Processing virgin and recycled materials

Moretto’s comprehensive portfolio includes solutions for feeding and conveying, dosing, drying, granulation, temperature control, process cooling, storage, and integrated system supervision and management. Their products, particularly those aimed at the recycling process, cover all phases before injection moulding or extrusion. This includes grinders for pre and post-consumer waste material, devices for

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Closed-loop recycling of HDPE – Pellets for food contact

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is widely used in the manufacture of bottles, pipes and containers because of its strength and rigidity, but also in personal care products, detergents and industrial fluids because of its durability. Another major application is the manufacture of bottle caps and milk bottles. A recycle stream already exists

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Additives and colour management solutions for recycled polymers

based on an article by Lucia Buffoni, Marketing Manager Repi Group At the NPE, Repi showcased their latest advancements in additives and colour management solutions tailored for thermoplastic polymers. Their range of additives, which facilitate the inclusion of increasing percentages of recycled polymers in final products, garnered substantial interest. The portfolio

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Three questions for Karel-Keersmaekers-Michiels, Managing Director Nissei ASB

PETplanet: How would you assess your overall experience at NPE this year? Karel-Keersmaekers-Michiels: Our overall experience was positive. The event had heavy traffic and attendees were enthusiastic about the new ASB technology on display. PETplanet: Could you please share the key exhibits or technologies showcased at your booth during NPE? What

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Powerfil receives Plastics Recycling Award Europe 2024

At PRSE, the DischargePro control system from Erema’s Powerfil business unit was presented with the Plastics Recycling Award Europe in the “Recycling Machinery Innovation of the Year” category. The DischargePro system automatically compensates for fluctuations in the input material, thereby ensuring uniform thickening during melt filtration and thus a consistent process.

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Reactive recycling technology for the circular use of plastics

Nexam Chemical supply reactive additives in masterbatches (IV enhancers, MFR modifiers) that upcycle, modify and solve recycled polymer processing/property challenges for rPET, rPE and rPP. ‘Reactive Recycling’ technology is largely patented, and claimed to rebuild and restore material properties of used plastics processed in recycling centres. This claim has been scientifically

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