"MATERIAL / RECYCLING 12 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net between the packaging date and its expiration date for consumption is what is known as theshelf-lifeof the milk and is a fundamental characteristic which determines the type of milk and the type of packaging required. Fig. 3 shows the various types of liquid milk according to itsshelf-life, its industrial and packaging treatment, characteristics of the distribution and packaging chain, as well as the possible types of packaging. UHT milk, with longer shelf life (up to 6 months) but which preserves the nutritional and taste content, is the milk showing the strongest growth in recent years. The latest technological advances inaseptic filling together with suitable packaging have made possible this progress which has led to one of the highest growth rates in the food sector. Carton, with market-shares around 75.0% (Source: Zenith International, “Global Aseptic Packaging Report”, UK, 2009), occupies a dominant position, but it has begun to lose market share, with the growing penetration of other types of packaging: PET bottles have generated increasing interest and a growing market share in all the new long life milk packaging projects in many different parts of the world. The Novapet approach to dairy packaging As we have said, the components of milk, in particular some vitamins (B2, B12) and lipids, are especially sensitive to external agents which cause chemical changes, degradation and nutritional loss accompanied by change in taste and aromas (off-flavours). Light has been shown to be the basic external agent in the induction of said changes. PET, presented essentially as a material for transparent containers, was therefore ignored as a viable material for packaging long life milk until very recently. In addition, the level (%) of pigments necessary to produce a suitable light screen in the wall of the bottle to protect the milk was revealed to be a major issue in its dosing and processability in the conventional ISBM (InjectionStretch-Blow-moulding) equipment and the degree of dispersion. This therefore rendered the homogeneity of the barrier along the wall of the container unacceptable. Given these circumstances, it has been principally carton, with 75% market share in the EU and the multi-layer HDPE bottle (with 11%) which have been the dominant types of packaging, particularly for long life milk. Although PET has a share of only 4% (between 1.4-1.6 billion containers in the EU) of which approximately half are for long life milks (ESL and UHT) (see Fig. 4) Novapet claims it to be the type of packaging that shows higher sustained growth rates in recent years and it is present in any new long life milk packaging project. Fig. 4 Milk Packaging in Europe Type % Cartons 75 HDPE 11 PET 4 Glass 6 Others 4 Fig. 4: Source: Novapet Novapet has pioneered the development and delivery of solutions in PET resins and concentrates (first with ‘Dairy’, and is now completing its product portfolio with ‘DCU’ and ‘Luz’ concentrates) for long life milk products. Most of PET bottles for UHT milk currently present on the European market are based on Novapet’s ‘Dairy’ resins. According to Novapet, there are many advantages of PET as the preferred packaging for long life liquid milk. They include: Flexible and modular light barrier functionality Cost-competitive Unbreakable Lightness Recloseable Convenient Leakage-free Easy process at high productivity Design and brand differentiation Recyclability For those markets that are still requiring greater modularity, flexibility and personalization of the final solution, Novapet has launched the range of concentrates DCU. In the case of ESL (Extended Shelf-Life) milks with cold chain distribution and where they must be covered with an adapted functional light barrier, complying with the commitments regarding colour, transparency and corporate and brand identity Novapet completes its range of products for ling life milk in PET with the ‘Luz’ range of concentrates. Fig. 5 shows Novapet’s product portfolio for liquid milk in PET bottles, Fig. 3 Type of liquid milk, shelf-life and packaging Type of milk Shelf-life Industrial process of milk Filling process of milk Storage & Distribution Packaging Needs of light protection Fresh 4-10 days Pasteurization Clean filling Cold T (4-8°C) Glass, plastic bottles, carton, pouches. No ESL (Extended Shelf-Life) (Europe) ESL, 14-24 days Sterilization, microfiltration Ultra clean filling Cold T (4-8°C) Carton, coloured plastic bottles Yes, customized colours, transparency ESL (Extended Shelf-Life) (USA) ESL, 60 days Sterilization, microfiltration (T more severe) Cold Aseptic filling Cold T (4-8°C) Carton, coloured plastic bottles Yes, customized colours, transparency UHT 3-6 months UHT, Uperization Cold Aseptic filling Ambient T Multilayer cartons and plastic bottles Yes, white opaque barrier solutions Fig. 5 Novapet’s product portfolio Opaque PET Bottles % light transmittance (trm) High light barrier % light trm at 550nm WL 0.5% Full light barrier % light trm at 550nm WL 0.1% Monolayer bottles ‘Dairy’, ‘DCU’ ‘DCU’ Multilayer bottles, and Netstal Prelactia ‘Dairy’ 2Cx Transparent or translucent PET bottles Monolayer bottles ‘Luz’ PET concentrates with functional light barrier performance for milk and light sensitive food and beverages while keeping brand identity Fig. 5: Source: Novapet Fig.3: Source: Novapet","@ID":14} "PETproducts 30 PETplanet insider Vol. 12 No. 03/11 www.petpla.net PET bottle blowing equipment for emerging markets Start Blow from Sipa is a new line of stretch-blow moulding machines designed specifically to enable companies in emerging markets to take their first steps into the PET bottle market. The new equipment is available in two versions, with two and four cavities respectively, capable of producing bottles at output speeds from 2,000 up to 6,000bph. Both models are fully electric, with servo drives governing principal movements, including stretch rods. Every machine axis movement is under closed-loop control. Within a compact layout, the new machines incorporate numerous technologies, such as low-energy infrared heating, a high-efficiency neck air cooling system, and quick and precise stretch and blow, that are borrowed from Sipa’s existing SFL and SFR high-output linear and rotary stretch-blow moulding machines. According to Sipa, customers will be able to start up production of PET bottles in a matter of hours after the machine arrives in their plant. Sipa claims that delivery times will be very short, in most cases no more than around 45 days. Sipa will build the machines in China, where it already has manufacturing operations for highend processing equipment and for moulds. www.sipa.it Next generation HyPET system Husky Injection Molding Systems has officially launched its next generation HyPET system, which the company says incorporates various technology advancements aimed at offering customers lower part costs through higher quality, improved productivity and reduced energy consumption. Husky originally launched HyPET in 2003. Husky further asserted that the latest system represents the next step in its efforts to eliminate waste and variability in the preform manufacturing process, and to reduce total cost of ownership. The system has a new user interface with simplified operator control, improved flexibility for mould changes, faster cycle time options and an electric screw drive. Taken together, these improvements are claimed to achieve up to 5% lower energy consumption than the previous generation. Many of the established technologies from the HyPET High Performance Package (HPP) system have now been applied to HyPET’s components and sub-systems. Husky says that commonality between the two product versions means reduced training time and maintenance costs, and savings in spare parts inventories. www.husky.ca z-moulds development high cavity moulds multi-component injection moulds technology centre production support competent – professional – inspiring Hoechster Strasse 8 · 6850 Dornbirn, Austria · T +43 5572 7272-720 · www.z-moulds.com twocomponent beer closures based on z-cube® technology","@ID":32} "BOTTLING / FILLING 28 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Kofola Group opts for KHS hotfill line for fruit beverages with chunks* Hotfilling, bit by bit Kofola is one of the major producers of non-alcoholic beverages in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Russia. A newly implemented KHS hotfill system is bottling fruit beverages containing pieces of fruit and fibres on the new hotfill PET line at the Mnichovo Hradiste site near Prague in the Czech Republic. The group chose the name Kofola in 2002 after the Kofola cola beverage, Santa Napoje procured the rights to the Kofola brand. Until this date a number of different beverage plants had been acting as licensed Kofola bottlers. The product Kofola was developed by order of the government of what used to be Czechoslovakia in 1960 and was extremely popular there until 1989. Things then went quiet where Kofola was concerned. Since 2002, however, the product has been the top-selling cola brand in Slovakia. In the cola charts for the Czech Republic Kofola it is second only to Coca-Cola. Compared with many other cola beverages, Kofola contains around a third less sugar. All told, there are 14 natural additives in Kofola that give the drink, manufactured according to the original recipe from 1960, its special, typical flavour. But the Kofola brand is available not only in its classic guise but also in new flavours, such as Extra Herbal, Citrus, Sour Cherries, The company and its brands Kofola Group was founded under the name of SP Vrachos in 1993. In 1996, its activities were transferred to a newly founded company, Santa Napoje, which operated exclusively in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Today, the Kofola Group runs seven production sites, two of which are in the Czech Republic, one in Slovakia, three in Poland, and one in Russia. KHS‘ process engineers decided on separate treatment for the liquid and solids phase for Kofola, applying the relevant hotfill process to the beverages at the given temperature. Under the Snipp brand, Kofola has recently started to fill a range of fruit beverages containing pieces of fruit that requires special filling technology.","@ID":30} "MATERIAL / RECYCLING 10 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Market prospects for dairy in PET The land of milk and honey PET bottles have generated increasing interest and a growing market share in all the new long life milk packaging projects in any part of the world. Novapet has developed a complete product range for this sector. Milk is one of the basic elements in human nutrition, providing many of the basic proteins, vitamins and minerals for a healthy diet. From the viewpoint of the market and of the industry that serves it, milk is, in addition, one of the sectors with strongest growth prospects and is also one of the most dynamic sectors in innovation and the generation of new products. The Food and Agriculture Organization – FAO, in its report, Food Outlook, Global Market Analysis of Nov-2012, estimates that world milk production will grow by 3.0% and in 2012 will reach the figure of 760 million tons, after sustained growth, averaging 2.1% annually during the past decade, 2001-2010. It is estimated that Europe (EU27) will contribute 157.9 million tons (20.7%) to this figure continuing as the main world production area and one of the main exporters. The limits to production in this area (Quota Systemwithin the Common Agriculture Policy - CAP), have been raised by 1% in recent years, in preparation for the abolition of this system in the European Union in 2015 (from 1 April, 2015). Within these figures, it is estimated that the production processed by the industry for consumption as liquid milk will rise to 34 million tons (almost 25%) for the same year 2012 in the European Union. The price indices (FAO International dairy products