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"MOULD MAKING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 29 Very long, thin cores tend to bend due to the injection pressure so that they are no longer perfectly centred in the cavity, resulting in uneven wall thicknesses. In tests, MHT and GR8 achieved extreme concentricity with a preform weighing 43 g and 135mm long. AFM can be used in existing PET injection moulding machines with an external power unit. A further colPeter Clarke from the R&D company GR8 Engineering about the project Having seen an interesting post on the subject of material savings in preform production, we contacted the post creator Peter “Plastic Pete” Clarke from the R&D company GR8 Engineering Ltd. and exchanged ideas, first in writing, then by telephone. It quickly became clear that there was an interesting story and an issue to be addressed here, namely a fundamental question for all material processors: in an age of bottle necks with minimal heights and thin-walled bodies, how can the use of PET materials in bottle production be reduced even further without significantly compromising the consumer and user experience? laboration with machine manufacturer Sacmi led to the result that AFM can be used in their machines without additional equipment. As stretch blow moulding and filling processes always take place after preform production, it is important to incorporate these into a new process. MHT has been part of the Krones Group since 2018 and therefore has the relevant expertise on its doorstep. Customers have the option of mapping preform production with this technology at MHT in a prototyping process or, if required, carrying out all laboratory and stretch blow moulding tests at Krones. Initial tests on the stretch blow moulding machine have already been carried out and have shown improved basic stretching. The joint development team is planning further trials - and then nothing will stand in the way of introducing AFM to the preform market. www.mht-ag.de Peter, the Head of Creative Engineering at GR8 and the source of the idea, had the topic on his radar long before the utilisation of lightweight and material savings reached the current level. “We had a mould with a single cavity built back in 2007 to test the process,” he explained. “As explained by MHT, the method is that the core moves back slightly during injection and then moves forward to complete the filling and packing, making the preform base thinner and allowing the resulting material to flow into the preform wall. We have experimented with hydraulic control, springs and a combination of both, all of which actually work. The best method, however, is a mechanical spring behind the core that resists the flow of material through the pusher and a hydraulic control that moves the core forward towards the end of the filling process.” GR8 produced the 135mm preforms mentioned by MHT with a wall cross-section of 1.5mm and an L/T of 90:1. The process was also used in the production of equal-length preforms with a wall cross-section of 3.3mm within a cycle time of 12s, with the material being processed at 255°C using secondary cooling in the robot removal. “We then developed the aforementioned Antiflex method, where the geometry of the base of the preform is configured to self-centre when the core is pushed forward towards the end of the filling process,” Peter Clarke continued. Another improvement was the introduction of Back Flow Assist to eliminate the crystallinity of the gate, particularly in the gate opening area. The geometry of the gate area is designed in such a way that excess material flows back through the gate when the core is pushed forwards. The reheating of the long, thinner-walled preforms would also allow energy savings of around 40%, as PTI’s experience has shown, says Peter. The partnership with MHT began in 2016, when the mould manufacturer built a 4-cavity mould and modified one of its injection moulding machines so that AFM technology could be used. Since then, thousands of preforms have been produced with AFM. “Our main customer was Pepsi, with preform tests carried out by PTI in Geneva,” said Peter. Further testing took place in Moscow and around 20,000 preforms were produced for shipping, but since Russia’s war of aggression, AFM technology has lost momentum, Peter continued, and is now on the lookout for other potential customers. https://shorturl.at/bkuER Peter Clarke, Head of Creative Engineering at GR8 Engineering Ltd."},{"@ID":25

"MARKET SURVEY 23 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 12/2023 MARKETsurvey Company name Krones AG Herbold Meckesheim GmbH Sorema Div. of Previero N. SRL Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Boehmerwaldstr 5, 93073 Neutraubling, Germany +49 9401 70 0 www.krones.com Mr Peter Hartel Head of Sales - Recycling Solutions +49 9401 70 5448 [email protected] Industriestrasse 33, 74909 Meckesheim, Germany +49 6226 932 0 www.herbold.com Mr Achim Ebel Vice President Sales +49 6226 932 0 [email protected] Via per Cavolto, 17, 22040 Anzano del Parco (CO), Italy +39 031 63491250 www.sorema.it Mr Dario Previero General Manager +39 031 63491250 [email protected] Frontend Sorting Section Input variable: collected pressed bottles, various colours Yes, with different qualities Yes Selective & deposit collection, from blacks bags or landfi ll bottle collection Output: sorted bottles, treated sidestreams Yes, separation in several valuable streams if necessary Yes Pre-sorting section with prewashing, delabelling, metal separation, fi lm separation, material and colour sorting Capacity range output [t/a] 10,000-45,000t/a; higher ranges also possible if necessary 500-6,000kg/h Up to 20t/h Floor space [m²] Starting with 1,500m² and more; will be designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply Variable Depending on customer, multi level tower sorting line available Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] (if necessary) Only necessary if whole bottle washing is required 1-4m³/t Minimised, according to input material & water treatment design Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply Variable Minimised, according to input material & water treatment design Grinder included Yes, with high quality suppliers, mainly from Europe Yes Yes Additional information Krones can act as turnkey-supplier and offers frontend from preferred partner Stadler Anlagenbau Equipment for bale opening, delabelling, prewash drums Prewashing delabeller to remove lables and clean the materials before sorters Sorting technology (NIR, laser, optical etc.), effi ciency in % OEM equipment, integration Best technology available according to input material and output targets Washing Section MetaPure W Input variable: Flakes, coloured proportion max 5%, not much chlorine Yes Yes Flakes, ground from bottles pre-sorted Output: Hot washed fl akes Yes, washed with hot caustic, rest humidity  0,8% Yes Up to 10t/h Capacity range output [t/a] 7,000-42,000t/a; higher output possible by multiplying sections Up to 6t/h Up to 10t/h Floor space [m²] 450-2,100m²; higher output reqires more space ≈ 1,800m² Depending on customer, multi level and tower washing line available Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] 1.5-2.0m³, depending on input quality 1-4m³ Minimised, according to input material & water treatment design Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply Depending on individual scope Minimised, according to input material & water treatment design Kind of polymer (PET, PP, PS, HD-PE, LD-PE etc.) PET, PP, PS , PE-HD, PE-LD All Washing line with multiple material available: PET, PP, PS, HDPE, LDPE… Additional information Krones own manufacturing Hydrocyclone technology for density separation State of the art washing system, full automatic for fl akes for the most demanding application Decontamination section MetaPure S Input variable: Flakes or Pellets Flakes Integrate sub supplier technology including decontamination section Output: Flakes or Pellets Flakes, pellets According to production & supplier specifi cation Capacity [t/a] 7,000-12,600t/a per decontamination unit According to production & supplier specifi cation Floor space [m²] 450-520m² per decontamination unit According to production & supplier specifi cation Approvals (FDA, Efsa, others) FDA, Efsa, various brands According to production & supplier specifi cation Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply According to production & supplier specifi cation Additional information Krones own manufacturing Turn key lines available on request Periphery Fresh water treatment Yes Yes Sorema desing & built water treatment Waste water treatment Yes Yes Sorema desing & built water treatment Heating systems Yes, with partner Yes Sorema desing & integrate heating system based on steam, electrical, cogeneration and other technologies Nitrogen generator Yes, with partner Integrate in case of turn key line Compressed air Yes, with partner Integrate in case of turn key line Chemical dosing Yes Yes Sorema desing and built chemical dosing systems Kind and quantity of detergents Chemicals use is strictly confi dential Caustic soda 8.0-12.0 ml/kg output Yes Additives 0.5-1.0 ml/kg output Yes Defoamer Depending on infeed quality Yes Acid for neutralisation 1.2-1.8 ml/kg output Yes Removal of the organic residuals up to which size [μm] As needed to achieve higher fl ake quality State of the art washing system to grant the minimum surface organic residue Presetting residence time in the process Yes, according to desired fi nal product quality Yes, batch reactors with controlled residence time The system is easy to set in all its parameter including the residince time in the hot washing Company also offers systems for Yes, in cooperation with partners Bottle-to-preform Yes, with partner Yes Bottle-to-fi lm Yes, with partner Yes Bottle-to-fi bre Yes, with partner Yes Bottle-to-strapping Yes, with partner Yes Bottle-to-tray Yes Tray-to-tray Yes Suppliers of recycling plants and washing units"},{"@ID":40

"ONsite 38 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net Preform manufacturer produces rPET using Austrian technology Liquid state polycondensation bottle-to-bottle recycling plant in Japan The plastics recycling machine manufacturer Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen GmbH (NGR) from Feldkirchen an der Donau, Austria, has successfully commissioned what it claims is the first PET bottle-to-bottle LSP plant on the Japanese market at Altech New Materials Co, Ltd. Al tech New Mater ials, based in Fukui, is part of the Altech Co. Ltd. group of companies and specialises in the manufacture and sale of PET preforms, also with recycled content. As part of its expansion in the area of sustainable production, the company opted for a complete system from NGR for the production of food-grade PET regranulate from washed post-consumer bottle flakes. In the LSP process, the IV value of the material is increased to 0.8 and kept constant to ensure the production of high-quality rPET. During the process, impurities are removed from the PET melt in the liquid phase to such an extent that the strict requirements for food packaging are met. NGR’s “P:React 2000” system is EFSA and FDA compliant and guarantees the highest purity and safety standards in the recycled PET material, according to the recycling system manufacturer. Compared to conventional systems, the LSP process would enable an energy-efficient and better physical cleaning process in terms of melt quality and would also have inline measurement and automated control of the vacuum unit, which would enable continuous monitoring and control of the IV value to keep it constant. This eliminates the need for time-consuming batch production for the operator and no cost-intensive additional processes are required. In contrast to conventional methods, no addition of nitrogen or similar substances is required to increase the IV value. T h e C E O o f t h e A l t e c h Group, Mr Norihiro Chono, laid the foundation for the collaboration between Altech New Mater ials and NGR and explained: “We are extremely satisfied with the results we have achieved through the collaboration. The exceptional decontamination performance and the consistent quality of the recycled PET material have far exceeded our expectations.” With Altech New Materials now demonstrating and explaining the effectiveness of the new plant to its customers, both companies believe that this will make a significant contribution to the further development of PET recycling in the local industry. www.ngr-world.com"},{"@ID":39

