"TRADE SHOW REVIEW 33 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Ingredients & ingredient systems for multi-sensory product experiences Doehler was presented natural ingredients and ingredient systems for food and beverages that are characterised by a multi-sensory product experience. The globally active company introduces ingredient solutions that fulfil the technological requirements of specific applications and harmoniously appeal to all the senses in the final product. The broad portfolio of natural ingredients includes flavours, colours, health & nutrition ingredients, cereal ingredients, dairy ingredients, speciality ingredients, fruit & vegetable ingredients and ingredient systems. In Cologne, a special focus was put on natural colour alternatives, botanical extracts, authentic fruit flavours as well as on fruit and vegetable ingredients for technologically demanding food and beverage applications. In addition, Doehler highlighted modern culture media for the microbiological detection of beverage-spoiling microorganisms under the brand name Doehler Microsafety Design. A large number of innovative concepts for the food and beverage industry round off Doehler’s trade fair appearance. www.doehler.com GEA Procomac at Anuga FoodTec, jointly with GEA Group At Anuga FoodTec visitors was shown the complete product and solutions portfolio that GEA can offer to the dairy market: from raw materials to packaged products. GEA Procomac exhibited its range of liquid dairy filling technologies for UHT, ESL and pasteurized milk as well as milk based drinks. GEA Procomac has introduced a range of fillers specifically designed for the dairy industry with an output ranging from 6.000 bph to 72.000 bph that can fill HDPE or PET bottles with UHT milk or milk based products with a shelf life of up to 12 months or ESL with a shelf life of up to 120 days, with no restrictions in terms of shape and dimensions. A compact aseptic bloc with a production speed commonly requested from the dairy industry was shown at the booth. The system is FDA validated and can be equipped with a Dual fill system which allows the aseptic filling of fruit chunks and pieces up to 10x10x10 mm. GEA Procomac exposed White & Safe bottles, designed specifically for ESL and UHT milk applications and featuring a range of light barrier. Barriered PET provides a ‘total light barrier’ (over 99.5% of the visible light spectrum), with a guarantee of over nine months shelf life for UHT milk. Furthermore it offers the potential to allow light-weighting as ordinary PET and a significant reduction in material costs. Aseptic filling technology for High Acid and Low Acid beverages in PET and HDPE containers was also part of delivery program during Anuga FoodTec. The advanced bottle sterilization technology from GEA Procomac includes: ECOSpin2 Zero for high speed and Modulbloc for low/medium speed lines, both using wet PAA sterilization; and the dry H2O2 preform sterilization technology with ABF (Aseptic Blow Fill), the first aseptic rotary blow moulding machine with an integrated aseptic filler and capper, low acid Log 6 validated. www.procomac.it","@ID":35}, "MARKET SURVEY 28 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net 04/2015 MARKETsurvey Preform equipment Single stage machinery Company name Nissei ASB Machine Co., Ltd. Sipa SPA Netstal Maschinen AG Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail 4586-3 koo, Komoro-shi, Naganoken, 384-8585 Japan +81 267 23 1565 www.nisseiasb.co.jp/en Mr Katsuo Ishiguro Section Man., Sales Coord. Team +81 267 23 1565 +81 267 23 1564 [email protected] Via Caduti Del Lavoro 3 31029 Vittorio Veneto, Italy +39 04389 11511 www.sipa.it Mr Stefano Baldassar Global Sales Manager Converters +39 04389 12273 [email protected] Tschachenstrasse 8752 Näfels, Switzerland +41 55 618 6111 wwww.netstal.com Mr Stefan Bock Manager Application Technology +41 55 618 6156 +41 55 618 6070 [email protected] Preform injection moulding systems Machine model number / name PM-70/65NII, PM-70/111N, PM170/111M XFORM 150 XFORM 300 XFORM 500 PET-LINE 2400-4000 (110) PET-LINE 4000-4000 (110) PET-LINE 4000-6300 (135) PET-LINE 4000-7300 (150) PET-LINE 5000-7300 (150) PETform KM175-1900CV Number of cavities (min/max units) 6 - 48 from 2 to 48 from 2 to 96 from 48 to 144 24 - 72 48 - 128 72 - 128 72 - 128 72 - 144 8-60 Maximum individual preform weight 240 grams 1508/62 3000/60 156/52 9 - 140 g 9 - 70 g 9 - 78 g 9 - 91 g 9 - 91 g 30-228g Max resin through-put ( kg/h of PET) 250 (approx) 580 kg/h 900 kg/h 1400 kg/h 740kg/h 740kg/h 1050kg/h 1350kg/h 1350kg/h 380kg/h Standard Features (short description / keywords) Vertical Clamping, built-in preform after-cooling stations, extremely compact energy efficient, smallest PET system, servo-driven clamp, innovative cooling robot, can install legacy tooling, fast mould change, wide-mouth capability, XFORM 500: new EVO robot for faster cycles, accepts legacy moulds and EOATs, fast mould change Complete System including material preparation, take out robot and post cooling, highest output by lowest invest, best conversion cost Options / Special Features (short description/keywords) Outputs are tailored to ASB's own range of 2-step blowing machines for hot fill application. PM170/111M is designed for bottle and jar preforms with capability of neck size up to 120mm. XFORM 150/300: DUO I & DUO II, PostMold Cooling, LongLife, Xmold for ultra-thin preform injection capability, XFORM 500: LongLife, XMold Overmoulding, calitec and preblow Company name Nissei ASB Machine Co., Ltd. CYPET Technologies Ltd Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail 4586-3 koo, Komoro-shi, Nagano-ken, 384-8585 Japan +81 267 23 1565 www.nisseiasb.co.jp/en Mr Katsuo Ishiguro Section Manager, Sales Coord. Team +81 267 23 1565 +81 267 23 1564 [email protected] Lefkosias 45, 2540 Dhali, Nicosia, Cyprus +357 22 610 700 www.cypet.eu Mr Constantinos Sideris Director +357 99 693 923 +357 22 610 800 [email protected] Machine model / number ASB-50MB, ASB-12M, ASB-15N/10E, ASB-70DPH, ASB-70DPW, ASB-150DP, ASB150DPW, ASB-650EXHS, ASB-650EXHD, PF8-4B, PF6-2B, PF4-1BH, PF3-1BH, PF31BHLL, PF24-8B(24), PF24-8B(12), PF24-8B(12H) K 12 K 16 Bottle volume (from/to in litres) 3ml - 20l 0.05 - 1 0.05 - 5 Number of preform cavities 1 - 36 1 - 12 1 - 12 Number of stretch blow mould cavities 1 - 36 1 - 12 1 - 12 Max. preform/bottle weight in grams for the stated number of cavities 3g - 800g 200 - 12 280 - 16 Hourly output based on: 0.5 litre container 1,200 - 9,000bph 1.000 1.800 1 litre container 720 - 8,500bph 500 900 1 litre wide neck container up to 5,300bph 400 800 2 litre wide neck container up to 2,200bph 400 400 other (e.g. containers for personal care products...) up to 6,000bph 500 900 Machine footprint / space requirement (LxWxH in metres) 3.56 x 1.14 x 2.73 (ASB-50MB) - 8.95 x 2.15 x 3.25 (PF24-8B) 4.9x1.5x3.6 5.3x1.7x3.8 Special features (short description/keywords) ASB Series mould a wide range of resins including PET, PP, HDPE, LDPE, PLA, PES, PPSU, PC. Several moudels using servo driven hydraulics for exceptional energy efficiency. ASB-15N/10E is the world's only all electric 1-step ISBM machine. PF Series uses lower blow mold cavitiation and blows multiple times per cycle for excellent efficiency. PF24 models offer outputs up to 9,000 bph for smaller bottles and 2,500 bph for 5 liter bottles. K 12, K 16, K 28 K 38 & K 53 ar","@ID":30}, "PRODUCTS 41 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Sidel Matrix Intelliblower: consistent production of high quality PET bottles Sidel has introduced Intelliblower, a new technology that brings control and self-regulation to the blow moulding process. The patented technology detects and corrects process deviations and ensures higher accuracy in material distribution during the production of PET bottles. Waste is reduced to a minimum, even with recycled material (R-PET). System controls parameters of the pre-blow phase Prior to Intelliblower, quality control during the blowing process involved frequent sampling and laboratory testing of bottles. This was then followed by manual adjustments to the process. The procedure is lengthy and reduces line efficiency. More importantly, it does not completely remove the possibility that a number of bottles may still be produced outside the accepted tolerances. Instead of simply focusing on heating regulation, Intelliblower controls parameters of the pre-blow phase that strongly impact final material distribution. It has therefore a higher impact on uniformity, irrespective of the bottle weight being produced. A very responsive process correction Inconsistencies of material distribution are usually caused through incorrect blowing pressures of individual blowing stations, through wear and tear of mechanical components or by inaccurate component calibration. The self-regulation of the system avoids deviations by analysing and controlling the blowing curve on each individual bottle. This enables accurate and consistent material distribution with a closed loop on each blowing curve and adjustment of critical points during the pre-blow phase. This process regulation is managed in a responsive way by using decentralised and highly responsive automation that allows faster exchange of information. As a result, only five consecutive bottles are produced at a blowing station before the necessary correction is validated. This selfregulation means far less sampling, testing and adjusting of the process, along with increased bottle quality. Simple self-regulation of the blowing curve Intelliblower is designed to be user-friendly. Its operation is based on automatic process regulation without the need for any manual intervention. This regulation is applied in three areas: pre-blow start, pre-blow flow and pressure. The operator defines the blowing process that matches the technical specifications of the desired bottle shape and these parameters are used to define the pre-blow reference curve. Then the real blowing curve is systematically self-monitored at each blowing station during actual production of the bottles. If blowing deviates from the reference curve, a correction is automatically implemented. Finally, referenced and real blowing process phases are aligned in terms of pre-blow timing (start and duration) and the pressure at all the blowing stations. This continuous regulation is performed on every bottle to ensure each one consistently meets the necessary specification. The standard deviation of material distribution between different blowing stations can be halved compared to a machine without self-regulation. Amount of maintenance significantly reduced Through the Human Machine Interface (HMI) of the SidelMatrix blower, process values of individual blowing stations are recorded, along with dedicated graphs. This provides operators with a comprehensive overall picture of the process performance. It also alerts about potential inconsistencies, indicating those stations where bottles are being blown outside accepted tolerances. Malfunctioning stations can be easily identified and maintenance implemented in order to minimise impact on production. www.sidel.com","@ID":43}, "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 34 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Chinaplas, Guangzhou, May 20 - 23, 2015 Will Chinaplas break new records? Trade fairs usually act as mood barometers for their respective sectors. Backed by a strengthening US economy, and strong manufacturing sector in particular, this year’s edition of the triennial NPE was the biggest ever. More than 2,000 exhibitors and 60,000 visitors gathered in the new US plastic fair capital Orlando. Husky introduced its new selfcleaning mold technology while KHS Corpoplast showed a direct digital printing process for PET bottles. The mood was from very good to excellent. The next big event is just around the corner: Chinaplas 2015. Here the preconditions are different. For some time the Chinese economy has been slowing down. Factory activity of the world’s second-largest economy slumped again in March, dropping to its lowest pace in 11 months. The slowdown is putting pressure on the government to take action in order to reach its own 7% growth target for this year. And the Chinese manufacturing slowdown ripples through the region. Chinaplas responds in its own way: the exhibition will once again break its past records, with the exhibiting area reaching 240,000 sqm and exhibitors exceeding 3,200. Unlike NPE, Chinaplas takes place every year, alternating between Shanghai and Guangzhou. But what makes Chinaplas really different from NPE? Every year new Chinese machinery manufacturers appear out of nowhere. They exhibit machines that look amazingly similar to existing European designs. But the most important difference, and a reason why the exhibition still expands, is that Chinaplas can be considered as a truly international fair. Visitors come from all over Asia, the Middle East and the rest of the world to witness the steady progress of Chinese companies. Exhibitors take part in the exhibition not only to find new potential customers, but also to look after existing customers from both inside and outside China. Some leading PET machinery manufacturers will not be present: KHS Corpoplast is attending the Russian Beer exhibition in Sotchi at that time, Sidel is preparing for the Iran Food + Bev Tech, and Husky takes a short rest from its recent world tour. But Chinaplas will again attract more than 100,000 visitors and will break new records. www.chinaplasonline.com Piovan | Hall 4.1 - Booth D41 “Next generation” PET drying technology Piovan Group’s China operation, Piovan Plastics Machinery (Suzhou) Co Ltd, will be displaying its GenesysL high-efficiency PET drying system. The machine is a global line and is made in its Suzhou plant. A typical resin drying process requires resin to be exposed to hot, dry air for as much as six hours and, consequently, consumes a large quantity of energy. Piovan says that GenesysL is designed to operate with marketleading energy consumption. Its features include advanced airflow management, an intelligent regeneration process and industrial PLC-based control. The company claims that GensysL is the only auto-adaptive system available on the market and that the 450 systems installed so far represent an overall energy saving of 2 million kWh per year, along with a reduction of 100,000 tonnes of CO 2 annually. Piovan says that GenesysL has the capability to stabilise airflow in the drying hopper, which helps to achieve further significant optimisation of its energy use. The system is designed to recover almost all the energy utilised in regeneration of the dessicant material, which helps to save 50% to 80% savings in energy consumption, compared to traditional or current regeneration technologies. The company claims that a system producing PET preforms running at a rate of 1,000kg/h can achieve savings in excess of 220,000 kWh/ yr. Piovan owns patent number EP2186613B1, for a high