{"pages":{"page":[{"@ID":44, "PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 42 PETbottles Beverage + Liquid Food Barbecue spice in plastic can When looking at the shelves of Norwegian retailers, consumers notice some unusual packaging concepts. The Raa Brewing Company AS fills various BBQ Rub spice blends in a resealable can made of plastic. At first glance it looks like a beverage can, but the feel is soft and it consists of a plastic body with a metal lid and base. It is opened via a metal ring pull, and a snap-on lid made of transparent plastic ensures a tight reseal. Each tin contains 200 g of spice and is decorated with an all-round self-adhesive label. www.raabrewing.no Elderberry drink in PET The Danish beverage producer Rynkeby A/S, a subsidiary of EckesGranini, sells 0.85 l of elderberry dr ink under i ts own name in a slightly waisted, clear bottle. A striking feature of the bottle are several embossed brand logos around the base. A self-adhesive label and a sufficiently large screw cap - also with brand lettering - complete the packaging. www.rynkeby.dk Date syrup from Dm Bio 180 ml of date syrup is sold by Dm’s own brand “Dm Bio” in a headstand squeeze bottle. The transparent bottle is made of 100% recycled material and the product is dispensed via a hinged lid with a si l icone valve. The hinged lid is secured by an adhesive sticker as a first withdrawal indicator. Two selfadhesive labels transmit the necessary trade data. www.dm.de :06 $\"/ )\"7& '30. 5)& 4\".& 3&4063$& r©û ©ËËÝ \"$.& %3*/,5&$ 40-65*0/4 --1 $3&\"5*/( .0-%4 8*5) \" %*''&3&/$& Å©Å ô¬ää¬ËÅ ZéÖÙ¬ËÙ aË˾ Zä¾ ¾Å )V ZûÝäÄ ,Bƴ)ËéÝ aÝä¬Å¤ #Ýä ¾¬ôÙû SÙËÄÖä a© ZéÖÖËÙä ǫĝĕƴĝĜĕĔĘĕĜĝěę ǫĝĕƴĝĜĕĝĔĖĔěĜę ǫĝĕƴĝĜĕĔĚėĕĘĖĚ Z¾ÝǐÄ٬ŻäƣËÄ õõõƣÄ٬ŻäƣËÄ ϮϲͲϮϴ ^ĞƉ ϮϬϮϯ q¬Ý¬ä éÝƥ ,Ăůů η ϯ ^ƚĂůů η &&ϰϵͲϱϬ ŝƌŵŝŶŐŚĂŵ͕h< AH; #HV Z ƹ ęĔA Ǚ ĕĖA Ǚ ěĔ S) Ǚ ěĔ Sr ƺ H9,Ƥ Z,S Ƥäƣ"},{"@ID":32, "MARKET SURVEY 30 Mould for caps Company name Z-Werkzeugbau GmbH Corvaglia Mould AG Plastisud Sacmi Imola S.A. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-mail Dr.-Walter-Zumtobel-Strasse 9, 6850 Dornbirn, Austria +43 5572 7272 0 www.z-moulds.com Mr Michael Fink VP Sales & Marketing +43 5572 7272-610 michael.fi [email protected] Hörnlistr. 14, 8360 Eschlikon, Switzerland +41 71 973 77 77 www.corvaglia.com Mr Albert Brunner Director Sales & Service +41 71 973 77 52 [email protected] 5 rue Joseph Jacquard, 11400 Castelnaudary, France +33 4 68 23 15 57 www.plastisud.com Mr Saïd Afendi Business Development Manager +33 6 45 50 21 29 [email protected] Via Selice Prov. Le 17/A 40026 Imola (Bo), Italy +39 0542 607111 www.sacmi.com Mr Stefano Severi Sales Specialist Manager +39 335 659 4236 [email protected] Filling good: - beverages Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, water, juices, beer, coffee & teas, dairy, etc. CSD & carbonated bottled water, still bottled water (pressurised & non-pressurised), sensitive drinks (juices, teas, fl avoured waters,...), sports & energy drinks, others (dairy, edible oil, …) Still and sparkling water Still water CSD and sparkling water Juice, RTD tea, isotonic, cold fi lled / hot fi lled - other Edible oil, soy sauces and other fi lling goods possible on request Coffee, beer, detergents, other contents/applications are possible upon request Laundry, household Dairy, pharma & food - individial cap solutions Possible on request Individual cap solutions are possible upon request Closure: -type All single-piece standard closure dimensions for all neck fi nishes, sports closures, fl ip-tops, pushpulls, multi-component closures… Flat top & sports closures for neck fi nishes from 25 to 48mm, e.g. all Cetie standard necks GME 30.21 to GME 30.43 1 pces / 2 pces or 3 pces - tethered cap - sport cap Flat top, 25-48mm Flat top, 26-38mm Flat top, 28-43mm Flat top, child proof & stoppers, 18 - 63mm -material HDPE, LDPE, PP, TPE, … HDPE (PP for transparent parts) PP - PE HDPE HDPE and PP HDPE PP, HDPE and TPE -weight Lowest from 0.7g Starting from 0.8g from 0.7 to 7g From 0.8g up From 1.45g up From 1.65g up from 1.3-2.5g up Moulds: Clamping dimensions/cavities 16 to 144 cavities 24 - 96 cavities 32-48-64-72-96-144 cavitation moulds from 12 to 64 cavities from 12 to 64 cavities from 12 to 64 cavities from 12 to 64 cavities Preferred hot runner suppliers MHT, Mold Masters and others Various Plastisud not applicable Special features Several patented technologies for most effi cient closure production, with lowest downtimes and spare parts usage. Closure design approvals from all major beverage brand owners. Most economical closure designs for private labels. Tethered cap solutions for carbonated and non-carbonated drinks according to requirements of EU Directive 2019/904 In mould closing (electric) for hinged caps Cap systems Company name Netstal Maschinen AG Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH Sacmi Imola S.C Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-mail Tschachenstrasse 1, 8752 Näfels, Switzerland +41 55 618 6111 www.netstal.com Mr Patrick Waldvogel Key Acc. Man. Caps & Closures +41 55 618 62 06 [email protected] Altdorferstrasse 15 90571 Schwaig, Germany +49 911 50610 www.sumitomo-shi-demag.eu Mr Arnaud Nomblot Director - Bus. Develpmt. Pack. +49 911 5061 625 [email protected] Via Selice Prov. Le 17/A, 40026 Imola (BO) - Italy +39 0542 60 7111 www.sacmi.com Mr Stefano Severi Sales Area Manaer +39 335 659 4236 [email protected] Systems for cap/closure production Elion series, Elios series Model Injection moulding machines El-Exis SP CCM24SD CCM24SF CCM32MC CCM48SD CCM64MC Procession technology 2,200 - 6,500kN Injection moulding Compression Compression Compression Compression Compression Clamp force < 2 sec 1,500 - 10,000kN Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Cycle time (guaranteed 98% closure system effi ciency for) 26mm (GME 30.39); 0.75g; 128; 3,938 caps/min 26/22mm - up to 2,800 caps/min 29/25mm - up to 2,300 caps/min PCO1881 - up to 1,800 caps/min GME30.40 - up to 1,800 caps/min - High speed production: closure type/weight/cavities: caps/min Flip Top; 8.12 g; 48+48; 524 caps/min (IMC) 28 mm CSD/ 2 g / 24 cavities : 600 caps/min 38 mm CAF/ 2,6 g / 24 cavities : 600 caps/min 26 mm water/ 0,9 g / 24 cavities : 1000 caps/min 28 mm CSD/ 2 g / 32 cavities : 980 caps/min 26 mm water/ 0,9 g / 48 cavities : 2000 caps/min 29 mm water/ 1,2 g / 48 cavities : 2000 caps/min 28 mm CSD/ 1,8 g / 64 cavities : 1920 caps/min 38 mm CAF/ 2,6 g / 64 cavities : 1600 caps/min - Individual cap solution: closure type/weight/cavities: caps/min Electric and hybrid Drive concept Product specifi c, as low as 0.37kWh/kg ±10% Hybrid electric / hydraulic electric / hydraulic electric / hydraulic electric / hydraulic electric / hydraulic Energy consumption (kwh/kg) Customer & project specifi c selection 0.40g, varying upon application equal or more than 0.4 kwh/h equal or more than 0.4 kwh/h equal or more than 0.35 kwh/h equal or more than 0.35 kwh/h equal or more than 0.4 kwh/h Preferred mould makers Lowest unit costs, fastest ROI & best OEE for systems, smart operation Z-moulds / Plastisud Sacmi Sacmi Sacmi Sacmi Sacmi Special features Smart operation, twin-valve technology, high-speed toggle lever clamp myConnect Possibility to assemble only 12 moulds, inline quality control on all caps, cap weight adjustable from HMI, without mould change Possibility to assemble only 16 moulds, inline quality control on all caps, cap weight adjustable from HMI, without mould change Possibility to assemble only 24 moulds, inline quality control on all caps, cap weight adjustable from HMI, without mould change Possibility to assemble only 32 moulds, inline quality control on all caps, cap weight adjustable from HMI, without mould change PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net"},{"@ID":37, "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 35 Starlinger - hall A6 booth 6010 Italian PET recycler launches new food-grade rPET brand With two Starlinger Recostar PET bottle-to-bottle recycling lines, Piedmont-based Dentis Recycling Italy S.r.l. expanded its product portfolio and now offers food-grade rPET pellets in addition to hot-washed PET bottle flakes. Dentis Recycling Italy S.r.l. specialises in the recovery and recycling of PET packaging waste, being the biggest post-consumer PET bottle recycler in Italy. At its production site and group headquarters in Sant’ Albano Stura (Cuneo), the company has been producing recycled PET bottle flakes with the brand name Petalo. In 2021, the Italian recycler initiated a new project to extend its rPET production capacity and purchased two Starlinger Recostar PET 330 HC iV+ recycling systems. The new lines were commissioned in summer 2022 and are recycling used PET bottles into high-quality rPET pellets that Dentis sells under the new brand name Repeter. With a combined production capacity of 6.6 t/h, the total yearly output of the lines amounts to 50,000 t of bottle-grade rPET pellets which are provided to Italian and international brand owners. 80,000 t of PET bottles stay in the loop Dentis reaches an important project milestone this year: The company will recycle a total of 80,000 t of post-consumer PET bottles collected through the Italian collection systems operated by Corepla and Coripet. After completion of the capacity extension in 2024, the potential recycling capacity of the Piedmont site will amount to approximately 130,000 t/a of post-consumer PET bottles. “We want to support the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy” said Roberto Dentis, coowner of Dentis Recycling Italy S.r.l. He stated that their partnership with Starlinger ensures that the recycled PET meets the standards of their customers in the food and beverage packaging sector. “By producing high-quality food-grade recycled PET pellets we are able to maintain a closed loop for PET bottles and contribute effectively to achieving the European recycling targets, making post-consumer plastic packaging no longer a waste to be disposed of but turning it into an important resource for top-quality packaging.” The Repeter food-grade rPET pellets produced on the Starlinger lines are available in several colours. Besides approvals for use in food packaging from numerous big brand owners, the Starlinger PET recycling process has received positive feedback from the European Food Safety Authority Efsa as well as LNOs from the US Food and Drug Administration FDA. Dentis supplies the food-grade rPET pellets to brand owners in the food and beverage industry as well as to local plastic packaging producers. Starlinger is offering detailed information on the Recostar recycling systems at its stand at the Fakuma trade fair. www.dentispet.it www.starlinger.com Dentis Recycling Italy S.r.l. Founded in 1987, Dentis Recycling Italy S.r.l. is part of Dentis Group. Dentis is also one of the founding members of the voluntary consortium Coripet which focuses on PET bottle collection, aiming to establish a circular economy system based on the principle of extended producer responsibility. Besides the site in the Italian province Cuneo, Dentis Group also operates two PET recycling sites abroad – PET Compañía Para Su Reciclado in Valencia, Spain, and Nord Pal Plast in Lille, France – and has a total recycling capacity of more than 270,000 t/a of post-consumer PET bottles. The food-safe rPET pellets are available in four colours under the brand name Repeter. The Starlinger Recostar PET 330 HC iV+ bottle-to-bottle recycling lines produce bottle-grade rPET and have a production capacity of up to 3.3 t/h each."},{"@ID":41, "PACKAGING/PALLETISING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 39 1 The worldwide round trip with The Middle East Roadshow PET world in the Middle East In a spectacular project taking us well into 2024, we will be travelling in a wide variety of ways to various countries and regions of the Middle East with different mobile editors. There we will interview machine manufacturers, the supply industry, bottle and beverage producers, as well as PET recyclers and everyone involved in the process chain. What market-specific trends are there now or will arise in the future? What developments and technologies are in vogue on the consumer and plant construction site in some of the hottest regions of the world? What special requirements are there? What role do topics such as food safety, shelf life and sustainability play in PET packaging and how are companies preparing themselves for the coming years? This, and much more we will be discussing face-to-face with all the key players and then our results will be presented to you in a series of must-read reports in PETplanet Insider. Please join on this enchanting voyage to the world of PET in the Middle East. We look forward to welcoming you on board! Our previous Road Shows at a glance 2010-2011-2012-2013-2014-2015- 2016-2017-2018-2019-2020-2022 Interested in being visited? [email protected] Autumn 2023 - 2024 EDITOUR - THE MIDDLE EAST ROADSHOW 6 countries numerous interviews with PET companies Sponsors to date Editours"},{"@ID":25, "23 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net An endless range of production possibilities with single-stage SIPA S.p.A. - Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV) - Italy - Tel. +39 0438 911511 - [email protected] - www.sipa.it ECS SP models stand for a guarantee of quality based on 35 years of experience in Injection Stretch-Blow Molding technologies (ISBM) technology. Their robust system, produced in Italy, allows for the production of high quality containers in a wide variety of different sizes, threads and shapes. Tooling investment can often be optimized by using one single (i.e. shared) hot runner withmultiple cold halves. ECS SPmachines have features that enable quick change-overs, accept legacy molds and are also characterized by their compact layouts and high HQHUJ\\ HIĆFLHQF\\. Injection Stretch BlowMolding System"},{"@ID":20, "INSPECTION 18 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net machines and moulds. Typically, there are several projects running at the same time. “R&D projects are also very important as they are the future of the company” explained Mr De Luca. “A typical R&D project involves making a completely new bottle from zero. We have a department dedicated to this activity to capture ideas and feeling from the market. Sometimes these are brand new designs. We also refresh bottle designs and work through the process.” To support this work, the lab strictly interacts with the prototyping department where several machines – injection press, onestage machines, single cavity blow moulders – are dedicated to prototype new containers. This provides a realistic check before releasing the bottle for commercialisation. Whether brand new or existing, the lab supplies the testing necessary to validate the design. Long-term relationship Another important part of the decision to purchase the Gawis 4D is Sipa’s long-term relationship with Agr. The Gawis 4D is now the third Gawis measurement system working in the Sipa lab. The first was purchased in 1999, another in 2016 and the latest Gawis 4D, last year. “Before purchasing the latest system, we evaluated other devices – but we found that the Gawis 4D was the only system that had all the features we wanted, particularly the capability to do preforms and containers with the same system and simultaneous thickness and dimensional measurement ... these were most important features. The Gawis 4D was a significant upgrade over the previous systems.” In addition to the Gawis systems, the Sipa design, testing and qualification laboratory also includes the Agr PPT3000 pressure tester, Agr Combi tester for volume and top load tests and an Agr vacuum tester for qualifying vacuum strength of hot fill containers. As Sipa continues to grow and sell more equipment and moulds, the demands of the lab increase as well. According to De Luca, the new equipment has helped them keep up with these demands. Additionally, they are planning a lab expansion targeted for January of next year to aid with these increasing demands. In essence, the faster the measurements and response, the better it is for everyone. Since the work in the lab plays a critical role in the Sipa operation, it is imperative that the testing related to the qualification of moulds and equipment for shipment have no delays. “The new Gawis 4D system is essential to this effort as it has made it possible to increase our throughput and help us work faster and better. The faster we give response the better it is for everyone. The laboratory is of such importance to Sipa operation that any improvement in quality and throughput is a definite advantage.” www.agrintl.com www.sipasolutions.com The Gawis 4D from Agr International plays a critical role in the qualification process of moulds and machines for both bottles and preforms that are produced at the Sipa facility. 