"BOTTLE MAKING 30 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net High-performance production of PET containers The new Electronic Blowing System (EBS) Ergon series is the outcome of a 2-years R&D project of SMI. The first model of the new range of machines was rolled out in October 2015 to SMI’s sales network on the occasion of the new showroom opening at SMI headquarters in San Giovanni Bianco, Bergamo, Italy. From October 19-26, 2016 at the K’ trade fair in Düsseldorf, Germany, SMI will be showcasing its new EBS 10 Ergon blowing system. The current EBS Ergon range numbers seven models from 4-16 cavities, suitable for the production of PET containers from 0.1 to 3l at a maximum 33,600bph and three models from 3-6 cavities, specially designed for the production of large PET containers, from 3.5 to 10l at a maximum 7,200bph. The EBS Ergon stretch-blow moulders are available for stand-alone machines and integrated into the Ecobloc Ergon series all-in-one blowing, filling and capping system. The new EBS Ergon focuses on a precise speed of descent of the stretching rod and an accurate control of its position at any stage of the blowing cycle. The system is also said to deliver energy savings. The adjustment of the stretch-blowing speed is free from mechanical interventions and control Motornet System, which is said to ensure that optimal working parameters are constantly maintained during the whole production cycle, directly adjusting the machine’s settings, thus simplifying format changeovers. Preform heating module The stretch-blow moulders of the EBS Ergon series are equipped with a new preform heating module featuring compact size; also featured is the horizontal frame of the preform-holding mandrel chains (37mm pitch) and an enhanced ventilation system. The concept enables the heating module length to be reduced by 50%, with the subsequent reduction in the number of preforms passing in front of the heating panels. The heating module is equipped with heat-reflecting, energyefficient panels made of composite materials, mounted both on the front and to the rear of the IR lamps, which ensures a higher and better distribution on the preform surface of the heat generated by the heating lamps. Ecobloc Ergon integrated systems All the advantages of the EBS Ergon stretch-blow moulding machines are strengthened when the blower is combined with a filler and capper to form an Ecobloc Ergon model. The modular and compact design of the machine frame requires no conveyor belts connecting blower and filler. This series boasts a highhygiene filling technology allowing the area underneath the bottles to be kept completely clear, so as to ease the operator’s access to the machine for maintenance and cleaning operations. The automation and control system allows the full running of the whole equipment by one line operator, thanks to a user-friendly man-machine interface. www.smigroup.it (cams replacement) with the key benefit of reducing the stress generated by the vibrations the blowing wheel undergoes in traditional solutions. The EBS Ergon series is said to feature high performance, low dead volume valves which have reduced the preblowing and blowing times with an advantage in terms of machine’s efficiency and bottle’s quality. Running, cleaning and maintenance The safety guard of the new EBS Ergon blow-moulders is a rounded shape, enabling more space inside the machine for cleaning and maintenance operations for the operator to carry out easily and safely. There is a new technology of the automation","@ID":32}, "BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS 14 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Adjusting undesired tastes in beverages with functional benefits Boosting the good, masking the bad BEVERAGE +ingredients Whether they’re functional actives, excipients or sweeteners, many of the ingredients used in contemporary beverages can cause undesired off-notes. With its allnatural Smoothenol 2G line, Sensient Flavors provides a novel approach to address a variety of sensory issues. The trend for beverages with functional benefits has skyrocketed in recent years. From drinks for energy and rejuvenation to weight management and/or general health and wellness, better-for-you drinks are an everyday offering on supermarket shelves. Formulating these products, however, is complex: incorporating ingredients such as proteins, herbs, tea extracts, vitamins and amino acids in the recipes often impacts the overall taste, which then needs to be adjusted. No less challenging is the task of improving the sensory profile of lowcalorie beverages that contain sugar replacers such as stevia or high intensity sweeteners. To address these issues, Sensient’s flavouring experts have developed a portfolio of natural masking technology systems called Smoothenol. Tailor-made masks When it comes to taste perception, the tongue is an undisputed master. Fundamentally, taste is the sensation produced when a substance in the mouth reacts chemically with taste bud receptors on the top of the tongue. The tongue is covered with thousands of tiny bumps called papillae and, within each papilla, are hundreds of taste buds. Each taste bud contains 50–100 taste receptor cells. These buds are both the detector and organ of transduction of taste, and are able to differentiate between flavours such as sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami. Various techniques can be used to improve the mouthfeel of a product or disguise chalky, sour or bitter off-notes. But, it’s not a simple task, especially when it comes to dealing with bitterness. Scientists have discovered that there are roughly 25 bitter receptors (known as hTAS2R receptors) on the tongue. The perception of bitterness is particularly acute; for millennia, bitterness has been an indicator of whether or not food is edible, so it’s played a crucial role in evolution and survival. Hence, masking bitterness is particularly challenging. A key aspect of taste masking is designing molecules that bind to a receptor to prevent an agonist from binding. But, again, it’s not that easy. The structural diversity in the chemistry of bitter tasting compounds is huge; each bitter tasting molecule is physically different and requires a mask that’s specifically tailored to block it at the receptor sites. However, masking the undesired taste can","@ID":16}, "PRODUCTS 40 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Integrated platform with intelligent remote service Newamstar says that the rapid growth it is experiencing in both domestic and international markets is leading it to increase levels and extents of cooperation at home and abroad. It is also seeking to strengthen its understanding of customers’ essential needs and, consequently, to deliver higher standards of service. In order to improve after-sales support and service across its global customer base, Newamstar has announced the adoption of an Internet-based Intelligent Remote Equipment Maintenance and monitoring system. The company says that, as well as helping it to improve its customer response, the integrated platform will enable it to gather and monitor more data about the use of its equipment and so help it to better perceive and understand customer experience and needs. A suite of advanced technologies, including sensors, networking, monitoring and intelligent technology, means that Newamstar can build a 360° picture of the equipment in operation, including production data and operating conditions. The company believes that collating on-site information and data will help it to improve service and support levels thought the life of the equipment. The use of embedded technology will also facilitate improved remote diagnosis of any problems that may arise and help in their resolution. In the event that an issue cannot be remotely resolved, local engineers can be fully briefed and any necessary parts can be promptly despatched. This will all help to minimise downtime and keep the machinery running productively. Newamstar says that its Platform can use 3G and 4G mobile communications networks, as well as Internet and Cloud systems, and enable its engineers to diagnose and solve problems from hundreds of miles away, thus reducing labour costs, as well as downtime losses. The platform consists of data server, managing server and site terminal, which reads and collects PLC data in real time and sends it to the data server at scheduled intervals. As well as storing information from the site, the data server provides “early warning” of developing faults or other issues, as well as default analysis. Because the system is processing a large amount of data it will help customers to improve their own operating effectiveness and consequently boost product quality, drive down the cost of consumables and maintenance, and cut repair and stoppage times, with consequent efficiency benefits for the whole line. Newamstar says that increased levels of automation degree of production lines inevitably require high standards of after-sale service. Improving and automating remote service and support, through embedded monitoring and data management technology, will not only improve productivity and efficiency, it will also boost customer satisfaction and competitiveness. www.newamstar.com","@ID":42}, "PACKAGING / PALLETISING 34 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net “Less is more” packaging – plus an innovative sticky dot! by Heike Fischer KHS’ first in-house exhibition this year took place in March 2016 at the Kleve production location. With the theme “less is more”, the system provider presented its approach to greater economic efficiency and sustainability for packaging processes to their international client base and international press. The Head of Packaging Products Division, Norbert Pastoors opened the two-day event. KHS develops its packaging systems in Kleve am Niederrhein, Germany. In 1957 Karl Kisters, the “K” in the name of the packaging machinery founded the Karl Kister Maschinenbau GmbH. KHS got on board in 2003 and since 2011, the Karl Kister Maschinenbau GmbH has been a 100% subsidiary of Salzgitter AG. KHS has 300 employees in Kleve. The current production location has an area of 63,000m2, which is to be extended by 2,500m2 this year. The packaging technology turnover (new machines + after sales) was €70 million in 2014. “The great response to our plant engineering shows that we are able to recognise market demands early on and develop systems accordingly,” says Norbert Pastoors, Head of Packaging Products Division. “We not only offer bottlers innovative and sustainable secondary packaging systems; the retail trade also benefits from the customer-friendly presentation of goods made possible by our developments.” The KHS Innopack Kisters product range was presented to visitors during a tour of the factory. The focus was on the flexibility of the packing and palletising plants and the conservation of resources. The presentation of an innovative tray shrink packer demonstrated that one system can be used to form packs in several different ways; the TPFO packer can combine containers on trays with or without film, on pads with film or simply pack them in film only. A presentation of the KHS Innopack Kisters DP DisplayPacker illustrated how products can be sold directly off the pallet, meaning that at the point of sale there is no longer any need to move individual packs or loose containers from the shipping pallet to the shelf. The presentation of the Nature MultiPack was the fourth stop during the guided tour through the production hall. It produces packs of PET bottles or cans joined together by specially developed dots of adhesive only, without the need for any film. This multi award-winning packaging solution (German Design Award for outstanding communication design and sustainable packaging 2016) can be produced with a capacity of 40,000bph in four different combinations (1x2, 1x3, 2x2, 2x3). The bottle’s diameter can be 60–100mm and its height 180400mm. Bottle orientation goes without saying. The subsidiary NMP Systems sells the Nature MultiPack, the plant technology comes from Kleve. Besides the consumer friendliness as secondary packaging no longer has to be destroyed, there is less domestic waste and the bottles are easy to separate from each other, there are also various advantages for producers, according to KHS: less than 2g of adhesive is required in contrast to 15g of shrink film. 67% of energy costs are saved on average. A marketing message can be printed directly onto the handles and onto the oriented bottles. There is a double benefit for both consumers and retail outlets, as waste is considerably reduced. A few days after the in-house exhibition, the Nature MultiPack was introduced to the market for the first time in collaboration with Danone Waters on the Evian brand starting in France and Belgium. Frederic Maetz, global engineering vice president at Danone Waters who participated directly in the 24-month collaboration comments: “Our leadership committed immediately to the partnership and earned first-in-market advantages. Danone Waters R&D, engineering, industrialisation, quality, and marketing people enjoy working closely together with the dedicated people from KHS and NMP Systems.” Prof. Dr Niemeyer, Chairman of the Executive Management Board at KHS, is confident about the new packaging solution: “Disruptive innovation is an important part of our strategy