efficiency system for drying plastic materials. www.piovan.com","@ID":36}, "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 36 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Sacmi | Hall 4.1 - Booth C41 Caps and quality control The focus of Sacmi’s stand at Chinaplas 2015 will be its CCM (continuous compression moulding) technology, which is used to produce single-piece caps for CSD, water, hot filling and cold aseptic filling. Sacmi claims that its CCM press range has achieved absolute market leadership since its introduction and that there are more machines of this type in use around the world than the nearest injection technology models. The CCM 48SC on the stand will be equipped with a mould for the production of HDPE (high density polyethylene) one-piece 29mm AB29W type still mineral water caps, which weigh just 1.35g and are specifically designed for the mineral water market. Sacmi maintains that CCM offers higher productivity, better cap quality and improved energy consumption, as the technology allows the process to be completed at lower temperatures. The press on show will be equipped with Cool+, the company’s ‘enhanced cooling’ mould which features a dual cooling circuit that acts closer to where it’s needed. Sacmi says that a 48-mould Cool+ can make 2000 caps/min, because of a cycle time that is 35% shorter than alternative solutions. The machines can be integrated into existing quality control systems or can be supplied with either standalone quality control systems and/or ones installable on alternative technologies, such as the CHS (cap handling system), which can inspect up to 3000 caps per minute. Visitors to the Sacmi stand at Chinaplas will also be able to study the company’s integrated solutions for the beverage & packaging industry and to meet representatives from Sacmi Shanghai and Sacmi Nanhai. www.sacmi.com Starlinger | Hall 9.2 - Booth C41 Recycling of film and fiber production scrap, melt fine filtration, and bottle-to-bottle recyclingStarlinger at Chinaplas Starlinger will present its recoSTAR dynamic recycling line, an automated solution suited for the processing of films and sheets. It operates both off- or in-line with the production unit and is equipped with a Smart feeder that pre-dries and compacts the material before extrusion. During the process, speed and friction are automatically adjusted to the input material to achieve perfect material preparation. Up to 80% of the recycled granulate can be reused in film production, maintaining the same film strength and comparable physical properties, and minimising gel formation. The specially-designed cascade filtration system enables a fine filtration down to 25 μm to meet the high requirements in the polyester fibre and filament industry. Equipped with a heavy-duty single-shaft cutter arranged parallel to the extruder, the recoSTAR universal recycling line enables the processing of hard-to grind materials such as tapes, filaments, fibres and start-up lumps. The recoSTAR universal can be equipped with an extruder vacuum unit in order to extract volatile contaminants such as spin finish and reduce viscosity loss in the melt. Due to increasing demand of recycled content in beverage packaging, bottle-to-bottle recycling continues to be on the rise. The recoSTAR PET iV+ technology developed by Starlinger recycling technology yields recycled PET that has properties like virgin material and decontamination values which allow its use for packaging with direct food contact. A number of national and international certifications – among them several FDA non-objection letters and brand owner approvals – underline the fact that rPET produced using the Starlinger iV+ process is suitable for packaging with direct food contact and satisfies even the highest safety standards of the brand owners. www.recycling.starlinger.com","@ID":38}, "PREFORM PRODUCTION 21 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net New 300t PET system Several brands that enjoy a good reputation in the PET industry are now united under the Milacron banner. These include Kortec and Mold-Masters. The fact that these companies do not operate on their own was impressively demonstrated at the NPE 2015.They usher in a complete PET system, the M-PET 300 and the Klear Can Co-Injection. MHT MOLD & HOTRUNNER TECHNOLOGY AG Your Machine - Our Solution German Technology Klear Can Co-Injection Moulding on a Ferromatik 280 Pioneered by Milacron’s most recent acquisition Kortec (now Milacron Co-Injection), Klear Can features co-injection technology that elevates product packaging possibilities. Through co-injection technology, Klear Can replicates the benefits of airtight metal or glass cans in a plastic container by placing a thin barrier inside the core of the plastic container. While this barrier is less than 0,001” thick [0,02mm] it covers more than 99% of the part and can be controlled precisely in up to 96 cavity moulds. This allows shelf-stable foods to be stored in a BPA-free plastic container and extends shelf life by up to five years. The Klear Can is also fully retortable up to 130 degree Celsius. Klear Can’s cost-efficient design allows manufacturers to use existing downstream equipment for filling, seaming and retorting, thus requiring less expenditure on capital equipment. At the NPE show Milacron moulded Klear cans in a 4 cavity work cell at less than 8 second cycles. The cold half of the mould was built by Stackteck. www.milacron.com Milacron will launch its offering in the preform moulding market with the M-PET 300, a new servo-hydraulic PET system, which combines key components across Milacron’s product portfolio – machines, clamps, injection unit, end-of-arm tooling, hot runner, mould and robots – into a single solution. The M-PET series offers leading edge performance and low energy consumption plus new options for post mould handling at an attractive priceto-performance ratio. The system operates with Milacron’s Preform Tooling, as well as existing industry tooling solutions. The system is supported by Milacron’s single-source capability and global aftermarket support.","@ID":23}, "CAPPING / CLOSURES 31 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Closure and contents How can we make functional beverages even better? In the opinion of Roger Wilfinger, proprietor and CEO of Vicap, the answer lies in the separation of additives and water up to shortly before consumption. Through the simple push of the button the concentrates are released into the bottle right before the beverage is consumed. Many vitamins, aromas and additives are known to be sensitive to oxygen, UV radiation heat treatment, to name but two of the influencing factors. In order to create functional drinks in spite of this, the beverages industry restricts itself to vitamins, aromas and additives which will resist these external influences, at least for a certain period of time. To make it possible to also use aromas and additives that are sensitive to heat, the industry uses cold aseptic processes. However, there is still a broad spectrum of natural aromas and additives which is barred as far as the drinks industry is concerned because there are no types of packaging that are able to offer 100% protection. Roger, who was a long time ago trained as a chef and has worked in a number of countries worldwide, is familiar with excellence when it comes to flavour. He is also keen to make his experience available to the beverages industry by creating new experiences in terms of taste which are far removed from the classic flavouring variations and which are based on aromas that have, up to now, been beyond the reach of the beverages industry. And this is Roger Wilfinger’s starting point. If these sensitive vitamins, aromas and additives are not in the drink in the first place, then it will be impossible for them to be affected by light, oxygen or any other environmental factors. He stores these ingredients in the closure cap. It is only once the consumer has opened the closure that the aromas enter the beverage liquid where their delicious flavour is dispersed. Things that sound simple have a tendency to incorporate snags.The additives are placed in one chamber of the closure inside the clean room and aseptically sealed. This means that they are sealed in the best possible way up to the time of consumption. The 5-section closure has needed time to come to the stage of technical maturity so that it can now go through installation and aseptic bottling without any risk of malfunction and can also be processed without any problems at the premises of packaging companies who do not have a clean room. For this year, the target is 20 million closures; as regards the coming year, a minimum of 50 million is anticipated. In collaboration with Döhler, Roger is offering the closures ready to seal. Regardless of whether it’s Europe or the Gulf States, the aromas are put together for the customer on an individual basis and the closure sold fully charged to the bottler. One example of a ‘big name’ partner is Humana Pharma International. www.vicapsystems.eu Mr Roger Wilfinger, CEO of Vicap","@ID":33}, "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 37 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Want the secret to bottle light weighting? Process Pilot® automated blowmolder control system takes the guesswork out of material distribution management and can help ensure the success of even the most aggressive light weighting program. Featuring 24/7 blowmolder control, the Process Pilot system continuously maintains proper material distribution, on every bottle, to an unmatched level of accuracy. With the Process Pilot system, you have the means to push light weighting to the limit without sacrificing bottle quality or performance. Not convinced? Talk to one of our specialists today to schedule a free seminar and evaluation of the Process Pilot system on one of your blowmolding lines. Web: agrintl.com Tel: +1.724.482.2163 E-mail: [email protected] Amut | Hall 4.1 - Booth C45 Automatic thermoforming, cutting, moulds and presses Amut Group will be exhibiting its VPK-C84 automatic thermoforming machine, which will be engaged in the production of rigid packaging, such as trays, punnets and containers. Amut says that the machine has established a reputation for strength and durability, even when cutting tougher materials, such as PET and PP, at high cycles rate. The VPK-84 is made up of three stations: forming, steel rule die cutting and stacking. Handling is driven by servomotors, it can form with compressed air and/or vacuum, and has a quick clamp system for forming and punching mould, cutting and stacking tools. It features a steel-rule dies heating plate and upper oven partial heating. Amut will also be exhibiting its capability for tailor-made extrusion lines for the production of foils, sheets, films, membranes, pipes and profiles. The Recycling Division specialises in washing plants for the recovery of PET bottles and HDPE containers, and offers a wide range of machinery for waste handling and sorting. The Amut Dolci & Bielloni division offers printing machines, blown and cast lines for different multilayer films, and coating and laminating lines. Amut Group will be sharing its booth with Comi, which specialises in manufacturing customised thermoforming machinery, cutting systems, moulds and presses for a range of applications. www.amut.it www.comispa.it Otto Hofstetter | Hall 4.2 - Booth B71 Multi-cavity moulds and thin-walled packaging Swiss company Otto Hofstetter AG will be presenting its full portfolio of equipment on its own stand at Chinaplas 2015, including PET preform moulds ranging from two to 192 cavities. It will also exhibit products for the thin-walled packaging industry and its systems for the production of silicone cartridges with in-mould labelling. Representatives on the stand will also be able to discuss the full range of services and project management offered by Otto Hofstetter, from initial concept through design and development to mould construction and after-sales service. www.otto-hofstetter.ch","@ID":39}, "NEWS 9 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Iran offers great potential for manufacturers The 22nd edition of Iran Food+Bev Tec will be held from 26 - 29 May, 2015 at the Tehran International Fairgrounds. With its 76 million people, Iran is the most populated country in the Middle East. The food and beverage industry is one of the largest manufacturing industries in the country. A growing and young population, increasing urbanization and a growing middle class contribute to the rising demand for modern processed and packaged foods and beverages. According to estimates 18 million tonnes of packaged foods are sold in Iran, with a rising tendency. After Saudi Arabia, Iran is the second largest market for soft drinks in the Middle East. However, the per capita consumption is very low with 53 liters compared to neighboring Arab countries, offering good growth potential for the future. Despite own production, Iran is not able to meet the demand for modern processing and packaging machinery and is dependent on imports. This has been increasingly difficult in recent years because of the sanctions and the resulting difficulties in payments. In 2013, the country imported food processing and packaging machinery worth 145 million euros, or 22% less than in 2012. Germany is the largest trading partner after Italy. Due to the sanctions many investments were postponed in recent years. The country needs to modernize its food and beverage industry, and to continue to expand it in order to meet the growing demand of the population for food and beverages. www.fairtrade-messe.de Erema showcases TVEplus technology at PLAST 2015 Erema’s focus at Plast 2015 from 5-9 May in Milan will be on the new Intarema systems featuring the core technology Counter Current. The company has already sold more than 210 new systems worldwide after only 18 month since sales began in 2013. Erema will demonstrate an Intarema 1007 TVEplus system with a SW/RTF 4/134 melt filter, designed especially for the recycling of heavily printed and metallised production waste, plus the fully automatic edge trim system Intarema 605 K for the inhouse recycling sector. The European presentation of the newly founded sister company Pure Loop will also take place at Plast 2015. The company, which was founded on 1st January 2015, specialises exclusively in the recycling of clean production waste using shredder-extruder technology. In terms of strategy, Pure Loop pursues the strategy of positioning itself in the market and to further develop the shredder-extruder technology which is used for the repelletising of production waste in a wide variety of forms such as film, tapes, fibres, nonwovens, fabric, hollow bodies and solid plastic parts. At the exhibition, Pure Loop will present its “ISEC” (Integrated Shredder Extruder Combination) plant systems by using 3D models. www.erema.at Perfect Cooling and Temperature Control gwk Gesellschaft