2023 Training Schedule Technology&Application of PET Plastic Packaging for Hot-Fill &Aseptic Beverages Join our expert team for small group training on a variety of subjects - frommaterials to recycling. Scan to learn more & register for classes! ©2023 Plastic Technologies | 1440 Timberwolf Drive, Holland, Ohio USA 43528 www.pti-usa.com [email protected] [email protected]"},{"@ID":17, "LABELLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 15 erema.com/bottlesforever VISIT US AT: FAKUMA | Germany, Friedrichshafen October 17 - 21 2023 Booth A6-6314 New product contains up to 100 % rPET. Turn your PET flakes into recycled pellets or turn them directly into preforms: EREMA bottle-to-bottle systems stand for uncompromising food contact compliance with all the advantages of unique SafeFlake technology. Rely on highly effective decontamination, high-performance filtration, safe handling and the highest energy efficiency. For the best quality end product. Consistent quality even if the input material changes. It’s how you keep driving the bottle cycle forward sustainably. Cost effective, safe and environmentally friendly."},{"@ID":51, "OUTER PLANET 49 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net OUTER PLANET SIU doctoral student explores how to produce high-value chemicals from breakdown products PET meets microbes Based on an article by Tim Crosby Southern Illinois University (SIU) Carbondale graduate student researcher Lakshika Dissanayake, who is earning her doctorate in microbiology, is working on an economical and environmentally friendly process that uses microbial factories to turn plastic waste into a value-added material. Much of the work centres on creating a novel bacterium that can break down PET by expressing certain enzymes. The process, which utilises a genetically engineered microbe known as Erwinia aphidicola LJJL01, could be the key to creating a biologically based plastics upcycling system. “Biological plastic upcycling,” refers to producing high-value products from plastic waste using biological reactions and microbes instead of chemicals. Scientists have identified a few microbes that degrade PET, as well as the corresponding PET hydrolase enzymes. Previous studies have successfully characterised and engineered these enzymes to selectively depolymerise PET into original monomers, such as terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol. Dissanayake, an Environmental Research & Education Foundation Scholar, hopes to take that work a step further. “Researchers have developed potential hybrid biological and chemical plastic upcycling strategies,” Dissanayake said. “But a whole microbial system for plastic upcycling is yet to be developed.” A key to developing such a system is finding the right kind of “bug” to mix in with the waste streams and then improving on it. Erwinia aphidicola LJJL01 seemed promising, because of its presence in waste charcoal used in plastic recycling. Fashioning the perfect creature With a promising microbe on deck, Dissanayake and her doctoral adviser, Lahiru Jayakody, assistant professor in the School of Biological Sciences, set to work studying it. “First, we conducted a comprehensive characterisation of it, to identify its growth conditions and metabolic potential of the strain,” Dissanayake said. The researchers next used advanced synthetic biological tools, including a method known as plasmidbased transformation. That method involves transferring outside DNA into a host cell, which will then carry both a bacterial origin of replication and an antibiotic resistance gene that researchers can use as a selectable marker in bacteria. They also used CRISPR-Cas9 technology, a genetic engineering technique, to engineer the bacterium’s genome for expression and secretions of the enzymes they wanted. CRISPR-Cas9 allows researchers to edit genes by precisely cutting DNA and then letting natural DNA repair processes take over. The enzymes produced use hydrolysis to break down PET by splitting large molecules into smaller ones. These souped-up, engineered versions of the bacterium showed great promise in tests at SIU. “Right now, we are engineering the metabolic pathways of the bacterium to produce high-value chemicals from PET breakdown products,” Dissanayake said. “We have successfully demonstrated we can cause the expression and secretion of these enzymes, and we confirmed that the strains we engineered can completely deconstruct PET, and that they can even outperform commonly used platform strains in other plastic upcycling studies.” www.siu.edu SIU doctoral student Lakshika Dissanayake tests whether an engineered microbe can upcycle plastic waste. (Photo: Russell Bailey)"},{"@ID":28, "26 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net Gneuss - hall A6 booth 6501 Clean recycling qualities in just one process step Gneuss will feature its Omni recycling system, consisting basically of an MRS extrusion system, a fully automatic RSFgenius melt filtration system, an online viscometer and optionally a 3C rotary feeder. The technological components of the system have been matched to each other in such a way as to achieve a high level of performance, achieving clean recycling qualities in just one process step, according to Gneuss. Polymer reclaim such as fibre waste, thin film or other low bulk density waste is fed into the Gneuss 3C rotary feeder. PET post-consumer and industrial waste does not require thermal pre-treatment. A conveyor belt feeds the material into the 3C rotary feeder, which cuts, compacts and conditions the material and feeds it directly into the MRS extruder. The MRS extrusion technology in the Omni recycling line is based on conventional single-screw technology, but is equipped with a multi-screw degassing section. The degassing section of the patented process unit consists of an enlarged single screw drum with a series of satellite screws that rotate in the opposite direction of the extruder barrel, creating a large melt surface area and ensuring rapid surface exchange. This is claimed to provide unprecedented melt phase degassing performance with minimal material stress. Multiple Letters of Non-Objection (LNOs) from the FDA, Efsa compliance and local approvals in Latin America confirm the high decontamination performance of the technology. Af ter passing through the MRS extruder, the polymer melt is filtered by the self-cleaning Gneuss RSFgenius melt filtration system. This system is claimed to ensure that fine filtration is possible without pressure or flow disturbances and with minimal polymer losses, even at high contamination levels. The RSFgenius works with an integrated backflush system for self-cleaning of the screens for demanding applications and high quality requirements. If the recycled material to be processed requires a particularly high decontamination and degassing performance, the Omnimax recycling system is used with a longer, modified version of the multi rotation section in the MRS extruder, which ensures both a longer residence time of the material and a disproportionately high surface area exchange under vacuum. The Omniboost recycling system is specifically designed to recycle PET waste. The integrated Gneuss Jump polyreactor raises the IV value to the desired level within minutes. After leaving the MRS extruder, the polymer flows directly into the reactor in the melt phase, while the viscosity of the melt is tightly controlled. By controlling the vacuum, residence time and surface exchange rate in the reactor vessel, the viscosity is adjust to the desired level. With a consistent set viscosity, the melt can then be fed directly into the production process. www.gneuss.com (FU UP LOPX PVS .&%*$\"- *.- JOTQFDUJPO TZTUFN 888 */53\"7*4 $0. HALL A1-1509 *OUFSOBUJPOBM USBEF GBJS PG QMBTUJD QSPDFTTJOH UP 0DUPCFS "},{"@ID":53, "MARKET SURVEY 31 The all-new PET-LINE comes with a variety of advantages to maximize output and minimize costs: • Maximum compatibility with legacy molds and PMC • Shortest cycle times for increased output • Lowest level of energy consumption to minimize the ecological footprint • Improved 100 % rPET processing to enable the circular economy • New control unit including Smart Operation to ensure easy, fast and safe start-up and production • Available with 3000, 4000 and 5000 kN clamping force More details on www.netstal.com FLIPPING THE WORLD OF PET UPSIDE DOWN AND EVEN SIDEWAYS THE ALLNEW PETLINE WITH SIDE ENTRY. SCAN ME"},{"@ID":7, "PACKAGING/PALLETISING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 36 For the evolving food market Combined packaging machine PACKAGING For the packaging processes within its production lines, in Spain and around the world, Pascual has been collaborating with SMI for years. An example of such a partnership is represented by the recent supply of a combined packaging machine from the CM 800 FP range, installed at the Gurb plant, Barcelona, for the packaging of Pascual milk bottles, in wrap-around cardboard boxes and in tray + film and film only formats, with the use of 100% recycled shrink film. Environmental sustainability Pascual has taken a further step forward, in its environmental sustainability goals, becoming the first company in Castilla y León, and the first dairy company in Spain to register, in 2020, its direct and indirect emissions (only 12% of companies do so) of CO2 at the Spanish Office for Climate Change (OECC). Pascual will further improve the recyclability and sustainability of containers, of all its brands, by using the new “anchored” cap. This anticipates forthcoming legislation that represents a real challenge for the “packaging” industry, since the directive also establishes that plastic bottles must contain at least 25% recycled plastic, a parameter that some brands such as Bezoya already reach, 100%. This Spanish company is testament to the strength of passion and energy put in place to benefit the well-being of earth, animals and mankind. From these synergies, unique and quality products are produced, that are packaged by the packaging machines supplied by SMI, because “doing the best we can” also means pursuing continuous improvement in the solutions offered to consumers: new products, new taste combinations, new packaging solutions, new packaging. In Aranda de Duero, in the Spanish province of Burgos, everything revolves around the concepts of environment, culture, tradition and well-being. In the heart of this fascinating territory of northern Spain lies the headquarters of the Pascual company, a reference point in the food sector, which within the concept of “Doing the best we can” contains all its history, made of passion, tradition, quality and innovation."},{"@ID":16, "LABELLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 14 Analysis of modular hot-melt & self-adhesive labelling machine Tech-Long Packaging Machinery Co. Ltd, Guangzhou, known for PET bottle blowing, filling and packaging equipment, also offers modular hot-melt and self-adhesive labelling machines. The hot-melt labeller can apply the label anywhere on the container by rotating the container with a label transfer system controlled by a servo motor. The modular design makes the model adaptable and flexible, suitable for various round/irregular containers and materials, and is widely used in industries such as food and beverages, cosmetics, chemicals, spices, spirits, etc. Precision positioning This device adopts servo system bottle rotation positioning technology, which can achieve labelling at any position of the container with high positioning accuracy and fast response speed. Whether it is a circular, square, or elliptical container, this device is claimed to be able to accurately locate and label, meeting the needs of containers with different shapes. The equipment’s labelling station has a multi-directional quick adjustment function, which can meet the labelling needs of irregular surfaces such as cylinder and cone. Tech-Long says that this device can be flexibly adapted to achieve precise labelling effects. In order to maximise the accuracy of labelling and reduce system vibration and noise, the modular hot-melt & self-adhesive labelling machine adopts a fully servo labelling station design. This design can ensure the accuracy and stability of labelling, improve production efficiency and product quality. Modular multi-labelling station layout The equipment adopts a modular design, and the number of labelling stations can be increased or decreased according to customer needs, meeting the requirements of multiple labelling. Customers can configure the number of labelling stations based on product characteristics and needs, achieve personalised labelling solutions. The modular hot-melt & self-adhesive labelling machine can achieve different types of combined labelling requirements. Whichever way it is used, the device can be flexibly combined to meet the labelling needs of different products. The modular hot-melt & self-adhesive labelling machine is widely used in industries such as food and beverage, cosmetics, chemical, seasoning, and alcohol. It can adapt to full bottle labelling or local labelling, such as neck labelling. This device can use various packaging materials such as OPP, BOPP, pearl film, composite paper, etc. to achieve efficient and accurate labelling operations. Operational principle The device conveys bottles to the bottle tray through the bottle inlet door, screw (or non-screw bottle inlet mode) and bottle inlet star wheel, accurately positions them through the bottle pressing head. Subsequently, the bottle reaches the labelling position with the rotation of the large plate for labelling. After being cut by a cutting knife, the label enters the labelling wheel and is coated with glue by a rubber roller. Then, it is attached to the bottle body as the labelling wheel rotates. Finally, the bottles with labels are transported to the conveyor chain at the exit through the bottle exit star wheel. The production speed of the modular hot-melt & self-adhesive labelling machine can be automatically controlled. The device can automatically adjust the bottle infeed and outfeed flow rate as needed. In addition, the bottle inlet door can ensure the minimum bottle storage capacity at the inlet and automatically stop the bottle inlet operation when the outlet is full. This control function ensures smooth operation and efficient production of the equipment. The Tech-Long modular hot-melt & self-adhesive labelling machine has been designed to demonstrate strong technological innovation capabilities in the labelling industry through its highprecision positioning and flexibility and has broad application prospects. Its fully servo labelling station design is claimed to ensure the accuracy and stability of labelling. Modular design and a combination of multiple labelling types enable the device to adapt to different products and needs. www.tech-long-intl.com"},{"@ID":50, "PETpatents www.verpackungspatente.de PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 48 Plastic bottle International Patent No. WO 2023 / 287662 A2 Applicant: Pepsico. Inc., Purchase (US) Application date: 8.7.2022 An international patent application has been made for the design and reinforced grooves of a lightweight yet still extremely robust plastic bottle. Multi-layered bottle International Patent No. WO 2023 / 018963 A1 Applicant: Pepsico Inc. Purchase (US) Application date: 12.8.2022 A multi-layered bottle intended for hot-filling in which the innermost layer separates after filling, thereby absorbing the resultant change in volume. Reusable container for dairy products International Patent No. WO 2021 / 209561 A2 Applicant: Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co. KG, Hard (AT) Application date: 15.4.2021 A reusable polyester container for filling with dairy products is shown here. The areas of the container that come into contact with the product are free from edges, corners and elevations on which the milk product can be deposited. Delamination European Patent No. EP 4134317 A1 Applicant: Nissei ASB Co. Ltd., Nagano (JP) Application date: 6.4.2021 A patent application has been made for a preform and method for the manufacture of a double-walled delaminated container. Bottle circulation recording International Patent No. WO 2021 / 207323 A1 Applicant: The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta (US) Application date: 7.4.2021 An RFID chip is embedded in a plastic bottle which can be used to detect when a container has been refilled, as well as recording and measuring the number of times it has been in circulation. Delamination European Patent No. EP 4129841 A1 Applicant: Yoshino Kogyosho Co. Ltd., Tokyo (JP) Application date: 5.3.2021 This illustration shows the shape and function of a double-walled bottle with the requisite delamination."