Lbs Other Ultra Neopet CPET, HT 4. Increased barrier properties Yes (UV for ultraviolet protection) Dairy, Luz (Light barrier), DCU PET concentrates Glasstar (gas barrier) 5. PEN mixes available 2013 6. Recycled blends available On request Yes, under customer requirements 7. Special comments Specialised in light barrier protection for long shelf life milk products (UHT, ESK, milk shakes, yogurt)","@ID":20} "PETcontents 12/12 4 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 24 Products 26 Bottles: Beverages and Liquid Food 27 Bottles: Home and Personal Care 28 Patents MARKET SURVEY 17 Suppliers of resins and additives for PET bottle production BARRIER TECHNOLOGY 22 Spectroscopic plasma monitoring IKV investigates online quality management in plasma processes 22 Shelf life objectives A different look at shelf life 23 PET tames hot sauces Graham Packaging launches 24-ounce PET barrier jar EDITOUR REPORT 8 Russia part 1 Trends in PET, the beer ban controversy, frustrations over recycling MATERIAL / RECYCLING 12 PET in the vineyards Novapet’s “Chips & Grapes Conference” 20 From waste to primary PET M-PET recycling technology in Czechia PREFORM PRODUCTION 16 Weld lines A rapid guide to perfect preforms - Part 35 BUYER’S GUIDE 29 Get listed! Page 22 Page 8 Page 12 BARRIER TECHNOLOGY","@ID":6} "BOTTLES 27 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net PETbottles Home + Personal Care Decalcifier The Swiss retail group Migros is selling, under the name of Potz, a decalcifier in a shiny silvery PET bottle with contents of 500ml. The product is extracted from the easy to handle bottle by means of a transparent spray pump with a colour offset operating device. The lockable spray pump also works when spraying ”above head“. The multiposition, rear label can be folded up to provide more information. www.migros.ch Hygienic cleaner The Frosch brand name from Werner & Merz is continually expanding its product range to encompass cleaning materials based on natural active ingredients. Following in the wake of products that go back to active ingredients from orange, grapefruit or lemon, the latest product to hit the shelves is a hygienic cleaner based on lavender to counter calcium, dirt and soap residue The slightly tinted product is bottled in a PET bottle with green spray pump typical of the brand. More than 65% of the PET in this bottle is made up of recycled PET. www.frosch.de Bottle on the slant Neobio Natural Cosmetics GmbH are marketing under their own name 200ml of a nurturing shampoo for brittle, dry hair in a specially shaped bottle made from PET. The upper front half is slanting and forms an eye-catching PoS display. The demurely printed front label is shaped to match and there is a rear label to convey the retail data. A screw-closure complete with hinged lid and opening for dispensing completes the packaging. www.neobio.de Sagrotan as foam Sagrotan has expanded its product range featuring anti-bacterial effect by a foaming hand wash with micropearls. The foam is generated by means of a dispensing pump that has to be activated twice. The creamy yet solid foam can be applied without dripping and can be easily rinsed off after 30sec of “hand washing“. Subsequently the micropearls ensure a pleasant skin sensation. By way of packaging for the tinted product a waisted, transparent PET bottle with a content of 250ml has been selected. The 2-colour dispenser pump can be locked by turning and there are labels to front and rear to convey the retail data. www.sagrotan.de Dual-phase hair treatment In order to be able to offer a matching product for every type of hair and every hair problem in attractive packaging, the brand name companies are bringing up the rear with a wealth of innovations. Under the brand name of “Dove hair therapy“ Unilever is marketing a 2-phase product that has to be mixed by shaking prior to use. The two phases – milky white and transparent – are intended to make the hair easier to comb and protect it from any loss of colour. The PET bottle containing a volume of 200ml is fitted with a screw-on dispensing pump which is protected from malfunctioning by an opaque, slightly rose-tinted protective cap. Transparent labels made from plastic on bottle and lid convey the retail information. www.dove.com Trendy smoothing spray Smooth hair for four days is what Schwarzkopf promises to those who take advantage of the company’s heat-activated smoothing spray under the brand name ”got2b“. The market, geared to young purchasers is also constantly identifying new highlights in the packaging sector. The new product is bottled into a lilac-tinted, stable PET bottle with a content of 200ml. The spray is dispensed via an orangecoloured, ergonomically shaped dispensing pump that can be locked using a small white rotating disk. The bottle is printed directly on the front and a label to the rear gives further information for the consumer. www.got2be.de","@ID":29} "PETpatents www.verpackungspatente.de 28 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net Integrated pourer Intern. Patent No. WO 2012 / 061174 A2 Applicant: Amcor Ltd., Hawthorn (AU) Date of Application: 26.10.2011 The preform for manufacturing a container from PET is already fitted with the pourer. Childproof closure US Patent No. US 2011 / 00006030 A1 Applicant: Mark Branson, Newburgh (US) Date of Application: 8.7.2009 During transport, screw closures secured by means of a turn and press action can be damaged when stacked one on top of another and thus adversely affected in terms of their safety. Improvements are described to eliminate this problem. Snap lid Intern. Patent No. WO 2012 / 062569 A1 Applicant: Unilever PLC.,London (GB) Date of Application: 25.10.2011 Preform and containers manufactured from PET. The container incorporates an edge over which one cap closure can be placed and then “locks into position” there. Plastic bottle Intern. Patent No. WO 2012 / 061885 A1 Applicant: Southern Star Corp., Sydney (AU) Date of Application: 9.11.2011 Forming, construction and process for the manufacture of a bottle from plastic is the subject of an international application. The container is designed for carbonated products. Plug-in plastic bottle European Patent No. EP 2447176 A1 Applicant: Ahmet Nurdag, Istanbul (TR) Date of Application: 17.10.2011 A plastic bottle is shaped in such a way in the area of the bottom section that the shoulder and the closure of the bottle underneath can be locked into position so as to give a positive fit. Bottle with handle Europ. Patent No. EP 2468649 A1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co. Ltd., Tokio (JP) Date of Application: 25.8.2006 Design and process for the manufacture of a high volume, rectangular plastic bottle. The bottle is fitted with an integrated recess for secure grip and for pouring operations using one hand only.","@ID":30} "PETproducts 24 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net Packing machine KHS says that its newly-optimised Innopack Kisters Basic packaging machine offers greater ease of operation, more flexibility, less energy consumption and lower costs, as well as increased machine availability. Identical servo motors with integrated servo controllers for all function units help to reduce spare part inventory. Individual servo motors are linked through a bus system, which requires cable connections to the switch cabinet. The ‘cubic’ design of the machine frame has created more space within the machine, which helps to make operation easier. Seethrough sliding doors are intended to provide a good view inside the machine even during production. The new film cutting and feed system in the film wrapping station has also been designed for savings in film and can process film down to 25μm thicknesses. The servo-driven film cutter is claimed to provide more precise cutting and less wear. The shrink tunnel area features an optimised heating system and new ventilators, which are claimed together to deliver energy savings of up to 20%. Heating can be by gas or electricity. The company asserts that further savings of 20% can be achieved with an optional energy-saving package that includes a roller-shutter system to prevent loss of thermal energy at the feed-in and discharge openings of the tunnel, as well as a standby function. An optional automatic cleaning system for conveyor chains in the shrink tunnel area is available. The shrink packer can be converted into a tray packer or pad shrink packer and extra modules such as a leaflet inserter or perforation station can be added. KHS says that the Innopack Kisters Basic packaging machines are suitable for the low-capacity range of 30 to 70 cycles/min and can handle containers from 55-110mm diameter and 110-350mm high, with product group formations ranging from lengths between 110 and 270mm and widths from 200 to 540mm. www.khs.com “easy4opening“ The Austrian specialist for sophisticated sleeve and decorating solutions CCL presents its newest product, “easy4opening”, a system consisting of material and application machine. The smooth application of the shrink sleeve solution is handled by Berning Maschinenfabrik GmbH, D-Frankenberg/Eder. “easy4opening” stands for an easy-to-open shrink sleeve which covers the neck / top of bottles and comparable containers for food or cosmetic and hygiene products (e.g. mouthwash) to provide eye-catching space for promotional messages or extra information. A partially shrunk sleeve combined with a solid flag offers additional space for double-sided printing. There are no limits to the design due to the technology of combining offset and rotary print and EB-drying using non-migrating inks. The sleeve material is of a multi-layer shrink film. Depending on product geometry the sleeve is equipped with a horizontal and/or vertical microperforation which enables the consumer to open it comfortably and without tools. The complete surface of the flag features a good grip and the sleeve can be torn open easily with just two fingers. The sleeves are applied by standard machinery. In co-operation with Berning Maschinenfabrik GmbH modern and highly productive machines are used which cater to individual customer requirements. www.ccllabel.at","@ID":26} "BARRIER TECHNOLOGY 23 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net Graham Packaging launches 24-ounce hot-fill PET barrier jar for food PET tames hot sauces Graham Packaging has launched a high clarity, 24-ounce hot-fill PET jar for food applications, such as salsa, red sauces, etc. The 63 mm, round, wide-mouth stock jar also incorporates the company’s new, patent-pending StarFlex base technology and its Monosorb oxygen barrier system. Manufacturing smaller PET containers, which provide adequate barrier properties for food applications, has traditionally been challenging. “Surface to volume” ratios of smaller containers negatively impact shelf life by allowing a larger amount of oxygen to migrate through the sidewall and into the product. Graham, however, has been able to address those performance issues with Monosorb