Wärme Kältetechnik mbH Scherl 10 · D-58540 Meinerzhagen Tel. +49 2354 7060-0 · www.gwk.com You will feel better having made the right decision. Reduce your energy consumption. Tailor made solutions Energy saving cooling systems Temperature controllers Chillers System solutions Water treatment Cooling technology Mould inserts Temperature control technology","@ID":11}, "NEWS 8 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Husky hosts beverage packaging conferences in South East Asia Husky Injection Molding Systems held the first two events on its 2015 Husky World Tour: the beverage packaging conferences in Bangkok, Thailand and Jakarta, Indonesia. Both events were well attended, with a combined total of over 250 customers from South East Asia, including brand owners and converters from countries such as Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the Philippines. The events featured presentations, discussions, and the opportunity to network with Husky and industry experts. Presentations included information on the latest developments in preform and beverage closure manufacturing, as well as details on the systematic elimination of waste and variability. Guest speakers included Moreno Barel, the President of P.E.T. Engineering, who spoke about ‘Bottle Design Evolutions – Cost, Fashion and Performance’ and Gary Fielding, the Marketing Director of ColorMatrix, who presented ‘The Impact of Colorants on Closure Performance’. The Husky World Tour 2015 is a series of global customer events taking place throughout the year in various locations across the globe. With multiple events spanning multiple locations, the tour gives both current and prospective customers opportunities for more direct access to Husky’s latest technologies at a local level. Planning for future events on the 2015 Husky World Tour is already underway. www.husky.ca www.petengineering.com www.colormatrix.com Klöckner Pentaplast, Starlinger and P&G join Petcore Europe Petcore Europe, the Brussels based association representing the PET industry in Europe, has three new member companies. Klöckner Pentaplast, Starlinger and Procter & Gamble have joined the association. “Our association aims to align the whole PET value chain to work together and to speak with one voice”, outlines Patrick Peuch, Executive Director of Petcore Europe. The Klöckner Pentaplast Group is a leading manufacturer of plastic films, including PET. Founded in 1965, it has grown from its initial facility in Montabaur, Germany, to operations in 12 countries with 18 production sites. Starlinger & Co Ges.m.b.H. is operating globally in the field of machine manufacturing. Its division Recycling Technology has become a global player in PET recycling. Established in 1837, Procter & Gamble is the world’s largest consumer products company, with nearly $84 billion in sales. With headquarters in Cincinnati, P&G has operations in approximately 70 countries worldwide and has approximately 118,000 employees. www.petcore-europe.org Executive Board changes at Krones AG Volker Kronseder, Chairman of the Executive Board of Krones AG, has decided not to renew his contract, which expires on 31 December 2015. Volker Kronseder (61) will leave the Executive Board at the end of 31 December 2015. He has been a member of the beverage filling and packaging technology leader’s Executive Board since 1989 and has served as Chairman of the Executive Board since 1996. He has also informed the company that he is available to stand for election to the Supervisory Board of Krones AG in the ordinary annual shareholders’ meeting in 2016. Volker Kronseder’s successor will be Christoph Klenk, whom the Supervisory Board has appointed Chairman of the Executive Board of Krones AG effective 1 January 2016. Christoph Klenk (51) has been with Krones AG since 1994. After serving in leadership positions in sales for the AsiaPacific region, he was appointed to the Executive Board in 2003. Until 2011, he was the Executive Board Member responsible for Research & Development and Product Divisions. Mr. Klenk has been the Executive Board Member responsible for Finance (CFO) at Krones AG since 2012. www.krones.com Gateway to 380 million consumers in the East African region The 18th PPPEXPO 2015 - International Trade Exhibition on Plastic, Printing & Packaging is the largest annually trade event in Tanzania. Held from 23 to 25 May 2015 concurrently with the East Africa Trade Exhibition (EAITE), the PPPEXPO regularly attracts exhibitors from more than 20 countries and visitors from all over East & Central Africa, thus giving exhibitors the opportunity to explore several countries at the same time. Over the past few years Tanzania has emerged as a major regional trade centre, mainly due to a very friendly and business like atmosphere the country offers to foreign investors and products. Duties are relatively low and re-exports to neighbouring countries are either very low or even exempted. www.expogr.com f.l.t.r. Mr. Volker Kronseder and Mr. Christoph Klenk","@ID":10}, "PETbottles 46 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Home + Personal Care Miracle Serum for hair Balea Professional - a dm own-brand label – is offering 100ml of Miracle Serum designed to care for longer, damaged hair and boasting a heat protection capability of up to 230°C. Spreading two to three pump strokes over the palms and rubbing into towel-dried hair helps to counteract the “fly-away factor” as well as having an “antifrizz” effect. The serum is packaged in a bottle containing 100ml, which is fitted with a screw pump dispenser complete with lock and self-adhesive label. www.dm.de/balea Gloss & Care Shaker by Garnier In the interests of protecting tinted hair against fading, Garnier have launched a 2 in 1 product specially designed for this application as part of their “Fructis” line. The 2-stage product, known as the “Colour Protector, Gloss & Care Shaker”, needs to be mixed / activated prior to application by shaking the bottle. The bottle is packaged in a droplet-shaped, transparent PET bottle containing 150ml. The bottle closure is a 2-colour spray pump complete with protective cap. The front label is transparent, while the back label is characterised by a metallic sheen. www.garnier.de Washing-up Liquid in Signal Colour Under the name of ”danny sensitiv“, the German company Rösch of Lindau is marketing 1500ml of a washing-up liquid in signal colour in a waisted, transparent bottle made from PET. The bottle is fitted with a recess grip on the back to make it easier to hold and tilt in order to dispense the contents. Embossed areas to front and rear are provided to ensure additional bottle stability. The contents are dispensed via a screw-on push-pull closure. www.roesch-waschmittel.de/index.html The plastic closure company committed to your success BERICAP Technology Research and Development Mould Technology | Global Presence Capping Technology and Know-How Innovation and Flexibility www.bericap.com","@ID":48}, "BOTTLE MAKING 24 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net 1, 2 or 3 cavities in a single line 3,2,1 cavities in a single line, Ms Heidi Amsler Sales & Marketing at Amsler Equipment Inc. For over two decades, W. Amsler Equipment has been building all-electric linear stretch blow moulding machines in Canada with 1 to 4 cavities. Their design allows a machine to run smaller bottles in all of their cavities and larger bottles in fewer cavities. According to Heidi Amsler, Sales & Marketing, Amsler’s headquarters location permits a uniquely close relationship with their North American customers. Their service component was recently expanded by the absorption of the service side of Mag-Plastic stretch blow moulding equipment. Amsler also supplies leak detectors and dome trimmers used to make blown-thread containers and other special finishes. Since 1994 W. Amsler Equipment Inc. has been designing and building all-electric PET stretch blow moulders, empty bottle leak testers and dome spin trimmers in Ontario, Canada. Amsler’s machines are designed by Werner Amsler, who previously, for many years, owned and operated his own extrusion blow moulding company, thus thoroughly understanding customer’s equipment and support needs. Since 2010, Amsler has been supplying its L32 convertible 3-cavity machine which the user can also run in 2- or 1-cavity modes to make bottles from 50ml to 5litres. Motions, including clamp opening and closing and stretch-rod actuation, are powered and controlled by servo motors for speed and accuracy. The clamp is compensated by the high-pressure blow air eliminating the chance of the mould opening under pressure. Preforms are positively loaded onto the carriers by grippers and bottles are unloaded by a variable-height assembly that compensates for the bottle height so the takeaway conveyor height need not be changed. In the single lane ovens, preforms are heated neck-down. Multiple sales of this flexible machine have reflected the practicality of the design. Service for Mag Lines The Amsler linear machines can accept moulds made for competitors’ machines, including Mag-Plastic. With quick reversible modifications the moulds can normally run in both the Amsler and the Mag-Plastic machines, so customers don’t have to create new moulds if they buy an Amsler. This represents an important step towards being able to offer Amsler lines as replacements for the popular Mag-Plastic lines which are no longer being built. By taking over services from Mag-Plastic, Amsler have also succeeded in unlocking the door to direct contact with former Mag-Plastic customers. Replacement of PC by PET Amsler has supplied single-cavity PET stretch blow moulders for the 3- and 5-gallon PET water dispenser bottles since 2006. This sector has been given a clear boost due to the discussion about BPA in PC containers and the growth of one-way water delivery. Here, the company is planning, during the course of the year, to introduce a new 2-cavity line that is specially designed for these types of containers. The traditional Amsler leak tester can be equipped with a wall thickness checking device, choked neck inspection, a top load tester or a colour-content measuring system. Depending on the inspection to be performed and the output requirement the test head is stationary or mounted as a “flying-head” system where the test head following the container along the conveyor. In the very high performance range a number of heads may be used. In 2014 a new manual pressuredecay leak tester was introduced for the 3 and 5 gallon returnable bottle market. The traditional devices used for checking leaks operate at slight overpressure, which does not always represent the most expedient solution as far as the 3 and 5 gallon containers are concerned. On the extrusion blow moulded PC containers in particular, the long welded seam on the base of View into the heart of the 3,2,1- cavity line","@ID":26}, "PETpatents www.verpackungspatente.de 48 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Collapsible container International Patent No. WO. 2014/101956 A1 Applicant: S. A. des Eaux Minerales D’Evian, Evian-les-Bains (FR) Registration date: 28/12/2013 Thin-walled, high-volume plastic bottle that folds up once the bottle is empty. The bottle is located in a dispenser standing on its head, folds up in a specific way and is then disposed of. Base mould for plastic bottle International Patent No. WO. 2014/113371 A1 Applicant: Graham Packaging Comp, L. P., York (US) Registration date: 14/01/2014 The international application describes the shape of the base of a plastic bottle. An increase in internal pressure triggers elastic deformation in a predetermined manner. The base absorbs the deformation, thus enabling the side walls to be designed in a way that is “smoother” and more visually appealing. Base mould for pressure compensation European Patent No. EP 2738107 A1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan) Registration date: 25.7.2012 The volume and pressure changes that occur during hot filling and subsequent cooling are elastically absorbed by the special shape of the base. The side walls can then be moulded without compensation areas. Drip-proof container spout European Patent EP 2738112 A1 Applicant: Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd., Tokyo (Japan) Registration date: 28.5.2012 The top of a plastic bottle is fitted with a special radius or a tear-off edge to prevent accidental drips when pouring. Axially variable bottle European Patent No. EP 2740681 A1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co. Ltd., Tokyo (Japan) Registration date: 11.8.2009 A PET bottle incorporating horizontal grooves / notches is provided in the wall area. These grooves/notches balance out the pressure differences that occur during hot fill and subsequent cooling by changing the axial length of the bottle. Bottle with straw International Patent No. WO. 2014/121587 A1 Applicant: Zhejiang White Pigeon Industry Co. Ltd., Zhejiang (JP) Registration date: 15/07/2013 Plastic bottle with lateral recess designed to accommodate a straw that is “stabbed” through a special opening in a resealable lid hinge. Straw and stab point are protected from contamination.","@ID":50}, "EDITOUR REPORT 17 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 a favourable rate of interest which, in the event of liquidity problems, can be deferred without payment for up to three years. This is something that could well, however, lead to a change in the market situation once repayments are resumed. Any consequential shift into export could trigger such a situation (according to SGT) because the costs are too high and the difficult political circumstances in some of the neighbouring countries are too uncertain. In my discussions on the Algerian market, however, PTD established that export business is a logical and important step which incorporates potential for the whole of the north African region. Also, a small number of companies that are in receipt of government support will be affected to a lesser extent by Algeria’s poor customs image (which is often regarded as complicated, slow and bureaucratic) if they have received customs concessions for (e.g.) engaging in projects that create local added value and jobs. Basically, Algerian converters would need to invest in even more highperformance technology in order to increase capacities further. Should they wish to supply neighbouring states, at the moment capacities are insufficient to be able to do so. And this is not only true of preforms. Algeria’s good quality water would also be of interest for this market. Provided that border openings and exports are possible in the future – and it is precisely this possibility that PTD considers a probability in the highly foreseeable future. The company estimates that a consumption rate of 300,000 tonnes in the coming 5-6 years is eminently realisable providing there are no political crises. According to PTD, the neighbouring states have so far still not done much in the injection moulding