},{"@ID":39, "PACKAGING/PALLETISING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 37 At the Aranda de Duero plant, there are currently four packaging machines supplied by SMI for secondary packaging, in particular two combined machines of the CM range, a shrinkwrapper of the SK range and a packaging machine of the MP range for packaging 0.15 l, 0.2 l, 0.25 l and 0.5 l containers in 2x2, 1x2 and 1x3 clusters. At the Gurb plant near Barcelona, the third combined SMI packaging machine of the CM range was recently supplied to Pascual. It is used for packaging 1.5 l milk bottles in wrap-around cardboard boxes (in 2x2 and 2x4 formats) and in 3x2 film-only bundles. CM Ergon packer The choice to install a combined packaging machine of the CM range at the Gurb plant stems from the need to have a flexible machine able to meet the needs of a constantly evolving food market, which forces companies in the sector to adopt increasingly dynamic, competitive and flexible production processes. The frequent changes in consumer habits and preferences impose new competitive challenges and a great ability to adapt, on the food & beverage industry, both with regard to the range of products to be offered and the packaging. With the CM series, frequent format or product changes are possible, such as the CM FP 800 model chosen by Pascual, which processes 1.5 l PET milk bottles in wrap-around cartons and packs in film only. With the installation of a CM packaging machine, high-quality packaging can be produced in film only, tray + film, pad + film, tray only and cardboard boxes completely or partially closed. For instance, when the processing program involves packaging in tray or wrap-around boxes only, the heating tunnel and the film wrapping system are automatically deactivated by the machine control system. CM packaging machine characteristics: It is possible to pack a wide variety of containers at a maximum speed of 80 packs per minute. The system equipped with a heating tunnel with metal chain for splicing of the film below the package. The tray+film and film-only formats are made with the use of 100% recycled shrink film; it is an advantageous and eco-sustainable solution, which allows Pascual to give a second life to plastic and reduce the carbon footprint of the raw material. www.smigroup.it www.calidadpascual.com"},{"@ID":6, "PETcontents 4 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 09/2023 Page 44 MATERIALS / RECYCLING 10 Launch of New Generation Dryer range BOTTLE MAKING 12 NIR heating technologies for PET bottle blow moulding 13 Stretch-blow moulding system for big bottles LABELLING 14 Analysis of modular hot-melt & self-adhesive labelling machine INSPECTION 16 Laboratory throughput – the name of the game! Agr’s Gawis 4D - a winning solution for Sipa MARKET SURVEY 27 All about caps! TRADE SHOW PREVIEW 20 Fakuma 2023 preview 32 Filtration technology for PET recycling 34 360° label inspection 35 Italian PET recycler launches new food-grade rPET brand PACKAGING/PALLETISING 36 Combined packaging machine - For the evolving food market 38 Handling of lightweight bottles - ‘Mizu To Ikiru’ philosophy meets contactless accumulation solution BUYER’S GUIDE 50 Get listed! INSIDE TRACK 3 Editorial 4 Contents 6 News 40 PET bottles for home + personal care 42 PET bottles for beverage + liquid food 44 Onsite 45 Products 48 Patents 49 Outer Planet Page 38 Page 13 PACKAGING"},{"@ID":57, "24 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net Experience the all-new OMNI recycling technologies! We will present our latest OMNI recycling technologies at Gneuss Technology Event in Bad Oeynhausen / Germany from November 7th to 8th 2023. To participate register now: At Gneuss, we have been working on solutions for recycling plastics for 40 years. Our unique, patented technologies and products are designed to meet the highest quality standards. A NEW LEVEL IN RECYCLING gneuss.com Engel - hall A5 booth 5203 Making it easy to monitor mould temperature control Mould temperature control has a significant impact on product quality and the energy efficiency of the injection moulding process. The new Eco-Flomo temperature control system by Engel is claimed to be suitable for continuous monitoring of all injection mould cooling and temperature control circuits and to ensure transparency during the temperature control process. It detects irregularities to help boost process stability and reliability. Eco-Flomo is integrated into the Engel injection moulding machine’s CC300 control unit. To make this possible, the new temperature control system uses the iQ flow control software platform for mould temperature control. The pressure, temperature and flow rate values are presented on the machine display in a neat and easy-to-understand format. These numbers are also saved on the system to ensure complete documentation – for instance, to satisfy record-keeping requirements. Higher performance built in The Eco-Flomo is available in two different designs: a basic version for straightforward flow rate and temperature difference monitoring and the Eco-Flomo plus version, which also comes with manually operated valves. These valves enable the machine operator to manually set the flow rate in the individual temperature control circuits to suit their specific needs. Relative to its predecessor (the Flomo), the EcoFlomo’s performance levels have been enhanced, with the maximum temperature increasing to 120 °C. The maximum pressure is 10 bar. Adjusting to new challenges In launching the first Flomo electronic temperature control water manifold system, Engel was making advances in the mould temperature control space as far back as K’ 2010. Engel was an early mover when it came to laying the foundations for greater transparency and consistency in the temperature control process. A few years later, this was followed by the e-Flomo, which can use flow rate monitoring to automatically control either the flow rates or the temperature difference in each and every circuit. iQ flow control then saw Engel take the next step. This software is capable of connecting the e-tempseries temperature control units and the injection moulding machine via OPC UA to create a single unit. It is also able to control the pump speed in the temperature control units in line with the operator’s needs based on the values measured by the e-Flomo. This reduces energy consumption by up to 85%. To take full advantage of the potential offered by integrated temperature control, Engel has developed the new Eco-Flomo and Eco-Flomo plus to allow for upgrades at any time. Only the hardware needs to be replaced ahead of an upgrade, as eco-flomo and Eco-Flomo plus already use the iQ flow control platform. www.engelglobal.com"},{"@ID":34, "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 32 Fimic - hall A6 booth 6209 Filtration technology for PET recycling PET is one of the most recyclable plastics, widely used worldwide in many different applications. It is near-infinitely recyclable and because it can be made into new products, lowers the need for virgin PET, reducing CO2 emissions and helping to achieve a fully circular economy. Recycled PET products show a drop of up to 90% in CO2 emissions compared to virgin PET. contaminated waste streams, automatic technologies are needed to filter out impurities and contaminations from the melt flow. Fimic has been working for many years on improving its filtration technologies in order to meet and satisfy the needs (ever increasing quality needs, different materials characteristics) of recyclers, and expanding its technology to applications that previously did not require the use of continuous scraping melt filters such as, precisely, PET. Fimic has already installed two units (RAS-type filters) on PET recycling lines to work with more contaminated PET waste streams, i.e. not coming from hotwashed bottle flakes only, such as for example PET lumps from petrochemical waste or from strapping production, waste fibres as well as PET straps. In these cases the contamination of the input material was way higher than the typical “ppm” contaminations used for food grade applications, reaching levels as high as 5%. Dedicated to different end applications, these filter units are working with a pre-filter in the first project (applied filtration is 150 or 120 micron on laser screen) and in the second one (applied filtration is 80 micron on laser screen). The respective output performances are 2,000 kg/h and 700 kg/h, at very different and sometimes inconsistent IV levels. At the same time, Fimic has increased the number of units installed for the recycling of soft PVC. Fimic melt filters are claimed to allow the material to flow without stagnating and therefore without degrading. The company has also tested alternative solution to be applied to hard PVC which is one of the most degradation-sensitive as well as the stiffest material in the recycling market. www.fi mic.it Most major brands using plastics in their supply chains have started to evaluate their carbon footprint and take mitigating actions like packaging redesign and light-weighting, reducing the use of virgin plastics, increasing reusability, and setting targets for minimum recycled plastic content. As brands strive to meet their targets, they are collectively expanding demand and increasingly competing for available rPET. Another factor driving the demand for and supply of rPET are the new regulations and taxes on packaging made from virgin plastics / single-use plastics packaging. Rising rPET demand and prices are incentivising investments in new recycling capacity – Europe has seen a 21% increase in the installed capacity for PET recycling - according to a report by Plastics Recyclers Europe, Petcore Europe, Natural Mineral Water Europe (NMWE), and Unesda Soft Drinks Europe - at the same time global rPET capacity is forecast to boom over the next five years. This “run” towards ever increasingly demand for rPET, has led producers of PET packaging products (both food grade and non-food grade applications) to look for more contaminated sources of PET waste. Fimic’s melt filters are dedicated to contaminated post-consumer plastics. To reach high quality recycled plastics from S a SÙ£ËÙÄ A˾¬Å¤ Z˾éä¬ËÅÝ Ýä»ä»ƣËÄ"},{"@ID":27, "25 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net Maag - hall A6 booth 6202 Solutions for advancing circular economy and polymer processing Maag Group will present solutions that are intended to enhance the circular economy. The AMN die plates for throughputs up to 100t/h are specifically designed to produce high MI or complex polymers, the CIS system increases the water flow locally to facilitate cutting, improve pellet quality and reduce cavitation phenomena. Easily plugged on existing installations, the additional water flow is then efficiently distributed thanks to the knife holder equipped with a cone and sabre knives, facilitating pellet cooling and ejection. Maag Ettlinger’s Eco 500 is a high performance melt filter for the filtration of heavily contaminated polymer feedstock. For chemical recycling, this technology is suitable for filtering low viscosity polymers. The filter is self-cleaning with a rotating, perforated drum, through which there is a continuous flow of melt from the outside to the inside. A scraper removes the contaminants that are held back on the surface and feeds them to the discharge system. This enables the filter to be used fully automatically and without any disruptions over long periods without having to replace the screen. The advantages: reliable melt filtration, ultra-low melt losses constant pressure curve, fast spreading of the contamination and short residence time of the melt in the filter. The underwater pelletising system Pearlo 350 EAC is designed for high throughputs of up to 18,000kg/h of virgin polymer production. The unique cutting blade design and optimum water and material flow conditions within the cutting chamber are claimed to provide homogeneous cooling effects and good pellet quality. Another design feature of the Pearlo is the cutting blade advance system, which permits axial movement of the cutter shaft resulting in a precise blade advance as well as a regrinding of the blades during production, says Maag. This allows high equipment availability, elongated production runs and thus saves costs. Maag’s strand pelletising systemEBG is designed for highly filled, hydroscopic and water-sensitive compounds. EBG is claimed to offer a high degree of automation, gentle material processing and good product quality. From the die head to the granulator, the pelletising system forms a unit that, despite its compact design, has features of a large compounding system. Maag Group Extrex gear pumps offer an optimised interaction of the components. Specially developed gear teeth with low compression allow high pressures to be achieved with low shear rates. The company says that this results in product quality, volumetric efficiency, as well as production consistency and safety. www.maag.com 16th INTERNATIONAL TRADE SHOW FOR PLASTICS, PETROCHEMICALS, PACKAGING & RUBBER INDUSTRY Platinum Sponsor www.arabplast.info International Associate India Associate Organiser 750+ Exhibitors 35+ Countries 13-15 DECEMBER, 2023 Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE #ARABPLAST #arabplast2023 Where Plastic Meets Business Media Partners Industry Communication & Show Daily Partner Onsite Registration Partner"},{"@ID":21, "INSPECTION 19 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net Be the first ... … for everyone who has to process recyclates! Get connected – with solutions from ENGEL Even flakes can be directly processed on our injection moulding machine. Bianca Gubi, Recycling Expert at ENGEL, Austria Requirements and speci f icat ions are changing. Many products already have to contain fixed amounts of recycled material. With the ENGEL recycling package or by filtering and degassing the melt in the two-stage process, your regrind can be processed directly. This means: up to 100% recycling material and as a result high cost, energy and CO2 savings. Get connected – and talk to our experts right now. engelglobal.com/circular-economy Visit us at Fakuma Hall A5 Booth 5203"},{"@ID":3, "No.9 2023 www.petpla.net D 51178; ISSN: 1438-9452 25 . 09 . 23 MAGAZ I NE FOR BOT T L E R S AND BOT T L E - MAK E R S IN THE AMER ICAS, AS IA, EUROPE AND AL L AROUND THE PLANET PETplanet is read in more than 158 countries MARKETsurvey It‘s all about caps! Page 27 Page 20 PACKAGING Page 36"},{"@ID":8, "PETnews 6 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net Next Generation Group invests in Hydrodyn, expanding its presence in the plastic recycling market Nex t Gene r a t i on Gr oup has acquired a majority share in Hydrodyn, a renowned technology provider specialising in plastic waste cleaning and purifying. This strategic partnership solidifies the group´s commitment to offering comprehensive plastic recycling solutions, particularly in the field of postconsumer recycling. Under the terms of the agreement, Hydrodyn will retain its operational independence while working closely with Next Generation Group, by using a high synergy potential. This collaboration will allow both companies to leverage their expertise and resources to deliver comprehensive and efficient end-to-end plastic recycling solutions that address the evolving needs of customers in the recycling machinery market. The shared objective is to prioritise the attainment of specific polymer characteristics that are essential for a diverse array of commodity applications, in order to effectively substitute virgin plastics. The acquisition provides Hydrodyn with access to Next Generation Group´s extensive global network, unlocking new opportunities for growth and expansion. The partnership is intended to reinforce their market position and benefit both companies. By leveraging their expertise and pooling resources, they aim to offer holistic solutions for post-consumer recycling. This collaboration is claimed to enable them to address the entire lifecycle of plastic materials, from product design to the recycling process. By integrating their capabilities, Hydrodyn and the Next Generation Group are at the forefront of promoting sustainable practices and closing the loop in the plastic value chain. www.ngr-world.com Berry Global appoints Kevin Kwilinski as CEO Berry Global Group, Inc, a supplier of packaging solutions for consumer goods and industrial products, announced that its Board of Directors has unanimously elected Kevin Kwilinski as CEO of Berry, effective October 2, 2023. In connection with this appointment, the Board has elected Stephen Sterrett, Lead Independent Director, as Chairman of the Board, also effective on October 2, 2023. As previously announced in February 2023, Tom Salmon will retire from his roles as CEO and Chairman, and he will remain with the company through the end of the calendar year in an advisory capacity to ensure a smooth transition. Mr Kwilinski brings to Berry nearly three decades of experience in the packaging industry. He currently serves as President and CEO of Multi-Color Corporation, a global provider of label solutions, where he successfully led and integrated multiple acquisitions, resulting in significant EBITDA and revenue growth while delivering above target commercial and operational synergies. Prior to that, he served as CEO of Fort Dearborn Company, a leading supplier of decorative labels for the beverage, food, household products, nutraceutical, paint and coatings sectors, which merged with Multi-Color in July 2021 with the backing of private equity firm Clayton, Dubilier & Rice. Mr Kwilinski previously served as CEO of Paperworks Industries, where he guided the company’s growth by supporting an aggressive go-to-market strategy and simultaneously implemented continuous improvement processes. www.berryglobal.com Neste to enable PET bottles produced with bio-based materials with Suntory, Eneos and Mitsubishi Corporation Neste has entered a cooperation agreement with Suntory, Eneos and Mitsubishi Corporation to enable the production of PET resin made with renewable