at KHS, as well as within the Salzgitter group of companies. Nature MultiPack will change the future of packaging. With this innovation, we have reinvented ourselves. After introducing the world to shrink packs over 50 years ago, with this packaging we are again proving to be successful with a market-defining hit.” www.khs.com www.evian.com","@ID":36}, "CAPPING / CLOSURES 33 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Transport system at the factory work hall. Mr Nomblot explains: “Different manufacturing location enables Sumitomo Demag to have a product portfolio produced locally, adapted to specific market needs, what is a significant advantage for local customers, as well as international players.” Until then, the Schwaig-based company will produce cap machines in the El Exis SP series, which has expanded over about 20 years. “The packaging machines require the highest level of precision, way beyond that of the standard machines. This is the only way to ensure optimum performance, a longer life and low energy consumption,” according to Mr Nomblot. “Sumitomo Demag constantly invests in its production and machining equipment, in order to keep the highest quality and precision level, but also to maintain short delivery times.” For plasticising, the group site has developed its own screw geometries, which are suitable for every polymers among them polifines. The quality of the machines has been generally recognised by cap manufacturers. Sumitomo Demag deliver individual machines, as well as caps production lines. The line business, with tools and follow-up has a somewhat subordinate significance at Sumitomo Demag. “Turnkey can be integrated in Schwaig, or at our partners, mainly tool makers. Integrating the process before delivery is a additional safety for customers, who validate the system before bringing it in his factory. Always more projects will be integrated prior to delivery,” explains Mr Nomblot. In the future he sees faster process, due to increasing market demand, evolution of production equipment and weight reduction of caps. In this way, the El Exis will continue to find its market, with more demanding process requirements and customer expectations www.sumitomo-shi-demag.eu [email protected] Tel: +90 212 695 50 00 Fax: +90 212 694 97 24 100815dmyR .com","@ID":35}, "PETnews 6 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Amsler enters central American market Amsler Equipment Inc. has refurbished, retrofitted, and delivered its first PET blow moulder to Poliflex S.A. de C.V in San Salvador. Poliflex S.A. de C.V. is a custom blow moulder serving the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, beverage, household goods and food products industries. Founded in 1992, the company operates both injection-stretch moulding and two-step blow moulders to produce a wide variety of jars and bottles. Poliflex is currently updating their plant to meet ISO 22000 food safety standards. Poliflex needed a modern single-cavity PET stretch blow moulding machine to replace an older machine. Small footprint, machine performance, low tooling costs and easy supplier communication were the reasons in selecting a replacement. Amsler was able to supply a used single-cavity machine that was originally installed at a U.S.-based customer. The L12 had been outgrown and was traded in on a new three-cavity L32. The L12, which was manufactured in 2007, was retrofitted with a preferential heating oven, which was a Poliflex requirement. The machine was completely refurbished and full warranty was provided by Amsler. Poliflex was able to start up the machine and begin production in their plant themselves and it is currently running four days a week. The company is in the process of acquiring new moulds and converting their existing moulds to run on the Amsler L12. This small fully-automatic single-cavity machine can make bottles from 50ml up to 2l in capacity with neck sizes from 18mm to 63mm. The L15 version of the machine, is available to make bottle sizes up to 5l. The options for these machines include neck orientation, hot-fill and preferential heating. www.amslerequipment.net ■www.poliflexsa.com New logo for PET Engineering The company PET Engineering presents a preview of the new logo which will gradually replace its current one over the course of 2016. The international company PET Engineering known for the design and industrialisation of PET packaging in the food, detergents and cosmetics sectors, founded 30 years ago by Moreno Barel is evolving its image. One of the main reasons behind PET Engineering’s decision to change its image is a desire for a logo capable of conjuring up the values which the company has stood for and its unrivalled know-how recognised the world over. “We decided to invest in rebranding because we believe it is time for us to communicate our identity more clearly and effectively, bringing out the distinctive features of our unique DNA: we are not only bottle designers but true PET packaging innovators, through a consolidated approach that integrates strategic design, engineering and research.” says the CEO Moreno Barel. The new logo features a human head wearing a special crown made up of an idealised neuronal network representing a scientific mind with the intention, on one hand, of “chemically synthesise” PET Engineering’s talent and creative approach and, on the other, evoking the importance of the individual in reference to both the internal working team and the end users of each packaging designed and engineered. The human profile facing right, also describes an action of thought that looks forward, with projection towards the future, expressing a dynamic vision oriented to technological innovation. The whole of the new logo’s formal composition is high impact emotionally speaking communicating competence, strategy, specific creativity and results orientation, requisites which PET Engineering international reference point in the sector for product expertise and Italian design, makes available to its clients to enhance brand performances. www.petengineering.com Erema Discovery Day 2016 Erema invites clients and interested persons to be part of the Discovery Day on June 1, 2016 at the headquarters in Ansfelden, Austria. This year’s focus will be on PET recycling, inline applications and bottle-to-bottle. Visitors will be given first-hand information on how to save energy, time and costs. Erema will show solutions throughout the entire PET recycling value chain (washing, sorting, PET processing and downstream equipment). Visitors can look forward to live demonstrations including the new Multi Purpose Reactor (MPR) for the retrofitting of existing PET extrusion systems, Vacurema for food contact approved bottle recycling and the Erema plastics analysis laboratory. There is the oppertunity to register online. www.erema.at","@ID":8}, "NEWS 8 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net MEGlobal to build MEG production facility at Dow’s Oyster Creek/TX operations MEGlobal, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Equate Petrochemical Company, plans to construct a new world-scale monoethylene glycol (MEG) manufacturing facility at Dow’s Oyster Creek site in Freeport, Texas, USA. The new MEG facility will be owned by MEGlobal and is the Company’s first manufacturing unit in the United States. The new MEGlobal plant will create 1,400 construction jobs at the project’s peak, and the Company will employ approximately 50 new workers when it goes on stream in mid-2019. The new site will benefit through a long-term ethylene supply agreement with Dow from its new ethylene cracker. Dow’s new ethylene cracker is part of the existing infrastructure that is intended to make the Dow Texas Operations attractive for locating the new MEG plant on the U.S. Gulf Coast. Construction continues to progress on the site, with the cracker more than 40% complete and on track for start-up in the second quarter of 2017. Dow will also complete ethane feedstock flexibility for an ethylene cracker at the Company’s Louisiana Operations site, on track for start-up in the second half of 2016. Equate Petrochemical Company is an international joint venture between Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC), The Dow Chemical Company (Dow), Boubyan Petrochemical Company (BPC) and Qurain Petrochemical Industries Company (QPIC). MEG is used in a number of market applications, including PET bottles and packaging, polyester fibres, antifreeze and coolants, paints, resins, deicing fluids, heat transfer fluids and construction materials. www.dow.com www.equate.com www.meglobal.biz IVL acquisition of Cepsa Business in Spain complete Chemical producer Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL) has announced the acquisition of 100% of the Purified Isopthalic Acid, Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET and Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) assets of Cepsa Química S.A., a subsidiary of Compañía Española de Petróleos S.A.U. (“CEPSA”) in Guadarranque-San Roque, Cadiz, Spain. The company will be renamed Indorama Ventures Química S.L.U. All closing formalities are completed. IVL has taken charge of the operation effective April 7, 2016. The acquisition is said to make Indorama Ventures a world-leading producer of Isopthalic Acid, a key chemical additive in the manufacture of PET for packaging. In addition, the acquisition is intended to provide IVL with a stronger base in Europe. www.indoramaventures.com/EN Strengthening sales activities for injection moulding machines KraussMaffei has appointed Klaus Zeiler as the new Head of the Logistics/Packaging business unit in the injection moulding machinery segment with immediate effect. He is taking over the duties of Emilio Lopez, who in future as Area Sales Manager for Ibero-America will concentrate on the expansion of the sales activities for the KraussMaffei and Netstal brands in the entire Latin American region. Lopez has been in charge of the Log/Pack business unit since its creation in 2013, which he successfully set up with Zeiler. Zeiler brings many years of experience from the packaging system business to his new activity. He sees the further worldwide expansion of operational business for large and transportation packagings as the objective of his new task. “I am delighted that we have acquired the services of Klaus Zeiler, a long-standing employee and plastics expert, for the post of Head of the Log/Pack Business Unit. Due to his excellent personal and technical skills, as well as his good customer contacts, he will help to strengthen and extend the worldwide market position in this important business area for KraussMaffei,” said Nadine Buhmann, Vice President Sales of the Injection Molding Machinery segment at KraussMaffei. www.kraussmaffei.com","@ID":10}, "MATERIAL / RECYCLING 18 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net How water in PET bottles helps to manage a crisis and brings about new challenges A flood of bottles by Gabriele Kosmehl Residents of the US city of Flint are leaving the tap turned off when they want to clean their teeth or cook. Instead, they use PET bottles. At least they have been doing so since becoming aware of the exorbitantly high concentration of lead, legionella bacteria and other pollutants in their drinking water. Now the city, faced with the fallout from the scandal, is also having to confront how to tackle a flood of empty plastic bottles. The crisis and its history The crisis began in April 2014, when the US city of Flint in Michigan became dependent on the water supply of Detroit, following a decision by state and local officials. Instead of water from the glacial Lake Huron, the 100,000 inhabitants received cheaper water from the Flint River from then on. Many residents became alarmed at the brown liquid issuing out of their taps. Despite this, both the relevant authorities and the environmental organisations played down the health risks that the population was exposed to. The tainted water of the Flint River should have had anti-corrosion agents added before distribution to households, but this was not carried out. As a result, the water in the lead pipes of the city released toxic heavy metals, and this was used over a period of almost two years by the population to wash, cook and drink. Lead poisoning is particularly dangerous to children and pregnant women, as it affects the nervous system amongst other things. In extreme cases, lead poisoning can be fatal. The water supply was changed back to Detroit in October last year. Despite adding phosphates to the lead pipes, which should have formed a protective deposit inhibiting metal contamination of the water, lead values were still way above the norm in many households, meaning that the water was not fit to drink. In January, President Barack Obama therefore declared a federal state of emergency, authorising additional help from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. PET bottles as an interim solution Since the drama unfolded, water in PET bottles and special water filters have been distributed to the population, by public and private sponsors. To meet the demand for water from the 100,000 residents for drinking, cooking and bathing, 13,000 PET cases were distributed daily, and an estimated 60-65% of the waste which is collected from households by Republic Services, a company involved in waste hauling, consists of bottles. A problem is to educate consumers