monolayer PET barrier technology. This barrier system, one of several offered by Graham, features a scavenger which absorbs oxygen passing through the side walls, providing longer shelf life for food products. The 24-ounce jar also features Graham’s new generation StarFlex base technology. Improved material distribution in the jar’s standing ring and heel makes it resistant to dents and vacuum creasing. The new design elements, including inverting the fluting in the base, trap less food and improve product evacuation by allowing a spoon to neatly travel around the entire heel. Additionally, a stacking feature allows one container to be stacked on top of another on the retail shelf by locking the cap of the bottom jar into the base of the top jar. The round container shows ribs to resist ovalisation during the cooling period which follows hot-filling (195 - 200°F). “The geometry of the structural elements in the base and the ribs in the sidewall have been specifically designed to facilitate evacuation. A spoon can flow over both with ease minimising the chance of the food product ‘hanging up’ in the jar,” said Arnold. Converting 24-ounce food products from glass to PET also opens up new merchandising for food retailers and usage opportunities for consumers. For example, the shatter-resistant jars can be placed into end-of-aisle barrel displays, which are discouraged with glass. Smaller volume PET containers are also suitable for recreational uses such as outdoor events. www.grahampackaging.com sumer is well understood and controlled. It can accommodate seasonal production and market demands, weather variables, temperature requirements and more. These logistical improvements mean that several of the variables that used to negatively impact beverage shelf life have been eliminated. Another factor is the length of time consumers keep products in their homes. Earlier generations would tend to keep a decent “at home” food reserve in case of emergency. This also extended to certain beverage items. The demands for longer home storage dictated that products deliver a longer shelf life. Since most consumers no longer feel the need to “stockpile” food and beverage items, those shelf life requirements have also been eliminated. The reality is that we are living differently than we were even as recently as ten years ago. As such, many food and beverage products are now consumed faster than before. What used to be a desirable shelf life target of twleve months or more is frequently no longer necessary. It can be revised down to six months, for example, without negatively impacting beverage quality. Having a more realistic approach to actual shelf life will directly influence the level of barrier packaging needed. It also creates an opportunity for carbon footprint reduction by light weighting or by reducing barrier layer or content. However, no discussion on packaging would be complete without including economics. Remember, you have not only expended more money to produce a heavier package, but you will also be spending additional money to ship it. It’s also important to remember that when products have been engineered for a longer shelf life, you are theoretically tying up monetary assets for the same length of time. The shorter the lifecycle; the faster the return. In conclusion, this is a perfect example of how “we’ve always done it this way,” may not be the correct solution for sensitive beverage products. Understand your product lifecycle and your marketing objectives before you overspend on creating a package that delivers more than your beverage needs. www.plastics-technologies.com www.pti-europe.com","@ID":25} "EDITOUR REPORTS 11 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net because such a measure could have fatal consequences for the Russian beer market. At present around half of all Russian beers are bottled in PET bottles. The ban would have a knock-on effect on machine manufacturers, PET processors and breweries. For smaller or independent breweries, the ban could prove fatal. It is also a fact that beer consumption in Russia is rising steadily, and the determining factor for the hard-pressed consumer is price, pure and simple, although that may be less true in the cities.A number of our contacts mentioned that attempting to reduce alcohol consumption by law is illogical and unworkable. Beer has a relatively low alcohol content, they reason, so why not focus on drinks with a high level of alcohol? It was tried in the Soviet era when prohibitions were put on the sale of vodka. These were occasionally relaxed as no alternatives were available. That is not the case today. A further consequence of the proposed ban, brought up in discussions between politicians, lobbyists and consumers, is a decline for the moment in new investments to promote further development of the market. This applies equally to multinational and local beer bottlers. As long as this uncertainty persists, no-one will be willing to take any financial risk. In the view of many of the processors and bottlers we visited, there is unlikely to be any further agreement before the end of the year. Instead, they claim, we will receive from the legislators, only empty promises about the timing of any decision. + + + +Breaking news: Go-ahead for beer in PET+ + + + Shortly before PETplanet went to press, news reached us that the proposed legislation to ban beer in PET bottles has been dropped. This clears the way for the strong development of PET beer markets in Russia. (see editorial, page 3) Preform and closure formats Turning now to preform and closure formats, the most striking feature is the inconsistent usage of both. Here we find mainly monolayer bottles frequently with a PCO 1881 neck finish, and this is especially true as far as well-known multi-national brands such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola are concerned. Most PET bottles, however, are still using the PCO 1810 neck finish and corresponding closures, both PCO 1810 and the BPF format weighing in at just under 1g. Although both Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola have introduced the short neck standard, the other closures and preforms are apparently maintaining their stubborn hold on the market. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, seems to be the verdict of the market, which is happy with the format, just as the consumer is happy with the price. Why change to the PCO 1881? The Russian consumer appears to be much more conservative than consumers elsewhere in Europe, preferring the triedand-tested to anything new. Despite this, change is likely to come, albeit gradually. Many preform manufacturers are still producing PCO 1810 and BPF neck finish. For example, bottlers, following a switch to PCO 1810, are continuing to use their BPF closures. Often processors shy away from the costs that are a necessary part of any switch even if the savings in the long term would almost certainly be considerable. For instance, a willingness to change is frequently preceded by a specific requirement on the part of the customer. The switch is therefore basically already underway – even though in most cases it is all still only on paper. This means that it will probably be another two years at least before there is any large-scale introduction of PCO 1881. In addition, people are unwilling to restrict their routine production process by switching systems and this is especially true of medium sized companies. As a result, any reduction in costs is, as far as many Russian producers are concerned, a matter of saving materials in preform production by adjustments to the wall thickness and light base. PET-Recycling as a model for the future Although these days recycling is well established in many parts of the world and enjoys a high degree of popularity, Russia’s recycling system is still well and truly stuck in the dark ages. Though, in many parts of the country, refuse recycling plants are being planned, for instance in the oblasts of Smolensk, Belgorod or Novosibirsk, there has been no hurry to treat the topic seriously. This is despite the fact that many in Russia appreciate the need for environmental awareness and recycling, but the chances of any large-scale implementation are hampered by the lack of any separate and sensible waste disposal infrastructure. In private households all the different kinds of refuse are currently still unsorted. With a total annual volume of up to 40 million tonnes of waste (approximately 285kg per capita) being stored at landfill sites or incinerated, correspondingly gigantic amounts of valuable raw materials are being literally destroyed. And there are still no clear rules for the sorting of waste. When it comes to the disposal of bottles in the PET sector things are much the same. A bottle return system, as was implemented before in the earlier Soviet Republics for glass bottles, is at present available only to a highly minor extent for glass and not at all for PET bottles. Committed companies who are keen to devise a solution for the future here are rare. One such pioneer company is Plarus in Solnechnogorsk near Moscow, which is constantly urging the government to do more. The PET recycler has, for example, set up sorting baskets for PET bottles and these have since been used by the local population. The collected bottles are then recycled at Plarus into valuable rPET. So far so good, but the impact is minimal. It is a one-off project, and the state does not seem keen to get more involved. So it is not surprising that recycling, consisting purely of returning bottles, has up to now been a loss-making business and this can only change in the long term, and only if there are changes in the recycling market itself. All our correspondents deplored the fact that the government seemingly offers only lukewarm support to recycling initiatives. Consequently, no investments are being made in the installation of such systems either. At least not as yet. It is important to convince the government of the advantages of separating and recycling waste by means of dedicated project work. Evidence shows that Russia, compared with Western Europe, is 10 years behind when it comes to recycling and it is important to make this up in the coming years with backing from the government. Currently there is a belief that the government may approve legislation to promote the recycling infrastructure. It is hoped that a decision on this will be made in the not-too-distant future.","@ID":13} "MARKET SURVEY 19 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net NovaPET, S.A. Repi S.p.A. Holland Colours Europe BV Chroma Corporation P° Independencia, 21, 3°, PC 50001, Zaragoza, Spain +34 976 216129 www.novapet.es Mr Miguel Angel Arto Business Development Director +34 976 216129 +34 901 021138 [email protected] Via B. Franklin 2 - 21050 Lonate Ceppino VA - Italy +39 0331 819511 www.repi.com Maurizio Amicabile Market Development Manager -Packaging +39 0331 819511 +39 0331 819581 [email protected] Halvemaanweg 1 ; 7323 RWApeldoorn; P.O. Boksz 720; 7300 AS Apeldoorn, The Netherlands +31 55 368 0700 www.hollandcolours.com Flórián Balogh Sales Manager Packaging European Divison +36 56 420644 [email protected] 3900 W. Dayton Street McHenry, IL 60050, USA +1 815-385-8100 www.chromacolors.com Stuart D. Swain Director of Sales and Marketing +1 815-759-2110 +1 815-385-1518 [email protected] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - SenzAA No Yes - SenzAA No No Yes No No Yes No DCU & Polygloss (new generation of PET concentrates for light barrier and metal gloss effects) Anti yellow (liquid) Process aid (liquid) IV enhancer (solid) Blowing additive (liquid) Optical brightener (liquid) Colours for barrier solutions (liquid) White for monolayer UHT Milk (liquid) Frosted colours Transparent Glow in the dark Special effect colours Artenius DAK Americas LLC Av. Remolar 2. 