Neste RE on a commercial scale. Neste RE is Neste’s feedstock for polymers production, made 100% from bio-based raw materials such as waste and residues, e.g. used cooking oil, to replace fossil feedstock in the value chain. Japanese beverage company Suntory will utilise the renewable PET resin to produce bottles for its products in 2024. A new partner for Neste in Japan, Eneos will use bio-intermediates based on Neste RE to produce bio-PX (bioparaxylene) at its Mizushima refinery in Okayama, Japan. The bio-PX will then be converted to PTA and subsequently to PET resin for Suntory to use to manufacture their PET bottles. Mitsubishi Corporation will be coordinating the collaboration between the value chain partners. “In order to tackle the imminent climate crisis and its consequences, companies are required to take responsibility now. Through partnering along the value chain, Neste can contribute to reducing the polymers and chemicals industry’s dependence on fossil resources as well as to manufacturing of products that have a lower carbon footprint,” says Lilyana Budyanto, Head of Sustainable Partnerships APAC at Neste Renewable Polymers and Chemicals business unit. A mass balancing approach will be applied to allocate the bio-based materials to the PET bottles. www.neste.com"},{"@ID":9, "7 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 Recyclable PET polymer incorporating furandicarboxylic acid successfully processed into preforms Origin Materials, Inc. and Husky Technologies announced a significant development in the commercialisation of PET incorporating the sustainable chemical FDCA (furandicarboxylic acid) for advanced packaging and other applications. Origin successfully polymerised the bio-based sustainable chemical FDCA into the common recyclable plastic, PET, and Husky moulded the resulting “PET/F” hybrid polymer into preforms that were then blown into bottles. The companies used Husky’s injection moulding technologies and manufacturing equipment, a commercial manufacturing-scale level of processing demonstrating the ability of PET/F, a polymer made with FDCA, to be integrated into existing PET production systems. Origin expects to develop and sell a family of 100% bio-based, low-carbon PET/F polymers offering full recyclability and superior performance compared with traditional 100% petroleum-derived PET, as the company state. Origin anticipates that PET/F will offer “tunable” performance, with properties such as enhanced mechanical performance and superior barrier properties enabling longer shelf life controlled by adjusting manufacturing conditions and the quantity of FDCA copolymer. This development demonstrates a pathway for the drop-in market adoption of FDCA to produce polymers cost-effectively from biomass using Origin technology. Origin expects to enable the production of FDCA, PEF (polyethylene furanoate), and PET/F on a commercial scale using its patented technology platform, which turns the carbon found in sustainable wood residues into useful materials, while capturing carbon in the process. FDCA is a chemical building block with diverse applications including polyesters, polyamides, polyurethanes, coating resins, and plasticisers. FDCA is also the precursor for the next-generation sustainable polymer PEF (polyethylene furanoate). By combining FDCA with PET, Origin has produced PET/F, a “tunable” hybrid polymer offering performance enhancements and full recyclability. PEF, another product derived from FDCA, is claimed to offer an attractive combination of sustainability and performance benefits for packaging. Origin’s PEF is expected to be 100% bio-based, fully recyclable, have attractive unit economics, and offer a reduced carbon footprint, with good strength, thermal properties, and barrier properties compared to today’s widely used petroleumbased materials. www.originmaterials.com www.husky.co"},{"@ID":15, "BOTTLE MAKING 13 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net XtraBig machines are mainly aimed at production of big bottles for water or edible oil, as well as other sensitive products, with neck sizes up to 48mm. They can also make smaller bottles, if necessary. There are three models, with four, five, and six cavities. The smallest, XtraBig 4, can serve lines for 30-40,000 litres per hour, while with the largest, XtraBig 6, the number rises to 50,000 litres per hour. All Xtra models combine features to maximise performance while cutting Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). They feature an extra-wide active process angle, reduced energy consumption, high flexibility and ease of use, as well as compatibility with other machines upstream and downstream. The very wide process angle on Xtra machines facilitates production of bottles of high quality, even at high speeds. This makes it possible to apply high pressure air for longer, enabling accurate production of containers, even the most complex ones, said Sipa. The Xtra Big systems share many design features with their regular counterparts: machine layout, preform handling and active grippers etc. Sipa’s engineers have used finite element analysis (FEA) to create a new blowing press designed specifically for big bottles. The Italian company’s expertise in large containers extends beyond bottle blowing machines, starting with preform design, development and injection moulding, and going through to filling. The company’s fillers provide state-ofthe-art solutions for electronic filling for water, and weight filling for edible oils, with ATEX approvals for volatile chemicals and alcoholic liquids. With the SincroBloc clean and compact combined blowing and filling unit, system integration enables bottling companies to avoid transportation of empty bottles and eliminates the need for rinsing. A SincroBloc incorporating an XtraBig and the BigFill volumetric gravity-filling monobloc for formats from five to 12 litres has an hourly output capacity of 6,600 five litre containers and up to 4,000 containers in the very largest sizes. www.sipasolutions.com Stretch-blow moulding system for big bottles Sipa’s Xtra rotary stretch-blow moulding machine series, renowned for high-speed, low-cost production of top-quality containers, has been extended upwards. Xtra Big variants can blow bottles as large as 12 litres. product development caps & closures design high cavitation moulds multi-component moulds closure production systems after sales service competent – professional – inspiring +43 5572 7272-0 | [email protected] | www.z-moulds.com z FURTHER SHOWS GULFOOD Manufacturing Dubai, Nov. 7-9th PLASTIMAGEN Mexico Mexico City, Nov. 7-10th NEXT SHOW FAKUMA 2023 October 17th-21th meet us at our booth Hall A7 - 7311"},{"@ID":12, "MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 10 Launch of New Generation Dryer range Italian company PET Solutions has announced the launch of a new range of dryers, branded New Generation Dryer DR-RE Series. PET Solutions says that the new range delivers improved performance across a range of parameters, including higher levels absorption capacity, while improving energy recovery by 25% and reducing consumption by around 15%. Risks of inadequate dehumidification PET is susceptible to moisture absorption from the surrounding environment, which can undermine its mechanical and optical properties. The particular issues PET Solutions lists are: Loss of mechanical strength leads to increased material brittleness. This could result in damage during handling, transport or package opening, raising safety risks and incurring higher costs. Variations in optical properties such as transparency and brilliance, caused by trapped moisture, can affect the aesthetic appearance of packaged products, influencing consumer experience and quality perception. Moisture within PET can lead to problems during the production process, such as bubble formation or surface defects. These can compromise the structural integrity of the packaging and affect its functionality. Moisture can catalyse chemical reactions and lead to degradation of polymer chains. This could impact the chemical stability of the material and even cause the formation of unwanted substances that could interact with the packaging’s contents. Effective dehumidification and proper treatment of PET will help to retain its desired strength, durability, and optical properties. A higher quality end product will result in more attractive packaging, with positive results for brand image and customer experience. Reducing moisture-related defects simplifies production processes and reduces production interruptions and the cost of downtime and repairs. PET Solutions’ New Generation Dryer DR-RE series PET Solutions says that its new range of dryers represents a significant step forward in material processing and establishes new standards for efficiency, performance and stability. The latest iteration of the New Generation Dryer series includes a brand new patented process characterised by the blowers positioned after the dessicant towers in the air process circuit. This location is said to deliver a cut of 15% in blower-related energy consumption. Reduced energy usage makes the new range suitable for environmentally responsible production facilities. What the company describes as a “sophisticated double filter system” is claimed to deliver a 47% increase in filtration capacity. PET Solutions says that this notable boost in capacity is more than just a statistic and that it indicates a substantial improvement in purity and cleanliness of processed rPET materials. In addition, the advanced filter system is claimed also to streamline maintenance operations and consequently further optimise production processes. The presence of a greater number of molecular sieves increases absorption capacity by up to 31 l per tower. This means that the number or regenerative cycles is reduced, while extending dessicant lifetime. The larger size of the exchanger within the dryer results in a 45% amplification in cooling capacity. This accelerates the drying process and ensures that PET and rPET being processed retain their optimal properties during transition from raw to finished product. PET Solutions says that the dryer offers greater throughput while maintaining material integrity, ensuring consistent quality output. The company declares that its New Generation Dryer achieves 25% overall energy recovery, which contributes to a more sustainable production cycle while eliminating the need for an oil condenser. The development is intended to raise standards for efficiency and performance in material processing. www.petsolutions.it New Generation Dryer DR-RE series The DR-RE dryer features a unique, patent-protected design."},{"@ID":36, "TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 34 Intravis – hall A1 booth 1509 360° label inspection At this year’s Fakuma trade show, Intravis GmbH, based in Aachen, Germany, will have its own dedicated booth. In collaboration with their Swiss partner, Beck Automation, they will jointly occupy booth A1-1509. During the event, they will showcase an IMLWatcher system integrated in a Beck Automation handling robot. Additionally, Intravis will also display multiple IMLWatcher systems at various other booths throughout the exhibition. “Intravis was already present at previous editions of Fakuma with different systems and partners. This year, we had the opportunity to have our own booth together with our partner Beck Automation. We were happy to take this opportunity, especially in the year of our 30th anniversary”, said to Dr Gerd Fuhrmann, CEO of Intravis GmbH. At its own booth, Intravis will present an IMLWatcher integrated into a handling robot of Beck Automation. The system inspects the 360° label of a bucket with only one camera for various inspection criteria: Label presence and identity, correct positioning of the label, print-to-cut and artwork offset, print errors at the artwork, contaminations as well as IML-typical defects such as blow-byes and defects at the label joint. One part of a new appearance One IMLWatcher will also be part of a new cooperation at Fakuma. The companies Arburg, Beck Automation, Kebo, MCC Verstraete and Intravis jointly present a concept for the use of IML technology in medical applications. The combination of the strengths of the five partners has thus resulted in a comprehensive solution that is claimed to fully meet the strict requirements of the medical industry. Visitors of the trade show will be able to convince themselves of the key points and advantages of the solution at booth A3-3101 as well as in two presentations jointly held by experts of the partners on October 18 and 19. Another IMLWatcher at Wittmann Battenfeld Another IMLWatcher integrated into a robot from Beck Automation will be exhibited at booth B1-1204 of Wittmann Battenfeld GmbH. Its ten cameras inspect drinking cups out of four cavities. In addition to a comprehensive 360° inspection of the in-mould label, a check for short shots at the cup edge, and an examination of the inside of the cup for contaminations and blow-byes, this IMLWatcher also offers special software functionalities. These include a long-term image memory, extended cavity statistics, a warning threshold when a tolerance range is foreseeably exceeded, and extensive user administration. Intravis at Fakuma: IMLWatcher at booth A1-1509 of Intravis GmbH / Beck Automation IMLWatcher at booth A3-3101 of Arburg IMLWatcher at booth B1-1204 of Wittmann Battenfeld GmbH www.intravis.com IML inspection for medical applications"},{"@ID":29, "MARKET SURVEY 27 09/2023 MARKETsurvey All about caps! Never change a winning team - PETplanet decided to put all our surveys about caps & closures manufacturing together in one comprehensive overview - from mould maker, systems manufacturer, inspection systems provider to cap producer. Please find out about state of the art closure equipment. We thank all participants: Z-Werkzeugbau, Corvaglia, Netstal, Alpla, Has Plastik, Retal Group, Bericap, Plastisud, IMDvista, Allvig, P&S Technology, Intravis, Köksan, Sacmi and Sumitomo (SHI) Demag. Although the publisher has made every eff ort to make sure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding accuracy and completeness. Resins & additives Preform machinery Preform production & inspection systems Preform & SBM mould manufacturer SBM 2-stage Compressors All about caps Filling equipment & inspection systems Palletising & shrink film machinery Recycling machinery Cap producer Company name Alpla Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG Corvaglia group Retal Industries LTD Has Plastik San Tic. A.S. Köksan PET VE Plastik Ambalaj Sanayi VE Ticaret A.Ş. Bericap Holding GmbH Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Mockenstraße 34, 6971 Hard, Austria +43 5574 602 0 www.alpla.com Mr Michael Feltes Global Dir. - Business Dev. IM +43 5574 602 0 [email protected] Hörnlistrasse 14, CH-8360 Eschlikon, Switzerland +41 71 973 77 77 www.corvaglia.com Mr Vaidotas Bucevicius Director Sales & Service +41 71 973 77 10 [email protected] Epimitheos St. 6, Industrial Area A, Limassol, 3056, Cyprus +357 25 270 500 www.retalgroup.com Mr Fuat Karaev Global Sales Director +357 25 270 500 [email protected] Firuzkoy Bulvari No.50, 34325 Avcliar, Istanbul, Turkey +90 212 695 50 00 www.hasplastik.com Mr Unal Haspaylan Commercial Director +90 212 695 50 00 [email protected] 4. Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 83422 Nolu Cad. No:10 PK:39. 