"37 PRODUCTS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net PETproducts Compact device for a wide variety of measuring tasks The compact Mini Test FH from Cologne-based Elektrophysik is a portable measuring instrument for measurements up to 24mm wall thickness. Measurements with the solution are claimed to provide information on a wide range of wall thicknesses within a short time. The measuring system consists of a control and display unit and a sensor connected by cable. Thanks to the wide range of connectable probes, a variety of measuring tasks can be solved. AI-based quick calibration and direct data import All connectable sensors use the SIDSP method (sensorintegrated digital signal processing). The transmission of the already digitally processed measured values from the sensor to the evaluation unit ensures maximum accuracy. Thanks to the AI-based quick calibration, a zero calibration can be performed for each sensor and sphere diameter within less than 10 s touching only one button, thus increasing the accuracy of the measured values by 50%. Mini Test FH offers various interfaces for data transfer to a PC or directly into a CAQ system: Individual readings as well as the entire statistics can be transferred via USB, RS-232C or Bluetooth. As a special feature, the wall thickness gauge allows direct transfer of measuring values to an Excel spreadsheet or any other evaluation software via USB keyboard emulation. To cover a wide range of measurement tasks, a selection of sensors with diverse measuring ranges, reference steel balls and target wires as well as different designs modified for special measurement tasks is available. The non-destructive gauge has been designed to be intuitive to operate and to achieve precise results on all non-magnetic materials, regardless of size and shape. Even measurements on sharp edges, narrow diameters and complex geometries can be performed. Visualisation of the measurement results is provided thanks to a 4.3 colour screen with a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels. The control unit also features an integrated rubber rim for protection and a better grip, as well as foldable stands. Wide range of applications The application areas of the Mini Test FH are mainly the packaging industry for plastic containers and bottles for chemical substances, cleaning agents and lubricants, as well as the area of food packaging and packaging for medical products. The gauge can also be used to determine the wall thickness of glass packaging for a wide range of industries, as well as the wall thickness of materials made of glass for automotive, sanitary and construction applications. In the context of quality control, for example, the MiniTest FH can lead to savings of several tons of material per year in the production of PET bottles by adjusting the wall thickness to the target specification. Compliance with minimum wall thicknesses to avoid rejects and possible complaints can also be optimised. www.elektrophysik.com Visit Us (Cavitation Enhanced 6 to 8) 14mm Cosmetic Bottle (15ml) 8 Cavity Mold (50MB-Nissei ASB) YOU CAN HAVE FROM THE SAME RESOURCE [email protected] www.acmedrinktec.com +91-9810418975, +91-9819020785, +91-9810631426 Proven 550+ Single Stage ISBM Molds Globally CREATING MOLDS WITH A DIFFERENCE Acme Drinktec Solutions LLP MOLDS FOR NISSEI ASB (50MB | 12M | 70DPH | 70DPW ) AOKI, SIPA. ETC. HALL #1 STALL #D2-2 Pioneering innovations in ISBM molds"},{"@ID":44

"TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 34 Aloxe inaugurates its new recycled PET plastic manufacturing plant in Messein, France “We founded Aloxe in 2021 with one strong belief” On November 16, 2023, Aloxe inaugurated its new production facility for recycled PET plastic in Messein (Meurthe-et-Moselle) in the presence of an audience of 150 people made up of politicians, customers, employees and friends. Aloxe’s €25 million investment in this new plant provides a practical, tried-and-tested technological solution that responds immediately to the major challenges of reusing and recycling single-use food grade plastic bottles and, more broadly to the environmental transition in France and Europe. In a mere two years, Aloxe has consolidated and accelerated its industrial development in France by opening the largest recycled PET manufacturing plant in the country, increasing its production capacity from 12.5 kt to 50 kt. In 2024, Aloxe expects to be independent leader in recycled PET in Europe, with a 120 kt capacity in France, Poland and Italy. Built on an old brownfield land and designed to accommodate four lines, the new Messein site is gradually increasing its capacity with two new Erema Vacunite production lines in operation since September 2023. The old lines from its existing Vézelise facility will be moved to the Messein plant in December 2023. In practical terms, the Messein facility will focus on manufacturing recycled PET pellets through a thermomechanical process. This involves transforming washed mixed PET shreds “flakes”, initially received in “big bags” through sorting and extrusion to produce pellets. The recycling process uses flakes from post-consumer PET packaging as a source of raw material. The PET containers collected have already been used in food packaging. In 2022, over 90% of the flakes purchased come from the European Union, with the majority coming from the Aloxe site in Gdynia, Poland. The project required an investment of €25 million and the creation of 30 new full-time jobs, as of 2023. The entire workforce at the Vézelise plant (15 km from Messein) was offered the opportunity to transfer to the new factory. This is actively helping to boost employment in the Saintois region, and to re-industrialise the Grand Est region and France in the ecological transition growth industry. Recycling PET, the only plastic enabling a circular economy for food packaging Increasing Aloxe’s production capacity in France is a major leap forward, given Europe’s current production shortfall in recycled PET (rPET). It will help offset the fact that supply is still insufficient to meet the growing demand from food and cosmetics packaging manufacturers. Currently, installed production capacity in Europe stands at 850 kt of food-grade rPET, with demand expected to reach 1.3 million tonnes by 2025. This increased production capacity will contribute to meeting ambitious French and European targets for a circular economy of single-use plastics used in packaging. Focusing on plastic food-grade bottles, the European Union’s Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUPD) and the decrees implementing France’s AGEC law stipulate that, from 2025, PET bottles must contain at least 25% rPET (and 30% from 2030 onwards). Considering the urgent environmental situation, PET and its recycled version represent a sustainable food packaging solution. In its rigid form (trays, bottles, etc.), PET is currently the only plastic that can be near infinitely recycled, using controlled mechanical recycling processes that are economically viable and use little energy – the production of recycled PET emits 67% less CO2-equivalent emissions than virgin PET. To date, only 17% of the tonnage of PET bottles on the European market goes back into manufacturing PET bottles. “We founded Aloxe in 2021 with one strong belief. The real challenge lies in the industrialisation of our production capacity for high-quality recycled PET. We are backed by a supportive legislative framework. While we possess highly effective technical solutions, there is still considerable room for enhancement in terms of the circular economy for plastic bottles."},{"@ID":20

"MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 18 Embracing the mass balance approach in the plastics industry by Specialchem A sustainable pathway The mass balance approach enables similar polymers to be produced by combining alternative renewable or recyclable raw materials with fossil raw materials. Polymers produced in this way are certified by internationally known certificates and used to produce new plastic products for customers in a more sustainable way. This approach bridges the gap between today’s linear economy and the sustainable circular economy for plastics of the future. It is therefore a crucial step on the way to the circular economy for plastics. How are biopolymers effectively managed in complex supply chains? The mass balance approach is an effective method for managing the use of biopolymers in complex supply chains. In this approach, the material flow from the starting material to the final product is tracked according to predefined and transparent rules. These rules serve as criteria to determine whether a product can be classified as renewable or as a recycled product. When applying the mass balance approach to biopolymers, fossil raw materials must be replaced by renewable or recyclable raw materials in the production process. For each tonne of renewable or recyclable raw material used as a substitute, approximately one tonne of production can be attributed to this sustainable source. This ensures accurate measurement and verification of the environmental benefits associated with the inclusion of biopolymers throughout the production cycle. By applying the mass balance approach to biopolymers, companies can move to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach. It reduces dependence on fossil resources, minimises greenhouse gas emissions and is in line with circular economy principles by using renewable or circular raw materials. Companies reached a certification by an independent certification body according to the Redcert 2 standard or other international certifications, e.g. ISCC+. (Fig. page 20) What are the key criteria for adopting a mass balance approach? To ensure the credibility of the claims, companies applying the mass balance approach in chemical and plastics production should comply with the following key criteria, which can be verified by an independent third party: 1) Feedstock qualification: companies must provide a transparent description of the qualification of responsibly sourced renewable feedstocks and demonstrate their measurable GHG savings compared to their fossil fuel counterparts. 2) Evidence of the supply chain: the system boundaries and the scope of the supply chain must be clearly defined. The material flow along the chain of custody and the material list should be verifiable by a third party. Any chain of custody approach must comply with a publicly available standard. 3) Product claims: product claims should be verifiable and certified. These products should be labelled as renewable products and not “bio-based products”. Where should companies start which intend to adopt a mass balance approach? First of all, one has to be sure that mass balance is the most appropriate chain of custody model for one’s own market and business processes. Considering the benefits, market demand,"},{"@ID":41

"PATENTS www.verpackungspatente.de PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 39 A container with a glued handle Application No. DE 102021132975 A1 Applicant: KHS GmbH, Dortmund (DE) Registration date: 14.12.2021 A container with a handle and the use of an adhesive agent for attaching the bottle to a specially made handle that can be fitted to a PET bottle and produced in large quantities. A security feature International Patent No. WO 2022 / 058588 A1 Applicant: Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co. KG., Hard (AT) Registration date: 20.9.2021 This patent application is for a bottle that has a special feature (structure / embossing or similar) which enables the provenance and origin of the bottle or product to be checked using an app. A reinforced base International. Patent No. WO 2023 / 143739 A1 Applicant: Sidel Participations, Octeville-Sur-Mer (FR) Registration date: 28.1.2023 This international patent application describes the base of a lightweight PET bottle which is specially moulded to ensure it is sufficiently robust. A plastic bottle European Patent No. EP 3994072 B1 Applicant: Acqua Minerale San Benedetto S.p.A., Scorze (IT) Registration date: 15.6.2020 A lightweight, waisted plastic bottle with specially moulded reinforcing grooves that make the bottle more resistant when gripped and handled. A flat base European Patent No. EP 4074614 B1 Applicant: Sidel Participations, Octeville-sur-Mer (FR) Registration date: 28.3.2022 An oval PET bottle with a flat bottom whose shape and manufacture are described in the application. A bottle with oblique grooves European Patent No. EP 3763629 B1 Applicant: Suntory Holdings Ltd., Osaka (JP) Registration date: 22.1.2019 This European patent application is for a lightweight plastic bottle that has oblique reinforcing grooves and pressure compensation surfaces. PETpatents"},{"@ID":10

"8 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net EU: Council and Parliament reach provisional agreement on waste shipment Negotiators from the Council and the European Parliament have reached a provisional political agreement to overhaul regulations governing waste shipments. The revised regulation is geared towards curbing problematic waste exports beyond the EU, aligning shipment procedures with circular economy objectives, and bolstering enforcement measures. The regulation’s scope expands to encompass climate neutrality and circular economy goals. It expressly prohibits intra-EU waste shipments for disposal, allowing exceptions only under stringent conditions. Intra-EU shipments for recovery operations necessitate prior written notification and consent (‘PIC’), with a specific derogation for laboratory analysis waste weighing under 250 kg. Under the ‘PIC’ procedure, exporters within the EU must notify and receive confirmation from relevant countries before export. A central electronic system streamlines document submission and exchange, with agreed-upon timelines to ensure efficiency. The regulation maintains the prohibition of waste disposal exports to third countries and the export of hazardous waste for recovery in non-OECD countries. It introduces mandatory audits of waste management facilities in destination countries by independent bodies. A register of audited facilities will be established by the Commission to assist waste exporters. Exports of plastic waste Stringent rules are introduced for exporting non-hazardous plastic waste (B3011) to non-OECD countries. Non-OECD countries may request the importation of EU plastic waste, subject to strict standards, with the Commission empowered to lift the export ban for compliant countries. Export of non-hazardous plastic waste to OECD countries is allowed, contingent on the ‘PIC’ notification procedure. The Commission is tasked with rigorous monitoring to prevent adverse environmental and health impacts. Member states are urged to establish dissuasive penalties for regulation infringements, including fines and the revocation or temporary suspension of relevant authorisations. Effective cooperation mechanisms at national and international levels are mandated, with the establishment of a waste shipment enforcement group to enhance collaboration between member states. The provisional agreement will be submitted to the Council’s representatives and the Parliament’s environment committee for endorsement. Formal adoption by both institutions, following legal-linguistic revision, is required before publication in the EU’s Official Journal. www.consilium.europa.eu Consumer groups launch EU-wide complaint against major water bottle producers On November 7, 2023, the European Consumer Organisation (Beuc) and member organisations from 13 countries reported misleading commercial claims about the recyclability of products by major drinking water bottle traders, including Coca-Cola, Danone, and Nestlé Waters/Nestlé. According to their statement, such claims do not comply with the EU rules on unfair commercial practices. The complaint was filed with the support of ClientEarth and Ecos - Environmental Coalition on Standards. The industry’s recyclability claims are accused to be vague, inaccurate, or insufficiently substantiated. The three key claims of concern the groups defined are: 1) “100% recyclable”: According to the claimants, the term’s ambiguity depends on factors like infrastructure, sorting effectiveness, and recycling processes. The PET beverage bottle recycling rate in the EU is estimated at 55%, with a 30% chance of becoming a bottle again, according to their source Eunomia and Zero Waste Europe. 2) “100% recycled”: This claim, the organisations say, would wrongly imply the full bottle is made entirely from recycled materials. EU law prohibits bottle lids from using recycled materials, and labels are rarely made from recycled material. Virgin plastic addition to the bottle body is also common, according to the accusation. 3) Use of green imagery: Branding often incorporates closed loops, green logos, or nature images, creating a false perception of environmental neutrality and plastic circularity, according to the claimants. Beuc and its members have filed a complaint with the European Commission and the network of consumer protection authorities (CPC), calling on them to launch an investigation. They call on authorities to ensure traders stop misleading consumers with such claims. Ursula Pachl, Deputy Director General of Beuc, emphasised the increasing consumer desire for sustainable choices but stated a bombardment of incorrect claims would lead to consumer confusion. Justin Wilkes, Executive Director of Ecos, called for policymakers to establish clear rules on recycled content to end misleading green claims. Beuc represents 45 independent national consumer organisations in Brussels. ClientEarth is a non-profit organisation using the law for systemic change to protect the Earth, while Ecos advocates for environmentally friendly technical standards, policies, and laws. www.beuc.eu"},{"@ID":35

"PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 33 TRADE SHOW REVIEW Interview with Daniel Gneuss, President of Gneuss USA PETplanet: Mr Gneuss, we heard a great deal about bottle flakes to fibres at your event. Is this a future market, especially since the PET bottle industry is desperately seeking flakes? Daniel Gneuss: I think this market is important, especially in America, where polyester carpets mean a huge demand for fibres. But I also think that it is more and more difficult for fibre manufacturers to get bottle flakes, and in the future, most bottle flakes will go back into bottles. PETplanet: Hopefully using your systems? Daniel Gneuss: We’ve shown that our Multi Rotation Extrusion System (MRS) produces a brilliantly consistent quality for bottle-to-bottle recycling. But I worry that in the future conventional stand-alone bottle-to-bottle facilities will have a hard time competing with large scale approaches from resin producers. Blending post-consumer bottle flakes back into a melt stream and creating new resin from 25 or 30% rPET. At today’s recycling rate this is a sensible approach which can also easily scaled up and down depending on the availability of PCR. Gneuss has delivered multiple lines for such production lines and we see growing interest in this technology. PETplanet: Today, you presented cap recycling. Daniel Gneuss: Yes, I think there’s still plenty for recyclers to work on in the future besides PET bottle-to-bottle recycling. The cap weighs around 5 to 10% of the bottle weight, and today this doesn’t feed back into the closed loop. With the system presented here, we’re creating granulate for new drinks caps. PETplanet: Thank you so much Mr Gneuss. Daniel Gneuss, President of Gneuss USA, showing cap flakes in front of the new MRSpure, which will process them into recycled HDPE for new caps."},{"@ID":17

"COMPRESSORS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 15 ing the user to detect alarm thresholds and display other relevant parameters. This data is then easy to forward onto an interlocking control device or master display. Heat recovery system Managing numbers of components and networks Controlling an unlimited number of compressors, enabling seamless communication, and accessing data from anywhere: the requirements for modern compressed air management are high. The goal is uncomplicated operation coupled with maximum energy efficiency. To meet this challenge, the company introduced a new intelligent network control system. The Airtelligence Provis 3 has been developed to transform the operation of compressed air systems, as it can proactively and consumption-dependently manage an unlimited number of compressors, accessory components, and entire compressed air networks. Thanks to a new Modbus Interface Module, the control system is backward-compatible with other control systems and third-party manufacturers. To ensure communication between products of different manufacturers and various device types in the future, Boge’s control system supports the open data format OPC UA. Additionally, Ethernet as a communication standard allows multiple participants to communicate simultaneously, integrating even remotely located stations. This can be done using the existing IT infrastructure of the user. The Airtelligence Provis 3 is delivered as a plug-and-play complete solution to the user. The 15.6-inch display with intuitive touch control shows the compressor detail view, profile view, and pressure history. A fully integrated, powerful industrial PC is provided as standard. However, users can also access it from tablets or smartphones because the comprehensive and clear visualisation is web-based. It displays consumption patterns and status values almost in real-time. A new feature is energy reporting according to the DIN EN ISO 50001 standard. For efficient energy management, users can track the energy consumption and associated costs of operating the compressors at any time. Regarding energy costs, a typical challenge in designing a compressed air system is handling different compressed air demands leading to load and idle times. The unintentional consequence of unfavourable system configurations can be energyintensive over-compression. This is where the control algorithms of the Airtelligence Provis 3 come into play. They automatically select the optimal combination of compressors and additional components, shaping their interaction proactively and consumption-dependently. Over-compression is thus avoided, and operation during load and idle times is optimised. Additional modules tailor the system to the customer’s needs. The pro-FU option allows users to operate multiple frequency-controlled compressors with the same percentage of utilisation. Additionally, users can opt for the Airlogic 3 software module, which controls supply air, recirculating air, and exhaust air flaps, as well as peripheral components. In If-Then scenarios, it opens and closes flaps based on pre-defined, status- or temperature-dependent commands, avoiding energy losses. Both options further enhance the efficiency and flexibility of the entire system. www.boge.com Network control system Airtelligence Provis 3 Via heat recovery, up to 94% of the energy used can be reclaimed."},{"@ID":11

"9 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net"},{"@ID":37

"PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 35 TRADE SHOW REVIEW Only 17% of the tonnage of PET bottles placed on the market goes back into PET bottle production. With this in mind, we set up Aloxe in 2021 with one ambition: to become the leading independent producer of high-quality recycled PET plastic in Europe by 2024,” explain Arnaud Piroëlle and Clément Lefebvre, co-founders of Aloxe. Founded just two years ago, in 2021, Aloxe plans to have seven production sites in Europe by 2025, with 300 employees and a 220 million euros turnover. Aloxe also has plants in Italy (Presenzano) and Poland (Gdynia and Wąbrzeźno) and aims to continue expanding its operations with state-of-the-art facilities to supply and decarbonise local markets as much as possible by delivering reliable, standardised high-quality plastics. Aloxe currently employs 180 people and has a turnover of €35 million. “By establishing this fourth European facility, we move a step closer to realising our aspirations and actively contributing to a broader goal – that of a genuinely circular economy and the preservation of our environment,” said the two founders. www.aloxe.one F.l.t.r.: Ernst Kirchmayer, Project Manager Erema; Sébastien Brunon, Chief Technology Officer Aloxe; Arnaud Piroëlle & Clément Lefebvre Co-Founders of Aloxe; Roland Koch, Application Sales Manager Bottle, Erema, and Christoph Wöss, Business Development Manager, Bottle Recycling at Erema PROCESS PILOT+TM Optimize Blowmolder Performance and Profitability with Automated, Closed-Loop Control +1.724.482.2163 agrintl.com Maximize rPET usability and processing Improve bottle performance and downstream operations Maintain lightweight, targeted material distribution Increase consistent production yield Overcome environmental and process variation Reduce scrap with accelerated start-up"},{"@ID":6

"PETcontents 4 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 12/2023 Page 14 EDITOUR 10 The Middle East Road Show begins - PETplanet’s Editour project enters the next round COMPRESSORS 12 Consistent reliability in challenging climate environments 14 Maximising efficiency - Advancements in heat recovery, refrigerant dryers, and intelligent network control 16 Minimising energy losses MATERIALS / RECYCLING 18 A sustainable pathway - Embracing the mass balance approach in the plastics industry by Specialchem BOTTLE MAKING 21 Giant water cooler jug in 100% rPET MARKET SURVEY 23 Suppliers of recycling plants and washing units BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS 26 Beverage trends in the Middle East - Pioneering health benefits, functionality and new flavour profiles MOULD MAKING 28 Let’s move to lose weight - From the idea to cooperation on material savings TRADE SHOW REVIEW 30 Quality control of the labelling, the neck finish and the thread 31 Digital and sustainable rigid packaging 32 Gneuss celebrates 40 years - Cap processing for food-safe HDPE 34 “We founded Aloxe in 2021 with one strong belief” - Aloxe inaugurates its new recycled PET plastic manufacturing plant in Messein, France BUYER’S GUIDE 40 Get listed! INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 37 Products 38 On site 39 Patents 46 Outer Planet COMPRESSORS Page 34 Page 21 EDITOUR"},{"@ID":30

"MOULD MAKING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 28 From the idea to cooperation on material savings Let’s move to lose weight 3% less PET per preform, less energy for reheating, less shear and lower injection pressure: movable cores in preform moulds bring many benefits. Mould specialist MHT Mold & Hotrunner Technology AG is cooperating with GR8 and is using the Active Flow Molding technology to produce preforms with thinner bases. Have you ever made the effort to open a bottle with an extremely short thread? Then you will know that the possibilities for saving material in this area are practically exhausted. But there is still potential in the preform bases, which are often thicker than they need to be for the stability of the bottle and use more PET material than necessary. Active Flow Moulding (AFM) offers the possibility of reducing the wall thickness in the first moulding phase by using movable cores in the mould. Mould manufacturer MHT, based in Hochheim, Germany, and R&D company GR8 from Arundel, UK, are working together to bring this technology to market. They have produced several different preform designs and supplied them to customers for blow moulding tests. There have already been successful tests with Pepsi in Geneva and Moscow, but further tests in Russia have been prevented for the time being due to the war with Ukraine. AFM technology is particularly interesting for large beverage brands with their own PET production, as they can benefit from the material savings directly in the preforming process. If the weight of the preforms in a mould with 96 cavities can be reduced from 41 to 40.5 g and 1,000,000 cycles are carried out, that is 48 t of PET! Normally, a weight reduction of up to 3% is possible. Comparison: conventional round base (left) and Antiflex base (right) The main feature of AFM is that the cores are movable, which results in a similar mechanism to injection compression moulding. The whole thing works as follows: Firstly, the molten plastic pushes the core back during the injection process and the available sprue opening increases. The plastic flows in more easily, the flow path ratio is more favourable, the injection pressure drops (by around 9% in current tests) and the shear is reduced. Once the preform is almost completely filled, the core moves forward (up to 6mm) through the still liquid plastic melt into the end position. Excess material at the base is pressed into the wall and the thread is completely filled to the top. The thin base is achieved during the primary moulding process and therefore bears little stress. Another advantage compared to classically moulded preforms: a high wall thickness at the base can sometimes have a detrimental effect on the subsequent blow moulding process, especially if the blow moulding machines run at high speeds. The output per blow mould is therefore significantly higher for preforms produced using AFM technology. In addition, less energy is required to reheat the preform. The core contour has a cone at the tip, the Antiflex base. This prevents so-called core displacement, which can lead to problems, particularly with thin-walled applications. 1. Valve stem open during injection (the jagged contour lines in the core represent the cooling tube) 6. Core in its end position: the base is thin, the preform, including thread, is completely filled 2. The molten plastic pushes the core backwards, resulting in a larger opening, reducing injection pressure. 7. Valve stem is closed and the preform removed 4. The preform is almost filled. 3. Injection takes place 5. The core travels forwards. Active flow moulding 40.5 g Classic moulding 41.0 g"},{"@ID":26