price index-20022004 = 100) show signs of recovery during the final months of the fiscal year 2012 (173 in June-July and 194 in October) (see Fig.1).As a true reflection of the importance of this industry and its potential, it is enough to indicate that a good way to measure the level of well-being and development of the economy in a country is the indicator of consumption of dairy Bottles produced with ‘Dairy’, Novapet’s PET material for long life milk bottles, proven and present in the market. Fig.1 Source: FAO Food Outlook Global Market Analysis, Nov-2012. Fig. 2 Source: FAO Food Outlook Global Market Analysis, Nov-2012. products per inhabitant, as can be seen in Fig.2. Types of milk and shelf-life Milk is a natural product which consists basically of water (87%) but also contains fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals. This special content and its low level of acidity (neutral or low acid, pH 4,5) creates a medium suitable for the growth of bacteria, which can lead to nutritional and taste degradation. Because of this, the packaging of the milk and its subsequent treatment, must undergo a very strict bacteriological control from collection at the farm, through industrial treatment and packaging, to transport and final distribution at the point of sale. The type of packaging used is of fundamental importance in ensuring that the milk is preserved in optimal conditions throughout the entire processing chain. The period","@ID":12} "BOTTLES 33 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net HP Sauce with Guinness The most popular brown sauce in England has, for many years, been the HP Sauce manufactured by the Heinz Group. The newest variant is a sauce spiked with Guinness. A headstand bottle made from PET is in use as packaging for 475g / 400ml sauce. The bottle is narrower in the area of the belly, designed to make squeezing and dispensing the contents easier. Underneath the screw-on hinged lid there is a sealing membrane that renders the bottle tamper-proof. www.heinz.co.uk Lightweight but giant Sipa has developed a 5 gallon water container PET version that is completely free of bisphenol with an integral handle, also in PET. The starting point was a 690g container with a PP handle that is already on the market in the USA. Sipa continues to work on the project, which has still to be commercialised, but already it has been able to take 25g off the total weight. It developed a preform with a lightweight neck and base, and added material in the area of the body where the handle is attached during the blow moulding process – and which therefore needs to be more mechanically resistant than elsewhere in the body. The new version has a special PET handle in place of the polypropylene one, so when the time comes for recycling, there is no need to separate the two parts. The new design is suitable for production on a Sipa SFL 2/2 two-cavity linear stretch-blow moulding system. Trials have shown that output rates of 250bph/cavity are possible. www.sipa.it Wild, wild PET Dutch company PET Power has unveiled two new 500ml PET bottles with 63 RTS neck finishes – but with a new aspect. They are launched under the heading of ‘Discover Wildlife’, one featuring a penguin and the second a laughing hippopotamus. The intention of the exercise, according to the company, is to demonstrate the possibilities of PET in packaging. PET Power says that, working on the basis of the 63 RTS neck, it can design and produce virtually any desired shape. As the examples are intended to illustrate, the striking shapes give these two jars an unique character, with strong shelf presence. They can be produced in coloured PET and provided with suitable decoration. The 63mm neck diameter ensures that many different types of products can be packaged in these special jars, from animal feed products through to food products such as sweets. They can be used for promotions, special festivities and holidays. The shape is decorative in itself and both models can be labelled using base labels, lid labels or attached labels. Sleeves may also be used with appropriate care. PET Power is able to help with solution development. www.petpower.eu","@ID":35} "PETbottles 32 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Beverages & Liquid Food Skinnygirl expands to 200ml PET bottles Premium spirit company Beam Inc. has launched Skinnyminis, a fourpack offering of its Skinnygirl Margarita ready-to-serve cocktail, in premium 200ml barrier PET bottles. The lightweight, break-resistant packages, made by Amcor Rigid Plastics, are designed to be portable and used at backyard barbecues, picnics, concerts and other outdoor venues. Skinnygirl Margarita was previously only available in 750ml glass bottles. The Skinnygirl Cocktails line includes ready-toserve, vodka and wine low-calorie options. The launch of the single serve size for the pre-mixed cocktail was based on feedback from its customers. Skinnyminis have been on sale throughout the baseball season at the Yankee Stadium in New York City and similar venues, including sporting events and concerts. The container, one of the first 200ml barrier PET bottles for the spirits industry, according to Amcor, features a special barrier resin with an oxygen scavenger as well as a protective UV additive, which helps to preserve the product’s colour. The bottles are smaller but preserve the brand image and look of the 750ml glass containers, while their slender, long necks are designed to withstand high top load impact. A roll on, pilfer-proof (ROPP) aluminium screw top, which requires top load strength of up to 200lb of force, is supplied by Amcor Flexible Capsules. The companies say that the single-serve bottles are one-sixth the weight of glass bottles, resistant to breakage, less wasteful, and recyclable. Amcor’s PET barrier technology is also being targeted at other markets for oxygen sensitive products. www.amcor.com Manjushree enjoys the sweet taste of success Bangalore based packaging company Manjushree Technopack Ltd has won three India Star Awards for the year 2011-12, for packaging solutions developed for Nestlè, Govardhan India and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Nestlés Nestea Sipper Bottle was developed as part of a promotion to be given away free, along with the Nestlé Tea Pouch. The design process involved creating a leak-proof bottle and cap, which could be used as both a sipper and shaker. The Gowardhan Go Nacho Cheese Sauce bottle is a five-layer polypropylene (PP) package with ethyl vinyl alcohol as a barrier layer to keep the product fresh and intact. Its shape is child-friendly and allows only the required amount to be squeezed out. This pack brought a professional, measured dispensation product into domestic households. The Nestea Sipper Bottle and the Gowardhan Go Nacho Cheese Sauce bottles were introduced in PET packaging; GSK’s Viva Drink Jar was designed in PP. The three award winning designs were scored in convenience, ease of use and innovation in handling. The India Star Awards are sponsored by the Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP) and are the premier award for India’s packaging industry. Manjushree has been a consistent winner of these awards, with a total of 20 now filling its shelves. The company has qualified to participate in the ‘Asia Star’ and ‘World Star’ Awards, Instituted by the World Packaging Organization. Manjushree Technopack has previously won a total of four World Star Awards. The awards are all in the ‘Consumer Packaged Product Design’ category and will be formally presented at a ceremony to be held on January 29 during Indiapack 2013, in Mumbai. www.manjushreeindia.com","@ID":34} "NEWS 9 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02 SIPA S.p.A. - Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy Tel. +39 0438 911511 - Fax +39 0438 912273 - e-mail: [email protected] www.sipa-xform.com NEW PREFORM SYSTEM Designed to adapt. Built to last. Imagine using any preform mold in one system. Now you can. The new XFORM PET preform system gives you unprecedented flexibility combined with the highest running efficiency: it accepts the mostly used molds (old and new generation) present in the market. So you can feel free to innovate and grow without penalizing your existing assets. Paris’ Emballage attracts the crowds Emballage, the international packaging exhibition held in Paris, France, in November 2012, attracted 1,300 exhibitors and 85,774 professional delegates over the four days of the event. More than one-third of visitors were of non-French origin; over 100 countries were represented, including delegations from Japan, China, Taiwan, Turkey, Russia, Poland, Moldavia, Tunisia and Germany. It was held alongside the Manutention Equipment & Systems exhibition and included a retrospective show, entitled “I Love Pack, since 1947”; the Pack Innovation Area, which provided official recognition to eleven new developments in packaging; and Remarkable Packaging and Alternatives, produced by six international design schools, which presented bold and creative alternatives to today’s packaging solutions. The next Emballage exhibition is scheduled for November 17 - 20, 2014. www.emballageweb.com Happy 60th to Schöttli At the beginning of November 2012, Schoettli AG, the Swiss specialist in the development and production of high-performance injection moulds for medical parts, caps, closures and thin-wall packaging, celebrated its 60th anniversary with a ceremony for the company’s 160 staff members. The company can actually trace its roots back to 1950, when its founder, Theodor Schöttli, established a small mould making facility in the village of Paradies in the Swiss canton of Thurgau. Schöttli AG was founded in 1952 and relocated to larger premises Diessenhofen in 1973. In 1986, the founder’s son Martin Schöttli became managing director and consolidated the company’s position as a specialist supplier to the global market. Thomas Anderegg took over as CEO from Martin Schöttli just before the 60th anniversary ceremony, in October 2012. Martin Schöttli will continue as a board member. Schöttli AG is a core member of Mould Technologies Group (MTG), founded in 2008, with headquarters in Diessenhofen/Switzerland. Other members of MTG include s-mouldtech of Suzhou/China and Magor of San Dimas CA/USA. The three companies together employ around 300 people. www.schoettli.com","@ID":11} "PETbottles 34 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Home + Personal Care See-through container Under its own brand name of “Isana“, the German drugstore discounter Rossmann is selling 300ml antibacterial kitchen soap with pink grapefruit oil in a transparent PET bottle with lockable pump dispenser. Through the transparent front label the user can see grapefruits printed on the inside of the rear label. The product is said to protect the hands from disagreeable odours when washing up and to care for the skin. www.rossmann.de Stinging nettle hair tonic “Isana“ – the proprietary brand name of Rossmann – has a stinging nettle hair tonic in its range for massaging into the hair. The greenish coloured hair tonic is said to promote the circulation of the scalp, prevent the hair from becoming greasy and strengthening it. The product is bottled in a transparent, slightly tapered PET bottle with content of 500ml. The container is sealed with a hinged closure that can be operated with one hand. Shaped labels to front and rear act as a means of conveying information. www.rossmann.de Revitalising foot care bath A revitalising foot bath with a content of 275g is being marketed in a transparent PET bottle by SSL Healthcare Deutschland GmbH under the ”Scholl“ foot care brand name. The salt crystals, which are enriched by the addition of natural mint and orange oil, urea and an active deodorising agent care for and refresh the feet. The white screw cap simultaneously serves as a dispensing cap. One cap filled with salt is placed into approx. 