27600 Sehitkamil, Gaziantep, Turkey +90 342 357 03 30 www.koksan.com Mr Serhat Tümer Board Member +90 342 357 03 30 [email protected] Kirchstrasse 5 55257 Budenheim Germany +49 6139 2929 0 www.bericap.com Mr Thomas Schmidt Group Marketing Director +49 6139 2929 0 [email protected] Product range One-piece closures for beverages (Yes / No - If Yes, please specify material) Yes, HDPE Yes - HDPE Yes, HDPE Yes, HDPE Yes, HDPE and LDPE Yes, HDPE Two-piece closures for beverages (with liner) (Yes / No - If Yes, please specify material No No No No No Yes, PP with EVA liner or HDPE with various liner types Applications relevant to PET containers (e.g. CSD, water, juice, beer, etc.) CSD, water, juice, dairy CSD & carbonated bottled water, still bottled water (pressurised & non-pressurised), sensitive drinks (juices, teas, fl avoured waters, ...), sports & energy drinks, others (dairy, edible oil, …) Beverage CSD, water, juice, energy drinks, beer, dairy, edible oil, etc. Water, juice, hotfi ll, beer Beverage: CSD, water, dairy, juices, energy drinks, teas, syrups, beer Food: Ketchup, mayonnaise, spreadables, edible oil, soy & vinegar Neck fi nishes available as standard 26/22 (GME30.28, GME30.37, GME30.40); PCO1881; PCO1810; 38mm 2-start (GME30.29); 38mm 3-start (GME30.25); 30/25H; 48mm; glass (MCA 7,5R); SPI-necks Several standard fi nishes from 25 to 48mm, e.g. Cetie standard necks GME 30.21 to GME 30.26, GME 30.28 to GME 30.33, GME 30.36 to GME 30.43, GME 32.03, GME 32.04 1881, 1810, BPF, 48/41,29/25, 38mm 3 starts, 26/22 GME30.40 25-22mm, 26mm GME30.40, 29-25mm, 30-25mm, 38mm, 48mm, 1810, 1881 HOD 55mm (we can also work on non-standard solutions upon request ) 29/25 1810, 1881, 33mm , 5 gallon, 38mm, 48mm, 38mm handle, 48mm handle 28mm: PCO 1810, PCO 1881 29mm: PET 29/25 GME 30.26 33mm: PET 33/15 GME 30.36, GME 30.30 38mm: PET 38/15 GME 30.29, GME 30.25 Printed caps available (Yes/No) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (digital and tampon print) Colour matching service (Yes / No) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (made by the masterbatch manufacturer) Yes Child-proof closures (Yes / No) Yes No No No No Yes Push-Pull / sports caps (Yes / No) Yes Only in Mexico No Yes No Yes Special comments/special closures (e.g. tethered cap solution, fl ipt-tops, drinking spouts, lightest cap for 28mm PCO, 26mm for water etc including non-beverage closures...) Non aerosol pumps in various neck fi nishes, buckets and canisters for various applications, tethered cap solutions for 26/22, 1810, 1881, 38mm neck fi nishes; CRC caps; standard packaging for pharma applications; 2-chamber caps; bi-and multicomponent injection moulding; custom-made closures Closure manufacturing sites in Switzerland, Mexico, USA. Corvaglia designed caps are available all around the world via our partner network. Tethered caps for carbonated and non-carbonated drinks according to requirements of EU Directive 2019/904 Colour printing up to 3 colours, UV & IR laser engraving are available. Caps embossment upon request. Tethered closures are available for various neck fi nishes Tethered caps, fl ip top caps, lightest 1881 caps for high CSD, global technical service is available 29/21 single part hinged oil closure, 28mm 1881 closure lightest weight is 2.15g - ClipAside tethered cap introduced for all relevant neck fi nishes across Europe - Mono-material sportscap range with special TE function (Biarritz, Mayence, Monet) - Bericap Falcon: Light-weight SnapCap for PET 26/21 necks - Extensive mono-material closure range for edible oil Special patented closures or marketing features Digital printing capabilities installed in our production sites Yes HOD caps for 5 gallon, laser marking inside the whole cap portfolio (alfanumeric codes, artwork etc.), engraved logo designs, label and cap liner wadding No Silicone-free non-drip valve for sport caps and fl ip top closures PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net"},{"@ID":30, "MARKET SURVEY 28 Caps inspection systems Company name Sacmi Imola S.A. Allvig Technology GmbH IMD Ltd. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Via Selice Prov. Le 17/A 40026 Imola (Bo), Italy +39 0542 607111 www.sacmi.com Mr Stefano Severi Sales Specialist Manager +39 335 659 4236 [email protected] Verbindungsstrasse 27, 40723 Hilden, Germany +49 2103 7948 564 www.allvig.com Ms Irina Kouzmenko CEO +49 2103 7948 560 [email protected] Industriestrasse 37A 2555 Bruegg, Switzerland +41 32 366 80 66 www.imdvista.com Mr Martin Gerber Sales Director (CSO) +41 32 366 80 66 [email protected] Inspection system CHS102/202 PFMC In-line visual control system In-line and off-line vision inspection systems for closures, preforms, bottles and barrier testing Inspection speed Up to 4,500 caps/min Up to 200 caps/h Up to 60 items per second Up to 4,500 p/min. depending on closure type and geometry Inspection method Artifi cial computer vision algorithms, spark tester Mechanical and destructive breaking force test Visual control Non contact inspection Inspected objects Flat top caps, tethered caps, sport caps, hinge caps, multicomponents caps Flat top caps and tethered caps Caps and closures/plastic or metal All types and shapes Inspected parameters: -Inner inspection Inspection of the whole product side, including mouth, plug seal (one piece caps), gasket (two pieces caps). Dedicated algorithms for a precise thread inspection. Detection of small fl ashes and voids in Tamper Evident Band wings. Detection of colour variations, discolourations, contaminations, black specks, pulled threads, voids, fl ashes of material. Inspection of standard or tethered cut produced in the mould: fl ashes in the windows, windows partially closed, bridges, number of bridges, thickness of the bridges. Inside inspection incl. completeness check In high resolution (HS) -Outer inspection Complete inspection of the public side, including sidewall. Special CVS3603D module to unroll the sidewall in a 2D image making a compensation of any deformation coming from lens deformation, perspective and spatial position of the object. Inspection of the decoration with automatic recognition of colours and areas with a specifi c colour. Colour variation (ΔE), wrong colour, colour planes registration, off-centre, stains, black specks and many others. Outside inspection incl. print inspection, position check In high resolution (HS) -Geometry From a top view: Ovalisation, indicative measurement on inner and outer diameter; from side views: outer diameters measured along the cap body, bulged caps, cap height. Shape check In high resolution (HS) -Cavity number reading Yes, through artifi cial intelligence algorithms for high reliability and performance. Statistics of defects by cavity number, sorting by cavity number. Yes, through CVScut vision system In high resolution (HS) -Microhole inspection Yes, with dedicated and integrated spark tester device In high resolution (HS) -Additional inspection criteria for inserts Yes (presence/absence, integrity, black specks, voids, fl ashes, contaminations…) Available - depending on your requirements Further inspection options Side inspection Breaking force test Measurement Proven tethered closures inspection, slit inspection (after slitting machine), print inspection, fi rst precise calibrated in-line measurement solution Colour camera CHS features up to 7/12 high resolution and high speed colour cameras to control the whole cap B/W or colour cameras In high resolution (HS) Installation: · Stand-alone (offl ine) Yes CHS 102, no CHS 202 Yes By customer site Flexible off-line solutions out of one hand · Inline CHS family includes two machines: CHS102 (single vacuum conveyor belt) and CHS202 (double vacuum conveyor belt). Both machines are very compact and have been designed to match the highest production speeds required by the market (up to 4,500ppm). PFMC takes samples of plastic caps and performs destructive tests: breaking forces of the bridges and of the lugs that keep the cap tethered to the bottle. The machine records the detected values and provides a set of statistics. It also produces chart showing force as a function of time, and can export that data via Ethernet or USB. By customer site Complete in-line downstream solutions out of one hand Software features Graphical HMI translated in more than 20 languages, artifi cial intelligence algorithms, colour analysis, special tools dedicated to a precise thread inspection, runs under Windows 10 IoT. Minimised pseudo-rejections with reliable defect detection IMDvista Neuron (AI based software for tethered and special closures), IMDvista Portal (one overview of all running IMDvista systems - connects your vision systems Industrie 4.0)"},{"@ID":31, "MARKET SURVEY 29 P&S Technology Co., LTD Intravis GmbH 261 Daeji-ro, Suji-gu, Yonginsi, Gyenggi-do, 16882, Korea +82 31 763 5621 www.pnstech.co.kr +82 31 763 5621 [email protected] Rotter Bruch 26a, 52068Aachen, Germany +49 241 9126 0 www.intravis.de Marius Pötting Product Manager Caps and Closures +49 241 9126 0 [email protected] Cap closure inspection CapWatcher Q-Line CapWatcherSC (specialty closures) IntraOne! CapWatcher B-Line CapWatcher FC Max 2,200 caps/minute 80cps / 4,800cpm / 288,000 cph 80 cps / 4,800 cpm / 288,000 cph 50cps / 3,000cpm / 180,000cph 40 cps / 2,400 cpm / 144,000 cph 12 caps on fi lled bottles/second / 720 bpm / 43,200 bph Vision 3 cameras for inner inspection (sealing elements, thread, tamper evident), 4 cameras for shell inspection, 1 camera for topwall inspection, contactless microhole inspection, temperature measurement, cavity reading Fully customised inspection systems that are tailored to the needs and wishes of our customers System for OEM-integration into capper-, fi ller-, assembly-, laser- or printing-systems Modular inspection system which can be confi gured with the basic modules of the closure inspection. 1 camera for inner inspection, 4 cameras for outer inspection, 1 camera for liner inspection/ cavity number reading Splash-proofed quality control of the fi lled end product. 5 cameras for outer inspection of the application angle and the tamper-evident band. 2 cameras for outer verifi cation of the fi ll level and the closure position. Aluminium, steel and plastic cap Tethered caps, standard one-piece beverage closures, standard two-piece beverage closures Tethered caps, carton fi tment, fl ip-top, sports cap, push-pull, 3-piece closures, screw top cap, spout & dosing, beauty & home-care, food & beverage, pharma, automotive, inserts, cutters, lids, dustcover Tethered caps, standard one-piece beverage closures, standard two-piece beverage closures, carton fi tment, fl ip-top, sports cap, push-pull, 3-piece closures, screw top cap Standard one-piece beverage closures, standard two-piece beverage closures, tethered caps (without tethered features) Standard one-piece beverage closures, standard two-piece beverage closures, metal closures (without measurement of application angle) Ovality: ± 0.2mm, black particle: Φ 0.3mm, pinhole: Φ 0.5mm Measurement of inner seal cone diameter (σ = 0.02mm), pulled thread inspection, tamper evident band inspection, black specks, contamination, colour deviation, inner seal cone, outer seal cone, plug seal, constant distance between inner seal and outer seal, homogeneity between inner seal and outer seal Measurement of inner seal cone diameter, pulled thread inspection, tamper evident band inspection, black specks, contamination, colour deviation, inner seal cone, outer seal cone, plug seal, constant distance between inner seal and outer seal, homogeneity between inner seal and outer seal, liner, laser engraving, QR-codes, promotion codes, cavity number reading. Measurement of inner seal cone diameter, inner closure diameter, ovality, thread inspection, tamper- evident band inspection, black specks, contamination, colour deviation, inner seal cone, outer seal cone, constant distance between inner and outer seal cone, short shots, fl ashes, liner, cavity number reading Black particle: Φ 0.5mm, print: ≥30 gray level & ≥1.0mm offset Measurement of outer closure diameter (σ = 0.02mm) and height (σ = 0.02mm), long gate inspection, slit quality for slitted closures, broken bridges, hinges, fl ashes between bridges, colour deviation, black specks Measurement of outer closure diameter & height, long gate inspection, slit quality for slitted closures, broken bridges, fl ashes between bridges, colour deviation, black specks, contamination, ovality, short shots, fl ashes, angel hairs. Measurement of outer closure diameter, measurement of outer closure height, colour deviation, black specks, contamination, absence and damage of the tamper- evident band, short shots, fl ashes Measurement of the application angle, tamper- evident band inspection, verifi cation of the fi ll level, inspection for: the presence of the closure, elevated closure, crooked/bent closure, domed closure (Bullnose) High precision measurement of the outer closure diameter: accuracy σ = 0.02mm, high precision measurement of the inner seal cone diameter: accuracy σ = 0.02mm, high precision measurement of the outer closure height: accuracy σ = 0.02mm Diameter and ovality, height, assembly faults, missing & damaged components, damaged seal cone, vertical long shots, open & closed short shots, horizontal/radial long shots, tamper evident band, damaged fl aps, turned up fl aps, damaged pull tabs, missing or damaged quality seal. Diameter and ovality (e.g. closure, seal cone), closure height, damaged seal cone, missing or damaged tamper-evident band Missing closure, missing or damaged tamper-evident band, domed closure (Bullnose) Save images by number with mould number reading function Robust cavity reading with special illumination technology, cap-oriented imaging & machine-learning algorithms for cavity recognition. No time-consuming teaching or learning procedure necessary. This enables the creation of real-time heat maps of moulds. Problems in temperature control of individual cavities or entire heating & cooling circuits can be detected & eliminated Robust cavity reading with specially developed illumination technology, cap-oriented imaging and machine-learning algorithms for outstanding cavity recognition. No time-consuming teaching or learning procedure necessary. Unique, robust cavity reading with machine-learning algorithms for outstanding cavity recognition. No time-consuming teaching or learning procedure. This enables: Wear or defects in the tool can be detected at an early stage; every defect closure will be assigned to its real cavity in the mould. New contactless microhole inspection, no need to dip into the closure -> must-have for tethered caps with inserts New contactless microhole inspection - no need to dip into the closure Inspected diameter range : 12mm to 53mm; inspected height range: 4mm to 37mm Missing components, closure height, diameter and ovality, fl ow lines, weight, label, l*a*b values, barrier inspection, layer inspection, tactile measurement Cavity recognition, print colour, print damage Pull-off test, TE-features Filler and capper tracking: Objects can be reliably traced back to the specifi c tool of the fi ller and capper. For example, defects of a tool can be detected at an early stage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Linear type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Data base connection, reject rate monitoring, production monitoring, integrated control of up- and downstream equipment, integrated trend statistics with pre-warning. IntraVisualizer - data analytics to improve production quality visualises the data of all Intravis systems on site simultaneously. Most importantly, it helps to investigate defective product (Rootcause analysis) predicting and avoiding quality failures and material waste. In addition, it detects negative trends before faulty products are produced. It is possible to integrate data from different production machines with a robust OPC-UA interface according to Euromap standard. Data base connection, reject rate monitoring, production monitoring, HMI for the Intravis sorter, inspection system and packaging system integrated trend statistics with prewarning, industry 4.0 ready Data base connection, reject rate monitoring, production monitoring, multistep rejector for fi lled bottles integrated trend statistics with prewarning, industry 4.0 ready"},{"@ID":47, "45 PRODUCTS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net PETproducts ALL- IN- ONE-MACHINE ASSEMBLY FOLDING SLITTING TETHERED CAP CONTEXO GMBH Tel. +49 (0) 7181 / 606-100 [email protected] www.contexo-automation.de Bottle-to-cup and cup-to-bottle The modified recycling material Repetec by Alpla is claimed to allow for the production of thin-walled containers made from food-grade rPET, created directly through a one-step injection moulding process. New application field Together with injection moulding specialist Engel, Alpla has expanded the application field to include containers, like those used for foods such as yogurt, potato salad, or olives. These containers are manufactured using thin-wall technology, which means they require little material and energy for production and have a low weight, resulting in minimal energy consumption in logistics and retail. However, producing these containers previously required other materials—polyolefins or polystyrene—for which there was no recycling loop in the food sector. In contrast to polyolefins and polystyrene, PET or rPET has not been efficiently processed into thin-wall packaging with competitive efficiency. In a col laborative development partnership, Alpla and Engel sought and found a solution to manufacture containers with at least 30% rPET (up to 100% possible). The rPET recycled by Alpla and specifically modified for this application, known as Repetec, can be processed on an Engel machine series designed specifically for the high-performance demands of thinwall injection moulding. As a result, food items can now be kept fresher for longer using rPET. Circular economy with Repetec As part of the European Plastics Pact, all plastic packaging is intended to consist of 30% recycled material and be 100% recyclable by 2025. Thin-walled containers made of polyolefins or polystyrene are typical for food packaging. Experts believe that relying solely on these materials will not suffice to achieve the mentioned goals, as there are either no recycling streams (polystyrene) or the recycled material currently lacks food safety certification. Even the European Food Safety Authority (Efsa) has not issued positive assessments for these recycling streams. rPET presents a potential solution to these issues and can help manufacturers avoid penalties, additional taxes, or exclusion from supermarket shelves. Despite the current higher cost of this material, rPET is becoming a cost-effective alternative. Efsa has approved numerous recycling methods for PET, making the material available in Europe. The advantage of PET lies in the fact that a closed recycling loop already exists. Furthermore, PET is currently the only packaging plastic permitted for processing into food packaging