sector and the amount of high-quality products, manufactured on state-of-the-art machines, represents an advantage as far as the Algerian injection moulders are concerned. New directions for PET in Morocco All that separates the state of Morocco in the north west of north Africa from Europe is the Straits of Gibraltar. The country is divided into 16 regions made up of a total of 61 provinces and with an area of around 446,000 km² (excluding the section of the West Sahara controlled by Morocco). Morocco borders the Mediterranean in the north, the Atlantic to the west, the West Sahara to the south and Algeria to the east. The high mountain ranges of the High Atlas, where the Jabal Toubkal mountain, at a height of 4167m, is Morocco’s highest peak, extend from north east to south west. At present the population comprises some 33.2","@ID":19}, "BOTTLES 47 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Air Freshener by Lidl W5, a Lidl own-brand label, is marketing a range of air fresheners incorporating essential oils in a spherical PET container containing 150 ml of product. On removal of a pre-perforated shrink film, the air freshener ensures a pleasant room ambience for a period of up to 6 weeks. Openings integrated in the container can be enlarged or made smaller by rotating a lid, thus making a change in the intensity of fragrance possible. www.lidl-info.com Fragrance Beads for the Laundry Procter & Gamble are marketing an innovative product innovative packaging in a number of European markets. Under the brand name “Lenor” and sporting the tag “Unstoppables“, this is a fabric softener-type product in the form of small beads that are placed directly into the drum, where they dissolve and add a fragrance to the wash. In each case, 275g of these beads which are available in three different fragrances, are packed into transparent, waisted bottles made from PET. The hinged lid is designed to be childproof and a cap which is placed on top and coloured in accordance with the product specification makes it easier to measure out the beads and place them in the washing machine drum. The bottle is decorated with a sleeve label extending across the dispenser cap and incorporating openings for fragrance sampling. It also acts as a tamper-proof seal. www.lenor.com 2-stage Make-up Remover Since 2015 Garnier has been offering a 2-stage eye make-up remover in a handy PET bottle with a content of 125ml. The product consists of a transparent primary product and a secondary, slightly violet-tinted liquid. In each case the transparent bottle needs to be shaken before the contents are extracted so as to ensure that the products are mixed together. Rather than a screw closure which is complicated to operate, Garnier use a hinged lid with a ratchet function which can be opened and closed again using just one hand without any problems. The bottle is decorated with two non-label look labels. The manufacturer promises simple, gentle application without rubbing, whilst at the same time nourishing the sensitive eyelashes. www.garnier.com product development caps & closures design high cavitation moulds multi-component moulds closure production systems after sales service competent – professional – inspiring Hoechster Strasse 8 | 6850 Dornbirn | Austria | www.z-moulds.com FEIPLASTIC 4th-8th May 2015 meet us at booth G161","@ID":49}, "MARKET SURVEY 29 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Sacmi Imola Via Selice, 17 40026 Imola BO, Italy +39 0542 607 111 www.sacmmi.it Mr Moraldo Masi Director of Business Unit PET +39 0542 607 888 +39 0542 642 354 [email protected] PETform KM175-3500CV PETform KM320-3500CV PETform KM320-4500CS PETform KM320-6100CS PETform KM350-3500CV PETform KM350-4500CS PETform KM350-6100CS IPS220 / IPS400 8-60 32-96 32-96 32-96 32-112 32-112 32-112 16 - 128 58-442g 36-110g 42-128g 71-215g 31-94g 36-109g 60-184g 140g 600kg/h 600kg/h 800kg/h 1050kg/h 600kg/h 800kg/h 1050kg/h 1225 kg/h injection cylinder (shooting pot), electrical drive for plasticizing screw,T-belt for preforms extraction/direct unloading, belt free robot linear motor with KERS, take out plate with 3 or 4 postcooling stations, HMI with control of all auxiliarie, double cylinder for preform ejection, water unloading system prior to mould changing change over system with plug-and-play mould fixing system on IPS220, plug-andplay take out plate fixing system on IPS220, water pumps for mould cooling assembled on main machine platform, quality control vision system with multiple camera Sipa SPA Via Caduti Del Lavoro 3, 31029 Vittorio Veneto, Italy +39 04389 11511 www.sipa.it Mr Pietro Marcati ISBM - Global Sales Manager +39 04389 11627 +39 04389 11694 [email protected] K 28 K 38 K 53 K 12E K 19E K 30E ECS FX 20 (6 models) ECS HS 12 (6 models) ECS SP 80 (1 model) ECS SP 50 (1 model) 0.05 - 40 0.2 - 60 0.5 - 80 0.05 - 1 0.05 - 10 0.05 - 40 0.25 to 7.0l 0.25 to 7l 0.02 to 10l 0.02 to 8l 1 - 16 1 - 16 1 - 24 1 - 12 1 - 16 1 - 24 Up to 80 Up to 40 Up to 16 Up to 12 1 - 16 1 - 16 1 - 24 1 - 12 1 - 16 1 - 24 Up to 40 Up to 20 Up to 16 Up to 12 760 - 38 1,300 - 70 1600 - 65 140 - 12 360 - 18 760 - 32 37.50g (80 injection cavities) 37.50g (40 injection cavities) 44g (9 injection cavities) 36g (8 injection cavities) 2.600 3.400 4.800 1.000 2.600 3.400 36,000 b/h - 80 cavity 18,000 b/h - 40 cavity 3,000 b/h - 9 cavity 2,300 b/h - 7 cavity 2.600 2.600 4.800 500 1.700 2.600 27,100 b/h - 64 cavity 13,600 b/h - 32 cavity 2,000 b/h - 7 cavity 1,450 b/h - 5 cavity 1.600 1.600 3.000 400 900 1.700 12,300 b/h - 48 cavity NA 1,440 b/h - 5 cavity 870 b/h - 3 cavity 1.600 1.600 3.000 400 800 1.700 9,000 b/h - 40 cavity 2,700 b/h - 12 cavity 720 b/h - 3 cavity NA 1.700 2.200 3.200 900 1.700 1.700 18,000 b/h 9,000 b/h 3,000 b/h 2,300 b/h 8.0x2.0x4.0 8.8x2.2x4.2 9.7x2.3x4.3 5.4x1.6x3.7 5.5x1.9x4.3 7.4x2.4x4.5 Servo-Hydraulic, energy-saving models. Wide Mouth - Oval and asymmetrical - Off-Centred neck - Hot Fillable & Pasteurizables – Aseptic & Ultraclean - Lightweight","@ID":31}, "EDITOUR REPORT 12 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net PET is, at 94%, the preferred material for packaging water; where syrup is concerned, PET increased by 47.62% from 2011 to 2012 whereas the popularity of other types of packaging decreased. My visits in my capacity as editor took place in the metropolitan area around Tunis. Here I visited recyclers Green Line and Sogedes, together with the processors La Preforme and the corporate groups SIPA, Omega Maghreb and Valorflakes. Recycling is an omnipresent topic and, from an environmental point of view, is actually one of the most important topics addressed over the past few years. In 1997, the “Eco-Lef” programme was introduced by the waste management authority ANGed (Agence Nationale de Gestion des Déchets). This body, responsible for the ecological handling of plastic waste, has been the source of attempts at not only at keeping the environment cleaner but also at recycling the materials in a practical way and creating the appropriate infrastructure. However, as I learned in the course of my discussions, the situation on a practical, day-to-day level is not being tackled as a priority either by the government or by the Tunisian people. Although the government has been trying for a long time now to do justice to the growing economy and urbanisation as far as environmental matters are concerned and, at least in the centres of population, to ensure opportunities and programmes to deal with waste disposal, the observer cannot ignore the population’s mindset when it comes to disposal, i.e. where there are people, environmental pollution will be high. Above all, it is plastics waste and, in particular, the PET bottle and the PE bag, that present challenges to the environment, it is practically everywhere on the streets and roads and has been for some time a national problem. Hopes are being pinned on Eco-Lef and a sustained increase in the degree of general environmental awareness. In some areas soils and ground water are contaminated by toxic leachate. This is simply due to landfills being used to dump all kinds of post-consumer waste. Worse, many of the landfill sites are illegal. Once people find that waste is practically on their doorsteps, they might start to dispose of their waste more ecologically. Of course they may also lead to harmful emissions. The Tunisian revolution of 2010-2011 shifted the emphasis of the recycling project, not always to good effect. Efforts on the part of the municipal authorities to promote the collection of recyclables by setting up a few offiPer head consumption in North Africa (in litres) (Source: Canadean) Tunisia Algeria Morocco Beverage Category 2011 2012 2013 2014F 2011 2012 2013 2014F 2011 2012 2013 2014F Carbonates 48.15 53.54 54.18 55.41 38.73 40.27 39.37 40.27 21.82 21.83 21.22 21.24 Energy Drinks 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 Fruit Powders 0.61 0.67 0.72 0.76 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.77 0.77 0.78 0.80 Iced/RTD Coffee Drinks 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Iced/RTD Tea Drinks 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Juice* 0.20 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.18 Nectars* 3.91 4.02 4.10 4.18 0.46 0.54 0.64 0.69 2.57 2.73 2.82 2.87 Packaged Water 95.48 99.58 104.98 110.98 29.98 32.69 34.00 35.19 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 Sports Drinks 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 1.14 1.28 1.35 Squash/Syrups 1.50 1.50 1.52 1.54 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.09 13.71 14.01 14.53 15.16 Still Drinks* 3.67 3.88 4.12 4.38 13.03 14.35 16.09 18.21 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Beer 13.19 13.18 13.32 13.39 3.03 3.36 3.49 n/a 2.70 2.66 2.61 2.52 Hot Coffee 21.19 21.06 21.06 21.07 n/a n/a n/a n/a 92.70 93.20 93.44 93.61 Hot Tea 32.18 32.05 32.09 32.05 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2.06 2.05 2.02 2.01","@ID":14}, "imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Häusserstr. 36 69115 Heidelberg, Germany phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 [email protected] EDITORIAL Heike Fischer Gabriele Kosmehl Kay Barton Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Waldemar Schmitke Wolfgang von Schroeter Anthony Withers MEDIA CONSULTANTS Martina Hirschmann [email protected] Johann Lange-Brock [email protected] phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 France, Italy, Spain, UK Elisabeth Maria Köpke phone: +49 6201-878925 fax: +49 6201-878926 [email protected] LAYOUT AND PREPRESS EXPRIM Werbeagentur Matthias Gaumann | www.exprim.de READER SERVICES Till Kretner [email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck & Verlag GmbH Werkstr. 25 67354 Römerberg Germany WWW www.hbmedia.net | petpla.net PETplanet insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trademarks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net dear readers, The discussion on whether disposable or reusable types of packaging currently represent the best way forward is something of an old chestnut in Germany. Politicians in Germany cut through this Gordian Knot-like conundrum in the Packaging Ordinance introduced more than 20 years ago with the concept of ecologically friendly packaging. Now all forms of packaging that are sensitive from an ecological viewpoint are subject to a deposit. A separate agency was set up to decide what was sensitive and what was not. The decisions on this tended to be based on political rather than ecological considerations. Thus the drinks carton is regarded as ecologically friendly whilst PET disposable packaging is not. With a deposit of 25 eurocents per PET bottle, it doesn’t take long for a tonne of empty PET bottles to amount to 10,000 euros. Coca-Cola was one of the first companies to bring PET on to the market in the form of an ecologically friendly packaging format as defined by the political ruling, i.e. in the form of a reusable bottle. As engineers, we are know about the problems presented by a reusable PET bottle; the increased expenditure on logistics for the return transport, the need to check each bottle for contamination, the washing process laden with chemicals and, finally, the hideously scratched bottle on the supermarket shelf. Now Coca-Cola has come forward and announced its intention to take the 0.5 litre and 1.5 litre reusable packs off the market. The intention is that the 1 litre bread-and-butter bottle should initially remain on the market. The abandonment of the six pack rings has led to an outcry from the various consumer associations in Germany. An objective discussion on disposable and/or reusable has still not triggered a decision on the part of Coca Cola in Germany. A lost opportunity indeed to re-examine the continued relevance of the Packaging Ordinance two decades ago. Yours Alexander Büchler","@ID":5}, "EDITOUR REPORT 14 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net material. Recycler Sogedes also criticised the fragile export market and the lack of price regulation. The price issue (according to Sogedes) is a difficult matter because, as a result of competitive pressure in local recycling activities where \"everyone is a Jack of all trades, so to speak” from collection to recycling, prices are also adversely affected. The downside is a significant number of companies who have sensed the opportunity to make a quick buck and have gone into the recycling business illegally. These nonregistered companies, some of whom have only the most rudimentary knowledge when it comes to the various types of plastics, create and sell a problematic mix of materials and manage to evade the tax authorities with their sales figures. Here both Green Line and recycler Sogedes see eye to eye: these companies spring up like mushrooms and official prosecutions have only an insignificant effect. Sogedes says they definitely speak for all “genuine“ colleagues in the sector when they express the wish that all those involved in the process chain should work in a sustained and conscientious way in order to protect quality and price stability. The (still) closed market of Algeria Algeria, at around 2.38 million km² is, in terms of area, the largest country in Africa. The state is divided up into 48 administrative districts and borders the Mediterranean to the north, Morocco to the west, West Sahara and Mauritania to the south west, Mali and Niger to the south and Libya and Tunisia to the east. The majority of the population of 38.7 million (96%), corresponding to a fifth of the area of the state, live in the north of the country. GDP per Packaging split Tunisia % Market Share Algeria % Market Share Morocco % Market Share Beverage Category Pack Material Pack Type 2010 2011 2012 Pack Material Pack Type 2010 2011 2012 Pack Material Pack Type 2010 2011 2012 Packaged Water Glass Bottle 6% 6% 6% Glass Bottle 5% 5% 4% Glass Bottle 4% 4% 4% Metal Can 0% 0% 0% Metal Metal PET Bottle 94% 94% 94% PET Bottle 95% 95% 96% PET Bottle 96% 96% 96% Energy Drinks Glass Bottle 