Buyer's Guide

World Packaging Organisation launches the Japanese version of the Global Packaging Design for Recycling Guide

The ‘Packaging Design for Recycling Guide’, a product of World Packaging Organisation (WPO) has recently been translated into Japanese, and is now available through WPO website. This is the 11th translation besides the versions in English, German, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Thai, Latvian, Czech, Hungarian and Georgian. Developed by WPO, Circular Analytics, FH Campus University of Applied Sciences

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Hungary launches new deposit return scheme for drink container recycling

Starting from January 1st, Hungary has implemented a new deposit return system (DRS) for recycling single-use drink containers. Manufacturer of reverse vending machines Tomra has partnered with Mohu (MOL Hulladékgazdálkodási Zrt.), the central system administrator for the DRS, to roll out a collection infrastructure aimed at making drink container returns as

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STF America announces the sale of a PET Bottle Washing Plant to Malama One Recycling LLC, Waiakea Volcanic Water

STF Group of Germany and Zimmer America Recycling Solutions announce the sale of a complete STF PET Bottle Recycling Plant in Hilo, Hawaii. The equipment will be installed at Malama One Recycling LLC, Waiakea Water, a supplier of sustainably sourced and packaged premium volcanic water. The line has an initial capacity

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EuCertPlast and RecyClass join forces to strengthen plastics recycling processes certification

EuCertPlast and RecyClass have reached an agreement for the future development of the certification for plastics recyclers. Going forward the expertise and know-how of the two audit schemes will be combined under the RecyClass Recycling Process Certification. Both audit schemes are based on the principles of the EN 15343 standard and

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Werner & Mertz in cooperation with Alpla has increased the share of rPET from the Yellow Bag to 75% in their bottles

With its thoroughly crafted collection of plastic packaging via the dual system, Germany developed one of the most effective ideas for the circular economy. This collection system is the perfect source for creating new packaging through resource-conserving mechanical recycling. The more plastic is kept in a closed loop, the less new

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Plastics Recyclers Europe’s Manifesto calls upon the EU for a genuine circularity for plastics 

Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE) calls upon the EU to maintain the ambition to achieve a genuine circularity for plastics by driving the competitiveness and innovation of the EU plastics industry. On their run for a circular EU, the European institutions will face a decisive moment during the 2024-2029 term to continue to

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PPWR – European Parliament discriminates plastics packaging

“Packaging neutrality objectives and similar material circularity targets will create the level playing field that Europe really needs.” stated EuPC managing director Bernard Merkx in his first reaction to the vote. Last week, the European Parliament adopted its negotiating position on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) proposed last year

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European Parliament voted on the proposal for an EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

On Wednesday, European Parliament adopted its position on new EU-wide rules on packaging including PET bottles. In adopting the report, Parliament aims to build a circular economy, avoid waste, phase-out non-sustainable packaging and tackle the use of single use plastic packaging. Once again the rules provide for exemptions for composite packaging,

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Svensk Plaståtervinning opens state-of-the-art facility for plastic recycling

Svensk Plaståtervinning, a Swedish a non-profit company co-owned by Swedish plastics, food and trade industry groups, inaugurated Site Zero, a sorting plant in Motala, Sweden. The plant features Tomra and Sutco equipment and aims to realise a circular economy for plastics by sorting Swedish plastic packaging waste into 12 fractions. The

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