3-5l of lukewarm water. Labels to front and rear provide information on content substances and how to use the product. www.scholl-footcare.com Body spray 100ml Body Spray with grape seed oil, grape extract and vitamin E is being marketed by Mann & Schröder GmbH of Siegelsbach under the brand name of ”Aldo Vandini“ and the suffix ”vinoSPA bianco“ in a slim, slightly tinted PET bottle with a pump dispenser. The pump dispenser with its silvery shine is protected against accidental operation during transport and storage and can only be operated once a clamp has been removed. A partly metallised printed paper label serves as a vehicle for information. www.aldo-vandini.de The most powerful blowmolding quality management system just got better! One system for: s Closed-loop Blowmolder Control s Material Distribution Measurement s Defect Detection Agr International, Inc. Tel: +1.724.482.2163 www.agrintl.com Now with vision-based defect detection","@ID":36} "MARKET SURVEY 23 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG Silgan White Cap Gulf Packaging Systems Co. Affaba & Ferrari S.r.l. mouldtec Kunststoff GmbH Mockenstraße 34, 6971 Hard, Austria +43 5574 602 0 www.alpla.com Erwin Mayer Head of Standard Closure Development IM +43 2842 52572 300 +43 2842 52572 330 [email protected] Hansastrasse 4 30419 Hanover, Germany www.silganwhitecap.com Hans Van Baekel Business and Technical Development Manager +32 475 81 64 85 [email protected] P. O. Box 20266, Industrial Area Phase V, Jeddah - 21455, Saudi Arabia +966 26360099 www.gulf-pack.com Engr. Bader Abdullah Sales Manager +966 26360099 Ex. 101 +966 2 6082170 [email protected] Via Don L. Sturzo 2, 26851 Borgo San Giovanno (LO), Italy +39 0371 213021 www.affabaferrari.com Ms. Silvia Ferrari Sales & Marketing Director +39 0371 213030 +39 0371 97031 [email protected] Wiesenstraße 22 87600 Kaufbeuren, Germany +49 8341 670-0 www.mouldtec.de Eric Peil Sales Manager +49 8341 670-229 +49 8341 670-217 [email protected] Yes, HDPE 38mm 2 and 3 thread caps for cold aseptic 38mm 2 threads for hotfill applications 38mm and 48mm flat caps in HDPE and PP Yes, HDPE, LDPE No 38mm 2 thread caps for Hotfill applications Yes, for water & juice 38mm flat caps with IHS Liner and oxygen scavenger liner - 28mm and 38mm 2-pc flip top caps available, as well No CSD, water, juice and milk Yes Yes, CSD closures) Milk, still water, flavoured water, juice, CSD, smoothies, agrochemicals, mineral oils, lubricants CSD, non-carbonated beverages, water, fruit drinks, milk 1881, 1810, 38mm 2 starts, 38mm 3 starts, 48mm, Alaska, Glass, SPI-Necks Yes Yes, except beer Food & Beverage : 28mm: PCO1810, BPF, BPF light, 1881, 3-start (Alaska) - 38mm: 1-start. 2-start (for aseptic), 2-start (for hot fill), 3-start pitch 8, 3-start pitch 9 Agrochemicals: 45mm, 50mm, 63mm Mineral oil and lubricants: 38mm, 40mm, 41mm, 48mm 28mm PCO 1810 and PCO 1881 37mm 2-start, 38mm Yes Full photo quality cap toppanel printing and inside cap laser coding 28mm PCO/810, 28mm PCO/881, 30/25, 28mm Oprist & 38mm Yes Yes Yes Yes, both for cap and prints Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Sports caps twist and pull 2-chamber caps; bi-and multicomponent injection, co-injection, custom made closures O2 scavenging features available Yes, push-pull only 28mm and 38mm flip top closures, caps for agrochemical products, mineral oil and lubricants, caps for technical gases, customised solutions inside laser coding f.i. for promotional purposes Yes Many patents and utility models Corvaglia Group Aptar Freyung GmbH Novembal Hörnlistrasse 14, 83860 Eschlikon, Switzerland +41 71 973 77 77 www.corvaglia.ch Peter Schkoda General Manager Corvaglia +41 71 973 77 77 +41 71 973 77 01 [email protected] Löfflerstrasse, 1 94078 Freyung, Germany +49 8551 975 234 www.aptar.com Nathalie Jude Director Regional Market Development - Europe + 33 6 74 41 90 04 [email protected] 5 route du Pérollier 69570 Dardilly, France +33 4 72 54 96 00 www.novembal.com Lorenzo van Haelst Managing Director +33 4 72 54 96 49 +33 4 72 54 96 19 [email protected] Yes, HDPE Yes, one-piece flip-tops in PP and in PE Yes No Yes, two-piece flip-tops in PP+PE Yes All beverage sectors Water, functional drinks, dairy drinks, juice, RTD tea Still and sparkling bottled water, CSD, juices, energy drinks and RTD teas for aseptic application, milk, wine & spirits All corresponding neck finishes 28mm PCO 1810, 28mm PCO 1881, 30-25 high, 38mm 2 start and 3 start, other neck finishes available on request PET 26mm - 26-22 - 26.7mm - 28 PCO 16 & 1881 - 29/25 - 30/25 - 33mm - 38mm - 43mm - 47mm - PET & PC HOD 55 No Yes, on request Yes Yes Yes, wide range of standard colours Yes No Original flip-top closures meet BSDA child safety requirements No Yes Yes only flip-top sports closures. Wide range available with or without valve for optimal flow control, one or two pieces, PP or PE, for all applications including sensitive beverages in hotfill or wet aseptic filling Yes Dispensing solutions for single-serve and multi-serve beverages. Flip-top sports closures, flip-top foil-piercing closures, flip-top pouring closures with and without liner, closures with pull-ring TE. Bi-injected flip-tops, dispensing solutions for food, beauty and personal care products, patented dispensing, spraying and dosing solutions. SimpliSqueeze valve system in swimming silicone for optimal flow control and compatibility with PET recycling stream. One-piece sport caps, Tall Cap, HOD 55 linerless screw cap, Novatwist 30H60 and 22H30 for wine & spirits CSN 26 mm BTL; 29/25; PCO Corvaglia; 38 mm Hotfill; 5 gallon cap Flip-top sports closures compatible with hotfill and wet aseptic filling Consumer-oriented solutions for maximum convenience Yes","@ID":25} "EDITOUR REPORTS 17 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Deka relies on PET The premises occupied by the Deka brewery in Veliky Novgorod, approximately 180km south west of St. Petersburg, extend over an area of around 5ha. The company is the biggest among Russian manufacturers of kvass and today employs around 700 people. The company’s history and its future were discussed at a meeting with Mr Dmitriy Pinchukov and Mr Igor Jasnogorodsky. Readers may not be too familiar with this extremely popular, traditional beverage. The basic ingredient of kvass is rye bread which is fermented to produce a virtually non-alcoholic drink; for centuries kvass, often brewed at home and flavoured with fresh fruit, was regarded as a summer treat not only in Russia but throughout Eastern Europe, from Lithuania and Latvia, across to Kazakhstan and Armenia, and even as far as China. Kvass vendors were a common sight on virtually every street corner in most cities in these regions. Founded in 1878 the brewery, together with a number of other manufacturers, was originally intended to service consumer demand for kvass and beer throughout the urban hinterland of Beliky Novgorod or as dictated by the then predominantly state-directed economy. After the collapse of the Soviet Union the company essentially fell apart, but in the beginning of 1990s it was privatised and in 2004 after new owners took over it was resuscitated following a large-scale reconstruction phase and modernisation of the facilities. From that time, the floodgates were opened to the manufacture of kvass on We feel steel. Always with quality from the start. S+BIGROUP www.dew-stahl.com Plastic mould steels. We use them every day: PET bottles, caps, plastic packaging and other plastic parts. But scarcely anybody is aware that these products are manufactured in a tool or a mould made of specialty steel. Our plastic mould steels are easy-tomachine, corrosion-resistant, clean and wear-resistant – depending on what is required of them during use. That guarantees long tool service life, high productivity and efficiency. Which steel do you need? friendly residents - we not only get a parking space but also a dish of fresh cucumbers. One item on our programme is an interesting meeting with the consulting firm and conference organiser Inventra/Creon in Moscow City. From here our journey takes us on to Alfatechform in Klimovsk, a producer of preforms and closures together with cleaning materials and care products. The stretches of road are long, there are traffic jams everywhere but we have no choice but to push on because the programme for the following day includes meetings with the Europlast Group and our next appointment is right on the other side of Moscow. The pain of trying to negotiate the clogged streets is practically never-ending, but by the evening we find ourselves at Europlast, our starting point for tomorrow’s visit to the Plarus recycling section and afterwards Europlast itself. But, even after these interesting meetings, the day is not over by a long chalk...","@ID":19} "EDITOUR REPORTS 15 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net July 3,2012 APG – Advanced Packaging Group F.l.t.r.: Sergey Sokolov, Kay Krüger, Vladimir Dorofeev and Viktor Karpunin We met: Viktor Karpunin, Executive Director Vladmir Dorofeev, Marketing Director Sergey Sokolov, Technical Director TAMPON PRINTING & LASER MARKING FOR CAPS AND CLOSURES N highest efficiency N best quality N newest technology N fastest service Made-in-Germany - Full-range programme: machines, automations, consumables, world-wide service - since 1978 www. tampopr int .de The North West and its preforms PET preform producer APG, the outcome of a British venture project, commenced operations in 2000 as one of Russia’s first preform manufacturers in St. Petersburg. Following the start up of five Netstal 3500 lines and subsequent contracts with a number of well-known major customers, it was not long before the company started looking at increasing its own capacity. Following a decision by shareholders, APG relocated in 2008 from Saint Petersburg to Gatchina. Since 2006 the company has also been part of the major Russian corporate processors’ group Europlast (Moscow, Solnechnogorsk). The Gatchina location, with its proximity to St. Petersburg, not only means that the company has recourse to qualified skilled personnel but also sufficient space for expansion, thus smoothing the way for follow-up projects such as the acquisition of further preform facilities, not least of which is the Husky HyPET 400. Mr Karpunin, Executive Director, Mr Dorofeev, Marketing Director, and Mr Sokolov, Technical Director, discussed APG’s markets and the range of preform variants. From 18g for wide-neck 0.35l size bottles to 27g-40g for 1.0l and right through to 48g for bottle sizes of up to 2.25l. Among the percentage best sellers are, primarily, the 23g PCO preform in the CSD range, 46g-48g PCO in the beer sector, together with the 27g wide-neck for milk. The vari-","@ID":17} "imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Häusserstr. 36 69115 Heidelberg, Germany phone: +49(0)6221-65108-0 fax: +49(0)6221-65108-28 [email protected] EDITORIAL Doris Fischer: [email protected] Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Ilona Trotter Wolfgang von Schroeter Anthony Withers MEDIA CONSULTANTS Ute Andrä [email protected] Martina Hischmann [email protected] Roland Loch [email protected] phone: +49(0)6221-65108-0 fax: +49(0)6221-65108-28 France, Italy, Spain, UK Elisabeth Maria Köpke phone: +49(0)6201-878925 fax: +49(0)6201-878926 [email protected] LAYOUT AND PREPRESS Exprim Kommunikationsdesign Matthias Gaumann | www.exprim.de READER SERVICES Shiraz El Goudi [email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck & Verlag GmbH Werkstr. 