2020 difficult year for Italian manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery

The double-digit dip in the import-export markets for the entire period January-September 2020 and the complex economic context due to the world health crisis prompt the trade association Amaplast to predict a rather negative year-end result for the Italian plastics and rubber processing machinery, equipment, and moulds industry. ISTAT foreign trade

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Pretium joins U.S. Plastics Pact, committing to meet ambitious Circular Economy goals by 2025

Pretium has joined the U.S. Plastics Pact, a collaborative, solutions-driven initiative rooted in four ambitious goals intended to drive significant systems change by unifying diverse cross-sector approaches, setting a national strategy, and creating scalable solutions to create a path forward toward a circular economy for plastics in the United States by

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Bericap’s recyclable 100% silicone-free BericapValve wins Sustainability Award 2020

BericapValve has won Packaging Europe’s Sustainability Award 2020 in the category “Recyclable Packaging”. The award recognises and awards the major sustainability impact behind the small visible change to a 100 % silicone-free valve. Unlike conventional silicone valves, Bericap’s product is made of TPE and does not contaminate the recycling stream with

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Greiner Packaging joins international Alliance to End Plastic Waste

Greiner Packaging is an official member of the international Alliance to End Plastic Waste. Based in Singapore, the alliance has over 50 member companies, supporters and allies along the entire plastics value chain who aim to use a joint, proactive approach to tackle the problem of plastic waste – especially in

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