"MARKET SURVEY 24 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net Company name Starlinger Recycling Technology Erema Engineering Recycling Maschinen und Anlagen Ges.m.b.H. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Furtherstrasse 47a 2564 Weissenbach, Austria +43 2674 800 3101 www.recycling.starlinger.com Mr Paul Niedl, MA Commercial Head +43 2674 800 3100 [email protected] Unterfeldstraße 3, 4052 Ansfelden, Austria +43 732 3190 0 www.erema.com Mr Christoph Wöss Business Development Manager, Application Bottle +43 732 3190 0 [email protected] Frontend Sorting Section Yes, sorting done in cooperation with long-time partners or Keycycle (Erema Group) Input variable: collected pressed bottles, various colours Pre-sorted PET bottles, prefferable bales Output: sorted bottles, treated sidestreams Sorted bottles, colour sorting possible Capacity range output [t/a] Depending on customer' requirements Floor space [m²] Depending on the capacity of the plant Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] (if necessary) Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Grinder included Yes, by Keycycle Additional information Engineering and integration services, turnkey projects. Contact: Keycycle GmbH, (Erema Group GmbH) Mr Michal Prochazka, Managing Director, +43 732 3190 545, [email protected] Sorting technology (NIR, laser, optical etc.), effi ciency in % Washing Section Yes, washing done in cooperation with long-time partners or Keycycle Input variable: Flakes, coloured proportion max 5%, not much chlorine Output: Hot washed fl akes Capacity range output [t/a] Depending on customer' requirements, Keycycle Floor space [m²] Depending on the capacity of the plant, Keycycle Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Kind of polymer (PET, PP, PS, HD-PE, LD-PE etc.) All types of common polymers possible, Keycycle Additional information Decontamination section Input variable: Flakes or Pellets Flake to granulate: hot-washed PET fl akes (various colours), available models: RecoStar PET FG, RecoStar PET FG+, RecoStar PET art Flakes and/or pellets Output: Flakes or Pellets Granulate with approval, decontaminated for food contact, IV increased, AA  1ppm, lowest VOC level Flakes (MPR) or pellets (Vacurema or Vacunite) Capacity [t/a] 6,000-30,000 t/a rPET pellets Up to 48,000 Floor space [m²] Depending on design Depending on through-put and technology: 50-650 Approvals (FDA, Efsa, others) Several USA/FDA (C-H), Austria, Germany/BfR, Ilsi, France/AFFSSA, Finland, Australia, Canada, Egypt, Japan, Switzerland, several Latin American countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru); follows Efsa requiremens; several brand owners FDA (cat. A-H&J); Efsa (positive Efsa opinion issued); brand owners (conf.); several national approvals (Austria, CH, Zona Mercursur, etc.) Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Depending on design Between 100-350 Additional information Bottles to fl akes to granulate: Input variable, collected pressed bottles, various colours. Output: Granulate with approval, decontaminated for food contact, IV increased, AA  1ppm, lowest VOC level. Turn-key supply of complete plants from bottles to fl akes to rPET granulate Closed loop system for water and N2, depending on application & technology type Periphery Fresh water treatment Oon request, with external partner or Keycycle Waste water treatment Oon request, with external partner or Keycycle Heating systems Included Nitrogen generator On request Compressed air On request Chemical dosing On request Kind and quantity of detergents Caustic soda Yes for washing process, Keycycle Additives Yes for washing process, Keycycle Defoamer Yes for washing process, Keycycle Acid for neutralisation Yes for washing process, Keycycle Removal of the organic residuals up to which size [μm] 25 μm Presetting residence time in the process 1.5-15h Company also offers systems for Bottle-to-preform Yes Yes, Vacurema Inline Preform Bottle-to-fi lm Yes Yes, Vacurema Inline Sheet Bottle-to-fi bre Yes Yes, Vacurema Inline Fibre for Staple Fibre, BCF and POY Bottle-to-strapping Yes Yes, Vacurema Inline Strapping or Monofi lament Bottle-to-tray Yes Yes, with Keycycle & Vacurema Tray-to-tray Yes Yes, with Vacurema"},{"@ID":38

"COMPRESSORS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 16 Minimising energy losses ABC Compressors’ new Horizon Synchro machines are claimed to offer improved efficiency, energy usage, remote monitoring and lower total cost of ownership (TCO). ABC Compressors, which was founded in Eibar, North-East Spain, in 1943, began exporting its equipment in the 1950s and now has a presence in over 130 countries across the world. In 2017, it opened its first USA facility in Miami, Florida. ABC introduced a four-stage compressor for the PET market in the 1980s. The company says that its newly-launched Horizon Synchro range is an advanced series of PET synchronous compressors, which it claims will set new standards in the sector. The machines feature technology that proritises substantial reduction in energy losses along with improved reliability and overall performance, together with a continued focus on total cost of ownership. The key technological developments include a permanent magnet motor with variable speed drive. ABC says that the combination delivers precise control over the compression process while reducing energy consumption and thus boosting sustainable operations. Focus on efficiency The whole system has been engineered for efficiency, the company maintains. Its compact design and improved intercooling process has been developed to optimise heat dissipation, leading to improved reliability and extended equipment lifespan without compromising performance. Horizon Synchro compressors now all come with digital management systems as standard. As well as greater accuracy, this means that operators can remotely monitor and control the machines. It also means that operators are provided with real time insights into machine condition and performance, enabling better, more cost-effective predictive maintenance, and smooth, seamless optimisation, ABC says. Improving energy use The company believes that the energy efficiency journey requires a comprehensive strategy. As well as focusing on total cost of ownership, ABC has prioritised total cost of energy. To that end it is driving to minimise energy losses within the compressor system itself. Typically, existing compressor systems convert only 10% of the energy taken from the grid into compressed air. To be absolutely clear: this means that around 90% of energy the user is paying for and receiving is lost during the process. This is not only an unacceptable level of inefficiency, it is a massive waste in terms of cost. ABC says that its latest heat exchanger technology achieves a significant reduction in thermal losses, by maintaining a lower ‘Delta’ temperature – below 7 °C – and optimising the cooling chamber in the cylinder. The company asserts that these design improvements decrease thermal losses by 10% and thus contribute to overall energy conservation. Cutting volumetric losses Volumetric losses have been addressed by minimising leaks, dead spaces and pressure losses within the airflow, leading to a 15% reduction. The elimination of a gearbox between the motor and the compressor itself has helped to mitigate mechanical losses. The direct-coupled IE5 synchronous motor cuts energy losses by 20%, compared to a standard IE3 induction motor, according to ABC, further increasing the overall efficiency of the Horizon Synchro range. ABC presents the Horizon Synchro range as a benchmark on its journey of efficiency and innovation. The range delivers both on traditional measures and, in addition, places a strong emphasis on reducing energy losses within the compressor system. ABC Compressors says that the Horizon Synchro range demonstrates its commitment to pioneering solutions to meet customers’ changing and evolving needs. www.abc-compressors.com COMPRESSORS Typically, existing compressor systems convert only 10% of the energy taken from the grid into compressed air. ABC focuses on reducing energy losses, improving efficiency and thus reducing TCO."},{"@ID":28

"BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 26 Pioneering health benefi ts, functionality and new fl avour profi les Beverage trends in the Middle East Across the globe, the quest for healthier, more sustainable living has had an enormous impact on the beverage sector. Consumers are more confident in actively seeking a healthier lifestyle, creating rising demand for beverages that offer more than just hydration. In their pursuit of a more wholesome way of life, empowered consumers express their needs distinctly – from sugar reduction to functionality. Companies like Döhler are responding to and encouraging these healthier consumption habits. Modern consumer lifestyles require more than just a drink – beverages serve as supplements for a better human nutrition. Döhler offers a comprehensive portfolio of natural and sustainably sourced ingredients and ingredient systems that are the basis for creating healthy and tasty beverages with functional benefits and less sugar. In line with its ‘sustainable by nature’ ethos, Döhler places great importance on natural sourcing and sustainable production processes, reinforcing the industry’s progress towards a more sustainable, healthcentric future. Saudi Arabia: sugar-reduced drinks Sugar consumption has long been a topic of global concern. Saudi Arabia’s residents rank among the world’s largest consumers of calories from sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) – an alarming trend which could further fuel the increasing rates of obesity in the region. Recognising the gravity of the situation, and following on from the sugar tax introduced in 2017, in August 2022, the Ministry of Education imposed a ban on soft drinks in schools due to their excessive sugar content. With the tide turning against high sugar content, the juice sector – a prominent player in the beverage industry – is in the midst of a revolution. A rising number of juice manufacturers are recalibrating their product portfolios, incorporating healthier variants such as no-added-sugar options. This shift towards healthier products was evident in 2022, when coconut and other plant waters emerged as top performers in Saudi Arabia, with off-trade volume sales growing by 6% to 1.8 million litres (source: Euromonitor). Alongside traditional sweeteners, Döhler offers products for sugar reduction that allow a substantial and natural reduction in sugar content. These alternatives include not only caloric sugar reduction options such as fruit, vegetable and fermented juices, but also non-caloric taste modulation products like natural essences from the MultiSense Flavour collection: MultiSense Mouthfeel, MultiSense Sweet and MultiSense Masking. MultiSense Sweet offers the potential to cut sugar by up to 30%, eliminating the need for extra sweeteners. It is claimed to heighten the sweetness profile and texture of products by enhancing their primary and overall sweet taste. MultiSense Mouthfeel essences offer a rich and authentic taste sensation, ensuring that beverages with less sugar do not taste diluted. MultiSense Masking is the perfect addition to sweeteners and can hide the characteristic aftertaste of products like stevia. Egypt: functional bottled water The growing aversion to artificiality in beverages promises rising demand for bottled water, with innovative segments like functional bottled water emerging as frontrunners. Healthconscious consumers – especially those who prioritise staying hydrated throughout their day – are now looking for added functional value in their water. In Egypt, functional bottled water sales surged by 15% in 2022, resulting in 40 million litres in off-trade volume sales. As bottled water gains momentum, the beverage market is not seeing a corresponding decline in CSDs and juice drinks. Instead, there is a growing trend for integrating functional benefits into these categories. Not-from-concentrate (NFC) juices resonate with consumers seeking higher nutritional value. Retailers are adapting swiftly, providing more shelf space to beverages that respond to health-focused consumers’ demands. This includes drinks with claims of"},{"@ID":23

"BOTTLE MAKING 21 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net Giant water cooler jug in 100% rPET In a collaborative effort centred on environmentally conscious packaging, Ice River Sustainable Solutions has teamed up with Sipa Spa to develop sustainable practices within the beverage industry. Ice River’s commitment to eco-friendly solutions, coupled with Sipa’s innovative platforms, prioritises the use of recycled materials in a sustainable production of beverage containers. At the core of this collaboration is Ice River’s approach towards ecoconscious packaging. Their use of 100% post-consumer PET recyclate for their 500ml spring water bottles not only demonstrates their commitment to sustainability but also establishes a precedent for responsible packaging practices. Ice River’s achievement as the first beverage company in North America to procure “blue box” materials for producing 100% rPET bottles emphasises their proactive stance in environmental stewardship. Expanding their product range to include sizes up to 15 l (4 US gal) and subsequently updating the design of their 15 l water cooler bottle reflects their ongoing pursuit of improvement. The decision to collaborate with Sipa for the enhancement of their 15 l water cooler bottle speaks to Ice River’s pursuit of excellence in sustainable packaging solutions. Sipa’s specialised stretch-blow moulding machine, the linear SFL 2/2 (now marketed as the SFL Maxi 2), played a crucial role in this redesign process. This linear blowmoulder incorporates several key features, including energy efficiency, the ability to process preforms made from 100% rPET, and the integration of additional kits for increased flexibility. Other features of the SFL Maxi 2 include a smart clamping unit, simplified mould changeover procedures, and optimised blowing blocks, resulting in a 30% decrease in dead air volume and a substantial reduction in total air consumption. Through careful development work and optimisation of container properties, Ice River and Sipa achieved significant milestones. The bottle now boasts improved top-load strength and increased resistance to vacuum formation during the bottle’s depletion. This achievement stems from the strategic distribution of materials within the container, made possible by the bottle’s unique design and optimised process conditions. Ice River Sustainable Solutions’ commitment goes beyond production and extends to the entire life cycle of its products. The creation of Blue Mountain Plastics, Ice River’s recycling company, underscores the company’s commitment to a circular economy. This is operated in a closed loop, from kerbside collection to responsible bottling of natural spring water and the repeated recycling of plastic packaging. Through the joint efforts of Sipa and Ice River Sustainable Solutions and by combining the expertise of both companies, new opportunities for innovation in the beverage industry have been created. www.sipasolutions.com Ice River’s 100% rPET bottle range Ice River maintains its own recycling company through Blue Mountain Plastics. While the beverage company operates a closed loop for the PET bottles, the caps are upcycled into other products such as outdoor furniture."},{"@ID":29