08820. El Prat de Llobregat. Barcelona, Spain +34 934017666 www.laseda.es Mercedes Musa Marketing Manager +34-934017666 [email protected] 223 Wilmington West Chester Pike, Suite 210 Chadds Ford, PA 19317, USA +1 610-558-7380 or +1 888-738-2002 www.dakamericas.com George Rollend Senior Technical Manager +1 603-672-6403 +1 866-833-5069 [email protected] Artenius Aqua Artenius Global Artenius Flow Artenius Fastflow+ Artenius Unique Artenius Design and Design+ Artenius Care Laser+ 0.78 ± 0.02 0.82 ± 0.02 0.84 ± 0.02 0.86 ± 0.02 0.78 ± 0.02 up to 0.86 ± 0.02 0.86 ± 0.02 1.15 ± 0.02 Array 1.30 IV Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Laser+ 0.75 - 0.84 IV Yes Yes Yes Yes Laser+ Yes Yes Yes Laser+W Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yes Yes Laser+HS Yes Depends on the reference Laser+, Laser+ W, Laser+ HS Yes Laser+EBM, Laser+C, Array specialty polymer Chemical recycling Family with 12 references. Recycling content: 10, 25 and 50% Refillable bottles up to 5 gallons IBM Refillable bottles up to 5 gallons EBM","@ID":21} "NEWS 7 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net Appe UK scores double top at industry awards Appe, the packaging division of LSB, has been presented with the awards for Best Environmental or Energy Efficiency Programme for its energy reduction plan and environmental strategy, and Best Business Initiative for its new hot-fill pasteurisable PET jar at the Plastics Industry Awards 2012. In the Best Environmental or Energy Efficiency category, Appe was cited for the various measures it is taking to reduce energy consumption and material usage and to implement recycling initiatives, which have so far contributed to a 23% reduction in waste. The company’s wide-mouth ‘glass-look’ PET jar, which can be hot filled to 95°C, took the Business Initiative award as a major technological step forward in PET. The high clarity jar is available in a variety of designs for products such as sauces, tomato based foods, jams, pickles and vegetables. Appe was shortlisted in four categories and was the only company to win more than one award. www.appepackaging.com drinktec India and PackTech India growing up At their second joint event, held in Mumbai, India, November 6-8, 2012, drink technology India and International PackTech India enjoyed growth levels that reflect the dynamic market in the Subcontinent. The number of trade visitors, at 7,500, was up by 25% compared with the last exhibition, in 2010. The show occupied 30% more space than previously; drinktech India was 40% bigger and PackTech grew by 20%. Indian exhibitors alone required 35% more space, in both fairs. More than 220 exhibitors had stands, including 17 German companies in a joint stand. National delegations from Switzerland, Italy and Turkey were present at PackTech and drinktec hosted a joint Indian/Chinese exhibition booth. The Italian representation made up the second-largest foreign contingent. Exhibitors’ focus was strongly on the needs of the Indian market and requisite customised solutions including hygiene and water treatment, along with high levels of efficiency and simple handling. The supporting program featured a trade fair forum, with presentations by exhibiting companies, and a conference on current industry topics. The focus of the International PackTech 2012 Conference was on innovative packaging technologies and solutions, labelling, coding, handling and storage, along with environmental aspects such as waste management and recycling technologies. The program was organised by IPMMI (Institute of Packaging Machinery Manufacturers of India) and IFCA (Indian Flexible Packaging & Folding Carton Manufacturers Association) with support from Messe Düsseldorf and Messe Düsseldorf India Pvt Ltd. The next International PackTech India and drink technology India exhibitions will be in Mumbai, September 25-27, 2014. www.packtech-india.com www.drinktechnology-india.com Krones settles US proceedings Krones Inc., of Franklin, Wisconsin, Krones Group, (USA), and Krones AG, Neutraubling (Germany), have now settled the legal disputes that have been ongoing in the US since October 2008. Only one claim for legal fees remains pending. The proceedings concerned relate to claims for damages asserted by several American financial service providers, a group of hedge funds and a liquidator and, most recently, investigations by the district attorney in Pennsylvania. The proceedings related to the financial scandal involving the bankruptcy of the US company LeNature’s. The settlement agreed with the liquidator is still subject to formal approval by the insolvency court. The company says that, having given consideration to the possible risks from potentially long drawn-out proceedings in the US, Krones decided to conclude the settlements with the major plaintiffs and to reach agreement with the district attorney at the same time. The agreements involve settlement payments amounting to about US$ 110 million to the various plaintiffs, plus a payment by Krones Inc. to the US Treasury amounting to US$ 15 million, relating to a discontinuation of the investigation. The total net impact on Krones’ pretax earnings amounts to approximately US$ 100 million. $47 million of this sum had already been charged against income in the preceding year. results for the 2012 business year have been debited with an already-formed provision amounting to about US$ 53 million. www.krones.com China’s CBB establishes international flavour with drinktec When China Brew and Beverage – CBB – closed its doors on September 22, 2012, it had hosted 51,428 participants from 74 countries and regions over four days to a new exhibition centre near Beijing Airport. Out of a total of around 700 visitors, 269 came from 21 countries outside of China. They also occupied a third more space than at the last CBB in 2010, when 225 international companies took part. It is now China’s largest trade show for the beverage and liquid food industry, in terms of international participation especially. 2012 marked the first year that the drinktec team, together with MMI Shanghai, Messe München´s subsidiary in China, has acted as a co-organiser, with responsibility for the international exhibitors, which included Krones, KHS, Heuft, Kieselmann, GEA, Sidel, Sacmi Pall, Pentair, Sipa and Ziemann / Holvrieka. MMI Shanghai’s visitor survey found that nearly 100% said they would recommend CBB to a colleague and 97% committed to the next edition of the show, scheduled for 2014. Wang Xin General Manager, Beijing Zhongqing Heli Machinery Equipment Co. Ltd, said the success of the show was because of the cooperation between the China National United Equipment Group Corp. and the Beijing Zhongqing Heli International Exhibition Co. Ltd, and Messe München and its subsidiary MMI Shanghai. Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Managing Director of Messe München International, noted CBB 2012 as the start of a long-term strategic cooperation; the contract with its Chinese partners runs until 2024 was signed by Messe München GmbH (MMG), as the organiser of drinktec, and its Chinese subsidiary MMI Shanghai in August 2011. www.chinabrew-beverage.com","@ID":9} "PETbottles 26 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net Beverages & Liquid Food Tamper-evident jars PET Power is adding a new round standard jar to its range, which it has branded Hestia Round 1,100ml. It has an 110SP400 T/E neck finish, which means it can easily be combined with five standard T/E closures from the PET Power range, including smooth or ribbed versions. Both are available with single or double band; the double-band version leaves one ring on the jar after opening. The package is almost as tall as it is wide and PET Power maintains that the round shape gives the jar its own character. The company says that the jar is suitable for all kinds of food products and other articles for which the user requires visible evidence of previous tampering. Special options are available for brand identification. The jar can naturally be produced in any colour and finished with sleeves, screen print or adhesive label. The recessed presentation area can help to reduce damage to labels during transport. www.petpower.eu Italian apricot juice Being marketed under the brand name of SanAttiva is an apricot juice with fruit pulp to be found on retail shelves in Italy. The juice is bottled in a waisted, thinwalled PET bottle containing 1l. The bottle features an embossed undulation in the area of the neck. The bottle is closed by means of a tamper-proof screw closure with a sufficiently large opening diameter. An all-round belly label made from plastic transmits the retail information. www.spumador.com Gatorade The well-known sports drink Gatorade is also available in the USA in a 3-stage variant for before, during and after sports. By way of packaging for the product preform (during sporting activity) a stable, transparent PET bottle with contents of 946ml has been selected. The bottle, with its squat effect, has a tapered shape towards the top and features a significantly indented area that also makes it easier to grasp. The relevant information is communicated by an all-round plastic label and a large diameter opening makes drinking from the bottle easier. www.gatorade.com Sleeve makes the difference On behalf of the German discounter Aldi Süd, the Gropper GmbH & Co. KG dairy produces several different types of tea. The drinks for immediate consumption are filled in a transparent PET bottle with a content of 500 ml. The relevant flavours are decorated with individually designed sleeve labels. The pre-perforated sleeve labels are stretched over the screw closure for security against tampering. This is also fitted with a guarantee strip. www.gropper.de Water with a pear taste 1.5l of natural mineral water with the flavour of pear is being offered to the consumer by the Hassia Mineralquellen GmbH / Co KG through its brand name ‘Elisabethen Quelle’. The preservative-free drink is obtainable in a total of seven different flavours. The drink is bottled into slim, oblong bottles that feature all-round reinforcement grooves on the outside. The bottles are decorated with