to actually return the bottles for recycling, so that there is some level of sustainability from the flood of bottles. Collection points had to be set up specifically for the bottles’ return. Currently there are more than 12 drop off sites in the city. Three of the sites distribute water and recycling bags to citizens. It is very difficult to obtain an overall picture of how successful the recycling project is, since no reliable figures are available. Despite the intensive campaign to raise awareness of the importance of recycling, a significant amount of bottles is still being sent to land-fill. To encourage a change of behaviour amongst residents, an educational tag on how and where to recycle is attached to each recycling bag. Schupan Recycling, one of the largest volume processors and brokers of used beverage containers in the U.S. runs several facilities in Michigan and became involved in offering some solutions to the current recycling dilemma that Flint faces with the considerable daily influx of water bottles. As of end of March, approximately 17,000lbs of bottles were brought to them for recycling. Commenting on the figure, a spokesperson for Schupan Recycling pointed out the The Flint Water Response Team is distributing water bottles to Flint residents (photo: Flint Water Response Team) Water samples from Flint (photo: flintwaterstudy.org)","@ID":20}, "MARKET SURVEY 27 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net 04/2016 MARKETsurvey Preforms Filling equipment Resins / additives Preform / stretch blow moulds Caps and closures Preform and single stage machinery Bottle-to-bottle recycling plants Compressors Closure systems Two stage SBM machinery PET bottle resins / colours and functional additives PETplanet insider presenting the suppliers of PET bottle resins and the suppliers of colour/functional additives in this market survey. The additives available include barrier improvement additives for sensitive beverages, UV blocker, brighteners and many other performance enhancers, up to date! Also included among the resin manufacturers in alphabetical order are: DAK Americas, Invista, M&G Polimeri, Neo Group, Novapet and Reliance Industries. In the additive range, there are these global players among the suppliers: Americhem, Clariant, Gabriel Chemie, Invista, Novapet, Penn color and Repi. The suppliers are listed in the order in which their details were received by the editors. Although the publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accurancy.","@ID":29}, "BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS 16 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Drinkable sun protection from a PET bottle Sunny spots ahead by Kay Barton BEVERAGE +ingredients California is not only about Hollywood and its film industry. The state in the south-west of the USA also offers any number of outdoor activities. With its year-round summery temperatures, Southern California in particular invites visitors to get out and enjoy the sunshine, whether it is on the beach or on a shopping trip in L.A. At Laguna Beach, around 80km south of the world-famous city, 2015 saw the development of an innovative lifestyle product: “Uvo”, a drinkable sun protection supplement in a PET bottle, couldn’t have been invented in a more suitable setting! result is the first functional drink in the world that will not only help protect the skin against UV damage, but also nurture it and improve it at the same time. However, it cautions against relying on solely on Uvo or any single form of sun protection; application of regular sunscreen and avoidance of long stays in blazing sun continues to be strongly recommended. As a ready-to-drink supplement, Uvo is currently on offer in a 355ml bottle with a full shrink-sleeve label, in orange-peach flavour. “The PET bottle is ideally suited to our target group, which largely consists of consumers who enjoy the outdoor lifestyle,” says Dr Awadalla. “The product has proven to be very popular. The demand for functional drinks, especially here in the USA, is very high and increasing all the time. We are also currently evaluating investment opportunities that will enable us to offer our product at the international level.” The drink is bottled in a hot-fill process by Uvo’s co-packer located in Northern California. The company says that only natural flavours are used in the production process, along with more than 30 vitamins and antioxidants, including herbal minerals and vitamins, known as phytonutrients. This blend of individual ingredients synergistically work together to help protect, repair and beautify the skin. In addition to the bottled variety, the product is also offered as a powder for self-mixing, with the same attributes. www.drinkuvo.com MHT MOLD & HOTRUNNER TECHNOLOGY AG Your Machine - Our Solution Booth E1E59 1996-2016 20YEARS Dr Bobby Awadalla, a Board Certified Dermatologist who practices in Laguna Beach, is CEO of Uvo. He is the inventor of the functional drink, on which he worked for five years as he searched for an alternative method of protecting his patients from UV damage. The company claims that the","@ID":18}, "PETcontents 04/16 4 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 35 Products 41 PET bottles for Beverage + Liquid Food 43 PET bottles for Home + Personal Care 44 Patents Page 32 BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS 10 Beverage ingredients: Trends 2016 Natural, better for you and individual 12 Concepts for healthy living Ingredients and flavours for beverages to enhance wellbeing 14 Boosting the good, masking the bad Adjusting undesired tastes in beverages with functional benefits 16 Sunny spots ahead Drinkable sun protection from a PET bottle MATERIAL / RECYCLING 18 A flood of bottles How water in PET bottles helps to manage a crisis and brings about new challenges PREFORM PRODUCTION 20 Injection moulding with preforms - does it always have to be this way? Advanced preform base geometry to improve the blow moulding process BOTTLE MAKING 22 Singing from the same hymn sheet 30 High-performance production of PET containers BEVERAGE +ingredients Page 14 BOTTLING / FILLING 24 Lifecycle of PET bottling line Benefits of proactive maintenance MARKET SURVEY 27 Suppliers of resins / additives CAPPING / CLOSURES 31 Decorating coloured caps Digital-inline printing solution 32 High manufacturing depth guarantees precision PACKAGING / PALLETISING 34 “Less is more” packaging - plus an innovative sticky dot BUYER’S GUIDE 45 Get listed! Page 20","@ID":6}, "42 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Croutons in a jar The French firm Florette, famous for its salads and salad products, sells 70g of readymade croutons in rosemary and thyme flavour for embellishing salads in a transparent PET container on its domestic market. The reclosable screw on top with hinged lid has to be screwed off and a freshness film has to be removed before use. A self-adhesive plastic label communicates consumer information. www.florette.fr Concentrate from Teisseire Teisseire, famous in France for its syrups which are added to water to create your own drinks at home, has now launched a syrup concentrate on the market that is intended for use in soda streamers. 500ml are bottled into a white PET bottle with dosing lid and sleeve label. The label partly extends over the lid as a tamper evident seal and has to be partially removed along the perforated markings. According to the manufacturer, the quantity is enough to make 12l of Coke Zero. www.teisseire.com Pear juice concentrate by Coop The Biofarm cooperative in Switzerland sells the “Birnel” pear juice concentrate under the coop logo and Swiss Coop licence in a stable and clear PET bottle with 250g content. The thick liquid product that can be used to sweeten and refine dishes or directly as a sandwich spread, is poured out through the screw on lid by turning the opening dosing tip. The dosing lid indicates that it is properly sealed by a clear “click into place” sound. The front label extends over the snap shut lid and is separated with first use. www.coopathome.ch Cranberry juice in PET Rivella AG from Rothrist in Switzerland has launched various fruit drinks on the market under the brand “Michel”. A transparent bottle with 500ml and sufficiently large drinking opening is used for the packaging. The low-calorie drink consists of 25% cranberry juice, is refined with juniper berry extract and sweetened with sucralose. The brand lettering can be found as an imprint on the bottle neck and on the top of the tamper evident screw on lid. www.michel-saft.ch","@ID":44}, "PRODUCTS 38 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net 30My shrink sleeve Clondalkin Kirchberg, Switzerland, has reduced their ultra-thin OPS sleeves to 40My and PET sleeves to 30My. According to the company, these new generation foils provide good stability on the sleeve lines, especially on conical yoghurt pots and bottle applications. The 40 Micron OPS is said to have the same stability as 50 Micron alternatives. Also the film has no static and the performance of the sleeve machine has improved despite the thinner gauge. Shrink sleeves offer the brand owners the opportunity for high end packaging aesthetics and superior design potential to make their product stand out on the shelf. In a production environment the shrink sleeve needs to have stability and constant shrink behaviour. These two elements have proven difficult to combine when the gauge of the film is being reduced. www.clondalkingroup.com Nigerian breweries change over to PET Nigerian Breweries, Heineken Operating Company in Nigeria, commissioned PET Engineering’s team for the extension of their Climax, Amstel Malta and Maltina brands packaging to PET. The order involved a number of restrictions which included the need to use a preform that was readily available on the market to create unique shapes that would stand out on the shelf. It would also enhance the brand’s impact with a type of packaging not hitherto used by the brand. Equally important was the requirement to maintain existing dimensions to prevent changes on the bottling line and ensure the containers were able to withstand the pasteurisation process of up to 30PU at 61°C. The project started with the technical design of the containers and, in particular, with the study of a low petaloid able to withstand the internal pressure at which the container was then subjected during the pasteurisation cycle. The first stage in the project was to build the specific equipment to reproduce as closely as possible the brewery’s industrial pasteurisation process. After having validated the method through numerous tests, different types of resins were considered that would allow the production of a PET container able to withstand the pasteurisation process normally used for glass bottles. After choosing the resin with the highest IV, in order to limit the deformation after filling and heating treatment, different batches of bottle samples were prototyped. These were tested and subjected to pasteurisation in order to identify the best performing combination between bottle design and resin. The result was three PET containers obtained using a single type of preform, with a visually elegant petaloid base able to meet the specifications of Heineken. The project was completed with the delivery of four mould series for the Ota plant. www.petengineering.com","@ID":40}, "BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS 10 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Natural, better for you and individual Beverage ingredients: Trends 2016 In addition to the mega trends of health, naturalness and convenience, the food & beverage industry is coming up with a variety of interesting approaches and new developments that are increasingly influencing the market. Sustainability, individualisation and “better for you” are among the top themes here, as market experts from Döhler demonstrate. But consumers are becoming even more demanding when it comes to the overall impression and multisensory experience of a product. BEVERAGE +ingredients Trend #1: Clear label Following clean label, clear label is now all the rage. Consumers want transparent products. In addition to a complete declaration of ingredients, they expect the producer to know not only which ingredients the product contains but also where they come from. For example, they expect information on the origin, including traceability, as well as environmentallyfriendly and sustainable cultivation. They are also interested in fair trade products and products & packaging that are produced in an environmentally-friendly manner. The number of new products with fair trade seals or labels showing regional production is correspondingly high. Demand for natural flavours and colouring concentrates from fruits and vegetables also continues to rise. Natural ingredient solutions are increasingly replacing artificial product components. In non-alcoholic beverages, the most important product claims of 2015 included “no artificial additives” and “no artificial preservatives”, according to Döhler’s Market Intelligence team. Recipes are increasingly using alternatives, such as naturally colouring and flavouring malt extracts. Trend #2: Health The topic of health has been one of the most important topics in the food and beverage industry for a long time now, and it is now also receiving additional support from targeted measures by governments around