25 67454 Römerberg Germany WWW www.hbmedia.net | www.petpla.net PETplanet insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trade marks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net EDITORIAL dear readers, “Yet it moves“ is what Galileo Galilei is supposed to have said in 1633 when he expressed his opinion that the Earth revolved around the sun, in direct contravention of Christian teaching at the time. Even though the statement was probably only attributed to him by an admirer in a book in 1761, it seems an appropriate way for me to open the drinktec/PETpoint Year 2013 by quoting this dictum. Doubtless there is plenty that will be revolving around this event to be held from 16th to 20th September in Munich, but there is another reason for my decision to begin with this quotation: In the first instance, PETplanet Insider will be endeavouring to present the key issues not only two-dimensionally but also to provide an all-round perspective in terms of its comprehensive reports, the ‘Go-With-The-Flow’ Tour, in-depth interviews and visits to exhibitions, all with the help of panoramic photographs. Panoramic photos? I can hear you asking. Aren’t they just fold-out photos of mountain ranges? Certainly panoramic photography is derived from landscape photography but you can of course also use it for generating an all-round view at an interview or also to depict things within a particular space that might otherwise be hidden behind the camera. At the same time the spaces do not necessarily have to be of the wide open variety. Have you ever thought about how a PET bottle looks from the inside, for instance? www.hbmedia.info/panoramas/bottle In one of his virtual reality panoramas, Martin Schweda (www.360und180.de) has imagined what the world looks like from inside a bottle of water. What seems like a row of ordinary photographs strung together – a panorama in fact – becomes, on the Internet, an interactive photo capable of being viewed from multiple different angles. We, the spectator, are at the centre of this imaginative universe, and just as the earth revolves round the sun, so, this year, pictures will also be turning. Yours Alexander Büchler www.hbmedia.info/panoramas/bottle","@ID":5} "PETcontents 01+02/13 4 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 30 Products 32 Bottles: Beverages and liquid food 34 Bottles: Home and personal care products 36 Patents BOTTLE MAKING 25 Savings in low and high pressure compressed air Energy saving potential with SBM machines Part 1/2 BOTTLING / FILLING 28 Hotfilling, bit by bit Kofola Group opts for KHS hotfill line for fruit beverages with chunks MATERIAL / RECYCLING 10 The land of milk and honey Novapet’s approach to dairy in PET EDITOUR REPORT 14 PET from Moscow to St. Petersburg Russia Part 2 MARKET SURVEY 21 Suppliers of caps and closures for PET bottles BUYER’S GUIDE 37 Get listed! Page 22 Page 14 Page 25 Page 33","@ID":6} "MATERIAL / RECYCLING 13 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net CCT Creative Competence Technology GmbH Idsteiner Strasse 74 D-65527 Niedernhausen, Germany [email protected] www.cct-systems.com PET Molds Closure Molds Developments PET Systems Closure Systems Design and Patents CCTsystems®SST (Standard-Slider-Technology) CCTsystems®SBT (Slit-Band-Technology) CCTsystems®SFBT (Slit-Fold-Band-Technology) All Types available with: Design and Patents CCT O26 Series 0,9 g CCT O29 Series 1,2 g CCT O30 Series 1,8 g CCT O38 Series 2,9 g matching with different packaging requirements (monolayer or multilayer, opacity or transparency) and related to light barrier performance targeted from high to full. DCU concentrates are part of the Novapet dairy resins family, and provide suitable performance for those packaging projects requiring higher flexibility. (Fig. 6 shows DCU light barrier performance)According to Novapet DCU concentrates feature ease of processing combined with perfect pigment dispersion, and offer the following significant benefits: Full range of light barrier properties (up to 100%), whatever the pigment content Cost-effective for every light barrier requirement Lightweighting for the same preform geometry (up to 5% weight saving). Whiter colour, less pigment content Flexibility to use standard PET from any logistic advantages (optimisation of transport, custom duties and import regulations and expenses). Fig 7 shows the injection-process scheme for ‘Dairy’ and DCU. Taking into consideration all the above advantages of the material, Novapet claims PET is the natural match to meet the market dynamics of the liquid milk sector that features a high level of innovation. Fast changing consumer preferences are creating a segmented market which offers significant potential for PET packaging. www.novapet.es Based on an article by Miguel A. Arto, Business Development Director and Fortun Leza, Technical Director, Novapet Fig. 7: Source: Novapet Fig. 6: Novapet ‘DCU’: Light barrier performance for UHT milk in PET bottles. Source: Novapet","@ID":15} "BOTTLE MAKING 25 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Topics Series Part 1/2: Energy savings potential with stretch blow moulding machines Air Recycling System Plus yields a 30% saving in high pressure air* Savings in low and high pressure compressed air *by Gerrit-Mathias Spalteholz, Sales Manager at Technoplan Engineering SA The relentless rise in energy costs over the years means that it is essential for every company to seek out opportunities to reduce its energy consumption wherever possible. One example of a major consumer of energy is the stretch blow moulding machine and the compressors associated with it. It is therefore important to reduce the energy consumption of these machines. This objective can be achieved using the patented dual compressed air recovery system ARS+ (Air Recycling System Plus) by Technoplan Engineering SA which, apart from major cost savings, also generates a sustained improvement in the company’s eco-balance. For 15 years the Air Recycling System (ARS) has been recovering 13% of the high pressure air and 37% of the low pressure air consumed by stretch blow moulding machines. This figure of 37% represents the entire complement of the low pressure air consumed in PET bottle manufacturing, so that no low pressure air needs to be supplied from outside the machine. However, the trend is moving towards even greater savings in expensive high pressure air. The following article gives information on the status of the most recent developments. Manufacturing a PET bottle calls for dry compressed air that pre-blows the preform at a pressure of between 8 and 12bar and gives the bottle its final shape at a pressure of between 25 and 40bar. On completion of the blow cycle the discharge valve opens and the compressed air leaves the machine via the silencer.Then the finished bottle exits the form ready for the next bottle blank. Depicting the process in this simple and straightforward manner makes it easy to see what enormous savings in terms of energy and costs can be achieved through compressed air recovery. The ARS+ double recovery facility for compressed air works on the following principle: Once the blow moulding cycle has been completed and the bottle has reached its final shape, the discharge valve (original from the stretch blow moulding machine) opens and the compressed air exits the finished bottle. After this it flows through the first ARS+ valve into the high pressure air tank (also a newly installed feature). Once a precisely determined period has elapsed, the first valve closes. The second valve opens and the second tranche) air flows into the low pressure air tank. The second valve closes and the third valve opens to allow the remaining air to escape through the silencer. ARS+ recovery valves by Technoplan Engineering SA in operation","@ID":27} "EDITOURS REPORTS 20 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Engineering Excellence www.netstal.com Low production costs Maximum output At Netstal our aim is to help you produce the perfect PET preforms: at minimum cycle times you achieve maximum output with constantly high quality and energy efficiency. And that’s no coincidence: our team of experts are always there for you – with state-of-the-art systems. to offer. This step-by-step strategy is, according to Alexander Korotov, part of the company’s philosophy. To ensure this organic growth in production, the company has, since 2003, followed two guiding principles: 1. Purchasing new Netstal PET machines. 2. Replacing old Netstal HP 3500 machines with modern versions. These machines, fitted with a 96 cavity mould are each able to produce BPF as well as PCO 1810 and oil standard preforms. PCO 1881, says Korotov, is naturally under discussion, but will only be introduced once they have a specific customer requirement in prospect, due to the associated restructuring. In addition to PET preforms, a small proportion of PE preforms are likewise being produced for filling with chemical products, together with PP and PE caps. The same items are produced by the company on Engel, Demag and Biraghi machines. The entire preform production operation is housed within an area of 5,000m2 and, from the point of view of turnover, represents the company’s core business activity. For purposes of processing and depending on price, the company makes use of the services of a range of resin suppliers from Russia, South Korea and, occasionally, Belarus. A major part of the preforms manufactured is supplied by Alfatechform to water bottlers, the rest to chemical product bottling plants. The focus of the market here is Russia. The company’s second string, also started in 1998, is the bottling of domestic and beauty care products, including its own discount store household range “Help“. The earlier idea of operating two companies, plastics processing and bottling, separately, was subsequently rejected so as to give a merely spatial split. Of the company’s own preforms, around 36 million bpa are in the meantime accounted for in the second 4,000m2 production facility. The mixture for the individual products is also devised by Alfatechform itself. In addition, Chinese machines for PE extrusion and Russian machines for blowing bottles are used. The chemical products are sold chiefly within Russia as well as in small batches to Belarus, the Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In order to ensure the best possible customer service, seven sales offices have also been set up in various regions of Russia. www.atf-m.ru Russia Part 3: Petplanet insider issue 3/13","@ID":22} "21 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Caps and closures Bottle-to-bottle recycling plants Preform and single stage machinery Preforms Preform / Stretch blow moulds Two-stage SBM machinery Filling equipment Resins / Additives Compressors Closure systems Suppliers of caps and closures for PET bottles 20 companies from every corner of the globe took part in this year’s Market Survey of Caps and Closures suppliers for PET Bottles. Alongside the global suppliers there is evidence of an increased presence on the part of regional suppliers. Our tours to different parts of the world, when we also track down local suppliers and turn the spotlight on them, can also be relied upon to provide a focus of interest here. The list gives the firms by date of receipt of our survey. The companies are (in alphabetical order): Affaba & Ferrari, Alpla, Aptar, Bericap, Closure Systems International, Corvaglia, Delmenhorster Kork-Fabrik, EKG, Europlast, Finn-Korkki, Gulf Packaging, Hasplastik, Idee + Form, Krallmann, mouldtec, Novembal, Retal, SBECM, Silgan White Cap, Viroplastic and Weener. Although the publishers have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accuracy. 