product-specific foil labels. The blue screw closure is tamper-proof. www.elisabethenquelle.com Woodruff Rewe Markt GmbH is selling 500ml syrup in woodruff flavour in a transparent, shapely bottle made from PET. The tinted product, the colour matching labels and likewise the green screw closure complete with tamper-proof band present a well thought-out packaging solution at the POS. The red and white Rewe logo makes the product instantly recognisable as an own brand. www.rewe.de","@ID":28} "MATERIAL / RECYCLING 15 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net Arto claims that PET in Europe is associated with mature markets, with overcapacity and low demand growth. The pre-recession growth for PET packaging markets is unlikely to return. Thus growth opportunities are generated through new innovative applications. In particular in the area of social (easy to use, smaller pack sizes), environmental (light weighting and recycling) and health (functional and enhanced drinks - vitamins, proteins, minerals) and especially by substitution of alternative materials for packaging – such as carton, metal, cans, glasses and amongst plastics. PET versatility has offered competitive advantages to many niche markets and is now the material of choice. In addition to the markets already supplied, there is progress through enhanced performance PET materials, PET processing equipment, filling equipment, additives and container design. Through permanent product innovation and timely market anticipation PET is without frontiers. Novapet examples for such new applications being: PET bottles for long shelf-life milk Dual oven-able trays for ready meal Unique customised high transparent pieces Big containers for water cooling units, PET bottles with metal cans, coloured transparent brand bottles and flasks, customised packaging for products requiring a hot fill and/ or pasteurisation process. “New solutions of light barrier in concentrates” Fortun Leza, Technical Director of Novapet – continued in the quest for new PET products in his presentation. Fortun Leza PET in long life milk bottles is a good example of PET’s capability to penetrate competitively in packaging sensitive products and replace traditional packaging materials such as cardboard, HDPE, both multilayers. Mono-PET or dairy grade resin is being used with the integration of pigments and active components - right from the polymerisation phase. The characteristics of Novapet LUZ (trade name of the material) are transparency/translucency, specific UV-VIS barrier, coloured solutions (except white) as a result of the specific light barrier. Perfect dispersion and uniformity is achieved and guaranteed – for products with a specific sensitivity, products for extended shelf life and photosensitive products. Leza compared various standard PET products versus Novapet Luz – proving the reduction of light transmission (%) at the respective wavelength (nm). Another new resin being the Novapet DCU for long shelf life, sensitive products – with characteristics for light weighting and total light barrier - applicable to monolayer and multilayer. With these materials Novapet managed to maintain a leadership in PET bottles for long life milk. Summary Novapet undoubtedly succeeded in organising the Chips & Grapes conference for industry professionals and thus delivered to the audience up-dated information, but they also managed to strengthen their own image in the market. New applications – as proposed by Miguel A. Arto – and innovations and new solutions – as presented by Fortun Leza – may indeed be future strategies for European producers in general. – as we view Europe’s anticipated development and future. Novapet has already travelled along this road: approximately 65% of sales and turnover are in specialities such as diversified grades, extra performance, application oriented. Approximately 35% is in so-called commodities. For the professional audience the Chips & Grapes conference was informative and also inspired both creativity and pleasure. CCT Creative Competence Technology GmbH Idsteiner Strasse 74 D-65527 Niedernhausen, Germany [email protected] www.cct-systems.com CCTsystems®-40 Cav. Mold ≥ 160 to Clamping force CCTsystems®-60 Cav. Mold ≥ 240 to Clamping force PET Molds Design and Patents Developments PET Systems All Closure types with CCTsystem®- BPT Best Performance Technology Closure molds Closure Molds Closure Systems","@ID":17} "17 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net Conveyors Bottle-to-bottle recycling plants Caps and closures Preform moulds and SBM moulds Preforms Preform and single stage machinery SBM machinery Compressors Filling equipment Resins and additives Suppliers of resins, colours and functional additives for PET bottle production In this year’s survey of resin suppliers the following companies present their PET range: Artenius, DAK Americas, ExpoPET, Indorama, M&G, Neo Group, Novapet. For colours and functional additives the following suppliers present their product portfolio: BASF, Chroma, Clariant, ColorMatrix, Gabriel chemistry, Holland Colours, Novapet, Repi and Valspar. The companies listed above appear in the tables alphabetically in the order in which their details were received by the editors. Although the publishers have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accuracy. 12/2012 MARKETsurvey Resins Company name M&G Polimeri Italia SpA Indorama Ventures Ltd Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Via Morolense KM 10 03010 Patrica (FR) - Italy +39/0775/84.221 www.gruppomg.com Marilena Grecchi Area Sales Export and Marketing Intelligence support +39 02 82 273 242 +39 02 82 273 314 [email protected] 75/102 Ocean Tower 2, 37th Floor; Soi Sukhumvit 19 (Wattana) Bangkok 10110, Thailand +662 661 6661 www.indoramaventures.com W.G. Hoenderdaal Technical Marketing and Development Manager +316 51809942 [email protected] RESINS 1. Brand name of the resins Cleartuf Europe USA Mexico Asia Ramapet Preformance PET Polyclear Ramapet 2. IV range Polyclear PET a. of homo-polymers 0.58-0.95 0,80 b. of co-polymers 0.76 ÷ 0.95 0.70 - 0.84 0.58 - 0.84; 1.0+ 0.74 - 0.86 0.76-0.86 3. Speciality resins CSD Cleartuf ultra/ultra plus R1/ R1L/ R182/ R180 ES11, 1101 Refresh 1101 S1/S2/R1/N1S Water Cleartuf P76 /P82 N1/ N1(S)/ N2/ N180/ W170 N2R, 3301 Splash 3301 N2/N1/ Beer Poliprotect N1/ N1(S)/ N180 1708CC, 3302 N1 Wine / Liquors Poliprotect N1/ N1(S)/ N180 1708CC, 3302 N1 Personal care /Pharmaceuticals Cleartuf P82 N180/ N1(S) 1708CC, 3302 N1 Slow crystallisation Cleartuf Aqua D P184 Type 94 PET T-94 Hotfill Cleartuf P85 HF R1/ HF 1708HS, 2201 Preserve 2201 H1 Pre-coloured Fast reheat Cleartuf Ultra R1/ R1L/ R182/ R180 ES11, 1101 R1/ES11 Other Barrier resins (i.e. Poliprotect) For different applications (juices, beer, wine, dairy/ milk based products…) R182 PlantPET ES11Eb Semi-dull, Film grade, Superbright, high IV chips (0.95-1.08) 4. Increased barrier properties Yes, with Poliprotect Oxyclear barrier resin 5. PEN mixes available Yes 6. Recycled blends available Polyclear Conserve PET; FuTuRePET 7. Special comments Polyclear EBM PET for extrusion blow moulded containers, Low IV and functionalized PET and copolyester polymers also available","@ID":19} "imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Häusserstr. 36 69115 Heidelberg, Germany phone: +49(0)6221-65108-0 fax: +49(0)6221-65108-28 [email protected] EDITORIAL Doris Fischer: [email protected] Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Ilona Trotter Wolfgang von Schroeter Anthony Withers MEDIA CONSULTANTS Ute Andrä [email protected] Martina Hischmann [email protected] Roland Loch [email protected] phone: +49(0)6221-65108-0 fax: +49(0)6221-65108-28 France, Italy, Spain, UK Elisabeth Maria Köpke phone: +49(0)6201-878925 fax: +49(0)6201-878926 [email protected] LAYOUT AND PREPRESS Exprim Kommunikationsdesign Matthias Gaumann | www.exprim.de READER SERVICES Shiraz El Goudi [email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck & Verlag GmbH Werkstr. 25 67454 Römerberg Germany WWW www.hbmedia.net | www.petpla.net PETplanet insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trade marks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net EDITORIAL dear readers, At the beginning of November, Vadim Zhivulin of the Russian Impact Assessment Ministry issued a statement which caused the Russian PET industry to breathe a vast sigh of relief. He confirmed that the previously announced plan to impose a ban on the use of PET bottles in beer production has been abandoned. “Rosalkogolregulirovaniya“, the Russian Alcohol Regulatory Authority, concluded that, following extensive investigations and a thorough analysis of international research, no harmful substances are emitted by PET. What this means for PET producers and breweries is that, at long last, the No-Beer-in-PET argument has been permanently kicked into the long grass. This encouraging news reached us shortly before we went to press, which means that we were unable to explore the full implications of these new developments in our feature on Russia. At the time of our visits to the Russian breweries the situation was still very much on the table. The law had every prospect of coming into effect. The consequences of this proposed ban have long been evident to the Russian brewing industry as a whole: a complete lack of any investment in PET. Now that the threat has been lifted, it is not difficult to imagine the surge in investment that is likely to follow, galvanising the Russian market and finally rousing it from its torpor of the past few years. Normally a magazine is always too late to include Stop Press items, reporting the news only after the event. On this occasion, we were probably too early, as we were in Russia BEFORE the decision was made on the PET ban (see pp. 10). So, by the next issue of PETplanet Insider, we will have made it our business to talk with some of the breweries and suppliers in Russia, asking them in particular which of their plans will now be activated and which will be history, in the wake of this announcement. Yours Alexander Büchler","@ID":5} "PETnews 6 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net LSB Q3 turnover up to €931 million La Seda de Barcelona (LSB) has reported consolidated revenues of €931 million in the third quarter of 2012. The figure represents a 3.9% increase on the same period in 2011. However, group EBITDA fell from €49.9 to €19.7 million. The company highlighted reduced margin on sales, increased energy costs in nearly all plants and exchange rate trends as the principal reasons for the fall. Operating losses for the period attributable to the parent company came to €70.6 million. Despite the financial difficulties the group has been experiencing, LSB has paid €14 million since the beginning of 2012 under the agreements negotiated as part of the restructuring process completed in 2010. The Packaging Division reported a positive performance, with increased turnover and EBITDA up 5.5%, to €37.4 million. Recycling is reported to