the world. Fat, salt and sugar are the subject of particularly intense discussion. Several countries have already implemented a tax on sugar in order to make high-sugar foods and beverages less attractive. The industry has been working on new concepts to reduce the sugar in products for years – but the real challenge is to reduce the","@ID":12}, "Hong Kong Chongqing Xi'an Taiyuan Shenyang Qingdao Nanjing Guangzhou Shanghai Beijing Jinan Sponsors The China Road Show The worldwide round trip with www.china.petpla.net 2016 is both the Year of the Monkey in Chinese astrology and the occasion of our first Editourmobil quest to sample the far-eastern culture of China. Following our successful Editours in the past few years, our voyage into the Middle Kingdom begins in Shanghai in April. We are scheduled to cover a distance of approximately 7,000 kilometres between then and October, which will be covered is a series of stages in the eastern part of the People‘s Republic - and, as always, the whole distance will be travelled by road! During our trip, we will take in the entire PET process chain and discuss facts and trends with a great variety of users from the bottling, processing and recycling industries, as well as with suppliers, toolmakers and mechanical engineers. As always, reports and reviews of all of our visits and interviews with local and global players will be published in PETplanet Insider. We will keep you right up to date on our travel experiences through near-live event coverage on our Editourblog at www.china.petpla.net. Come and join us on an incredible exploration of the Chinese PET market, right from the start. As the saying goes: ॹ䠂ҁ㺂θခ᯲䏩сȾ (A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step). April – October 2016","@ID":28}, "BOTTLING / FILLING 24 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Benefits of proactive maintenance Lifecycle of PET bottling line To lower the total cost of ownership (TCO) of invested equipment, it is essential for beverage producers to optimise productivity and performance across the entire lifecycle of their PET bottling lines. Sidel has announced new services for effective maintenance to help reduce costly downtime and turn it into profitable uptime. For beverage producers to optimise productivity, regular maintenance is required. When this is effectively carried out, it enables performance to be maintained or regained and even improved throughout the lifecycle of the equipment on the PET bottling line. This allows producers to reduce costs, maximise profitability and achieve the lowest total cost of ownership for their investment. Pavel Shevchuk, Vice President for Services at Sidel, comments: “With the support of a proactive service provider who understands the equipment and the opportunities it offers to optimise performance of a production line, beverage producers are able to achieve their productivity targets cost effectively. This approach is leading to many beverage producers taking a more holistic approach to maintenance, working with Sidel to help lower TCO, raise productivity and optimise performance across the lifecycle of a line.” Benefits of proactive maintenance By adopting a preventive rather than reactive approach, equipment is monitored, allowing pre-planning of scheduled downtime to carry out all essential regular maintenance. Thereby the potential for long, costly and inconvenient shutdowns and loss of production is limited. It helps to ensure that production schedules and targets are achieved, with regular health checks helping to extend the longevity of the line. As important as recognising the necessity of maintenance is the choice of the type of maintenance undertaken and the provider chosen to carry it out. Sidel has introduced dedicated maintenance services to reflect this importance. Three-phased approach to maintenance The reasons for intervention in any line’s production performance can often be put down to three different causes: The need for a producer to maintain the line performing with its current efficiency The need to regain production capability in the case of a breakdown The wish to improve performance and/or productivity","@ID":26}, "MARKET SURVEY 29 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net DAK Americas LLC Neo Group Reliance Industries Limited Invista Resins & Fibers GmbH 5925 Carnegie Blvd. Suite 500 Charlotte, NC 28209, USA +1 704 940 7500 www.dakamericas.com Mr George Rollend Senior Technical Manager +1 603 672 6403 +1 866 833 5069 [email protected] Industrijos str. 2, Rimkai LT-95346, Klaipeda district, Lithuania +370 46 466 710 www.neogroup.eu Mr Gediminas Paulauskas Sales Manager +370 686 73401 +370 464 66711 [email protected] PET Business, Buildg No. 8, B Wing, 1st Fl, Thane Belapur Rd, (RCP), Ghansoli, Navi Mumbai- 400701, Maharastra, India +91 22 447 70 000 www.ril.com Mr Rajesh K Gera Asst. Vice President - Business Development +91 22 4478 1426 +91 22 4477 9107 (mobil) [email protected] Philipp-Reis-Strasse 2 65795 Hattersheim, Germany +49 69 305 6025 www.polymers.invista.com Mr Karsten Fritsch Business Manager PET Resins +49 821 479 3257 [email protected] Neopet Relpet and Relpet Green Polyclear PET, PolyShield resin, XPURE polyester Laser + Neopet 0.56 - 0.82 0.76 0.60 - 0.90 Laser+ 0.72 - 0.84 (dL/g) 0.76 - 0.84 0.76-0.84 0.81 - 0.87 Laser + Neopet 80, Neopet 82 Relpet G5841 Polyclear PET 1101 Laser + W Aqua Neopet 76, Neopet 78 Relpet G5761 Polyclear PET 1101 Laser + Neopet 80, Neopet 82 Relpet B9845 PolyShield resin 2300K Laser + Neopet 80, Neopet 82 Relpet B9845/ Relpet G5801 OxyClear barrier resin Laser + C Neopet 80 Relpet G5801 Polyclear PET T94N Laser + C Relpet S5841 (5 Gallon returnable, thick sheet and moulded articles) Polyclear PET T94N, XPURE polyester Laser + H Neopet 82 HF Relpet H7761 Laser+, Laser+ W, Laser+ HS Neopet 82 FR, Neopet 84 FR Relpet QH5821 Polyclear PET 1101 Array 1.0 - 1.3 (dL/g) Ultra Neopet Relpet F7600 (versatile for film/fibre) Polyclear EBM resin 5506 (extrusion blow moulding) Relpet B9845 barrier grade has both active oxygen barrier & passive carbon dioxide barrier PolyShield resin 2300K, OxyClear barrier resin Relpet Green (100% PCR) Grades have been developed based on finer requirements of end-use. Thin wall/EBM are available on request Penn Color Internatinal B.V. Americhem Europe Ltd. Clariant Plastics & Coatings (Deutschland) GmbH-BU Masterbatches Invista Resins & Fibers GmbH Gabriel Chemie GmbH Smakterweg 31 5804 AE Venray, Netherlands +31 478 554 000 www.penncolor.com Mr Scott Stamback Business Director +31 478 554 000 +31 478 554 009 [email protected] Cawdor Street, Manchester M30 0QF, United Kingdom +44 161 785 2481 www.americhem.com Mr Peter Puchalla Market Leader-Films and non wovens +41 79 672 01 39 [email protected] Am Unisys-Park 1 65843 Sulzbach am Taunus, Germany +49 6196 757 60 www.clariant.com/masterbatches Ms Severine Wild Marketing Europe +49 6196 757 6276 +49 6196 757 6113 [email protected] Philipp-Reis-Strasse 2 65795 Hattersheim, Germany +49 69 305 6025 www.polymers.invista.com Mr Karsten Fritsch Business Manager PET Resins +49 821 479 3257 [email protected] Industriestrasse 1 2351 Gumpoldskirchen, Austria +43 2252 63630 0 www.gabriel-chemie.com Food & beverage packaging +43 2252 63630-0 +43 2252 62725-0 [email protected] Pennacle - L No Yes Pennacle No Yes Yes Pennacle Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes OxyClear additive, PolyShield masterbatch No No Slip, Antiblock, IV builder Yes Slipping Agent, reheating, matting agent and special effect Light stabilisation, lubricant, antiblock, slip agent, laser marking additives, near infrared absorber, optical brightener, viscosity modifer","@ID":31}, "MARKET SURVEY 28 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net 04/2016 MARKETsurvey Resins Additives Company name Novapet S.A. M&G Polimeri Italia SpA DAK Americas LLC Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Paseo Independencia, 21 3º 50001 Zaragoza, Spain +34 976 216129 www.novapet.es Mr Miguel Angel Arto Head of Light Barrier Applications (L.B.A.) +34 976 216129 +34 901 021138 [email protected] Via Morolense Km 10 03010 Patrica (FR), Italy +39 0775 84 221 www.gruppomg.com Ms Marilena Grecchi Area Sales Export and Marketing Intelligence support +39 02 82 273 242 +39 02 82 273 314 [email protected] 223 Wilmington West Chester Pike, Suite 210, Chadds Ford, PA 19317, USA +1 610 558 7380 www.dakamericas.com Mr Jeff Mcglaughlin Sr. Mgr. Sales & Marketing +1 610 558 7382 [email protected] RESINS 1. Brand name of the resins NovaPET Cleartuf DAK Array 9921M 2. IV Range a. of Homo-Polymers 0.62 to 0.96 56 to 1.3 b. of Co-Polymers 0.60 to 1.30 0.76 - 0.95 56 to 1.3 3. Speciality resins CSD Lbs Soft, Cr Cleartuf Ultra Water Mw Soft, Cr, Glasstar and X_treme Cleartuf P76 - Cleartuf P82 Beer Glasstar Poliprotect Wine / Liquors Glasstar Poliprotect Personal care /Pharmaceuticals Glasstar, Sprit, Kera Cleartuf P82 Blow Fill Seal (BFS) Slow crystallisation Glasstar, X_treme, CLP (Sheet) Hotfill HF Cleartuf P85HF Pre-coloured Dairy, Luz Fast reheat Lbs Cleartuf Ultra Other CPET, HT, REX (for EBM), SOL (aerosol bodies), other non packaging applications Barrier resins for different application (juices, wine, beer, dairy/ milk based products, ketchup, mayonnaise), Cleartuf T95 (high viscosity) main application: trays 9921 - non-medical; PETG 4. Increased barrier properties Dairy, LUZ , DCU, Polygloss (light barrier). Glasstar (gas barrier) Yes, with Poliprotect IPAmodified PETs 5. PEN mixes available Yes 6. Recycled blends available Yes, under customer requirements Yes 7. Special comments Specialised in light barrier protection for long shelf life milk products (UHT, ESL, milk shakes, yogurt) Batch processed specialty polymers available Company name Novapet S.A. Repi S.p.A. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number Fax E-Mail Paseo Independencia, 21 3º 50001 Zaragoza, Spain +34 976 216129 www.novapet.es Mr Miguel Angel Arto Head of Light Barrier Applications (L.B.A.) +34 976 216129 +34 901 021138 [email protected] Via B. Franklin 2 21050 Lonate Ceppino (VA), Italy +39 0331 819 511 www.repi.com Ms Lucia Buffoni Marketing Manager +39 0331 819 511 +39 0331 819 581 [email protected] Additives and Colours for PET Liquid colours Yes Microgranule colours Masterbatch colours UV protection additive (solid) UV protection additive (liquid) Yes AA reduction (solid) Yes - SenzAA AA reduction (liquid) Yes - SenzAA Oxygen scavenger (solid) Oxygen scavenger (liquid) Other PET additives in liquid or solid form DCU, LUZ & Polygloss, new generation of PET concentrates for (opaque and transparent) light barrier and metal gloss effects. Concentrates and additives for other functionalities in food and drink containers. Anti yellow (liquid),process aid (liquid), IV enhancer (solid), blowing additive (liquid),optical brightener (liquid),colours for barrier solutions (liquid) and white for monolayer UHT milk (liquid)","@ID":30}, "BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS 15 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net actually put the desired flavour at risk; the mask can also mute the desired flavour profile. As such, bitterness masking solutions rarely come in the form of a single molecule or ingredient, but in an entire toolbox of ingredients that work together to mask off-notes and enhance flavour. Sensient’s Smoothenol range was established in 1996 to remove the harshness and add an aged profile to young alcoholic spirits. Over the past 20 years, this approach has been further developed to meet evolving market needs, becoming a highly sophisticated solution for today’s contemporary food and beverage concepts. To envisage that progress, the brand name has now been extended by “2G” to reflect a second generation of masking solutions. Coping with sourness When it comes to avoiding additives, the challenge is to increase the shelf life without using preservatives. Therefore, citric acid is often used to decrease the pH of beverages, which can often cause sour notes. “Formulators are finding themselves uniquely challenged to develop natural and nutritional foods and beverages that still deliver on taste,” says Stefano Asti, Innovation Director Beverages at Sensient Flavors Beverage Europe. “Smoothenol 2G Sour Fix is able to improve the overall flavour profile by hiding these sour notes.” Protein enrichment: Fighting metallic off-notes Protein is a hot topic in the food and beverage industry and has well and truly passed into the consciousness of the mainstream consumer, particularly those who are interested in weight management. Whey-based soft drinks are a better-for-you alternative to traditional products and have promising market potential. Here, though, the sensory challenge is dealing with metallic protein-derived off-notes, which can also come from omega-3s, vitamins and minerals. To address these concerns, Smoothenol 2G Functional Fix is the practical approach. Smoothing dry mouthfeel Tea and, in particular, green tea, is known for its health halo and is frequently used in beverage categories such as juice drinks, flavoured waters, energy drinks and even alcoholic beverages. When it comes to tea-based products, the inherent tannin can induce an astringent dry mouthfeel. Although tannins are polyphenols and provide some nutritional benefits, it’s not a taste that’s welcomed by most consumers. Smoothenol 2G Astringent Fix is a choice when it comes to tackling the