"BEVERAGE INGREDIENTS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 27 functional benefits, swift hydration and energy boosts. CSDs are also undergoing a transformation, with those offering healthier or sustainable attributes projected to see surging demand in the coming years. As consumers lean towards beverages with added functional benefits, companies at the forefront of this movement offer precisely what the market demands. Döhler’s broad portfolio of Natural Super Heroes botanical extracts offers a wide range of functional added health values – from Natural Energy Heroes and Mental Heroes such as acerola, guarana, moringa, baobab or green tea extract, to Relaxation Heroes and Immune Heroes like rooibos extract. Traditional and new taste experiences Consumer preferences relating to flavour trends have been evolving over recent years. In Saudi Arabia and the UAE, the CSD sector has been noticeably shifting towards more novel, exciting and sophisticated flavour profiles. While traditional favourites maintain their stronghold, there is a subtle emerging interest in beverages with more nuanced taste profiles, hinting at a discerning young adult demographic. One great example is malt drinks. Having enjoyed longstanding popularity in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, they are now experiencing a resurgence with a modern twist. Inventive new flavours like coffee and pineapple are being integrated. This goes hand in hand with the trend towards tropical flavours across both categories: CSDs and ‘water plus’ drinks, and juice and juice drinks in the UAE and Oman. Pineapple, mango, pomegranate, coconut, kiwi and guava have emerged as favourites, highlighting a collective inclination for tropical, refreshing tastes that reflect the region’s taste preferences. Döhler’s portfolio includes malt extracts and natural flavours including tropical fruit. With comprehensive expertise in the development of beverage applications and deep knowledge of how flavours combine with other ingredients, Döhler works with its customers to formulate flavours tailored to individual needs and create multisensory experiences. www.doehler.com"},{"@ID":9

"7 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net NPE’s academic programme redesigned The Plastics Industry Association (Plastics) officially unveiled over 90 Educational Sessions for NPE 2024. The event is scheduled to take place from May 6-10, 2024, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, USA. The trade show is redefining the education experience for attendees through a new learning journey on key topics in the plastics industry, such as workforce development, circularity and artificial intelligence, among many others. Produced by Plastics, the educational program with more than 100 sessions total was designed to help businesses tackle the ever-changing challenges of the industry, with exclusive opportunities to gain insights from plastics experts around the world. Attendees with expo pass registrations will have access to over 75 education sessions on the show floor, located in the allnew Spark Stages. Highlighting advanced artificial intelligence applications, the future of plastics, business productivity & profitability, sustainability & advancement of the circular economy and more, attendees are encouraged to tailor their education schedules to meet their personal business needs. The three Spark Stages are as follows: Bottling Stage: Attendees will discover advancements in technologies for the beverage and non-food segments. Innovation Stage, sponsored by the Plastics Hall of Fame: Participants will witness the latest in electrification, Industry 4.0, thermoplastic alchemy, UV blockers, engineered thermoplastics and other exciting topics. Sustainability Stage: Explore how the entire plastics supply chain is developing solutions to improve efficiency, reduce materials loss, use less power and more. Off the show floor, NPE will host some of the industry’s biggest and brightest speakers including: Industry briefings featuring thought leaders in the automotive, building and construction, consumer goods, and medical and packaging industries. Comprehensive plastics industry briefing that will include timely business updates from every market segment, including global insights on the economic impact of plastics, market trends, future forecasts on recycling and a review of the Global Plastics Treaty. Market Trends sessions with insights into the U.S. recycled plastics industry, the future of polyethylene and polypropylene and other leading topics. To attend these new off-floor sessions, an Expo Plus registration is required to unlock Market Trends with Icis, while Expo Premier gives attendees complete access to tailored industry insights and on-demand post-show recordings. www.npe.org Indorama Ventures reports stable quarterly earnings Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (IVL), a global chemical producer, reported stable third-quarter earnings as the company’s management focuses on conserving cash and improving competitiveness to bolster performance in a continued period of weakness in the global chemical industry. Indorama Ventures achieved EBITDA of $324 million in 3Q23, an increase of 1% QoQ and a decline of 37% YoY, impacted by a weak economic environment, geopolitical tensions, and continued postpandemic disruptions in global markets. Sales volumes dropped 5% from a year ago to 3.6 million tons as China recovers from the pandemic more slowly than expected and an extended period of destocking in the manufacturing and chemical sectors continues to normalise from unprecedented levels last year. Management continues to focus on conserving cash, realising efficiency improvements, and optimising the company’s operational footprint to boost profitability. These efforts resulted in positive operating cash flow of US$410 million in the quarter, positive free cash flow of $79 million year to date, and room for further reductions in working capital going forward. The company’s AA- rating was maintained by TRIS in the quarter, with a stable outlook. The company expects the operating environment to improve in 2024 as customer destocking continues to ease across all three of Indorama Ventures’ segments. The ramp up of PET and fibres expansion projects operations in India and the U.S. will also contribute to increased volumes. Combined PET posted EBITDA of $146 million, a 25% decline QoQ, amid historically low benchmark PET margins, increased feedstock prices in Western markets, and lingering effects of destocking. www.indoramaventures.com Krones records strong growth in first three quarters of 2023 After a successful first half of the year, the third quarter of 2023 also went well for Krones. Although the overall economic outlook has clouded over, the company’s international customers in the food and beverage industry continue to show high levels of market activity and willingness to invest. This reflects the fact that demand for packaged beverages is robust to economic cycles and continues to grow at a steady rate. In the third quarter of 2023, order intake improved by 4.3% on the previous quarter to €1,327.7 million (Q3 2022: 1,493.3 million). Krones’ revenue developed well between January and September, despite the tight supply of electrical components, rising by 14.5% to €3,485.6 million. The company improved profitability in a challenging environment in the first three quarters of 2023. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) went up by 23.0% to €332.3 million. The EBITDA margin rose to 9.5% (previous year: 8.9%). Krones confirms its full-year guidance for 2023. The Executive Board expects revenue growth of 11% to 13%. In addition, the company aims to further improve profitability and forecasts an EBITDA margin of 9% to 10% in 2023. For return on capital employed (ROCE), Krones expects an increase to between 15% and 17%. Krones received €4,113.6 million in new orders in the first nine months of 2023 (previous year: €4,599.7 million). The sustained strong demand for Krones products and services is also reflected in the order backlog. Despite higher output, the contract value of orders exceeded the €4 billion mark for the first time in the third quarter of 2023. At the end of September 2023, the order backlog stood at €4,094.4 million, up 18.7% on the already very high prioryear figure (€3,449.0 million). This comfortable order backlog is claimed to ensure production capacity utilisation in plant and project business through to 2025. www.krones.com"},{"@ID":22

"MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 20 viscoZERO – processing PP, PE, PET & PS! ZERO contamination. ZERO odour. ZERO limits. foodgrade without compromise viscoZERO Upgrade your existing recycling plant with viscoZERO technology. Sustainable material credits can be allocated to output materials, as long as the net proportions of material characteristics are preserved. These materials must be accompanied by a certificate (sustainability declaration) that provides information about their sourcing and sustainability profile. What are the certifications used for mass balance approach? International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) plus – This system aims to support the bioeconomy and circular economy, e.g. through reduction, reuse and recycling, which will reduce the negative impact on natural resources and climate emissions. It is governed by the ISCC system, which is based on a multistakeholder approach. Redcert – It offers certification schemes for sustainable biomass, biofuels and bioliquids (Redcert-EU) and for sustainable agricultural raw materials and biomass for material purposes (Redcert2). Their uniform approach makes it possible to certify different raw materials with a single audit that applies to all economic operators in the value chain. Although Redcert focuses mainly on Germany and Europe, it promotes sustainability in all these sectors. Ecoloop certification – This system uses elements of the EN ISO 14021:2016, TÜV Süd CMS 71, EuCertPlast and RAL UZ 30a standards. It certifies products that contribute to the circular economy and promote wastebased plastics. It therefore focuses on recycled plastics and is more limited in scope than the other certification schemes included. It is regulated by the company’s ecological cycle. The RSB standard for advanced products – It is part of a set of standards, procedures and guidance used by manufacturers to demonstrate compliance with RSB principles and criteria and to achieve best-in-class certification. It applies specifically to manufacturers of non-energy products. www.specialchem.com"},{"@ID":2


"EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 10 PETplanet’s Editour project enters the next round The Middle East Road Show begins by Rangoli Gupta, Euromonitor International and Kay Barton, PETplanet Late autumn is just the right moment for the start of our Middle East Road Show, the new PETplanet Editour project for 2023-2024. This time, several editors will be visiting our readers along the PET chain in Egypt, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to shed light on the local characteristics, trends and developments in the beverage and packaging industries in this part of the world. What drives this dynamic region, where tradition and religion go hand in hand with modernity and consumer purchasing power, and what does this mean for the beverage and packaging industry? What are the flavour and rehydration trends in the different countries? What role do sustainability and recycling play? What are the logistical and technological challenges of production, food shelf life and food safety in extreme climates? What are the requirements for packaged beverages in urban centres compared to rural areas? How can target groups be addressed? To discuss all these points, we will be meeting with small and medium-sized players as well as multinational market leaders. Our journey will begin with a visit to the United Arab Emirates, followed by Saudi Arabia. As an introduction to these markets, we asked Mrs Rangoli Gupta, Research Associate at Euromonitor International, to give a brief overview of the current beverage and PET situation. prices and limited availability of packaging materials such as aluminium, metal, and rPET. Price spikes in energy, labour shortages, and transportation issues have impacted both soft drink manufacturers and consumers, leading to higher unit prices and prompting a re-evaluation of choices and priorities. Soft drinks face a potential perception of being non-essential due to global inflation, necessitating convenient and cost-effective packaging. Flexible aluminium/plastic and PET bottles are anticipated to witness higher demand post-2022 due to their ease of manufacturing, storage, and affordability. The ongoing decline in cola carbonate sales, attributed to the association with unhealthy lifestyles, is expected to persist, affecting the growth of metal beverage cans in the forecast period as they are the most prominent pack type with 68% share in Saudi Arabia and 72% share in UAE in 2022. Ain Water launches (rPET) bottles made from 100% recyclable material In the United Arab Emirates, there is a growing consumer inclination Rangoli Gupta, Research Associate at Euromonitor International EDITOUR Kuwait Egypt Qatar Global supply chain challenges of 2022 ripple through the soft drink industry, impacting costs and consumer choices In 2022, widespread supply chain challenges emerged, driven not only by the enduring effects of the pandemic but also by the Russia-Ukraine war and environmental concerns of the carbon footprint associated with transport. These challenges encompass elevated costs for ingredients like sugar, sweeteners, and coffee, along with increased"},{"@ID":14