01+02/2013 MARKETsurvey Company name Retal Baltic, JSC Viroplastic CZ Hasplastik A.S. Bericap GmbH & Co.KG Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Pramones str. 14, LT-94102, Klaipeda, Lithuania +370 46 492360 www.retalbaltic.lt Mr. Vaidotas Bucevicius Director of HDPE closure business unit +370 528 58418 +370 528 58421 [email protected] Lískovec 405, CZ-73801 Frýdek-Místek, Czechia +420 558 412 440 www.viroplastic.cz Mr. Vesely Sales Representative +420 03 169 232 +420 558 412 459 [email protected] Esenyurt Fabrikalar Yolu , Firuzkoy Bulvari, No:50, Avcilar, Istanbul, Turkey +90 212 695 50 00 www.hasplastik.com A.KerimAtas Mangt.Repr. +90 212 695 50 00 +90 212 694 97 24 [email protected] Kirchstrasse 5, D–55257 Budenheim, Germany 49 6139 2902-0 www.bericap.com Volker Spiesmacher Director +49 6169 2902-0 +49 6139 2902-188 [email protected] Product Range One-piece closures for beverages Yes, PCO 1810 and PCO 1881 Yes HDPE Yes Yes, DoubleSeal for PCO 1810, DoubleSeal SuperShorty for PCO 1881(for CSD, aseptic and hot fill), HexaLite for PET 29/11 and PET 26/10, DoubleSeal 38 for 38mm 2-start and 3-start neck finish DoubleSeal 33mm 2-start for aseptic filling and hot filling Two-piece closures for beverages (with liner) No No Yes Yes, liner seal, ‘SuperShorty’ for PCO 1881 Applications relevant to PET containers (e.g. CSD, water, juice, beer, etc.) CSD, water, juice, beer, etc. CSD, water, juice, milk, beer CSD, Water, Juice, Beer, Aseptic-fill, Hot-fill CSD, still mineral water, HOD and bottled water, beer, JETS (juices, energy drinks, RTD teas, syrups), for hot fill and aseptic application, edible oil, sauces and dressings, dairy Neck finishes available as standard PCO 1810 and PCO 1881, 28mm PCO/BPF, 28mm - 3 starts, 28mm - 1881, 38mm - 3 starts, 3Bmm - AF All standard neck-finishes, starting from ~26mm up to ~60mm PCO 1881, PCO 16, PCO 1810, PET 26/22, PET 29/25, PET 26/21, 38mm 2-start, 38mm 3-start, 33mm 2-start aseptic, 33mm 2-start HF Printed caps available Yes Yes Yes Yes, up to 3 colours Colour matching service Yes Yes Yes Yes Child-proof closures No No No Yes ‘Push-Pull / sports caps No No Yes Yes, 3-piece push-pull and 2-piece ‘Thumb up’ Special comments/special closures (e.g. flip-tops, drinking spouts, lightest cap for 28mm PCO, 26mm for water etc including non-beverage closures...) PCO 1810 - 2,9g; PCO 1881 - 2,35g. Upon request Most of the product range consists of customised-designs (dedicated for specific customers) 3-piece Push-Pull for aseptic filling without aluminium foil with high flow rate Special patented closures or marketing features No Upon request Yes Thumb-up screw closures for easy opening and drinking ‘PushPull’ sports closure for hot fill application without aluminiuim foil ‘PushPull’ sports closure for aseptic application without aluminiuim foil","@ID":23} "NEWS 8 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Uhde Inventa-Fischer reorganises service business Uhde Inventa-Fischer has announced the reorganisation and extension of its service business, which, the company says, now extends its scope throughout the entire lifecycle of industrial plants. Key services include capacity boosting through optimisation of polyester and polyamide plants; changing from DMT to PTA as feedstock for polyester production in order to adapt plants to market requirements; and the revamping of polyamide 6.6 plants to include an integrated continuous process for the production of feedstock AH salt from hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid within the plant. The company offers pilot plants for PET, PBT, copolyesters and PLA, to enable customers to become familiar with Uhde Inventa-Fischer’s proprietary processes through plant trials, as well as the production of product samples and development of new additives and catalysts. Its FTR (flake-to-resin) polyester recycling technology can be integrated into existing polymerisation plants and can use up to 50% recycling material without adverse effect on the quality of the end product. Uhde Inventa-Fischer also says that it provides experienced service specialists to assist customers with their maintenance and repair work on a local basis, wherever customers are located. www.uhde-inventa-fischer.com CCL buys Scottish labeller Canadian speciality packaging company CCL Industries Inc., has announced that it is to acquire privately owned label converter John Watson & Company Ltd., which is located in Glasgow, Scotland. The acquisition will be achieved by the purchase of all shares in the company and will be completed in early 2014. The final terms of the contract will be based on John Watson’s financial performance in calendar year 2013 and specific details of the transaction will be released following completion of the acquisition. In the intervening period the two companies have said that they will cooperate to serve common customers and seek to leverage combined supplier relationships. The coordination will be led by Guenther Birkner, President, Food & Beverage Worldwide, together with the management teams of John Watson & Company and CCL Label Wine & Spirits business units. John Watson, principal shareholder of the company, will remain associated with the business in an advisory capacity. On completion, John Watson & Co will change its trading name to CCL Label and become a part of the global Wine & Spirits network. www.cclind.com Sipa strengthens packaging development Sipa continues to strengthen and enhance its packaging design and engineering capability at its headquarters and principal manufacturing facility in Italy. In addition, it has recently opened an R & D centre in Luxembourg for the development of new technologies. The principal activities of this new centre will be advance engineering works and technical sales support. www.sipa.it PE Labellers striving for sustainability PE Labellers has described how its 12-strong R & D Department has been leading its drive for sustainability and environmental responsibility. Its labelling machines and labelling stations have been redesigned in order to save energy and to reduce the environmental impact of bottling and packaging lines. The company’s Adhesleeve technology is designed to decrease energy consumption and reduce environmental impact. Its glue does not require heating for label application, nor does it use solvents or other chemicals for normal cleaning operations. Water-based paints have been used on all painted parts of the labelling machines for some years. This change has made internal coating operations of various components much easier and also enabled the installation of a spray booth inside one of the company’s manufacturing plants. PE Labellers claims that its improvements have reduced pollution, contribute to a cleaner work environment and help maintain the health of machine operators. www.pelabellers.com","@ID":10} "EDITOURS REPORTS 16 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net ous preforms meet the Bericap standard and are available not only as PCO but also as BPF – a format which is mainly being used in Siberia. Since the supply contract with Pepsi, the company has introduced the PCO 1881 Standard (2011). According to APG, Pepsi, in its capacity as the primary PET bottler in Russia, has wholly endorsed this standard. APG’s main focus of attention is directed at the north west of Russia and the main target groups include the beer industry as well as Pepsi St. Petersburg in the CSD sector. With a total output of approx. 500 million preforms a year, around 15% in addition go to neighbouring Belarus. Over and above its portfolio, APG build to individual customer requirements, but always with an eye to keeping up with the times where technical matters are concerned. APG orders the PET material not only through Russian companies such as Senezh (which belongs to Europlast), Sibur and Alco-Nafta but also from foreign (mainly Asian) manufacturers of PET. Its key customer base (in north-west Russia) at present includes Danone, Heineken and Pepsi. As regards Belarus, APG is a supplier to Alevaria, the Baltika plant there, and to others in that country. www.preforma.ru July 3, 2012 Deka We met: Mr Dmitriy Pinchukov, Executive Manager Mr Igor Jasnogorodsky, Technical Manager Round of talks with the Deka team Russia Tour Blog – from Germany to Moscow Well, today’s the day: the day when the Go to Brau Beviale Tour 2012 from Nuremberg to Ekaterinburg actually gets underway! Between us and Ekaterinburg lie a few thousand kilometres of Russia! With the start of the tour and our first appointment at the Nuremberg Fair behind us, it’s full steam ahead on the ferry in the direction of St. Petersburg. After a crossing that lasts almost three days and three border crossing points on the Russian side, we are glad to find ourselves at long last in the centre of St. Petersburg. Our first interview appointment is with the Baltika Brewery. This unfortunately falls through at short notice so we decide to make good use of the time we have gained and to head off in the direction of Gatchina ready for our meeting the following day with preform manufacturer APG and Deka in the town of Veliky Novgorod which lies further to the south. By the time we arrive at APG it is already evening and we are given permission to park up on site and spend the night there in the Editourmobil. The following morning finds us already sitting down to coffee in the meeting room with the APG management and discussing the company’s history. A guided tour of the plant follows, after which we set off for our next meeting at the Deka Brewery. The state of the carriageway starts out good but degenerates to dire. I am wondering when the fabric is likely to give way. Having arrived at Deka we find out, in conversation with the brewery team, all sorts of things about a beverage called ”Kwas“ which enjoys widespread popularity, and are also treated to a tasting. It’s now later on in the afternoon and we make an on the spot decision to carry on in the direction of Moscow. The Editourmobil is beginning to show the first signs of failure on the electronics front but we are confident that we will be able to deal with any such occurrences ourselves. The following day we find ourselves in Moscow and, with the help of our broken Russian, seek advice from friendly natives as to where we may be able to top up our fridge. Unfortunately, meetings scheduled with Coca-Cola and Pepsi cannot take place or are cancelled, forcing us to change our arrangements. I make use of the time gained to write reports. In one nice side street in a residential area - thanks to","@ID":18} "www.drinktec.petpla.net Supported by: Go With The Flow Tour South America here we come! Seeking to satisfy their thirst for knowledge, the PETplanet Insider team is about to set off on a new voyage of discovery. This – the longest tour by Editourmobil to date – will take our editors, split into four teams, through six countries in South America, starting in Lima, Peru. From there they will journey on to Uruguay, travelling through Bolivia, Chile and Argentina EHIRUH ¿QDOO\\ WRXFKLQJ GRZQ LQ %UD]LO $ZDLWLQJ RXU H[SHGLWLR naries is a trip spanning three and a half months; a distance of more than 12,000 kilometres and the prospect of any number of exciting interviews with key players in the PET sector. And, once again, we will be giving you the opportunity of joining them – during the tour on our live blogwww.drinktec.petpla.net as well as after the tour on our trade stand at drinktec from 16th to 20th September 2013, Hall B3, Booth 501, when we shall be reviewing the tour for you. __________________________________________________ Sudamérica nos espera! 