tannin issue. Masking alcohol burn Within the second generation Smoothenol portfolio, there is still a solution to deal with the sensory issues of alcoholic beverages. According to Sensient’s market experts, the combination of smooth and sweet is a major market driver for the alcoholic beverage industry. To attract female drinkers, in particular, flavour continues to be a focus as manufacturers aim to “soften” the neat taste of spirits. This can be done effectively by using Smoothenol 2G Burnfix, according to the company. Tackling bitterness As described previously, masking bitterness is one of the most challenging tasks for flavourists. Caffeine, for example, is capable of binding to five different bitter receptors, depending on the shape and size of the binding pocket. This means that formulators would require up to five different compounds to mask the bitterness of caffeine alone, before attempting to address any other potentially bitter molecules in the application. And, of course, every ingredient is different. Masking the bitter notes of caffeine requires a completely different approach to masking the bitter aftertaste of Stevia. And that’s when Sensient’s toolbox of innovation comes into its own, offering customised solutions for versatile needs. “The Smoothenol 2G line was developed using advanced knowledge of receptors and ligand design, offering formulators the flexibility to customise the optimal masking solution while simultaneously maintaining an all-natural label,” said Stefano Asti. “Yesterday’s masking technologies were based on a single-compound approach that we now know is at odds with the reality of taste receptors.” www.sensientflavorsandfragrances.com","@ID":17}, "PETpatents www.verpackungspatente.de 44 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Visually appropriate closing device Intern. Patent No. WO 2015 / 101649 A1 Applicant: S.A. des Eaux Mineral D’Evian, Evian-les-bains (FR) Date of application: 31.12.2014 In order to design the closing device for a bottle in an appropriate and eye-catching way, a plastic disc is proposed, which can be laid in a recess in the screw cap and attached to it. Improved push-pull Intern. Patent No. WO 2015 / 108906 A1 Applicant: Closure Systems International Inc., Indianapolis (US) Date of application: 14.1.2015 A push-pull closing device for a container containing carbonated drinks is produced in such a way that when the cap is opened, any outflow of product or foam forming or anything similar caused by over-pressure in the container is avoided. Rotation block Intern. Patent No. WO 2015 / 111126 A1 Applicant: Canyon Corp., Yamaguchi (JP) Date of application: 29.12.2014 The rotatable spray cap on a trigger is protected against unintentional rotation and thus any product outflow. In order to turn the cap, it must be pulled out of position and then rotated. Multi-layer pre-shape Intern. Patent No. WO 2015 / 111690 A1 Applicant: Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd., Tokyo (JP) Date of application: 23.1.2015 In order to achieve certain characteristics like gas-tightness and transparency in a plastic bottle, a multi-layer pre-shape is required. Dispensing through pressure Intern. Patent No. WO 2015 / 123741 A1 Applicant: Haroldo Hellmut Kiessling, Sao Paulo (BR) Date of application: 26.2.2014 A squeeze bottle in which a dispenser closing device and pressure counterbalance valve are used. By putting pressure on the bottle, the product drops into a small container which is held by a closing device attachment. Bottle and packs Intern. Patent No. WO 2015 / 121560 A1 Applicant: Sidel Participations, Octeville sur Mer (FR) Date of application: 28.1.2015 A new bottle shape which is shaped in such a way that several bottles can be joined into a pack – without lots of space in between. Three bottles in a triangle and a fourth at “half-height” in the centre between them.","@ID":46}, "BOTTLES 43 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net PETbottles Home + Personal Care Travel hand gel Balea from dm has, in its range, a cleansing hand gel that is specifically intended for travel. The raspberry scented product does without any additional water or soap. 50ml are filled into a transparent PET bottle with a transparent screw on hinged lid. The bottle is inserted and fixed in a soft pink cover so that the product is always ready to hand when travelling or out and about. The cover has an adjustable holding loop so that it can be handily attached to a backpack or bag. www.dm.de Shampoo with bittering agent Coop Switzerland has various body care products on its shelves under its own brand “Jamadu”, which are specially tailored for children. One example is the shampoo for girls that according to the manufacturer does not burn the eyes, makes hair easy to comb and has a bittering agent added to make the product unpalatable to swallow. The container filled with 250ml is closed with a snap on hinged lid with dosing opening. Plastic self-adhesive labels round off the packaging look. www.coop.ch Sleeve with window One disadvantage of the sleeve bottles without handles for liquid washing detergents is that they are difficult to handle when pouring small amounts out or aiming the product into the washing machine’s dosing compartment. Henkel has integrated an easy to grab recess into the back of the bottle to improve the handling of the 1.3l PET bottle for “Sil 1 für Alles” stain gel. To be able to make use of this advantage an opening has been produced in the bottle’s sleeve label which makes it easier to grip and fix. The bottle is closed using a screw on lid with dosing function. www.henkel-lifetimes.de Hand soap by Frosch The “Frosch” brand that belongs to Erdal Rex, a synonym for environmentally friendly cleaning products, has 300ml of liquid soap that is kind to the skin in its range. A drop shaped clear PET bottle with matt printed sleeve label is used as the packaging. The bottle looks high quality and elegant thanks to the sleeve label with graduated colour, a small self-adhesive label with information to fold up and a screw on pump dispenser with metal look. The pump dispenser can be turned from a “Close” to “Open” position. A separate available refill bag with 500ml content completes the product on offer. www.frosch.de","@ID":45}, "PRODUCTS 35 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net PETproducts Coconut: Flavour of the Year 2016 According to Swiss-based Firmenich company, coconut is the Flavour of the Year for 2016. Since 2010, the number of coconut flavoured food and drink products introduced on the market globally has increased by 121%, with an annual growth rate of 17%. The coconut beverage hype blossomed well beyond water including coconut-flavoured coffee, tea, vodka, milks and sparkling water. Firmenich notes the popularity of combining other flavour profiles with coconut, i.e. coconut with vanilla, coffee and chilies, while fruits like pineapple, lychee, and mango can be blenders for drink concepts. What some saw as just a passing fad with coconut water has now flourished beyond what trend forecasters could have predicted. Coconut water brands are expanding globally and new coconut-flavoured products continue to enter the market. Feelings of balance and well-being remain of great importance to customers and Firmenich is confident coconut’s appeal will only grow in 2016. To respond to this ever increasing demand, Firmenich has used its creative and technical expertise to develop inspiring flavour applications with authentic tasting coconut for its food and beverage customers all around the world. www.firmenich.com Uplifting, energising, relaxing and calming Sensient Flavors has developed beverage concepts that are intended to respond to the rising demand for products that influence and balance the consumers’ state in a gentle, natural way. One important consideration is the emotional influence of the goods consumed. With that in mind, the products support manufacturers as they strive to create “emotion drinks”. Sensient’s concepts tap into the power of berries and are based on findings how colour psychology can influence the mood. The results of which are drinks that deliver a range of harmonious colour-flavour combinations and are said to correspond to a variety of emotional states. The four basic concept lines are relaxing-green, calming-blue, uplifting-yellow and energising-red. For example, Sensient’s Calming concept combines the juicy, ripe flavour of blueberry with a hop extract, whilst the relaxing version features gooseberry and hop. Fruity sea buckthorn and ripe apricot notes give the Uplifting drink its distinct taste, while energising benefits from hints of redcurrant, strawberry and ginger to boost both body and soul. These four base concepts can be adjusted individually to create bespoke products with additional functional ingredients. In addition, the company’s flavouring experts can help to mask undesirable off-notes. www.sensientflavors.com BEVERAGE +ingredients BEVERAGE +ingredients Global citrus collection TasteTrek is a foundational programme at Givaudan focused on exploring nature to discover new ingredients and varietals never before used in flavour creation. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the programme, Givaudan created an Anniversary Global Citrus Flavour Collection inspired by a decade of exploring citrus in groves around the world. From rare and exotic varieties, to local favourites, to the most commercially successful fruits in the world, the Anniversary Collection is said to capture the diversity and cultural importance of citrus. As a result of this decade long effort, the collection brings together for the first time remarkable citrus flavours developed around the globe. TasteTrek Citrus was launched ten years ago at the University of California Riverside’s Citrus Variety Collection, currently one of the most extensive, unique and diverse of all citrus collections globally, encompassing more than 1,000 different citrus varieties. The Company has donated USD 1 million to establish ‘The Givaudan Citrus Variety Collection Endowed Chair’ to support and maintain UCR’s Citrus Variety Collection, helping to preserve biodiversity for generations to come. Since formalising the relationship with UCR, Givaudan has partnered with the Sylvio Moreira Citrus Center, which belongs to the Agronomic Institute of Campinas – IAC in São Paolo, Brazil, home to over 1,000 citrus varieties. In Italy, Givaudan has brought customers to the Oscar Tintori collection in Tuscany, home to over 300 varieties of citrus plants. Taste treks have taken Givaudan teams to all corners of the world in search of inspiration and ingredients. www.givaudan.com BEVERAGE +ingredients","@ID":37}, "BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS 13 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net juice, they have a significantly higher juice content than classical lemonades and thus satisfy the trend for premium lemonades. Without adding flavours, colours or additives such as acidifiers, the company’s fermented beverages comply with the trend for clean label products. WFSI is offering different flavours, for example, lime with ginger. The concept “Modern Refresher” that focuses on a “lighter” taste provides another approach. A refined, light taste profile and fewer calories is an especially tasty form of refreshment. The spectrum of refreshing fermented beverages is rounded off by “Brewer’s Lemonades”, which are varieties with a malty flavour. The beer and wine market When it comes to alcoholic beverages, there is a clear trend toward “less is more”. WFSI has therefore put together a team of experts for beermix drinks in order to take account of the high international importance of this product group, currently the non-alcoholic variants in particular, including fruity beer mixes with lemon and pink grapefruit flavours as well as a non-alcoholic “pink option” of a wine mix drink from the “Prickling Cooler” range. While the consumption of traditional beer continues to decline in Europe, beer-mix beverages and flavoured variants, for instance, are continuing to see increasing demand. In the traditional beer-country Germany for instance, non-alcoholic beer-mix drinks are particularly popular, with sales in this category increasing by 43% between January and August 2015, according to Nielsen. Beer-mix drinks without alcohol are currently the major driving force for growth and have achieved a share of almost 16% of the overall beer market. WFSI’s beermix concept “wild herbs” is said to be enjoyed by a male target group, providing herbal nuances familiar from herbal liqueurs. In contrast, the “Lemon+X” variant with a 3% juice content, a combination of lemon and juniper, is reminiscent of a gin and tonic. WFSI’s product range also includes concepts that refine the typical beer taste with cocktail flavours such as margarita or caipirinha. In addition, non-alcoholic variants are providing an enormous driving force to the beer-mix market. On the one hand, they accommodate the tastes of a broad target group, including those who do not drink alcohol; on the other hand, they are suitable for numerous consumption situations. The WFSI product range includes classics such as lemon shandy and through fusion concepts. WFSI experts estimate that products containing no alcohol are set to become even more popular in the coming years. When it comes to the wine segment, WFSI sees an increasing demand