"COMPRESSORS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 12 Consistent reliability in challenging climate environments by Gabriele Kosmehl Following the company’s 150th anniversary celebrations in 2020, Atelier Francois has another milestone to celebrate: Fifteen years ago, the renowned oil-free compressor manufacturer extended its reach into the Middle East. Their venture, located in the Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone in Dubai, initially targeted the “traditional” Greater Middle-East. However, in 2019, AF elevated its commitment by becoming the owner of its own facilities, strategically positioned to serve the Greater Middle East, Eastern Africa, and the five Stan countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan). Today, the company claims to cover around 85% of the compressor demand in the Middle East and African PET beverage market. Visitors to the AF Compressors stand at the Gulfood Manufacturing Food Tech Manufacturing Event, held in Dubai November 7-9, 2023 were well aware of what they sought: a reliable compressor for the beverage and food sector, capable of handling challenging climatic conditions. Resistance to high temperatures, temperature fluctuations, humidity, and dust is paramount for a smooth and troublefree manufacturing process but pose significant challenges to the manufacturing equipment. To present their range of durable solutions, the company doubled its stand space this year to welcome with its entire team visitors from around the globe, in addition to the MENA region. AF’s emphasis focuses on customers themselves being able to carry out simple maintenance and repair tasks. The company provides a 24/7 service in case of any issues. Georges Alard, Commercial Director AF Group, affirms, “Piston compressors can go on for decades with the correct maintenance regime.” While highlighting the longevity of their compressors, the company recommends a system audit after ten years to explore improvement options. AF offers various retrofitting options, showcasing its dedication to sustainability and efficiency. This approach finds expression in the company’s new slogan: “Efficiency in Sobriety” which was promoted at the Dubai fair. Oil free two-stage piston compressor (OPC) A significant focus at Gulfood Manufacturing was on two-stage compressors, recently re-designed for enhanced energy efficiency. In the face of rising energy costs, these solutions are positioned as efficient to operate. Branded as the OPC range, the oil-free compressors can operate in the standard 7-10 bar industrial range, with options for 3-15 bar units catering to specialised applications. Key features of the low-pressure units include a 15% reduction in energy costs compared to former models and a 50% reduction in maintenance costs. www.afcompressors.com COMPRESSORS The AF Middle East team AF Middle East’s premises in the Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone Dubai AF Compressors had doubled its booth space at this year’s Gulfood Manufacturing trade show."},{"@ID":43

"COMPRESSORS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 14 Advancements in heat recovery, refrigerant dryers, and intelligent network control Maximising efficiency Complementing their PET compressor range, Boge is launching three new product lines. Using its heat recovery technology, 94% of energy can be reclaimed, according to the company, whilst their sustainable refrigerant dryers ensure constant dew points. Finally, Boge’s Airtelligence Provis 3 offers intelligent network control. Heat recovery regenerates 94% of the energy used Heat recovery means reusing the energy used to generate the compressed air. Instead of being lost as undirected ambient heat, the energy generated is used to heat storage and operating areas or for heating water or oils. Concrete application areas include the treatment of drinking water, service water, heating water and process water. The latter is used for industrial washing processes, for example in recycling companies to clean plastic and synthetic materials as well as in laundrettes. Components can be used to recover heat in both oil-injection cooled and oil-free screw compressors. For users, heat recovery is a profitable model: Up to 94% of the energy used can be recovered. At the same time, the energy for cooling processes within the compressor is reduced as the heat generated is conducted away and used elsewhere. The investment in heat recovery components pays for itself within a few months, depending on the application, says Boge. The option of heat recovery is included in all new compressors of the company as standard. Older systems – including those of other manufacturers – can be retrofitted within a day. Refrigerant dryers for sustainable, reliable operations No compressor without a refrigerant dryer – dry compressed air is required for almost any situation. In addition to the existing DS-2 series, Boge has launched a new range of products. All the models in the new DT series ensure a constant dew point of 3 °C at a free air delivery of between 0.4 and 14m³/min. With this strategy, the compressed air system is claimed to ensure maximum delivery capability for its customers. As with the All models are claimed to be lowconsumption. As the Boge CCD ten condensate drain used in the dryer has electronic level adjustment, any condensate that might form can be drained off without any pressure losses once a defined level has been reached. The DT 52 to DT 140 models offer additional savings potential: if the dew point is reached in partial-load operation, the control unit automatically switches off the compressor. The condensate in the heat exchanger then cools the compressed air until the dew point once again reaches the target value. Only once this happens does the cooling compressor come back on. The refrigerant dryer’s control system permits continuous monitoring of the pressure and temperature thanks to a series of sensors. Unlike with the DS-2 series where a pressure switch disconnects the system in case of an emergency, in these new devices, the sensors take over the job. The pressure dew point can be quickly checked with the help of the LED status light. The new refrigerant dryers also come with a Modbus RTU/ RS 485 interface as standard, allowCOMPRESSORS DS-2 series, the DT series refrigerant dryers all come with an “all-in-one” aluminium heat exchanger operated in a reverse flow process and containing a proven air/air heat exchanger, evaporator and condensate drain. Boge says that both models use the environmentally friendly and futureproof R 513 A refrigerant, with low global warming potential, as standard, making all the models compliant with Regulation EU 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases. The refrigerant circuit is hermetically sealed, rendering a leakage test by certified refrigeration engineer unnecessary. The hot gas/bypass valve present in all models keeps the pressure dew point at a constant 3 °C, even in changing environmental conditions. As hot air is injected below a specific temperature, there is no danger of ice forming in the evaporator. And, in addition, the refrigerant dryer’s condensers are amply dimensioned, delivering reliable operation even for compressed air at an inlet temperature of 70 °C. The large fan is mounted directly on the condenser and is intended to ensure maximum cooling air flow, which in turn has a positive effect on the pressure dew point. As a result, the refrigerant dryer is robust and continues to operate even under challenging circumstances. Refrigerant dryers DT series"},{"@ID":49

"1 The worldwide round trip with The Middle East Roadshow PET world in the Middle East In a spectacular project taking us well into 2024, we will be travelling in a wide variety of ways to various countries and regions of the Middle East with different mobile editors. There we will interview machine manufacturers, the supply industry, bottle and beverage producers, as well as PET recyclers and everyone involved in the process chain. What market-specific trends are there now or will arise in the future? What developments and technologies are in vogue on the consumer and plant construction site in some of the hottest regions of the world? What special requirements are there? What role do topics such as food safety, shelf life and sustainability play in PET packaging and how are companies preparing themselves for the coming years? This, and much more we will be discussing face-to-face with all the key players and then our results will be presented to you in a series of must-read reports in PETplanet Insider. Please join on this enchanting voyage to the world of PET in the Middle East. We look forward to welcoming you on board! Our previous Road Shows at a glance 2010-2011-2012-2013-2014-2015- 2016-2017-2018-2019-2020-2022 Interested in being visited? [email protected] Autumn 2023 - 2024 EDITOUR - THE MIDDLE EAST ROADSHOW 6 countries numerous interviews with PET companies Sponsors to date Editour"},{"@ID":32

"TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 30 Quality control of the labelling, the neck finish and the thread Intravis, known in the field of inspection solutions for plastic packaging, presented itself successfully at this year’s Fakuma. The Aachen-based company exhibited a typical IMLWatcher at its own booth and a partner booth. However, the highlight of the trade show was a new solution for the use of IML for medical products, which Intravis presented together with four partners. Arburg, MCC Verstraete, Kebo, Beck Automation and Intravis attracted a lot of attention at the trade show with their system for the production and quality control of medical tubes, as this was the first time such a solution for a medical IML application had been presented. Intravis said that the main advantages of using IML labels for medical products are: A production process with maximum precision, the security of tamper-proof products, minimisation of unhygienic influences, exact traceability of production chains, and easy recycling. Intravis developed an IMLWatcher specially for this application to ensure 100% quality control of the labelling, the neck finish and the thread. In addition to the inspection of the presence of the label, this also included the detection of contaminations, blowbyes and label offset. “Only minimal deviations can have far-reaching consequences in the medical sector, which is why an exact inspection as offered by our IMLWatcher is particularly necessary here,” reports Malte Westermann, International Sales Manager Medical at Intravis. Over the course of the trade fair, several thousand visitors have seen the application, showing that there is a clear interest in this new approach. IMLWatcher also for other applications At its own booth, Intravis presented an IMLWatcher integrated into a handling robot of Beck Automation. The system inspected the 360° label of a pail with just one camera. The pail was checked in any rotational position for typical inspection criteria: Label presence and identity, correct positioning of the label, print-to-cut and artwork offset, print errors on the artwork, contamination and typical IML defects such as blow by and errors at the label joint. Another IMLWatcher at Netstal At the booth of Netstal Maschinen AG, the IMLWatcher was also integrated into a robot handling of Beck Automation. With its ten cameras, the system inspected cups out of four cavities. In addition to a comprehensive 360° inspection of the in-mould label and a quality control of the inside of the cup for contamination and blow by, this IMLWatcher also demonstrated special software functionalities. These included a long-term image memory, extended cavity statistics, a warning threshold if a tolerance range is predictably exceeded and an extended user administration. Janina Orlowski, Group Leader Product Management & PR at Intravis, summarises the trade show for Intravis as follows: “We are completely satisfied with our appearance at Fakuma. We were able to show that our IMLWatcher is the ideal choice for all those who are looking for a solution for their IML production line that is specifically tailored towards IML-typical defects. Furthermore, the project in the medical sector has received great interest, making us certain that our IMLWatcher will have a successful future here.” Intravis has already announced that they are planning to participate at next year’s Fakuma as well. www.intravis.com"},{"@ID":27

"MARKET SURVEY 25 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net Gneuss Kunststofftechnik GmbH Amut SpA Boretech Environmental Engineering Co.,Ltd. Mönichhusen 42, 32549 Bad Oeynhausen, Germany +49 5731 5307 0 www.gneuss.com Via Cameri 16, Novara (NO), Italy +39 0321 6641 www.amut.it Mr Giovanni Cattaneo Sales Manager Director +39 0321 664943 [email protected] No.888, Jiuliting Avenue, Caoqiao Street, Pinghu, Zhejiang, China +86 573 85120 186 www.bo-re-tech.com Mr Alan Ou Vice General Manager +86 573 85136 190 [email protected], [email protected] Yes Mixed loose plastics Yes Sorted plastic bales Up to 150,000 5,000-10,000 Depending on design, layout 1,000-20,000 Not necessary 25-55 kWh/t ~100 When and if required No Patented delabelling machine No From third party Depends on vendor's effi ciency (approx. 90 - 95%) Yes Collected pressed bottles, fl akes, various colours Yes, high purity fl akes Hot washed clear fl akes From 7,000-55,000 3,000-57,000 Depending on design, layout Depeding on design, 800-4,500 PET = 1.1 m³/t - PO 3.0 m³/t ~1,5 90-110 kWh/t ~180 PET, PP, HD-PE, LD-PE PET / HDPE / LDPE / PP / PS Patented friction washer Flakes Flakes, coloured proportion max 5%, not much chlorine Pellets Flakes or pellets 200-17,000 8,000-36,000 30-80, depending on size 300-500, depeding on design FDA, Efsa, Inti, brand owners (conf.) Flakes and granulates with FDAApproval  350 Yes, depending on design Yes, depenwding on design Pelletising & SSP: 98kWh Pelletising & SSP: 10-15Nm³ Pelletising & SSP: 5m³ NaOH (2-3kg/t output), and brand detergent (1-1.5 l/t output) Yes Yes, 2-3kg/t output Yes CHT, 1-3 l/t fl akes output Yes Yes, depending on customer demand and process No Yes, 5-10 l/h, depeding on bottle bales condition Water fi ltration up to 1 μm Yes, but only continuos process, no batches IV 0.70→ 0.86dL/g, SSP 12-16h for pellets, 4-6h for fl akes Yes, mainly thermoforming sheet lines in direct food contact Yes Yes, several lines under operation worldwide Yes Yes, one stop solution from post-consumer bottles to PSF, POY and FDY Yes, several lines under operation worldwide No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Shall we? %X 7%'1- TEVXRIVWLMT MW JSVIZIV  Choose everlasting excellence for your tethered cap production plant. With SACMI ]SYƅPP ƼRH E JYXYVI VIEH] WSPYXMSR XLEXƅW  designed to stand the test of time. sacmi.com E N D L E S S I N N O V A T I O N S I N C E 1 9 1 9"},{"@ID":1

