Leipzig, Lübeck and the ferry

We are up and about early this morning. We decide to have breakfast at a cafe which is located conveniently in a huge supermarket complex. We can also stock up on food for the Editourmobil, thus killing two birds with one stone.

Then we are off – much quicker than planned. Our delight is short-lived, because we notice to our utter dismay, that we have to be at the check-in for the ferry in Lübeck, not, as we thought, at 7 o’clock but at 5. We are thus obliged to step on the gas, as our American friends would say. So much for treating the vehicle gently. We get to the ferry terminal at about five minutes to five, feeling somewhat pleased with ourselves. This feeling does not last long. We are told that the ferry is already choc-a-bloc and that loading will take a long time. It looks like we are in for a wait of several hours. Fortunately after little more than half an hour we are given the thumbs up to drive onto the cargo deck. Rolf makes use of the time to sort out some IT issues with colleagues over the phone.

We are on board, the ship is moving and I look back, with a touch of sadness, as the ship pulls away from the land, and begins its progress across the open sea. The weather has become distinctly autumnal and it is chilly on deck. A better bet, I decide, is to write up this blog in our cabin and catch up on Euro 2012. It’s nearly midnight and the game between Spain and Portugal is just about to go to a penalty shoot-out.

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