9% 8% 4% Glass Glass Metal Can 91% 92% 96% Metal Can 100% 100% 99% Metal Can 100% 100% 100% PET PET Bottle 0% 0% 1% PET Fruit Powders Paper Sachet 100% 100% 100% Paper Sachet 100% 100% 100% Paper Sachet 100% 100% 100% Iced/RTD Coffee Drinks Metal Can 100% 100% Metal Metal Iced/RTD Tea Drinks Board Carton 36% 24% 9% Board Board Metal Can 55% 68% 82% Metal Can 100% Metal Can 100% 100% 100% PET Bottle 9% 8% 8% PET PET Juice* Board Carton 74% 77% 76% Board Carton 84% 84% 86% Board Carton 100% 100% 100% Glass Bottle 20% 18% 20% Glass Bottle 2% 2% 2% Glass PET Bottle 6% 5% 4% PET Bottle 14% 14% 12% PET Nectars* Board Carton 97% 97% 97% Board Carton 95% 96% 96% Board Carton 100% 100% 100% Glass Glass Bottle 5% 4% 4% Glass Metal Can 3% 3% 3% Metal Metal Sports Drinks Metal Metal Metal Can 95% 93% 81% PET Bottle 100% 100% 100% PET PET Bottle 5% 7% 19% Squash/Syrups Board Board Bag in Box 18% 20% 21% Board Glass Bottle 50% 50% 44% Glass Bottle 14% 14% 14% Glass Bottle 98% 98% 98% Metal Metal Bottle 19% 17% 17% Metal Bottle 2% 2% 2% PET Bottle 13% 21% 31% PET Bottle 49% 50% 47% HDPE Bottle 20% 19% 17% HDPE HDPE PVC Bottle 17% 10% 8% PVC PVC Still Drinks* Board Carton 88% 88% 88% Board Carton 22% 24% 23% Board Carton 13% 14% 12% Foil Pouch 0% 0% 0% Foil Pouch 1% 1% 1% Foil Pouch 1% 12% 9% Glass Bottle 2% 1% 1% Glass Bottle 10% 9% 9% Glass Bottle 1% 0% 1% Metal Metal Can 1% 1% 1% Metal PET Bottle 11% 11% 10% PET Bottle 67% 66% 67% PET Bottle 85% 74% 79% Carbonates Board Board Board Bag in Box 3% 3% 3% Glass Bottle 33% 30% 28% Glass Bottle 35% 33% 33% Glass Bottle 1% 1% 1% Metal Can Tank 8% 2% 8% 2% 9% 2% Metal Can 4% 4% 4% Metal Can Tank 25% 0% 24% 0% 24% 0% PET Bottle 58% 60% 62% PET Bottle 62% 63% 63% PET Bottle 71% 71% 71% *Juice = 100% Juice Content, Nectars = 25 - 99% Juice Content, Still Drinks = 0 - 24% Juice Content (Source: Canadean)","@ID":16}, "PREFORM PRODUCTION 22 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Sacmi expands preform system proposal SGM from 220t to 400t Sacmi presented the new IPS 400 for up to 128 cavities at Imola at the end of February 2015. Its special features are the post cooling system with preforms unloading directly into the boxes and the full interchangeability with the main competitor’s moulds. After the presentation the demonstration line was shipped to Gardaplast, Polpenazze del Garda. This separates the flow of melt for filling and emptying the piston whilst at the same time reduces residence time of PET in the shooting pot. A further innovation presented by Sacmi was the new preform unloading solution. The take-out-plate with 4 cooling positions is driven by 2 belt-free linear motors with KERS (same solution of 220t) and preforms are removed by a gripper plate assembled on a 3-axis pick and place device that unload them directly into the boxes. This means that the standard belts can be dispensed with and positioning of containers within the cooling area ensures that preform unloading is done in a controlled environment, thus reducing the risk of contamination. Along with the new IPS 400, Sacmi exhibited the PVS (preform vision system) quality control unit. Designed and built by the Sacmi Group’s own Automation Division, the latter can inspect up to 50,000 preforms per hour and detect any deviation from pre-set quality parameters. www.sacmi.com The new IPS 400 for up to 128 cavaties Three years ago Sacmi presented its new IPS concept using the 220t model as an example. An integral feature of this is the control panel that, according to Sacmi, has been developed so as to take into account operator requirements. Now the Imola-based company is introducing a larger variant at 400 t. An 11-gram preform was running on the demonstration machine with a cycle time of just 6.2 seconds on an MHT mould with 96 cavities. The lock to lock time has been stated by the company as 2.1 seconds. The tiebar clearance is 1125mm * 932mm. Boosters ejection and cooling water pipping systems have been designed to enable also Hypet moulds up to HPP 4.0 to run without any retrofitting or adaptation kits. As a further innovative step, the engineers demonstrated a first-infirst-out development in the plasticizer unit. The novelty here is that the PET melt is routed from the extruder directly into the shooting pot via a 2-way directional control valve. During injection the valve rotates through 90°, sealing off the flow of melt from the extruder and opening up a further melt channel that leads to the mould.","@ID":24}, "PREFORM PRODUCTION 23 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Sacmi is an international group manufacturing machines and complete plants for the Ceramics, Packaging (including Beverage and Closures & Containers), Food industries and Automation. The Packaging sector includes: Design and construction of machines and complete plants for bottling, labelling, packaging of drinks and liquid foods in plastic and glass containers, machines for PET preforms, plastic and metal caps and plastic containers. DRYING HAS NEVER BEEN THIS EFFICIENT: ETA plus® LUXOR - now available with ETAplus® ETAplus ® considerably reduces energy consumption and protects materials. When it comes to drying, saving energy is a key concern. We have developed a system that combines airflow regulation with a temperature adjustment feature – that can be disabled if required – and efficient waste heat recovery. The result? A drying system that cuts energy consumption by up to 64%: ETAplus ®. motan-colortronic gmbh [email protected] www.motan-colortronic.com f.l.t.r.: Vezio Bernardi, Beverage General Manager Sacmi and Alexander Büchler, PETplanet Insider Take-out-plate with 4 cooling positions","@ID":25}, "PREFORM PRODUCTION 38 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Injection tooling, part 19 Practical Guide to Injection Molding of Preforms PETplanet Insider is publishing extracts from successive chapters of Ottmar Brandau’s “Bottles, Preforms and Closures”, which was published by hbmedia. A newly revised version is reissued under the Elsevier imprint. Over the years, certain standards have developed that most reputable toolmakers adhere to. The standards include the choice of materials, their hardness, minimum wall thickness sections in cores and cavities, and the design of venting channels. Here is a quick overview of what most “good” tools should feature to guarantee trouble-free operation: Hardness of neck inserts of ~54 HRc Hardness of cores and cavities of ~50 HRc Core wall thickness of 3 ± 0.02 mm All tooling plates made from stainless steel with a hardness of ~30 HRc Fully balanced hot runner with plate hardness of ~45 HRc Bubbler tubes (the pipes inside the injection cores) made from stainless steel There are of course a great many differences between the tools of different manufacturers, but if these standards are met, there is a much greater chance that the tool will not fail in production. There are other differences as well that users should be aware of (Figs 3.21 and 3.22): Figure 3.21 Spiral water cooling channels have become more popular over the years. (Picture courtesy of MHT-AG). Figure 3.22 Cavity with cascading-style cooling.","@ID":40}, "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 35 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net geometry, contamination, color deviation, micro hole, cavity number, print ... You jus t see 71 caps per second. CapWatcher I I I inspec t s them for W W W . I N T R A V I S . C O M V I S I T U S A T B O O T H 5 .1 C 0 8 Erema | Hall 9.2 - Booth A41 New Intarema generation Erema’s focus at Chinaplas 2015 will be on the new Intarema generation of systems, featuring Counter Current core technology. The company will present an Intarema 1007 TVEplus system with an SW4/104 RTF melt filter. The system will exhibit its 300-350 kg/h throughput in a live demonstration that will also showcase its efficient recycling of heavily-printed LDPE materials. Erema’s Counter Current technology is located in the interface area of the cutter/compactor and extruder. Its distinguishing feature is that the material spout in the cutter/compactor is reversed and thus moves against the direction of the extruder. The company claims that the result of this inverse-tangential configuration is increased process stability along with higher throughput. www.erema.at Boretch | Hall 9.2 - Booth E21 Boretech at Chinaplas 2015 Boretech will present the new crusher GFSJ 700X1000-00 on their booth E21, Hall 9.2. The new crusher has small outlook dimension, a high cavity with 2t/h and produces less PET powder. The particle size distribution is constant and the crusher service life is long. Maintenance and change blades are comfortable and easy to handle. www.bo-re-tech.com","@ID":37}, "TRADE SHOW REVIEW 32 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Anuga FoodTec 2015 The driver of innovation for the food and beverage industry Anuga FoodTec, the international supplier fair for the food and beverage industry, continues on its course for success. “The trade fair set a new record both in terms of the number of exhibitors and visitors,” stated Katharina C. Hamma, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH. Over 45,000 experts from the food and beverage industry gathered information on the innovations and further developments of the supply industry over a period of four days. This corresponds to a 6% increase. The share of international visitors was once again over 50%. Top managers and production managers of all important food companies attended Anuga FoodTec in order to talk to the exhibitors about the optimisation, expansion and new installation of their production plants. These included managers e.g. from Coca Cola, Fonterra, ITC, Mafrig, Mondelez, Nestlé, Tyson or the Yili Group. The fact that the trade fair was able to further increase its attendance by 6% compared to the remarkable result of 2012 was consistent with the positive prevailing mood that was perceivable from the moment Anuga FoodTec kicked off. Over 1,500 exhibitors, which corresponds to a 14% increase, exhibited on exhibition space covering 121,000m² in 2015. Around 56% of the suppliers came from abroad. Since the requirement for new technologies and intelligent solutions for the processing, production and packaging of food and drinks remains as high as ever, innovations played a central role at the trade fair. Overall, the willingness to invest is high within the food industry. Numerous companies are planning to expand or upgrade their plants. The target here is not only the automation of the individual components, but also of the entire production line. Predominantly the themes resource efficiency and sustainability led to an increased demand for new technologies and applications at Anuga FoodTec. With respect to the challenges of the future, concepts for saving energy, water and raw materials were in high demand. The trade fair was able to set important impulses regarding profitability, sustainability and competitiveness. Featuring new cup sterilization applications Claranor featured at Anuga FoodTec new cup sterilization applicationas using pulsed light and highlighting its partnership with OEMs. The French company celebrates in 2015 its tenth anniversary. Claranor has sold more than 150 pulsed light units for packaging sterilization worldwide since its creation. It has established its dry and non chemical range of equipment as an efficient and competitive solution for combined cups / lids, caps, and preform necks sterilization. At Anuga Foodtec, Claranor highlighted its cup decontamination range of solutions. This range covers markets going from canned food and beverage with no post thermal treatment (powder milk, sensitive beverage...) to refrigerated products (dairy desserts, spreads...): for linear or rotary fillers on plate conveyors, until 12 rows, running at single or double stroke. Claranor displayed on its booth a cup sterilization unit which was installed on an Hermann Waldner filling line just after the show. Bosch Packaging-Ampack also showed a eight rows Claranor unit integrated on a filling line on its booth for on the fly treatment on pallet conveyors: the application was demonstrated on Claranor booth with the display of a pulsed light sterilization system for steel can filling line. Claranor was presented on a common booth with Loehrke GmbH, its exclusive distributor for Germany and Austria. www.claranor.com www.loehrke.com This year, for the first time, P.E. Labellers participated at Anuga FoodTec The food industry is one of the three most important sectors for P.E. Labellers, which is provided with small labellers for the high-quality canning industry as well high-speed labellers for oil and milk multinational companies. Especially with regard to the sector in question, the P.E. Labellers range comprises machines for label applications with guaranteed seal reinforced with hot glue on polished caps for glassware or tamper-evident applications with Maya, the new sleeve applicator. Another section of reference for this sector is dedicated to Adhesleeve products, similar to solutions applied on Friesland-Campina cans or on drinkable Yogurt such as Yoplait. P.E. Labellers completed the technology portfolio with the Bi-Pack applicator, a solution for food products to promote on the market with 2x1 promotional configurations. www.pelabellers.com Anuga FoodTec in figures: 1,501 suppliers from 49 countries, (2012: 1,320), 56% of whom came from abroad, exhibited at Anuga FoodTec 2015 on exhibition space covering 121,000 m². These included 649 exhibitors and 6 additionally represented companies from Germany as well as 835 exhibitors and 11 additionally represented companies from abroad. Over 45,000 trade visitors from 137 countries attended Anuga FoodTec 2015, the share of foreign visitors was over 50 percent. www.anugafoodtec.com","@ID":34}, "EDITOUR REPORT 13 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 SIPA S.p.A. - Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy Tel. +39 0438 911511 - Fax +39 0438 912273 - e-mail: [email protected] www.sipa-xform.com yesterday today Short cycle times, high shot-to-shot quality, low energy consumption and maximum flexibility. The new XFORM 300 with its unique 6-position post-mold cooling system boosts your output performance for the widest range of preforms. Cooling preforms faster and better, the 96-cavity platform is ideal for large runs and quick mold changes. And it lets you run any mold you want, old or new, OEM-built or not, in total freedom. From ultra-thin walled (with proprietary XMould™ technology) to wide mouth. XFORM 300, low transformation cost, high value. Designed to adapt. Built to last. The new XFORM 300 IMAGINE THE LOWEST TRANSFORMATION COST. IN TOTAL FREEDOM. cial containers have not been pursued to any great effect at a project level. Also, in the last four years, there have been repeated problems with managing the landfills. So how do you design a meaningful solution if the infrastructure is inadequate? It is becoming increasingly