have made a significant contribution to this division’s profits. Sustainability policies have generated opportunities for the recycling business, such as the joint venture agreement signed by the French plant in Beaune and CocaCola Enterprises. The Chemical division increased its sales in Q3 2012 to €99.8 million. The PET / recycled PET division increased its gross sales by 5% over the first nine months of 2012 in comparison to the same period in the previous year. However, the business unit recorded a negative EBITDA of €3 million, down from 2011’s €17.3 million, due to a 23% reduction in sales margins and a 22% increase in unit energy costs. LSB says that the search for a strategic partner for the PET business is under way. www.laseda.es A very special brew… Brau Beviale 2012 attracted around 32,810 trade visitors through its doors from November 13-15 at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre. Downturns, credit crunches and Eurozone crises failed to dampen spirits at Brau Beviale 2012, the beverage raw materials, technologies, marketing products and logistics show. Visitor numbers were slightly up, from confirmed 31,693 to 32,810, although there were slightly fewer exhibitors – 1,284 in 2012, against 1,384 in 2011. Slightly more visitors (38% against 36%) were from outside of Germany, with The Netherlands, Switzerland, UK, Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic , France, Russia and Spain all well represented, and exhibitors came from a total of 50 countries.Satisfaction levels were reported to be high, with 97% positive responses to a survey by an independent agency. Around 90% of visitors were reported to be decisionmakers. The show also hosted the first-ever European MicroBrew Symposium, organised by NürnbergMesse and Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei (VLB – Brewery Research and Training Institute). The symposium will take place annually in Nürnberg from now on. The European Beer Star Award involved 100 experts in the consideration of 1,366 beers in 50 categories, from across the world. Judging took place before the exhibition and the 50 Gold Medal winners were sampled by several thousand visitors on the first day of Brau Beviale. The 2012 Consumers’ Favourite Gold Medal winners were Double Jack IPA, brewed by Firestone Walker Brewery Paso Robles (USA), Silver went to Schimpf Hefe Hell (Light Wheat Beer), Kronenbrauerei Alfred Schimpf Neustetten (Germany); and Bronze was won by Weiherer Rauch (Smoked Beer), Brauerei-Gasthof Kundmüller Viereth-Trunstadt (Germany). Brau Beviale will next be held from November 11-13, 2014. www.brau-beviale.de US demand for plastic containers on the rise US demand for plastic containers is forecast to increase 4.9% annually to $32.4 billion in 2016, according to research in a study named Plastic Containers, published by The Freedonia Group, Inc., a Cleveland, Ohio-based industry market research firm. Growing demand will consume 14.2 bn lbs (6,500t) of resin. The study says that growth will be driven by performance advantages over alternative packaging formats as well as recovery in the broader economy. Volume gains will lag value gains as average weight per container unit continues to fall, reflecting preferences for single-serve containers in some food and beverage markets, as well as lightweighting. While plastic containers will face increased competition from pouches and other types of flexible packaging, these will often augment rather than replace rigid containers. PET and HDPE accounted for a combined 86% of demand in 2011. Bottles and jars represented 77% of plastic container materials by weight in 2011; demand for them is expected to grow by 2.8%/a to 165 bn units in 2016 but growth will be constrained by the already-dominant position of plastics in a range of applications, with few remaining opportunities for large-scale conversions. After a period of rapid growth from 2001-6, a substantial deceleration in bottled water growth is expected, based on environmental considerations. The fastest gains are anticipated for pharmaceutical and food applications. www.freedoniagroup.com Petainer announces agency agreement with Eminence Srl Petainer, the manufacturers of PETainer one-way kegs for the beverage industry, has announced that it has secured a strategic alliance with Eminence s.r.l. of Treviso, Italy, for the servicing of the wine and craft brewing sector. Eminence, along with KHS, will conduct the direct sales activities of Petainer as agent representatives. Eminence is well established in the local wine industry and will market the product in Italy through their network of agents. It will also establish a logistics base for Petainer kegs in the north of Italy. Eminence declared that it has strong demand for wines and craft beers in the Petainer keg format, driven both by the export market and by niche domestic sectors. The kegs come in 15, 20 and 30l sizes and are compatible with existing trade dispense equipment. KHS is Petainer’s international cooperation partner and preferred supplier of filling and handling equipment and machine conversion services. www.petainer.com www.eminence.it www.khs.com","@ID":8} "EDITOUR REPORTS 9 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net Distribution of Packaging in Russia 2011: and energy resources. One quarter of the country lies in Europe, the remaining three quarters in Asia. Some 85% of the population live in European Russia, the remainder in Asia. Its capital, Moscow, is home to 11.5 million people, making it the largest city in Europe. There is a surplus of women, accounted for by an average male life expectancy of around 64.5 years, which is largely due to excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. The birth rate, although increasing slightly over the past ten years, is not managing to keep pace with the death rate, resulting in a fall in population numbers. The apparently low population density, at 8.2/km², is skewed by the fact that comparatively few people live in the Asian parts of the country. The recent history of the country is familiar. After the collapse of the former Soviet Union at the end of 1991, democratic reforms were introduced under the then President, Boris Yeltsin, and parts of the Russian economy were privatised. This had unforeseen consequences: the collapse of large sections of industry, inflation, increased poverty, and company bankruptcies. The election of President Putin in 2000 led to a return to economic stability and the way was opened up for new investments. Geographically, the Ural Mountains, which rise to a height of 2,000m, broadly divide the European and the Asian parts of the country. Russia is divided up into 83 “federal subjects”. This includes 21 autonomous republics, 46 regions (“oblasts“), nine regions together with four autonomous districts, one autonomous oblast and two federal cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg. The country has over 150 ethnic groups, speaking more than 100 languages but Russian, spoken by around 80% of the population, is the official language. Individual republics have the right to use their own languages as well as Russian. The climate of the country is principally continental which means heat waves in summer, biting cold (up to minus 50°C) in winter. A challenging climate, therefore, for both men and materials. In mineral and energy resources, Russia is No. 1 for crude oil, with more than 12% of the world’s reserves. In 2011 the country produced 511 million tonnes of crude, second only to Saudi Arabia. Russia has around 50% of the known reserves of coal, although the industry has suffered since the demise of the Soviet Union. Chemicals are an important sector accounting for 6% of the economy and it plays an important role both in the manufacture of plastics and associated technological developments. A number of important machinery and plant manufacturers have established themselves, chiefly in the area between Moscow and the Urals. In 2011 GDP amounted to around US$1884 bn, a threefold increase since 2004. Germany, with plant and machinery, is Russia’s biggest supplier, and Russia returns the compliment by supplying Germany with the bulk of its crude oil requirements. In 2011 the volume of trade between the two countries amounted to €75 bn. (Sources: Wikipedia) Macro-economic data Population: 143,1 million. Population growth: 0.01% p.a. Gross domestic product: US$1884 billion Rate of growth in GDP 2011: +4.3% GDP per capita** 2011: approx. US$13,089 Import/Export in USD**: 2010: approx.US$217.42 billion / approx.US$373.69 billion 2011: no data available National debt 2011: 9.6% of GDP Unemployment 2011: 6.5% Inflation 2011: 8.44% (Sources: World Bank/IMF) **current dollar rate (Source: Canadean) Other 0.4% Board 24% Glass 6.3% Metal 4.6% PET 64.8% Packaging split for soft drinks in 2011 Glass 25% Metal 29% PET 46% Packaging split for beer in 2011","@ID":11} "Vol.6 PETplanet print PREFORM PRODUCTION 16 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net The rapid guide to perfect preforms - part 35 Weld Lines Troubleshooting guides have suffered in the past from being locked away in offices and not being available to the people that actually need them. Considering the high cost of machine and tools high scrap rates can be a costly proposition eating away at already tight margins. PETplanet’s “Rapid Guide to Perfect Preforms” takes a different approach. It has been written for the people on the floor of injection moulding companies to support their daily work in making the best preforms possible. The product of two industry experts, Rick Unterlander and Ottmar Brandau, it gives concrete advice on 35 of the most common problems in preform manufacture, most illustrated by pictures. From high AA levels to wavy bodies processors can find help when they need it. Read now the last chapter of the guide. Symptom Tiny crevices formed on the TSS (top sealing surface) of the preform, usually observed through a 10X loop. Cause Two melt fronts that didn’t form together properly produce a minuscule slit at their intersection point. Typically occurs when the melt is split around an intrusive mould feature (such as a perform thread), then reunited imperfectly. Solutions 1. Check injection time isn’t too high (injection rate too slow) and adjust Table of Contents i........................ About the Authors ii.................................Introduction Chapter 1.............................. AA Level High 2........................ Accordion Preform 3....................... Air hooks / Streaks 4............................... Black Specks 5...................................... Bubbles 6..................................Burn Marks 7...........................Colour Streaking ................................... /Peeling 8..................................Crystallinity 9.................................Drool Marks 10.......................................... Flash 11......................... Gate Depressions 12............................... Gate Peeling 13..................Gate Voids / Pin Holes 14......................... Internal Gate Sink 15................................Internal Sinks if necessary. Injection rate should be about 10 – 12g/sec/cavity. 