on an industrial scale in its recycled form. Thanks to this innovation, Alpla paves the way to recycle and reuse non-bottle-shaped packaging products as well. This expands the spectrum of PET and rPET applications and aims to establish a cycle from bottle-to-cup or even from cup-to-bottle, in addition to the well-established bottle-to-bottle loop that has been in place for many years. www.alpla.com"},{"@ID":5, "imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Hubweg 15 74939 Zuzenhausen, Germany phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 [email protected] EDITORIAL Kay Barton Heike Fischer Gabriele Kosmehl Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Anthony Withers WikiPETia. info [email protected] MEDIA CONSULTANTS Martina Hirschmann [email protected] Johann Lange-Brock [email protected] phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 LAYOUT AND PREPRESS EXPRIM Werbeagentur | exprim.de Matthias Gaumann READER SERVICES [email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck Eine Unternehmung der Limberg-Druck GmbH Danziger Platz 6 67059 Ludwigshafen, Germany WWW www.hbmedia.net | www.petpla.net PETplanet Insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trademarks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net Dear readers, Today, I would like to talk about family. After having spent nearly 25 years working at PETplanet Insider, I am beginning to think about the future 10 years from now. And I do have to confess that I would like nothing more than to travel the world with Editourmobil and visit all you lovely readers! In order to ensure that the PET industry’s information pool remains in safe family hands, the time has come to gradually involve the next generation. Processors such as Alpla and Bericap are showing the way by bringing in the third generation. And so I am delighted to report that, after two years of working behind the scenes with us, my daughter, Miriam Trotter, will be joining our editorial team. She is moving from her job as a copywriter in the private sector and will initially be in charge of new media technologies. She has gained her first experiences in the industry already as a baby when vising the K fair in Düsseldorf. She was even awarded the youngest visitor of the event. A title she wears with pride to this day. Miriam became more involved in the subject at the VDMA in Kolkata, India. In supermarkets, she looks at injection points and neck rings on beverage bottles first, which tells her more about the quality than reading a list of ingredients on labels. Anyone wanting to meet her in person should call in at Brau Breviale where she will continue a trade fair career that once began in Düsseldorf and which has carried on with her involvement in several Drinktec events. Greetings from the family! Yours Alexander Büchler PS For the sake of completeness, my other daughter, Emma, was in charge of our address marketing, and my son, Valentin, is heavily involved in our brewery operations. Both are currently working with companies operating in diff erent fi elds along the PET value chain."},{"@ID":2, "PACKAGING/PALLETISING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 38 ‘Mizu To Ikiru’ philosophy meets contactless accumulation solution Handling of lightweight bottles Suntory Japan, well known for the production and manufacturing of soft drinks and spirits, has adopted Gebo AQFlex, Sidel’s conveying and accumulation solution, to optimise product quality and line operations for its new bottling facility. With its non-contact single-file handling of containers, Gebo AQFlex enabled the product integrity required by Suntory Japan while improving the overall performance of the plant. “Our philosophy is `Mizu To Ikiru`, that is, `Living with Water`. By this, we endeavour to `satisfy people like water`. Our highest priority was to ensure the best quality for our customers,” said Toshiya Kobayashi, Chief Operating Officer, Global Technical Department. Suntory Japan’s newest bottling facility, Shinano-no-mori plant, is the production home for Tennensui mineral water, produced in one of the lightest PET bottles in Japan. The light weight of the bottle increases quality risks during production, such as dents being caused by contact between the bottles, or bottles falling. Suntory Japan required a product handling solution that would ensure full product care by protecting the bottle’s exterior and preventing the possibility of bottles falling. The beverage manufacturer turned to Sidel and made the decision to adopt Gebo AQFlex. Designed for all types of containers, Sidel’s all-in-one product conveying and accumulation solution is claimed to ensure a high level of product quality, due to its gentle, 100% contactless and single-lane handling of containers, thus meeting Suntory Japan’s expectations. Installation and commissioning With both companies sharing an ethos of innovation, Suntory Japan approached Sidel to implement the conveying and accumulation solution in its new plant after hearing about its success at Suntory France and witnessing it in action. “After several visits to the Suntory France site where the Gebo AQFlex was already successfully installed and running, we were reassured that the solution would be able to reach the high performance and output levels we required,” continues Toshiya Kobayashi. Offering a compact, all-in-one design and operating fully automatically at an efficiency of more than 99.5% whatever the speed, Sidels’ handling solution enabled Suntory Japan to improve its line layout and guarantee the brand’s high level of productivity while ensuring the safety of its employees. The improvements that the introduction of Gebo AQFlex has led to include space savings, simplicity of layouts, a comprehensive range of automation solutions and an increase in the operational efficiency and quality of the production line, states Suntory Japan. The installation of the Gebo AQFlex commenced during Covid-19, limiting the ability of Gebo AQFlex experts to physically visit the plant. However, they supported Sidel local technicians and Suntory teams by carrying out a remote Factory Acceptance Test using AR glasses, and by providing 24/7 assistance during installation and commissioning. Once able, they visited the plant to fine-tune the machines and optimise efficiency. As the only plant producing Tennensui mineral water, the site must run 24/7 therefore Sidel’s remote support proved even more important by ensuring the production line was never stopped. While Suntory Japan currently only manufactures two types of bottles at its new plant, the small, 550ml bottle and the large, 2 l bottle, Sidel’s Gebo AQFlex is claimed to offer enhanced flexibility which can increase and introduce new bottle formats if needed in the future. The solution can accommodate any product, whatever the application, in all container materials, formats and shapes, says Sidel. www.sidel.com PACKAGING"},{"@ID":24, "22 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net [email protected] www.petsolutions.it THE rEVOLUTION IS HERE rPET new generation drying technology follow us DR series Motan - hall B1 booth 1111 Process transparency and digital intelligence The Motan Group, Constance, Germany, is focusing its attention on minimising energy consumption and the circular economy. The materials management specialist will be presenting a selection of its energy-efficient ancillaries tailored to this purpose, as well as a CO2 calculator for assessing the carbon footprint when producing plastic parts. For processors in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, a completely new product line will be presented. “The energy data of the material have a massive influence on the overall ecological balance of the manufactured products. Plastics processors expect more transparency and standards here,” explains CEO Sandra Füllsack. By means of energy monitoring, it is possible to record the energy consumption of each individual process step. The CO2 footprint of each individual part can be calculated, and the data is certified. This provides the processor with the basis for a systematic optimisation of the energy consumption of his individual production processes. Process-safe and energysaving drying Th e ma t e r i a l drying process is particularly energy i n t ens i ve . I n t he latest generation of Luxor SG small-volume dry air dryers, Motan has incorporated the Ecoprotect function as standard. Depending on the unit size, the function reduces energy consumption by 10%. At the same time, the protective function ensures a secure and reliable drying without over- or underdrying. The mobile small dryers, in which this process-safe technology has been combined with state-of-the-art microprocessor control, are among the trade fair highlights at the Motan stand. Plastic as a valuable material In a functioning circular economy with high-quality recycling, material handling plays a key role. To achieve this, Motan focuses on the digitalisation of systems and the networking of production processes. The avoidance of material or energy losses through appropriately designed systems is just one aspect that the material management specialist expresses with its slogan ‘Zero Loss’. Continuously developing processes and products and making them more sustainable is part of the company’s longstanding strategy. A holistic understanding of the process Within the scope of the Motan academy, companies can have their personnel trained to such an extent that not only the technology and function of individual units is understood, but also the entire production process. Being able to set up and operate a machine is important. Understanding how settings affect the entire process is even more important. The basic and advanced seminars of the Motan academy teach users the interrelationships of material management in theory and practice. www.motan-group.com"},{"@ID":23, "21 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net LOOKINGTO INCREASE ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS CRACK RESISTANCE (ESCR)? CONTACT USTODAY! [email protected] www.moldmasters.com ✓ New Sprint APEX gate seal. ✓ Increase environmental stress crack resistance for CSD caps by up to 40%. ✓ Increase your safety factor, improve product performance, and enhance customer satisfaction. ✓ Enables light weighting without sacrificing performance and durability. Cold Jet - hall B3 booth 3110 Mould and die cleaning Cold Jet, a global leader in the development of dry ice cleaning solutions and production equipment, will present surface preparation and cleaning solutions. Utilising dry ice in several applications in plastics processing is helping the industry move into a circular economy to better protect the environment, states the company and explains: The CO2 utilised for the production of dry ice is a carbon capture and utilisation process that involves using recycled CO2, and replaces environmentally harmful solvent cleaning processes. Mould cleaning remains a critical component of producing quality products. Cleaning mould cavities and vents of resin off-gasses, cured material or mould release agents can prevent numerous common moulding problems such as short shots, burns, flash, contamination, etc. Cleaning is often delayed because traditional methods cause extended downtime and often involve the use of chemicals or mechanical means that are harmful to employees, abrasive to the tooling and can wear away critical mould tolerances. Cold Jet’s Dry Ice Environmental Cleaning and Surface Preparation (ECaSP) systems are claimed to enable manufacturers to clean moulds more often, faster, cheaper and non-abrasively, in a sustainable manner. Dry ice is also utilised in the industry to deburr and deflash plastic parts. Thermoset parts will always have flash (sometimes thermoplastic parts as well), and the part geometries do not always lend themselves to tumbling. Cold Jet’s solutions are often completely automated. Lastly, Cold Jet offers solutions with on-demand dry ice production and blasting for the surface preparation/cleaning of plastic parts prior to painting. Cold Jet systems are designed for easy integration into existing automated paint line systems. They are aimed to replace aqueous cleaning methods and the associated problems that come with wet cleaning. www.coldjet.com from 800mm to 1,320mm. In addition, it can be optimally adapted to its environment with low or high frames as well as material containers (instead of free outlet) and hoppers for feeding via sprue picker (instead of manually). The GRS 180 exhibited uses a sevenblade rotor with wear-protected blades in HSS quality and is configured for connection to the customer’s extraction system. Its drive technology heart is a 2.2 kWmotor whose power requirement is effectively reduced to around 1.1kW under load thanks to the Getecha EnergySave system. The rotor variants, the drive and the blade qualities of the GRS series are always individually matched to the application. The cutting chamber can also be equipped with water cooling, which reduces the thermal load on the materials and prevents their plastification in the cutting chamber. With a fill level monitoring system, overfilling of the material container - and thus a backflow into the cutting chamber - can be avoided. Warning signals and an automatically controlled suction conveyor can be used to stabilise the production process. In addition to presenting its granulators, Getecha will be addressing important factors and trends in the field of size reduction technology. These include the question of what role a detailed requirements analysis plays or how additional savings potential can be released through the successful integration of the size reduction solution into the customer’s infrastructure. The relevance of the automation of the grinding systems, their external control and the use of modern communication and sensor technology for process optimisation and operating cost reduction will also be discussed. www.en.getecha.de"},{"@ID":55, "BOTTLE MAKING 12 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net achieve uniform temperature distribution between the inner and outer parts of the preform wall with reduced heating time and corresponding energy efficiency. CEO Maxim Poliansky explained: “Not all blow moulding machines can process rPET preforms. This is mainly due to material properties like melt flow, crystallinity and molecular weight. Material contamination, for example, can also lead to premature wear of machine components. The importance of NIR heating systems for blow moulding with rPET preforms also increases with the proportion of recyclate contained in the preform. Not all machines on the market can achieve the correct melting temperature and thermal stability. Our model range of reheat stretch blow moulding machines is compatible with rPET,” Maxim Poliansky said, referring to projects completed in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and Latin America. The role of the NIR heating system in bottle blow moulding from rPET preforms increases with the percentage of recycled material in the sample. www.pet-eu.com NIR heating technologies for PET bottle blow moulding The global market for PET containers is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% between 2022 and 2023. According to a report by Future Marketing Insights, it will increase from US$ 73.1 billion to US$ 122.4 billion. Currently, it is estimated that more than 500 billion PET bottles are used worldwide for packaging various products. NIR (near infrared) irradiation plays an important role in the various (processing) stages and is further fuelled by the global rPET trend. Machine manufacturer PET Technologies, headquartered in Austria and manufacturing in Ukraine, designs and installs NIR heaters and sheds light on the background and advantages of the technology. IR lamps emit a wide range of frequencies with three types of infrared radiation: wave numbers in the near IR range of 2,500-714nm (4,00014,000cm-1), medium range of 25,0002,500nm (400-4,000cm-1) and far range of 2,500.000-25,000nm (4-400cm-1). Both IR and NIR spectroscopy use spectral data to characterise matter. The main difference is the range of the electromagnetic spectrum investigated. NIR spectroscopy focuses on the range from 714nm to 2,500nm. This is just outside the range normally visible to the naked eye. Radiation in the NIR range can penetrate PET completely to a certain depth. According to the Beer-Lambert law, the amount of light absorbed by a sample (in our case a PET preform) is directly related to the volume of the sample that the light passes through and the concentration of the sample. The importance of NIR technology for PET bottle production is obvious: the heating process is faster compared to a conventional IR system, resulting in energy savings, plus space savings in the design of the heater for the stretch blow moulding machine. PET Technologies, which has been in the industry for 24 years, was an early adopter of NIR heating for its linear PET stretch blow-moulding machines, as seen in the APF Max series. The compactly designed model series is intended to APF Max SBM series"},{"@ID":54, "PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 43 BOTTLES 43 BOTTLES Power