"No.12 2023 www.petpla.net D 51178; ISSN: 1438-9452 04 . 12 . 23 MAGAZ I NE FOR BOT T L E R S AND BOT T L E - MAK E R S IN THE AMER ICAS, AS IA, EUROPE AND AL L AROUND THE PLANET PETplanet is read in 159 countries MARKETsurvey Suppliers of recycling plants and washing units Page 23 Compressors Editour The Middle East Roadshow Page 12 Page 10"},{"@ID":33

"PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 31 TRADE SHOW REVIEW Digital and sustainable rigid packaging On October 18 and 19, November 2023, Sacmi Imola hosted Green & Digital, a global networking event to discuss the sector’s present and future prospects. With contributions from international experts, focusing on the main technological and market trends, with an in-depth look at new solutions and services developed in Sacmi departments and laboratories. 250 registered participants from 60 countries joined the event. On the morning of Wednesday, October 18, visitors attended lectures in the Auditorium, focusing on the main market trends and the profound changes that digitalisation is bringing to the men and machines involved in manufacturing. There were some practical demonstrations on the advantages of digitalisation in the manufacture of caps and preforms. Examples of technologies, new products and services, such as the new Sacmi Smart Pack and Smart Care, were presented live from the Sacmi workshop. Smart Pack hardware and software are designed to ensure fast, precise action in the production process. Sacmi said that for example on a CCM, Smart Pack has the following effect: a significantly shorter dose insertion adjustment time, lower preventive maintenance costs for the hydraulic system, and a longer mould lifespan through effective prevention of condensation. It also prevents problems caused by coolant mixture decay and identifies any loading of an incorrect resin. With a user friendly HMI the operator has an inline product -and process control with a self-adjusting feature to ensure production stability. Smart Care is an in-cloud IOT platform that performs continuous, in-depth medium-term health checks of machines. Sacmi said that it increases the machine performance thanks to precise info on conditions. The precise operating data ensures that necessary maintenance work is carried out at the right time to guarantee minimum downtime. In the afternoon, customers visited the production areas. At five different stations, customers learned about process and quality controls, in particular the production and testing departments of the caps and preform presses, the computer vision systems development lines, and the technological laboratory. The control and vision system Classy-AI for caps and preforms was presented. Classy-AI is the CVS22 Artificial Intelligence platform that classifies detected defects and displays them in a user-friendly way, simplifying correction of any process drifts. The system is available on every Sacmi cap quality control system. Applied to the PVS preform quality control range, the system accurately classifies defects by family, allowing the worker to quickly trace the source of the problem. The rigid packaging and beverage lab can simulate how an object will perform and produce a 3D prototype. The process continues with the mould design and the making of the actual product, which is certified after passing strict approval protocols. Every step to develop a new product is accompanied by the Lab. Sacmi has test protocols for the most important beverage brands, such as Coca-Cola. In the IPS manufacturing department an IPS 300 injection preform system was presented. It benefits from an internal cooling system (Cool+ postcooler) which is claimed to ensure fast lock-to-lock and cycle times. The IPS 300 can operate with 24-cavity moulds for 48mm necks, 96-cavity for 30mm necks and 128-cavity (MHT nano-pitch patent) for 26/22mm necks. Three different plasticising unit sizes are available: 625hg/h, 900kg/h and 1225kg/h. The second day was held entirely in Sacmi Imola’s 1919 Auditorium and took a practical look at technological developments that are functional from the 3Rs perspective (reduce, reuse, recycle). At the heart of Sacmi’s strategy for years, this approach has translated into the development of increasingly lightweight, high-performance caps and preforms, saving energy and raw materials. The company has also conducted advanced research into new materials, such as new cellulose-based biopolymers. Generally, the solutions offered are capable of accompanying the customer in the transition, such as technologies for the adaptation of plants to the production of tethered caps. The presence of international guests, including brand owners, converters, and representatives of organisations specialising in market analysis, reinforced the inclusive nature of the initiative, conceived by Sacmi to facilitate a common approach to the new challenges affecting the entire supply chain, from cap and preform manufacturers to bottlers and regulatory authorities. “What we are facing,” noted Sacmi President Paolo Mongardi, “are epochal transformations. We are talking about the environment, our common home, but also about digital, a tool that pervades our lives and that we can use to our advantage to improve process efficiency, product quality, and sustainability. As always, our main focus is on technology, and we are proud, once again, of the prompt and broad response from our international customers and partners. Our aim is to provide the right stimulus to tackle common challenges and projects together.” www.sacmi.com"},{"@ID":19

"No.12 2023 www.petpla.net D 51178; ISSN: 1438-9452 04 . 12 . 23 MAGAZ I NE FOR BOT T L E R S AND BOT T L E - MAK E R S IN THE AMER ICAS, AS IA, EUROPE AND AL L AROUND THE PLANET PETplanet is read in 159 countries MARKETsurvey Suppliers of recycling plants and washing units Page 23 Compressors Editour The Middle East Roadshow Page 12 Page 10"},{"@ID":48

"OUTER PLANET 46 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net OUTER PLANET Sonopress and SK Chemicals agree on cooperation in the fi eld of 100% recycled PET for the EcoRecord long-playing record Is PET the new vinyl? Storage media manufacturer Sonopress has developed a new form of long-playing record that is claimed to reduce the environmental impact of the manufacturing process. Neither natural gas nor steam are needed to press the discs, and in test operations the energy savings were up to 85% compared to the conventional process. For the production of the novel “EcoRecord” LP, PET is used as the base material instead of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The use of 100% recycled PET is also possible. This allows a significant reduction in carbon emissions. EcoRecord LP has been developed jointly by Sonopress and SK Chemicals. Sonopress and SK Chemicals are cooperating in the production of music long-playing records made from 100% recycled materials. SK Chemicals announced that it has used 100% of its recycled PET (CR-PET) for Sonopress’ new EcoRecord long-playing records. The term CR refers to “Circular Recycling” or “Chemical Recycling” technology, which is claimed to enable infinite reuse by breaking down plastic waste to the molecular level and reprocessing it back into raw materials while maintaining high-value physical properties and safety. Sonopress’ EcoRecords was jointly developed by SK Chemicals and its long-term strategic international distribution partner Biesterfeld Plastic, after signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Sonopress. By using PET-CR in the music records, the companies say, greenhouse gas emissions can be significantly reduced compared to the previous petroleum-based vPET, which meets the needs of consumers who prefer environmentally friendly products. Accordingly, Sonopress plans to expand the use of SK Chemicals’ PET-CR to other product groups. In addition to Sonopress applications, SK Chemicals is using the CR material for Jeju Samdasoo’s RE:Born - the first bottled water in South Korea to apply chemical recycling - and has launched the “6°C Eco Toothbrush” with recycled materials in collaboration with KNK, a company specialising in toothbrushes. The company is also expanding the scope of recycled materials by launching textiles made of recycled materials developed in collaboration with environmentally friendly social enterprises such as “Art Impact” and “Project 1907”. Eung-soo Kim, Executive Vice President and Head of SK Chemicals’ Green Material Business, said, “In March, we acquired assets related to the recyclable recycled PET raw materials business in Shuye, China, and established SK Shantou to lay the foundation for a stable supply of recycled plastic raw materials.” Sven Deutschmann, CEO of Sonopress, explained, “The test series were so encouraging that we have given the green light for extensive investment in the construction of an initial pilot line in the twelveinch LP format. Life cycle analyses have shown that we can significantly reduce emissions of climate-damaging CO2 with our new process.” EcoRecord-LP is produced on a new injection moulding machine with a contact pressure of up to 300 t. Together with other necessary special moulds and additional equipment, also developed entirely by Sonopress, the production line was completed in just a few months. It uses the same injection moulding process that has been used for decades to produce LaserDiscs, CDs, DVDs and other digital storage media. The company’s experts have spent the past two years working intensively on novel production methods for records and on the use of alternative materials. The launch of EcoRecord comes at a time when the global vinyl market continues to grow. According to the IFPI, sales increased by 17.1% in 2022, the third consecutive year of double-digit growth. www.sonopress.de www.skchemicals.com From left to right: Daniel Fischer, Product Manager Biesterfeld Plastic, Sven Deutschmann, CEO Sonopress, Eungsoo Kim, Executive Vice President & Head of Green Materials Business SK Chemicals and Sean Lee, Managing Director SK Chemicals Germany"},{"@ID":34

"TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 32 Cap processing for food-safe HDPE Gneuss celebrates 40 years by Alexander Büchler Gneuss celebrated 40 years of its existence with a huge ceremony at the Imperial Palace in the spa gardens of Bad Oeynhausen, Germany. For 40 years now, the Gneuss family has been working with melt filters and extruders for the plastics industry. One focus is the processing of waste plastics for the packaging industry, especially for contact with food. To mark the festivities, the company presented for the first time a food-safe processing method for plastic caps made of HDPE. The recycling and decontamination of PET is common practice throughout the industry. In contrast to the most widespread solid-state polymerisation (SSP), where solid plastic pieces like flakes or granulate are degassed and polymerised to the desired IV through cycles of vacuum and temperature lasting many hours, Gneuss works with the Multi Rotation Extrusion System (MRS) that they developed themselves. One North American customer alone has six bottle-to-bottle systems installed. Now, during the inhouse event, Gneuss showcased a new concept in which a twin-screw extruder is coupled in front of the MRS extruder. This separates the degassing process in the MRS extruder from plastification, a benefit for certain input materials such as high-viscous materials like HDPE. Typical applications include the closed-loop recycling of HDPE bottle caps, HDPE milk bottles or LDPE waste and mixtures of different polymers. Gneuss has various international food approvals granted and pending that confirm the high cleaning efficiency (super-clean) of the MRS technology. In the example of the defined waste stream of drink bottle caps, a food-safe HDPE is created from which new caps for drinks can be made. www.gneuss.com The starting product is recycled HDPE for drinks caps The MRS extruder is based on the conventional single-screw extruder, but is equipped with a multiple screw section, for optimum devolatilisation. The polymer melt is delivered into a large single-screw drum. The drum contains several small extruder barrels, parallel to the main screw axis. Installed in these small extruder barrels are the “satellite” screws, which are driven by a ring gear in the main barrel. Depending on the design, this section is under vacuum of 25 mbar or, if required by the application, of 1 mbar. On this basis, Gneuss has developed a system that manufactures food-safe material from defined plastic waste streams. This includes PS, PP and PET for bottle-to-bottle applications. Maxing at 5 minutes, the dwell time in the MRS extruder is very short, and quality fluctuations in the waste streams can be corrected immediately. Depending on the specific system configuration and the feed stream, this results in consistent FDA quality, even if non-food packaging is present in the waste stream."},{"@ID":47