2. Ensure the mould neck insert and lock ring vents are clean. This will minimize gas entrapment at the TSS. 3. Ensure the TSS surface on the cores and lock rings are clean. This will eliminate any obstructions when the melt is forming. 4. Check to ensure hold (packing) pressure isn’t too low, especially near the beginning of hold time. Adjust higher if necessary to fill out TSS contour. 5. Check all temperature readings and adjust higher if necessary. PET resin should be melted at about 280ºC (536ºF) +/- 10ºC (18ºF). 6. Check to ensure that no moisture exists on the moulding surfaces, either from water leaks or condensation. This may obstruct normal melt flow and cause filling problems. The environmental dewpoint should be below the chilled water temperature to eliminate the risk of condensation. 7. Check hardware for worn, damaged or failed components, specifically the mould neck inserts (collapsed vents), lock ring vents, and lock ring / core parting line. www.petpla.net 16........................................ IV Loss 17............................ Long Gate Nub 18...............................Milky Preform 19............................ Moisture Marks 20................Neck Finish out of Round 21....................... Parting Line Crease 22.................Parting Line Deformation 23......................... Preform Yellowing 24.................................. Short Shots 25.......................................... Sinks 26......................................... Splay 27........................... Stretched Necks 28..................................... Stringing 29......................... Surface Blemishes 30......................... Thread Flow Lines 31........ TSS (Top Sealing Surface) Sink 32.......................................Unmelts 33.................Wall Thickness Variation 34.................................Wavy Body 35.. ..................................Weld Lines","@ID":18} "MATERIAL / RECYCLING 12 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net NovaPET’s “Chips & Grapes - PET in the Vineyards” Conference in Barbastro Aragon/Spain - combined creativity and pleasure - but business under pressure PET in the vineyards by Wolfgang von Schroeter Chips for PET and Grapes for wines: both are basic products to be further processed and developed. Both materials “share the same level of creativity and innovation, contribute to the quality of life and pose challenges for the future” (as the organisers put it). This is the message, this was the idea, when NovaPET invited their guests from the PET industries to participate in the “PET in the Vineyards” Conference”. The conference has a tradition - it is already celebrating its third year. Barbastro, in the north of Aragon between the Ebro River and the Pyrenees, was the ideal location for the conference. From ancient times the town has been known for its excellent wines. Here in the “Somontamo” region - the grapes flourish on the rolling green hills in a moderate climate. And here – in the industrial park – Novapet has found the ideal premises to manufacture PET resin and convert it into preforms. Why this conference? David Gonzalez – MD of Novapet – gave this response : “We invited the major suppliers, customers and the participants you would usually expect to find at such an event. Our intention was to bring together the cultural worlds in the value chain - up-stream and downstream of Novapet. To spend two hours or so together, reflecting on what is happening in the market, discussing matters of interest to us all in the PET community. Increasing our knowledge of each other and talking about our companies benefits us all and we at Novapet are delighted to help facilitate such a fruitful dialogue.” The attendance of almost all the major players in the Iberian PET industry was an additional reassuring indication that such an event fulfilled a pressing need. It also reflected the current economic uncertainty and political unrest which is dominating the market and putting pressure on companies, particularly in Spain and Portugal, both of which have been badly affected by the financial crisis. High unemployment, inflation, rising costs and dramatic salary cuts have added fuel to the fire, reducing the consumption of beverages and putting capital investment on hold. David Gonzalez The conference took account of the unstable situation. The programme was chosen – intelligently and with a high degree of sensitivity – to put the spotlight on the situation the PET market is facing. In their presentations, the speakers took a dispassionate view of the situation, offering no easy solution to the crisis, but simply outlining the facts as they affected their own companies. Wolfgang von Schroeter, PETplanet, (second fr.l.) talking to Jose Luis Quinones, Resilux Spain (right) The total group of “PET in the vineyards” participants","@ID":14} "MATERIAL / RECYCLING 21 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net screws of a German manufacturer. The extruder was combined with a melt pump, a filter system and an underwater pelletizing system. Martin Urban, Head of Application’s Technology at PTP, looks back on the beginnings: “It was during a visit to a trade fair where we got to know the Austrian extruder manufacturer MAS and its extrusion system with conical corotating twin screw extruder. After the start-up phase the process technology had to be improved and we found that there was a lot to optimize. We could not fully use the performance of the parallel twin screw extruder without Mas Project Engineer Gerhard Ossberger and Martin Urban, Technical Manager at PTP-CZ draw a positive conclusion about the one year period of permanent operation. The end product of the innovative PTP recycling process offers the same material properties as the primary material and also has all usual test certificates for use in food packaging. PTP Plastic technologies and Products s.r.o. The company PTP - Plastic Technologies and Products s.r.o. is a start-up company which was established in 2006 and operates in the industrial exploitation of research results achieved by the scientists George Javakhishvili, Levan Dadiani and Viktor Bulgakov in the area of PET recycling technology. The central principle of the process is the addition of a modifying agent on the basis of silicone compounds which acts as adhesive and wetting agent on the short-chain molecules, thereby raising the material properties to or above the level of the starting material without producing decomposition products. Therefore, the recycled material referred to as M-PET has approval for food packaging and can be used alternatively to primary PET in all productions. The special recycling process was registered for patent in 2002. The patent was granted in 2006 and applies in the most important industrial countries. The industrial reference plant was erected in Jίlové near Prague. It is the foundation for the granting of production licences. The headquarters of the PTP group which currently has 80 employees, is located in Amsterdam; a second production location in California/USA is still to go into operation in 2012. Additional branches are located in Austria, United Kingdom and Cyprus. www.ptpgroup.eu compromising on the high material quality. Measurements showed that this was primarily attributable to the relatively high shearing strain on the melt in the comparatively long and fast turning twin screw extruder. To reduce material damage through shear and the associated molecular disintegration, we had to reduce the extruder speed. As a result, the output performance declined from the maximum possible 1,200 to 750kg/h. Only in this way were we able to keep the melt temperature at the extruder constantly below 280°C and at the same time keeping the AA (acetaldehyde) value low.” According to Martin Urban, the PTP has clearly reached industrial scale maturity for the process. Currently between 700 and 1000t/month of M-PET are manufactured in the PTP reference plant. This corresponds to some 60% of the PET recycling volume in the Czech Republic. PTP is currently commissioning two further recycling systems with MAS extruder technology in their new production location in California. Further locations in Europe are planned. “All in all we expect great potential from our chemical modificator technology beyond the recycling application. As tests have shown, we can successfully combine materials which have so far been viewed as incompatible and open up so far unknown potential. The combination of PET and PP for applications in pipeline constructions is a good example here.” www.mas-austria.com The twin screw extruder features a large intake zone which permits the efficient feeding of raw material with low bulk density. Both screws turn in the same direction and provide the best prerequisites for a gentle treatment of the material thanks to the characteristic plastification without high-pressure-peaks. At the heart of the PTP recycling plant technology is a MAS 90 extruder with a discharge performance of up to 1,300kg/h of PET.","@ID":23} "BARRIER TECHNOLOGY 22 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net Shelf life objectives Consumers today tend to be more conscious than ever before about healthy food and beverage choices, with natural, preservative-free products preferred by many. At the same time, consumers are also more aware of the environment and tend to complain when they suspect a product has been overpackaged. So why is it that we are still mandating shelf life requirements of up to 18 months or more for products that are supposed to promote a fresh and healthy lifestyle? Aren’t we being ultra conservative and yet contradictory with our approach to packaging? There was a time in the 1980s when the buzz word was “just in time.” It was a goal many companies were keen to achieve. These days, “just in time” is the basic standard for the way we live our lives. For example, we have apps that can allow us to do, buy, send everything, everywhere immediately. We can look at a beverage label and get immediate details on when, where and how it was made, and more. We can connect to a marketing site via a QR code or snap tag for even more data. There is basically no limitation in the level and quantity of information that can be communicated. In short, we live in a “now” society. Yet the criteria governing packaging remains firmly rooted in the past. We continue to develop long shelf-life packaging even when the consumption cycle for many products is significantly shorter. Distribution logistics have also experienced major improvement in the past 20 years. The chain from field to conIKV investigates process data for online quality management in plasma processes by Dipl.