also for wine-based beverage variants with less alcohol, if any at all. The “Prickling Cooler” concept is available as both an alcoholic and a non-alcoholic product. With this new development, the company appeals to those who like traditional wine-based beverages and lifestyle drinks, and is offering an attractive alternative to traditional wines and wine spritzers. www.wildflavors.com","@ID":15}, "BOTTLE MAKING 22 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Singing from the same hymn sheet by Alexander Büchler At the NPE, Milacron was displaying its M-PET 300 preform line, with the aim of demonstrating how all the group companies in the PET sector are working together to provide a total systems solution. We interviewed Rich Sieradzki, Vice President and General Manager of PET Systems to find out how things are going. Milacron has a portfolio of product brands that can offer customers both unified system solutions as well as individual product offerings: For PET systems, the Mold-Masters product brand develops the hot runners and moulds, the Ferromatik product brand works on machine frames, the CoInjection team, formerly Kortek, brings multi-layer expertise and the Uniloy product brand its blow-moulding PET technology. It was important for Rich to demonstrate that these once separate firms are now flourishing together under the Milacron roof. The machine displayed at the NPE went to Bomatic Inc, a converter for bottles, mainly in the household cleaning materials and chemical packages sector. The Californian suppliers can also provide special applications for bottles in the drinks industry. Rich sees the area of milk as an initial target for the M-PET series, and in conjunction with Milacron’s multilayer technology there will certainly be a number of solutions on offer. The firm’s Uniloy product brand already has a good reputation in the milk sector with its extrusion blow-moulding machines, meaning that there is a ready-made entry point into the market by this route. Rich also sees significant demand in the pharmaceuticals area. Here, more and more processors are moving away from one-step or extrusion moulded containers towards 2-step PET bottles. In his view, the reason for this is not just the higher production volume but also the requirement for higher quality in the sector. Milacron is also able to offer cutting-edge technologies. By working together with PTI, they can also create foamed preforms. The M-PET series is available in 150t (up to 48 cavities), 300t and 500t (up to 144 cavities) clamping force classes. This servo-hydraulic model is designed entirely from components made by divisions of Milacron, and includes the machine, hot runner, mould, robot and end-ofarm tooling. The machine and postmould cooling is almost entirely","@ID":24}, "BOTTLES 41 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net PETbottles Beverage + Liquid Food Children’s drink with give-away Many manufacturers acquire licences to use famous names, films or figures to make their own products more interesting and create desire among the intended target group. Suitable give-aways that are enclosed with the product support sales success. One new opportunity for this are the illustrated and specially shaped PET bottles in “Hello Kitty” or “Cars” design by the Polish drinks company Magic Brands. The sleeve labels on both bottles have a window behind which there is a 3D sticker as a give-away in a flattened area of the bottle. By tipping or holding the bottle at an angle different motifs become visible on the sticker. The sleeve label can be opened with scissors at this point and the sticker can be removed. It is not possible to remove the sticker without destroying the label. The bottle with 350ml content is closed with a two-tone screw on drinks lid with a tamper evident band and reclosure system. www.magic-brands.com/en Carbonated fruit to go The German drinks manufacturer Franken Brunnen sells its “fruit to go” soft drink in a number of varieties, some with and some without carbon dioxide, in transparent PET bottles with 500ml content. The carbonated peach version is shown in the picture. The bottle is shaped so that it easy to grip and has imprints on it. The bottle is labelled with a partially transparent plastic label, it is closed with a screw on lid colour coordinated to the variety with a tamper evident band. www.frankenbrunnen.de","@ID":43}, "BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS 11 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net sugar content without compromising on taste. A taste that is too different can cancel out the major advantages of the sugar reduction. Depending on the product, Döhler offers tailor-made and diverse sweetening concepts that allow sugar and calories to be reduced without sacrificing taste. This is where, in addition to different sweeteners, natural flavours that bolster the perception of sweetness come into play. Along with stevia, malt extracts for natural sweetening are being increasingly used. However, the topic of health is no longer just a question of sugar and fat reduction. The sudden increase seen in lactose-free or even glutenfree products is practically a lifestyle trend – especially the latter since only a tiny number of consumers actually need to consistently avoid gluten for health reasons. The industry is also reacting here with corresponding products. Doehler provides the beverage industry with application-specific, gluten-free malt extracts that can be used as a specific taste component and as natural ingredients for a variety of products for natural colouring and sweetening. A technology that allows the production of gluten-free beer has also been developed. Products that carry the claims “vegetarian”, “vegan” or “lactosefree” are also experiencing increasing growth, for one thing soy and rice beverages. Using plant-based proteins, Doehler can provide vegan products with added value. A carefully-crafted mixture of plant-based proteins, for example, can be used to create products with outstanding sensory properties and adapted individually to fit any recipe. Trend #3: Individualisation Consumers used to be divided into clear target groups, but today they are significantly more demanding. They are looking for products that meet their individual expectations perfectly. Everyone wants to be unique and stand out – and this is expressed above all in their consumer behaviour. People increasingly expect the industry to recognise them as individuals. The range of personalised and customisable products is growing accordingly. In this context, liquid food and beverage enhancers are becoming increasingly popular. The idea behind the product is just as simple as it is ingenious: consumers can carry their favourite flavour wherever they go, in the form of a highly-concentrated syrup contained in a small ‘squeezy’ PET bottle in their trouser pocket or bag. This allows them to create their own personalised beverage in an instant – at home, at work or on the go. All in all, the trend towards individualisation indicates increasing fragmentation of the markets and more direct efforts to appeal to individual consumers or rather their needs. Trend #4: Vegetables To start with, apple and orange remain the most popular flavours for new non-alcoholic beverage products. Nevertheless, there is one trend that can be seen in all categories: vegetable as a taste or ingredient in the form of natural flavours, juices or purees is becoming increasingly popular in beverages – for example as fruit and vegetable snack drinks, isotonic sports drinks with beetroot or aqua plus beverages with a cucumber taste. Vegetables are often not used as a single flavour or the dominant taste note, but instead are ideally suited to rounding off fruity notes and providing that special something. At the same time, they give products a healthy, natural image. With its comprehensive portfolio of fruit & vegetable ingredients, Döhler continuously develops concepts that cater to this trend and offers tailored solutions for every product category. Trend #5: Multi-sensory experience Taste is not everything. What is the best colour for an energy drink? Why does green taste completely different in Asia? What odour has freshness? According to Döhler, a product must be able to impress with a coordinated multi-sensory experience. They need to offer taste, texture, colour, mouthfeel, melting behaviour, bite and even sound, not just in harmony, but with maximum indulgence. www.doehler.com","@ID":13}, "MATERIAL / RECYCLING 19 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net opportunities in all the challenges: “We hope that the residents of the city take full advantage of the opportunity to learn more about recycling and how it can affect the environment. Continuing to educate citizens will be vital for long term success.” For the company that is very well positioned in bottle-to-bottle recycling, the efforts to manage the crisis have brought some positive rewards. General Motors, the biggest employer in “vehicle city” Flint until the 1980s, supports the recycling efforts from afar: for the new project, Schupan recycles the bottles collected in Flint into flakes, which are then further processed into air filtration components for GM in Montreal. Outlook The big questions now however are: when will people be able to use their tap water again for all their daily needs, and how much longer they will have to rely on bottled water? For the moment these questions remain unanswered. Flint Director of Utilities Michael Glasgow states that the time it will take for scale to accumulate in Flint’s pipes, will depend on the amount of water usage and the existing condition of the pipes. Meanwhile, the scandal of the lead contaminated drinking water is spreading throughout the USA. As the newspaper “USA Today” reports, referring to its own research, around six million US citizens are affected by lead values, which are above the limit values recommended by the EPA. All 50 states are affected. www.cityofflint.com www.flintwaterstudy.org www.schupan.com www.usatoday.com https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flint_water_crisis Mobile water distribution site set up by Schupan Recycling (photo: Schupan Recycling) MATERIAL / RECYCLING 19 Schupan Recycling invited Michigan State University athletes to help distribute water and collect recycling (photo: Schupan Recycling)","@ID":21}, "PREFORM PRODUCTION 20 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net The injection moulding process has its limits, in terms of design to produce tailor made preforms, especially in regards to the base wallthickness and undercuts. Blow moulding systems can not manufacture perfect bottle bases with the available preforms on the market. Reality is that these two facts results in blown bottles where almost on all bottle bases a waste rate of 2-10% of PET material appears. Mahir Aktas, CEO Creative Packaging Solutions (CPS), Turkey, therefore came to the conclusion that the base area has to be formed outside the tool and invented the minting of the preform base geometry in the post mould cooling station. There are already different solutions on the world market to save PET material focusing: the neck, wall thickness of preforms, stabilising bottle shapes and the base of the bottle. Despite these existing lightweight solutions though there is still too much material in the finished bottle bases. The preform’s injection moulding process does not allow for any further reduction of material in the area of the injection point. Together with his partners NetstalMaschinen AG, MHT AG and Otto Hofstetter AG, CPS developed a new conical geometry. The base thickness can be reduced to less than 1mm for a water bottle and down to 1.5mm for CSD bottles. The restricting factor is now no longer the injection moulding process but the crystalline injection point that has to be covered on both sides by amorphous material. Mahir sells the system as a package. The ROI is less than six months. Licences are not due. In comparison to the “pre-blow” process also offered by Netstal, Mint-Tec can distribute the PET material in the base area in a targeted way. Making “pre-blow” suitable for water bottles and Mint-Tec ideal for water and CSD bottles. The inner minting tools are situated on the bottom of the transfer plate, the outer shaping part are the cooling sleeves: The Mint-Tec Unit moves into the preform, without touching the neck or preform body and presses the original preform end cap into the desired new geometry. Material steps in the base area can be achieved for the first time technology. The idea is to use the preform’s residual heat to improve the base design of the preform. The transfer plate and the take out device are locked against each other and the preform base design will be optimised in a mechanical way. The preform base area is now perfectly prepared for the following blow moulding process thanks to the minting device. This results in a saving of 3 to 4% of the material compared to the normal preform and still 2% compared to preforms that have, for example Advanced preform base geometry to improve the blow moulding process Injection moulding with preforms – does it always have to be this way? by Alexander Büchler Mahir Aktas, CEO Creative Packaging Solutions (CPS), Turkey","@ID":22}, "PREFORM PRODUCTION 21 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net PREFORM PRODUCTION 21 F.l.t.r.: Mahir Aktas, CEO Creative Packaging Solutions, Turkey; Reto Bamert, Head of Business Unit PET Netstal Switzerland; Stefan Bock, Manager Application Technology PET Systems, Netstal Switzerland and Rolf Blaser, Area Sales Manager PET, Otto Hofstetter, Switzerland using this process. For example, more material can be provided at the injection point, then a thinner area and more material where the legs are going to be later. The process is not just suitable for rotationally symmetrical geometries but it can also produce changes in circumference thickness. This can save material with bottles that are e.g. oval or square. So that the minting pressure is not fed into the robot arm, the plate with the sleeves and the plate with the Mint-Tec units are locked before minting process begins. As the process is part of the cooling time outside the tool, it does not extend the preform cycle time. The technology can be run using the newer generations of the Nestal systems, all you need is a software update. The new process allows for preform geometries that were not hitherto possible in the base area. Besides the controlled material distribution the base area can now also be formed in an elliptical shape so that the preform’s vertical area is as large as possible in the stretch blow moulding machine’s heating up area and therefore the base area is also heated up as optimally as possible. A little pin can also be formed inside the preform base by using the minting head, where the stretch punch engages during stretch blow moulding. As a result any offcentre injection points are ruled out in the bottles’ base area. Due to the equalised PET material distribution in the bottle base a lower high pressure level can be achieved. Main advantages of the Mint-Tec preforms are the lower wall thickness in the bottle base which leads to a faster cycle time of the blow moulding machine. www.mint-tec.com www.mht-ag.de www.netstal.com www.otto-hofstetter.ch Digital humanism. 