"45 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net BUYERS GUIDE Contact us Ask for your individual offer – call +49-6221-65108-0 or mail to [email protected] 1 Line = 3,2 mm Example: 1,888.– EUR/year PETplanet Insider Hubweg 15 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany Tel. +49-6221-65108-0 Fax +49-6221-65108-28 [email protected] www.petpla.net 32 mm 6.3 Line Conversion Packaging and Preform Engineering, Moulds and Line Conversion Tel: +33 (0)5 45 36 63 50 [email protected] [email protected] 7.0 USED MACHINERY T +44 (0) 1254 584210 T +34 676 986962 (SPAIN) E [email protected] www.petmachinery.com Torus Measurement Systems Tel: +44 1952 210 020 [email protected] www.torus-group.com Torus Americas, Inc Tel: +1 303 384 0279 [email protected] 6.2 Design and Prototyping Locations in the US and Europe [email protected] [email protected] www.pti-usa.com Bottle and preform engineering rPET flakes and Hot fill solutions Training on Blow Moulding technologies (ISBM, SBM, EBM) www.gs4plastic.com BUYER´S GUIDE ENTRY - Print & Online Pricing Example: Placement in 10 issues plus online banner Pricing height (mm) x 5.90EUR x 10 Example 32mm=1,888 .00EUR/year Who’s Who in the PET market Stay permanently listed! Online in the corresponding news category and in the magazine’s Buyer’s Guide with your company logo and contact information."},{"@ID":5

"imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Hubweg 15 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany phone: +49 6221-65108-0 [email protected] EDITORIAL Kay Barton Heike Fischer Gabriele Kosmehl Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Anthony Withers Editorial & WikiPETia. info [email protected] MEDIA CONSULTANTS Martina Hirschmann [email protected] Johann Lange-Brock [email protected] phone: +49 6221-65108-0 LAYOUT AND PREPRESS EXPRIM Werbeagentur Matthias Gaumann www.exprim.de READER SERVICES [email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck Eine Unternehmung der Limberg-Druck GmbH Danziger Platz 6 67059 Ludwigshafen, Germany WWW www.hbmedia.net | www.petpla.net PETplanet Insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trademarks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net Dear readers, The year is drawing to a close and it’s time to look back. We have summarised the information on the commodity price index from our PETplanet Pulse newsletter for you: It has not been a success story for PET producers in Europe. Even though 2023 is not yet over, neither PET producers nor most of their customers will be able to look back on a successful financial year. The start in January was already rather difficult for producers, as many customers had already stocked up on low-priced PET from Asia in the previous year. In addition, the number of contracts signed also declined, which in turn led to planning uncertainty for producers. As a result, almost all PET producers have reduced capacity in recent months and shut down individual production lines to save costs. After rather subdued demand, demand only picked up again in July. Over the course of 2023, producers continued to struggle with energy prices that were still too high compared to 2021, which drove costs up further. In 2023, high inflation, which was particularly noticeable in beverage sales, also had an impact on the coffers of market participants. Over the course of the year, the PET price fell from around € 1,210 per tonne to around € 1,090 per tonne in the period from January to October despite high production costs. European PET should therefore be attractively priced in particular for customers who stocked up with Asian PET in 2022. The prices of feedstock have seen fewer major fluctuations in recent months. If you would also like to receive the monthly report, please write to [email protected] or subscribe directly online under “Subscribe to PETplanet Insider” on www.petpla.net. With best wishes for a successful start to the coming year! Yours Alexander Büchler"},{"@ID":13

"EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 11 towards sustainability, with individuals actively seeking eco-friendly packaging options. Soft drinks manufacturers are responding to this trend by exploring ways to enhance the sustainability of their packaging to meet consumer expectations. In 2022, Agthia made a significant announcement about the introduction of a new water bottle for its Al Ain Water brand, crafted from rPET. This initiative marked a pioneering effort by a local company and followed the company’s previous launch of water bottles made entirely from plant materials in 2020. Agthia’s introduction of rPET bottles aligns with its commitment to transitioning towards a circular economy. Additionally, the company entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Veolia Middle East subsidiary Repeet and Bee’ah to facilitate the manufacturing, collection, and recycling of rPET. This collaboration involves the establishment of a new 40,000m2 facility in Abu Dhabi, with an annual recycling capacity of 12,000 t of PET. The initiative aligns with the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology’s decision to regulate the use of recycled plastic bottles in the circulation of bottled drinking water. United Arab Emirates-based Coffee Planet launches ecofriendly coffee capsules The beverage packaging industry has witnessed innovations, such as the introduction of eco-friendly coffee capsules. As the trend of on-thego coffee consumption rises, coffee capsules offer a convenient and customisable solution for quick coffee preparation. However, a significant drawback is the non-biodegradability of many coffee capsules in the market, contributing to environmental concerns, particularly among the growing number of roasteries in the United Arab Emirates. Addressing this issue, Coffee Planet, based in the UAE, has launched 100% biodegradable and compostable coffee capsules. These capsules, crafted from vegetable-based materials, not only maintain product quality but also readily break down after use. Additionally, Coffee Planet has committed to planting a tree through the Eden Reforestation Project for every eco-capsule sold, demonstrating its dedication to sustainability. PET bottles dominate still bottled water packaging in Saudi Arabia as glass remains a niche choice for premium brands Still bottled water remains the biggest category in the Saudi Arabian soft drinks industry, accounting for more than half of the overall packaging unit volumes. This category dominates the usage of PET bottles in Saudi Arabian soft drinks market. With still bottled water expected to continue growing in the coming years, this also means a positive growth trajectory is expected for PET bottles over the forecast period. Glass is regarded as a sustainable packaging option, often chosen by premium juice and nectar brands Egypt Saudi Arabia Kuwait Qatar Oman United Arab Emirates 6 countries numerous interviews with PET companies Oman Saudi Arabia for its association with superior quality, reflecting positively on the product’s perceived quality. Despite ongoing growth, glass is anticipated to remain a relatively minor packaging choice compared to PET bottles and metal beverage cans. Factors contributing to this include the increasing costs of raw materials and logistics, given that glass is more expensive to produce and challenging to transport due to its susceptibility to breakage. Sustainable initiatives by other companies Companies are increasingly moving towards more sustainable packaging in order to keep up with the increasingly environmentally conscious consumers. Vimto Squash launched a “widely recycled” claim on its 1-litre PET bottles in liquid concentrates. Pearl Royal followed a similar strategy for its coconut water, with its coconut-shaped twin packs of 310 ml carrying three-step “how to recycle me” instructions on the packaging. Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 supports the sustainability drive and companies, including Almarai and Nestlé, have officially pledged to support this commitment in terms of packaging. www.euromonitor.com United Arab Emirates"},{"@ID":21

"MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net 19 scalability and standards to be met, a certification scheme should be chosen that best suits the company. A plan or MVP should be outlined for a system that will enable the company to maintain a reliable record for the chosen certification. A certification body must be found to carry out the audit for the certification of the site(s) and product(s). A practical timetable for implementation must be established, taking into account the operational changes and auditing steps required. What is the checklist to consider for its quick implementation? To ensure the proper implementation of the mass balance approach, there are several certification schemes, all aimed at maintaining its integrity. Although these systems have different frameworks, what they have in common is that they require comprehensive documentation and reporting of material inputs and outputs. Establishing a robust documentation and reporting system is crucial to maintain trust in the mass balance approach. According to ISO 22095:2020, an accounting system must be employed to track the flow of materials throughout the process where the mass balance approach is applied (excluding energy sources). To ensure the credibility of the material allocation process, an independent third party, often a certification body, must conduct an audit. This includes verifying the accounting system, materials used, and reporting procedures. Periodic reporting is essential to maintain continuous compliance. The overall balance, ensuring that output credits do not exceed input credits, must be reported regularly within the designated accounting period. When trading materials between companies, sustainability declarations are required."},{"@ID":8

"PETnews 6 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 12/23 www.petpla.net Packaging specialist Alpla is investing in Morocco and planning expansion By acquiring a majority stake in the packaging company Atlantic Packaging and establishing a joint venture with the previous sole owner Diana Holding, theAlpla Group is expanding its presence in North Africa. In addition to PET preforms for the beverage industry for the regional markets in the Maghreb and for Western Africa, Alpla Morocco also produces plastic pallets by injection moulding and packaging films by extrusion at its modern plant in Tangier. Currently, the site employs 32 people. Alpla Morocco’s preform capacity has already been tripled in 2023 by two additional preform production lines. In the coming years, the company intends to increase the portfolio of the Moroccan site through further local activities, potentially including bottle and closure production. This initiative aims to establish the groundwork for growth and sustainable packaging solutions in the North Western African Region. In addition to its packaging subsidiary, Diana Holding is primarily active in the agro-industrial sector. Through this joint venture, the family-run group is claimed to strengthen its packaging division, which was founded in 2007, by capitalising on its substantial bottling experience garnered over nearly 50 years as the former Coca-Cola Company bottler in the northern region of Morocco. The approximately 12,000m2 plant in the free trade zone of Tangier is to be expanded in stages over the coming years. More than 20,000m2 of space is available for future expansion. In the first stage, Alpla Morocco has tripled its production capacity from the current 100 million preforms to around 300 million units per year. To this end, the company is investing in two new PET preform production lines. www.alpla.com Industry-NGO coalition calls on MEPs to support mandatory DRS in the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Ahead of the plenary vote on the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), Natural Mineral Waters Europe (NMWE), The Minderoo Foundation, The Reloop Platform, Unesda Soft Drinks Europe and Zero Waste Europe call on Members of the European Parliament to reject any amendment aiming at turning the mandatory setting up of Deposit Refund Systems (DRS) into a voluntary measure. If adopted, the coalition says, those amendments would considerably reduce the level of ambition of the PPWR regarding the collection and recycling of beverage packaging. As recognised by the European Commission in its proposal, and by the ENVI Committee in its report adopted in October, DRS have a key role to play in achieving a circular economy for beverage packaging. European countries with long-established DRS usually report collection rates up to 95% and countries that have recently implemented DRS (Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Malta) already see high collection rates, going up to 90%. Given current collection performances in other parts of the EU, many member states are unlikely to achieve their EU collection targets without setting up a DRS. As an example, in France, where many advocate against a mandatory DRS, research shows a 60% collection rate for PET bottles, with limited ability to get to the 77% requested by the EU SUP Directive by 2025. The absence of well-performing collection schemes in every single member state would jeopardise the EU recycling and recycled content targets, so the concern. Indeed, DRS have delivered high collection rates for beverage packaging in countries where they are in place, they also have the benefit of providing high-quality food-grade recycled material in a clean single stream. Another important factor is the widespread consumer support for DRS. For example, surveys found 92% of the French public support its introduction, and in Slovakia, 83% support rose to 89% after the DRS was introduced. Removing this obligation would be accepting a status-quo where too much beverage packaging ends up being littered, not properly collected and therefore not recycled or reused as it should. www.naturalmineralwaterseurope.org Chinaplas 2024 returns to Shanghai Chinaplas, Asia’s premier plastics and rubber trade fair, is set to make a resounding return to Shanghai from April 23-26, 2024. Spanning all 15 exhibition halls of the National Exhibition and Convention Center (NECC) in Hongqiao, Shanghai, PR China, the event will boast an exhibition area exceeding 380,000m2. Shanghai has unveiled a three-year (2023-2025) action plan to promote the high-quality development of the city’s manufacturing industries, contributing over one-fourth to the regional GDP. The prepackaged food market in China is projected to reach RMB 510 billion (USD 69.8 billion) in 2023, presenting substantial opportunities for the packaging market. Additionally, China’s medical device market, already the second-largest globally, is rapidly evolving, with active medical device market size expected to reach RMB 49.6 billion (USD 6.8 billion) by 2030. The burgeoning demand for exhibition booths at Chinaplas 2024 is claimed to reflect the renewed confidence in the plastics and rubber industries, according to the organisers Adsale. The exhibition area is set to expand by over 11% compared to the 2018 show in Shanghai, indicating a diverse range of exhibits and participants. With over 4,000 exhibitors, Chinaplas 2024 is poised to showcase breakthrough technologies and limitless potential for independent innovation. The online preregistration has commenced, and all visitors are urged to secure their entry dates in advance. As the “golden key” to technological innovation, the trade show is primed to drive the high-quality development of the plastics and rubber industries. www.chinaplasonline.com"}]}}