-Ing. Karim Bahroun, IKV Aachen Spectroscopic plasma monitoring Deposition of thin layer barrier coating on plastics for barrier improvement is state of the art today. To support online quality management of plasma processes the Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV) in Industry and the Skilled Crafts at RWTH Aachen University is investigating the use of spectroscopic plasma monitoring. Plasma emissions are strongly associated with process parameters such as pressure, applied power and gas flow. However, looking at complex or rapid processes there is still a lack of viable and reliable industrial quality management systems. In these cases, establishing a temporal link between process variables and plasma properties is a crucial factor in order to obtain quality-related data in real-time. Based on the optical emission spectroscopy (OES) spectroscopic plasma monitoring can survey the plasma process in real-time and thus treatment or coating processes. The advantage of this technique is its ability to monitor different process information, e.g. the condition of the processing chamber, the degree of contamination, the expected layer properties, such as barrier properties, scratch resistance or wettability or the reproducibility of batch processes. With this in mind, a plant control system based on programmable logic controller (PLC) has been developed at IKV. In close collaboration with Plasus Ingenieurbüro, Kissing, Germany, the Plasus Emicon system was integrated into the plant control system via Profibus DP. All available process data can thereby be collected and analysed simultaneously along with the measured plasma emissions, so that preventive action can be taken even in complex and rapid processes. Time and costly sample checks are reduced to a minimum by continuous in-process performance monitoring. Further investigations on process monitoring, for example automatic acquisition of process homogeneity in large area coating processes, are in progress. www.ikv-aachen.de Plasma monitoring in action (photo: IKV) A different look at shelf life When we talk about barrier technology, the subject of shelf life always comes up. Thierry Fabozzi, Managing Director of PTI Europe believes we should take a fresh look at shelf life. BARRIER TECHNOLOGY","@ID":24} "MATERIAL / RECYCLING 20 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net M-PET recycling technology From waste to primary PET The Czech company PTP-Plastic Technologies & Products s.r.o.operates a reference plant for the production of M-PET in Jίlové u Prahy. Large-scale technical maturity was achieved with the extrusion system with conical parallel twin screws as central components developed by the Upper Austrian MAS-Maschinen- und Anlagenbau Schulz GmbH. M-PET process The M-PET process is a patent application from 2002 which describes a recycling process for PET bottles, of which the end product is equivalent to primary PET, even better in some respects but without having to use an SSP (Solid State Polymerization) process. The M-PET produced in this way represents a high quality alternative to the original material. The modification process is based on the research work conducted over 30 years ago by the Georgian chemists George Javakhishvili and Levan Dadiani and their Russian colleague Viktor Bulgakov in the university institutes of the former Soviet Union. Research centred on the interactions between different polymer molecules in contact with polyesters. The focus was placed on polysiloxanes (silicone-oxygen polymers), silazanes (silicone-nitrogen polymers) and silanes (siliconehydrogen polymers). One result of this research work was the discovery that silane compounds, preferably polyhydrosiloxane in combination with a plasticiser such as di-octylphthalate, di-nonylphthalate or di-butylsebacate can enter into compounds with polyester molecules. The combination of the active substances acts as a polymer adhesive. In this way the short-chain molecules, as they arise in decomposition products through all kind of processes, are recombined to or even beyond the starting chain lengths. In addition to chain extensions, the modification agent also promotes the creation of cross-linking which counteracts the characteristic tendency of PET to crystallise. In order to achieve these effects, the addition of only 4 to 5% by weight of the modification agent is sufficient. The recyclate thus manufactured is referred to as M-PET. It differs from the conventionally treated recycled PET primarily in terms of the higher resistance to oxidation and hydrolysis, higher elasticity and tensile strength as well as higher thermal dimensional resistance. The gas permeability which is decisive for use in the production of drinks bottles achieves the level of new PET goods. The production process to modify the starting material is very simple. While originally, i.e. in 2002 at the time of the patent application, the modification agent had to be added to the PET flakes in a reactor mixer and had to be agitated at around 130 °C for between 50 and 100min so as to finely distribute and gel the flakes, the modificator can be added in liquid form or alternatively as granulate directly in the MAS extruder. From laboratory to industrial production During the time between patent application and granting of patent in 2006 (identification number DE 60208241T2 24.08.206) several test certificates and approvals for food packaging relevant to the international application were obtained and a reference plant for industrial production was being set up. The first one is within the responsibility of PTP-Plastic Technologies & Products B.V. in Amsterdam, the headquarterse of the cooperate holding company. Parallel to this, a reference plant was established at the Czech location of Jίlové u Prahy. There, the process technology was transferred from a laboratory scale to industrial volumes and optimszed in several evolutionary stages. Entry to production on an industrial scale was made with plant technology surrounding a 75mm twin screw extruder with co-rotating parallel The Mas extruder has a modular design and is available in six sizes for discharge performances from 200 to 1,800kg/h.","@ID":22} "EDITOURS REPORTS 10 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net PET bottles in the retail trade Water, CSD, juices, beer, other 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 billion units 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 other 50 56 67 94 118 Beer 2,834 2,876 2,797 2,781 2,863 Juices 369 382 504 590 714 Water 3,392 3,138 3,630 3,832 4,023 CSD 3,568 2,992 3,503 3,515 3,636 Other: wine, spirits, hot drinks, concentrates,sports/ energy drinks 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Sports/Energy drinks 24 28 36 59 80 Concentrates 2 2 2 3 3 Hot drinks 5 5 5 5 5 Wine 0 1 1 1 1 Spirits 19 21 23 26 29 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 billion units (Source: Euromonitor International) Trend of general PET use in Russia 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Growth 2011 compared with 2010 Capacities in kt 153 290 290 290 510 +75.9% Real production in kt 159.5 183.5 263 310.2 395.6 +27.5% Export in kt 6.7 14,.2 10.3 8.9 81.0 +813.5% Import data in kt 430.7 362 210.2 272.1 263 -3.3% Consumption in kt 583.5 531.3 462.9 573.4 577.6 +0.7% Import share in consumption 73.8% 68.1% 45.4% 47.4% 45.5% -1.9% Export share in production 4.2% 7.8% 3,.9% 2.9% 20.5% +17.6% (Source: Rosstat/Evaluation: Creon) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Consumption 583 531 462 473 577 Production 160 183 263 310 396 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 PET consumption and PET production in 2011 in kt (Source: Rosstat/Evaluation: Creon) The discussions we had during our travels predominantly centred on three topics which came up again and again with all our contacts that consisted mainly of manufacturers, processors and bottlers. Firstly, the Russian government’s proposal to ban the sale of beer in PET bottles, secondly, the use of older preform and closure formats, and finally the thorny question of the recycling of PET bottles. The ”Beer Ban“ For several years there have been repeated discussions on a general ban on the sale of alcohol in PET bottles. Now Russia’s State Duma is to enshrine this draft proposal in a “Beer Law“ as part of the reforms currently under discussion. The background to the proposal is the standardisation in the Customs Union between Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan the sale of alcohol in PET has already been prohibited for some time. The question being posed is: Why should this ban, which currently applies only to Kazakhstan, be extended to cover the whole country? Surveys have indicated serious differences of opinion regarding the proposed ban. One other factor apart from standardisation is the desire of the legislators to tackle the high levels of alcohol consumption in the country. It is argued that the sale of beer in PET bottles which is available at an attractive price in sizes of 1.5, 2 and more litres, is bound to lead to an increase in alcohol consumption. The traditional glass bottle by contrast, was confined to smaller quantities. The proposed legislation also calls for night-time restrictions on the sale of beer; street kiosks, a very popular feature of Russian life, would also be forbidden to sell alcohol. The first stage in implementing this ban, due to take effect in 2013, was taken back at the end of July 2012, with a total prohibition on beer advertising on radio, television and the internet, which was already tightly regulated. The ban on advertising will also be extended subsequently to include print media beginning in 2013. If passed, the legislation will essentially equate beer with spirits such as vodka and whisky, which are already subject to very strict control. Just to add to the prevailing uncertainty, the tax on beer has roughly doubled over the past three years. For their part, the Russian Brewers‘ Federation is calling for beer to be made an exception within the proposed PET ban,","@ID":12} "EDITOUR REPORTS 8 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net Trends in PET, the beer ban controversy, and frustrations over recycling and formats. The advantages of PET packaging for beer have long been well-known to consumers, particularly the 1.5l and 2l bottles which are highly popular. In contrast to bottles and cans, beer in PET boasts a total market share of just under 50%. Another striking feature of the market is the extensive use of PET for milk and milk products, as even a cursory review of the chilled section of any supermarket will testify. Part of the popularity of PET in this sector is down to the fact that in the past, fresh milk was only available in polyolefin sleeve packaging. Once the PET revolution had taken hold, it was a simple task to persuade consumers that milk in a PET bottle represented a more economic and user-friendly option than the aseptic carton. This led to a steady rise in milk consumption which in turn prompted the dairies to increase their production. What immediately springs to mind when the subject of Russia