drink in PET There are always new ideas and brands o n t h e e n e r g y o r power drink market.For example, the German company Star Concept GmbH & Co. KG sells various “Urus” brand power dr inks in sl im bottles made of 100% recycled material. The disposable bottles contain 500ml and have a non-slip surface under the sleeve labels. The d r i nk can be t aken directly from the bottle via a screw-on push-pull closure with a first withdrawal safety device. www.drinkurus.com Special surface for water bottle The Norwegian beverage producer Isklar fills its drinks in bottles with a specially designed surface. The multi-faceted surface is reminiscent of rocks or a crystal. The picture shows a bottle for 660ml of natural mineral water without carbonic acid. The water is drawn off via a screw-on push-pull closure with a guarantee band and protective cap. The cap is provided with ventilation openings. Two suitably punched labels are applied to the corresponding surfaces of the bottle. www.isklar.com BOTTLE TO BOTTLE RECOVERY MOISTURE CONTENT CONTROL PROCESS CONSISTENCY EXTREME BLENDING FLEXIBILITY MAKING THE DIFFERENCE ON PET. moretto.com follow us"},{"@ID":10, "8 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net A new rPET production unit for the SGT Group Société Générale des Techniques (SGT) is building a new recycled PET production unit in Rezé, in western France. The Group’s objective is to reach 26,000 t/a of rPET, thanks to new equipment and the performance of its teams. The new recycling unit will be located in Rezé, in the heart of the Group’s historic preform manufacturing plant and head office. This new investment reflects SGT’s determination to guarantee a continuous supply of rPET to all its customers, the majority of whom are bottlers in the food sector, 15 months ahead of the implementation of the European Directive 2019/90 which establishes a minimum recycled content requirement of 25% for PET bottles by 2025. The company had already anticipated market demand, as in 2019, the Group CEO Frédéric Mignot inaugurated his first PET recycling plant, named SGR, in Chalon-sur-Saone in Southeast France. With an annual capacity of 12,000 t, SGR produces a premium quality rPET claimed to be equivalent to virgin PET, suitable for direct food contact and approved by the European Food Safety Authority (Efsa). “We will be increasing our rPET production capacity to 26,000 t by mid-2024,” explains Frédéric Mignot. To achieve this objective, the company is equipping itself with the latest technologies, including the new LSP (Liquid State Polycondensation) process from Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen (NGR) for the treatment of post-consumer PET. In this process, all PET impurities are removed in the liquid phase to meet the requirements for food packaging. Complying with Efsa and FDA standards, this process is also claimed to offer higher energy efficiency than conventional SSP applications. In addition, the extraction of contaminants when PET is in the liquid phase enables higher levels of decontamination, particularly for NIAS (non-intentionally added substances) and bisphenol A. To support its project, SGT has been able to count on financial assistance from Ademe, the Ecological Transition Agency from western France. Work will start in December 2023, with commissioning of the new recycling unit scheduled for the second quarter of 2024. www.sgt-pet.com Lindner & Erema establish plastics recycling holding company Erema Group and Lindner Holding have established a holding company called Blueone Solutions. This newly formed entity aims to leverage both companies’ expertise and jointly execute research projects to create industry standards in plastics recycling. From waste to recycled granulate, potential new raw materials pass through several different recycling processes. These range from sorting, shredding, washing, and drying to extrusion, including filtration, compounding, and odour optimisation. The challenge for the industry lies in fine tuning these individual recycling steps – in particular when energy efficiency and high recyclate qualities are to be achieved. The founding of Blueone Solutions, a company which is owned 50:50 by the Erema Group and Lindner Holding and to which shares of Lindner Washtech were contributed, is that very starting point. The experience of Lindner Washtech will be combined with that of the extruder manufacturer Erema. They aim to increase the added value and set industry standards by adjusting and optimising processes and conducting joint research projects. Former projects, such as the pilot facilities in the LIT Factory at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz, Austria, allowed the companies to enter into a close technical exchange already years ago. www.erema.com R&D Leverage Europe expands to offer complete solution in IBM development R&D Leverage Europe, a subsidiary of Adler Industrial Solutions, announced an expansion in its services with the addition of Injection Blow Mould (IBM) capabilities. In 2023, the company has invested substantially in equipment and infrastructure to facilitate this development, including the purchase of IBM machines for mould validation and sampling. In anticipation of the increased demand for their services, R&D Leverage Europe wi l l expand i ts technical team both through numbers, and expertise through intensive training. This strategic move is intended to ensure that the company remains at the forefront of IBM technology and is well-equipped to deliver cutting-edge solutions. This expansion will enable the company to better serve its existing clients while reaching out to new customers in the IBM sector, says R&D. Employing over 80 dedicated professionals, R&D Leverage Europe operates from state-of-the-art facilities on its campus in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, England, with a total area of 40,000 square feet. As part of its expansion plans, the company is actively developing an adjacent 15,000-squarefoot facility to house a second Product Solutions Lab, initially housing two mould validation machines for the IBM sector. This investment will further solidify the company’s position as an industry leader. www.adlertooling.com"},{"@ID":56, "INSPECTION 17 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net Luca noted, the alternative is to make hand measurements with a magnetic gauge for thickness. The Gawis 4D, with its non-contact thickness measurement, eliminates the need to do thickness manually, which takes a lot of time. This goes for large containers as well as the very small. “We need to measure both thickness and thickness variation over and around the preform or bottle wall. Material distribution analysis takes time.” The Gawis 4D captures hundreds of measurements over the length and around the circumference of the preform. This makes it quite simple to measure thickness variation as well as other attributes such as concentricity, min/max and average in a single measurement sequence. On the Gawis 4D this is performed in conjunction with dimensional measurements, in less than one minute. Additionally, the Gawis 4D is industry 4.0 compatible making it possible to easily communicate with other devices and share data. Testing, testing, testing… One of the defining aspects of Sipa is the wide portfolio of products that includes beverage bottles, preforms, jars, small and large containers and even, detergent containers. Testing and measuring are not limited to new machines and moulds. Nowadays, most of the projects coming through the Sipa lab are pretty challenging, including lightweighting or new resins testing, with the focus on sustainability. Taking measurements is not as easy as people might think. “Everything is extraordinary” – every week is a new challenge and any savings in time is welcome. AutoJob Since time and accuracy are of the essence in this facility, taking into account the wide variety of products, one of the biggest challenges typically associated with automated measurement systems is the amount of time it takes to program each job. The Gawis 4D addresses this handily with a patented feature called AutoJob. With this feature, the operator simply selects the AutoJob mode and the work of locating and identifying finish features is performed automatically and incorporated into the job within a matter of seconds. The operator can adjust the selection, add control limits, and incorporate additional measurements as necessary. AutoJob can be used to create a new job or identify an existing job template, through template matching, that most closely matches the container. Template matching, another feature associated with AutoJob, finds the closest match of a scanned bottle finish to a job template already in the template library, or published standard template. The work in this lab goes well beyond qualifying"},{"@ID":1, "No.9 2023 www.petpla.net D 51178; ISSN: 1438-9452 25 . 09 . 23 MAGAZ I NE FOR BOT T L E R S AND BOT T L E - MAK E R S IN THE AMER ICAS, AS IA, EUROPE AND AL L AROUND THE PLANET PETplanet is read in more than 158 countries MARKETsurvey It‘s all about caps! Page 27 Page 20 PACKAGING Page 36"},{"@ID":13, "MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 11"},{"@ID":22, "20 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net TRADE SHOWpreview 28th edition of Fakuma Wi th the approach of the 28th Fakuma International Trade Fair for Plastics Processing, taking place from October 17 to 21, 2023 at the Friedrichshafen Exhibition Centre, the stage is set for an assembly of over 1,900 exhibitors from across the world. Marked as an event of reference in the realm of injection moulding, extrusion, thermoforming, and 3D printing, Fakuma 2023 will address key themes as energy effi ciency, sustainability and recyclable design. Another objective involves the presentation of plastics processing in the intelligently networked factory of tomorrow. While the anticipation for this year’s Fakuma is rising, the following preview of some PET-related exhibits already provides an sneak peak of some innovative solutions on display. www.fakuma-messe.de Frigel - hall A5 booth 5123 Cooling and mould temperature control solutions Frigel Group wi l l be present ing their latest process cooling solutions, designed for various industry sectors. A new temperature control unit for injection moulding is the Microgel Syncro. The technology is claimed to provide a reduction in cycle time of up to 40%, while maintaining the surface quality, dimensional characteristics and mechanical performance of the finished product. The reduction of the total cycle time is obtained thanks to the reduction of the cooling time only: this result, achieved through the digital synchronisation with the moulding machine, has the advantage of not requiring modifications of the other moulding parameters. Frigel is also exhibiting its Adiabatic product family line, introducing the Ecodry MDK range, designed for flexible configuration of modular adiabatic solutions for small to large plastic factories. Industry 4.0 control platform The Netgel 3PR 4.0 product platform is a specialised solution for controlling central cooling systems. It allows processors to oversee and manage the entire cooling system from a single control point. This platform offers two versions, Lite and Premium, catering to different system sizes and equipment requirements. Frigel has also introduced MiND 2.0, a digital solution that aligns with Industry 4.0 and IIOT standards. MiND 2.0 offers supervision and maintenance tools for all Frigel equipment and accessories, both central and machine-side. Users can monitor and manage various parameters and events, track performance, and moni tor energy consumpt ion remotely via a user-friendly webpage. Single and dual zone TCUs Frigel has also introduced advances in its direct injection pressurised water TCUs up to 120 °C. The TDK units are claimed to be adaptable to any moulding condition and are equipped with features and safeties to operate over the entire temperature range. The unique single zone (RSM) and dual zone (RSD) machine-side temperature control units Microgel RS for injection moulding are designed for moulding throughputs ranging from 10 to 240 kg/h. The Microgel RS range includes important advances in temperature accuracy over the entire control range (-5 to 90 °C), functionalities, pumping performance and energy efficiency. The RS range features additional configurations specifically designed for packaging (RSP) and extrusion (RSB). www.frigel.com Getecha - hall A3 booth 3210 Production-oriented and energy-efficient grinding Equipping plastics processors and recycling companies with customised shredding and recycling solutions - that has been Getecha’s mission for many years. What this means in concrete terms and what level of process automation is achievable today will be demonstrated at this year’s Fakuma. The company will be using numerous exhibits to showcase the services it is currently able to cover as a system integrator and engineering partner. Getecha is presenting two granulators from its GRS line at the trade show as mobile and versatile size reduction solutions for use in production. The GRS 180, which is designed as a beside-the-press granulator for processing sprues and light faulty parts, is almost a classic. It is suitable for both manual and automated feeding via the handling system of an injection moulding machine. Depending on the variant and options, its feed height can be adjusted"},{"@ID":49, "47 PRODUCTS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net Caps and closures inspection machinery P&S Technology is specialised in manufacturing inspection systems for the plastic packaging industry. In addition to preform inspection systems, the company develops high-speed inspection systems for various product categories. In the case of cap inspection, the company has established inspection systems capable of handling plastic- and aluminium caps at speeds of up to 2,500 bpm, featuring a comprehensive inspection of the entire product without any corners cut. Over the past 28 years, the Korea-based company has built a diverse lineup in packaging inspection systems and increased its market share. Recently, the company has responded to growing consumer demands with its AI technology. While conventional cap inspection systems focused on detecting defects such as specks and foreign objects on the inner and outer surfaces of the caps, newer requirements demand that defects in the design and printing of the caps are also detected. This requires advanced software technology and precise optical conditions. For the high-performance cap inspection systems, separate lineups have been developed for plastic and aluminium product inspections, applying specialised-optical conditions. The inspection of the inner part of plastic caps can detect foreign particles as small as 0.2mm between the screw threads. In the case of cap inspection systems, high-speed processing is critical. Any malfunction in the inspection system can lead to issues with a significant volume of products. The company has implemented a fail-safe technology to eliminate the possibility of uninspected items being mixed with normal products. Additionally, a dual signal processing system has been applied to all signals. This dual signal system alleviates instability of the system caused by noise signals, accurately processes received signals, and categorises unclear signals as defects, enhancing the credibility of inspected normal products. P&S Technology’s AI technology employs machine and deep learning. It claims high accuracy in determining cap defects in real-time by analysing a vast database of stored images and patterns. The company states that it minimises human errors and setup time during the production process. P&S Technology’s cap inspection systems account for 20% of sales in regions like Korea, Japan, and China (Universal Can, Bright Metal, Taiwan Hon Chuan) in Asia. www.pnstech.co.kr 28 – 30 November 2023 Nuremberg, Germany www.braub viale.de/en Find out what drives the beverage industry worldwide. Do you want to keep an eye on current topics relating to packaging and logistics in the beverage industry? Then you can‘t miss BrauBeviale in Nuremberg. The international community of the beverage industry will meet here from 28–30 November 2023. Be part of it!"},{"@ID":11, "9 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net Chemical PET recycling plant under construction To strengthen its efforts in the area of sustainability, Köksan PET ve Plastik Ambalaj San. ve Tic. A.