self-regulating, something which in this case implies a significant step in the right direction. For years around several hundred private companies in the recycling sector have been operating throughout the country, in addition to the municipal waste collection in centres of population, the northern part of Tunisia faring significantly better in this regard than the areas in the rural south. For many thousands of Tunisians dealing with waste is a daily job; recyclables are being disposed of, sorted, and separated both on the streets and in landfill sites, in what has become a major economic activity. The materials extracted are delivered by these collectors and pre-sorters to communal collection points either for cash or also direct to recyclers within the private sector. And collections are booming: according to Green Line the amount of waste collected in 2005/2006 was around 11,000 tonnes. Today the quantity is said to have practically tripled and the number of collectors has doubled to around 30,000 individuals. The international market prices for recycled material were, at the time when recycling started in Tunisia, not sufficiently high and so it was scarcely profitable to contemplate recycling PET bottles or to crush, flake or even wash them. Along with an increase in prices over time came the investments in private companies and the number of collectors also increased. In addition, as Green Line also informed us, up to a few years ago recycling projects were subsidised to the tune of around 20% through the deployment of a national pollution fund. Still, even with all the options available, or so Green Line estimates, at the moment only 35-40% of the existing plastics waste is actually collected. What becomes of the recycled PET? Current legislation does not permit the use of rPET in food packaging. This means that its use is restricted to non-food sectors, such as, for example, straps or foils. In addition, there is the government’s desire to make exports more difficult so as to ensure that the recycled material is processed as far as possible inside the country, thus creating jobs. Now, in 2014, following special export regulations, a new law has been enacted to levy 10% tax on the sale of recycled","@ID":15}, "BOTTLES 45 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 Tailor-made Drink for Mothers Since the end of 2014, Mapa GmbH has been marketing a new drink which goes by the name of “Mom’s Daily“ under its “NUK” brand name known up to now for products for infants and toddlers. According to the manufacturer, the intention with this product is to supply energy to strengthen the immune system and combat fatigue. The drink’s composition is 10% juice / 90% water, it is sweetened with steviol glycosides and tastes like orange maracuja. The drink is bottled in a white-tinted, waisted PET bottle with a content of 500ml, decorated with a matt sleeve label and sealed by means of a red screw cap complete with tamper-proof strip. www.nuk.de/nuk-mom-s-daily.html Bottle with Active Carbon Filter Under the name “bobble – make water better“ the American firm Move Collective is marketing a transparent and BPA-free plastic bottle made from PET. This is fitted with an active carbon filter integrated in the screw-on push-pull which cleanses the water when the consumer drinks directly from the bottle. According to the manufacturer, the filter removes odours, chlorine and organic foreign substances from the tap water added to the bottle. Prior to initial use, the filter, the cleaning action of which is designed to last two months or 150 litres of water, needs to be flushed through once. By way of sales packaging for the 533ml bottle (hand wash only) there is a display box made from cardboard which presents the filter so that it is readily visible. During transport and use the push-pull is protected by a transparent plastic cap. www.waterbobble.com","@ID":47}, "Toronto Québec New York Atlanta Orlando Chicago Denver Las Vegas Seattle Calgary Montréal Los Angeles San Francisco Vancouver Dallas Houston Phoenix Washington, D.C. Boston Detroit Halifax Kansas City Oklahoma City Albuquerque www.npe.petpla.net , / 0 Premium Sponsor Sponsors NPE 2015 - The North American Road Show The first leg of our latest trip has been successfully concluded! From the busy harbour of the NPE 2015 our expedition crew has been reviewing all the meetings with the key players of the Canadian and US PET industries on the PETplanet exhibition stand in the South Hall. After resting at anchor awhile in Florida’s tranquil waters, our team of PET bottling Columbuses, consisting of Captain Alexander Büchler, Helmsmen Kay Barton and Waldemar Schmitke, together with Helmsman’s Mate and Able Seaman Rolf, is now steering a course towards the markets of Central USA. Wafted along by gentle zephyrs, the team is embarking on the second part of their voyage of discovery in Texas and will be sailing in a wide arc in the direction of Phoenix, before ultimately cresting the waves along the west coast of the USA, proceeding thence to the west coast of Canada. This is a tour where figures speak louder than words: a total travel distance of around 17,000 km and roughly six months of this thrilling adventure are out there just waiting for you! And, as always, you have the opportunity to accompany the crew interactively by following the entire tour on our weekly travel blog at npe.petpla. net. Please contact us if you would like our editors to make a detour to your own bottling, PET processing, closure cap, material manufacturing or recycling plant. YOU are our story. All aboard! Part 2 The worldwide round trip with","@ID":44}, "EDITOUR REPORT 11 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net PET in Tunisia and the challenges of recycling We start with Tunisia. The most northerly state in Africa, with an area measuring just under 164,000 km², is divided into 24 “gouvernements” and is home to 11 million people. In 2014 GDP per head amounted around US$ 4467. Since the 90s, the population has shown a slow but steady upward trend, helped by a birth rate which is the lowest in the Arab world. The healthcare system is well developed in municipal areas, less so in country districts. Average life expectancy is around 75.1 years (2012). Tunisia’s border to the north and to a major extent to the east too is formed by the Mediterranean; Algeria is its neighbour to the west and south west whilst to the south east it is Libya. The country is regarded as the country with the highest level of competitive capability in Africa. In addition to tourism, the most important sectors of the economy are agriculture, mining and textile manufacture. Agricultural activity is focused primarily on cereal cultivation. Other areas include the cultivation of olives, dates and citrus fruits, together with vegetables. Agriculture swallows up around 80% of Tunisia’s supply of fresh water with a current irrigation requirement of 345,000 hectares. Its importance as far as olive oil exports are concerned is immense. Approx. 20% of all employment is in agriculture, some 30% in industry and about 50% in tourism and the service industries, including the majority of outsourced services. Europe is Tunisia’s most important trading partner; it is from here that 75% of imports originate whilst around 80% of goods are exported there. One of Tunisia’s export successes is phosphate and textile manufacture is assuming an important position. Another sector is oil extraction although, by comparison to Algeria in particular, deposits are found only in small quantities. The top 3 beverages consumed per head were around 105 litres water, 54 litres CSDs and 32 litres of tea (hot) in 2013. Up to the most recent forecast in 2014, packaged water is registering the largest rate of growth at an average 5.14%. The use of PET in the packaging market registers only minor changes in the years 2010-2012. In the syrups and concentrates sector in particular, PET, PVC and HDPE dominate in that order, followed by a slight increase in the case of CSDs and a decline in glass. Macro-economic data (Source: Germany Trade & Invest / World Bank as at Nov. 2014) Tunisia Algeria Morocco Population 11 million * 38,7 million * 33.2* million Population growth 0.9%* p.a. 1.9%* p.a. 1.0%* p.a. Gross domestic product: 49.1* billion USD 22.8* billion USD 112.6* billion USD GDP growth rate: 2011 -1.9% +2.8% +5.0% 2012 +3.7% +3.3% +2.7% 2013 +2.3%* +2.8% +4.4% 2014 +2.8%* +3.8%* +3.5%* 2015 +3.7%* +4.0%* +4.7%* GDP per head of population: 2013 approx. 4317 USD* approx. 5606 USD approx. 3160 USD 2014 approx. 4467 USD* approx. 5886 USD* approx. 3392 USD* 2015 approx. 4503 USD* approx. 6041 USD* approx. 3638 USD* Import / Export in USD: 2012 23.1 billion (2.2%) / 17.1 billion (4.5%) 50.4 billion (6.8%) / 71.9 billion (-2.0%) 44.8 billion (1.1%) / 21.4 billion (-0.9%) 2013 22.9 billion (0.9%) / 17.0 billion (0.6%) 54.9 billion (8.9%) / 66.0 billion (-8.2%) no data available 2014/15 no data available no data available no data available National debt based on GDP net: 2013 46.2%* -23.7%* 64.0%* 2014 50.9%* -17.8%* 65.5%* 2015 52.5%* -16.3%* 65.7%* Unemployment rate: 2013 15.3%* 9.8%* 64.0% 2014 15.3%* 10.8%* 65.5%* 2015 15.0%* 11.3%* 65.7%* Inflation: 2013 6.1%* 3.3%* 1.9% 2014 5.7%* 3.2%* 1.1%* 2015 5.0%* 4.0%* 2.0%* * Estimate / forecast","@ID":13}, "ON SITE 43 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Azerbaijan Coca-Cola Bottlers invest in Sipas XForm 500 Azerbaijan Coca-Cola Bottlers, located in Baku, the country’s capital, is using the XForm 500 to produce preforms for Coca-Cola bottles ranging in size from 500ml to 2.0l. Azerbaijan Coca-Cola Bottlers is an existing Sipa customer and until now has been producing several preforms on first-generation systems. The XForm 500 was unveiled three years ago at NPE 2012 in Orlando, Florida. It stands among the leaders in terms of speed, with a dry cycle time of 1.6 seconds or better on a 400mm stroke. Sipa has sold systems running 144-cavity moulds to preform makers in Latin America, North Africa and Central Asia. The new EVO version of the XForm 500 features a high-speed cooling robot, which provides an effective cooling yet of preform body and neck, helping processors to cut cycle times while improving dimensional consistency in the product. The cooling system is particularly effective on preforms with thicker walls. Sipas’s own end-of-arm tooling (EOAT) can be configured with three or four cooling stages, and functions without a typical source of maintenance downtime, the photocells normally installed in standard EOATs. This is because the design incorporates faster communications that make it possible to check the cooling tube while the EOAT is moving below it. The EVO robot also accepts legacy EOATs, increasing the flexibility of the machine and eliminating additional costs. Machine operators and maintenance staff will appreciate the ease of access to the mould area for inspection and component replacement.On the injection unit side, the XForm 500 uses the classical configuration of a continuously running extruder feeding a shooting pot. The low screw rotation speed ensures that material stress is low and there is only minimal reduction in intrinsic viscosity. Up to 50% of recycled flakes can be incorporated into the feedstock without the need for any modifications to the standard plasticising group. The XForm 500 can be fitted with either a 120mm or 140mm extruder, with respective outputs of 800 and 1200kg/h. www.sipa.it ONsite [email protected] Tel: +90 212 695 50 00 Fax: +90 212 694 97 24 .com Caps & Closures","@ID":45}, "EDITOUR REPORT 10 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Nuremberg Milan Rome Naples Palermo Tunis Algiers Rabat Casablanca Marrakech Seville Madrid Lisbon Bologna Monastir Agadir Tangier Valencia Cordoba Bilbao Oporto Andorra La Vella Venice Turin Florence Messina Barcelona Zaragoza North Africa Part 1 Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco - consistent PET growth and questions about recycling by Kay Barton Our travels through North Africa have sharpened our view of the world of beverages in Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. In the majority of segments the industry has registered an increase in the use of PET bottles as the preferred filler medium in the beverages and food sector over the past few years. Nevertheless, I sensed a difference in the individual key areas we encountered in the individual countries.","@ID":12}, "PETnews 6 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net And the winner is… EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2014 Marking the seventeenth year of the Swiss EY Entrepreneur of the Year Business Award, this coveted individual business accolade in the Industry / High-Tech/ Life Sciences category was presented to: Mr Otto Hofstetter, proprietor and CEO of Otto Hofstetter AG in October 2014. The competition, organised by EY, is a global event, based on rigorous criteria, and every year, in more than 60 countries and 145 cities entrepreneurs compete with each other. The winners are selected by an independent jury. Otto Hofstetter has been declared the winner in the Industry / High-Tech / Life Sciences sector. This corporate group manufactures injection moulding tools, with PET as its chief mainstay. The company has been involved in this sector since the end of the 1970s and has established itself as the undisputed No. 2 on the world market. Preforms moulded using Otto Hofstetter moulds are manufactured and processed throughout the world. Through its branches in India and China, Otto Hofstetter AG enjoys vital proximity to the largest PET producers in the world. Award winner Otto Hofstetter took over the company from his father in 1997 and equipped it to face the challenges of the 21st century. He invests significantly in keeping his machines updated, and recruits his staff on a global scale. Quality is the top priority and the 24-hour worldwide service facility offered is regarded as excellent. Group exports amount to almost 100%. Despite the group’s global emphasis, Otto Hofstetter himself still retains strong links with his home region, as Chairman of the Board of the Linth Region Debt Restructuring Fund and as a networker for the University of Rapperswil. www.otto-hofstetter.ch More than 150 people attend PRF Recycling Forum and Gneuß Open House On 4th March 2015, machine manufacturers, recyclers and technicians gathered in Bad Oeynhausen, Germany to learn more about the latest developments in the collection and processing of used polyester bottles. This year’s forum once again demonstrated that there is an ongoing interest in the specialist field of polyester recycling. Dr. Ulrich Thiele from Polyester Technology reported about the state of the polyester recycling industry in China. With a collection rate of over 90%, approximately 3 million tonnes of used PET bottles are collected in China. Along with another 2 million tonnes of imported waste bottles and 1.4 million tonnes of waste from polyester