3(7SODQHW ,QVLGHU HVWH HTXLSR GHVHRVR GH DSUHQGHU VH ODQ]D nuevamente a un viaje de reconocimiento. La gira más larga hasta ahora con el Editourmobil lleva a nuestros editores, partiendo desde Lima, en cuatro equipos, por seis países sudamericanos: De Perú a Uruguay, pasando por Bolivia, Chile \\ $UJHQWLQD SDUD WHUPLQDU ¿QDOPHQWH HQ %UDVLO 7UHV PHVHV y medio, más de 12.000 kilómetros de recorrido y una gran cantidad de entrevistas fascinantes con lo más importante de la industria del PET están esperando a los expedicionarios. Y nuevamente, usted participará con ellos: Durante el Tour en nuestro blog en directowww.drinktec.petpla.net y después del Tour en nuestro puesto de la feria en el drinktec, desde el 16 al 20 de septiembre de 2013, Hall B3, Puesto 501, donde pasaremos revista al Tour para usted. __________________________________________________ AAmérica do Sul nos espera! A equipe da PETplanet Insider, sedenta de conhecimento, volWD D ID]HU XPD YLDJHP GH UHFRQKHFLPHQWR $ H[FXUVmR PDLV longa até a data com o Editourmobil leva os nossos editores, a partir de Lima, em quatro equipes, a seis países da América do Sul: desde o Peru através da Bolívia, Chile e Argentina DWp R 8UXJXDL H ¿QDOPHQWH QD ~OWLPD HWDSD DWp R %UDVLO 7UrV meses e meio, um trajeto de mais de 12.000 quilômetros e muitas entrevistas emocionantes sobre o mais importante que D GHOHJDomR GD 3(7 HVSHUD GD ([SHGLomR ( YRFr HVWi VHPSUH SRU SHUWR GXUDQWH D H[FXUVmR QR QRVVR EORJ direto www.drinktec.petpla.net H GHSRLV GD H[FXUVmR HP QRV so espaço na drinktec, de16 a 20 de setembro de 2013, salão B3, expositor 501, onde lhe mostraremos todos os detalhes da H[FXUVmR Go with the flow The South-America round trip with 18th February - 24th May, 2013 18 de febrero - 24 de mayo de 2013 De 18 de fevereiro a 24 de maio de 2013","@ID":26} "PETpatents www.verpackungspatente.de 36 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Variable multipack Intern. Patent No. WO 2012 / 076577 A1 Applicant: Nestec S.A., Vevey (CH) Application Date: 7.12.2011 A multipack for water or beverages which is made up of a number of containers of different sizes, thus ensuring that users have the right one to hand, in the home or in the office environment or for sports applications. The use of a special arrangement during transport means that the containers are able to absorb the forces encountered in an optimum manner. Plastic bottle Intern. Patent No. WO 2012 / 081627 A1 Applicant: Suntory Holdings Ltd., Osaka (JP) Application Date: 14.12.2011 The surface of this plastic bottle is designed so as to absorb any forces that may arise (hot fill) without the bottle undergoing plastic deformation. The design of the compensating surfaces is described. Contact-free drinking Europ. Patent No. EP 2468644 A1 Applicant: Shi Eun Jung, Busan (KR) Application Date: 12.8.2010 A plastic bottle is fitted with a projection which enables the user to place the bottle beneath the lower lip / on the chin prior to consuming the contents – with no contact between lip and bottle. Plastic bottle Disclosure No. DE 102010064125 A1 Applicant: Krones AG, Neutraubling (D) Application Date: 23.12.2010 The disclosure describes the shape of the bottom section of a plastic bottle. The bottom section is moulded using standard blow-moulding machine pressure and can be manufactured without any problems. Container with drinking straw Intern. Patent No. WO 2011 / 023586 A1 Applicant: Innoprax AG, Meggen (CH) Application Date: 17.8.2010 A recess complete with a ratchet element is integrated in the wall of a plastic bottle to accommodate a drinking straw. The shrink label on the container is preperforated at this point to protect the drinking straw against dirt and any unauthorised removal. Bottle with handle Europ. Patent No. EP 2471718 A1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co. Ltd., Tokyo (JP) Application Date: 20.8.2007 A plastic bottle incorporates a special zone intended to accommodate a separately manufactured handle. The handle is placed in position at an angle of approx. 30° and subsequently rotated to fix it in the vertical position.","@ID":38} "BOTTLING / FILLING 29 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net and Guarana, and even as a sugar-free version with Stevia. The Kofola Group portfolio is complemented by many other non-alcoholic drinks. The biggest brands sold by the Kofola Group besides Kofola itself are the Rajec spring waters, which include flavoured natural waters as well as the classic fizzy types, the Jupí brand with its broad range of syrup beverages, Vinea grape drink, and the Semtex energy drink. The Kofola range also embraces Snipp fruit juices and nectars, Jupík, a fruit beverage developed for children and which includes smoothies and nearwater products, Pickwick Iced Tea, Chito Tonic, and several soft drinks Kofola has a licence to bottle, such as Orangina and RC Cola. In Slovakia the company has a financial share of 16% on the market for alcohol-free beverages. In the Czech Republic the Kofola Group is currently in third place with a market share of 12.4%, and comes seventh in Poland with a 3.5% slice of the cake. With its vision of becoming the second largest producer of non-alcoholic beverages in Central Europe, the company is aiming to take up the first or second slots in the cola and mineral water segments of these markets. In the other soft drinks segments Kofola would like to come at least third. At the moment Kofola brand products are exported to Hungary, Croatia, Romania, and the USA, for instance. The entire product portfolio is bottled in everything from exclusively designed glass restaurant bottles through a diverse spectrum of PET containers holding from 0.2 to 1.5l to 20 and 50l kegs and 0.25 and 0.5l cans. Approximately 80% of total sales are in PET. The remaining 20% are sold in glass, cans, and kegs. The filling process When Kofola was looking for a filling technology to process all kinds of fruit beverage, from smoothies to their beverage innovation with chunks of aloe vera, recently launched to market, the company opted for KHS hotfill technology. This KHS hotfill process separates the solids phase from the liquid phase and has been specifically designed to bottle fruit beverages containing pieces of fruit and fibres The new hotfill PET line is now installed at the Mnichovo Hradiste BERICAP the plastic closure company committed to your success www.bericap.com Research and Development Developing closure solutions to meet your specific requirements Mould Technology A detailed understanding of mould design with in-house mould making facilities in Hungary and Germany Global Presence Local production in 21 strategically located factories. An on-going strategy of stregthening our global presence Capping Technology and Know-How Special advice on capping technology with on-going technical support Innovation and Flexibility Our broad range of plastic closures is the basis for generating new innovation. Our expertise covers aseptic, hot fill, barrier, anti-counter- feiting TE-systems, consumer convenience and child resistance *Based on an article by Ludwig Clüsserath, Development Manager, Filling and Process Equipment, KHS GmbH, Bad Kreuznach, Germany, Alois Monzel, Manager, Process Technology Competence Center, KHS GmbH, Bad Kreuznach, Germany and Libor Smutek, KHS Sales Office in the Czech Republic, KHS GmbH, Budweis. site near Prague in the Czech Republic. At present, Kofola is using the line to fill the Snipp aloe vera beverage, and the Jupi, Jupik, and Pickwick brands in four different PET bottle sizes of 0.2, 0.33, 0.5, and 0.7l. The filling process is necessarily a complex one, involving heating and pasteurisation prior to filling. The fruit chunks are handled separately, being fed into the carrier fluid from a solids preparation tank. Solids make up 40% to 60% of the beverage. Throughout the process the entire line is sterilised from time to time. The Innofill NV-H fills the hot liquid into the PET bottles by free-flow, non-contact filling. Using this equipment, Kofola is able to hotfill beverages containing no solid matter, or fruit beverages with a low percentage of solids. The Innofill NV-H is suitable for the filling of fruit pieces that measure up to 3mm across, and of fruit fibres up to 15mm in length and 1.5mm in diameter in bottles ranging in capacity from 0.2 and 3l. Up and down the stream The bottles are capped by an Innofill SV screw capper. After a fill level check and recooling in an Innopas recooler, the PET bottles are dressed with sleeve labels and packaged into shrink packs. Upstream of the filling process Kofola has installed a KHS InnoPET Blomax Series IV stretch blow moulder with eight blow stations. It would also be possible to directly monoblock the stretch blow moulder with the filling system and hygienically enclose this monoblock for production under ultra-clean conditions. As the ambient conditions and products processed at Kofola do not require this, this option was deliberately omitted. www.khs.com http://company.kofola.cz/ The principle of piston filling, with low shear stress for the product, prevents the solids from being damaged.","@ID":31} "EDITOUR REPORTS 19 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02 July 9, 2012 Alfatechform We met: Mr Alexander M. Korotov, Vice-General Director Mr Oleg Sidorenko, Chief of Technical Bureau Ms Svetlana Ansimova, Sales Manager, Netstal Consistent, step by step growth The complex belonging to the plastics producer Alfatechform in Klimovsk is certainly out of the ordinary. The company has two large production facilities catering for its various divisions dealing with preform and caps production, as well as for bottling of domestic cleaning products. Ignoring the Russian financial crisis at the time, the company was set up in 1998 to pursue the idea of capitalising on the requirements of Russia’s PET market, which was still in its infancy. Mr Oleg Sidorenko was in on the act right from the start, in those days with responsibility for production matters. Today he is the Chief of the Technical Bureau. In the discussion with Mr Alexander M. Korotov, the Vice-General Director and Oleg, it emerged that Alfatechform is focussing on flexibility and consistent but considered growth. Since the company was established, it has benefited from the rise in the number of qualified skilled workers to 400 as well as seeing the number of its machines increase from a single Netstal HP-3500 line to a total of nine machines today. There has also been an increase in the flexibility associated with this which is needed in order to manufacture a very wide range of preforms. Initially the plant was capable of producing a maximum output of 90 million preforms per year, but this increased to 1.56 million using moulds mainly from Otto Hofstetter, but also from MHT. Since 1998 production of preforms has increased 16-fold. The growth was gradual, achieved by the purchase, every year, of new equipment. This increase in production went hand in hand with an increase in the range of preforms the company was able Are your standard PET preform molds making you as much money as they should? Ask how MPET with iFlow technology improves production and achieves greater quality results. Innovation doesn’t happen in isolation. It happens when blue-sky thinking meets down to earth knowhow and exceptional supply chain execution. The sort of innovation that Mold-Masters is known for, now applied to PET tooling for industry-leading results. Introducing MPET – the new PET preform tooling solution designed for the standards of tomorrow. Mold-Mastersand theMold-Masters logo are trademarks ofMold-Masters (2007) Limited. ©2013Mold-Masters (2007) Limited.All rights reserved. Think about it. moldmasters.com/thinkaboutit [email protected] F.l.t.r.: Kay Krüger, Alexander M. Korotov and Oleg Sidorenko","@ID":21} "BOTTLE MAKING 26 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net The first compressed air to be recovered from the high pressure air tank is used for 100% coverage of the preblow operation. The remainder of air in the high pressure air tank covers a proportion of the main blowing process. This is the vital new feature because what we are looking for is the saving of the expensive high pressure air. The original high pressure air line is responsible for delivering the second blow phase of P2’. The compressed air derived from the second recovery process (which is by now in the low pressure air tank) is used for 100% coverage of the pneumatics inside the machine while the remaining air is conveyed to the production low pressure air line. The air recovered is filtered so that it is dry as well as free of oil and dust. The pressure in the high pressure air tank is around 50% of the main blow pressure (P2’) and approx. 