Ş., headquartered in Gaziantep, Turkiye, aims to construct a state-of-the-art rPET plant based on chemical recycling of post consumed PET waste. It is intended to commence the production of 100% food grade rPET by the end of 2024. The capacity of this plant is expected to be 110.000,00 metric tons per year; 100 % rPET content resin will be ready to use for bottle grade and textile grade application. According to the company, the process of recycling PET flakes through depolymerisation to BHET and subsequent 3-micron microfiltration results in a resin that is comparable to virgin monomer, making it suitable for food-grade applications. Köksan’s patent process to make high viscosity and lower than 1 ppm AA level in resin without any SSP process is claimed to be most suitable for bottle grade application, states the company: “This will be the first plant of this kind for 100% rPET resin for all food grade applications”. The plant is also designed to produce various qualities textile grade resin with 100% rPET or virgin resin production. Köksan states that this makes the plant most versatile, economic and environmentally friendly production process. Chemical recycling process has some advantages over mechanical or thermal recycling: the primary benefit of depolymerisation through the glycolysis process is its lower operating temperature, typically around 200 °C. This avoids the side reactions and generations of BPA and phthalates which is generally due to high temperature thermal process like mechanical recycling. The chemical depolymerisation to BHET level ensures the process is similar to virgin polycondensation reaction and product rPET is similar to virgin PET resin. Another advantage is that it can be recycled multiple times, as it undergoes depolymerisation to BHET and then follows a process similar to the standard production process. www.koksan.com"},{"@ID":4, "46 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net PRODUCTS 46 Blow Moulding 2023 7th Edition INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, EXHIBITION & NETWORKING EVENT INNOVATIONS AND SUSTAINABILITY IN PLASTIC BOTTLES & CONTAINERS 11-13 December 2023 Cologne, Germany Bringing together the entire supply chain: raw material suppliers to brand owners, retailers, recyclers – and everything in-between. Join the Conference. Get updated on latest trends and innovations. Network with key opinion leaders and industry experts. Register at www.blow-moulding.com For additional information email us at [email protected] Monolayer preform expands Retal portfolio Plast ic packaging p r oduce r Re t a l has added a new monolayer to i ts por t fol io. The in-demand 26/22 GME30.37 monolayer preform is joining the capabilities and additional capacity of Retal Czech, located in Melnik. Available in both transparent PET monolayer and PET wi t h add i - tives, according to the requirements of each customer, the preform is produced in a range of weights and is suited to the European markets, particularly Czech, Slovakia, Poland, France and parts of Spain, for carbonated and noncarbonated beverages that already use this neck finish. To ensure that the different requirements of each type of beverage is catered for, Retal Czech can utilise the ongoing R&D focus at the company’s Lithuanian design laboratory, where state-of-the-art CAD design software is used and the skilled R&D team work to analyse the most minute changes and their impact. Andzejus Buinovskis is part of the creative team at the Retal R&D lab in Lithuania. He shares with PETplanet how the 26/22 neck finishes compare, with the key differences weight, neck height and application. Buinovskis says, “As with all our work, we have to focus on the smallest changes to be able to make a difference without impacting negatively on performance. We’re always thinking of the sustainability elements, so the weight of the preform is crucial, but of course it can’t be so light that it buckles or is impractical in its intended purpose. The 26/22GME30.40 has the biggest tether parking space compared to other 26/22 neck finishes, which guarantees a wide opening angle and good functionality for the tethered cap.” By understanding both the industry trends and the ever-increasing legislative requirements across different markets, the company is already producing 23.5g and 26.5g 26/22 GME 30.37 preforms in 1.5-2 l for a respected local beverage brand in Slovakia, Poland and Germany, and has further testing ongoing for other customers. www.retalgroup.com"},{"@ID":42, "PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 40 PETbottles Home + Personal Care Durable spray head for glass cleaner Sustainability has many facets. In addition to refilling, recycling and the use of recycled material, the other components of a packaging must also be rethought. For example, the repeated use of packaging components through refill systems often leads to problems that do not exist when the components are used once. It happens with the repeated filling of bottles with spray heads that they no longer function reliably after a small number of refills. A remedy for this is promised by the Frosch brand, which has improved and designed its spray head in such a way that it allows for approx. 5,000 pump impacts, which, according to the manufacturer, makes the bottle refillable at least 11 times. In addition, the weight-reduced spray head is made entirely of plastic - PE and PP - and is therefore recyclable. The inner functional parts consist of 29% recycled material. The picture shows the bottle for glass cleaner, which has been made of 100 % recycled material for a long time. www.frosch.de Mouthwash concentrate in PET The Crest brand, which belongs to Procter & Gamble, sells a mouthwash concentrate in the USA in a small-volume PET bottle with a capacity of 50 ml under the name Scope Squeez. The handy bottle offers two advantages: the mouthwash fits in any pocket, so it is always ready for use and is mixed with water to form the finished product just before use. The second advantage is that no “unnecessary” water is transported during transport, thus saving resources in the area of fuel and also transport space due to the small package size. Two small squirts of liquid into the transparent snap-on lid of the bottle are sufficient to produce an effective mouthwash in sufficient quantity by adding water. Before first use, the sleeve label is pulled over the container lid and serves as a safeguard. The content of the small bottle corresponds to a mouthwash bottle with a content of one litre. www.crest.com Zen Vibes by Nivea Finding new fragrances and new fragrance combinations that meet consumer desires and the zeitgeist is what drives brand manufacturers. The latest example is a shower gel variant as a limited edition from Nivea with the scent of geranium and vanilla under the name “Zen Vibe”, which is supposed to provide a noticeably refreshed skin feeling. The packaging is a lightly coloured 250ml bottle made of rPET with a bounced, two-tone hinged cap. A non-label look label on the front makes the product visible and a small sticker indicates the limited edition. www.nivea.de PROCESS PILOT+TM Optimize Blowmolder Performance and Profitability with Automated, Closed-Loop Control +1.724.482.2163 agrintl.com Maximize rPET usability and processing Improve bottle performance and downstream operations Maintain lightweight, targeted material distribution Increase consistent production yield Overcome environmental and process variation Reduce scrap with accelerated start-up"},{"@ID":18, "INSPECTION 16 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net Agr’s Gawis 4D - a winning solution for Sipa Laboratory throughput – the name of the game! Sipa S.P.A., with headquarters in Vittorio Veneto, Italy, is well known in the plastics industry for its expertise in producing a range of high-end PET preform and container moulding systems. Being one of the few companies that has experience with both preforms and containers, they are uniquely positioned to offer a one-stop experience for a complete production line - from resin to finished product, including preform manufacturing, bottle and mould design and production, filling, capping and palletising. Regardless of the product supplied, quality has the highest priority, and the Sipa design, testing and qualification Laboratory managed by Roberto De Luca is tasked with ensuring that every product manufactured is to specification and meets Sipa’s strict standards. That means that every product, large or small, must be measured and tested before going out the door. And with the number of products Sipa produces, this can be a daunting task. To meet the increased demand for quality assurance measurement in the lab, Sipa recently added the Gawis 4D from Agr International, a high precision dimensional and thickness measurement system for bottles and preforms. “In the lab, we perform tests of samples from all moulds and machines to verify that they can produce finished product in compliance with customer or Sipa specifications. This includes the testing of 100% of injection, blowing and one-stage machines and moulds on delivery,” explained Mr De Luca. Keep in mind that Sipa is the second largest supplier worldwide in both preform and container moulds with state-of-the-art tooling facilities. Therefore, when it comes to testing and mould qualification, the numbers are significant. This is an important part of the business, and the testing of these moulds is a key aspect. This is where the Gawis 4D comes in. The number of cavitation on a preform mould has increased from 96 being standard to 144 to 180 and now 200 cavities in a mould set. This means more samples to test. According to De Luca, when they qualify a mould, before shipping to the customer, samples from every cavity must be measured to verify that they meet specifications including body dimensions, thread attributes for proper closure fit, perpendicularity and thickness. With the expanded number of cavities, this has dramatically increased the testing load on the lab. The Gawis 4D was purchased to help meet this increased demand. The speed of tests on the Gawis 4D system, leading to reduced cycle time, was a principal factor in the decision to add the 4D to the Sipa lab. Another “winning feature is the combination of dimensional and thickness measurement at the same time – this is important to reduce cycle time. And, of course, the accuracy of the system as well,” claimed De Luca. The fact that the Gawis 4D can measure both preforms and containers is very important. “One week we are focused on testing bottles and next week it is mainly preforms. If we had an instrument that only did one or the other, it would sit idle part of the time. With the Gawis 4D, its capability is used 100% bringing good value to our operation.” The time factors Measuring a preform by hand can take several minutes, while the Gawis 4D can perform the measurements in less than one minute. When qualifying a mould with 180 preforms, the time savings is significant, as much as 30% or more. Even if it only takes one minute longer by hand, this is 180 minutes, or 3 hours more to qualify a mould set. Also, one needs to consider the variations in measurement attributed to the technician, and of course, the time to document the data. With the Gawis 4D, measurements are performed on every container or preform, exactly the same, avoiding any type of discrepancies due to human error, all in a fraction of the time. When thousands of measurements have to be performed, this is important, and the time saving is considerable. Another reason for selecting the Gawis 4D is its ability to efficiently perform thickness measurements even of small preforms and containers. As De The Sipa Design, Testing and Qualification Laboratory relies on a number of Agr quality management products in the daily operations."},{"@ID":52, "PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net 41 BOTTLES 41 BOTTLES Alpecin against grey hair Since 1930, the Alpecin brand has stood for the care of scalp and hair. The company’s latest development is the new Alpecin Grey Attack, a caffeine-containing colour shampoo that gradually restores darker men’s hair. The active principle has been registered for patent under the number EP4154864. The application is simple: Apply the shampoo, let it work for 2-5 minutes and rinse it out. An effect is claimed to be visible after 2-3 weeks. 200 ml are filled in the brand-typical shaped and designed Alpecin bottle with a screw-on hinged cap with a dosage opening. www.alpecin.com Hair perfume from Balea The German drugstore discounter Dm sells a hair perfume called “Beautiful Scent” for any hair under its own brand “Balea professional”. The product is supposed to provide a scent reminiscent of the “fresh-from-thehairdresser feeling” and is claimed to give the hair extra shine. It comes in a 100ml transparent bottle with a screwon pump dispenser. A cap matching the colour of the label protects the pump dispenser from damage and unwanted use. www.dm.de Digital manufacturing line for plastic caps SACMI.COM Continuous compression molding solution: digital, smart, cost-effective. Conceived, designed and produced by SACMI. DIGITAL & PROFITABLE Line ready for advanced Smart Pack and Smart Care services to provide more effective synergy with HERE M.E.S. features. SMART & RELIABLE Reliable controls and immediate overview of the process via AI-based inspection systems integrated into all the processes. COMPACT &IWX MR GPEWW WTIGMƤG IRIVK] GSRWYQTXMSR CCM maximizes output rates per bay and is the most sustainable solution. momic Striking bottle for liquid soap 450ml of “Olive Oil Honey” l i qu i d soap i s so l d by the German SDA GmbH under the Olivos brand in a strikingly shaped and coloured, stable bot t le. Sharp and rounded edges alternate and, together with the straight surfaces, create a striking look. The soap made from honey pollen extract and ol ive oi l is dispensed via a screw-on pump dispenser with an actuation lock. Two labels explain the product and complete the product presentation. www.kaufl and.de"},{"@ID":46, "ONsite 44 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23 www.petpla.net New setup in East Africa With the KHS2025 strategy program, the turnkey supplier aims to strengthen its customer relations. KHS is doing so by implementing an extensive package of measures. These include expanding and further qualifying its network and standardising structures and processes as well as hiring more personnel worldwide. Occupancy of a completely new building has just been taken up in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. This is where KHS’ new offices in East Africa have gradually taken shape over the past few months for a subsidiary that’s grown by over 50% in the last ten years. The decision to expand reached back in 2019 and was followed by a long search for a suitable plot of land. “We finally found a suitable and pleasant location in Nairobi’s green belt,” says Denise Schneider-Walimohamed, who runs the site as its managing director. By holding an architectural competition among local bureaus for the new commission, she ensured that the new building sported an attractive design and was built to have a low environmental impact and fit in with the regional style. “We’ve created about 2,000m2 of office, storage and training space on a site measuring just under 5,000m2,” Schneider-Walimohamed explains. “We now have an extensive assembly and spare parts warehouse that supports us during installation, commissioning and service. Plus, we have the offices needed to house our new technical sales personnel, layouters and project managers who are key to creating our vision of One KHS. In order to achieve a stronger global orientation, we are trying to make existing international structures even more useful for us and to take aspects such as locality and cultural conditions into account even more intensively. Reliable Partner remains the core of our activities. In the future, we will see even more growth in regions outside Europe.” The Nairobi site expansion includes also a completely new training center. “We’ve set up a training hub here that’s also available to other KHS business centers outside Kenya,” states Daniella Pleitz, who as general manager operates the KHS facility together with her sister. “Both ourselves and our customers benefit from this. With our full-time instructors trained and certified in Germany we’re well able to meet our local intensive training requirements.” The rooms have been designed for a number of different uses, proving a suitable venue not just for further training courses but also customer presentations, workshops and expert talks, claims Schneider-Walimohamed, who’s looking forward to staging lots of events here in the future. “From our employees’ point of view, this commitment is a further example of what an attractive and sustainable employer we are. In a country where there’s a lot of fluctuation on the job market, having an image like this can’t be valued highly enough,” she believes. The statistics prove her right: over 70% of the 65 people here have worked for KHS for over nine years – with this figure hopefully to increase with the new offices now up and running. KHS serves 17 countries in the region, and all customers therein. These countries are Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Burundi, Rwanda, Madagascar, Reunion, Comores, Seychelles, Malawi, Mauritius, Eritrea. Other countries in Africa are served by their respective KHS Business Centre. “The market in PET is still growing in the region. PET is an investment friendly package for an ever-growing population. Pan African expansions are also visible and that will be the trend on the next years. At the moment KHS has a market share of around 20%”, SchneiderWalimohamed summarised. www.khs.com Denise Schneider-Walimohamed, Managing Director (left), and Daniella Pleitz, General Manager, both KHS East Africa"}]}}