4.0 IDENTITY www.mo r e t t o . c om Global assistance Integrated communication Rational use of energy Smart advanced solutions","@ID":23}, "imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Bunsenstr. 14 69115 Heidelberg, Germany phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 [email protected] EDITORIAL Kay Barton Heike Fischer Gabriele Kosmehl Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Waldemar Schmitke Wolfgang von Schröter Anthony Withers WikiPETia.info Doris Fischer [email protected] MEDIA CONSULTANTS Martina Hirschmann [email protected] Johann Lange-Brock [email protected] phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 FRANCE, ITALY, UK Elisabeth Maria Köpke phone: +49 6201-878925 fax: +49 6201-878926 [email protected] LAYOUT AND PREPRESS EXPRIM Werbeagentur Matthias Gaumann | www.exprim.de READER SERVICES Till Kretner [email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck & Verlag GmbH Werkstr. 25 67354 Römerberg Germany WWW www.hbmedia.net | petpla.net PETplanet insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trademarks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Dear friends of PETplanet insider, For you as a PET expert, this will come as no surprise: we can all see what is in the bottle from the outside. The drinks designers from Wild und Döhler are now heralding the “clear look” as the coming trend (see our Special Beverage and Ingredients section pages 10). In addition to a comprehensive description of the product (transparency about the ingredients), they are now also aiming for visual transparency: clear labels are “in”. What the consumer then sees should be a product that looks as good as it can be. The colour must be right and all this using ingredients without “E numbers”. Not only that, it also has to be healthy, according to the drink designers. Apart from vitamins, the consumer associates healthiness particularly with sugar-free products. Some five years ago, stevia was thought to be the ideal alternative to sugar, but unfortunately it had a somewhat bitter taste, so drinks manufacturers only partially replaced the sugar content with stevia. Euromonitor is now reporting that there is a version of stevia available that no longer has the bitter aftertaste, so that sweet tasting drinks without sugar are possible. In short, customers want clear, pleasing products, great colours, no E-numbers, if sweet then with stevia, and of natural origin, please. To this end, Givaudan is bringing out a global collection of citrus flavours whilst Firmenich is proclaiming coconut as the flavour of the year 2016. The culmination of this heady upward spiral however, may be the Uvo drinkable sun protection with orange peach flavour. In the 500th anniversary year of the German Beer Purity Law it sounds almost trivial to bring up the trend towards flavoured beer. According to Mintel, 27% of all new beer launches in the USA were flavoured. Cheers to that! The simplest and most popular product in the PET bottle is surely water. Water as an essential staple food is a sometimes neglected factor in the industry and often simply taken as a given. The residents of Flint in Michigan were forced to accept that for nearly two years the water coming out of their pipes was polluted (see p 18). For a few weeks now, the enormous quantity of over 300,000 PET bottles containing drinking water has been entering the city on a daily basis. Consumers are actually educated to return the bottles after use for recycling, and ideas for new recycling projects are being realised. This is a start! Yours Alexander Büchler","@ID":5}, "CAPPING / CLOSURES 32 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net High manufacturing depth guarantees precision by Alexander Büchler Sumitomo Demag in Schwaig, Germany, manufactures all key components of machinery in-house, for example clamping plate, drills the hydraulic blocks and turns the screws and tie-bars for the bottle caps machines on site. For Arnaud Nomblot, Director Business Development Packaging, this is an important and unique feature of their hybrid injection moulding machines for cap production. The site in Schwaig has developed the El-Exis SP hybrid machine especially for the packaging sector. In the range of 1,500 to 7,500 kN, the high-speed machines cover significant sectors in the high-performance packaging area. This machine is dedicated for the production of standard beverage caps, thin wall packaging, buckets and medical disposables. Nomblot explained to us that the hybrid injection moulding machine is the right technology for fast cycle time below 4s and for parts requesting short filling times with high injection dynamics. He is not concerned about competing with compression machines. In his view, the basic data, such as output speed and energy consumption, hardly differ. System availability, flexibility and user friendliness are strong advantages of injection moulding machines. Within its own group, the parent company Sumitomo in Japan produces fully electric machines, mostly for the Asian and American market. The factory in China produces hydraulic machines for needs of the Asian market. The mill centre at Sumitomo Demag. Mr Arnaud Nomblot, Director Business Development Packaging at Sumitomo Demag The view over the production hall at Sumitomo Demag in Schwaig, Germany.","@ID":34}, "NEWS 9 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net BERICAP Technology The plastic closure company committed to your success www.bericap.com Research and Development Mould Technology | Global Presence Capping Technology and Know-How Innovation and Flexibility WikiPETia.info – the network is growing As readers and users of our information services, we are now providing you with our annual market surveys at a glance on WikiPETia. The following link will take you to the site that lists all market surveys: https://petpla.net/wikipetia/index.php?title=Market_surveys Or browse the current company profiles of PET players: https://petpla.net/wikipetia/index.php?title=Companies Or navigate from the main page to the categories created so far: https://petpla.net/wikipetia/index.php?title=WikiPETia.info Become part of the PET network To guarantee a consistently good quality of contributions, we have given our log a makeover. From now on you can register as a member of the PET value chain as a qualified user. Husky showcases hot runner and controller technologies at Die and Mould 2016 With the tooling market growing in India and per capita use of plastic products on the rise, Husky has invested significantly with a 5,000m2 manufacturing facility in Chennai, India, that was opened in 2012, supplying equipment to SAARC and South-East Asia. “India is a very important market for Husky,” said Dinesh Budapanahalli, Husky’s Vice President of Sales in Asia-Pacific. “Our base of customers in India is growing and with our commitment, continued investment and great performance reputation we believe we have the right products to support our customers and their business growth in this region.” Husky’s booth at Die and Mould 2016 demonstrated its hot runner and controller technologies, including its groundbreaking Ultra Helix valve gate nozzles that provide superior parts with precise gate quality. Also on display was the Altanium family of temperature controllers, including Neo2, Delta3 and Matrix2, which are said to provide accurate temperature and mould control. In addition, Husky showcased its automotive capabilities with UNIFY, a pre-assembled manifold system that provides a simple, one-step installation of the hot runner manifold into a mould without having to pre-heat the system providing customers a flexible system that can save up to 70% installation time. Husky will next attend the China International Medical Equipment Fair in Shanghai from April 17-20 and then Chinaplas 2016 from April 25-28. www.husky.ca","@ID":11}, "PRODUCTS 39 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net 8 m² footpr int . Cav i t y number reading. Up to 72,000 per hour. PreWatcher I I I – l ike no other. W W W . I N T R A V I S . C O M / P R E W A T C H E R Focus on sustainable labels, pouch materials and printing ink The Frosch Recyclate Initiative of Werner & Mertz has set goals for effective plastic recycling in 2016. The company aims to obtain reusable material from a previously untapped source and reprocess it into a high-quality material that could even be used in foodstuff packaging. Werner & Mertz brought to market more than three million Frosch cleaning product bottles, some of which are made from secondary raw materials from the Yellow Bag (rPET) and others of used plastic from the deposit bottle collection system. The mixture’s ratio is about 20% rPET to 80% used plastic. According to the company, there is much more potential to use PET from the Yellow Bag. With the help of high-performance sensor laser technology, the PET flakes are separated, washed and processed into a flawless reusable material which can completely replace new PET made from fresh crude oil in packaging. Since 2012 the ground-breaking system has been developed as part of the sustainability project known as the Frosch Recyclate Initiative. In other projects, harmless ingredients are replacing critical substances in pigments (masterbatch) for bottle caps and developers are working on a recyclable label solution. The challenge lies in developing a label which provides the consumer with all required information and remains on the packaging while the detergent is in use, but can be completely removed in the hot wash during recycling of PET flakes so that it cannot contaminate the reusable material flow. www.werner-mertz.de www.ganzeitlich-nachhaltig.de www.wmprof.com","@ID":41}, "PRODUCTS 37 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net US beer market is bursting with flavour A Research from Mintel highlights an explosion in flavoured beer innovation. From grapefruit to habanero, Mintel’s Global New Products Database (GNPD) reveals the proportion of new flavoured beer product launches has grown from just 15% of total US beer launches in 2010 to 27% of total US beer launches in 2015, an 80% increase over the five year period. Meanwhile the proportion of unflavoured beer launches has declined from 85% of the total beer market in 2010 to less than three quarters (73%) in 2015. The importance of flavoured beer is confirmed by the fact that 57% of beer drinkers who increased their beer consumption in 2015 credit this increase to a wider availability of flavours. Overall, as many as three in five (58%) US alcohol drinkers say they are interested in fruit flavoured beer, with other flavours such as spicy (45%) tart/sour (45%) and beer blended with juice, tea and soft drinks (49%) also showing strong potential. Leading flavours among product launches include pumpkin, spicy, coffee and chocolate, while newer products, including hard or alcoholic sodas, have become more widely available. “Rising value sales coupled with declining volume point at a shift toward premiumisation and the continued popularity of craft beer. The premium, imported and craft segments are all experiencing growth, with higher price points contributing to dollar sales increases. Innovation and a wider variety of beer options – including styles, flavours and packaging formats – could help to stave off stagnation and retain the patronage of beer drinkers,” said Beth Bloom, food and drink analyst at Mintel. The craft share of the beer category nearly doubled