comes up? The Kremlin, Bolshoi ballet, oligarchs, music, Siberian winters, Red Square, the Cold War, the list is endless. One fact stands out: Russia is a vast country. The largest country on earth, it covers more than one eighth of the globe, extends over 17 million km², shares maritime borders with five seas, spans nine time zones and has some of the world’s largest reserves of mineral Russia During the course of our travels in the world of Russian beverages we enjoyed a multitude of interesting experiences and encounters. We looked in detail at every stage of PET bottle manufacture, up to and including bottling operations, but we also engaged in “open forum” exchanges with some of the leading players in the market. We start with a brief review. In the Soviet era, glass, cans and (a small quantity of) cartons dominated the market. The breakthrough for PET came only at the end of the 1990s. Although less than meteoric, the last few years have nonetheless demonstrated a continuous rise in the use of PET packaging, with clear growth peaks evident at the beginning through to the middle of the last decade. These growth peaks however proved to be a temporary phenomenon, due to changes in consumer behaviour, meaning that growth has levelled off and stabilised at 4-5% /a. Beer and milk represent the most important markets for PET, with contributions from the bottling of CSDs and water. In the beer sector what is instantly remarkable is the great diversity of PET bottles in a very wide range of sizes by Kay Krüger Nuremberg Nizhny Novgorod Kazan Perm Yekaterinburg Chelyabinsk Yaroslavskaya Moscow Ufa Samara Saratov Volgograd Rostov-on-Don Dnipropetrovsk Kiev Warsaw Novgorod Saint Petersburg Gatchina Fryazino Kamenka Lipetsk Zaporishsha Mykolaiv Kharkiv Chernihiv Kalinovka Lübeck","@ID":10} "MATERIAL / RECYCLING 14 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net little room for optimism in his summary: ”The New Normal will be different from the baby boomer-led supercycle: Growth will be lower – debt levels will be lower – regulation will be higher – government will be more involved.” There will be winners and losers and it will be no different for the PET Industries. There will be those companies that react to the New Normality and those who long hopelessly for the return of the old times. But then Hodges comes to what is possibly a conciliatory conclusion, when, good-humouredly, he starts to intone the song popularised by the Beatles when they popped the question in 1967 ie ”Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m sixty-four?” As we well know, they answered that question positively at that time. ”PET Market in Europe. Situation and Perspective 2012 – 2014. Market & Product Developments“ Ricardo Monfil, Novapet’s Commercial Director set out the Spanish/Iberian and then the European facts relative to the above described scenario in his talk on the PET market. Ricardo Monfil The Spanish PET Market, as is well known, is currently finding itself affected by financial and debt crises. The same applies to all southern European countries. Public expenditure is being cut, something which is having disastrous direct effects on the PET value added chain. The prognoses extrapolated as far as the year 2014 in relation to Europe and the fast moving commodities as far as beverages are concerned tell the facts all too clearly: Water and CSD show between 0 and minus 3% growth. For water economic recovery seems to be far away. There exists strong “green pressure”. CSD consumption is strongly effected by seasonal conditions with a preferences for healthier drinks. Alternative PET Products (PET bottles for beer, wine, dairy, functional drinks and also film materials) are not suitable when it comes to balancing out the deficit between water and CSD. Overall, says Monfil, the European PET markets are continuing to edge down - in 2012 up to 2014. In terms of quantities a balance may well be achieved as a result of supplying to Asia/Pacific and the remainder of America. Here in Europe a new challenge is arising in terms of products and applications, new, innovative products for which a demand exists. And, with this in mind, Monfil closes with the words: ”We want to bring a proactive and optimistic perspective, to speak of growth in very specific segments and applications. That will require organisation adapted to be able to anticipate and then serve with the right products.” “Where are we going in the supply chain of Polyester – Key factors, a Macro Perspective.” by Richard Bartlett, BP Aromatics EMEA, Director Commercial - representing the first level in the PET chain, the petrochemical origin. Richard Bartlett Being aware of the importance of crude oil as base material for all PET industries, Bartlett identified the global long-term energy issues. He presented some projections up to 2030 from the BP Statistical Review of World Energy, taking account of the potential evolution of the world economy, policy and technology. He also answered questions on availability of resources in the years to come and the volatility of prices. There is no time to give other than a flavour of Bartlett’s detailed, interesting and challenging remarks, but we give below some of the essential points: World energy demand – up from 12,0bn (billion tons of oil equivalent) in 2010 to 16,6bn in 2030 – 96% of growth from emerging countries. India’s and China’s share of world energy up from 11% in 2010 to 34% in 2030. Globally there will be an increased fuel diversification in 2030: Renewables (including biofuels) 6,3%, Nuclear 6%, Hydroelectric 6,8%, Coal 27,7%, Natural Gas 25,9%, Crude Oil 27,2%, i.e. more than 80% is still derived from fossil fuels. Thanks to high tech technologies being deployed in exploring untapped reserves, energy will be affordable, available and sustainable in future. Continuous research to be done on energy efficiency, on avoiding environmental damage and carbon emission. We may infer from the presentation, that high growth in per capita income on global average need not be constrained by resource availability. There are enough energy resources to fuel continued economic growth and industrialisation, especially in the non-OECD countries. On the issue of price we may note, that oil prices are a driver of inflation and prices certainly need to be paid. (PET industries suffer from high prices of oil). Prices must be able to float freely, and must be allowed to play their role as signals to guide the reallocation of energy flows. Final market prices however are influenced by external, mostly political and fiscal factors according to the BP Director – and on this disquieting note for the conference delegates, he concluded his presentation. “PET without borders. New applications and competitive advantages of PET compared to other materials” Miguel A. Arto, Director of Business Development of Novapet – brought the audience back from a global to a European outlook and from industrial developments to the development of PET and PET related industries. Miguel A. Arto","@ID":16} "PRODUCTS 25 PETplanet insider Vol. 13 No. 12/12 www.petpla.net Material for lightweight hinge closures Borealis launches a new polypropylene (PP) grade BorPure RF490MO, offering packaging converters a saving in cycle time of up to 10% and an energy reduction of up to 5% in the creation of lightweight hinge closures with superior optics. The random copolymer PP is designed for transparent and non-opaque coloured closures. BorPure RF490MO’s offer 20-30% higher stiffness levels and dimensional colour stability achieved with proprietary Borealis Nucleation Technology (BNT), while retaining the impact performance of existing random PP grades. Its high stiffness offers the potential of up to 10% material saving through thinner walls, without loss of overall mechanical properties. Borealis asserts that tests against reference materials show that BorPure RF490MO can be processed at 20% lower barrel temperatures than in standard conditions generating faster crystallisation and reducing cycle time by up to 10%. The reduction in temperature allows converters to use up to 5% less energy. The company’s BNT is further claimed to contribute to high-level transparency, despite low processing temperatures. www.borealisgroup.com www.borouge.com Robot palletiser A PR robot palletizer is the first machine to be launched by Cermex since it acquired Newtec in Spring 2012. It incorporates a number of features aimed at improving safety and productivity, as well as integrating PalDesigner, a configuration and simulation tool for palletising solutions, and a gripping head and safety mechanism fitted with new technology to protect product integrity. The PR is a two-station robot palletising unit, which incorporates a solution for interactive machine operation that detects the position of the operator in relation to the robot and triggers the machine to slow down, then stop. Laser scanners continually analyse the position of the operator in the enclosure and the machine automatically adjusts the robot speed. The door slides alternately and will block only the station where loading is being carried out, leaving clear and direct access to the second station for interventions such as pallet infeed or removal. Three zones within the machine elevate reaction from audio and luminous warning to full, automatic, safety stop. As soon as the zones are vacated the robot resumes normal operation, which the company asserts helps to reduce downtime and maintain product flow. Cermex says that PalDesigner, integrated into the PR machine, the capacity to simulate, test and validate the configuration of a palletising solution and its future developments. Once all validations and checks have been carried out, the data and settings are injected into the machine parameters. The machine also incorporates a highly sensitive gripping head mechanism, which detects abnormal efforts on products or gripping tooling and stops the robot trajectory extremely quickly. As well as the new features and upgrades, the new machine occupies a 10% smaller footprint than its predecessor. www.cermex.fr Biobased adhesive US company DaniMer Scientific, LLC formally announced the commercial release of DaniMer 92721, a new biobased label adhesive, at Nova-Pak 2012 in June this year. The adhesive is designed to counter problems associated with PET container recycling. The company says that it dissolves completely in PET flake caustic wash recycling operations and that it is priced to be competitive with block co-polymers. The rheology of DaniMer 92721 enables the adhesive to operate in existing adhesive systems at temperatures below 325°F (160°C). Results from industry standard protocol testing show the product produces zero contamination in PET recycle streams. DaniMer used bio-succinic acid from Myriant and Dupont Tate & Lyle’s susterra propanediol building blocks in the development of the new adhesive, which has renewable content higher than 50%. www.danimer.com www.myriant.com www.duponttateandlyle.com","@ID":27}