fibre production, over 6 million tonnes of polyester recyclates are processed in China, primarily to make fibres and filaments. David Swift from PCI gave a detailed overview of market trends in polyester manufacturing and recycling on a global level, with a focus on Western Europe. According to his summary, there is significant potential for improving the current collection rates of around 30% in the USA and around 55% in Western Europe. This would also contribute to increase the currently low 75% capacity utilisation level of recycling plants. Further presentations covered RAL quality standards for PET recyclates, different flake-to-resin (FTR) processes, sorting and washing of bottles, bottle-to-bottle (B2B) recycling, the multi-rotation system (MRS) from Gneuß, a new SSP process called “Moby” and the converting of PET bottle waste into textile filaments, among others. www.gneuss.com","@ID":8}, "PETbottles 44 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Beverage + Liquid Food Latte Macchiato from Lidl The German discounter Lidl is marketing under its own brand name of “Bellarom”, (which stands predominantly for products that have anything to do with coffee), a range of latte macchiato products in a limited edition format. The individual products that go to make up the range are named after towns and cities in the USA and are designed to project coffee with a flavour. For example, there is latte with vanilla or a caramel flavour. The product is packaged into transparent, fitted PET bottles each containing 330ml. Appropriately designed, shrink sleeve labels and a screw cap with tamper-evident band complete the look. www.lidl-info.com Coconut in PET Although, a few years ago, coconut milk was only available in selected stores, this drink has now also found its way into the big supermarkets and is becoming increasingly popular with consumers. The green company coco europe GmbH is marketing, under the brand Dr. Antonio Martins, 330ml coconut milk, which is the equivalent of the contents of a coconut, in several different flavours in a PET bottle that is moulded so that it is easy to grip and to handle. The bottle is decorated with a matt printed sleeve label, and the screw cap is adapted to reflect the particular flavour variation. www.dr-martins.com Fresh orange juice in PET In France, the Bricfruit SAS company is packaging, under the brand name Pressade, a litre of freshly-pressed 100% orange juice - half each from oranges from Florida and Brazil respectively- in a white-coloured PET bottle with peripheral reinforcement grooves. The oval cylinder is equipped with a sleeve label and a screw cap with tamper-evident band. www.pressade.fr Sweetened with Stevia Under the brand name Robby Bubble, the Carstens Haefelin Kellereien GmbH is distributing a soft drink for children that contains no added sugar, colouring or preservatives. The sweeteners used are steviol glycosides from the stevia plant. The product is packaged in a waisted 500ml bottle fitted with a sleeve label that extends across the feet or as far as the base of the bottle. By way of a closure a sports cap complete with a hinged lid is used. Prior to initial opening, one segment of the closure needs to be removed. www.robby-bubble.com","@ID":46}, "EDITOUR REPORT 16 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net In Algeria I visited two important representatives in the preforming sphere, namely, SGT Algérie and PTD. In market share, these two companies are by far and away the two most important in preform production and their opinions on the future trend of the market diverge to a significant extent. SGT basically talks about a closed market where production and development tend to be limited very much to the local area due to the economic situation, whilst PTD is already getting ready for the border with Morocco to be opened and for a more stable situation to develop as regards Tunisia, Libya, Mali and Niger and is making appropriate investments in this regard. We shall have to wait and see which of these two strategies turns out to be the right one in the medium term. According to intelligence obtained, in 2014 around 4.4 billion preforms were produced by the market overall. The estimated capacity of all preformers is around 10 billion pieces annually. Total PET resin consumption is estimated at 157,000 tonnes, of which SGT alone processes 68,000 tonnes. PTD is about 26,000 tonnes. Ifri (Ibrahim & Fils Ifri), the market leader in water and self-sufficient when it comes to preform-related matters, uses approx. 22,000 tonnes of material; usage on the part of the bottler and edible oil producer Cevital is estimated to be 18,000 tonnes. As regards consumption SGT, Ifri and Cevital together represent 62% of the PET market. 98% of all the PET material goes into bottle production; other application areas are yet to receive consumer approval. As far as beverages are concerned, Ifri currently hold a market share of approximately 15% in the water segment, followed by Guedila (SGEM Société Guedila des Eaux Minérales Sarl) with 10%. One locally strong brand, Hamoud Boualem, based in Algiers, is taking over the lead in the CSD sector with a market share of around 50%, followed by Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Future trends in PET are well-defined within the packaged water sector (with an estimated 3% growth rate), a 3% growth rate for CSDs has likewise been defined in trade value sales. In the CSD sector around 80% of the market falls into the short neck category. Here the majority of people in Algeria prefer the 1 litre and 2 litre size bottles and 1.5 litre bottles for water. Development as regards milk products in PET is still negligible and, in the case of juices, around two thirds of packaging companies are opting for cartons. There is no dearth of competition among the total number of 16 preform manufacturers and it is possible that this could lead to problems in the future; one factor being the high level of capacity and the other due to the small market share on the other, in particular where the respective company only supplies a very small customer base. One could almost talk about a price war, to the disadvantage of the small converters in particular where any room for negotiation in the purchase of raw material is limited. This begs the question of why production capacities of 10 billion preforms are basically available. One possible explanation is the take-up of state sponsorship programmes for projects of this nature, coupled with credit at PET sales in million litres Beverage Category Pack Material Pack Type Tunisia Algeria Morocco 2011 2012 2013 2014F 2011 2012 2013 2014F 2011 2012 2013 2014F Packaged Water All All 1,014.88 1,068.85 1,137.54 1,213.86 1,098.80 1.221.53 1,294.87 1,366.00 438.40 452.73 474.41 500.18 PET Bottle 954.79 1,002.52 1,069.17 1,141.75 1,048.51 1,167.67 1,240.80 1,313.70 422.09 436.85 458.51 481.39 Energy Drinks All All 1.73 1.81 1.94 2.02 1.09 1.85 2.29 2.70 3.40 3.50 3.71 3.88 PET Bottle 0.02 0.06 0.05 Fruit Powders All All 6.52 7.16 7.84 8.30 0.86 0.88 0.89 0.90 24.60 24.80 25.55 26.56 PET Bottle Iced/RTD Coffee Drinks All All 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 PET Bottle Iced/RTD Tea Drinks All All 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.40 PET Bottle 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Juice* All All 2.12 2.51 2.60 2.69 4.50 5.00 5.61 6.12 5.20 5.50 5.93 6.09 PET Bottle 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.65 0.59 0.57 0.56 Nectars* All All 41.58 43.16 44.43 45.73 16.73 20.12 24.32 26.74 82.10 88.10 92.16 94.53 PET Bottle Sports Drinks All All 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.17 1.21 1.40 1.60 1.70 1.73 PET Bottle 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.17 1.21 0.10 0.30 0.50 0.63 Squash/Syrups All All 15.90 16.05 16.46 16.87 2.67 3.00 3.12 3.34 4.70 4.80 4.75 4.89 PET Bottle 3.38 5.03 6.03 6.81 1.32 1.41 1.37 1.45 Still Drinks* All All 39.04 41.60 44.61 47.91 477.77 536.19 612.85 706.76 22.10 36.97 41.76 44.66 PET Bottle 4.21 4.11 5.79 6.02 315.80 357.31 408.30 473.27 16.40 29.17 33.06 35.56 Carbonates All All 511.83 574.69 587.14 606.02 1,419.59 1,504.67 1,499.64 1,562.92 697.60 705.24 692.68 700.56 PET Bottle 308.51 357.06 366.13 376.41 896.43 949.03 943.05 985.05 498.10 503.84 495.40 500.86 *Juice = 100% Juice Content, Nectars = 25 - 99% Juice Content, Still Drinks = 0 - 24% Juice Content (Source: Canadean)","@ID":18}, "MARKET SURVEY 27 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Caps and closures Bottle-to-bottle recycling plants Preform and single stage machinery Preforms Preform / stretch blow moulds Closure systems Two stage SBM machinery Compressors Resins / additives Filling equipment Preform and single stage machinery This issue features two market surveys; the first covers preform systems, the second relates to single stage machinery. The companies appear in the order in which their details were received by the editors. In alphabetical order they are: For perform systems: Husky Injection Moulding, Netstal Maschinen AG (including Krauss-Maffei range), Nissei ASB Machine Co., Sacmi and Sipa SPA. For single stage machinery: Cypet Technologies Ltd, Nissei ASB Machine Co., Sacmi and Sipa SPA. Although the publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accuracy. 04/2015 MARKETsurvey Preform equipment Company name Husky Injection Molding Systems Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail 500 Queen Street South Bolton, Ontario, Canda L7E 5S5 +1 905 951 5000 www.husky.co Mr David Matts General Manager +1 905 951 5000 x 5092 [email protected] Mr Erin Fortin Product Manager, Business Development +1 905 951 5000 x 2605 [email protected] Preform injection moulding systems Machine model number / name H-PETAE HyPET HyPET HPP5 Number of cavities (min/max units) 2-48 cavities 6/144 (in standard matrix) 48/144 (in standard matrix) Maximum individual preform weight Dependent on number of cavities and preform design 83g (dependent on number of cavities and preform design) 102g (dependent on number of cavities and preform design) Max resin through-put ( kg/h of PET) 448kg/h 1470kg/h 1700kg/h Standard Features (short description / keywords) complete preform moulding system (machine, mold, robot, full auxiliaries), lowes energy consumption, capable of 20,000bph, up to 3 stage cooling take-off plate, auto lubrication, 3 year limited warranty Performance enhancement, energy efficiency, system robustness, faster controls Performance package, increased uptime & tooling life, reduced maintenance package with alignment features & self-cleaning technology, preform sampling, AltaniumTM inside, system integration, auxiliaries integration, system-based HMI, CoolPik DH2 Options / Special Features (short description/keywords) Integrated auxiliary controls through single machine HMI, quick mould change with split gate & magnetic platen option, stripper ring mould technology for wide mouth applications, able to produce from 30mm to 180mm neck finishes as standard Adaptive post-mould cooling, performance packages Flexibility package, high cavitation option, compatibility packages, 30mm performance package, injection completion during power outage","@ID":29}, "BOTTLE MAKING 25 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 the container may be leak proof during overpressure but lets air in under vaccuum. This is not a good thing when they are used on a dispenser if the seam is leaky, the vacuum is lost and the water can run out onto the floor. Amsler introduced an updated leak tester at NPE with a new touch screen interface, self-teach setup and a vacuum testing option. The Amsler Spin Dome trimmers are becoming very popular because uncommon neck geometries for which the development of a proprietary preform would prove too expensive can be produced using traditional preforms, blowing the threads in the mould and trimming off the dome above them. For example, a preform with a small neck diameter can be expanded to create a wide-mouth container. The original neck is removed using the Spin Dome trimmer. A further example is a wine carafe that is sealed by means of a foil seal. These threadedneck-free packages enable the customer to enjoy the wine directly from the container which serves also as a wine glass. www.amslerequipment.net Premium Sponsor Sponsors There is no challenge we will say no to. Because we know that with the widest range of products, technologies, expertise and services, there is no solution we can’t conceive. Contact us to see how our philosophy of Yes has reshaped the very fabric of our brand. Explore all that’s possible with injection, extrusion, blow molding, co-injection, hot runner systems, mold technologies, process control equipment and fluids. Visit www.milacron.com COME SEE WHAT YES BUILT. The new Milacron PET system can produce 10% more output. Available Now.","@ID":27}, "PETcontents 04/15 4 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 40 Products 43 On site 44 PET bottles for Beverage + Liquid Food 46 PET bottles for Home + Personal Care 48 Patents MARKET SURVEY 27 Suppliers of preform systems / single stage machinery CAPPING / CLOSURES 31 Closure and contents Vicap Systems Ltd. TRADE SHOW REVIEW 32 Anuga FoodTec 2015 The driver of innovation TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 34 Chinaplas, Guangzhou, May 20-23, 2015 Will Chinaplas break new records? BUYER’S GUIDE 49 Get listed! Page 22 EDITOUR REPORT 10 North Africa part 1 BOTTLE MAKING 20 Strong airflow with small valves at Eugen Seitz AG 24 1, 2 or 3 cavities in a single line Amsler Equipment North American Road show PREFORM MAKING 21 New 300t PET system 22 Sacmi expands preform system proposal from 220t to 400t 38 Practical Guide to Injection Moulding of Preforms, part 19 Page 45 Page 20","@ID":6}, "EDITOUR REPORT 18 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net million people, two thirds of whom live in the north west and west, with an urban proportion amounting to only just under 60%. In 2011 life expectancy was 75.9. A noticeable factor is the high proportion of young people, with around 28% under 15 years of age by contrast to around 6% over 65s. Youth unemployment is relatively high. The illiteracy rate is around 30%, primarily among the older population. The healthcare system is well developed especially in municipal areas. Income per head was around US$3392 in 2014. Morocco’s main economic segments are agriculture, tourism and mining with a focus on phosphate extraction. Some 75% of all the phosphate extracted worldwide comes from here. Morocco is also a major investor in solar and wind energy with a view to ensuring greater independence in energy imports. The ratio of imports to exports is more than twice as great. The chief trading partner is the EU, accounting for around 50% of imports and 60% of exports. As is revealed by the statistics, Morocco is a teadrinking country. On average more than 93 litres of this hot beverage were consumed per head. Way behind come CSDs