12bar in the low pressure air tank. The patented ARS+ offers the following advantages: Savings of around 30% of high pressure air. 100% coverage of low pressure air for the machine pneumatics and there is still some air left for the production low pressure air line. Reduced power consumption of the high and low pressure air compressors. The possibility exists of switching off compressors and thus saving on maintenance costs or using smaller compressors. The number of compressors required could be reduced, thus gaining space and ensuring that less noise develops. ARS and blow pressure curve ARS+ compressed air recovery schematic","@ID":28} "PRODUCTS 31 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02 Injection to blow Engel Austria and Italian company Cantoni have jointly developed an injection moulding and blow-moulding process that operates in the same machine. The Inject2Blow process has been demonstrated with a cycle time of 14sec for the production of wide-necked jars, on an Engel Victory injection moulding machine in Cantoni 2+2 mould. The companies say that combining the processes in one piece of equipment can significantly reduce cycle time and costs in the manufacture of packaging for the cosmetic, drug and food markets. They further claim that additional benefits include lower system investment costs, a smaller system footprint, higher system availability, simpler quality control, and no maximum clamping force. The inject2blow method can be used to process a wide range of thermoplastics from polyethylene, polypropylene and polycarbonates to PET. Energy is saved because preforms do not have to be heated up again before the blow moulding part of the process, and Engel’s ecodrive is designed to match consumption levels achieved by fully electric machines. Cavity inserts make product changeover easier, and can also make small batch production economical. Engel and Cantoni can supply the integrated production systems from one source. They include an Engel Victory and e-Victory series injection moulding machine, adapted to the application’s requirements; Cantoni sliding table mould and an Engel Viper linear robot, which removes finished parts from the mould. Both processes are monitored and controlled by an Engel CC 200 control unit, which means that operators will not necessarily have to learn to use a new system. www.engelglobal.com Laser processing capabilities R&D Leverage claims that the the launch of its laser processing capability means that consumer packaged goods makers can now offer custom, machine-based textures, structures and surface treatments that can increase visual appeal. The company says its experience is that the feel of a package is as important as its visual cues and that its total approach incorporates “tactile tactics” that interpret consumer preferences and dislikes regarding “feel”, and builds these preferences into the creation of a custom texture. A distinctive organic or non-organic texture can be created without the use of chemicals or mechanical processes. The company’s laser processing capability can machine metal to 0.0005 of an inch – one-eighth the thickness of a human hair. Examples of organic textures include custom-designed raindrops, wood grain, leather look, pebble patterns and even fingerprints. Non-organic textures include geometric shapes, herringbone patterns and plaids. The new process is aimed at consumer packaged goods, implantable medical devices, and precision micro components. www.rdleverage.com","@ID":33} "PETnews 6 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Sipa partners with Athena Automation to launch PET preform injection moulding machines After an initial period of cooperation in designing an innovative product line for making preforms, Sipa along with Athena Automation, founded by Robert Schad, founder and former CEO of Husky Injection Molding Systems, have agreed to formalise their partnership. The goal of the partnership is to use synergies between the two companies to build a leading global product line and service organisation. Athena Automation’s facility is located north of Toronto, Canada where they have been developing and validating a new technology for the PET market. Athena has been working for three years on a production platform that they claim will raise the bar in terms of reliability. Features that make the Athena machine stand out are fast cycles, improved accuracy, increased uptime, smaller footprint, lower power consumption, and design simplicity. Athena and Sipa have been working together for several months, fine-tuning the system. Sipa will manage the sales, service and integration of all Athena PET preform machines on an exclusive worldwide basis, with Athena’s support. This arrangement strengthens Sipa’s base and rounds up their product line from low cavitation, multi-mould change applications to high volume production of beverage preforms. This past year at the NPE exhibition in Orlando, Florida, Sipa introduced the XForm injection moulding system that is capable of handling moulds with upwards of 96 cavities. The new Athena machines complement XForm. www.sipa.it Onex buys KraussMaffei Onex Corporation, an established private equity fund listed on the Toronto Stock exchange, has announced completion of the acquisition of plastic and rubber processing equipment manufacturer KraussMaffei Group, which develops and markets its products under the KraussMaffei, KraussMaffei Berstorff and Netstal brands. The acquisition achieved completion effective December 28, 2012, at a total price of €568 million. Onex Partners III invested $353 million, of which Onex’ share is about $89 million as a limited partner in the Fund. KraussMaffei Onex’ businesses have assets of $39 billion, generate annual revenues of $34 billion and employ approximately 235,000 people worldwide. www.kraussmaffeigroup.com Indorama reorganises PET production capacity Indorama Ventures PCL (IVL) has announced plans to expand its PET polymers production capacity in the USA, by the establishment of a new plant with a capacity of 540,000t/a. Construction is expected to be completed in Q4 2015 and will take IVL’s total PET capacity in North America to 2,100,000t/a. The plant is intended to take advantage of expected growth in North America, while maintaining a low cost structure. IVL had previously announced its intention to expand PET production at its Polish site. The company’s board has now decided to carry out a significant debottlenecking exercise, rather than establish a new line. www.indoramaventures.com Starlinger delivers first PET recycling line to Uzbekistan Starlinger has supplied the equipment for the first complete PET recycling project in Uzbekistan, installed by Uzbek recycler Geleon Link. The Tashkentbased company has purchased a Starlinger recoStar PET 125 HC iV+ recycling line, including a viscoStar 120 SSP unit, for processing post-consumer washed and dried PET bottle flakes. The line has a total output capacity of around 8,000t/a. The recycled food-grade PET material is destined mainly for the domestic market. Starlinger says that its recoStar PET 125 HC iV+ line produces food-grade regranulate suitable for various applications. The recycling/decontamination process meets FDA/EFSA and brand owner requirements. Recycling activities are only just getting under way in Eastern European countries. The Geleon Link project fits into the framework of Uzbekistan’s “Policy of Localisation”, which is aimed at reducing the expenditure of valuable foreign currencies on imported goods. The country has been importing around 70,000t/a of PET granulate, at an average price of US$ 2,000/ton. www.starlinger.com Erratum In Issue No 12/2012 an inadvertent error occurred in the article entitled Chips & Grapes by Novapet (pages 12-15). On Page 12 it was stated that Barbastro is part of the Catalunya region. This is of course, incorrect: Barbastro is situated in northern Aragón, in the province of Huesca. The reference in the article to the ongoing Catalunya political debate in connection with Barbastro is thus erroneous.","@ID":8} "BOTTLE MAKING 27 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Delivering solutions, shaping the future. www.aptar.com - [email protected] Meet us at 16-20 September 2013 Dispensing Flip-top sports closures Hotfill Cold Aseptic Convenience innovation SimpliSqueeze® valve Sensitive Beverage Dosing Flow Control Multi-serve Single-serve Pouches A short payback time for the ARS+ compressed air recovery system. However, this will depend on the particular user’s situation. The ARS+ can, of course, also be retro-fitted into any stretch blow moulding machine, regardless of whether it is a new or an older model. Any recovery activities will have no effect on either the quality or the quantity of bottles produced. Furthermore, the system has its own electronic control unit. All technical details and results are mean and empirical values and may be different to the values for individual machines. The following information is required to calculate the energy saving: Type of stretch blow moulding machine Number of cavities Bottles produced per hour Preblowing and blowing pressure Bottle volume Stretching pressure How many hours per month the machine is in operation Price for 1 kWh Altitude of the production location The annual saving in energy is then compared with the price of the system in order to determine the payback period. Since this number is of key significance as far as any decision on investment is concerned, Technoplan Engineering SA carries out a measurement of compressed air consumption following installation of ARS+. Thus evidence is provided for the customer that the energy saving calculation is correct. About Technoplan Engineering SA Technoplan Engineering SA has been in existence since 1989 and has been operating in the energy saving sector since 1998 with special reference to stretch blow moulding machines. The company’s employees have already iequipped around 1,000 machines with ARS or ARS+. The development department is constantly searching for and identifying possible ways of reducing the energy consumption of the machines. In addition to compressed air saving systems, Technoplan Engineering SA also offer products they have developed themselves, spare parts and an independent consultancy service with comprehensive coverage of the topic of energy consumption of stretch blow moulding machines. www.technoplan.info Read Part 2/2 in PETplanet insider issue 4/13: Reducing energy consumption in preform heating","@ID":29} "EDITOURS REPORTS 18 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net a grand scale. The initial changeover to PET bottles took place in 2004 on a Comac line and this is still in use today. Starting in 2008, the bottling unit was extended by two modern KHS lines and these are used for bottling the company’s own “Nikola“ brand as well as others. Deka’s kvass brewery boasted the lion’s share of the market in 2011. In addition to kvass, Deka also produces CSDs, small quantities of beer and mineral water plus, in its other guise as a retailer, carrying out bottling activities alongside its own products for a few private labels, one of which is Pepsi. In total, the company offers a selection of ten different flavour products covering 20 brand names. In percentage terms, kvass, with 75%, accounts for the largest share of production at Deka, followed by 24% beer and less than 1% mineral water, exclusively for the regional market. The company’s target group as far as kvass is concerned is the European part of Russia together with parts of Siberia and Europe. In addition, there are also export contracts with the USA and Germany for people of Russian extraction living in these countries who cannot bear to be parted from their favourite beverage. Kvass is regarded as a reasonably priced mass production product; price is therefore decisive for the consumer. The fact that the beverage is not susceptible to external influences is a point in its favour, so that there are no barriers to the use of standard preforms in the manufacturing process. In total, Deka is actually filling around 36,000bph at the moment. The preforms for the operation are supplied by Retal, APG, Alpla and Europlast (PCO 1881 neck finish and PCO 1810), plus closures from Bericap. Looking to the future, Deka’s vision is to promote the attractions of kvass far beyond the borders of Russia, and to transform this traditional Russian beverage into a worldwide best seller. www.deka.com.ru July 9, 2012 Inventra/Creon