from 2010-15 (5.2-10.2%), with three in 10 (30%) beer drinkers consuming “craft-style” beer (beer from national brands) and one in five (23%) drinking “true-craft” beer (beer from small regional, local breweries). What’s more, well over half (54%) of those who have increased their beer consumption indicate a better selection of craft varieties as a driving force. www.mintel.com BEVERAGE +ingredients","@ID":39}, "BOTTLING / FILLING 25 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Maintaining performance over any length of time generally requires the provision of service support such as diagnostic visits, spare parts supply, targeted skills training and regular, and efficient maintenance work. To regain performance in the event of a breakdown, effective action to fix the issue quickly is essential in restarting production. This is either through well trained employees resolving the problem in-house or via the service provider. Improved performance can be achieved through options and upgrades that add value. Another important factor in the effective maintenance of a bottling line, whether for emergencies or normal wear and tear, is the need for the timely provision of original spare parts, designed, tested and certified by the same engineers who designed the machine. Sidel said that it is therefore aiming to encourage a more proactive approach to inventory management among its customers. On-site and remote support The right equipment must be backed with the expertise and speed of response of a team that can offer a genuinely comprehensive support service. Sidel said that it is passing circa 1,400 diagnostic visits a year to ensure a true understanding of its equipment, developing customised maintenance services and sharing its expertise. The company has a global team providing 24/7 technical support on dedicated hotlines, along with instant emergency troubleshooting via remote access. For on-site intervention Sidel said it has around 850 field service engineers in strategic geographic locations throughout the world locally available. In the event of any equipment failure, global field experts can be dispatched to provide hands-on assistance to quickly bring productivity back to target levels. Equally, Sidel said training can also play a vital role in keeping a production line running smoothly. When employees are well instructed and able to carry out fast and efficient maintenance processes, they too can bring the line back up to speed once the necessary work is fully completed. www.sidel.com","@ID":27}, "PRODUCTS 36 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net gwk Gesellschaft Wärme Kältetechnik mbH Scherl 10 · D-58540 Meinerzhagen Tel. +49 2354 7060-0 Fax +49 2354 7060-156 [email protected] · www.gwk.com PERFECT COOLINGANDTEMPERATURE CONTROL. Worldwide. Move from reduced sugar to sugar free When the EU followed the US in approving stevia use, back in 2011, naturally-sweetened, calorie-free products appeared very much within reach. Five years on, the anticipated revolution has not quite happened. Stevia’s taste has been an issue, meaning manufacturers have had to combine it with sugars to try and mask off notes. Consequently, stevia has gravitated towards mid-calorie products, rather than ushering in a new wave of sugar-free food and beverages. This has dashed hopes of a revival in reduced-sugar products, which recorded a decline in value of almost US$900 million between 2010 and 2015. Now there are indications that stevia’s early promise could come to fruition. Coca-Cola recently announced a reduction in the sugar content of Coke Life, meaning the stevia-sweetened variety now has 45% fewer calories than the full-sugar version. As new developments promise even more pronounced change, stevia products look set to make the transition from reduced sugar to sugar free. Erythritol has emerged as an ideal foil for stevia, complementing the sweetness of stevia and ably masking any bitterness. Since stevia’s US approval in 2008, consumption of erythritol has increased by over 10,000t. The consumption in Western Europe has increased by 419t. This low level of consumption was due to the European Commission (EC) prohibiting the use of erythritol in beverages due to fears the polyol could have a laxative effect. In late 2015, the EC finally approved the use of erythritol as a flavour enhancer in beverages, and, with over 90% of high intensity sweetener use in Western Europe coming through beverages in 2014, this should open the doors for stevia. A big role in the shift towards calorie-free stevia products is this year’s launch of fermented stevia by Cargill and Evolva. This form of stevia uses steviol glycosides, which are less abundant in the leaf, but have a better taste compared to the more abundant glycosides of Reb. A and stevioside. The result is to replace 100% sugar with stevia. This method of manufacture ensures the large-scale production of desirable glycosides and does not require large swathes of land to be devoted to the growth of stevia plants. This will increase security and affordability for manufacturers and for consumers could erase the idea that inclusion of stevia necessitates a compromise on taste. So far the path to sugar free looks clear for stevia; however, there are significant: Erythritol is found in many fruits; commercially, it is produced from corn through a combination of enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation. Portraying products containing erythritol as natural is therefore risky. Fermented stevia faces similar obstacles to acceptance, with questions over whether the absence of the stevia leaf in the production process means the final product can be considered natural. These differences could see several varieties of stevia emerge as options for consumers. In both cases, question marks are present over the use of genetically modified yeast in the production process; suppliers may be forced to dip into large marketing budgets to reassure consumers. Stevia grew phenomenally between 2009 and 2014, at a global volume CAGR of 76%. This rate is set to fall to 2% between 2014 and 2019. Part of the problem may be that stevia’s status as neither here nor there, in terms of taste and calorie reduction, has forced consumers to look elsewhere. With concerns over the use of sugar and artificial additives at an alltime high, stevia suppliers must use the dawn of fermented stevia and the increased approval of erythritol to kick-start stevia consumption, and this may finally lead to stevia becoming the zero-calorie solution it has always promised to be. www.euromonitor.com BEVERAGE +ingredients","@ID":38}, "CAPPING / CLOSURES 31 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Sacmi-Intesa has developed a new on-cap digital printing machine for printing ultra-high resolution images on caps of any material or size. The decoration can be changed directly in-line with one click, so that there is no need for dedicated changeover kits or extensive caps storage. The ColoraCap is said to have high marketing potential thanks to its unlimited graphics, colour range and ultra-high decoration definition. ColoraCap allows manufacturers to decorate up to 600 caps per minute (28mm, 360x360dpi). It is able to operate independently of size and boasts a decorative extension of up to 70mm. Pre-printing treatment of the cap surface is said to ensure a perfect adhesion of inks while dedicated kit allow digital printing on coloured caps. An incorporated quality control system detects caps and decoration defects inline. The responsibility on issues related to migration behaviour of printed caps which come into contact with liquid foodstuff is in the hand of the decoration producer. Nevertheless, in order to ease clients’ activity, Sacmi submitted caps digitally decorated with ColoraCap machine and Agfa inks to an accredited test laboratory (Fabes), and the investigation report shows compliance with the requirements included in the EUdirective 10/2011. After presenting the first ColoraCap in 2014, the South African firm Twizza, one of the country’s biggest bottlers, adopted the ColoraCap system. “We were attracted to the potential of ColoraCap during the last international Drinktec fair in Munich. We were already interested in purchasing some Sacmi CCM cap manufacturing presses and realised that the new ColoraCap would give us an incredible wealth of opportunities on the communication and product promotion fronts,” explains Ken Clark, founder and CEO of Twizza. Following a joint development phase, ColoraCap is now fully operational at the Twizza plant and is used to decorate coloured caps. www.sacmi.com Digital-inline printing solution Decorating coloured caps","@ID":33}, "BOTTLE MAKING 23 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 driven by servo motors, with hydraulics used only for ejection and injection. New and existing PET preform tooling from Milacron and tools from other suppliers can be used on the machine. The M-PET series featured a two-stage injection unit comprised of separate extrusion (for plasticising) and shooting pot with first in last out. Milacron’s PET Star screw design helps keep acetaldehyde generation low while minimising the residence time of the material. Clamping is based on a Ferromatik all-electric, five-point toggle with a rigid three-platen. Linear bearings directly on the machine base support the moving platen. New tooling from Milacron for use with M-PET features Milacron’s Cool Box integrated post-mould cooling system that provides enhanced/extended cooling without a cycle-time penalty. On the NPE the M-PET 300 was shown, which delivers 300t of clamp force, produced 10.2g PET preforms made in a 72-cavity tool during a less than 7s cycle. The mould provided 18s of cooling. The overall energy signature of the moulding cell is approximately 0.13kW/h per kilogram of material processed. www.milacron.com","@ID":25}, "BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS 12 PETplanet insider Vol. 17 No. 04/16 petpla.net Ingredients and flavours for beverages to enhance wellbeing Concepts for healthy living Health is what matters – the trend runs through all segments and categories of the food and beverage industry. Suppliers of natural ingredients and flavours respond to this trend by offering tailor-made ingredients for health-attentive consumers. BEVERAGE +ingredients Ingredients that add to physical well-being Products enriched with a series of vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and calcium promise health benefits as they are essential for many key metabolic processes. According to a Nielsen study, across the world, around 30% of consumers say that this is an important criterion in their decision on whether to buy a product. Slightly more 32% say that a high protein content in a product is relevant. As far as the beverage segment is concerned, the range of beverages with a functional benefit varies from sports drinks to energy and still drinks as well as to fruit juice based beverages. Another plus for an individual well-being: juice concepts containing fruit and vegetables. According to Nielsen, more than two billion people were regarded as overweight or obese in 2013. In the online study for the current Nielsen Global Health and Wellness Report, 75% of respondents worldwide said they wanted to lose weight and to change their habits to do so. The main stratagems here include reducing fat (65%) and eating and drinking fewer sugary products (62%). As a result, “less & low products” are estimated to offer huge potential. Wild Flavors & Specialty Ingredients (WFSI) is responding with a series of concepts, for example those sweetened with stevia for CSD and cola beverages that are said to have good taste profiles, but also “light” concepts with less sugar in general, as for example modern refreshers and “near waters”. Consumers do not expect this to be detrimental to taste, nor do they want sugar to be replaced by classical sweeteners. WFSI is undertaking long-term research work in the field of “Taste Optimisation Technology” which masks the typical hints of bitter and liquorice flavours that come with stevia for example. After “clean” comes “clear” One key pillar in WFSI’s portfolio has long been concepts based on natural ingredients without E-numbers subject to declaration (“clean label”). Now, though, consumers want not only natural ingredients, but also a small number of them (“clear label”). Therefore, the company has developed beverage ideas with a taste originating solely from the fermentation of fruit juice concentrates without any additives at all. Soft drinks and fermented beverages “Refreshers” close the gap between flavoured waters, on the one hand, and more substantial spritzers, on the other. The end product contains 8-30% fruit juice concentrate and, as a rule, all the ingredients are natural. As their sugar content is lower, when compared to classical soft drinks, they fit well in the concept of healthy, balanced nutrition. Another trend is towards lemonades with a particularly fruity taste, thanks to the higher juice content than in conventional products. For instance, the “orange-mango” flavour from WFSI has a juice content of 15%. As consumers increasingly pay attention to the organic source of their products, WFSI offer concepts for organic lemonades with the flavours “orange” and “cloudy lemon”, containing juices from organically produced raw materials. Also, with up to 20%","@ID":14}]}}