and water at 21 litres and 14.5 litres respectively. At 3.41%, water accounts for the highest rate of growth in consumption. By comparison to water, the consumption of CSDs stands out as being higher on average. As regards the packaging split, PET is the leader where water is concerned with a share of 96%, the proportion as regards still drinks is 79% and 71% for CSDs (2012). In terms of PET usage, the water and CSD sectors are looking stable at 96% and 71% respectively. With still drinks PET is losing less ground in terms of pouch packaging. Significant changes to format are evolving in the case of sports drinks that are increasingly going over from cans to PET bottles. On my journey through Morocco I travelled from Mediterranean Tangiers to Agadir in the south. On the way I visited the bottlers Chaouen Water and Huillerie du Souss, as well as preformers PET Morocco and APPE. The biggest player in the local water market is Les Eaux Minérales d’Oulmès. With brandnames Sidi Ali, Ain Atlas, Oulmès and Bahia, each of which is available in still and carbonated versions, this bottler holds a market share of around 75% retail value share. Of roughly the same magnitude is the CSD market leader North Africa Bottling Company (NABC), the Coca-Cola bottler. Pepsi lags behind with 20% whilst the rest is distributed among correspondingly small bottlers. According to estimates, the packaged water side of the business is set to increase markedly in the coming years. The main reason for this is the general quality of the water which people frequently regard as inadequate, especially in urban environments. Added to this is a significant increase in larger packaging containers up to 5 Supported by: Next... In the upcoming issue you will read about our appointments in Tunisia with: Green Line, April 29, 2014 La Preforme, April 30, 2014 Sogedes, May 1, 2014 Omega Maghreb, Sipa and Valorflakes, May 2, 2014","@ID":20}, "EDITOUR REPORT 15 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 head amounted to US$5886 in 2014. Average life expectancy was 70.8 years in 2012. Although the healthcare system is well established, capacities in terms of personnel and materials are inadequate. Most of Algeria (with an area of 85%) is taken up by the Sahara. Behind the densely populated strip bordering the Mediterranean towers the Tell Atlas Mountain range, reaching a height of 2300m in the north east. Mount Tahat, with a height in excess of 2900m and situated in the Ahaggar range, is the highest mountain in Algeria. After decades of a state-directed economy following Algerian independence, the civil war at the end of the 1980s, and a drop in oil prices, the government opted for private enterprise once stability had been restored at the end of the 1990s. The bureaucratic, corrupt and, in some cases, still uncertain internal situation has, however, not generated optimum growth as far as private companies and investments are concerned. Based on current figures, the economy is spread over a service segment of around 33%, 54% industry incorporating skilled crafts and trades and 13% agriculture. Most of the country’s economic revenue is derived from gas and oil exports. As regards natural gas exports, 95% go to Europe, accounting for around 30% of European consumption. In addition to oil and natural gas Algeria also mines iron, copper, lead and zinc ores as well as mercury and phosphate. Due to political conflicts, the border with Morocco, for example, has been closed since 1994. Civil war scenarios in neighbouring countries such as Libya have led and continue to lead to borders being only partially open or simply not passable at all. Let’s now take a look at Algeria’s drinks industry. Algeria’s highest consumption per head is in the CSD sector. In 2013 this amount to slightly over 39 litres, closely followed by packaged water at 34 litres. In third position are still drinks at around 16 litres which, at the same time, account for the highest rate of increase with an average of 11.81% up to 2014. 96% of packaged water is available in PET bottles and the rest is made up of glass bottles for premium segments. Still drinks (67%) and CSDs (63%) occupy 2nd and 3rd places respectively. Overall the packaging sectors show no particular changes up to the end of 2012 and are broadly-speaking stable in terms of their distribution. As regards juices, PET demonstrates a loss of two percentage points when it comes to aseptic cartons and, in the case of syrup too, the use of PET shows a slight decline in 2012.","@ID":17}, "EDITOUR REPORT 19 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net EDITOUR REPORT 19 Save RAW MATERIALS reduced plastic volumes Save ENERGY less energy consumption Save TROUBLE more quality and higher performance, guaranteed by a sole supplier Full INSPECTED online quality control / stand alone With Sacmi, the beverage specialists are always at your side. With our unbeatable technological know-how and continuous research we are creating new containers and closures designed to ensure outstanding performance. The new IPS injection system for preforms, the CCM compression press for caps and the quality control systems fully designed and built by Sacmi, allows for large-scale production with considerable advantages in terms of efficiency and flexibility. The outcome? Reduced plastic volumes, less energy consumption and lower running costs.All in a bottle: the one you’ll soon be making. Preform & Closure technologically together GULFCAN, 14/16.04.15 - Dubai UAE DJAZAGRO, 20/23.04.15 - Algiers ALGERIA CHINAPLAS, 20/23.05.15 -#4.1 C41 - Guangzhou CHINA IRAN FOOD + BEV TEC, 26/29.05.15 - Tehran IRAN EXPOPACKMEXICO,16/19.06.15-#2636- CiudaddeMéxicoMEXICO PROPAK ASIA, 17/20.06.15 - Bangkok THAILAND ROSUPACK, 16/19.06.2015 - Moscow RUSSIA litres which are increasingly coming to replace tap water. Surveys are therefore forecasting a future growth rate for packaged water of more than 10%. One aspect of this is that a slight decline in consumption of CSDs such as CocaCola may occur, because attitudes as regards healthy eating are showing a trend away from soft drinks and towards more healthy beverages such as water and juice and, as far as the latter is concerned, this is leading to greater readiness to invest in the hot fill sector of the programme. Coca-Cola, for example, has already switched to hot fill for juices. Also, according to our interviewees, PET is poised to assume a higher status in the milk market in the coming years. Here the proportion of PET bottles is still marginal However, the market dominated by cartons may (or so the sector estimates) experience a boom in packaging, if major players such as Danone or Nestlé enter the market aggressively. Forecasters also expect a combination of higher purchasing power and greater availability will continue to spur on the Moroccan drinks market in the future. At present Morocco produces around 100,000 tonnes of preforms per year, corresponding to an estimated average of 3.5 billion preforms. By contrast to this the capacity on the machine side is around 120,000 tonnes or 4.2 billion preforms. According to PET Morocco the three main processors of PET resin are CMB Plastique with 60%, APPE with 30% and PET Morocco with 10%. Again and again the topic of recycling forms part of the discussion when it comes to market trends. Basically, this is one sector where Morocco is still on a learning curve. There is a lack of any clear political framework to promote recycling as well as any comprehensive infrastructure in the waste collection and separation sector. If any recycling takes place at all, it happens as a rule through the processing industry. More than 450,000 tonnes of plastic waste are involved of which, however, only around 26,000 tonnes are recycled. As is also the case in Tunisia, for example, some illegal landfill sites do exist on which tonnes of the most diverse forms of waste collect without any controls – and the trend is rising. In addition, waste incineration is also a problem. In order to build up a sustainable waste management system the World Bank has made more than US$270 available to the government with the aim of achieving a 20% increase in recycling by 2020. However, what is really needed is a fundamental change of attitude regarding waste disposal and the added value that may accrue from it, and of course, there needs to be a close look at the infrastructure.","@ID":21}, "BOTTLE MAKING 20 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Strong airflow with small valves Eugen Seitz AG is working with modern product equipment Sometimes it is the small things that make the life of a beverage line operator easier. This definitely applies to reliable and long-life blowing valves in the stretch blow moulding machines. We spoke to Mr. Francesco Fini, Business Unit Manager PET, Eugen Seitz AG Switzerland. Eugen Seitz has been manufacturing solenoid valves for gaseous media in the medium and high-pressure range for over 50 years. In the mid 1990s, the company was asked by leading stretch-blow moulding machine manufacturers whether Seitz could also make solenoid blowing valves to replace cam-driven mechanically actuated valves. Seitz accepted the challenge and designed a first dedicated solenoid operated blowing valve which enabled the machine manufacturers to boost their bottle output considerably. Since those days Seitz is now in a leading position in the field of blowing valve technology for stretch blow moulding machines. Every second PET bottle in the world is produced with a Seitz valve. Today the minimum performance requirements for blowing solutions are minimal dead volume, fast, accurate and repeatable valve switching times and maintenance friendly design. It is all about keeping the TCO value and consequently bottle production cost of the blower as low as possible. Seitz call themselves “the perfect development partner” offering extensive and appropriate expertise delivering tailored high-end solutions. Modern technical infrastructure, the latest simulation tools, a laboratory able to reproduce an entire customer defined stretch blow moulding process allows technical and life span validation prior to product delivery. The Seitz products range consists of Single Valves, Blowing Blocks, Blowing Units (Cylinder-Valve Combination) and, unique in the market, integrated Blowing Stations combining Cylinder-Valve Combination and Electrical Stretching Unit. www.seitz.ch Mr. Francesco Fini, Business Unit Manager PET","@ID":22}, "PREFORM PRODUCTION 39 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 Type of cavity cooling: spiral or cascading with spiral cooling channels gaining popularity in recent years Type of bubbler tube with newer designs featuring also spiral flow designs Type of injection core polishing: cores should be polished in the axial direction rather than the radial one in order to support smooth material flow Various injection core coatings have been tried with limited success Cavities may be of one piece or may have a separate gate insert which may or may not have separate water cooling Neck inserts should have a front taper that locks into the taper of the cavities and a back taper that locks it into the injection cores (Fig. 3.23) Your UV invisible protection our tailor-made UV blockers High Performance Liquid Colours and Additives repi.com crystal clear 300 to 400nm * This article was published in Bottles, Preforms and Closures, Ottmar Brandau, Chapter 3.7. Copyright Elsevier 2012 Please order your copy at the PETplanet insider book shop: https://petpla.net/books Bottles, Preforms and Closures A Design Guide for PET Packaging Second Edition by Ottmar Brandau € 115,00 180 pages © Copyright Elsevier 2012 Figure 3.23 The front taper (around the threads) transfers clamp tonnage, whereas the back taper assures alignment with the injection core. (Picture courtesy of MHT-AG).","@ID":41}, "PETproducts 40 PETplanet insider Vol. 16 No. 04/15 petpla.net Bericap seals Smoothie deal Specialist company Bericap, which has become established as a leader in closure systems, has been producing single-piece closures for aseptic application for several years. Among its extensive range is a 38mm two-start closure that is equipped with Bericap’s DoubleSeal system. This model, which features an inner boreseal and outer sealing lip, is designed to deliver high levels of tightness for an aseptically filled product. The slit tamper evidence band, which is intended to ensure the integrity of the product, breaks easily on first opening, making any attempts at tapering or interference immediately visible. The 38mm one-piece DoubleSeal closure suits all common sterilisation methods and fits onto the standard two-start PET neck that is widely used in the market. Bericap says that these features were significant factors in persuading jucyou Handels-Gmbh, the Austrian owner of the ‘Jucyou’ smoothie brand, to choose its DS 38/16 SDS LC closure. Bericap says that this particular model is one of a wide range of closures it offers for aseptic applications. They are suitable for all current sterilisation methods and are made to fit 33mm to 38mm neck sizes. The closures are in use in countries across the world. www.bericap.com Quadrant CMS and Dispack collaborate on one-way PET beer keg New-generation, oneway Dolium PET beer kegs, designed and developed by Quadrant Creative Molding & Systems (Quadrant CMS) and Dispack Projects, are claimed to offer a cost-effective and easy-to-transport alternative to traditional stainless steel kegs. The 20- and 30l kegs feature external key rings for stability, storage and improved handling. The integrated pressure relief valve systems are injection moulded in glass reinforced polyamide (GRP) and fully recyclable. As well as meeting standards of product integrity, food safety regulations and users’ performance requirements, priority was given to limiting operational impact, compared with traditional kegs. Dispack and Quadrant CMS developed new valves in four different versions, to be used with the most common couplers on the market for connecting kegs to draft dispensing systems. Particular attention was given to accommodating the plastic valves to the variations in tolerance of metal couplers from different manufacturers. The development process involved extensive use of computer-aided design (CAD) and engineering (CAE) as well as rapid prototyping. The keg has been designed so that it can be handled in vertical and horizontal orientations without the need for a supplementary protective cover. The rings make the keg stackable and ensure that it is protected during handling. Albert Wauters, founder of Dispack and inventor of the Dolium one-way beer keg design, asserts that the kegs offer shelf-life equal to stainless steel kegs while enabling brewers to eliminate large capital investment. It is further claimed that the efficient design enables optimisation of outbound truck loading, leading to savings in transport costs. The kegs are 100% recyclable. www.quadrantplastics.com","@ID":42}]}}