Energy We met: Nika Asatiani, Deputy General Director Sandjar Turgunov, Vice President / General Director Anna Dautova, Plastics Department (Inventra) Director F.l.t.r.: Nika Asatiani, Sandjar Turgunov, Kay Krüger and Anna Dautova A seed bed for new ideas The story of Inventra as an independent company begins in 2012. The company emerged from the former plastics division of the Moscow consulting firm, Creon Energy. Founded in 2003, Creon is a consultancy company and source of ideas for oil & gas, petrochemicals, chemicals and related industries of the Russian Federation and CIS countries. As Vice President Mr Sandjar Turgunov tells us, one of its main strengths, in addition to its corporate advisory function, lies in organising the necessary platforms to enable information sharing. Thus, for a number of years now, the company has been organising specialist conferences, workshops and forums on plastics-related topics in different sectors, bringing decision makers and experts from the sector together. The lion’s share, in terms of both cycles and participants, is currently as regards matters relating to PET, followed by events in conjunction with automotive applications and, more recently, fibres. In order to ensure an early evaluation of trends, it is of enormous importance that announcements relating to ideas and information on modifications should be presented promptly by specialist personnel and duly relayed, something which is an important component of the concept for the organisation of Creon’s events, says Turgunov. In addition to classical presentations by well-known companies, joint intensive discussions and networking take place here. As regards the PET sector, this is where both PET and preform producers come together alongside major bottling companies, tool and machine manufacturers and the press. Of course, this also represents one way of achieving automatic generation of follow-up customers for Creon. In matters of strategic consultancy, Creon‘s input as far as industry is concerned is based on many years’ experience on the part of its founder, Dr. Fares Kilzie, who has been building up close relationships within the Russian markets ever since the 1990s. Tuning into and adding to this fund of expertise on an ongoing basis is, today, keeping a team of around 50 employees busy in Moscow. As for the PET sector, which, shortly after the establishment of Creon as a company, followed with a focus on the topics of PE, PP and PC, Inventra today draws up market analyses and provides strategic help for companies that are undergoing further development or which, for example, are basically keen to implement new investments. “Many companies”, say Turgunov and Anna Dautova, Director of Inventra’s Plastics arm, “are still focused in the main on the quantity produced, regardless of development and innovations in the marketplace. Here, too, Inventra offers consultancy services and encourages companies to become more innovative and modern. nventra compiles valid data for the plastics market from its own research facility and in close cooperation with the various sectors and the most important Russian players. www.creonenergy.ru","@ID":20} "BOTTLES 35 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Getting a grip on car care One problem with many thinwalled PET bottles is that you have to compress them slightly when lifting them in order to hold them securely. This often means that, if the product has been opened, one has to contend with the risk that the product may accidentally gush out. Cue for Sonax GmbH‘s bottle containing their car care product “Wash & Wax“ to come to the rescue. The red PET bottle has an indentation in the grip area and this indentation also incorporates additional recesses for the finger tips. Additional grooves and embossing on the bottle lend it an air of technical sophistication. A screw-type dispensing cap with tamper-proof strip and two self-adhesive labels complete the packaging. www.sonax.com Shaving foam The German drug-store discounter dm is featuring in his range, under his own label “balea nature“, shaving foam in a pressurised PET bottle. The product is of 95% natural origin and particularly user-friendly as it is free from silicones, parabens, mineral oils and colourants. The product is extracted by operating a tamper-proof knob. The waisted bottle contains 150ml of shaving foam and is decorated with a sleeve label. www.dm.de GDXL Air wick for air and textiles Under the brand name of Air Wick and the suffix Aqua Nature, ReckittBenckiser have recently started selling a spray for freshening up air and textiles long term. The spray, with its scent of magnolia and cherry blossom, is applied by means of a propellant-free spray head which is ergonomically formed and proof against incorrect use. After removal of the red security clip the translucent PETE bottle, with its 345ml contents, can be used to spray the product into the air or on to the surface of items of clothing. The fragrance will remain on the textiles for up to 12h. www.airwick.de","@ID":37} "EDITOUR REPORTS 14 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net associated uncertainty in the market (we carried a detailed report on this in PETplanet Insider No. 12, 2012). Since last November this discussion has been off the table: Thanks to wiser counsels prevailing, the beer ban has been lifted and the way to stimulate new investments in the beer bottling sector has been smoothed. As regards the first segment of our Russian trip, we begin with the interviews conducted at preform manufacturers APG (Advanced Packaging Group), the kvass brewery Deka, the consulting firm Inventra and the preform manufacturer Alfatechform. Russia The first part of our Go to Brau Beviale Tour took us from St. Petersburg all the way to that mecca of manufacturing, Moscow, via Gatchina and Veliky Novgorod. Back at the time when we were holding our initial meetings and discussions with processors and bottlers, it rapidly became clear that PET and its development play a significant role as far as the Russian market is concerned and will continue to do so in the future. During the whole of the interview trip, one persistent feature was the discussions that had already been going on for some years on the threat to ban the use of PET bottles in the beer industry – the so-called “Beer Ban” – and the by Kay Krüger Part 2 PET from St. Petersburg to Moscow Nuremberg Nizhny Novgorod Kazan Perm Yekaterinburg Chelyabinsk Yaroslavskaya Moscow Ufa Samara Saratov Volgograd Rostov-on-Don Dnipropetrovsk Kiev Warsaw Novgorod Saint Petersburg Gatchina Fryazino Kamenka Lipetsk Zaporishsha Mykolaiv Kharkiv Chernihiv Kalinovka Lübeck","@ID":16} "MARKET SURVEY 22 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 01+02/13 www.petpla.net Company name Delmenhorster Kork-Fabrik Arthur Linck GmbH, Europlast Association of Plants Krallmann Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH Closure Systems International Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Brendelweg 165 27755 Delmenhorst, Germany +49 4221 92280 www.dkf-linck.de André Gross Sales Manager +49 4221 922826 +49 4221 922888 [email protected] 7, Novopresnenskiy lane, Moscow, Russian Federation, 123557 +74957778887 www.europlast.ru Pavel Fedyunin Head of marketing department +74957778887 +74957778887 [email protected] Siemensstraße 24 D-32120 Hiddenhausen, Germany +49 5223 989-0 www.krallmann.de Mr. Alexander Knipp Director Sales & Marketing +49 5223 989-262 +49 5223 989-201 [email protected] 7702 Woodland Drive, Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN 46278 USA +34 93 891 62 49 www.csiclosures.com Juan Benito Marketing Manager +34 93 891 78 29 +34 93 891 78 00 [email protected] Product Range One-piece closures for beverages Yes, PE Yes, HDPE Yes, PE, PP Yes, HDPE, PP, copolymers, etc. Two-piece closures for beverages (with liner) No Yes, PP, polyliner Yes, PE, PP, TPE Yes, plastic & aluminum closures Applications relevant to PET containers (e.g. CSD, water, juice, beer, etc.) CSD, water, juices, beer CSD, water, dairy, juice, iced tea, beer, household and automobile chemistry, cosmetics All beverage sectors CSD, water, juice/fruit drinks, sport drinks, teas, energy drinks, liquid dairy, beer, liquor, wine, edible oil, vinegar, sauces, spreads, dressing, other food, automotive fluids, pharma, etc.; cold-fill, hot-fill and asepticl applications Neck finishes available as standard PCO 1810, 1881 BPF/PCO 1810, PCO1881, 38mm, oil standard, caiba, 3start 5l All corresponding neck finishes Full portfolio of short-height/lightweight and standard neck finishes for 26mm, 28mm, 29mm, 30mm, 33mm, 38mm, 43mm, and other bottles (e.g., 1881, 1873, 1810, 1716, 1914, 1901, 1844, 29/25, 30/25 Haute, 1851, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1842, 1843, 1845, 1799, 1814, 1841, etc.) Printed caps available Yes Yes Yes Yes Colour matching service Yes Yes Yes Yes Child-proof closures No No Yes No Push-Pull / sports caps No No Yes, individual solutions Yes Special comments/special closures (e.g. flip-tops, drinking spouts, lightest cap for 28mm PCO, 26mm for water etc including non-beverage closures...) No No Range of food / non food caps, K-Squeeze closure range with patented technology, multi-component injection moulding, non refillable closures, own tool-shop In addition to quality closures that enhance the marketability of brands, CSI offers high speed capping equipment and expert technical services to optimize bottlers total cost of operations. Special patented closures or marketing features No No IML-solution for caps, patented K-squeeze valve technology, R&D departement and toolmaking for individual solutions Many patented safety and design features across a wide range of closures 01+02/2013 MARKETsurvey Company name Weener Plastik GmbH EKG Group SBECM Idee + Form Finn-Korkki Oy Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Industriestraße 1, 26826 Weener, Germany +49 4951 306-0 www.wppg.com Manfred van Essen Senior Sales Manager +49 4951 306-0 +49 4951 306-150 [email protected] Njegoseva 10 34220 Lapovo, Serbia +381 34 61 000 11 Dragan Miljkovic Manager +381 34 61 000 11 +381 34 61 000 12 [email protected] Rue de la plaine, 47230 Lavardac, France +33 5 53 97 41 00 www.sbecm.com Jean-Luc Didouan Manager +33 5 53 65 85 97 [email protected] D-23566 lübeck Am Lauerhofberg 1 +49 451 61119951 Gerhard Priewe Director +49 175 4101161 [email protected] Konepajantie 10, 13300 Hämeenlinna, Finland +358 3 628 641 www.finn-korkki.com Robert Jeynes Export marketing +358 3 628 6428 +358 3 619 7294 [email protected] Product Range Ring crown caps and sealing equipment One-piece closures for beverages Yes, HDPE Yes, HDPE, LDPE or PP Yes, HDPE, LDPE or PP No No Two-piece closures for beverages (with liner) No No Yes, steel and aluminium cap with liner Applications relevant to PET containers (e.g. CSD, water, juice, beer, etc.) CSD, water, juice CSD, dairy products, juices, water, beer Water, CSD, juices, dairy products, any liquid or non liquid products Yes Beer, wine, water, CSD, juice, functional, cider, energy drinks Neck finishes available as standard PCO 28/1881 PCO 28 1881, 38mm, 48/41, 30/25 high and low 30/25 high and low, 29/25, PCO 28 (1810, 1881, BPF), 38mm, 48/41 28 / 38mm standard pry-off crown cap and RipCap 42mm Printed caps available Yes Yes No, but embossed No Yes, in 6 plus colours Colour matching service Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Child-proof closures No No On request No No Push-Pull / sports caps Yes Yes On request Yes No Special comments/special closures (e.g. flip-tops, drinking spouts, lightest cap for 28mm PCO, 26mm for water etc including non-beverage closures...) 1- piece sports cap (Flip-top cap with temper evidence) On request Handles for 5l, overcaps twist for carbonated up to 10bar Ring crown caps of different sizes for pasteurisation, sterilisation, hot fill and cold fill applications. Special patented closures or marketing features Several patents Dosing caps push-pull for powder and liquid","@ID":24}]}}